CLACKAMAS COUNTY TUE ENTERPRISE CORRESPOND ENTS SWEEP THE FIELD. JLn Entr i-prlslng School Hoard Procures New Seats Note Coqcernhiff the Mck. Cai, Oct. 23. What a pleasant surprise It would be to have prolonged dry spell lusting U to Thanksgiving or Christinas! , Wish the clerk of the weather would take the hint. The notice of school meeting for Octo ber 14 was recalled, as lawful time between the notice and the meeting waa not given. J. K. Graham, one of the directors, circu lated a subscription paper among the pat rons, the object being to secure funds for the purchase of desks and seats. He was fortunate enough to secure between sixty and seventy dollars W. V. May went to Portland last week -and purchased the above mentioned school furniture. This prompt attention on the part of patrons and school board speaks well for this district. Eugene Ogle of Molalla, is giving inunc tion on the organ to a class iu this vicinity, numbering five pupils, as follows: Ilorton Graham, Clara Graham, Mary Uornshuli, Ida Var, Lulu Hayward. Mrs. Henry Hornshnh is quite ill, being confined to her bed part of the tinw. Little Mary Morse has about recovered from her attack of typhoid pneumonia, but is still kept withindoors. Silas Griffith is ljing very ill with what appears to be pleurisy. Pr. Thomas of Hea ver Creek is in attendance. Mr. Griffith is anxious to rent his farm to some party who will purchase his stock and farming tools. Mrs. Walter Emmet is recovering under the treatment of Pr. Thomas. John E. Jones is oat apiiii after a long illness. Some interest and much anxiety is felt concerning the proiosed new road from Mt. ! Fleasant to Molalla. The interest centers on the injustice of forcing such an expens ive, needless harden apoa the farmers. Some have signed the petition for this road. not having at tlie time, fairly understood the intent and purpose of its projectors. uch names will come otl as licli t breaks in upon their understanding. Carusites are not so easily hoodwinked. They are it close-fisted either, but onto ask fair play and a small amount of consideration. Calla. a wagon while gone and will now neither loan nor borrow. Miss Winnie Haley, who hits been visit ing her sister, Mrs, M. J. John, at Wood burn for the past week returned home on Friday of last week. II. K. Van H.'iKvn, of San Francisco, gave us a call one day last week. Mr. Van listen is one of the commission niercants of San rraucisco, and Is out here looking after the Oregon potatoes and he thinks that the price of potatoes will rule good this year, We think so to providing that we can get them harvested in good shape. K. K. Cunningham and wife, J. K. May and wife, were the guests of K. H. Hilton and wife last Sunday. Iten Wolfer, as Needy, sold 40 acres of his farm near Mr. Hain't and bought 70 acres from Mr. Honiesly of the Sam Jesse farm. E. K. Cunningham and J. I. Poller went up to Uutteville last Saturday. Ther re port having a nice trip and a splendid time, coming home in the rain and mud. 8. K. Toogood is taking iu the exposition at Portland this week. Mrs. N. Poaier and Miss M. M. Spagla is also visiting the exposition at Portland this week. IIii.low Dad. Garfield hem. GAarrux, Oct. 17. Threshing is all done at last. The last was qaite wet work. t. W. Palmateer lost quite a quantity in the chaff, also Mr. Hay and Mr. Anders. At the present they are having "stirring times"' with their wet grain. It is estimated that J. W. Palmateer lost 40 bushels of oats, Mr. Hay 210 bushels and Mr. Anders 75 on account ot the rain. Their grain was in the shock. C. 8. Porter is quite ill. Dr. Hickman of Clackamas has been called in to attil him. His wife was quite ill for the past two weeks and is just able to be around. School betran on the 14th in the Trarey school house, Mr. Moran teacher in charge. There is to be a school of two months to use up the money on hand. Farmers are trying between showers to do some fall seeding, but as the ground is as wet as it ever is in December they will not bav to si kali the prain before sowing. Mr. Peterson recently lost a fine three- year old filley from some kind of fever. The family that bought part of the Fol sora place have built temporarily and moved in and are now hauling limber to build a large house, Mr. Abbott has his new bouse nearly fin ished. George Miller and John Johnson of Port land made Garfield friends a visit the past week. Mrs. Annie Carey has come to spend the winter with her parents, J. P. Irvins. The water in the streams hereabouts was higher the past week than ever known at this time of year. Straw stack all look like volcanoes up here, smoking from heating. Hev. James Euro's has returned from a visit of three months to his former home in Virginia His oldest daughter came back with him. Mrs. Stingley's dry house caught fire one day last week, but the fire was promptly subdued by Mrs. Stingley and family. It is now good weather over head but mud dy under foot. New Era Newslet. Nkw Ea, Oct. 2.', Potato digging is the order of the day in this locality. The crop would have been fair but for the heavy rains, which Hooded the low lands and thereby has caused hundreds of bushels to rot, making many acres unlit to dig. H. K. Von Hagen, of the firm of Stein hapen it Co., of San Francisco, was here yesterday interviewing the potato growers on the general outlook of their potato crop and would solicit a share of our shipments. E. S. Foster with his family left here lust Thursday for his new home near Eugene. Bom, tvtober 19, lsstl, to the wife or Mike Harris, a son. All doing well. A new hall is well toward completion near the Philips school house. This hall is intended mostly for literary and debating purposes, but will be opened for all sorts of public speaking and moral entertain. n rents. L. Furguson had the niitfortune to have one of his horses gored to death a short time ago. Rubin Fanton has the contract for the construction of a shed fur the grangers at New Era. Mr. Fanton has the shed well under way and when completed it will fur nish ample room for all the horses that will likely be at any meeting, being 1 feet long by 12 feet wide. K. D. Stone has gone to eastern Oregon on business. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. C. Phelps visited friends in Portland and Oregon City Friday and Saturday of last week returning home Sunday. H. A. Waldron contemplates attending the mid-winter fair in California this winter. OSWhWSOMKMCT. Several Social Events ('umpire to Make the Iron T il Lively, Osaxito, Oct. 24 Mrs, Win, Evans en tertained a few friends last Saturday even ing and all had an enjoyable time. The Misses I .emery and Pycr gnve a little hop last Saturday evening In honor of Mla Utile Miller of Hutu tills, whowasviaiting the Misses U-mery, Mlit Miller returned home Monday, The Messrs. Fields ot Oregon City were In tlswtgo on Tuesday on business. Win. Foley is on a pleasure trip In East ern Oregon. A. J. Monk visited friends In Oswego for a few days recently, J, Miller returned from a visit of Ave months In Ohio and Kentucky Tuesday. He brought a wile with him. Mrs. Hawley, who was visiting Mrs. Stew art, has returned to her home In Centralis, Washington. Her. Alderson Is holding protracted meet ings at the Methodist church ; Kev. Struble is assisting him. Judge Haines was In Oregon City on busi ness Tuesday. Walter Todd is happy, as a little girl ar rived at his house last week, having come to stay . Geo. Wagner of Portland visited C. N. Haines ot Oswego Sunday. Prof. P. 1(. llussard's new band Is pro gressing finely and the protessor is quite happy. Prof. Seaman will give a ball In Prosser's new hall next Saturday evening. Miss Minnie Mils is very sick at present. We hope for her speedy recovery. ItOMH. The NEW CASH STORE at Canto IS STILL IN TH6 LEAD. OAK tillOVE. Loratloa of the Neighborhood School Notes- Sundry Personal Items, Milwaukee News. Milwaukee, Oct. L'4.-Mr. and Mrs. T. U. A. Sell wood returned home lust week from a month's visit to friends and relatives in Iowa and Chicago. They also visited the world's fair. The county road between here and Clack amas is now being graded and heavily grav eled. The farmers and others who travel this road are pleased to see this work go on, and hope to see it on other bad roads. Our newii,i0 school building is being Oae Gkovk, Oct. 21 Oak Grove is situ ated three miles south-east of Macksburg and about the same distance west of IJI eral. The Oak Grove school began October tl, C. E. Harney teacher, with twenty scholars. This is Mr. Harney's second term of school at this place, lie has been engaged to teaih five months this winter. Suierintendent Gibson made our school a pleasant visit last Wednesday, leaving the scholars greatly benelited by his remarks on schools in general. Miss Grace Jordan has returned home to continue her studies at school after a visit ol three months at Keiitwn, Oregon, Wiu. II. White has Just completed sow ing thirty acres of wheat, the largest piece yet sown In this neighborhood this full. Phillip Grave has sown twenty acres of wheat on Mr. Itruner's farm. Ed Morris came home from Idaho, where he went last spring, on last Saturday. He has been sick in bed four weeks and his ap pearance shows it, as he looks as if he had been pulled through a knot hole. Otis Morris has gone to Oregon City to work for A. W. Howard. J. K. Morris ot Oregon City made his mother a short visit week before last. Messrs. L. Ileitis ami J. Damm attended the lodge at Aurora last Saturday night and did not get home until six o'clock Sun day morning as it was so wet and muddy. W. W. H. Samson left here last Saturday tor Portland to bring home his father if the They are soiling more and bottcr goods for tho money than any other house in tho county. Tho reason for this is THEY SELL FOR CASH. And do not have to make you pay what you looso on some one else. They havo a complete lino of Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents Furnishings, iioots ana Shoes, Hardware and Groceries, and pay tho highest price for produce. Remember tho placo. 0MLTOE1I i M CANBY, - - - OREGON. mm IlAHIGIIOKST & COMPANY, Kit Front Slreet. HARDWARE Ni.rthiicru A(rnli fur ATKI1VS Portland, Oregon. Deiler -Diamond,-" el dsn I- -Tuiilrti.ih Ifcilar t-mr Milwr Hot A 1 V Si' 1 1 I j3 v Crescent Wedges (warranted.) II & S 1'roof OliAins. Arcade FilfH. Loggers and Vod niopjKTs Sjn'rialtieH. Oregon City Agent, ...... Kopo. Crescent M WILSON A COOK iBHR-LOCK TYPEWRITERS THE MODERN WRITING MACHINE. built very rapidly. It will be ready lor the tjoctor.ill allow his removal Mr. Siinison has greatly Improved the a Clarkes Colli tiff. Clabkes, Ocf 23. H. Bingo's friends will be pleased to here that both his and Mrs. Bingo's health have greatly improved since their jonrny at Newport. They may prob ably buy a stock ranch near there. A. Cole was here entertaining the people with his phonograph, and several have been around with magic lanterns. Christina Bcherruble, from Oregon City, is home visiting her parents and friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Grace went to Van couver to visit relatives Monday. A. Feircloff, Harry Lee and Harry Gard contemplate going to Portland to visit the fair. We have not learned whether their best girl is to accompany them or not. Several of the Clarks went to the dance at the K. L. hall at Highland and had an enjoyable time. C. Larking and wife were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grace last Sunday. Mrs. Bettie Gray, who has been visiting here for four months has returned to her home in Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell and Merle went to Portland last Tuesday to visit the Fair. Alma. lathers in a very short time. John Welzler, jr., has the contract for lathing and plaster ing. This building is a grand thing for our little town, as the old building is entirely inadequate for the number ol scholars that attend. Three teachers will be employed when the new bnilding is finished, which will be about January 1. H. C. Compton had the misfortune to sprain his right wrist which will keep bim from bis work for a few days. A number of our young men havecluhbed together and started an evening school. T. J. Gary is employed as teacher. This is a movement in the ncbt direction and we wish the boys abundant success. Any young man that wishes to improve his edu cation is welcome to attend. Mrs. James G. Wilson left on Monday for her old home in Pennsylvania where her mother is lying ill. She expects to be gone some time. Marks Prairie Muttering. Masks Pbaikik, Oct. 23. Well! well! and still it continues to rain and of course it is dead onto the poor fanners that can't sow their wheat nor dig his potatoes. But the man who has got over 92000 worth of bops over and above his expenses this year is in a peck of trouble to know Just how to get $4000 out of them. T. M. Farnsworth and wife visited the citizens of Woodburn and Gervais tor a couple of days last week, and were well pleased with their trip. T. M. purchased come, Bedland News. Redlaho, Oct. 18. The news from this place is rather startling. Mit Campbell's horse was shot seemingly with a double barrel shot gun, as it was shoton both aides. This is the second horse that has been shot in the same manner and near the same place, and is the only horse he had. They think that they know the man and if suf ficient evidence can by got I fear the man will suffer violence from a mob. Joseph Coldridge and wife, of Oregon City was on a visit to Mr. Boylan's last week and while there was treated to a social dance by the Boylan ladies. All went oirhapily and the gay party kept the musi cian busy until a late hour. But the Red land store did not fare to well. While the proprietor was waiting on someone, some others stole near a box of herring and a can of oysters, but Mr. Johnson has them spotted and sufficient evidence to make a grand jury case out of it, and if it is not settled will have to complain. Wheat is now moving freely to Oregon City and times will be better. 'I'OHCH LlUIIT. Stafford gifting. BTArroiiD, Oct. 23. Sunday night there was quite a frost, the first of the season. The themometor registered 29 above zero, We are now having foggy weather morn ings which help to convince us that fall Is really here. The apple crop is late along with every thing elso this fall. A good many varieties are not ripe enough to pick freely. Sharps' set their thresher last Saturday and threshed clover and timothy. The clover crop is not as good as usual, the seed is somewhat shriveled and has not had enough dry weather to thoroughly cure it. The dance at John Mayers' hall last Hat urday wa a grand success. Mrs. A. Melcher has Just had a cancer on her face cured. The cancer was of a year's standing. The Stafford literary society meets next Saturday evening at 7:30. Visitors ase Wei. iiearance of his tine farm during the past six months by slashing and grubbing. J lie uerman church at .Marksimrg was attended by several from Oak Grove last Sunday. I'anhy Chat. Casby, Oct. 2.1. The past week has been the opening one for the nursery business at this place, the first shipment having been made last Saturday by Kd Kainmerand P, J. Cox of 1500 prune trees to a Seattle tree dealer. S. Mathew is negotiating with a San Fran Cisco linn to sell to them lifty thousand pe tile prunes. The literary and debating society, lately organized in Kvans's ball held their regular meeting last Friday evening and elected of ficer for the ensuing quarter Harry C. O if more, president; David Cox, secretary; Grant White, marshal. After which the following question was debated ; Kesolved, That emigration is preferable to immigra tion. Affirmative, J. C. Walgamot, I. Fisher, 8. La If, Geo. Lee, Geo. Hampton and Grant White. Negative, M. H. White, K. M. Hosford, Geo. Knight, I). J. Cox, Blaine White and O. K. Mack. The discus sion was animated and was decided by the judges in favor of the alllrmative. The next regular meeting will be held in Kvans's nan i oursuay evening. J. Kiglerof Woodburn ha purchased and taken possession of the Rogers hotel at this place. Kugene Ogle of Molalla has organized a class In Instrumental mmnc at this place. He gives lessons on Monday of each week. L. Rogers, who has resided in this city the past three years, moved to a farm hear town on Monday. Mrs. Harris, who has been running the Roger hotel, has moved into the house re cently vacated by L. Rogers. James isojin, or Kiverside, has lust fin ished hauling 10O cords or railroad wood for the Southern Pacific company. Je Smith, or San rraucisco, was visiting his nephew, W. A. Avery, the past week. Geo. Knight spent Saturday and Sunday visiting the exposition in Portland, return ing home Sunday evening. M. K. Bain, editor or the Three Sisters at Barlow, was in town Tuesday on business Miss Annie Vorpahl visited the exposi tion at Portland last Thursday in company with her sister Minnie. Visible Writing, Permanent Alignment, Automatic Ribbon Re verse, Automatic Line Space, Interchangeable Platen Most Rapidly Adjusted Margin Stop. w rtwitflfcawV;'; leoiaodvic W V V Oregon City Users. If. J. Thnrnn, AhstrnctH. (I. K. Haven, Attorney. Geo. C. IlrownMI, Attorney. Cowing A Cowing-, Attorney". E. M. fUnilrt, Kntkhi'iiihw oilice Dovico for Writing on Rulod Linos, Extreme Manifold IWr Typo Cleaned in Five Seconds, Most Noiseless, All Woar Absolutely Compensated. SCOTT & B ANN AN, General Agonts, rail biakk unu, 1'UKii.AMi, OK., W njui.Ky i.ocK-. SEATTLE, Will, ii6 aanik Hi'KEKT, SAN FRANCISCO CAL E. E. WILLIAMS, Gkocek, okeoon city. Masonic Uuilding. BackletTi Arnica Palre. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, nruntes, Horea, ulcers, bait Klieiim, Fever Horea, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Krup ions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give erfct satiHiaction, or money refunded, i'rice 25 cents per box. For Bale by (i i. Harding. Karl's Clover Hoot, the new Blood Purifier, gives freshness and clcarneHH to the Complexion and cures Constipation. 25c, f)0c. and $1.00. 8old by CO. Huntley. Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blanks at the Entkhi'Hihk of fice. Portland prices. CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. In order to work is du ICxtrn - . Will !. draw work whilo nutnido 1 owing to the weather Low - Priccn L'lvcn on nil ciirrinirn and wagon work. Davis, the Painter. SW hack ofI'o,.,V Co.'h Htore. Wa Cm. S"PftICE S . r BALD HEADS! i K . ? 11 'P'11 at the ends? IM bruXd?PTtCe, f 11 ,n t when ComM 0 'a Itd-vor'.J1 V1" ' la""iff? Does your acalp IUJ 3 o ur s' "l,B"t condition ? If these are iomf 0,,"y mptoms be warned In time or vou will bccomebll- pookumRoot Hair Grower The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years th Sundari i Ma m 111 DrKtuti.,i. 1. ia . ..... .... nr Honll"' tha ,,in.,.''"'l,."l(lirllroi. in,, .,,,1 . .1,1.. t..i. iiniimul.'' 1 hemi,. "H "Hint Auir, mra datuirnf Mat prom Itaif ifl TRAfiv mnir '' ,U' SnfAtJS hcl,h'' fX'""" IrriUtlsf THE SKOOKUH ROOT HAIR OROWER CO., prrt, lrjr tr WUamtmrA mm " x W