Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 06, 1893, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
an- coiHiL mkktinu.
Prices the lowest Tim Red Front.
r n . . .
i-oranne potupationr or plain Iiair
tut (or 25 ceut go to Farnsworth's,
Commercial bank block.
- The City DaitsTrmisact Much lluslue
of Routine JUtar.
Council met In regular cession Oct. 14
with While and (ireenuian absent.
Minutes of last regular uieotiiur ivad
ml approved.
Petition fromE. E. Charman et al
read, asking that the man known as
I I... 1 A. 1 . . ...
e-.t . i rr, t. . "ID map oe reeoweu in trie
Social dance at Poms' hall Saturday , . ..
right Oct. 7th. rirst class music. Ad- .,, ;.. .
mission, gentlemen 60 cent. Iad.es free. 1Vitil)n M . . , ,
I " .... ...fiii, HITU
, . . r ... , wl l.VJIILMIUMtllll
tost of use for over fifty years is worth of their saloon license. On motion each
trying. Mftmiuan s Njotliuiir l'owders granted.
A petition read from C. SchuUd and
others asking that limits I nl..l
have stood that test
Mrs. N. Watts Sladen will have her
Fall oieninit. Friday and Saturdav
Mrs. 0. W. Church m 00
Oregon Tottery Co 131 50
I-"" 131 (10
Sidney Smyth 2 05
0. C. Sash A lxr Co 4 15
Total $.)77 !
September ?.'th and 30th at hermillinery
parlors tf
The latest
rom .seventh street to Fly's store. On
motion referred to committee on fire and
water with power to act.
1 HAln ... .... I.... 1 !. ... .1 . I
.1 t 1 . . . .v-iiii.iimnuini irviui uie cniei en
styles of fall and winter ..: , . .....
. 11 1. t 1 . t"i me nro department read ask-
tmllinery at Ilunulton A Johnson sue- ;.. . .1.-. .. .... .
loinefteii rroui. , . , , , ,
. 1 v'u mowon reierrcu 10 com-
Time checks from Oregon City woolen mittee on fire and w ater.
mills will betaken either for exchange A petition from J. II. Walkir and
of merchandise or on accounts for their others asking for a w alk from the steps
full value at the store of I. Sslli.no. on Seventh stieet to the hnti lim .)...
referred to committee on streets and pub
lic property.
Communication from the Astoria
chamber of commerce was read asking
the CltV (Ytlini'll to lubd Hart ir. .. ............
Judge Meldrum and Commissioner ti.m 1,. ha n.....i. . .1... n ... .1
- v, liv.K v-vivvi 1 iut viii? iioiei
The finest pears which we have seen
this season were brought in last week by
J. B. Noe of Needy. Large, smooth and
luscious they were fit lood for the gods
as the council was of the opinion that
they should be paid by the Water com.
mi'sion to whom they were referred:
rope A Co , a 75 05
I). A. llodiwon M mi
Howell n) fto
Adjourned to meet Octolx-r 11, IS03.
One reason for the closing down nf the
Crown paper mill is the lack of winders.
early all paper of the tirade made, bv
the Crown mill is now used on rolls in
stead of flat as formerly, and sine the
changes made in the mill last fall which
increased the capacity considerably, it
has been impossible to reel alt the
jmper made. To overcome thisdiftlenlty
au order has been placed with the Ore
gon City Iron Woiks for a new win
der which will have snlllcient reeling ca
pacity to care for all the stock made.
This winder could le bought in the Fast
but Mr. Haw ley says that it can le mado I
1 1 . .. ... 1
nere jusi as well ami that lv superin
tending the building himself he w ill add
several improvements which will add
much to the value of the machine.
At the home of the bride In Caueuiah,
Oregon, tVt. 4, 181111, by Hev. (i. Win,
Oiboney, Mr. Wlntleld I Midlam and
Bliss trances K. Marshall.
The wedding took place at ft o'clock
In the evening In the presence of a large
company of relatives and friends. The
newly married couple will go to house
keeping at once In Caueuiah where
they will make their future home. The
presents were many and valuable.
Those piesent were Hov. (1. W. (ilboney
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Caples,
Mr. and Mr. Joe. Hedges, Mr. and Mrs.
J. K. llinglmm, Mrs. 1J. F. Faust, Mr.
and Mrs. 8. II. Worsham, Mrs. V. F.
Tool, Mrs. Thoa. Fields, Mr. and Mrs.
K. T. Fiul.ls, Mrs. K. J. Marshall, Mrs.
11. K. Myers. Mrs. Haer, of Walla Walla,
Misses Itessie Midlam, Sylvia Stevens,
EllaQulnii and Ann Midlam; Messrs
Enoch Midlam, C. Midlam, J. N. Wor
sham, G. C. Fields, lialph Marshall,
(ieorgo Iarshl, Sam Faust, Siunl.
Stevens and L. Feasier.
Ba.r went out after the .djournment of Portland, to take such steps as may be
Mtnvr ah W..l.. . 1... -.. ! 11.
u .....va, e.eiiu.K aaa in- Ueenied neiessary to present a testimo
Bpecieu 01a sireei ana me Apperson road niil in K.n.i.i rw ti..
1 . ... ...,.,.,,,. vicgi'ii. meiiivi
v.v..... 1 ruliin n- a u ....1 If m ...
nnaaurpru auu .lltfvor 1.
Sullivan was elected such delegate.
The committee on the Seventh street
Mack Howell has the frame ud for a
new cottage nn JtTirnn atrnt tun..nn
- " -' ' ...iv. iinrvii - - ....... u t v .
Eleventh and Twelfth which he will en- ra,ie in ,lle supreme court was instructed
cioee as soon as possible then finish at 10 s" u e case in snaie so that the de
bts leisure. Itnquent assessment could be collected
as soon as possible,
Ordinance read second time assegsiiup
cost of the improvement of Main street
and passed, all voting aye
Oidinunce read second time assessing
cost of improvement of Fifth street and
Thompson Meldrum discovered a bear
while out fishing alone near Mt, Hood
and concluded that he had urgent busi
nesa in camp which required his imme
diate attention.
Kest Hour 3.25 a barrel, baby shoes Laii!ei
On motion the recorder was instructed
.0 cents, muies laced cloth, foxed 75
cents, ladies fine button reduced toll;
boy' brograns 50 cents, men's plows
f 150 at the Red Front
Owing to illness, my undertaking bus
iness will be under charge of S. F. Scrip
ture until further notice. Full line of
ciskets and cotlins in Block.
C. P. Wineset
Mrs. W. II. 11. Samson and daughter
Echo, who have been stopping on their
fine farm near Macksburg have returned
to the city for the winter so as to give
Echo the advantage of the city schools,
Wheat, oan, hav, potatoes, butter and
eggs wanted at the Park Place store at
the highest market price. We give io
return the best goods for the least money
Our prices cannot be duplicated in the
On Saturday evening JudeJ. W.
Meldrum and family returned from a
camping trip of several week's duration
during which time they visited most of
he choice camping grounds in the
vicinity of Mt. Hood. Except that the
weather was inclined to be wet they had
an enjoyable time.
W. H. Samson who has been with his
lather almost constantly since he was
taken to Portland hospital to have his
foot removed for senile gangrene was up
lor a day or two the past week and re
ports bis father getting along nicely and
he thinks that the limb will be suffi
cient healed to permit of his removal to
iii home by the end of another week.
Last Sunday night was spent by the
governor of Oregon in this ciiy. He had
come up in the evening from Portland to
meet Mr. McDonald, the United States
Fish Commissioner and State Treasurer
Meteclian and managed to miss the
treasurer who went to Portland hoping
to meet the governor there. In lieu of
this meeting the governor quietly
wended his way to the Baptist church
where he listened to a sermon by Rev.
Gilman Parker. The meeting which
the governor came to attend occurred on
Monday and is described in another
to publish notice that the assessments
on both Main and Fifth streets are tow
due and payable.
The estimate of the city surveyor on
the work done on Main and Fifth streets
by the several contractors read together
with the reportof the finance committee.
The finance committee reported that
Sidney Smyth be paid $70 from the
Main street fund, T. M. Miller fo7.50,
H. E. Cross irHi3.20, J. D. Wyelifle
279,.'.24, American Bridge A Contract Co
fo373.5G, and that there be paid from the
Fifth street fund to Sidney Smyth $50,
Perham Bros. 1173.44, D. Lyons 3o38.80.
On motion and roll call the recorder
was unanimously instructed in paying
the contractors on Main and Fifths
streets to draw certificates for the pro
portional amounts found due the con
tractors against the assessment due on
each piece of proierty and that the citv
council furnish to the recorder the amount
to be issued against each of said piece of
The committee on street and public
property was instructed to accept from
the East Side Ry. Co. the $100 offered
for the completion of the bridge on the
Abernethy, and when Baid money ii re
ceived to complete said bridge.
The city recorder roported four cases
in the recorder's court for September, all
for disorderly conduct. One was given
fifteen days in the city jail and three five
days each
The street superintendent was in
structed to notify the property owners of
block 32 to open the alley in said block.
Dan Lyons $ 20 20
C. Hoberg 197 50
Wilson & Cooke 20 15
Geo. Brougbton 40 5!)
Poysmcr A Pntkmer 8 00
C.B.Welch 6 90
L. L. Porter 50 00
J. b. Purdorn 80 00
J. W. Kelly 05 00
L. A. Nobel 19 00
Portland Gen. Elcc. Co 172 45
Entekphise 3 25
We are enjojing regulation winter
41.1 . 1
inese uays witii more rain than is nec
essary to keep the webs well soaked and
ti e moss green. This has been a pe
culiar year, such as the oldest Inhabi
tants remembers not, with its late spring
rains continuing away into the summer
and its early fall rains which begun
almost before the spring rains were
done. It begin to look as though we
were to have the pleasure of eniovinu
1 . . ' ' ".inn lu ng the t cm 1 oien U
almosta continuous winter from early in ... J.,,. ,
il.. ..tl ..r km .:n - - .. 1 A ft'1"1" M Scott has Is-
inn w. i..,' .111 puuio IIUIU in liv.fcl or
later. Well, let her rain. We can't
help it anyway.
Wednesday Mr. II. W. lioode of th
Portland General Electric Company
w as showing M r. T. E. Davey , of Youium-
town, Ohio, about the city Mr. Iavey
is county auditor at Youngstow n and is
also a member of otingstown's Electric
Light and Gas company and was
much interested In the electric plant
here and in the work in progress on the
other side of the river. He snid of the
prosiects for Oregon City that he knew
of no place in the country where the out
look was as bright as here, and that he
expects in a few years to see a great
manufacturing city at the Falls of the
Fish, Fl-.lt.
Oregon City Fish Market opposite cor
nerfrom Pope's hardware store, carries
lull stock of fish, poultry,, and game in
season. Oysters and salt-water llsh re
ceived fresh from tho coast. Orders
promptly filled. It. T. Humphry.
Commissioner It. 8rott of Milwaukee
met w ith quite severe accident Tues-
duy of this week whilo unerinteiidihi'
the rebuilding of the bridge across John
son creek t Milwaukio. He was as
sisting one of the men in handling a
heavy plank when the man sliptivd
and let the end of the plank fall, jerking
it out of Mr. Scott' hands and in Its full
struck his legs, and a spike that was in
it cut a gash live inches long on hi
shin lujingtlie llcuh open to the bone.
'en unable
to attend county court this week. Judge
Meldium received word that the wound
w as healing slowly ami great care must
be tukun to prevent blood oioning.
A Feast for tho Gods.
Beginning with this week Falls City
Lodge No. 59, A.O. U. W. will hold
weekly meetings the night uion which
they w ill he held having been changed
from Friday to Saturday. It is the
intention of the lodge to have literary
programs prepared for a part of all of
the meetings which it is thought will
add considerably to the interests of the
1 1 ... ...
uieiiiuers arm oner meni a secial in
ducement to attend regularly. At the
same time it will afford a means of self
improvement for all who will beat the
pains to take an interest in the meetings.
The Oregon Pacific river boat the
Three Sisters has been tied up for some
time at Corvallis waiting for the rise in
the river which mould make boating
on the uper river possible. On Tues
day she steamed down as far as Salem
with a cargo of merchandise from San
Francisco and on Wednesday she came
to Oregon City and on to Portland. It
is expected that she will make regular
runs hereafter between Portland and
In the Clatsop county court Judge Mc
Bride has refused to grant John Hansen,
who killed his wife, a new trial, and sen
him and John Iteiter, who killed Victor
Snellman, to h hanged not sooner than
thirty days nor more than sixty days
from today. The judge allowed Hansen's
attorney forty days to file an apix-al to
the supreme court.
The Willamette Silver Cornet band
will give their first ballon Friday, Oct.
13, 1883, in the armory ball. Frst dims
muwic will be furnished by tho band
orchestra under the efficient leadership
of Prof. J. II. Everest. Come every
body and enjoy yourmdve. Ticket
75 cents.
Our Motto is "Small Profits on
iliKir to Hoilges,
n Cash
Pit. J.
Hitsis." Kvnn Mock, cm
It. IRVINK, l'r...rictor.
II. C. Stevens found that his fence on
Main street at the comer of 0th was out
in the street and instead of permitting
it to remain to encroach upon the Bide
walk as so many have done he moved his
fence and built his walk full wedth. In
moving the fence he had to cut down
that fine horse chesnut tree at the cor
ner of his proisjrty.
Last Friday tiftv-ninn I'limaman ....1
off of the Knsehurg local in the afternoon
anu iook me electric line to I'ortlund.
You can depend unon thn luMitlim
Chinese getting on to all thn W'aVH In
save money every time.
The death took place yesterday,
(Thtirsdayj of the eight-months old
child of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Dolan.
The funeral w ill take place today from
the Catholic church, Rev. Fathei Hille
brand conducting the service, tho in
terment to be in St. John' cemetery.
Veil t tint Ion.
not the politician, sort, but tho fresh
ir you need. Health and comfort often
suffer for this kind of ventilation. Never
sleep in a poorly ventilated room. You'll
waice up unrefrushed, out of sorts, and
biliou. Perhaps you can't Improve the
ventilation, but you can take Simmon
Liver Regulator for that torpid liver, to
Keep it active against the ill effects of 1
close atmosphere which causes that Ian
guid feeling.
Syracuse, N. Y.. Feb. 23
My Dear Mr. Fitham, Pittsburgh, I'a.
I want to ask a great favor of vou. I
want you to please send a bov down In
the hotel drugstore next to the Cafe and
hnyo them send half a dozen Isjxes of
Kranse's Headache Capsules. I bought
some while I was in Pituburg and found
It wonderfully effectual. I do not know
bow much they will cost, ho would nsU
to have them sent C. 0. I), rare of Dm
Colonado hotel, Philadelphia. Hoping
that I will have an eurlv opportunity l
return the favor, I remain, Very truly
Baii.kv Avkkv,
For sale by Charnmn A Co.. Citv Drmr
Store, Oregon City, Oregon.
A ( hanre
For sale eighty acre ofrlmice iml'ii
proved land one and onn quarter mill's
east of Cherryville, pout olllce and sixty
rods from the Ituiluw niu.l. It contain
abundant living waters, a doieu cri-s
or more of greon llr tinder and lsuit
the same of rich swail latiil, Also the
notch through which the railroad must
pass in order to trestle over Alder crwk.
Price ft! per acre, terms fair.
Also 79 acres one quarter mile east of
Cherryville t office anil on thn Har
low road. House II feet by '.M with
gosl floor above. Half a doen acre
artly cleared with some Iruit trees and
other Improvement.
Price I2 per acre, terms rcuwinaUn.
For particulars address or call on me at
Cherr; vllle or s.i Jew Hammer at
Cherryville, IV ().
t'herryville, Or.
Do Vou Mailt An Abtrartf
When in want of an aUohildv mr.
red alwtraet- one that you ran depend
upon you should call on II. J. Thorne
over Huntley's drug store near the court
Ma.sonic I'.uilding.
For Rent.
Woman's Friend
So uncceiuifiil an,) delightful hT bvt
lb ellm-t of "Mourn 'a Kevi-aln! Ut
edv" in the delicate ailimMi tf
womankind, that llila wonderful tw
dv haa Uen called" Woman's FilmL"
Moore's Revealed
In a few doaes show wonutirni it
vtiliar virtue for their ailm-nu. lu
effect 1 are gentle, soothing and nnilor
ly SilcceMful.
Hundred of tjifltlfttotilitl fmm tfcLri
all over th roast Iwar witness to ill
aTT-ulil br all ilruul.u.
In Ihc matttruf hr,uiof I'truIlM t
I'tiranam In inm,l.ij il. r..Hii rrt 4
I larkainai eniii.lv .i.i. ..I i..... m.,t.
Irtiilirr llh I Ml I Ilia ,,,,,!... I.,,.. I 'a.artittf'
Dwelling Iiamh.i. I .. . i ii His mi. m ,, l.inli,,, Nurti.ii, itmmI,
swelling nouses for rent in all part "U i e"Wie .-ii,,. ,i ,omi-. (hv
of the city. House ami term, to soil !i",h: '" "! 'ri,'r ! ",. th. i..ii...im"I
n i. ii run io mill. w l h, h1, ( r.n
ClMHMA.X llllos '""rlli'il Irsrt ,.( all WIS
1 i mm. i.si... t. it., it.
" ...nn aiiiiMis i iia in. mhii m""i
"im links wr.i ,, the ii, if ill rail r.iriitru(""'
Sllitoh' V'ilull .. I . . . "im link, wraliiliha
)ysH.psi. Ton, hi . ; " "VJnl "T. 1 '""""'p -hrr. ..... r... .h-
Wi.l.. .. 'e . ol,,w Pin or "iiie raal lthlyali chain., ilianri ma
Kinney Iron ble. It In ,.n,i. i . Iwrniv rh.u,. h,., ,. ...riia
Kivn you satisfaction. Prico 7,'lc ,,l l !"' mfii imrtli wmitts
oy t;. . jiiuitlev i r ' """ "t"",,, "; ,
.,i. i. i i r niiaa; uii'llrfl aiiuin '
Wnil.l;..., mi i . 7 elilliaan. ntlerii llnk I,, thn ila.-i If
"eiKlinit Stationery, tilt) Intent Ntvle!"'""' r,""aliilii all humlrrxl auj thirty
III mm m
and finest assortment .,, i.. ., . . '''"' '"')"" hiimlrniiha
r -, M't brought to ' r or le.a lu t'laekaniaaeimnty
"..son v-iiy at ttie hSTKitimsK office
ninny, urn"
T,.r,l tu . D.v. YJ I-",', ", " ' I-Y men,.
lunnry. hoT.l l,y .11 , VJ .1. ' "
Ih'Iiik oh thn rmiiil. ..,.,1 mi,,,,h,. tr,,m OrrT
( lly to Sprlmiwaier.
inrma-iiiio halt ra.h an,l ih MmalM""
Per ertil Interim. In l"""
nffO r,u th iiriiiuirlv anlil.
W. ll. I'til'K, Kan.-iitur l the KaUW.
of CariilliiaMiirliiu. iIih
t-U l
Ladies' Suitings, plaids, stripes and checks, 39c., regular price 65c. Ladies' n :
worth 75c. Black Diaennal at flfin.. wnrfh fimn mnnu a t.,- . , .! riannel, all colors, 50C
-Djf j j r.n , sm n - m Henrietta. 35n nrnrfh 50C
euiuru com, a iun aress pattern ior &i.y&. Liadies' felt hats 59n a n rra . 9 i
''irs a
iil (j
Tt t i i ' " uuiu ana
ork i
I ' I I ii . Y tXXV4, UlUi 10
7 "'4W wurtn donhlft rv,o f i