Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 27, 1893, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Published Every Friday.
One year, -
81 1 month. i
Three mouths, ...... jj
Subscriptions payable In advance
Advertising rates (Iven ou application.
Catered at the Post Office to Oreon City, Or.,
m second plane matter.
The KMKKl'KISK punanteit a Urser bona
Me elrtalatioa taai that of th other three
paper la th eounty combined.
11 u Ion Hills -
Meadow Brook.
New Era.
Park Place,
Barlow. - .
Molalla. .
Orrllle. - .
Eajrle Creek,
81 num.
Clierryville, -
0. W. Proaner
Gen. K li Ik ht
A. Mather
Gary & Wluiufer
U J. Trulllugtr
E. 8 Brarahall
Chas Holman
region tax, that in, a lax on rorly w su
ing by ttinvuion, by inheritance or by li'tt
acy. Such a tux inmlit l arrnnw'tl as ful
lows: On all estates vuliunl ai f lO.rtH) up to
f liXVVO 1 per oi'iit. ln estates of over ttV
000 up to f.MU.OOO 1 per cent on the first
flOO.OOO ami 3 per rent on the roninlntlor,
ami so on tiradnaly lncrainK the amount
as the Inheritance lmrva.Ht. The succes
sion tax will not fall on tlio poor. Those
wluve estates amount lo $IO,(KX cuu well af
ford to give UX lo Ihe slate in return (or
all the protection of its laws, which has
et.abletl wealth lo be accumulated and cn
Tin Hanker ami liiTestorrorOctnher ai
of the while metal about which a few sena
tors are now making such a fliss much to
the detriment of the country at large, that
the stiver dollar as it at present stand in
the I'uited States is but the representative
In Talue of a gold dollar. The government
maintains the parity of the two metals by
paying all debts in gold. This it may con
tinue to do so long as its stock of gold Is
not exhausted. But, In the uiean time, un
derthe existing Sherman law the secretary
of the treasury is compelled to buy silver
at market rates each month in a stated
quantity, paying therefor in (old coin. This
cannot last forever. It may last long
enongh to enable the silver men to make
W. 8. Newberry
- 11 . . "
Hamilton A Washburn I fortunes, but when it does come lb an end,
M.0-VJl Cross "' '. h H In the treasury
j. w. uin. , uviiiK ranaiuiwi, iue silver uonar 01 tne
liowaru I-,,;,, j ,.,.. ni ....w. u..i.. . .r
wui.vu tta.c n (( (NllK V'VM UCIUH WIBI U
Mexico in purchasing power in the markets
of the world. Then, and perhaps not till
then, will it be generally understood that
one dollar is as good as another only so long
as it Is so accepted by every one.
C. T Howard
R. V. Cooper
Annie Sluhti.
E. M. Hariman
B- Jennlnt
T. Ulesy
- L 1 Perdue
H. Wiltwrn
John Welsh
J. V. Elliott
F. U'Ktsch
Mrs. W. M. Mclmyre
Geo. J. Currin
Mrs. M, J. Hammer
Adolph Aschotl
Since the attention of every one is just
now diverted to the white metal the follow
ing facts taken from the report of the late
treasurer when turning over the office to
Treasurer Morgan will prove interesting
" There are 5,6x0 tons of silver stored in
the national treasury vaults. That means
10,000,OCO pounds. And yet his metal is
regarded as a precious one, to be measured
in value by ounces and grains. Only coin
is kept in the treasury vaults. Bars and
bullion are stored in the sub-treasuries and
the mints. There are eight raults in the
treasury used for the safe-keeping and stor
age or money. The total value of the con
tents or these vaults is fv'B.176,000.
Only two of these faults are used for the
torepe ol standard silver dollars. Vault
Ho. 1 contains J101.000.OHO, w hile the smaller
vault, known as vault Ko. 2, has in it only
bout 50,ao.ftO. In addition to this there
is53,000 worth of fractional silver. The
other vaults are used for holdingbanknotes,
bonds, money for daily use, etc
The total coinage of silver dollars nnder
the Bland act ol !" was $.T$9TfCji, M7. The
total coinage under Ihe act of July 14, 10
known as the Sherman act, has amounted
to $29.455,K. There are 58,917,CO0 silver
dollars in circulation.
More than half of all the silver owned bv
. the United States is stored in Washington
At the minis and assay c Hi res tbere are
1120,231,000 worth of bar silver. Altogether
there is f331,C00,0M) in standard silver dol
Te United States has been buying silver
ever since 1878, when the Bland Inw went
lnioenect. Lnlil the Sherman law went
into operation the treasury purchased un
der the first law tTOS.lH9.361.71 ounces or sil
ver, for whicb it paid .T23,635,576.19-an av
erage cost of $1.05 per ounce. On this silver
the government made profit of a great
many million dollars by calling every 375
grains of fine silver a dollar, no matter
what the market value of silver might be
when paid for in gold.
On the silver purchase act nnder the 8her
juan law the government has lost already
bout $40,000,000 by the depreciation In
valne of its stock of bullion on hand. Up
to the tint or July about 157,000,000 ounces
had been purchased. Four million five
hundred thousand dollars in silver amount
to about 140 tons, and if the country still
goes on buying at that rate the problem of
what to do with the metal promises to be
come an even more serious one than it is
now. -
The last issue of The student, published
at Portland, in speaking or Oregon City
calls attention to its great resources in the
following commendatory words: The Stu
dent, with this Issue, presents to Its readers
Willamette Falls, the greatest constant and
entirely reliable water power in the United
States; situated at tide-water and at the
gateway of the prosperous city of Portland,
In its present state it has double the whole
poweremployed in the great manufacturing
City of Philadelphia, and furnishes more
mechanical ower than Is used for manu
facturing purposes in the stale of Illinois.
These falls never freexe, and the (low of wa
ter is amide, free and continuous every day
In the vear. Both sntes of the river below
the falls are solid rock formation, suitable
hi every respect lor the erection of struc
tures of the most substantial kind.
Secretabt of Agriculture Morton, In
speaking before the farmers' congrsss at
Chicago last week, said in reference to the
financial situation: Many of the fallacies
which have been evolved for the allurement
of the larmerare very catching. The teach
ing of many of the journeymen burners
has been to the etlect that the money of the
country is simply legal fiction. That which
our country needs first and foremost is an
honest, unfluctuating measure of values.
If gold is the best money In the world, then
the United Stales wants gold. We must
have a permanent standard of debt settle
ment, a ermauent and unfluctuating meas
ure of values and medium of exchange."
Tits history of booms and boom towns Is
very much the same the world over. For
Instance, three years ago Anacorles liml a
population of S0U0, with twenlv-llve miles
of graded streets, twelve tulles of motor
railway, tifly-tour saloons, a doen hotels,
and many buildings costing f.'to.eui or more
each. The school building cost J.v.'.mfl, l,
day the population of this once nourishing
city Is less than 800 souls and t-ta month
would be considered big rent for most anv
of Ihe lurge hotels. But Anncortea was a
" boom town" and these results are not as
tonishing. In the light of history like thi
places with numerous natural resources,
Bitch as are behind Ihe steady growth ol
Oregon City, continue lo prosier and olfer
to the home seeker and safe Investor oppor
tunities which in Ihe end prove much more
remunerative than money placed In allur
ing boom cities. It is the same old slory of
the hare and the tortoise, and Ihe latter
Tui Pallas Transcript says that the lack
of systematic road work la already seen
throughout different sections of Polk coun
ty, and the r-alem Matesman adds, " not
only seen but also felt," But two counties
in the state have made systematic effort to
have the Mads Improved, these being Clack
am as and Multnomah, and while Ihe plan
has only been In practice in this county for
one season, and has not had a fair show in
that lime, there Is no doubt but what sys
tematic work w ill tell in the long run If it I
upon (he right plan and properly adminis
An eminent English banker says of the
situation in the United Stales: The falling
otf is doubtless largely due to the general
contraction of trade, but the situation is
necessarily aggravated by the position of sil
ver, as was shown by the improvement in
the outlook immediately alter repeal was
expected and the subsequent relapse. It is
not in the natureof things that any govern
ment, finding its revenues, lessening from
general causes, would view calmly the ex
istence of a statutory arrangement requir
ing the government to purchase periodicslly
silver which the country dues not want and
w hich only increases the greatly depreciated
stock in the vaults.
Thi Nehalem Journal remarks that there
has been a wonderful change in the manner
of distributing justice since Thomas A. Mo
ll rule was elected judge of the circuit court
of this district. One can now Irulv say the
laws have not been made for the psolection
of criminals and for the benefit of a few fa
vorites of Ihe court.
Two years ago the democratic mayor ol
Indianapolis bad 2,722 majority. This year
he was defeated for re-election by his re
publican competitor by 3.078 majority. This
is a difference or 5,Ntij votes. The republi
cans also captured the city government in
all its branches by s niilnrly large majori
ties. Tn St. Louis Olole-Iemocrat rises to
remark that "if this be a government or the
silver trust, by the silver trust and for the
silver trust, let this fact be made known at
once." It occurs to us that the senate has
already demonstrated that proosilion In
favor of the silverites.
the poison In your blood, taowerw It
may have come or whatever shape
It mny be taking, la cleared away
by lr, Fiiiroe't Ooldvu Medical Dle
covnry. It's a remedy that rouaea
every organ Into healthful action,
purlilea and enrlclioa the bliMHl, and
through It cleaiiM and Invigorate
tli wkol system. Halt-rheum, Tt
hV lor, Kcsoina. Kryslpelrta, Bolls, Car
bunch. Enlarged OlamU, and tli
worst Humfuloua Bore and towell
ings, are perfectly and poriuanaiitly
eured by It.
Vnllk tli ordinary Spring med
icine or nrMwrtllaa, th ' Olsoov-
ry " work equally wall at all
ou. AU th year round and In all
case, it la punrxiMfMii, as no other
blood meilMii la If It vr fail
to benefit or cur, you have your
money back. You pay only (or the
food you gel
luit It saf to say that ne othar
blood purl Iter caa be "Just a
U It war, wouldn't it b sold I
Tin and Plumbing Shop.
First-class Mechanical
Work Guaranteed.
Seventh street, Oregon City.
A sruorsTiii.t: I.ct the democratic party
put a price on its foreign missions ranging
from twenty. live thousand lo one hundred
thousand dollars, and cover the proceeds
into the treasury to make up the deficit In
the gold reserve. There's millions in It.
Tin democratic party has two elephants
on its hands, the I nited Htates tenate and
Van Alen with his $.'0,iX0 contribution lo
Ihe campaign lund.
The train wreck about Chicago have not
stopped at the three limit but keep right on.
It is a poor day fur news w hen three wrecks
are not recorded.
The phofograpliep
Is propnrcil to mnke photograph
of nil kituls promptly
and in
Babit'n' and Children Picturca
a Spciiily.
Call and examine hi work
At the Old New York Gallery
St'cond elixir
Drug Store.
north of Harding
The recent election in Ihe city of Indian
apolis would indicate that there is a flock
ing of voters toward the republican camp,
since the mayor, clerk, police judge and
six councilmen at large were elected by ma
jorities approximating 3000, reversing
democratic plurality or 2722 two years ago.
Republicans will have at least two-thirds of
the new council, and the mayor having the
appointment of all the boards, the effect Is
to place all the departments of th city In
the bands or the republicans. The mem
bers of these boards all resigned Immedi
ately after the election.
Needy - Nursery,
J. D. NOE. Prop.,
One or tbefspeakers at the World's Good
Boad Congress said:
A great index or a nation's progress is
Its roads. While our country leads the
world In railroads, and while ourColumbian
exposition proves the new world clearly in
advance or all nations in civilization, in
commercial and agricultural progress, in
the one Important interest of roads we are
behind European countries. When we be
gan this Good Roads congress work last
year, there was but little road organization,
now we have several stale road organiza
tions and national leagues for good roads,
and numerous local road associations.
Another eminent speaker said :
Aside from questions of material gain, it
is to be borne in mind that good roads are
the great highways for the advancement of
social lire, education and Christianity. The
visits or friends, the attendance of children
at school, and the gathering together at
church, are all governed to a greater or less
extent by the condition or the roads; and
the abandonment of farms, and the crowd
ing together or people in the cities, is due
largely to the isolation caused by bad means
or communication to and from the farm. .
But the problem to be solved it to pro
vide money to build good roads. Many
farmers are opposed to the good road move
ment, because they believe it means to
them increased taxation, and in some sec
tions of the country agricultural interests
re so depressed that tbey do not feel able
to bear greater financial burdens. It has
been estimated that the state of Illinois
loes $100,000,000 every year because of bad
lowdfc...,,.. ,..
A plan suggested to sccar good roads is
for each state to establish a graduated sue
Tax possibilities of the future are Illimit
able. Now they are talking or using the
trolley at sea, and enthusiasts predict that
submarine ships may go whizzing across
the Atlantic In two days. Perhaps the no
tion is not so visionary as it seems at first
glance. One thing about it Is certain the
trolley would be a great deal safer at the
bottom of tie ocean than In crowded city
streets. Around the world in ten days
would thus be an ordinary occurrence.
Thi reports or recurring wrecks which
have been flashing over the wires from the
East during the past month suggest the pos
sibility that the several railroads centering
in Chicago have been working their em
ployees over hours and that overtired na
ture has at last yielded to the strain and
these accidents with their deaths and wounds
as their harvest have been the result.
A oood plan for the seriate to apply the
physical endurance test and solve the silver
mnddle would be lo strip off coats and vests
and then sail in. After one set has done
up the other fellows the sergeants-at-arms
can probably clear the senate chamber of
the rest and the peoile can select a new set
of senators who will do something.
BsnroKD. Ky., Oct 17, HO.
Editor hSTXHi-iiist: From the turf or
"Blue Grass," whiskey and tobacco, your
old corresfiondcnt thinks ptrlmps some of
your many readers might be interested
in a few items from this locality.
Alter spending twelve days at the fair
and three in Chicago, October fitb found us
in Louisville, where we visited a cousin,
who makes a specialty of the oral cavity.
From the way it rained last Friday, no
webfoot shower would of had a ghost of a
showing. Hi nee, the calm heavy frosts rule
the nigbt, followed with delightful days.
Much of the tobacco is yet uncut and out
on the "sticks," but the whiskey Is secured.
Much of this state and Indiana Is at least
twenty-flv years behind our Pad lie coast
in energy and push. Of course at every
country store people congregate to discuss
the administration and while democracy
largely prevails it Is as largely dissutistied.
On one occasion a Btirbon remarked that
he had been praying for rorty years fur a
democratic administration and now be was
in the mlilsl of one, and hopped to God
such an event would never occur again.
All consented by their silence.
Many over here are not certain whether
Oregon is In Alaska or Florida, yet they are
alive to the fact that good roads are essen
tial for transportation, and having the stone
at hand they apply it to the road question.
The county pays half the cost, or $00 per
mile, provided the turn pike costs 11000 per
mile. Balance is paid by subscriptions.
A toll or 40 cents is charged for team and
wagon for ten mile haul, to keep the pike
in good repair. For negligence In this mat
ter the company In charge is Indicted and
Common laborers here are glad to work
for $15 per month and board, while harvest
hands get $1.25 per day.
The peach orchards here are numbered
by the thousands of acres and an effort is
being made to double the acreage. What
would Oregon produce if she would glye an
equal attention to prunes.
Next week I expect to visit the northern
part or Missouri returning home about the
middle or November.
Yours Respentlully,
J. W. Thomas.
A fine lot of all kindx of
Ready for Fall Trade.
A lot of one and two-year-old
Italian and Petet Prune
TREES. All healthy.
When your purso in light, your oarninR nmall and you
to mako your dollar ilo douMu duty,
And bo eonvincrd thftt thin in tlio jdaco to trado,
Produce of nil Kinds Taken.
1 Pair IrtditV citHhnirro ho
1 pair rhildrt'it and micni'it wool lion.
7 mwolri Clurko'a O. N. T. thrrnd.
5 yiinln cood tirint.
2 pair all woo buov hone.
1 croohi'ted wool hahy iHituu't.
1 ltidioo' riblxd Hlovvid undi-rvt st.
15. 10, and IS txuindH of itujjar.
2-" jiound of Imhih.
L'O Hltlll4 Hi rii'o.
5 2 Kiiiidrt caiiH corn U'cf.
fl-OUU, - IM5K - HAUUlil. . Sj,j
Park Placo Cash Storo.
furniture ard fJtydertairil
$rxr(fr ftffl - IH;
ti?' ;-. f?7? ''Lrii r-tsfn
R. L. Holman carries a flno lino of Furniture.
Lounces, Wall Paper and Carpots at lowest pos
sible living rates, also a flno lino of Caskets and
uorans. Ladies' and Gents' robos, which ARE
Cut of lit-arso in thin advi'itim-iiR'Ht.
Apple and Pear Trees,
A fine line of 1 and 2ycaroldn,
Will not
the lowest.
be undersold. Prices
Accohmko to a treasury statement issued
by Secretary Carlisle the total amount of
money in circulation in the United States
October 1, was H.701,03'1,019. The average
circulation per capita, estimating popula
tion at 67,306,0)0, is therefore $25.29. Net
increase in circulation during Beptember,
121,877,277. Greatest item of increase being
gold coin, Tic: fH.aiD.74i. -
I New York beta are freely made that
McKinley will have 50,000 plurality.
Ia the line of furnituro. rftrrietn win
dow shades, wait paper, lonnjjes and
mattreHHe yon can beat Portland prices
i)j caning in ma ureiron tjiiy buna
uiock under me f-KTUHPjiwa oilice. z
Call and see the lounires at R. 1.
Holman and you will see some uood
ones which they are selling almost at
manufacturers prices
In the Circuit Court nf thr Stile of Oregon for
me i.ouiiiy 01 uacsamaa
AllceSoners, plaintiff, . Calvlu Houera, dof't.
To Calvin Hniirra, Iivlendant:
In the lameol tha State nf Orcron: You are
required toarjiear to ami atiittvr the onmiililni
ni die planum nen-in mi Mmi'iny, the liih ilay
ol November. A. I). Ik3: arid If von full in n.
wer the plaintiff will apply U the court lor the
relief prayed for In Ihe complaint, lo wit: for
a necree himoIviik the Wml mnirlmony
How exlatlne between yon anil nlaliilllT on the
around oi wiiniii deaertlnn and ahamlnnment
of plaintiff herein lor a perlon of more than one
year prior to the commem eineni of thin milt, to
wu: aince m-piennmr, A. l, 1HN7; ami that
plaintiff have the care, cimtody and control nf
her minor nhlld, Klhel Houeri. and for audi
other u4 further rullef aa to the court may
eem eiiltahle and pint, and for her emu and
This nimmoni la published by order nf lion,
boyal H. Hli-urm, Jmlgeof the 4th Judicial Dis
trict ol the State of Oregon.
iated September 19. A. l. ISM.
-2l:ll-8 Attorney, lor Plaintiff.
The latest in visiting cards at the Ek
tkbphibs Okficb. Prices to suit you.
ToTbadb. Two yoke ef good work
oxen for oats or bay. Apply to Glad
stone sa w ro i U office.
Kbadsb'i IIiaoachi Cafbvlcs-Wab
la one that brings big
la the one that does
what la claimed for It
will en re all Dlneanefl of the Kld
neyaand Orinaryorirans. Comitl
pallon, InnlM-tea, BcitMing- Painx
when Urinatititf, 1'aina in thr
Hack and I.iluU. Irritation ol
the lrlaller. Hriclc Dutrt luali
and IlriKht'a DtaeuK,
Live a Long Time with
out paying Intereet on
your Lease of Life, by
suffering- f
Prairie Nursoripq! RCETS -;- wanted
X X ail 1U IX Ul itS 0n s.Ury .ml CummWon lor the o!r
DAVID J. COX, Prop.,
Apple, Poar, Chorry, Poach,
Prune. Plum, Apricot,
Noctarlne and
Tret's Strong and Healthy and
True to Name.
Apodal earn taken in diircinr
prevent mutilating tlm roots.
Unlcrs promptly fill,.,!. Pr;
to suit the tiiiii-H. Writo for pric
Would bo pleased to Nffi rilu tVI,..,,!,,
and patrons in his m:w
quarters on
Third and Morrison Streets.
Over Golden Hulu Uazitar.
Blacksmithing and Repairing.
Having one ofllie I
Biography of James G. Blaine
His literary r-xocntor, with th
otiuration of his family, and fur Mr.
Hlainu's complete works, "Twtitf
Wars of Congress," and his Utef
Ixxik, "Political Iiiscussitms." On
Jirostwvtiis for theao three best kH
iiir Ixx.ki in the market. A K. P
Jordan of Maine took 112 orJcrf
from first 110 calls; agent's
l0.). Mrs. Itallard of Ohio took
fifteen orders, thirteen Seal Rui,
in one day; profit f2(l.'J5. E. K
Iticeof Massachusetts, took twenty-
seven onlers in two days; pnk
47.2.1. J. Partridge of Maine, tik
forty-three orders from thirty-n
calls; profit $7.1.25. E. A. Iw
of North Dakota, took fifty-three
orders in three, days; jimfit '
Exclusive Territory given. If If
wish to make Largo Money, writ
immediately for terms to
t th io ii ion ky i5i ix run co,
Norwich, Conn.
"it sliiii-rn In
NIhI In n,u I
- .iiijiiii, i mtiXM
Shop opposite corner from Pope's
hardware store.
J'artles ileairlri Wood Turning, M
Urn, BrnckcU, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Hnltod by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
fJ"Op. the Congregational C'Z
1 bare now In mr hands (nndi appltcahleto
lb payment ol all warrants endorsed prior to
July IS, JHWl. Intereit will ecate from !ateol
tali notice. s. B. CAUKF,
Treasurer of Clackamaa evuiitT.
Dated Orefea Clir. top. B, IWt. (T
-iternlftr mtUn Iklrd Tueadar oi nih
Bontn at 7:w f . M. J. I) kimmsb rfnt.
H. V. Hrsisies, ttee.
8, Darxiam, fro.
,,. OO TO .
Flue PerTDEerlEs anlToUct Articles.
FiiTTa. oils, ml
Livery, Ftod and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rig", n()
die horses nlwava on band at
A corrall conned
lowest nricpfl.
nrllV, Ik. 1,... . 1. .tnolr
Information regarding any k'n2
stock promptly Utendod to by pero"'
Horse Douht and Sold'