Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1893)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. kiuhay, novf.muf.u a, ih,i:i. '' ' '-- Clacknmns Co. Directory. vovhtx umct.Hn, Indie. ' mart "I Courw. Millar, tall""i Aim"". ' lllf luUHltlll, Oomwl"'"""' 1 W M-Mnim Umi. F hiirtuu W. uaumi . M ILm.l,, J. II Wili.rn J, I' Hr.,ll,, II. , (illwiin M' Hinjtli K. U lluimaii I lllrharil Hi'nu M'ornallut Halt OKKUON CITY OrriCKKN T. W Nullum L I. Hri.f J l'url"in J, K KIi.nuIm t J. Uula II K l.. Mutatr W II llwfl aawiilnr. filial ill CuIlM - A air""' a fitf ii""ir. aif.irii"'M'Mnwf' " ..! ul Waiaf Wutka. (1i tiilii"r. Comiiilii""" AllirlaM. Jr., (iiiwiimali, W A lilla, , W U l uuualli J. U. l"orUf i NtllllHV HlllMll. , II I. (tolly, I'. i rnii, j, lit) T f. Uu an. Wuiifll miwUllril Wlieailf ufMrb nnulb la tif hall. "T to I u 1 1 l up Orrgnn fllr l "I OrrRun ( lljr rrili jonr patronage. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. J'arlira tin vltK '''', lo dlKmi ul rail on F. T. lUrlnw, OrPKiin City, Ot0. U lioxl grwin In Uc. hiwuI. CIkiIi-b tinxiiiHl 'iiVta. a ouiid al Ilia Ilcd Irinil. ,.... ltclloiuy A Iliiwli cell liMin.'M In 1'xrU land, therefor gut llinlr priori Utora you buy lu I'ortlaiid. pry granulati! mijiir 15 to 10 jwiimla fl, rtt coir '-''h-. a pound toil k-IumjI 1kuIii and ti'llia a ay down, at li Knnl. 1 now Imve ituiuy lo loan In amount o( .1I ami U'Vr'l on K' . I latum. II you want to Wrow call early and rm me. Vdi II. H'iner. OrriNil City. St Ml. Al llilKKln. ti oll rrlialilo home iWr ill l found at tf. F. Hciipturv' Ual'aalllllll'l llfm III) lie plrvxvl to lliwtl old mill new fnenda lik. WAiTtn.flrat-t la (trramiinker toown I ilii'i In Ort'iioll t'Uy in coiinn tion with other lly III tlilieM. Iti'lerelit'e w nuintl. AiMrrM lot k box 3IH, Orrgon Cny.r. U Al Hie imiuo lii(lirle, lUll't VeKt !! Hillin lUIr Itenewer I renewer oltlie Imir, lni'lullii lu Kfowtn, liealtli, Tuutlilul colwr, ami Uauty. It will ploaK you. The revival ntrwilnita In Hie I'reeliyter. Un rlinn li are well ilU'inUl ami will m cuntinueil .liirliiK the conilnit week. Rft.A. K. lloluriilitK will aiMri-M men only at 3 I'. M., on Kuinlay neit. The Willamette Silver Kami la airan fing to give a concert on thn evening ol Uit 17th al Hhlveley'a liall, the iroree!ii ol which will lm Jevotivl to the inm haxa ol an orumi (or lh ulllo achoola ol lliin ity. They will x) awiiale-l lu the enter taiiiinenl liy the mila ol the achool. A fin entertainment In roinlm. There it no artlclo ol lurniture ma!e that it no opular or la ute.1 w eiten tivelv at an Xnia inient at tlio hand- tome ami Iniuriuua, fancy rocking chair. Wt all realiie tliit fact ami Itrgii num ber of ut realise that no Mter I'lace ex- ill lo huy thean nx kera than the ettal liititnent of llellomy A Huwli. Purveyor (ieneral Hyera hat lien Dotitli4 hv the iniotiiiimiolier of the gen eral ImikI olllcu Hint he hat approved the lurvey mails of townthlp 5 toulh ol rn;e 4 east ami of tow n tonth ol raitfc'e 4eBt in thit county. Thcte townthipt ttre nurveyml ty Win. M. Himh nJ till to-ill he thrown open for entry THP Ladies' and Men's HND LHDIES' HND MEN'S HOSIERY, WHICH WE I I iadies' lbb?rs 29 eefo Per pair HKITIT (Mil ItT DOCKKT. 'Mfltor.,rTrli.l at the Nornn. I"r .'minor Court. Law cAtkt, Court will cony one on Monday, Novum- r nth and ii.- foliwi... cases have i . . . own tiut'kctaii; H T MtU-nhwIer, J I, ttM , i L While va Donald McDonald. f," I Frlckton VThot(ialvln. II W (u1 Vt John ami Willi... riiiiiip.. I- W Dnetli vi Chat Htiiwart A Walua ttll. It (I Morrow ailmliilHiraiiip . f J no II Miller vt I'orlUnd A Will. Val ley Hallway. riiuinatlim F.mly. exei-ulrix va Thot Chaitiitn. 0 J Triilllnger vt J I' Ugm. Alex Kweek Vt Marlon and Mary Johnton. Jit llumphrey vt A M Hhlhley. l'ter A Welti vt A M Hhlhloy. Klei kentlein A Mayer vt Fred Heat ami Chiit Waitner. W It Amet vt Male N Ihiwert. F It and Mary K Worthlngton vi Henry Thetaeu. II F.('roaviU C and Julliia Cami- Ml. John F. Courtney vt John Wehtlur. Charman A Sun vt Ifoln-rt Hiighet. (iiitUvua Frleilriikt vt Kmplre Man ului'liiring company, J K Wittlg vt Kmplre Mfg. Co. Win Jelike va Umpire Mfg. Co. Hamilton A Wathhurn vt Empire M'g. Co. K Humhia vt Marlon and. Mary John on. J lConk vt Marion ami Mtry John- ton. Jno Koinetikh vt (ioo WtlNr. K A New bin vt J H Crumhley, Statu ol Oregon vt Nathan Moody, Htonewall Jai kmn and Thad Stipp. A (i Ktogwlull vt Andunoii Mi Kinney JoM'phtit Tompkin vt Maxwell Kamnhy. J I) Huli va Fred and Amanda I! Wit, ler I'nloii Mutional lltiik va F..ra W Crew. A F Miller va W T and Sarah Linn. Oregon National lltuk vt H W It Joiiea. Wlllamelta Iron Workt vt M K Shim ley and J ll Krute. Thot Holt vt Chat It Hawktnt. State of Oregon vt II K Cnmt. W T llumev vt Henry and Ann Sinathert. I'orllaud Trutt Co vt 8 L I'ickent Jat Simpton vt K It Stafford, l'ortland Trutt Co vi Anna Hubhint. Portland Trutt Co vt It M II Rob hint. Portland Trutt Co vt N Story. Portland Trutt Co vt C P Merrill. W W Irvin va li L Caiwedy. John WeiMiuamlul vt J Scheurcr and John Schram. Charman A Ron vt Finton A Teatdalo. J C ItolHTta viW 8 Chapman, H P and W M Mcliuire. Kilwrg litchman A Co va W A Acker man. Uramia Mayer vt Pelh Austin. Chat Thurr a H L Pattenton. It I Winter vt L F KulU k. L Mcliregor vt C W Gaming. J A Joint vt 0 0 and Alice Wood. (irant l'hegby vt J H and Alu M I.aher. John Weumandul vt W Gribhle. Wlllauiette Iron Wtrtui va M K 8hi( ley and J II Krute. Palmer A Hoy vt C C Hot. II K Cnjur v C W tianong. F ;i) Hall vt II L and A Hodnction Workt. Si. helA Mayer va Win A A.kcrman and ThotCampMl M llouili vt Ham Jnrter ROSTON STORE WILL SELL VERY CHEAP ON ACCOUNT OF THE DULL, Ladies' Heavy Knit Shirts, 35 Cents, Wlllluint A Groat va W T Linn and E M Kimball. Iloehne A Hotto vt Theo Kranft. Iur B Cao vi A 11 Htroup. C'aHjwr V tinker vt Herman Troegur. D T Ilroderton vt l'ortland Gnneral Klectrlc Co. Wallnrfiheppnrd vi Alfred J Ilurdeth). Stale of Oregon vt 1 1 on or a Davoran and Kdward Pedigo, Portland Trutt Co va Keuben Smith . M A Ountt A Co va Geo A Walling. Hichul A Mayer vt Geo A Walling. Koitetifil, Smith A Co V Geo Walling. Iloulune A Hutte va Theo K Kraeft. M II Luolling vt Frank lieert. Jat Cruckthank vt Hoiiora Davoren. Hohblnt A Hon vt Heth Auttln. HhtUj of Oregon vt Frederick Itittor. State of Oregon vt W W Irvln. Stale of Oregon vt Loui Neconel. M W Smith vt Shlplny A Krute. Portland Trutt Co vt Sain Marrt. Portland Trutt Co v Jamet Marrt. Portland Trutt Co vt J II and L E Thayer. Thot 0 Todd vi fUrabCTodd. M K Porrln vt A M Shlb ley. A U and John Schwab vt Chat Stewart. Join pli Hedxet vi W T and Emma Davidton. ao,i'm. Aiaignment of L P Hanna. AHnignuient of SethAutlin. Klita vi John M HR-kurtou. Aiaignment of Green I! rot A Co. Thoinixin Kudy executrix v Samuel and Catherine Itammlen. A M Partont va Huhecca Gardner. Alignment f J P 1ignn. K P HuiiHee vt Marlon Johnton et al. Henry Chapman vt Chat and Nettie Mercer. JenningiA Webber vt Jno Conway, (i W lluichard va 8 J Ouletby and J Cole. Win Itanpach va Paul IUnpach, adm et al. Anna K Davit vt Thot T Davit. Jat Abraham vt Marion and Mary Johnton. Willamette Trantortation A Locki Co vt Aurie M Draper and W T llurney. Klir.aleih Lovejoy vi Portland Gen'l Electric Co. Mary Fellow vt MrtC M Phillipp et al. Thot M Miller vt Mary E Rarlow et al. Mehala Teeter vi Sarah L Mack. A Uwellintj vt Luther Gray et ll. J It N Sellwooil vt P J Hermann et al. j Application of Annie Bodon for writ of HalieaaCorpnt. Eliza J Thompton vt Douglaa W il- liamt et al. Duniway LumU-rCo va James Thomp ton. Same va Joteph Hohnnletner. Same va H ItethlaA Co. N W F A M In Co v C B Haworth etal. Mary Kniea va 0 C Huntington et al. Mary E Steven v Geo and Catherine Miller. Tereaa Kramer vt Rudolph Winterer etal. Hobcrt A Wood va J F and T M Miller. Viola Stubba va John Stubba. W C Brown va Thot L Sager. P F Morey v Jothua Welch et al. W T Burney vt S W R Jones and Bank of Oregon City. Thot M Miller v Geo Larkins. J 11 Crookahanka admr, va Oliye I. and W II Adams. Filaney Otis vt W T Shurtleff et al. Nellie P Brown va H W Wetco and L M Davit. Helen M Montour vs Daniel Montour. 11 E Cross vs Rasper Tscharnig and II W Ross. James lionets vs R W O'Brien. Marv A Hutch vs Henry and Carria Swift -JUST RECEIVED ii i tn 'i nn kph rrom. i Underwear and Fine Rubber Goods LD V Sole Crowers of the New PACIFIC PRUNE, Earliest. Mott Prolific and best drying SUUfyl & IJlUtUl. Mount Tabor, Oregon Win Tarrant vt Clackamai County. Attignment of PotUr A Kelly. City of Portland vt Clackamas county. D J Jonet va Wm Gray et al. II E Croti v C W Ganong. Major A IaMotte vt Francit La Motto. W. B. Wixglni vt J Logos estate. Matilda Will vs David Will. Alice C Hickt vt G W Hicks. Chit II Walton vt Carrie M Watson. Henry F Putey vt Julia A Putey. Januet E Lithorn vt Richard L Lith orn. May A Hatch va Henry Swift et al. Alice Souers va Colon Houcn. State of Oregon vt Huirt of John Gray et al. Emma McDonald v Ladru Royal. Daniel N Trullinger va Juliet F Trul- linger. Geo E Courtney vi Alice Castello. Louiita M Stout vt Alonzo Stout. Jas Humphrey vs Flechner A Mayer. Kdward Howland vs II W Kom. L O Kingtley vt B F and Susan Linn. Bernell K Day vt Frtnk Day. Annie A Dodge vt C 8 Dodge. P F Hibbard ys Joteph and Anna B Fischer. Chat Bauman et al vt Shipley, Kruse A Shipley. S II Christian va Me CliflTet al. CKIMINAL. State vs J C Wetterward. " " II E Cross. " "PA Marquam. ' " Willemina Kohler. " " Chat Ashby. " " W ; McGuire et al. The wisest course in politics is to vote ( for the best man, and you cannot be mis taken. So, in the nse of blood-purifyer you can't be mistaken if you take Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, because all parties agree that it is the bett the Superior Medi cine. Try it this month. Pl.ll.lran'a ahoea Lto In tl.OO. mostly! lace; Ladies lace shoes fine and coarse 11.00; Hoy' brogans loc. loining greatly reducedat the Red Front E. E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, oRF.oon CITY. Masonic Building. The People' Favorite. The Famous Seaweed Remedy i still in the front. Scores have been cured here in town by it and willing to testify to its success as a cure lor Rheumatism. All who suffer should give it a fair trial. Sold by Thayer A Alden, Main street, and G. Hargreaves, south Madison street. YVtiod Sawing. The Babcock woodsaw. Work quickly and cbeanlv done. Leave orders at Grout A Confor's office or address me at Ely Elmkr Duon. The latest styles of fall and winter millinery at Hamilton A Johnson's suc cessors to Hamilton A Sitton, removed to The Red r ront A BIG LINE OF WHOLESALE GROWERS AND DEALERS. Cannot be Under-Bold. prune grown. Send for Catalogue. The underHiened, a renidentof Clacltaman county, Oregon, having sold biM farin situated one-half mue wem oi nuonviiio, ur iwc Ferry, will Bell at Public Sale, on Saturday, ' November 4th, 1893, Commencing at 9 A. M., the following property: One black mare, 5 yearB old, weipht 1300; one gray mare, 7 years old, weight 1325; two bay mares, 4 and 6 years old, weight 12(X) and 1300; one 2-year-old colt, one yearling colt; one Holstein cow, 6 years old, will calve Nov. 9; one first-class cow, 6 yearB old, giving milk; one beef cow, about 45 head of sheep, 30 goats, one fine sow and eight pigs, six hogs, one wagon, one two seated hack, two sets double harness, one man's saddle, one ladies' saddle, one binder, onefoiower, one self-dump i.,.. -i, ,im. i,orrn nn new 3-Hection harrow, four plows, one UUINiaftC) VIW ouuiii ui.iv, v..v . , . cider pres. pair ilew platform scales, small pair platform scales, two. fanning mills, one cook stove, one parlor Btove, one lawn mower, one hop spray pump with all attachments, one caldron, three dozen chickens, one cask linneed oil, one barrel Prince Albert paint 300 pounds, forks, shovelB, hoes, grubbing hoes, saws, axes, augurs, household furni ture, and a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE: All All sums over 20 and under $100, . ... ail a A . 1100 two year's time. All noies 10 proved security. P0PE& CO. This old and reliable firm always keep in stock full line of to?, M it llactnl Mi arc, Tina, etc. Plumbing, Gas Attended to Promptly. Es timates Furnished. OREGON CITY THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry the Largest Stock of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Oregon City. Special sizes of Doors and Windows made to order. Turning of all kind Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnished on application. Builders, give us a call, and Bee if our work is not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest Price List sent on application. Factory, Cor. Mian ana ntn sts.. uregon iity. Jabl Oil lotl? Immense StockI Write Uf sums of $10 and under, cash in hand. one year's time, and all sums over I 4 A i n rnvnOT With BTk. uear iu per V rnn7P . Fitting & Jobbing OREGON o CLOSE TIMES. 15 et5. per Yd. &c. BOSTON IS T U K ft. THE