Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 13, 1893, Image 3

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
"Vb"ay, OCTOUF.lt M, m.
Cluck nmns Co. Directory,
f-,W Courts,
b""f; . "
imiurar, J
HjnTiIlt rlii M1 n .
J. W Molilnim
Owi. t. Ilnrinu
V. W. Omihmim
M II I,.
J.O Wailiaral)
J, (!. Hri'llr
II. H i!l..in
HI, lli.lt Hlli (rill
It I.. Iliiiiuan
Hlrlianl Hiirti
M'nriitilliii luir
ouruoN city orncKim
.rf.il.lof, "
rn.lof I'ollr -
'in. . '
.... Att'tiny,
IN UfWIII""", " - -, , .", 4,
W y iiuull. J.O. furtar ami T. f. K.u
i. ii
I uxinrll iiimK Ant Wailiiowlajf ultach mouth
(nil! M
T. W ullii
U I, f"ll.f
J N I'tlMntn
J. K l(lli.il
r j. Uuu
II K ( 'Ml.
r llnlr(
W . i,l
Klilnvr Km vlh
"Thi way to build U trcf
Clljl, toi-lve Orricon (it; iiiil(i jroar
1 fiwxl grin tea aiw. pound, riioire
Brfiluiwl 37V. lound lit tha ltml
(lulll. .
llollniiiy A Hiim li Kill luiititiim in I'urU
iiiJ, tlii'refure g"t their price belors
l 1'ortUnil.
I pry gran'd ir IS to 111 lb. 1.
TfnfolTiwi2o. riiMtcoiriwlV', pound
kIiu1 book and supplies away
i,wi), l Iho Hrwl Front.
I Ml. Al IlilKllIn, ('in 'lttlo Iwrae
l urrtllllMi found tH. F. Bcilplure's
iininiiillh'a lu) where he will tie
V'rawd to inert old and new friend.
j Wnrn the hair Ih-kIih to come out In
t-ui!nn it show wraknena of llie
Viln tint t all (r Immediate alti'iitlon.
: brut preparation to arreat further
) 4 ul hair end reaiora Die scalp to t
lf.iihjr cmulillon Is Ayer's lulr Mir.
I J. II. I'lit'in, former rxnl.liilil ol till
Vet In tlie city on W0.l11e11.Uy re-
(Infold afiuiutan-c. lie is now a
ii ltiil o( Tillamook county where be
1 Interested III several of the ml Im-
Mtaiil riilnrrlit'i ul the county Incliid-
g araiiutry.
Tliurly was "I'loiieer day" at the
KtlinJ sipoalllon and It expected
tl many o( the early tettliini who
lixl to nnko Die hMory ol the "UUi
Vllletlu-re U) view the greet xiol-
tn.l yUit with em h other while com
firing the Oregon o( today Willi that
!iich tliey cruMwiJ tlieplalnn to Dml.
W.H Cliapman ma.Ui an ewilgnmont
aTuf.!y to S. W. llaatl of rurtlanJ,
i i uwU U'lng placeJ at t7H,100 antl
U llabilltin at 1115.000. Mr. Chap-
ii a roi'iiitmr of the firm that it im-
tuviiig Main alrent but it ail that hi
kwlure will not alftKt Uie coiitrUftlon
inpny in any way.
A chil.l ..TaMvI Kefton ol Kent Tort
mil mu ilniwmxl in a iiornliar nianner
e lmil of the week. lie In Coinny
? lli hi brother went out In th niornlng
Her the hravy at unit to m what
Uimw bal lxMn done in the vicinity
! a w-wor which liJ wenlly been
) tctt in (he neighborhood. He tetxd
;lowr the w.wcr and in a nioumnt
U mink out ol eight In the toft niud
fhlcli had forinod from tho unimcked
I tcrlng to the newer and before ld
iild reach him ho waa iinothercd In
iloooca. It ia tuidthat milt will be
Voiik'lituulnt tho city and the con-
?'tom lor damnite.
MlM Nltllirt ItKfulU t.i I I- ..i..ii
ing Mix Iloimoa at Hone Farm.
W. J. It!,
I iiv mi wailKtrr ui
Ht. Helena, w n the city Friday on
wwniiiuaiBj, ,
TU('luV ftVnfiltuf T T 'I...-.....- -...I
wife took Ihti Union I'aiilllo train for the
world' fair with the Intention of being
abmmt about thruo weokn,
J. W. Mnir.ii ..n u'...i i
wh vuii.mjBjr cvnii"
Ing for the Kunt Iniendlng after taking
In the Woild'a fair to go back to hi old
home In New York. He will lie gone
aeveral Week.
W. O. flimiiw l..,.l.l..t. I... II ..
I'urtlaild (iuneral Kleelrln
returned from the Kaat accoiiihanlud by
l ! .1 .. .
!. . iirnry wno naa iHien viNiting ml
Uvea In the Kant for about (our month.
L. I.. Totter took hi departure for the
World' fulr and oilier eautorn ioliita
on Tuendav eviuilnir. VI,II muv ,
will look after aouie bimlni'M IntureHt
and vl.lt old friend and fumillar acenu
in lucoiinlu,
('ha. Kohlllt nr. who wit for many
week aerlouiily III at hi home in Needy
ha ao far rix overed a to be able to lie
out )jitln and it once more receiving
congraiuiatlou Iroin hi many friend
about town.
Mr. K. H. W. O'ftryan and MiHMi
Kva Warren and Mable David aro the
gtiimU of Mr. C. O. T. William. Wed
nexlay evening Mr. William accom
panied by her guota and Mini Winnie
went down to the eiioiitim.
I. F Morey and family are on their
way home from Chicago to thli city and
are eiiMx-ted here on Hunduv. Mr.
Moiey and tho young Hople were a far
eaat a New York and Mr. Morey went
a far a Ihxiton on bunlneM connected
with the I'ortland (ielieral Kloctrlc
company of which he la prwident-
IjidI haturday evening Mr. Charle
Van Yalun, mother of Mr. W. C. Faulk
ner of the Klfctrio hotel leached thin
city from Manihall, Michigan having
made the trip alone over the Northern
rat ine railroad. A Mr. Van Yalun Is
over Ml yeara of aue the trip acroea the
continent waa uite an undertaking,
hlie eiiecl to neiid the winter in (hi
city viniling her duughter.
Mr. Khadinuer who hna tKKn trying
flailing with varied auccen during the
continuance of theatorra report catching
wilb a hook on We.lnea.lay of a quantity
ofimelt. Thia I not a umial thing. In
tlie firat place amelt have not been
known in the Willamette fct thl tiolnt
before, and again it ha not been a
ueual tiling to gather them in with a
hook halted with minion egg. For a
time they took the hook a faat a it waa
thrown in then the chub drove them
0. T. Too, ono of the prominent and
uoceful fanner from up the river wai
In the oily Tueaday having hill printed
making annoucmeut of the mile at public
auction, on the 4tb of November, of hie
farm toek, machinery and other up
pll. Mr. Tooxe hu Hold bin fine farm
of 2(H) acre to Alteo Hum for $H5 per acre
and Intend to move to aonie town where
he will handle the money which be ha
aavod in aiticli a manner a will bring him
the beet return. Particular of the tale
will be found In another column of the
Cannot be Under-Bold.
6 hf ' . Immense Stock!
1 rvU 4 "---.-. Write ubi
The woolen mill are preparing to
tart up on Monday with about one-hulf
of tho uaiial force to work for a time
upon order. Mr. Jacob I away in
California looking after trade In that di
rection and Oorry is up eaat of the
mountain aeelng what can be done In
that direction, ao it I poanihle that the
mill will lie kept buny for a time.
Jaa. Koakeof the Oregon City Iron
Work i having a track put down to
connect tho ahop with the dock o a to
enable them to move heavy machinery
from the dock to and from the ahop. It
will prove quite a convenience.
Frank Barlow 'U having a sidewalk
built from hi property at Gladatono
acroK to the atutioiu
Wanted, aTrl about 12 year old In
the capacity of nutno. Inquire at tin
OIll. n.
Heiiutor Mitchell arrived in Fortland
on Wedneaday direct from Washington
having come home at thia time on
account of the aerlou alckne of hi
daughter Mr. Handy who ha been con
fined to her bed In Kant I'ortland for
aonie Ave week now. The Hen a tor I
uncertain how long her lllne may re
quire hi preaence in Oregon but expect
to remain a long a her condition makes
it dnalreablu a the aenate granted him
an Indellnlle leave of abaence.
The Crown 1'aner mill be started up
the flrat of the week if the weather will
nermit the men who are at work on the
walla of the cuual to clone in around the
flume of the Crown mill ao that it can
be lined bv that time. Much of the time
the mutt week the rain has poured down
with such force as to wanh the dirt out
of the shovels with which the men were
lliruliiK. The mill ha work to keep
them employed and uonly waiting (or
the flume to be put in ohaie.
Wednesday morning four boata poJwed
through the lock bound for the upper
river altor wheat. With good boating
(or the next few week there wilt be
brought from the upper valley a large
part of thia year's crop. Boats are able
on account of the early- and extra high
water to ascend the Willamette and its
tributaries much sooner and much far
ther than UHiial this season, all of which
will prove of advantage to the farmer.
Win. Bohlander ha sold his intercut
in the l'ortlaud reataurant to L. Hu
ennisch who will hereafter conduct that
iHinular reataurant. Billy has made
I I -------
himself quite popular since his connec
tion with the hostelry and many of the
boys are sorry to see him go. He ex
pects to remove to I'ortland.
C. A. Miller who ha been stopping up
the Valley for some time returned on
Tuesday looking as if his trip had agreed
with him. He says that he was getting
so fat that his clothe would not stay on
him and that bo had to come back and
go to work to reduce hi flexh.
Captain J. II. Exon has taken charge
I of the Toledo for the present and will
when practicable run her up the iam
bill as far as McMinnville. Joel I. Cieer
the owner is doing all that he can to
make the Toledo a popular up river boat.
The Grand Army and the Sous of
Veteran are organizing a drum corps to
furnish music for the gatherings of those
bodies. The Intention is to have four
life, four snare drums and one base
drum in the band.
E. J. Garrow. head sawver at the Glad
stone sawmill, has the frame up for a
new house which be is building on tlie
south side of the electric .line in Gladstone.
On to,.
Sole Crowera 1 Tp- 1 Ll Yl
. . : i tn -4
or ine now
Earliest. Moat Prolific and best drying prune grown. Send for Catalogue.
SUUiyi & tUltl. Mount Tabor, Oreeon.
Ol r
ii i L-r . , a a siaw p
An Klt-ctrlc Accident
Fred Miller Is going around with his
riuht hand In a sling and well protected
on account of an accident the last of the
week at the I'ortland General Electric
station where Fred has been at work for
sometime. About 11 o'clock Thursday
evening as be was cleaning the briiHhes
on one of the large alternating current
Excelsior machines which carry 6,000
volts lie waa in the act of placing the
brushes back in position when the auto
matic regulator swung around suddenly
and struck his wrist at the root of the
thumb completing the circuit through
his thumb and forefinger between which
he was holding the brushes. The con
nection was only mainta'n.-'d for an in
sUnt but that moment was long enough
to cook the flesh of the finger and thumb
and to burn off the end of the thumb
For an hour or so Fred suffered untold
agonies, but ho thinks with all the pain
that he suffered that he escaped luckily
aa that much electricity through his
body would have proven instantly fatal.
Fred says that lie will take hanging
every time in preference to electrocution
aa he is convinced that it is less painful.
However be has only tried a taste of one.
Perhaps some of our readers would like
to know in what resct Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy is better than any other.
We will tell you. When the Kemedy is
taken as soon as a cold has been con
tracted, and before It has become set
tled in the system, it will counteract the
effect of the cold and greatly lessen it's
severity, and it is the only remedy that
will do this. It acts in perfect harmony
with nature and aids nature in relieving
the lungs, opening the secretions, liquefy
ing the mucus and causing its expulsion
from the aircells of the lungs and restor
ing the system to a strong and healthy
condition. No other remedy In the mar
ket posaesscs these remarkable proper
ties. No other will cure a cold so quick
ly. For sale by George A. Harding,
The undersigned, a resident of Clackamas county, Oregon, having sold
bis farm Bituaieu one-nan mne wem oi iiiwmn'v, w -Ferry,
will sell at Public Sale, on
Saturday, November 4th, 1893,
Commencing at 9 A. M., the following property:
One black mare, 5 years old, weight 1300; one gw iaw, 7 yean old,
weight Yi2b) two bay mares, an o yeara uiu, wc.6u.
one 2-ycar-old colt, one yearling colt; one iioistein cow, o yea om,
will calve Nov. 9; one first-class cow, 6 years old, giving milk; one beer
cow, about 45 head of sheep, 30 goats, one fine bow and eight pigs, six
hoes, one wagon, one two seaiea nacs, iwu bcw uuuu, u.Uv.,d,
man's saddle, one ladies' saddle, one binder, one mower, one self-dump
horse rake, one adme harrow, one new 3-Bection harrow, four plows, one
cider press, pair new platform scales, small pair platform scales, two
fanning mills, one cook stove, one parlor stove, one lawn mower, one
hop spray pump with all attachments, one caldron, three dozen
.f,1 J.I. Zv. i:j Korrol Prinpo Albert naint 300 Dounds.
cniCKens, onecaoa; uuBvcu uu, wuw - r- .
forks, shovels, hoes, grubbing hoes, saws, axes, augurs, household furni
ture, and a thousand other articles too numerous to mention.
TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10 and under, cash in hand.
All sums over $20 and under $100, one year's time, and all sums over
$100 two year's time. All notes to bear 10 per cent, interest with ap
proved security. C- T- TOOZE.
This old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line of
Mai acini
Masonic Building.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbin
Attended to Promptly. . Es
timates Furnished.
Street Commisaioner Hoberg is employ
ing himself and a force ol men these days
In getting down temporary cross walks
so that It will not be necessary to employ
a mud scow In getting across the street.
If you want an attractive sign see
Davis the painter. Portland prices.
tihop back- of Pope & Uo.'a hardware
G. W. Proeser's new hall is finished at
Oswego.Oregon and will be rented by the
night as follows except Friday nights
as the Good Tcmplers have that night,
nn ami aftir the Hrst Sundav in Seotem-
her until further notice; Osweiio
granges each second Saturday in the
month. For dancs all nitiht with piano,
fft.uo; tor aance nan nigiu wuu y'"ui
$2.50: any show $5.00. Good stage and
well lighted.
G. W. Probrkr, Proprietor, tf
Woed Sawing.
The Babcock woodsaw. Work quickly
and cheaply done. Leave orders at Grout
4 Confer's office or address me at Ely.
Elmer Dixon
lariiffi, final etc.
Oregon City Sash and Door Co.
Carry the Largest Stock of
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc.
In Oregon City.
Special sizes of Doors and Windows made to order. Turning of all kinds
Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts
Furnished on application. Builders, give us a call, and see if our work
is not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest Price List sent
on application.
Factory, Cor. Mian and inn sts.. uregon uuy.
BIUIC. ....ataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaa" -
keux Goods for pall and Winter
1 1' l -i mar '-n l.)0 O 1
Lv havo to so. Hard Times, fflsh Prices and Big Profits cannot eiist to this town, because we have the
Goods and make the prices that saves the people's money. A spienma assortment, wmcn muiuiu
QUA 5ft N
ii n in i
REMEMBER I We deal fair and save you dollars on every one of your purchases with us. Call and
inspect the stock of DRY GOODS, OLOTHINCj, BOUTS, wv, r -GOODS,
GROCERIES, ETC. Just arrived an elegant line of Ladies Jackets
and Gossamers at astonishingly low prices