Cl'RRl.VSYII.I.K cnjJNGfl. Vurrlnivllle a Favored WalHy for lh Home Seeker-Accident While Howlng, CvRRixsrii.LK, tVt. 24. The newa of last week of thii place ahuuld have been dated Oct. 1 instead o( IVL 7. Hon. H, M. Wier, of Tacoma, was In town Monday. Misa McCowen la recovering" from aick liese. Misa Lilly Wilcox la visiting friends and relatives at this place. Garrett Palniateer lias rented the farm belonging to Mr. Hullard one-half mile south, navinir cash rent Hugh Currin met with an accident last Friday by which be niashed one of his fin cers, since which be has su tiered coiuulora ble Mr. Harkenrider, the gentleman who was so severely kicked by a horse, is so that he can hobble around a little. J. Stone made-a trip to Portland last Wednesday, returning Friday evening. Miss Iterttta ltolwtt was surprised by her young friends last Monday evening on the occasion of her Nth birthday. J. PaviSit Son, Frank lrvin, and others of this place, have leen working the road in Deep creek canyon for the past w eek. The blasting of stumps could be heard for miles. Mr. Miller, of Eastern Oregon, who re sided at this place over twenty years ao, is TUitiug some of bis old friends who still live Jiere. "oM rosMont," "well-known citiaen," eel., hut have your Uttre ulilremied in full. IWt fail, if you intent! to bn nway front home for any length of lime, to inform your postmaster what iliiipoeition shall bo made, of your mail. Don't uVlay the doliwry of ny mail matter that you may take out for another IHm't fail to tfigu your lot tors in full, so if they reach tlio dead lettor olllce they may bo promptly returned. IVn't. when you full to receive an ex- pected letter chargo tlio ostul service with ita ha, until you have learned from your eorresondi'nt all the facta in regard to ite mailing, content, etc. Letter List. The following is the list of letters remain. ing in the iHst otllce at Oregon City, Oregon, October attn, ISnct; tinker, Mrs Ja'iies Lunbrnuiii, Win lliu-ktey. W Malaney, Albert t'ampbell, Clark Mcl'ord, Mrs 0 K I'ampMl, Mrs Mat- McOonigle, John tie Kmiiborx. John Carlyle, Mrs Lillian Oreloaen, lsac Pay, 11 IMrker, Mrs A M Flanders, Mrs An- I'orter, Mrs M K nie M Smith. Wm 11 Green, Miss Grace J Smith, Albert Haiard, A J Slavens, Mrs M Hanling, KV Smith, Mrs J Holmes, Mr Wells, V T til ... A steam laundry is being projected at this Howard, Mrs Minnie Wilson, John place. NoMelican man will be employed. I Jones. I K Woller, Ohaa Mr. Willson. a German livinx on the banks ol the Clackamas, remarked the otber'day thai since Cross's ilani vas no nioresammon vill be thicker'n sparrers in .the river next spring. Several real estate transactions have been Diade in Currinsvile in the last week. Mr. Dawty sold thirty acres to John King of Canton, Ohio. Immigrants are coming in -and Currinsville is on the move, as this ii a good location, llomeseekers should make a note of this. Dr. Smith of Eagle Creek was in town last Friday. v Prof. Warner of this tdare ami a number of teachers in districts near this village, are expecting to attend the teacners' associa tion next Saturday at the Starkweather school house. Rob. Cumn spent three days last week at the metropolis. Bent Sarverof this place, and Mr. Avers of Herrpner, w ho have been in the moun tains for the past two weeks hunting gold, returned last evening complaining of hav ing had some "hard sailing.'7 The snow kept them from finding the gold, and the streams were so swollen and bridges washed ' out that they could iiol return until almost starved. Ben Porter and E. A. Wilcox are on the sick list. Sam Heiple lost a valuable horse last week. William Currin went to Troutdale today to sell fifty head of fat cattle. " We have plenty to eat at home," said an old lady yesterday who lives a mile out of this town; " we have good potatoes, nice cabbage radishes, lettuce and tomatoes, and our evergreen blackberries are as good and ripe as a month ago." W. H. H. Wade has a Bartlett pear tree that is loaded with the second crop of fruit for this year. The wheat that was thrashed in the rain in this locality is now being fed to more than &) hogs, and soon Currin, Wade, Heiple, Linn, Tracy and others will have fat porkers for sale. Yesterday while Rob. Currin s hired man was plowing his team became frightened and ran away with the plow. The plow struck one of the horses on the hip inflict ing a wound so serious that the horse will die. We are having beautiful weather just now and farmers are improving their op portunity. Eighteen Postofllce Dont'tt. The attenion of the public is called to the following "dont'g" furnished by the Toetal Guide, which, if carefully ob served by letter-writers generally, will greatly facilitate the business of the poetoffice : Don't mail any letter until you are sure that it is completely and properly addressed. Don't place the address so that there will be no room for the post-mark . Don't fail in the hurry of business, to write the name of the state you intend and not your own a very common error. Don't fail to make certain that your manner of writing the name of an office or state may not cause it to be mistaken for one similar in appearance. It is often better to write the name of the state in full. Don't fail, if you are in doubt as to the right name of the office for which your letter is intended, to consult tlie Postal Guide, which any postmaster will be pleased to show you. Don't fail to give the street and house number of tiie person for whom wail matter is intended in addressing it to a city or large town. Don't mail any letter until you are sure tliat it is properly stamped. Don't fail to place the stamo in the upper right-hand corner. Dou't write on the envelope "In haste" "'Care of postmaster," etc; it does no .good, and tends to confusion in the tayvl handling of mail matter. IWt fail to bear in mind that it is inlaw ful to enclose matter of a higher class in one tliat is lower; e. g., mercban diee in newspapers. Don't mail any letter unless your ad dress, with a request to return, is upon the face of the envelope ; so that in case of non-delivery it will be returned directly to you. Dont fail to give your correspondents your lull address, so that a new postman cannot fail to find you . ll called lor please any when advertised. E. .M. KANl'tt, r. M. 'Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Kntkui'kim otlice. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cut , say: "Shiloh'a Catarrh Remedy is the tii st medicine I hare ever loiind that would do me any giod." Price 50 cts. Sold by C. G. lluiillev. LOUIS fL VAMnrRvmr' -- mmm aaaae) OM of lb feet kaewi kulMst Bta la ChlflMW rtpmeaUUv. of tia great Braditreei On. HEADACHE, SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Dr. MiU Jfdioml te, flJkWa, 14, flentlement I uke pleasure In Inarming yea of the very beneflautl rvaulu which hare Mlownl la UcJeoi mywAI and ifo. fot, yy, a subject w a dutraaataf peia at the bus of Uie bom ami uppor portion of the etunai owl. I UUKEC Jroubted with alroBkxiw. ww lltahf You Nervine wag highly retwnmended to me- Mr iw had horn an J.if. Data tliat I bad no ennfMrnce lu the errVecy of any medicine. Yet as a la nanrt I (nnwmud io aive lt atrial Mut h to my surprias. I aiiwrMuierd asartol bMMflti ni? aleeplramnea dlaanrwaml; my hw.tache was raukiredi air iptrlUaud nueral a THOUSANDS School deportment cards one cent each I the Kntkhpuik otlice tieaJih ci lly tuipr ed. i ao ainiB Twcnre eeueea. n tmis oeeuaaie " will o eoieiciaae nan ranio My wife 1. utlni Ilia Nrrriua wlii Ilia bax ul rusulu. Lovia D. ViMUKua OLD ON A POIITIVC OUARANTII TRY DR. MILES' PILLS. 50 DOSES 25 CT For oale by Charman A Co. l,iTtH. t).ioa, A. r. ATa.iu. I iuiri.. Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. X A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. FOR ASTORIA-FAST TIME Steam'r Telephone aia4 'w 4- t Pnrt.ln.nd aWVl V whj AVVV ZeV aAiV4UA UVWVW a w-ai . .M MS) Lioaves Portland daily, except bunaay, T . a e t f 1 m A.M. xjutvvoa rut tiuuu unity, UA;uyi ouiiuajr, Leaves Astoria daily, excopt Sunday, 7 P. M Titg Ilwaoo from Ilwnoo conn'vtH nt A.ttori with Tflil.i t'vrry night for Portland. gfOojpfl VsLEEPj clearI n long Ah mentalU p (strong 1 energy JJp. nerves! d 1 I OARSAPARILLA WIIKN IN C K N BY TRY TIIE HIS HOUSE. EAST AND SOUTH TIIE SHASTA UOIT of tho . i SOUIIIIiKN 1'ACIIiC C0.l',v r..r.. e i tinii pj lltl1lll( "if'"" 'i nr I . g,Mt.h'T it id r . ia' 1 f.V I'.li I la r. M. I l.r Or. Hi f Ar a f, Pullman DuffetSleeporj' Socond-Claitii Slooplno r j Atla.',!,,,,,' t .hi a I , 11 m It Mr a I Ar UOMKIintt, M All, (11,11,,, I'.illUn.l if '"IH ll, Hialiir( .f it. Wait am .. UltrvmN I'UMtUNII AMI en,..,., U.ll T..I11 li.ll. ,. " UJ 1 HI 4 M I 'J 1.1 r Ar r..fiUi,.i i, 1 lr (irvallli I . !?' - 1 ' i Al Atltltf allit r.ttv.lll. M - ul iirnaun ainl I'arlHii lin.u.i " Kii.rv., Train Hall IK ir. luJ I r a I l. il.i,,) . ' . I Jir a I A alrVtiiutill, 1, ?' THROUCH TICKETT ' to ai i, rmata 11 tn ViaTI'llV Hiltld f&Wi .. . . . . ... ,. A!ll, f mn w iiuiaiiivM al HIWUM ttivt ffttai M.a.ra. A1H. Orvfiiam,, II Kelt II I KK. It P ,.,.' M..i.,.r A.. I U r at,4ria,.l,w MRS. J IIAHIUS, Prop Home cooki'il nu-als ntrvtil inthn best of shajH'. Clfan rooms and iK'd. Meal 2) cent. Hoard at reasonable rate. ..MuP,a?"ner'jj "'"-Known bnlnMj man of HIlHImro, Va.. arnds tlita tesUnionr tu trie merits of Ayer'a 8nraparltla: "Se eni yeara aci, I hurt my leg, the Injury learlnx a sore which led to erysliwlaa. fy aiifli-rlniri wlr? ;,rm' ml from the inn to tfie ankle, tx-Hn a aIld .,r. which brtun In e teud to other parte of the body. Afier trying Tarlous remedies, I began taklna Ayer'a BarMparllla, and. before 1 had Onlilit-U the Tint l.flla I A ruri..,.AA . . .. . accoutf buttle ellec ifd a complete cure.'1 Ayer's Sarsaparllla Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer A Co, LowaU, Maab Cure8other8,wIllcuroyou Society Directory. OKKuON CITV HOARD OK TKADK. Meeliat Cmiil llmi on Hecuiid Uonday Is each moiilh. Vl.ltun welcome. y. K. IaiNAI.IisiiN. UKO. C. IIKOWNKt.l. Secretary. frt-tldeitt. THE POPULAR BOAT. Steamer Iralda, I now making round trip ditily excejit Wediudav U-tween OAK POINT, AND PORTLAND And intermediate landing, con necting at Ilaninier with STK. CAKME T, FOR KKI.SO. Leaving Oak Point I:I a.m. Arriving in Portland. . 1 () .".() n. m i Leaving Portland l:.(t)p. m. Arriving nt Oak Point. . . :4.ri p. m. Wharf fiMit Wahingtnn ntrcet 8. K. OILHKKT, Agent. GAVEL LolKiK. NO. is, A O. U. W Meet aretind and fourth turday erenlnn at Kniahi .1 ball, t'auby. Vliltlii brother! made welciime. , K V. ( autuu. A K. Hhaxk Reiuriler. Mauler Wurkinan HT Jons' n UMAVCII VI, u? l ... . MeeH every Tiii-.Uy evenlnt at their ball .errlce. Hiarer meeilii. Wedne.dav ermine at I rncti I ipaxTMii 1 'II v I J -m ..t.L. u. , . i ir " T T. W. Hi li-ivaH, Mrea Sunday Services. rorner Main and Tenth Streetn matt. jiirris.Bec y. HT. PAI'I.' Cllfttril- Kpiamipal- Hrt 1. A Kckilorm Fanr. Horyiiwa al IIo i Iki a m.aml : p. m. ftir aervlce verr ttcdncJ4 evenliia. fiiLsr i-nviiiirn iTinv a i I'lit'ufif um. Paalor eu iiIImI. Herilce. at It a u 7:.w r. M. Hulldar HcIi.m.I alter mnri.ii,. rortland-Clatskanie R-O-U-T-E. STR. SARAH DIXON, liKD. M HIIAVKIt. Va.trr, Will leave Portland Mnily, except Sunday, at l:.'U p.m., for Clat-kaiiia k ny landing. Returning, arrive at Portland at It) a. in., I aily except Monday. The company reterve th right a ..1......... ... . . iu iiiiingi- nun- wiwioih IHHice, Tor friML'lit or tul4i'n'ir rnfi.a apply to doek clerk at Portland, f.xit ainngtoiiM.,(iron tmrJ ateivmer. Thi i the nearent and iiiohI di rect route to tlio Nclialc in valley. "VAijav TIlltOUfiH TICKKTS TO Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City I" I. ! Oa I uuuiuu. 31. LOUIS, ANO ALL Iiastcrn Cities, ftl DAYS TO U2 CHICAGO I Cl.fllnne FVil v , d-.t, '.a ' ; - I llnAntail Nfc sM avj 'j aat WJrCiHS'ciiM This Great Coonri Q h. prumi.tly nir whre all o:hpr fail, Couuhs. froi p Sore Throat, Hoarieneaa, Whoopintr Couch and Aathma For Consumption it bai no rival; nas cured thouBiod. and will rrite you if takeain time, t old by JJnjiiU n h guar antee. For a Ij.rr.-! Jla" !; or (.1t. nan BHILOH'6 BEH.AUOKNA!. SHI LC tt'SMWTA R R H iiavoyi.iii..inirrtr 'I'hU rmmk l rrrnn teedtocuroycu. l'lito. )xr Loctoi-iree. For Bale by C. G. Huntley. Mt'LTNOMAH U)IMiK. NO. I. A. F A A. M. ffflllla flk rerfltla , ..n A u. , - ' ' ".i nil, n.Kitl. ,M, II VH, and third riaturdaya of each mniith al 7 JO r. u. brelbreu inguod alaiidlua are Invited to altmid. I. U I'OKTKK. W. M. T. K. KYA.V.Heorclary. CLACKAMAS CIIAFTKK. i Clac.kamai Chapter No. 1 K. A. M. Ilcicular jonvucaliou lliinl Muuday ol the mouth al U. . BTKA.S'UE, U. p. 0 L OaAY, Sec'r. OKKUON LolMiR. No. t, I. O. O. F. Meetaerery Thuraday ereii..,a at 7 .(Uo'clnck r. M. Id the 0'd Fellowa' Hall, Main street. MfmliTB ol the Ordurare lutited to attend. GEO C. ELY, N. U. Thna. Hyan, Secretary. 08WEOO LOIXiK, NO OT, I. O. O. F Meet at Odd Fellow ' hall, Oatrriro, every atnrlay evening. VlaltliiK hrethreii made welcome. O. W. FKOiiHKK, N. U. j. r. iu"lrt. nee. FALM KNCAMI'MKNT. No. i, I. O O. K. Mf(tH flf it at nil th 1 fit 'I'll.... I ..I .V. aU tOM YcWom hull. Member an-1 vlttlU'iu f A CTVUVtbT 11' If :i,..aee Hcri.. chlff Pmrfurrh WACHENO TRIHB. NO la. Vop(- U'mIum,!.. a,VAt.l... - a ii-.i - . , , .v,lllln,nimi,,M y lfl. uB iuluiuqii lutlLCti. LHAI. K RlXY, J. Hazard, C-of K. WOODMK.N OK TIIK WOHIM. WltlaniMtrn Flt famn K Mat .,.. r.1 j 4th We.liii'ti.Uy rilvhtM lu each month in K. of t. t iniiini IK-IH II IJIirn HIIIMH WaICIllllta K. E. Maktin. Clerk. K. M. Kani.h.C. C. Red Cross Tansy rins The Ladies1 Suppressed Manstruation PAINFUL Mnstru:'icn And a PREVENTIVE for FtJIU.K -lUitKUlLaUilitJs Ara Sato and R. II,l,t 8UNKIME LOIHiK. NO. 43. A. O. tf. W . Meet every fcond and fourth Saturday ol earth month at Wllaonvllle, Orruon. ,, IIkkky Mil.iv M. W. C. T. Toon, Kocordor. Purely Vege- Ublcl IS-ver price si.nn. Snt poitpaid on rer:eirt of Yin de Cinchona Co.. Dei Moliua. Iowa. For sale by Charman & Co. an tarTt fail to uA,i!y your postmaster of iirotifttige in your address. . JJan-twiat io tUe fact tbat you are an JAPANESE CURE A nttm and unmntM. ....... . n . ... , -- - - i-.-.w uvniiiiTiii, viiiininiiiiv i, hiipposltori'ta, Ointment in Capmilea, aluo In Box and Pllla- a n,.tlu mm ... v. Internal, Illlnd or bleediug, IUthlng. Chronic Kecent or H:redltary flien, and many dlaiea and female wtHknee; It la alwaya a irrpat nenctlt to the neneral health. The flrat dia coveryof a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unneceaaary hereafter. Thla T'.medr haa never lieen known to fall. II tier box. 6 for 1.1: tent by mall. Why mfftr from ,h(a I 1.. ii nine ijikcioic wneu a wruien guarantee I" given with tlx bnxei to refund the money If not cured. Hend atamp for free (ample. Guar antee laaiied by Woodard Cla RX X & Co, whole aaleand ptitail limaotmtm tA.i Oregon. For tale by 0. 0. Huntley, Oregon City. Oregon. PIO IKON LOIKiK NO. lur,, A. O. I!. W. Meeta every Thuraday evening nt Odd Fellow hall, Oawego. Vlaltlng brellir-n alwaya wel cnej , J. V. Cahi-kkm. K. STRAtraa, Kceorder m. w. MOI.AM.A UiIKiK No. tn, A. O. I!. W. Meeta drat and third Hnturday In each month at aohool houae Vlaltlng member made wet- cn,mr.-, . . T.H. MTIPF, M. W. J. W. TllOMAH, Itcc. ' J Mill elork Pi,,., ,.l v. U.....I. eovlety ol Chrlallau Kudcavor every Uuuday evening at t.M, prainpt. FIKST BAPTIHT CMf-KCIt -Rxv Oilman Ptaaia Paator Morning aorvlre at II Holiday Hi'IiimiI at U l.'i; Rvriilng Hervlre l ;u; Kegular prayer mertlnx Wednesday evening. Muuihly Covenant Meeting every Uedneaday evening preeedlng the drat Hnnday In the uioiilh. A comlal luvltatlou to all. HT. IOIIN 8 ClintCIt.CATIIOI.IC.-Kv. A II iiiLxaaaH D. Hai.or. On Sunday ma.a at a and 10 :ju a. m. Kvery arrond and fourth nun. lay German avrmon after the o'clock ma.a Al all other maaaei Kugllah aa'rmona. Sunday Mrhool at 1 M r. . Veapera. apologetlral iibjecia, and Ueutdlctlon at 7 30 r. M. MKTIIOHIHT RI'rxcoi'AI. I IH Wi il u. 0. Hvaaa, Paatnr. Morning aervlre at II: nunuay Hcnool at lO Ui. I'Uaa meeting after morning aervlre. Evening aervlue at 7 1 Kpworth league meeting Holiday evening at M; Prayer Meeting Thnraday eveulng at I 30. I atrangera curdlallv Invited. FIKHT PKKHBYTKHI AN CIH'ltCll.-Kxv. 0. W. Oihokkv. Paator. Hervirea at II a. m and 7 80 r. u. Hal. hath Hehool at lu a. u. Ynun. People a H,n-lety of Chrlatlau F.ndeavor meet, every Hunday evening at 6 l. Wediieailay evening prayer meeting at 7 .30. Heata free.!-JF.RMAN- AlO. KaNar, Paator. Preaching aervliei every Hunday at II A. M and 7 :0 P. M Habbatn aohool every Rumtay at 10 A. M. (John llArrl.tMirvi.r Hum U..ablP I........ u i.. every Medueaday evening UN1TKI) HKKTIIHKN IN CHRIHT.-prearh-Ing every Nunday, exnt third Sunday of earh mouth, at II uu a. m. and 7,:) p m.-w II Mc I.aih, Paator. Hunday achool at 10 a. m.- I. I) Ht area, Hiiperiutendenl. Prayer meeting every Uedueaday evening. TiTa. H. (IF K. I). CAMI', h; OF V" Muni, in L- p Hull..,. ii.u , i i. l ... - ... n. . . ,.n,, ,v ,..,, Ku, n,urn Monday eveulnva of each month. .nnn ?T. r.. jyiunnvn, J're t Mlai Norra CAi.irr. Hen'y. C A N II Y LoIKi KiNtJ-ftM. t O. ti.'f. Meefa flrat and llilrri Uii.inLu -. Klilirht'a hall i:.i,l, vl.lili,. n,...l i made welcome. Ogo. VY. Knioiit. W. C. T. Ki.i.a Knioiit. Hefl TCAI.ITIN (IKANOK, NO. Ill, P. of II, Meet. IhhI Halnriluu ,.f .....,!. ,t...i. hall ill Wllaoiivlllu. K. It. IIknkv, Mlaa Hki.a hiiakp, Hoc y. Maatur. Portland Cowlitz Kiver Route, vin. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Jonej.h Kellogg Trann. Co. STK. JOS K I'll KKIJ.OCC-leftvea KelHo Motiilay, Weiliiesil.iy um Friday, nt li A. M. Leave. P.,ri land, Tuesday, Thtirnday and u.. , 1.. ... natuniuy Ul i A. M. STR. NORTn'U KST-'-I.,.,,,.,.. !,. land Mondity, Wi'dni'mlny nml ITnlay fur Kidsonnd I'imhtCow lit river points, returning tin- tollowing days. Tl ! . huh ih i iii! only direct roiito to reach all Cowlitz river jiointH. WM. R. HOLM AN. .Wot. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or FAI.I.H CITY I;I)(;K OF A . O V. W Meeta every aeeond and fourth Friday even ing of eaeh month lu A. 0 I'. W. hall 7th ht All aojouriimg brethren cordially Invited to at- I). CALKIhl.l), M. W. Oko CAi.irr, Recorder. CLACKAMAS LOIHiK, No. W. A. O. II W Meeta rl rat and third Monday In each month, nailing nrotiiern welcome. n. n. FOUNTAIN HOHK CO., No. 1. lflitrnlHP tnei.tltiv .a.,iii,I U',nl,,, I.. month at engine hoime, eaat Main atreet I between Seventh and eighth. i J . Vf , BT w A KT, HeC. II. HTRAIOHT, F'rill 1 M. f . Qi'IKX, Foreman. MOLAI.LA UltANOK, NO. V), p. of II. Meeta nt their hall at VVrlght'a llrldge on the ecend Haturday of each month at 11) a. m Fellow membera made welcome. Jah. Nkmon, Maater. E II. CoofgR. Hcc. at Htrnlirht'a Hall U. .i'KAK Rec. M. W. MEAUK POHT, No 2.0 A. K DKPAKTMENT OF OKKUON. Meeta Aral U,.,,,luu ,.t i. .... . n i, Ti ; ;; ; Kn' " momo, ai k. oi P. Hall, Oregon City. Vlaltlng comrade, made WClUaJIUV, t d aDv'?M-ARTHtrK. Commander. J- r, hiuw, Ad. GKN. CJtOOK POHT, No, -ii . A. It.. Ue art- nieut of Oregon. Meeta In aciinol hnnu - k.'...i - n . i i , ' ocioca p. m. All viiiiim.icn UIBUB WCICOme. 1. f. HlM.INOa ii. iHOHPHQM, Adjt. Commander WAKNKIl HKANOK. No. 117, P. of II. Meet fourth Saturday of each month, at their hall in New Krn. C, (!. Wllllama, Maater Mr. May Waldron, Hec'j ACIIILI.KH l)I)(JK, NO. iW, K OF P. Meeta every Friday night al the K. of P. hall, Vlaltlng Knighla invited. Chan. Ai.hhiumt, Jr., C, c. J. K. Riionaa, K of K. and 8 COi.UMIll'OoOKANl) LXi'IiKIt CO. Meela Spur fit ....h Fountain engine houae. Ciua. atiikv, Prea, j. a i-ii.low, ncc y. cha. iiitzik, ( tm If you are interested in 4 ' AdvertiHinir & ' you oiiKht to l.e n nuh. ' HcrilM-r ot I'jtiNTKHH' Ink; a journal tor ndviTtiscrH. Printcrss' Inlc is issued weekly find is filled with contributions f ml i,i,.r,,i fc, 'l ill SllJ,'(5l!SlollH I from tlio lirinlitent minds I in Hi" Mdvertisin litisi- Printers Inlc COKts (inly two (lollurH H yar. A Haui,lec(i)y wilj 1"! sent on receijit of fivo rents. AlUHIKHS "'KINTF.KH' INK lOSpnuo. St.-fi. Yorh Hour? tlioQuickct to Chin: ami tho Last, (Quicker to Oma!j and Kansas City. rt'l, I.MAN k TOfRIST SLEEP- KRS, FRKK KKCI.IMNGCbii: Cur, I)iniii( Cars. For rates am grin-rat informa tion rail on or addrena. W. II. HURI.III RT, Ami Gm! I ass. Ak't., W'a.iiii;tonHt.,njf Thir.l, Portland, Or. TIMC Oregon Pacific Railroad K. W. IIADI.KV, Rm-ivef. Iirivt Line Ouiek JininU'h- Lw freilit rati) Istween Wir lainetto Valley jMiints and Su rranciseo. OCKANSTKAM lilt SAILINGS. S. S. Willamette Vallcj L'aves San Francisco OrtwU-f I" and '.'7, mid Nov. 15. Leaves Vaouirm Octols-r 12 w 22, and Nov. S. 'I Ilia fiiniitnnir fWir,fa (tlC rilit ti chaniro sailina dat witb- out notice. RIVKR8TKAM ICRS. Sleamer "I loan" leiives 1'iirtl. W'cdnesday'H and Hatunlay's A. M, II. (!. DAY. r.en. At't. Salmon Street Wharf, Portland, It. IC VAU(i IN.deii.Ait t- n I'Viincisco, Cal. C. C. 1I0UUE. (1. F.A F.i Corvallis, Oregon. MKAOE UKLIKF COKPS, No. Is. DKPART- jnr.ini or UUF.U lfl. JI"- M M. Charman, . . Prealdent Mra. K. I,, f .rich p.iia - M i u 1 ireaaurer. rj. J B. Harding, - Hecretarv. meeta on nrat and third Friday of each month In K. of P. Hall. Mem here of corp. from aiiroArl er,.,l n i e" "i w.....u.i nctv.wcU. . Baker Camp, No. IS, meet, every Drat K.'of P fcal ,d,r venl,,g ch month, at ' K.8. CALIFF Cent. H. 8. Rkixoht, lot Lieut. 0, 0. Wooua, 3d Lieut. CATAKACT HOHK CO. No. 2. Meeta aecond Tueaday ol each month at Cat rnct Knglne houae. W. II. HoWKi.iPrea O. H. Ukmtow, Heo'y. J. W. O'CoSNgi.t, F'rn. HCTTK CKKKK OKANOK, No. H2, P. of fl. Meeta at their ball In Marutiam, aecond Sat urday lu each month at lo a. in. Vlaltlng mcmbcraalivaya welcome. J.K.JACK, J.B.W1IITK, Heerctarr Maater. F COMPANY, FIKHT KKOIMKNT, 0. N, 0. Armnry. Third and Main. Hegular drill night, VIOiImV. lOitrlllaF hll.lnAiia maullima .. Monday of ab month. ' .iHr.ll J.W. flanong, ... rjaetaln F.8 Kelly, - - Flrat Meuteaant HoriNig U0ar,,i . , " U U Plckeni, - - 8econdUeuteuauttble terms ,n Fe1 Cooke's Stables, 111 a. 7 w. m. COOKE, Manager Hucceaaor to U. II T 4 L (' Corner Fourth and Main Street,,, UK KG ON CITY. The I.EADIN0 LIVJCkY HT inm l the City. Ti. , , . ' ..,,)(,on8llorrno;.;- uTri"tion on reason- Solentlflo Amerleu Agency for A a in. - m wr 4 AMAtfValTS. Waaaa M AVBtli OltlON PATINTt. OOrVRIOHTI uurraiun i -For Information and frae llamthonli wrlteto MIIN.V A Co mi iImoai.wav, Nue""? C1 t Imreau for MHMirlw paleliU 10 '"S3 Crr n( mil i.k.n t ,7 u. la liriaiglil '" ihm iiiiI.iia ..iHu.. 7 r Aliaalalaa ID WrlO. Hpiuu.iidlv Illu.lrl-I. H 'U I'VSTi nimn ahnuid b wiihom it WMklr. ? '":. I I "'""I" tiiruai hftlf FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns Ammunition- Repalra on all k0ofiniall n1!? Jiroinptly nioita. I)iilliute Itry" m ny lH'k niainifartureil. HhopO" Main Htreet. next to NobllK'i Stablea.