Oregon City hntcrprise. FRIDAY, OCT01IKK 27, Iwi.t Clucknmns Co. Directory. CUWWTT UrriCKNH. c"iVl Court. ' rTMW'or, jtuTi!'ii,'"u""'"'' 0ul.fUt. Cufus.r. i. W M-Mnim li r. HnrtoH !. W, (Ulmill . H M h,m.l, J.I) Wili.r.n ), ;. II 0!l.n Rl.tiiv Hin)rth M I. Ilmmaii I lllrlmri) Hri M'nili.llm li.i, uiiKtioN city urricKim T, WHiillImn l. I. I'irir J I'urtliitn i. K Kh..l,.. F J. Uula II R 1't.u gtrvti,iitmitl..l"nr, mi. tfllltlf.r. LiiH'Hui" 0 Alliflhl. Jr., II. I, M i.rMinttall. W A Wl.ll.. J J W ot iimii.I1, J, U. I'orur ui T. I', tui). Ull. taunrll niMUlrat WiiiwUr blurs mouth ts cur bll. ; iiuir( w. H. nwn Mli Smylli in Jr.. II I. r p lirMiiinaii, w Whll, J J, ('.,.. J. fTh way to build up Oregon Cll U to Orrgoa (iljr people jour palronuxc PERSONAL NOTES. MUsMlna CHAT ADOUT TOWN. (iixxt grwn In 30c. pound. Choice anrulotixl IIT'.c. a kjuihI it llto Red Front. Wauled, a ulrl about I:' yritri old in Ui rau-iiy of hunt. Imiuire st tlili Ollno. tf. Winding up sale ' Ilia former stick oJJUyrr .V Ackerman, Hsturday, Octo ber I'H. l tii.'l. lUillciiny A llim. li wll lotihgxs in Tort' Uinl, llirrr.fi iro Ki'l llinir price clore you buy III Portland, j I r jr grsmiUlod sugars IS to 111 JWIHI'U II, rll Coir. i'.'H'. Kjlll tml m-IkmiI UMiki, iul iti'lie aay down, ul the lied Front. Mi. Al 1 1 wui ' the old rclUblu horse ihiwr ill lx) found kI H. K. Kciituni's biwkiiiiilli' nlui where lia will ! jUhiumhI to meet oll ami new (rlnU !ik. J tf lUII's Hair Kmewer contains llm nat ural food " 1 tnilor-tnt t-r ir llm hair, to. I medicinal limb fur tlm al, curing ltyiniw, haldnoM, dandtuir, and acslp tofr. Tiior w ill Ihi a aoiial lor llm eeveral Grand Army organisations iriveii at tlm bourn of Aloiiao Vlchaiu on Friday avrniiig of next week liy tlm ladies of llm E. t, lUker ramp, No. H, lo which mrmUm u( tlm U. A. It., and tlm V. B.C. of Mra.lo I'ont and tlm Hona of Yetrrana am all invltmi and linmilwd a IraiMMil limn with nfrmliminla. ItroUKhlun'a Or'un Cily Mill liav xitn rnnnliiK ortlnm and Hundajra lalnly lo fill tha ordnr (or tlm I'ortlund (irnoral I'.li-ctrlo company In getting out IniiiW lor tholr l'nlve work arroM tlm rlvor. A part of tlila waaK Inch floiring, thrvo lni'hia thick with tiingua and gniova una Inch thick. General hnildlng and rrpalra Inddont to the arawm have inadn inlt a Imal do mand for IiihiIkt. Tlm ln rrailiiiK room la now hflng palronlwd hrtUT than avur Iwfora and try fair aiicrM la liclng mot with In -curing atilncriilli)na for It uKrt. A many of the mnrvhanla of the city hva taken wood on account aoma of them wholiava an cvor aupply might Uglad to know that the readmit room mould hf glad lo have donation of wood nd that It would m fully a accoptahlo m monny al thla time wlmn the room tnuat Ihi kept fomfortahlo for thoao who jatlmr tluire to read tho pajn'r and niai'iuinc. llyla,wa are my to re- rt, on llm (irk jut, IIm llray, of Heattle, In vUlllng hor "it, Mm. Itliodti oftlilaclty. I. W, (Irai e the entiirprliiliig iimri'liaut of Clarknt wiia In the cily on Tunwlay. Mla Vivian Mlman.of Harrla.Omgon, I vUltlng I. H. Lawrtmi.e of Kalla Vluw. Among tlm I'ortlimdiira In the llv on Tiu.iily wan Tlmo. Wygant on of the early aolllcra of thla city. Mra. N. It, ItaUr and Mr. Flatter and daughtur CUra.of Corvallla, are the gueaU of Mra. Major Tho. Charman. Mia I.u. II. Morrill who la attending hualnitM college In Portland waa up to nd the Hahhalh with heraialer Annie. I. UMahlnu haa gone to eaaUirn Ore gon lo look alter aotne VMJ acre of vain- hle laud which he own in the I'owder Ulvnr Valley. Mra. l'eler I'iiint returned the flritt of tlm wwk from a thrne wixtk'a vlait with hrller, Mra. W. K. (iarrotaon, of Tint Itallm. A. U. I.lltln, rounly attrveyor of Col iiinliia County waa In the illy on Friday iunMH lliig the road Work which la biting dona In ami around the city, Ned Towmuuid, accompanied by hli luothnr of Portland, aptmt a couple of daya in tlm cily thla week the guttata of 0. (i. Huntley mid hla mother. II. K. Hiuitli went up to Jcffuraon Ktin- day to join J. II. Walker who waa there on huiini'M, for a hunt on Mouduy. They made a gowd bag of Denny. Mim Nullie, (laughter of Mr. Chaa MiMtliuke, who live on the went aidt) of llm river waa taken aerloualy ill laat Fri day and at laxt account waa not iuiprov Ing any. Mr. C. Ilaird, accomiianled by her Wedding mid Reception. Aunouncemuiit wa made taat week of the furl that Itev. J. A, Ki kaUjrm had been grunted a llconae to wed In Multno mah county. The eequid to thl la of courae a wedding which occurred at Trinity church In 1'ortland on Tuuday, Mr. Kktonn met Iti bride, Miroi Fannie 1'. Hardy at the Union Pacific train on Tuuadny morning, the having come from Chicago to join him and a few hour laUtr the I'.iahop pronounced the aoltimn word which bound them for life. Mr. Kckiitotm haa made no aecret of the fact that he expected aoon to be married and ha been butty for aoine time fitting up the rectory for hi wife' nx-eptlon o that It would be all ready for ihein to Win housekeeping In lm modlatuly ujion her arrival. A plcaaant recuptiun wa arranged for Thuraday evening at the home of Mr. and Mr. Geo. Warner. Aa Mr. Fxkatorm baa made many warm friunde here both In and out of hi own church hi wife will be accorded a warm welcome by her hiiabtind'a fricndi, and from the report of Mr Kcktttorin which have preceded her all the way fiom her diataut home In the Kat we feel awiured that her huahand'a friend will aoon be lmr own a well aa hi own on account of her own good grace and merit. J ne Meant WHOLESALE GROWERS AND DEALERS. Cannot be UndeBold. Immense StockI Write Ub! Solo Crowers of the New PACIFIC PRUNE, Karlicat. Moat Prolific and beat drying prune grown. Send for Catalogue. SUUM & IUW. Mount Tabor, Oregon. w a lit V . Of,7 aafe. Next year he will have twelve aluUtr, Mra. Cordon, of Pacille Urove, ; m Ulore i or thirty five acre ( alllornia, wa In Inn city lite Unit of the week tiaillng her daughter, Mr A. H. Ilreaaer, After an ahaence of a couple of month dining which lime ho haa Ix-on in Nun Fraticiaco, Chicago and other point", C. P, Thore ha returned to hi home in Ihi city. Judge A. K. Wail, who formerly re aided in thla county, waa up on Friday greeting old friend. While here he took uranioii to vh.it the land olllce through which lm waa ahown by Col. Millor Mr. Thore of the Portland Chronicle, wa In the cily the flrat of the week look ing around and was much aurprtaed to find that the place had grown bo much audio note the aplrit of advancement every where apparent, D. F. I.lnn and wife were on theatreoli on Monday imirning greeting their friend and antillngly glad to return to the tat of their adoption. 8Naking of the great fair they aald that it could not be do crllted ta it wa too ImmenHe for either word, picture or en lo deacrlbe and that It muat tie aeon to be appreciated. Uat Saturday the Hon. Ja. M.Traeey ami hi wife returned from Ihelrtripto the world' fair and to hi old hoire In the Faal well pleased with hia trip yet glad withal to get back to Oregon. Mr. Trai-ey nay that he alawy had a aneak ing notion that he would like to get back to the F.at and that It In many rwpeota waa better than Oregon, but that hi trip ha effectually knocked all that out of film and now he it autiaflod that there ia no country aa good aa Oregon. Married. BKACII-WAKI). At the home of the bride' parent' on October 25, in Oregon City.by Hev. U. Wm.Gil.oney. Mr. Ihtnlleach and Mia Uuanie Ward. Monmouth School Note. Monmouth, Oct. 23. The enrollment of atudent ia Increaaing, there being now enrolled about 310. Preaident Campbell made flying trip to Portland laat week and viailed the ex poflitlon while there. Prof, ltloaa of the Ktate Agricultural college delivered Btindy in chattel the drat of a aerie of lecture, which will continue during the winter. Mr. B. F. Mulkey, county clerk o Polk county and a graduate of the State Normal achool and Mr. Hawley, of Polk county, addreaaed the atudenta in chaiiel laat week. IU-V. Armatrong, of Davton, occupied the pulpit in the ChriHtian church Sun dav niorninir and evening in the ab sence of the regular paator, Rev. Smith. Perhapi eome of our reader would like to know in what reapect Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is bctUtr than any other. We will tell you. When the Remedy Is taken a aoon aa a cold haa been con tracted, and before it haa become set tled in the ayatem, it will counteract the effect of the cold and greatly leaaen it's severity, and U ia the only remedy that will tlo tliia It acta in perfect harmony in all; twelve acrea additional to this ... ntt,.lr ...j .tj. naiure In relicvinu will be act nut in the apring uti De IB t,1(J junifM oixftiinK the eecrellons, liquify- Profit In Hops. The Pilverton Apiteal aaya that Jame Down, of Down's station, aold hi crop of IM.OOO (Kjunda to George Muecke of Aurora. For 18 cents per pound. For this he realised the snug sum of $0222, Mr. Down ia ouite an enthusiaat in the hop buaiuea and be ha made a aludy of hop growing for aeveral years and his method are somewhat different from thomi of other growers in this ection HiMvarda are rented for two-thirds of the prolit, thua making him erfectly PUBLIC SALE I .a The underHiimcd, a reHident of Clackamas county, Oregon, having eoia bin farm aituated one-hall mile west oi viiHonvuie, or uotjuc Ferry, will Bell at Public Sale, on Saturday, November 4th, 1893, Commencing at 9 A. M., the following property: One black mare, 5 years old, weight 1300; one gray mare. 7 years old, weight 1325; two bay mares, 4 and 6 years old, weight 12X) and 1300; one 2-year-old colt, one yearling colt; one Holstein cow, 6 years old, will cafve Nov. 9; one first-class cow, 6 years old, giving milk; one beef cow, about 45 head of sheep, 30 goats, one fine sow and eight pigs, six hogb, one wagon, one two seated hack, two sets double harness, one man's saddle, one ladies' saddle, one binder, one mower, one self-dump horse rake, one adme harrow, one new 3-section harrow, four plows, one cider press, pair new platform scales, small pair platform scales, two fanning mills, one cook stove, one parlor stove, one lawn mower, one hop spray pump with all attachments, one caldron, three dozen chickens, one cask linseed oil, one barrel Prince Albert paint 300 pounds, forks, shovels, hoes, grubbing hoes, saws, axes, augurs, household furni ture, and a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10 and under, cash in band. All sums over $20 and under $100, one year's time, and all sums over $100 two year's time. All notes to bear 10 per cent interest with ap proved security. c- T TOOZE. thinking of selling out another forty acre fluid. If he doea thla will make eighty-aeven acre in hops on his farm. Some Supreme Court Deelalona.. A number of supreme court decisions wore handed down the first of the week among which were the following which kre of interval to people of this section : In the matter of the estate of W. II. Clayson, deceased, Kmma Jane Clayson, respondent, vs. Charlea Clayson, appel lant: apal from Cluckamaa county; judgment reversed and the cause re manded for further proceedings as may be diHtmlted proper. Charlea Logus, administrator, respon dent, va. Kxra Unison, appellant; appeal from Clackamae county ; Judgment af firmed. Opinion r curiam. Uarkleyet al., vs Oregon Cily; mo tion (or rehearing denied. To the Public. Having decided to continue the under taking buslneas as carried on by my lute husband, Mr. C. P. Wineset, I would axk for a share of the public patronage when circumstance makea it necessary. Mv business will be in charuo of Mr. S F. Scripture, who will tie found ready and comjietent to attend the same. Respectively, Mas. C. P. Wiskskt Card of Thanks. To the many kind friends who assisted me during the long illness and death of mv husband, 1 desire to return my thank through the column of the En kihk for their timely assistance and nathy. Mas. 0. P. Winkskt. The latest styles of fall and winter millinery at Hamilton A Johnson'a suc cessors to Hamilton ouwn, removeu to The Red Front. TKKI' sympathy ing the mucus and causing its expulsion from the aircells of the lungs and restor ing the system to a strong and healthy condition. No other remedy in the mar ket possesses these remarkable proper ties. No other w ill cure a cold ao quick ly. F'or sale by George A. Harding, druggiat. POPE& CO. Thi old and reliable firm always keep in stock a lull line of E. E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, OREOOIl CITY. Masonic Building. IfijKj, M ail fatm Ma, Tiine, etc. Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing Attended to Promptly. Es timates Furnished. OREGON CITY OREGON Notice. G. W. r roofer's new hall Is finished at Oswego, Oregon and will be rented by the night as follows except Friday nights as the Good Tein piers have that night, on and after the first Sunday in Septem ber until further notice; Oswego granges each second Saturday in the month. For dance all niuht w ith piano, 5.00; for dunce half night with piano, 2.50 ; any show $5.00. Good stage and well lighted. G. W. Thosskr, Proprietor, tf The People's FttTorlte. The Famous Seaweed Remedy ia still in the front. Scores have been cured here in town by it and willing to testify to its success as a cure for Rheumatism. All who suffer should give it a fair trial. Sold by Thayer & Alden, Main street. and G. Hargreaves, south Madison j Special sizes of Doors and Windows made to order. si reei. -THE- Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry the Largest Stock of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Oregon City. Wood Sawing. The Babcock woodsaw. Work quickly and cheaply done. Leave orders at Grout A Confor'a office or address me at Ely. Elmkr Dixon. Turning of all kinds Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnished on application. Builders, give us a call, and see if our work is not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest Price List sent on application. Factory, Cor. Mian and 11th sts.. Oregon City. Meal Goods fop pall and Winter 5 mum They have to go Hard Times, High Prices and Big Profits cannot exist in this town, because we have the Goods and make the prices that saves the people's money. A splendid assortment, which includes EMYTHIG NEW AND DESIRABLE FOR THIS SEASON. REMEMBER! We deal fair and save you dollars on every one of your purchases with us. Call and inspect the stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC. Just arrived an elegant line of Ladies Jackets and Gossamers at astonishingly low prices TBIJE STOKE OF I. SELLING.