Oregon City Enterprise. VOI-.' 27. NO.M, ESTABLISHED 18CC OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1893. (Ol'KTH. nrciiMiMHrt nl'M" Itrrt Muinlaf In n,r wanil llilril MuuUv lu April, fn.i.iw court In mhIon Ir.t Womlajr In mob f,inmUltiri rmurt mimM. flral Wxtnnw1 n,.i Hiiinlii ol null nt.itiili. g D j(iN'K. r . RIMNAinil, .r,NfUlUI A JOIIMON. civil. r.Hi(Nrr.BH ani huhvuvohh. lrlliin ill rilnlrurllon, lirlitn, ,l,n.rl'l tlmtM nr water u..r. Pt!nl amt lmrtimiil ol nu, rlil elliilln l'n I" r)riilillh am) tin .iiiilln I IIAYM, ATTOhNKY AT LAW, OmuoKl'ITT, baa.. (lHra.r.iril'1 Mailt IHl Kl(lllil MrtoO, liMXll I'AIlK Y JullNMOK. l.AWYKIt. tint' Kiglil and Mln alnwU, Orn C'llr. i'n. HKaI-KHTATE TOBKI.l, AND musky to iam. J I. I'liKTMt, J ATTORN KY AT LAW tamurtt or Fa.iraTr rrsmiiii. OCr tifillu orfinnClir Una mi iiiptI. qot. wn i.iam. r.tnif ol monojr In len on lh. moel trnrl.l ! I HI t.1 Hue ol tiuetiiMe, rM'nr in4 (utmrkan rriMirira farm Vtoftit In Uu U In toll on .aijr Urine. rrnutn1rnr n.mt'll nil. )ffir. Mil .!.".( lo( uB.l.l llumicj uiu nor. WE ARE NEITHER Noisless or Luxurious, but our Sjiring W'ln and Sfa hwh aro. Our Mattrt-BKOs might l called i euro for Kleei-lennncHS. Our goodn aro all made to give solid comfort to tho coiiHiunor. Prices Surprisingly Low. 13ELLOMY & BUSCH, The MotiHo KurnlHherH OUECiON CITV, - OREGON. MOKE DEBATING. The Rpnatu Still Speaking on the Silrer (Juestlon. HEWH OF THE EA8TKRH STATES. niw In Sew Tori-Cleveland Con. itetitit To So Com pro ml Me Mo l'ubllc Building. fNREGON CITY IRON WORKS, w p II I'YK. ATTOKSKY ASP CUUSSKUHI AT LAW Orltr or Oria Cllf IUiib. New ami Enlarged 8hop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work cxi-cutwl in tho bent manner xmiblo. rrornntnenB guaran teed on all orders. REPAIRING - -A. - SPECIALTY. rrieesthu lowest to l hud in rortland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Mam, Oregon Lity, Oregon. !J. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. Washington, Oct. 24 Tli collapse of the silver men It complete. They re tlreil out. The pressure from all over the ronntry wan more tlmn they could withstand. The fight Included a great deal of blunter and bluff Teller wan the backlionc. and when he (topped the fight wits ovr, except for few itrav idiots which amount to nothing. At 12:30. Senator Harris, acting (or the silver democrat, informed the silver republicans that the democrats Lad con nlu(lil. after tukins all the circumstance into consideration, that their beat course wat to drop the fight against nieal and allow it to come to vote. Jl tins de cision ia not reconsidered, and it does not seem at all probable it will be, the end of Ihfi oruHHtit fiilit will soon b reached and the resuit will tie in accordance with the president's wishes and those of the repeal forces of the senate. The silver republicans will not undertake to pro lonii the fkht beyond the lime necessary to complete their spt-eches and will after that permit votmu to lein on the amend- media to the bill. It is generally be lieved this will take place before the end of the week. The republican silver senators say their con rue will depend entirely on the democratic silver senators. They have said from the beginning that whenever the democrats should reluse to aid Ihem In obstructive measures they would allow the voting to begin. II JASNKT. U UWYEH. NOTARY TV MAC IKHt'lUSCK, Office with V. Tarry Johnson. JH C. u. SMITH. I'HYSICIAN AND Ht'KGEOX, Eagle ('MMk, - Oregon. Q li 4 D C. LATol ltrnil. ATTOKNKY8 AN'I) CirNSF.U)HS AT LAW mi srasaT, oMKitoM vtrx, okoo. fimUh Atmrsms ol Till. t"n Hnf, VJire- Iw Huln. GRASS AND CLOVER EED Quality First Class. Trices Reasonable. WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF TREES Portland Seed Co., 171 Second Street. Portland, Or. J J K. I'HoHH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. WlU rs.i-TH'l ID AU lot ST. Of TM1 STATS Hfl Kalats sail Inraraar. Offlr. on Main 8lroU-l. Hlll uJ HoT.Mh, ossuoM cit, on. P M.IMMW, NOTAHY 1'Ulll.IC, HEAL ESTATE A INSURANCE. ortlco In Iho l'o ortir. llull(tln, Omoii Cll)f, owfon. 4bl. r, SSOWSKI.U a. S. )- JltOWNKM, A DUKKHKK ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 0..n,. ! ORMOH. l - f,M l.tA. 01 ii. il .i.H.r to t:i.rioi.i ihiniii'y ''"' lore. tllK COMUKUC1AI. HANK. iw miirnriN CITY. '..,U.I Iiw.""" TRNAT. A UHNRHAI. BASSIHll SllSIKK"' .....I.. llllt. .1 lani.ll """' nmiiu. miiri "" lepliiitin. Iluyasixl utills exclmnne on ll l"" U Dm I'iiUiM Htntnit, Kiirops K",", ltpll M'l-Kl1 Sllll)lMlt tO Pll' "J llni. I ..i... .H..U....I .... limn ddlHull". llRllk "l"ii lrm 9 a. u, U) r. n. Hutunls ovmilmc 'fiim S ii 7 r. m. D C. I.ATOUKKTTK, l,"'"l,,,,1,,l-liuriv r..hlor K K IIONA1.IWON, Unior OREGON CITY JOBBING SHOP. All kinds of Tinning, Plumbing and General Jobbing DONE TO ORDEK O.N snuiu iMuiiua. SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS MADE At tho most rennonable rates. rtf-All work is done with a view to last and satiny all concerned. 1 A. W. SCHWAN. M.op Hrtrulh Hi.. uer . .o. Oregon Vli) . J. JONES & SON, DKALER IS Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Pnhlnet Work. Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. MIH l-M THE I.OWKNT. fir.- Fnnrth ami Water streets, back of fopo A Co'a, OregonCity JANK OK OltKUCN CITY. Oldest Banklnz Hsuse U IK Cltr.' rui up cspiisi, i000- 'lllMT. . - TIIIIB. CIIAHMAH v: rim-iiiSriT, AMiiieii, SAIls . oko. a. HARnimi i. o. cAiinsi'". CIIASIS" CAUHSU) Hnnrl haukliiR biislnsss trsinaotod. "po-lu rdcclvod utijonl to chock Approved bill and llot(Hll'"le(, "oiintr snd oily wsrrsnli boiiK'i'. 'una mvle on avalUble loourtty. KiiliRiim boiiRht and sola. Onll.nil il. i "".Mint ninuo iir"iii'.y. . 'n,. '.... . f the world -.-.in mini VRIIIHIB m "7 r" , . jToloifrRphlo siohsoges sold on PortUud, Bn SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, rrop. a rn line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Marines of all Makes. Notions, Optical Goods Patent Medicines or cheapest. Hill 9IOCR A J T J Tr,i1nt Srwms. And Lead Fino selection 01 1'cnun.f.y i- inc irand3 oi uiis. Bb.rmsa or f for. Which? Charleston, S. C. Oct. 19. Cora- menlinit on the Atlanta ConHtitntion s criticlnm of Henry Watterson'e review of the silver struggle, the News and Courier will say tomorrow : 'The Atlanta Constitution is 'not! looking to John Sherman for counsel or wise rebuke'. It prefers to train with reffer, to follow the path blazed out by the silver senators, to stand in with the miners who want to force the govern ment to buy what they have to soil at a better price than they can Ret for it in the open market, to tack the South on totfce tail of the free-silver kite. We are not surprise i that the Constitution should choose suci: company. The com promised of which it speaks have been originated in this light by mine-owners in continuing in some form or other the vicious policy which has brought the roiintrv to the vcre of bankruptcy. The antia-silver senators are pursuing the only patriotic and honest course left open to them. They should not go into any caucus in the interest of cheap monev. Tarty harmony at the expense of party honesty would be dearly bought. The silver senatore who are filibuster ing against the unconditional repeal of the Sherman law are wrecking the demo cratic narty. The rest of the country can stand it if the South can." By. By. Brother tirltgi, Bjt By.- Rociikstkb. S. Y Oct. 19.-The Pres byterian svnod had a hot session today, as a renult of the consideration of the report of the judicial committee, the main Dortion of which was the Briggs case. The majority oi me committee decided on all the points raised that final judgment was rendered by tlie general assembly in 1893, clearly dis posing of all interlocutory question no matter when pending. No minority report was presented, and the Rev. Dr. Miller made a speech against any talking over or voting upon old questions. Dr. Francis Grown enoke against the report, ami the Rev. Stephen Hopkins said, with some heat, that the general asseiuby arrived at its decision by the exercise of 'brute power." This created an uproar and Hopkins chnnged his words to "the exercises of its power." After a further heated discussion the committee report was adopted by a large majority. ber, amounted to $5,0:18,258, at compared V),fffl7 during the last 'J days In Hep tc in ber. The not gold in the treasury today was 181,700,049, decrease of nearly $12,000,000 since the first of the month. The currency balance today was 'Jl, 040, 047, and the national bank notes outstanding 20,344,402. The na tional bank nob issued during the pant six davs aitirreuated tH.19,310, and those destroyed during the same time, $828,168 The receipt of the government lor the fiscal vear m to date amount t $185- 000, and the expenditures $20526,000. Th. IreiUUnt Buids Flnav Washinoton. Oct. 22. A man hih in the councils of the administration said tonight: "The president adheres to his position that the purchasing clause of the Sher man law should be unconditionally re- nealed. The lower bouse of congress voted for repeal by an overwhelming mr jority; the majority in the senate is in favor of unconditonal repeal, and the country demands the passage of the pending bill. It is not true that Secre tary Carlisle baa been in favor of the compromise which was aascribed to by number of senators Saturday. He and other members of the cabinet are opposed to that measure." They Cm't Lite oa Wind. GuTiiuiB, O. T., Oct. 21. Every town in town in the territory is filling up with people from the Cherokee strip, wuo come in hungry, cold and without a cent of money. Every day brinm the news ol the death of one or more of the un fortunate settlers, and the suffering among the improvident people who rushed into the strip with no money and no means of making a livelihood is terrible. A 150,000.000 Deficiency. Washington, Oct. 21. In the senate this afternoon the finance committee presented a report from Secretary Car lisle of the 'treasury department as to the deficiency in the revenues of the government. The secretary says a defi nite forecast for the whole year is impos- aII.Ia Kii. it im .niMNtnl that ulinllld tlm . nunc, . . . t u npi'B.u... I present conditions continue the deficit at the end of the year will be abont $50,000,000. HOT OLD SPOKANE. Explosion and Fire Destroy Life aud Property. C0MPETIT10S KEDUinU BATE8. Experts Examination or the Job flank Unfavorable Their Long and Short Account. Alt 8011 Aaotaer Wreck. Kankakee, Oct. 19. Another horrible wreck occurred at midnight on the Illinois Central at a junction, four miles south of Kankakee, in which, it is re ported, seven persons were killed and as many badly injured. The fast mail, north bound, crashed into a freight as it was rounding a "Y" from the Kanka kee & Western railroad, preparatory to com in e to this city on the main line of the Illinois Central. The Foitoffio. Defioit. Washington. Oct.21. The sixth audi tor of the treasury department, in charge of the finances of the postoltice depart ment. submitted to the postmaster-gen eral today his report for the fiscal year ended June 30 last. The report showa the net revenue of the entire department for the year was $77,890,9:13. ami Uie ex nenditures 181.084.104. making a deficit of $5,178,381. DeiUootite Fir. in Hew Tork. Nkw Yokk, Oct. 20. One of the most destructive fires that this city has seen recently occurred this evening. The tire extended from St. Raphael's Roman Catholic church, on Fortieth street, west of Tenth avenue, to the north side of Kortv-second street. The losses will amount into the millions. No Builder's Heed Apply. Washington. Oct. 22. It is almost settled there will be no public building bills Passed bv this congress, llie con troller of the the treasury is reported to have convinced the members of the com uiittee on public buildings and arounds that it would be useless to get through any building bill at this session. KpoxA!f,Oirt. 20. A little before 9 o'clock last evening a terrible explosiom shook the baeiness renter of the city. A minute later flames buret out in av frame store on Howard, between Spragmr and First streets. There bad been a gas explosion in the dye works of C. L. Trotter, which qnickly set fire to that bnildine and the hook store of Henry Feiae. In the book store at the time was half a dozen persons. Mrs. William Beam was caught is the debris and turned to death in view ot those trying to save her. One man tried bard to pull away the wreck, bat was finally driven back by the flames. Mine Both Turner and two men ami a boy were injured. One of the men was pinned by falling timbers. Miie Tomer and the others climbed out at a window and appealed to the crowd to help out the imoriBoned victim, but the names were spreading so rapidly that no one could respood. Later the police and fireman broke into the wrecked building and removed the body oi Mrs. Beam. It is feared that other lives may have been lost in the dye works, bet the place is so wrecked by the explosion and fire that this unertanity may not be cleared before morning. Windows were brokeo for blocks around. The projierty low ' will be between $5000 and $10,000. The death of Mrs. Beam wat attended with heartrending ci ream stances. Alberts. Smith, who was in the book store at the time of the explosion, exerted super human efforts to relieve her. Mean while Miss Turner was on the street ap pealing to the men to go in and help save the woman. When Mrs. Beam saw that rescue was out of the question she gave farewell messages to her hus band and children. Mr. Smith then fled for his life, and not a moment too soon. At the door he met the firemen, bat the flames drove the latter back. Rhivoly's Block, ' ' ' " nrcnTrm?, BROUGHTON, -A .. i r i irtwna oir FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. --Special Bills Cut to Order 7 Mill and Yard oVtheltiver, Foot of Main Btrent, Mill and 1 OREGON CITY, OR. A Fool'i Voyege. Wahhinuton. Oct. 20. Professor Hazen. of the United States weather bu reau, is going to make an aerial voyage ncross the Atlantic after a novel plan. He will travel with a balloon, but it will formed of a Btraiitro material and equip noil with devices hitherto uuheard of. It will he directed bv means of propellers and a rudder and is expected to stay afloat two weeks or more, though lhe trims-oceanic triD may require only 50 hours. The enterprise will be paid for nut of nrivate funds, but such instru ments as are reauired for meteorologv cal and other scientific observations will be furnished by the government. Omtom Keoelpti Filling Off. Washington, Oct. 21. Receipts from customs at New York, which comprise fully three-fourths of those ot the entire country, during the first 20 days ot Octo- Expreu Company Losei Heavily St. Louis. Oct 21. The reticence of the American Express people regarding the disanuearance of $50,000 is impene trable, but from another source, which has at least Borne show of credibility, comes the statement that the amount was $?50,000 instead of $50,000. Wrinkles, and hollow cheeks, and dull sunken eyes, don't always mean that a woman's old Half the time, they only show that she's overworked or suffering To such women, to every woman who is tired or afflicted. Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription safely and certainly brings back health and strength. It's a legiti mate medicine that corrects and cures; a tonic that invigorates and builds up; a nervine that soothes and strengthens. For all the derangements, irregularities and weaknesses peculiar to women, it is the' onlv guaranteed remedy. If It does not benefit or cure, you have your money back. C Arties Bank OSoiala Cobvalub, Oct. 21. W. T. Branch, the expert appointed to examine the books and accounts oi the banking firm of Hamilton, Job & Co., for seTen years past, has presented his report, ine books of the firm were found to have been very eareleeely kept. No trial balance of the general ledger had been made at any time, and any effort to balance accounts was made daily by computing the amounts received and the amounts disbursed, and any dis crepancies were charged to the "long and short" account, which account, at the cloee of business June 9, showed a debt of t2.038.32. The capital stock of the house was $40,000, $18,600 of which was to the credit of Zephin Job and $21,500 to lhe credit of B. R. Job. The former, however, is indebted to the bank in the sum of $17,454, and the latter $7,002 19. The expense in the conduct of the busiaess from January 1, 187, to January 9, 1893, and charge able to the expense account, is $28,925.44, and losses on long and short account are $2,638.32. The revenues derived from the business were: From the in terest fund, $29,105.16; from the discount fund, $9557.57. This amount ($38,062.73) shows the net profit of the house for OJi years to have been $7,098.96. Competition on the Colombia Astoria, Oct. 21. A good deal of comment was caused among shipping men today when it became known that Jacob Kamm had once more entered the field againBt the Union Pacific towing service. The Bteamer Vulcan, of the Portland man's fleet, came down the river late last night, and towed up the Toseidon this morning. Kamm, it is believed, will crowd the company as hard as possible, and will, no doubt, be able to divert a considerable portion of their business, Both Kainru and the I mon Pacific will be bothered in their passen ger service by a new aspirant in the field, the City of Frankfort, which begins her regular runs between here and Portland Monday, and which baa made a deep cut in rates. It wo'nt do to experiment with- Cat arrh. There's the constant danger of driving it to the lungs. You can have a perfect and permanent cure with Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Ti Oat Down Expeniei. Wabuijoton. Oct. 21. Curtis of Kan sas today introduced a bill to discontinue the office of collector of customs at a number of ports in the United States. Among the places specified are : Humboldt, Eureka, Cal.; Southern Oregon, Coos bay, Or., and Yaquina, Oregon. The work at these ports is to be completed In 30 days and consoli dated with adjoining districts, as the secretary of the treasury may deem pru dent. CurtiB says that the receipts at these points are less .than the expenses. "RiK-lnco, flhlcsno and Now ora. '"terciit ilj on lime aupoult. M t Acaiiu o! THKLOHDOHClTKQCKB"