Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1893)
J 50 !6 tgon City tntcrprisc. 51IPAY, HKITKMHKK 211, lm3 Lknmns Co. Directory l, rr. COUNTT omuicm. H M-Mrtim Umi, r llnruiu W, Ommmik . H M iLm.l.r J. IJ Wnllinnill J. 0. hrxllcr II. S. lllllH Hl.lliot Hlnylli II, I. MllllllMIl "iirluiMUul, liMI'. 1 9' I lili'lmril H..u M'liriiollut luir uhk(M)'n crrr orricKit T. W M ill 1 1 ran I.. I. Irtr J S I'ufl.iin J. K Itlitmtlni ,. r j urn. I t ,wiml.tnr. '. Il,.l.ri I'(1i.iM wiii. w. H. nA 1 urMunuii. W A Wlilla, J J. I' 'man, J. uioiiiioII, J. U. I'uflef mul T. I'. IUii aril Si nwtiHrit 'liin.Uf i vanb moiiib ifTltr wa to build up Oregon IliUflrr Orrrna ( It; iril joar tiaf. 1AT ABOUT TOWN. oJ grwn l IMc, xund. ('liolre j laird 37 o. a uUliJ at the Itml , llloinjr A lluarli n'll louii.iMi In Tort- !, llirrlro K( llmlr rlcoa Uilore tojr In 1'urllatid. iluli'i Cure, llie (iruat CimikIi and ;pCun, iilnr ml by ua. 1'ocknl cvnialna twenty-five iIimiim, only UAc. I Irni love It. ('. 0. Iluiitli-Jf. f jran'd ana-are IS tu ID lln fl. nfCwSIi'. ritciilTH2.V, a hiuiii jj trli'l lHMk and tiliin aftajr in, it ICI Front. I - - li. Al HuK'ttili, tho til . t reliable ImrM) Traill be (iiiitnl at H. F. Hi-iiplnrw'i kniiiitli'a hi liere ho lll I J lu lliwl old and Hut Inrllili .. tf (irliin Sawney, V, S. A., San I !'. , mm: "Milloli'a lalarrli Itniui'.lr f'.lwmal liiixliriut) 1 nav" ever 111111111 milil iln nii any t. ' i tunW holtl ty C. U. Iluntliy. tn tv ' fraud anI ailullnratlun, It lUlulr tiratilyinu to know Hint atu li . . 1 . . 1 1 . . . 1 4 riii'iimri'i jmimm n'arai in a :j.-f' Sartapafill may Iw Implli'lly nluin. It lii-vrr varlna rlilirr In liiljr, 'n'riiiti or I'fTivt, but li ;i up to tlio ataiuluril. 1 0 Fri Jar ami haturlay o( lint wii'k, i'.jlcrtitli ami 7tli the county ronvnti- ngl ilia Y. 1. 8. V. K. willmwt in) KiM'opal cliurcli at Milwaukw -r n InUirrnliiiu tntrriti which la i lui pn-parol will I jirrai-n- . All who aro Inlrrmtml in thtt Work !iia aoa-li-ty ahoiihl makn it a )int to ;)rrwnt 0110 or m(Ii ilayn a a K'hwI il aiwiirr.!. In luti'rmliiiK cam) waa triad Mot i-jiwilce m ()wiKO hut FrlUay whii-h wbly ciiibracxa tlio qiit'Htlon ol llio fol tliA rxpitiiitlon lawa which were itcted W wlntor. U nina Uial Urn fuol Km-i A Co. Iiwli"! tiixin tho H'xxlt L II. rinri-o (ora.bill of a llttlo over iitliiih waa tna.lo in buyliin onppliot r the liouae. I'lnrt broiiKht ami I tlx jiinilco court aKlnnt the roimtablc, t. II. Woli h to nwovnr the uooila n'l ttt a hotly contoittinl an It laittinK from I o'clock In the forenoon till 2 In th lmiiia vitnlii't waa rvturnoil by tho Tlnlnvor of I'lort e, w ho waa rt'pro- ntfl in tho trial by bla attornoya, iniA Huiry, while Hw A Co. wir" !wiciit.l by Cako A Cako of l'orl- a id. It In Raid that tho cam) my bo lli- to the circuit court. MllOOL Hui'hE DKDICATKI). Wf o rlcbra lk Complrllon of IU Vint Mclmol IlilhlhiK. lat Katiirday altormwi, all the ,,p0 of ).,() w,0 ,.0I1(1 imMy j,, 0 at tho hamUiim ni.w 'Im-oI biillillng In tho purooa. 0f j.aitidi.utliiK In tha i.xrrma which worn to mit It Part for tha tu 0f tho chllJrou of tho illalrlct. Tho (nurclwa wore opmn-d by muaic by tho OawtiKo band aftnr which flutf wai ruliMid UKjn tho nuat alair wlilch bad boon ilac. ovur tho build l"U. I'rof. H. W. Dowm, principal of tho auhool then called tho innotiiiK to order and liitrodurod Hiiierliitfiideiit II. H. (lihaoii who apoko of tho Aim.rkau common achool oyaUttn and I to ad van- tiiK' to tho hmiim who through it are enabled to acquire an oducatlon no mat- Mr what their cutiditlon. Ho concluded with a Mfniimce to the achoola of Cluck amaa county and dwelt Ukjii tho Im provement made in their conduct oven alnco he becamo familiar with them. I'rof. II. 8. Slranijo wna then Intro duced and after conipllniciilliiK the IHKjpIo of Oawegi) thu work accom pllnliod BMjke of the advantage niicured by tho common acbool and of the duty of parenta to aupMrt llicm, I'rof. Downa then Rpoko for a abort time dwelling upon tho immediate work to bo douo by tho U'ttrhera alectud to conduct Ilia Oawugo ikIiooU for the year and atated that tho teachora wejo ontcrlnx iixm the work with the deter mination to do ail that they could to make Uie achoola a auoceaa and rUeii( Iiik tha active co-oeration of uil parenta In tlio dinlrlcl. Ilo then moved a vote of thank) to tho band and toothera who had participated in the exerciaoa which waa carried, lie then moved a vo'.e of thank to tho member of tho hoard who have been uuliriiin In their effort to He euro for tho dlMricl a good achool build ln(. Thia motion prevailed with a hearty i(oo. will, tiik kkw mil.niso. The bulldlliK In which tlice cxcrclm'H w ere held la a lino tw o-atory and htacment alriit t urn with lour room uon each floor and la ailuated lilt a ahort dintance (toil) tlio old building only further back from the river and in a meaxuro between tho three lowna which conntitute tho ilia trlct. It U an imiMwlng atructure and ran ho amn from nearly all parta of tho dtntrict and from the aurrounditu coun try. The ground are very pleaaantly altuated and have Ucn neatly fitted up ao that everything i aymmetrical and neat. Win. Hlokoa of I'ortland waa the archibKt and John Chandler the con tractor. Tho (our roomi upon the lower floor are ao arranged that two of them ran be thrown into ono for an aat!iubly room and theao four only have been com pleted. Tho rooma of the aecond atory will I conipletol next year or when needed . Tho hancnient la fitted up with a piny room, furnace room In which aro two fine furnacoa furniahed by K. J. Iiua wll of OHwego, and two lunch and cloak room which aro provided with book (or tho wrai and ahelvea for the dinner bucket, llenchea are arranned around the aiilea (or tho children to ait upon and tho room ate ao aituated in rtda tlon to tlio lurnacea that they will alway lie warm and ploaaant. lleing under lock and kev and in charge of the Janitor all wrap and Innchea loft there will he iiifo from moleiUttion. Tin niaatToaa ad TXAiiiKiia. The director who have during tho aummer given their untiring attention to tho detail of the work are A. U. Wall ing. A. Kvan. Jr., and Win. Dwyor. The teacher for the current year anil who In'gan their labnr laat Monday morning aro I'rof. S. V. ltowna, rinci pal, Mr. 8. W. liow nH.gmuiiuBr, Norma Kok intermiHliiito and Mary Itnckner primary. Conrormce II retina;. There will be Quarterly mooting ser vice bold In the United Brethren cliurcb Octotrtir 7th and 8th. Preaching at 2 Y. M. and 7 M I'.M., Katiirday and at 11 A. M.aud 7:.'t0 I', M.Hunday. ThobuniriOM of the conference will be done after the i o'clock aorvlcet Baturday. 30 ininuto will beapnnt in a love leant before the It o'clo:k aervicec, commencing at lO .'JO. The Kticharlot will alo lo obitcrred aftur tho aervlcea. Itov. E. C. Wyatt will pre aide at all of theao mooting. Come out brethren and neighbor and lot ui havo a fount in the proaence of our God. W. II. Mci.ain, I'wtor. ituiid KiiterUlnmenU A fine entertainment baa lxnn ar ranged for at tire I'ark 1'luce achool achool houiH) under the aiiMplce of the band on Thuradav evening Octolxir 6, Wd'i, at 8 o'clock. An oxuolluut program ha been arranged and an enjoyable evening ia guaranteed to all who atlond. AdmlNalon 20 cent, cbihlron under twelve 10 ceiita. I)on't forget the even h'K. Mid Mollie Holme bo banded to thl olllce aevoral account of an lnU eating foot rare at Anaconda, Montana, on the 2:ld of Auguat and which waa par ticipated In by 8 firemen among whom wa I'orcy Ingall, who is well known in this place. The race waa up a moun tain some 1100 feet In height, the sum mit of which was over two miles from the starting point and the constant were to make the run up thia mountain over a rough road and turning round a flag come back to the place of starting. Tho time made by Percy Ingall was 35 minute and 15 second and from tho fact that his cloamt competitor was only 15 MKonda behind hlin at the flnlnh it will be aeon that be had no time to spare. A the mountain up which they raced baa heretofore lxn namelea it I nnw proponed to call it Mt. Percy in honor of the winner of the race. WHOLESALE GROWERS AND DEALERS. Cannot be Under-sold. Immense Stock! Write Ub! of the New --5 'ED J OYTi REi rrr Crowers PACIFIC -f PRUNE. Karlicnt, Mont Prolific and best drying prune grown. Send for Catalogue. Mount Tabor, Oregon. Deafueii Cannot be Cored by local application, a tber cannot reach the diaeuned portion of the ear. There la only one way to cure Ueafoeas, and that I by contitutionl remedie. Deafiioaa i cauaed by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Kutachian Tube1. When this tube gets Inlluined you have a rumbling sound or imjierfiM't hearing, and when it is entire ly closed iVafneas is the result, and un load the inflammation can be taken out and this tube reatored to its normal con dition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nino csMee out of ten aro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflam ed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafneas(cauned by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bond for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY A COToledo, 0. JsySold by Druggists, 75c. II. K. Gibfton of Eagle Creek was in the city on TueaJuy having come in over the new road down the Clackamas from Ilurghnrdt's mill at the foot of Deep Creek bill to the liaker bridgo. He say the road can be gone over now but that it la not ytt finiHhed. On account of the newneaa of the grading it will not be good for travel after the w inter rains set in unlea it can be graveled, a thing which i Impracticable this fall. Speak ing of the saving in time be says that the difference in favor of the new road from Eaifle Creek to Oregon City is not leas than two and one-half hours, and that since a few have been able to go over the road they appreciate the ad vantage which il will prove to them. ' A Cheap Home. One-I.alf mile from Mulino postofTire, school houae, public hall, grist mill, store ect., (11 acres all under fence, half bIiihIiwI, 15 acres, under cultivation, orcburd, bouse barn etc. Land per fectly level, on bench and Molalla bottom, no rocky waste land. Is a rare bargain. Address C. T. Howard, tf Mulino, Or. Krauao'a Headache Capsules unlike many remedies are perfectly harmless they contain no injurious substance, and will stop any kind of a headache, will prevent headaches caused by over in dulgence in food or drink late at niglit. Price 25 cents. For sale by Charman & Co., City Drug Store. Oregon City. Or. Children's shoes 25c to 1.00, mostly lace ; Indies luce shoes fine and coarse $1.00; Boy's brogans foe. Clothing greatly reduced at the Red Front. ltlatik note, receipt and order books at the Entrri'HJSk otlke. A Ciood Thing to Keep at band. From the Troy (Kansas) Chief. Some years sgo we were very much sudject to severe spells of cholera mor bus ; and now when wo feel any of the symptom that usually precede that ail- Iment, such as sickness at the stomach, diarrlxea, ete., wo become scarry . We have found Chamberlain's Colic, Colera and Diarrlui-a Kerned y the very thing to straighten one out in such cases, and al ways keep it about . We are not writ ing this for a pay testimonial, but to let our readers know what is a good thing to keep handy in the house. For sale by George A. Harding. Notice. G. W. Prosser's new ball is finished at Oswego.Oregon and will )e rented by the night as follows except Friday nights as the Good Tern pier have that night, on and after the tint Sunday in Septem ber until further notice; Oswego granges each second Saturday in the month. For dance all niuht with piano, (5.00; for dance half night with piano. $2.50 ; any show $5.00. Good Btage and well lighted. G. W. Prosskb, Proprietor, tf DRUGS, THE PUREST AND BEST. TOILET ARTICLES, ALL THE LATEST IDEAS PERFUMERY, The Most Delicate Odors. PAINTS, Mixed and Unmixed Colors, OILS Raw and Boileci in Quantt ' ties. PLEASED the Public when they ' trade at the City Drug Store. Charman & Co. POPE& CO. This old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line of For a lame back or for a pain in the side or chest' try saturating a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and binding it onto the affected parta. This treatment will cure any ordinary case in one or two days. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. 50 cent bottles for sale by George A. Harding. E. E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, OREGOn CITY. Masonic Building. Wood Sawing. The Bahcock woodsaw. Work quickly and cheaply done. Leave orders at Grout & Confcr's office or address me at Ely. Elmer Dixon. Iliiiii, M ad liictri Mbb, Tinware, file. Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing Attended to Promptly. Es timates Furnished. OREGON CITY OREGON THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry the Largest Stock of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Oregon City. Special sizes of Doors and Windows made to order. Turning of all kinda Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Furnished on application. Builders, give us a call, and see if our work is not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest. Price List sent on application. Factory, Cor. Mian and 11th sts.. Oregon City. Fall of 1893. pall of 1893. GOODS CLOTHING, REHDY WITH NEWEST STYLES IT IS EASY TO MAKE SUCH CLAIMS BUT WE HAVE THE PROOF IN FALL Al WINTER LINE OF DRY Furnishing Goods, Notions Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Etc. i 1.1 j.1 : "U mnnAf AAlnnii ttt n i-i 4- YXTJt-V. T3T7CT fYC T?.T7T7."P V Sfifi whnt WG Can dO IOr yOU al HUB tiaiu m tuo way ui guuuajruu waui. mxvix iuo uawx THING the new season brings and prices down to the LOWEST POINT ever named for honest goods, it will be to your interest to trade ATT' OTHH: ... OTOlIE OF I. ElILIL.IrOo