Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 03, 1893, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise.
O V.t ('(I 'M NI'KAMKU,
In KrraiT Hrr, jo, iii,
Nlmtitidr KAMllNA.
!., omuim ntr, i.hhvm romi Axn
I una. m, 1 iw a m
1 in. Ij III in.
I"'l'. I" 4 Wli III,
llimiiil Hip W r.HU.
T imn rfl iiliJwHiitlnnn wIiIhiiiI urllr
H IK AM Kit Tiil.r.Ud- HAIIV IWAT.
mKii. uaamm itt. m h a uuia
Iii.wk-WIIi.h Um1lti( N.w
Uii)ii in ; (io.n ( lir w uo m
Kn t-Tlr Mr..i Uirk, I'urllmii). 1 on
f m : Oini"U Ot, I jo p. m
ill awiaremlallnit. fi.r iaMiiri. and
l.ii ilia. aid'U. fur liilit rie al,r uit
m rU.
K..KTM uimi.
( lltoinU Kiiru illini(li) . m.
k..Mi.ui (r uiium) . I m,
kM in mil mi,
KiMlMiri Ij! ( MniliHit) I l . m
( tiii.irula Kiiim lliimih) 7 10 m
Mailt rl ') Pnrlh.t a nt . I ii u , t p n
Hall rl"M "U h.miiIi. . m , 1 . Ju p m.
II. I '( !
Orcn Cllrl" Hr.l'.nu, Millno ami Mnlalla
ra al li m mi 'I arrlv.a al U m .l.lljr.
nrrjoiil'llr l-Klr. Mink Clark Un.ln.Hm.k.
I'nl'.ii MUlf. MhIIiih .ml I ..I1..11 n al In
m lu.Wir. Thiira.tar ami H.iunl.j, an.) r.
luimuu lullimliig iUi al t M p iu
HniiTifco 81 mun IUiu OumiulMkiitirr
W. K. lluliUr.l hohae thut ill the
fivrirtiniKiit llali hatchery on U io Claclta
mti i in town Mmiduy nil told a
reporter that )m had jul heard (rum
the rtfi; hled (u tlm world's fair and
ttiat Ii"' tliry reached their dealiiutlmi
Illi a i )iut o( ninety-two out ul tlia
Mire alilnuiilil of 40,000 which la a
rrnc.rkal.ly good liuaiiiif. One nut
runvi'puiiil with the myaterlra of plma
luilal In"' would inlcr thl any kind of
fluli v iniml I ahlpprd In water liiil
Hut an. Tlm t-ija were parked in colt'iu
paiuii'l tfaa with flannel on Pip of the
fiU. and In'tween llm Iraya there waa
pn-ad layer ! iiiihmi evcf.Jy (ilaii'il,
tlii'ti on toi of ll'f l'va afU-r all
i n aadlv tatktl In tlm rtn'k aa
lla-il a iiiiantilv of We lilili kit
lliwii i-'ol Mini Jilii. I'ai-ki il III lliia
way llmjf inailn llm trli in aMy ainl
arrni In tiaya at llm lnl rlty rvaily
r il lilnu.
!'' FW ONinNa.-W. M. Joliimon
"I Im kaiuaa Hn In tin. city Momlny
I'K.kltiu i,t, iti tinlun inurknt. Mr. John
"M la tl, !,, kl11( of (;,.h(,1p,
"'my mill Ima iml au.li a nin.ful
l"lyif llm I.iihIii.imn Hint in ulwaya
iiw-niU In riilaniK k,m crnp. I Io
V that tli.il tliiM amnon lm Iiun almiuly
Kutlmiml anilit.,,,,,1 :t.',(H) IminIh.U ami
tlml li Iiun iivit IHMI ImikIilIb yet tu
Ulliiir. lln ia ilnrinit tlm punt amnion
iimiw than l.la lull ,;,,,. in, pUmlnu
llm laat anaxin v.aa olnl.t acrua wlilvh
KI yliOil aonmtliliiK ovur Wx) liunlieU
Tim IlaaT I'lantkh. I untH-n a ix e
ol flumiul with t'liuinlitirlaiii'a 1'aln lUlm
ml lilml It un ovrr tlm anat ol pain. It
n Iwttur than any pluator. Whim tlm
hinna am aura audi an application on
Hie cheat, ami am.lln.r
Ih'Iwwh llm hIii.iiI.Iit hla.lfa, will o(Uui
pruvnil pimiimoiiia. Thure la notliliiir
ao gixnl fr a lama hack or a naln In the
III". A air throat can nearly alwava
i i , .... ' '
o iiirru in OHM tilKHt liy applying a
Hum. el hamlaKU .Iuiiiki.c.1 witti 1'ain
Hallll. to i-fiit hottlna lor anln liv (I A .
WiiAT'a lx a NankT One that In-
iiplrca coiiflili'iicn ami la known to all
ri'aiili'iita of Clai kumaa coimtv aa a avn-
iinyin ol linearity ami full iIcuIIiik Ih thut
ol Itallumy k Huaih. Thia firm from a
comparalivuly amull Lcj(iiiiiliig haa from
vuar to year Iiicruiiam Ita aloi k. and now
can Jually claim to havo the lurgcut
amxirtii eiit ol giHiila In tho county.
Tr Oofaroaiaat TiUxraob Llm.
WAaiiiNUToN, Oct. 30 8unator Butler
thia Itiornlnit ilitiolilcil a hill, which
hail l"r ita ohji-ct tho VHtabliKliiticnt of a
giiverninent ayalcm of ti'lcuraph liima.
Tlm hill tiiri'cta the ornanixutioii of a
hoarl to coiiaial of the aucrutary of atute,
tlm ancirtary of witr ami the pontmanlcr
ueiicral, who ara ilirccU-tl to rruiit a
ayatom of trunk-linn tcleKrupl. coi.nec
tiliK tlm varioua acctiuiiN of tlm country
with Wajihiiilon, with connection!
aluiiK theati linea at audi ritiea aa kIin.11
In-ill aerva the puhlic )(ooil. Tlm ayatt-m
la to Imi carried on aa a part of llm khU
avalem of thu country, ami (l.wriini
nation In ratea la prolnhiteil, except
thai a leaa rata ia allow e.l for prcaa
nieaanitea than for current hiiHinca.
The carryiiii on of the telegraph hiiKincMa
hy InillvMual or corKiialioii la not pro-
Inhite.l. Tho hi'.l ia voluiiiluo.ia and
.tenia largely with the ih-lnila of how
the linea ahull Ihi coiiBtructr.) An up
iirimriatioii of I.VUoU.iKKI Ih nunlu to
A f.11 '! I'lMBK 1.1 till! I.1H k Ttk ; Ij,, t1(. urk,
alKiut llm iti of tlm fox hunt,
All note for thia column Hliouhl ho
aeiit to Mm Jennie Koweti, editor,
C'unhy, Ori'Kuii.
Khli.ley dlatrlct No, ,17 for the month
cndliiK Ocloher '!(), lH'.CI. Nuintx-r en
rolled IK), avernnii 2H, per cent In at
tendance Wl, Thoae not alment nor tardy
are ui followa : Harold Hhiplev, Ivea
Lonif. Kohert Wanker. Frank W'hltten,
William Horland, Akhcn Khlpley, I'ear
Long, Ninle Wanker, John Umt, Lenter
Hhliiley, Kurd. I.or.K, Frankitt Childa,
Klmer Hhlpley, John Wanker, Annie
llorlaml, Kthel Whittier and Addie
The county acliool auperlntendcrit waa
out to pay the acliool a viait during the
month. A literary aocluty haa been or
Kuniied and all are Invited to attend.
Ciua. Ki.kkv, Teacher.
Iluruiunv No. 4t Thoae that have
lieen neither ahaent nor tardy are Oar
fluid Huek, Marcua Tell, Vina lloroy,
Huth Wine, Kdward Kxyiner, Julia
KKjoner, William Millard, llerliert
Ituck. Thomaa Hunk. Nellie Moiey,
llulda Kanie. Frunkie Hall, Lucy Love
lace, Kthel Clurk, Iteaaie Clurk, Amelia
Murphy, WalUir Kanie, I Ait tie Cliff, Ar
thur Cliff. Totul enrollment Wl. (ien
erul average for the month ending Octo
ber 27 wua M. !.(!. Lakk, rnncipal
Iteixirt of acliool In diatrict numler
tr!l, for the mouth endinir Octolier 27.
number of daya laiiKht 20, number of
daya atU'iidance 611, numlier duya ab
aunce (iH, number of pupila enrolled 32,
number of vlalta made by director and
othera, 3, namea of pupila neither ab-
aeut nor tardy during the month were
Lottie Bcebe, Tcarl Ueelie, Lcttie lleebe,
Hone Howerman, Kdna liowernian,
Kdna lIoaluiid, Kthlyn Iloaglund, Joaia
Hoaiiland, Nona Hackinirer, Clara 11
rich, F.iim.a Ktrichrott, Albert Zinaer,
Juatin Itowerman and Willie Ulrich.
A. B. IIiiiiiakd, Teacher.
I laving decided to Retire from BulneBB,
We now offer our entire Htock of
Hats and Furnishing Goods
(1 llllo
it la iniwheie lald a cIuni for
kintt mImioii in hi own domain. Huii'hiy
limruiiiit the water waa turned olTat the
lifud of the lu k to in riiilt certain ie
paira to le made in the canal and when
the water wa t'teliy well 'Ut "f tlm
cal.ulJoiiH of the workmen dlmovered
a laiK'e aalmoli and Immediately KVB
cliaae. One and another Joined in the
race till nearly all of the men al work
were tryiim to catch (Uh fur dinner, hut
llm wily anlinon eluded them at every
turn, ami llm race furnmhed lota ol Hport
a many of the puraiiera would atr.ke at
the flab with apade or other convenient
weamii only to uilaa him and full in the
mud and water, AfUT the thaw had
panned the lentil of the canal Annual
KuliM'h came out clinKinK '' I'"')'
with both handa while with bin teeth he
firmly nrad 0". The llh weitihed
about thirty-live iHiunda.
Oh Uiwkk Main t-THkiir.-Kuiidav
dm of men wore i leal Injl ill aurfao mud
from lower Wain aired near Fourteenth
and the following day they liegan diKifinK
up the alreet on llm weal aido ol the car
track and getting U ready lor tlm teama
which began hauling on Tueeday. It U
tho intention of the contracture to Im
prove tho two bl.H ka yet lemaining In
the low er part of the city llh uravel il
the weather will but iermit. end In
order to do thia with the leant Inconven
l., I,,.- i ii,. mii.li.- thev will haul the
a. v aw nw ) J
atrn..l In a. f.i.t llltt lm.lti IH niftMti
ready, keeping upon one aide of tlm
rilr,.,l i,.,.k ill! lh.it aide ia done and
lit for travel than tkingt he other aide.
Looa FhoTtiib" Lowkr Kivkh'-TIio
Willamette Pulp A l'r company ot
thia city haa contracted with the Wttuh
oiikhI Land and Losing company for
,m,mS feet of hemlock log which will
lo gotten out thia winter and towed up
on the backwater next Juno. The Wil
lurnetteo company Imi experimented
with w-veral different kinda of timber
nd find that lioth hemlock and nprnce
ore well udupted to the iiuimifimline of
pulp and per, nl the t.uainoHa of
bringing loga from the lower river to the
n.ill hero la likely to be n Important
one in tho near luture.
Hihukct to"Knthv. Cul. K,K'rt A
Miller M'giMter of the land ofllce In thm
city haa given notice thut towiiHhip4
north, ran.ni fl weat will be Hilbject to
untry on tho 14th of thiH
flilll (tenant, 100.
Tlm readera of thia iwrn-r will be
pleaaed to learn that there ia at leant one
dreaded diaeaoe that acience haa hecu
able to cum in all ita atagea and that i.n
Catarrh. HulPe Catarrh Cure ia the
only poaitivo cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con
atitutional riieeane, reipiirea a conntitu
tional treatment, llull'a Catarrh Cure
la taken Internally, acting directly upon
the blood and imicoun aurfacea of tho
ayalcm, thereby destroying the founda
tion of tho diaeane, and giving the pa
tient atrengtli by building up theroneti
( reacent City, No (il For the month
ending Oct. 13. Total number enrolled
40. av enue uttundance 31. The namea
of thoae who were neither tardy nor ab
tent are Cheater liard, Kva (Jurd, Mary
Jonei, Clara ltitr-enleller, Minnie Hitn-
teller, Otto Mendel. Katie Mendel, Ora
Welch, Kdgar Wtlah, Duiny Welnh,
and I.ydia l.lvemy. Siiihi.kv Ki ck,
PuiiiancuH, No. 77. For a month end
ing Oct 27. The folio A-ing pupila were
on the roll of honor Nettie I'iUter, Grace
1 t ur.lui IT, Jennie IVanloitf, Jonie l)en
Ina'r, Chrintine Ienhoer, Tllen Grimm,
Isabella Grimm and Kmma Fagulda.
The averuu'O nuintier enrolled waa 2l
and the averuge daily attendance was
The total numlier of days attendance
waa 5:17',! and the number of daya ab
aence fw.'J. The pupila voted that we
ahould publinb the number of Chnei of
tardinens and time lont, und try and do
better next month. Number of cases
of tardinenaa 23, time lont 174 minutes.
A. I. llicisnoriiAM, Teacher.
Sandy diatrict No. 4o. The namea of
thoae who have been neither absent nor
tardy during the month ending Octolier
And we would also state that we have the finest line
Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods ever seen
in Oregon City. Among other lines is a Five
Thousand Dollar stock of
Which will be sold at factory prices.
Our lines are too numerous and large to mention.
each one seperately. Just call and we will show
you that we mean business.
Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers,
lution and anniating nature in doing ita j 7(, re Johnny McAduma, Edith
month and
1 ; un liiw IT" .
that a,.,.tt.om R and a in townnhip 2 north
of range 5 went will be "ubjeet to entry
on the Kith of the month. From the
number 0 imrulries which re pouring
into the lund olllce relative to the llrat
named towhnhlp It niunt be valuable
and Indication! are that tlmre will he
wramblo on the part of lund ami ti.nl.er
1'hoticct Yo(JHRKi.r.-Inmire you rprop
erty In the Guardian Aanumnco compa
ny of London. CuhIi wnets rl.OOOW.
F. E. lH)AU)noN, Agent,
Oregon City, Oregon.
work. The proprietor hnvo ao much
faith in Ita curative powera, that they
offer One Hundred lollarg for any cane
that it failn to cure. Send for liat of
Addreaa, F.J.CllKNIcv A Co., Toledo,
"8old by all Drugging, 75c.
Klii Daliy Qrld Baioidaa.
WAaiiiMiToN, Oct. 27. Mina Diiiay
Garland, daughter of ex-United Statea
Attorney-General Garland, committed
auicido at her homo In thia city thia
morning. She la 34 ye are old, and la
thought to have been inaune. Mies
Garland xpent lant evening very pleas
antly with her father and brothers and
retired In good apirili. After breakfast
this morning slm retired to her room,
where her brother Will went ahortiy af
ter to talk with her concerning a theater
party. He found tho door locked, and
not receiving any renpoime to Iiib call
burnt into the room and found his sinter
lying on the floor dead. A bullet haa
Uirouirh tier heart. Near her
lav an old revolver which had been in
tho family thirty years
What ti Thli World Coming to.
Nkw YoKK.Oct.30. An excited work
man rushed from the new building ot the
Postal Telegraph company, at Broadway
and Murray etreets, at 4:10 o'clock this
afternoon, and called out that a murder
ous crunk was at large on the ground
floor ol the building, who had already
ahot the clerk of the works and threat
ened murder bythe wholesale.
Finn, Fish.
Oreuon City Fish Market opposite cor
. i..V itnrilware store, carries
t, l st.x'ko( linh, poultry, and game in
aeuHon. Ovntera and nalt-wntur linh re
T i...:i. fr. the count. Orders
ceiveu in . , -
..r,.n,nt v led. i.'""i'"v
I'hehm. Annie Crowntone and Kenme
lioacli. Thoae who have not been ab
sent nor tardv but om e are Jennie Fran
cia, and Mary Varetti. Number enrolled
37. average attendance 32. Visitors
during the month were Win. Phelps,
Mrs. Francis and Miss Andre. Our
friends are cordially Invited to visit our
school, M hs. Bosch, Teachor
District No. 95 for the month ending
Oelolier 27. the names of those who
have been neither absent nor tardy dur
ing the month; Edith Buckner, Minnie
Grace, Garet Martin and Eflle Grace
Viaitora dunnir the month are Win.
Buckner, Mary Hoel, Chtistina Scher
ruble and Lydia Bottomiller. Friends
and patrons are cordially Invited to visit
our ichool and note our progress.
Ei.kanor Jkwki.l, Teacher
Ia Yonr Laundry Well Done!
Nothinu exasperates person so much
as to have a fine white garment returned
from the laundry yellow and munsy
buttons half off. and In a condition not
fit to wear. The Troy Steam Laundry
sends out none but first class work a
trial order will convince you. Office
with F. A. Waddock, post olllce build
ing. Bundles left Tuesday evening will
be returned Saturday morning.
A Cheap Home.
One-half mile from Mulino postofllce,
school bouse, publio hall, grint mill,
store ect., til acres all under fence, half
aliiHued, 15 acres, under cultivation,
orchard, house barn etc. Land per
fectly level, on bench and Molalla
bottom, no rocky waste land. Is a rare
barguin. Address C. T. Howaiiu,
tf Mulino, Or.
...., u'nriliiiiKton'a for Octolwr
i a royal number. As tho season draws
.i,.,., the larue army of magazine
.. mi .i....!.lu tlm ruination. ''What
readers ,
Marines shall we take another year,
.. .n fr them to keep an eye on
Worthington's, and whatever else may
be taken, add it the the list. It. s second
.,,im In n I ti lice, hiuli quality of matter
and attractive illustrations, and it ia very
much more entertaining umo. i..n.., y.
Its rivals. Us low price brings It within
the resell of all.
The Pioneer Store
all Ii Winter
Direct from New York consisting of
Ladies' Cloaks in all Styles and Misses' and
Unilttren s in an rauerus
Hop Sackings, Whip Cords, Cash
meres and Henriettas.
oregon city.
Masonic Building.
Blank note, receipt and order books
at the Entkri'Kisb olllce.
It is to our interest to please every
.nnnnmienl hnver. BKLLOMYii BUBCH. tf
For the coming year !
Why not let us save you
risk, bother and money.
We will take your sub
scriptions at publisher's
prices for any periodical
in the world, saving you
the expense and trouble
of a money order. We
will assume all risk and
guarantee the safe arrival
of the first paper.
We have neat catalogues
of information freo for the
asking at the store. Be
fore sending off your sub
scriptions ask our prices.
We are the authorized
acent for the Examiner
with their big premium
list, which includes lots in
Gladstone. Call for a
sample copy at
Huntley's Book Store,
fttxt doos to Commill Bank.
We have a new and complete stock of
Of the very Latest Styles.
Call and see our stock before purchasing as it is the largest and newest
styles in the market.
Do You Need a Legal Blank?
The ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock
in Clackamas county.
Nearly 200 Different Blanks
to Make Selections From.
Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus
tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or.
One or a Quantity Sent postage paid at Portland
Prices to Your Address.