Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 03, 1893, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Pricvs the lowest The Red Front.
Ladies rubbera 35 rents a pair. Cliur
lii an A Son.
Receipt, note and order books at the
ENTKitrms office.
Judge L. L. MeArthur of Fortland
was in the city Tuesday.
There vu pleasant party at the resi
dence of Jocob Kober Friday evening.
F. Wolf and wife of Tortland were the
guests of Judge Fonts and wife last Sun-tlav.
Why have wet feet when 35 cents will
buy a pair of ladies rubbers at Channan
A Son.
A oliiM of Dr. Hickman of Clackamas
died on Thursday morning of pneumonia
after a short illness.
Onuses a Frightful Accident on
the Madison Street llridge.
No Time to Leave the Car After
Danger Was Known.
Portland and Oierou City Wild De
tail of the Accldr-Bt Seven
Are Dead.
To prevent fits and convulsions during
teething, mothers should always have on
Land Stfedman's Soothing Powders.
Sam Roske fell with an iron rod while
going from the Iron Works down to the
wharf, Saturday and crushed his thumb.
If you want an attractive sign see
Davis the painter. Portland prices.
Shop back of Pope Jc Co.'s hardware
Miss Flora Thome and Mr. Chas. B.
Bice of Howells Prairie were married at
the residence of Judge J. Thome last
Marriage licenses have been issued to
ilattie J. Koylan and B. Dooliitle; Nettie
Jones and Edward Albright; Hilda
Anderson and Nicholas Bond).
Time checks from Oregon City woolen
mills will betaken either for exchange
of merchandise or on accounts for their
full value at the store of I. Selling.
Shiloh's Cure, the Great Couyh and
Cronp Cure, is tor sale by us. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c.
C lildren love it. C. G. Huntley.
Mrs. Louis F. Cook and Mrs. Geo. P.
Reynolds, of Baker City, and Miss
Frankie Lappeus, of Portland, were visit
ing Mrs. E. M. Mack, in this city last
Wheat, oats, hay, potatoes, butter
and eggs wanted at the Park Place store
at the highest market price. We give
in return the best goods for the least
tneney. Our prices can not be duplicated
in the county.
Best flour 13.25 a barrel, baby shoes
25 cents, ladies laced cloth, foied 75
cents, ladies fine button reduced to $1 ;
boy's hrograns 50 cents, men's plow,
$1.50, India blue prints 16 yards 100 at
the Red Front.
A street car for the Willamette Falls
Railway was brought up from Portland
on Monday to be used in ballasting the
road. Plans were at once undertaken
to get it across the bridge, which under
taking is to be made in the night.
For the cure of headache, constipation,
stomach and liver troubles, ami all de
rangements of the digestive and assimi
lative organs, Ayer's Pills are invalu
able Being sugar-coated, they are
pleasant to take, always reliable, and
retain their virtues in any climate.
The King's Daughters are arranging
for the best evening's pleasure ever en
joyed in the city, so do not fail to re
serve the evening of the 24th of Novem
ber for the treat which they have in
store for you. Music, tableaux and a
farce that will make you laugh for a
The Enteki-birk starts on its twenty
eighth year this week and had' intended
making this a special issue but a press
of important news matter crowded that
as well as much correspondence and
local out. The matter will be referred to
in the next isue, as it is matter that
will not spoil with age.
C. C. Frampton has succeeded in
burning some fine vitrified brick from
the clay found on Jas. Shaw's place east
ot the city. They are equal to the best
made in the East, so this settles
the question of the quality of the clay.
Mr. Shaw iind Mr. Frampton are organ
izing a company to manufacture brick
here. The move is a good one.
Mr. W. M.Terry, who has been in
the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for
the past twelve years, eays : "Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy gives better satis
faction than any other cough medicine
I have ever sold." There is good reason
for this. No other will cure a cold so
juickly ; no other is so certain a prevent
ive and cure for croup: no other affords
ho much relief in case of whooping cough.
For sale by G. A. Harding.
A number of the citizens of this place
believing that they could derive pleasure
and profit from studying and discussing
economic and national questions, have
undertaken the organization of a mock
senate. A temporary organization has
already been effected, and the proper
committees on organizition are now at
work. A meeting will be held in
Shivley's hall at 7.30 o'clock this even
ing, Friday, the 3rd, for the purpose of
effecting a permanent organization.
Members and those desirous of becom
ing members are requested to be present.
Portland's second street railway catas
trophe within a rear occurred early
Wednesday morning, when the electric
car lnei bound from Milwaukee to
Portland plunged through tho open draw
of the Madison street bridiw and sank
in the river, ltiere were eighteen or
twenty passengers aboard when the car
started to cross the bridge, and all but
seven of them saved their lives by leap
ing from the vehicle ere it dived.
E. F. Teiry who was running the car
at the time made the following statement
which is substantially the same as that
made by Conductor Powers and most
eye witnesses, he said : "I ant a motor
man for the East Side Railway company
and live at Milwaukee. I left the station
at Milwaukee for Oak Grove at 5:45 A.
M. and took on five passengers nt Oak
Grove when I turned there for Portland.
I do not know how many people got on
after that. The track was somewhat J
slippery all the way in, but worse on the
bridge than anywhere else. I madd
reasonable stops wherever I found it
extremely slippeiy, and threw off the
power, as usual, while comirg on the
bridge. I threw tht? power on about one
turn after getting on the bridge and do
not know exactly how long I kept it on,
but am sure t was a very short time, as
we always expect to meet tenuis on the
bridge. When I got into the fog, wh'cli
was heavier on the bridge than any
where e se 1 had seen it this murning,
I tried my brake. Then the car was
about three spans east of the draw.
The brake worked all right and held
the wheels, but 1 found that the wheels
slid on the t'ack. By this time I was
within one span of the draw, and then
for the first time I raw the red light. I
then reversed the switch and put on the
power. It seemed to have no effect.
Tne wheels continued to slide ami the
power was on the reverse when the car
went into the river. I stayed with the
car until it broke through the gate.
Then, seeing that I bad done all in my
power. I jumed, landing on the side
walk. I held to the outside railing of
the briuge, and my feet were hanging
over the outer edge. Vv ben I got up the
car had sunk out of sight. I did not see
it go into the river, nor do I know bow
many passengers were aboard it at the
It was about 6:45 o'clock when the car
arrived at the bridge. A dense fox en
veloped the river, and the sharp frost
of the preceding night had covered the
rails and trolley lines of the railway with
a coating oi ice mat made locomotion
very difficult The draw span had been
swung open to allow the steamer Elwood
to pass op, and the bridge-tender had
taken the usual precautions against
accident by closing the gates at either
end of the draw and keeping the red
signal light hoisted. The steamer was
within a few yards of the draw when the
car crashed through the frail barrier and
slid along the ice-covered rails until it
went headlong into the river. The
details of the awful affair can best be
gleaned from the statementBof employees
Thwe of Motorman E. F. Terry and
Conductor W. C. Powers were sworn to
before Mayor Mason and Chief of Police
Hunt, who released the men on their
own recognizance.
Early as it was, thousands of people
were congregated on the bridge and the
wharves in its vicinity while fearfully
exaggerated reports of the catastrophy
were flashing through the city. Ifiiifh
Brady had his dragging apparatus in
operation an hour after the Inez hud
sunk from view, and at 9 :30 o'clock the
first body was brought to the surface. It
was immediately identified as that of
John P. Anderson. The coroner's
wagon was in waiting, and the remains
were at once taken to the morgue.
Shortly afterward the corpse of Alexan
der Campbell was brought up, and at
11 o'clock the stiffened form of Jasper
Stadler was added to the ghastly col
lection. Then the tugC. M. Belshaw
arrived with a couple of construction
barges in tow, and their hoisting ma
chinery was set to work to remove
the sunken car, which was obstructing
the drags. Shortly afterward George A.
Tilden, submarine diver, boarded one of
the barges with his apparatus and drag
ging was suspended.
Diver Tilden made bis first desent at
1:15 o'clock. He found the wrecked
car in about thirty-five feet of water,
lying almost parallel with the bridge
and tipped slightly on one side, It was
off the trucks, the entire roof was
crushed in, the platform was completely
severed from the body, and about hull
of one side was smashed to splinters,
The inteiior was so jammed with wreck
age that the diver found it Impossible to
force an entrance or (o ascertain whether
any human bodies were Inside. So he
began preparations to have the entire
shattered mass hoisted. At two o'clock
he had a heavy chain securely attached
to each end of the wreck, and when ho
returned ilwtr.1 tho barge the signal to
hoist was given. It was slow work,
and before the loops of the chain ap
peared above the suifnce the patience of
the thousands who watched tho
operation from ever)- available point of
view was sorely taxed. As the jagged
point of a broken U-am arose from the
tide there was an Involuntrry pressing
forward of the throngs aboard the barges,
ami several oarsmen Ignored police
restriction by slipping under the ropes
stretched to impede their navigation.
Then the wbole shattered mass slowly
apiieared, but ere it was entirely raised
from the water the engines were stopped
and an eager inspection of the wreckage
was made by Police Captain Ilotmherg
and the men in his commamt. One of
tho otllcers reached down and tugged at
a black mass wedged between a couple
of seats. It was a man's coat. Another
tug or two released the mass from Its
fastenings, and brought to the surface
the douhled-up corpse of Theodoro
Bennick. The Identity was established
by a memorandum book in one of his
IMxkets. The body was lifted alord
the barge, and soon the coroner removed
No other bodies could be seen amid
the wreckage, and the work of hoisting
was resumed and continued until the re
mains of the car swung high in air.
Then a haosn was floated under it, and
it was lowered to the ilcvk, where a
thorough insection was made. It was
with a feeling akin to disapsintment
that Captain HolmU'rg announced there
were no more corpses in the car, for of
the seven pemons known to have
erished, the remains of only five had
been recovered. So the diver resumed his
I quest on the river bottom. He sent up
the remainder of the wreckage, but noth
ing to relieve the anxiety of those ulsive.
At 4 :.'!0 o'clock he ceased work for the
day, and the flotilla and small boats
that had hovered around the barges
ail day returned to shore.
The car looked as if it had been tel
escoped, so complete was its demolition.
Its remaining woodwork was broken and
splintered in a most inexplicable wav.
and some of its 2-inch iron bars were
warped and twisted as if a giant had
Wn testimr his strength with them.
The debris of the roof was mixed up
with the wrecked seats, and not an inch
of glass was left in any of the yawning
window frames. The trucks showed
that the motorman had worked hard to
avert the catastrophe, for the dripping
wheels were tightly hugged by the
brake flanges. Nothiig but the trucks
can be maile use of, for the wood work
is only fit for kindling.
The diver resumed work Thursday
morning but he did not entertain very
strong hopes of finding the remains of
the missing persons in the vicinity of
the bridge. While down for the last
time Wednesday he searched carefully
within a 100-foot radius of where the
wreck lay, but found nothing. It is
likely that the bodies of Oder and Alhee
have been carried down stream by the
Five corpses have been recovered from
the water, and a man and a boy are sup
posed to 1) m issing. The dead are :
Charles Beckman, bookkeeper, of Hell-
John P. Anderson, cabinet-maker, of
Jseph Stndler, laborer, of Oak Grove.
Alexander Campbell, saloonkccer, of
Theodore Bennick, cabinet-maker, of
Paul Oder, foreman of the bottling de
partment of theGambrinns brewery, ami
Charles H. Albee, a 14-year-old lad em
ployed by Henry Burger, paper-hanger,
are yet missing.
Society young people to the number
of about 30 were invited the first of the
A fatal accident occurred on the mill
switch last Friday as tho morning freight
was switching t ars for tho mill, which
cost a man, named IWIiinan, who had
been a suitor on the Tilllo Starbuck, his
life. He. with a companion, had occu
pied one of tho freluht cars during the
night and as the train csino along they
probably tried to board It which the other
man succeeded III doing, but Bacliinnn
fell beneath the wheels and had his leg
crushed so that It had to bo amputated.
The trainmen were notified of the acci
dent by his companion and brought hi in
to the station but none of them thought
to tie tho leg so as to stop the flow of
blood and when Ir. Carll reached It i tit
he found amputation necessary but his
patient was so weik that ho died at
tho close of the operation.
Very neat cards were received in the
city from Chicago last Friday morning
containing the aniioiiiiiinent of the
marriage of Miss Mary Thompson Davton
and Mr. William Alison Huntley st the
home of the brides parents in Lima,
Indiana on the 1 Si ti of October and tl e
information that they would he. at home
in Oregon City after the 10th of Nov
ember. Mr. Huntley is well known here
as a suceasful young business man and
is universally esteemed in the community
His wife will therefore receive a warm
welcome from her husband's many
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Huntley arrive I
home on Monday having come over tho i
Northern I'aeillo. They expect to board '
with Mrs. J. W. Chase for the winter.
There will be a mass meeting of the
voters of Oregon City Saturday evening I
November 11th at 7:30 at Pope's Hall for
the purjMise of dicusning the financial
situation of Oregon City preliminary to
nominating a citizen's ticket lor thn sev
eral olllcea lo be filled at the coming
election to bo held Decerning 4, 1H!3.
CiTiss's ConviirrkK.
The cha'itatiqua circle at Mr Dresser's
Tuesday evening were entertained by
helpful hints from Misi Shaw an excr
leucrd Chautampian from Boston. The
circl meets next week at the home of
C. H. Dve.
Men's II Hi 1 1 TOI1 Kip lluols
nt 82.50 per Pair.
-A Ft'l.l, I.I NIC OF
Heavy Winter Shoos-Just in.
Corao in and soo thorn.
Next il.M.r to lUnk, Orcg-ti City, Onyon.
The time of the Congregational church
has been changed to 10 :;M A. M. Sun
day school at 11:4.1. Kev. .Mr. Sliorey
will preach next Sunday evening on
"Courtship and Marriage."
J de la Fontaine had the misfortnun
get his hand caught in the calenders at
the paHir mill Monday and crushed his
fingers so that he will bo laid up for
some time.
FH City
Furniture, Stoves, Cai'iiefs,
WIN. UK fol.l) II KMC ON
Easy Weekly and Monthly Payments.
You cannot y these gmal rhentxT any
where for cusli.
Win. (iiulsliy, The House? Furnisher,
No. :!t), KII1ST STKKKT,
Itetwceii Washington nnd Ahlcr Struts.
Just full of improvements r. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets To la-uin w ilh, the) 're '
the smallest and easiest to take. They
are tiny, sugar-coated anti-bilious gran
ules, scarcely larger than mustard scuds
Kvery child is ready for them.
Then, after they're taken, Instead of
disturbing and shocking the system,
they act in a mild, easy, ami naturalway.
There's no chance for any reaction after
ward. Their help lasts, Constipation'
Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick and
Bilious Headaches, and all derange
ments of the liver, stomach and bowels,
are promptly relieved and permanently
They're put up in glass vinls. which
keep them always fresh and reliable, un
like the ordinary pills In wooden or
pasteboard boves.
And they're the cheapest pills you can
buy, for they're guaranteed lo give satis
faction, or your inttney is returned.
You ay only for the good you get.
Keene, N. II. July 24, lHUl.
Norm I.iciictv, Ksq,, l)es Moines.
DkakRih: I en lose 50 cts, in stamp
for two boxes of KraiiHe's Healache Cap
sules, same as last. Work like magic.
Send at ouco if possible, as I am out.
A. A. Bkomison.
For sale by Charman A Co., City Brim
Store, Oregon City, Oregon.
4 huccessful Worker.
Work cannot be successfully con
tinued unless there is an active mental
interest in it. If the mind is not clear,
bright and buoyant, then the work is
drudgery and the worker is a machine
An occasional dose of Monro's Revealed
Remedy will put the body and mind in
such harmony that the hardest tasks
will seem play.
week by a neat invitation in rhyme to a
Halloween party at the home of the
Misses Chase and were requested to
send their acceptance of the invitation
in rhyme. The narty proved a very
pleasant affair being unique in detail
and those present dominated by the
spirit of the day which permitted a free
dom in the sociability not usual to
parties of this class, Gaines were played,
jokes were permissible and every one
was gay anu happy. One feature of the
evening was the reading of the accept
ance and the voting for the best and the
booby composition. Miss May Kelly
won the former and Mr. W. L. Miller
the latter.
V. Harris, Trop., Successor lo Fields &
Next door U Si Oo.'h Hardware Store.
For Sale.
The stock and fixtures of the Mono
gram Cigar store on Main street oppo
site tho post ollice,, including fixtures
and furniture of the billiard und card
room. One of the best locations in
town and has a good business. Apply to
tf M. Rosksiiaijm, Oregon City.
The hunt supper following tho hunt
came off last Friday evening at the Port
land restaurant under the supervision of
Captain's Lovett and Ganong and was
an elegantly arranged and enjoyablo af
fair, reflecting credit upon those having
it in charge. Everybody had to relate
his hunting experience, and such stories
as were told!
Jas. Roake has a residence nearly
completed adjoining the Iron Works into
which he will move when it is finished.
Masonic Building.
For Kent.
Dwelling houses for rent In all parts
of the city. Houses and terms to suit.
Cimrman Bitos.
500,000 TREES uZlm
Osueo Jtireris
Otter for tho coining season one ()f the lur-nt an.l most oomph to itm
of trees to i,; found in the Northwest, consisting of the following:
100,000 nj.pl- ull the lending varieties.
l'X),(MH) prune With Italian n,,.! Ivt.t in the lend.
75,0(1(1 IVnr-Hartht ntnl many others.
10,000 cherry-het Hweet an.l sour kinds.
25,000 pciieh-Kurly Crawford mid i.iany others.
25,000 plum all 0fthe h,!Ht.
6,XKJ Japan plum Ml, M b, n,.w BortHi
10,000 aprciot-hent kinds for Huh climate.
Also mnall fruit, grape vineH.Khnd.-, nut nnd evergreen treed, P
etc. Send for new descriptive catalogue ow r(.ndy.
Onwi'go, Oregon.
Our Motto i "Small I'rofiU
door to Hodges,
Shiloh's Vitallzer is what you need for
Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow 8kin or
Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction.
by V. (i. Huntley.
Price 75c. Hold
School deportment cards one cent each
at the Entkki'hihk office.
ELA'S PoiBOM-IVV Pi LI A sure cure i
poisoning from Jvy.rliieor 0k. If not im
proved lu 2 DAYS, return thehouleandgctyout
money. Bold by all iJriifftfitU.
on a CitHh I?nHin." Evans block, next
DR. J. If. IRVINE, Proprietor.
Lar8eSM,lM0r?"n,1 CuHk"U ke',t K'tl' Portland. Also cloth CO'
and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies and UenU1 Burial
Holies in mock. Fine Hearse rea.ly at any call.
S. F. SCMPTURE, Manager.