Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 08, 1893, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Price the lowest The Red Front.
Miss Neita Harlow returned from her
outing at Long Beach on Saturday.
Miss Livesay's residence at Gladstone
ia enclosed and will noon be completed
Fir and limb wood wanted at the
Wanted, Wood choppers by
Tarker. contractor, Oregon Citv.
Washburn mandolins, guitars and
banjo at Bnrmeister A Androgen', x
The highest price paid (or butter, eggs,
wheat, oats, wool and potatoes at I'ark
riace store.
Strings and extras for guitars, violins,
mandolins and banjos at Biiniieister!fc
Andresen's. x
Have you seen the school shoes sold
at the Park Dace store (or 1. Sixes
from 5 to 12.
C. 0. Boyn'on, an old and esteemed
resident o( this county, was iu the city
oa Tuesday.
The store o( I. Selling will be closed
on next Monday until 6 p. m., the ocea
aion Using Jewish Xew Year.
J. K. Groom has piircha-d lots near
Mr. Sladen's residence in Gladstone and
will build tlureon a fine house.
You will need a new suit for your boy.
Buy it at the Park Place store. We will
sell a good suit for vonr boy (or fl.tiO.
The Lyon A I lea ly is the best toned
and most durable orpin made. Sold on
easy terms by Burtueister & Andresen. x
Mrs. T. A. Pope and daughter Laura
returned Friday from Tioa where thev
bad been camping fora numberof weeks.
Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired
promptly at Burtueister Si Andresn's.
Prices reasonable and work guaranteed.
Miss Annie lHitiy and Joseph McUrath
were married at the Catholic church by
Rev. Father ILIlehrand on Sunday after
noon at 3 o'clock.
C. S. Porter of Leon was la the city
on Thursday.
Mrs. W. C. Johnson has returned from
her visit to the coast.
J. C. Taylor of Klwood is visiting his
daughter here a few days.
Miss Klla Bailey of Portland is visiting
her cousin, Miss Cora Harding.
Mr. George llenaley o( Stockton, Cal.
ia visiting his cousin, John Story.
Karl Cleland of Portlaud was visiting
friends in this city on Wednesday.
Ned Town so nd was iu the city over
Sunday the guest o( his fritnd C. G.
C. H. Cautled and family left the last
ot the week to spend ten days upon the
beach at Long Beach.
C. W. Drake of Silvcrton, a former
resident of this county was in the citv
Wednesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Chase of Colfax,
Wash., are visiting their parents Mr. and
. W. Chase of this city.
Frank Taylor and wife and Win.
ilankins went up the Molalla to rusticate
and pick berries last week.
Mr. and Mrs. F.dward Harrington
paid this city a flying visit Tuesday aud
returned home in the evening.
Mrs. J. S Purdom who has been
.Musical Festival.
There will lie a musical entertainment
at the Baptist church tomorrow, Friday
evening, The program w ill consist of
instrumental music by the most noted
marine bands, and vocal music by cele
brated singers, rendered through the
medium o( the phonograph. At the
close of the program an exhibition ma
chine will be niado by immediately re
peating a piece rendered by local talent.
This will be a enjoyable and unioue en
tertainment and no one should miss it.
Admission, adults 20 cents; children 15
The Electric Hotel is to he the name of
the house which Messrs. W. C. Faulk
ner and K. Green will preside over in
the Charmati block. On the first of the
mouth they bought out the interest
of II. J. Livcrmore and having
previously leased the building of
Char, nan brothers they at once began
the work of refitting so as to have the
house in first-class condition at the ear-
1 : . . I . . l ...
uesi hissioiu nam. cveryiiiing was
taken up and thoroughly cleaned und
new furnishings and furniture provided
wherever it was needed, alter which the
painter and decorators were put to
work and everything made as neat
as paint and paper could maku it.
Among other things which have been
added is a neat parlor with a new piano
and other furnishings to match. It is
spending a few weeks at Newport ' re-1 the avowed intention of the new proprie-
t.. ....... 1 ... I...- i .... f: l ' . '
tors to make the Flit trie a first class
Sheriff Ganong went out to Butteville
on Tuesday, as he had heard that the
Chinese on this side of the county line
were being disturbed.
Lamps, crockery and glassware of fac
tory prices. Xew invoice just received
from the east. Will not be undersold.
See Bellomy Si Busch. x
turned to her home on F'riday.
Miss Ilattie Bonnet of Milwaukee and
Miss Rose Plunder of Portland are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Charman.
Miss Cora Lemon of Damaacus was
the city last Friday ar running to
attend school here this fall and winter.
II. G. Starkweather and Miss Ana
Baird began the fall term on the west
side Monday with thirty-one pupils
Mrs. Chas. Meinier went to Independ
hotel in every respect.
It is to the interest of all fruitgrowers
to rctnemlier the meeting of the Clacka
mas County Horticultural society at
Canby on Tuesday of next week. Canhy I been sold for yeara at $10 each ; and we
is one of the fruit centers of the county propose to make a present of one of these
A Pnhllc Meeting.
A meeting In the interest of tho unem
ployed laborers, property owners, mer
chants, and all others who are Interested
in tho welfare of this city am reipiested
to meet nt Shlvely's hall on Saturday
evening, September IHh, at 7:110 o'clock,
to consider tho situation In regard to our
unemployed labor, which Is about as fol
lows: All street improvements and pub
lic buildings for which our proixrty hold
ers are paying their good cash are em
ploying Portland or other outside labor
tu the almost total exclusion of Oregon
City labor, thereby sending from the city
the money necessary to sustain trails and
depriving our home workers of money
which they In some oases absolutely
must hnve to tide them over the coming
winter when work mav not tat had. Ia
cal sHakers of prominence will express
their views on this subject which i of
imiiortanoe to all. A Txt'.vvxK.
Knowing the very general desire
among our customers lor god family
portraits we lake pleasure In announcing j
to them as well as to the public at large'
that we have made ariaiiucmciila with
one of the largest am) best known Kr-
trait copying houses In this country, to
copy for us a large number of phohw,
which we are to semi them. All that it
necessary is to pay for the frame which
we will furnish at the lowest wholesale
price. Sample of Hirtraits and franifi
are on exhibition at our store, and as our
liberal offer will insure orders In largn
numbers, your early visit is desired.
These photos aw to lie enlarged and
llnished in crayon and India ink to life
site, of the same site and ipiality as have
Osueo flurseris
Oiler for tho coining season one. of tho largest und most cm.,.t,
of trees to U f.imul I" Nrlliw'Ht, WMiHintlng of llm following;
100 000 ai.i.le nil Hip Wing varieties.
' ' .. I II .1 !.. 11... I.... I
150,(MH) prune With Itulian ami icwv n u .
7",000 IVar llartlet ami many others.
(),(XX) cherry I'esl sweet and sour kinds.
2MIU0 peach Karly Crawford and many other.
Itf.tKH) plum all of the Is st.
fl.lKW Japan plum Wh M n'l
10,000 aproiot host kinds for this climate
Also small fruit, j;nlH vines, shade, nut and evergreen tree.,
t-to. Send for new descriptive catalogue now n tuly.
I'sttego, ()r,.K,m
and the eole there take an active in
teiest in all fruit matters and are awake
to their interests so that an excellent
meeting may be expected. This is a
good time of the year to review tl.e
ence the last of the week to join her j urk p ",e l,,lst m 10 eonfer with other
husband who is iiinning a thresher ; growers relative to mistakes and fruit
there. j ests, as the experience of this year is
John levies with two of his sisters I M'M ,reU 1,1 a",, la" 1,6 '''""""'I
and his brother Tom, and Ira Wishart j "'M'1"'' "'' !' protll of all. The
have returned from camp near Table "UH""K B"""m ' ",H" ex
An addition to Aurora hag just been
filed by J. D. Hurt and wife. The ad
dition consists of five blocks in the
northwest part of the town.
J. M. McCollnm, who has been for so
long a time connected with tbe Gervaif
Star, has sold out to Win. J. Clarke of
Salem, who has assumed charge.
Time checks on the Oregon City Mfg.
Co., will be taken for face value in pay
ment for goods or credited on monthly
accounts at Thos. Charman & Son's.
Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers is
the best, handiest, safest, surest, clean
est, most economical and satisfactory
dye ever invented. It is the gentlemen's
C. A. Miller said on Tuesday that he
was intending to return to the mountains
west of Coryallis to remain a number of
weeks in the expectation o( getting some
big game.
Time checks on the Oregon City Mfg.
Co. will be taken at face value (or set
tlement of account or trade at Marr A
Robertson's Seventh and Madison
streets, Shiveley's building. 21
The Chronicle of Hast Portland notes
that Mr. H. M. Larntiert, Mrs. E. L. E.
White and Miss Nellie Lambert will
leave the first of the week for a month's
visit to the world's fair. They are ex
pected back some time in October.
The last of the week P. F. Morey ac
companied by his two boys, Fred and
Barry went up the Molalla with John
Noblitt to act as pilot and spent a
couple ot days along the stream and in
the woods hunting and fishing. Barry
says that they had lots of game but no
fish worth speaking of. Tiiey were gone
three days and two nights.
The latest thing in dress goods is the
"hopsuitingsand whipcords" and to give
the ladies of this city and the surround
ing country the very latest, Charman &
Son have Becured as fine assortments as
is to be found on the coast. It will pay
you to call at once and get a handsome
suit as they are placed at hard time
prices and nothing cuuld suit you better.
At Chris Hoberg's place on John Adams
street there may be seen a blackberry
bush which has a shoot of this year's
growth which measures 17 feet and 6
inches with lateral branches 8 feet long.
It has nearly reached the eaves of the
house and there is no telling .where it
will stop. Mr. Hoberg intends to take
it to the Portland Industrial Exposition.
Commercial travelers are proverbially
good feeders and if a good square meal is
to be obtained in a city tbey know where
to go (or it, and all you nave to do when
alighting (rom a train is to follow their
lead and you will nnagoou beds and ta
bles. It is well known all along tbe road
that since W. C. Faulkner assumed con
trol of the Livcrmore hotel restaurant
it is the only place in the city to
go for first class meals, and that ia why
all commercial traveler stop there.
I. N. Baker one of the pioneers of this
place but who now lives at Cottage
Grove in Lane county is visiting friends
in town.
G. W. Church and his son James and
J. W. Noble and his son Emory returned
from a trip up the Molalla the last of
the week.
Among the prosperous farmers of the
county who were in town on Wednesday
were A. B. Marquam and John Labor
of Marquam.
Flav. Painter, who is with a party of
friends has been at High Camp fishing
and bunting. Huckleberries are reported
plenty near there.
Balfe and Merle Johnson who went to
Wilhoit for a few days recreation sent
word home that there were only three
persons there ln-sides themselves.
D. W. Kinnaird is back (rom his
mountain trip up the Clackamas where
he climed hills and lived on bacon and
flap jacks to his heart's content.
Jack Jones and w ife are camped near
Table Rock where Mrs. Jones was quite
sick (or a few days. The party reporting
it said that she was better when they
Dr. 0. W. Yeargain was called to
Columbia City the first of the week to
attend a yuung man who had sustained
a s -rious accident while hunting in the
Rea Norris, Laurence Driggs and
Henry Lewis returned from their outing
in the vicinity of Table Rock on Sunday
with as many fish as they could carry
Mrs. A. Walker has returned from
Sa'em much improved in health and j
since her return she is gaining strength
every day. Her friends are glad to note '
ber recovery. I
I. L. Hoffman w ho has been back to
Ins old home in Illinois returned tbe
first of the week having hud a very
pleasant time. While away he took in
the world's tair.
P. Wright of Salem is visiting the
Story Bros, this week. He thinks of
starting in business in this city. We
wish him success as he is an energetic
young nun.
Councilman J. W. O'Connell finds
himself threatened with another attack
of malaria similar to that which laid
him up last season and to avert it he
is planning a trip to the mountains.
Miss Anna Story and her mother went
t... Js'ewburg last week and visited
few days when her mother returned
home and Anna went to Polk county to
visit her bro'ber (or three or (our weeks.
D. II, Glass went up to his father's
in Linn county last week and was ac
companied by his sister who had been
visiting for a time in this city. Mr.
Glass returned to Lis business on Sat
Leighton Kelly and Malcolm McCown
who spent a week in the vicinity of
Tolfle Ilock returned on Monday with a
limited amount of Huckleberries. They
said of the fishing that they found it
vero poor.
James Fuller who is well known in
this city in the year gone by
wag in the city last Tuesday accom
panied by hia daughter Lillian.
They had just returned from a visit to
the world 'a fair.
elegant portraits to each of our cash ens
temers, as soon as their purcliHSos at our
store amount to $15. Tim price for our
goods will remain just as low as here'o
(ore hut we trust that this unexampled
offer on our part will greatly stimulate
cash trade and induce all to buv fur cash !
a aril as to prove to the public generally
that it is not only our aim to sell gissls
closely lor cash, but to please our custo
mers in other ways, and to occasionally
perience meeting and should yield much deal with them with extra lilieraliiy in
Opens September 27893. C,oac8 0ctbr' 28.
('ii.inii'lril i ihkI nt 110,(10 ! iht.mlm I i...n.1 u ut mit In !! II,. o.,iur
ral-ilMiit will Iwawiur I "c in'i.ir nn
I'lintiiliiliii Bill nlall var.vllr li'Uti.t in "rr'ii alf. h tn cnilfiiiirij ai rt tiaj,
W III rmiialu a rullrcilnii ul ialiiMti. wlix-ii'.l Ir-'in Itia W..H.I a fair Am..i. Oi.m r.lti!f,
r-lrl"lr l ..llillli Cualar'a loot l lulil. 1" M.ll Una flral ct..lll.,i, ,i ,u, 'm
wnniipr. in t r,.r)f tirjt.n ni. in mi iim - ". . i ..in., n. t i.ii u v a,
nr.l'l I r.l in I r.- ai... I i. .ti .-i.i.r.n
fair al I'Mcgi.
K.r limlii'r I u r .1 mt : ..n 1 . 1 r . .
s.ifliiirii..iii al tamdry
valuable information for the use
growers. Do not forget to be present.
Councilmen O'Connell and Randall
and M. W. Randall, 1). W. Kinnaird and
Geo. Crawford are the members of a
jolly party that left on Thursday morn
ing for tbe Nehalem and Wilson River
country with the avowed purpose of
bringing out some fine elk steak to say
nothing of other big game galore. They
expect while absent to overhaul the
Meldrum surveying party. They will
be fortunate if the surveyors do not over
haul them.
The W. C. T. L'. will observe the ninth
anniversary of their organization next
Friday afternoon at the M. E. church.
A new secretary is to be elected ami all
the members and as many ladies as
possible are invited to be present. The
program will be on the subject of "Social
Purity" and will be of vital interest to
On Wednesday P. F. Morey accom
panied by Mrs. Morey and their children
the Misses Florence Morey and Helen
Eastham and Masters Barry Eastham
and Fred Morey left for an extended
trip through the East which is to in
clude a visit to the world's fair. They
expect to be away about a month.
Apple blossoms in Seotember are
something which cannot be produced by
every country. Most sections are glad
enough to have them appear once a year,
but this office has a sample of bright
fragrant blossoms which was brought
in by T. W. Hinkler.
The work on the lower trestle is well
on towards completion und u part of tho
force is now at work on the trestle be
low Moss street where they are building
that part on the east side of the track
first so as to permit travel to take that
side of the track whilo the other is being
of I repayment for their custom, which thev
have so generously cliowerod upon us in
the past, and which we have no doubt
they will continue to give us in the future.
KesKctfully, Marr St Robertson, dealers
in choice family gnx-encs, tine teas,
coffees and spices, provisions and fruits.
Corner 7th and Madison Sts.. Shivelv's
building, Oregon City.
At the rate that the Main street im
provement is now going on many of our
citizens think that no more of the street
should be torn up for curbing until a
ortion of that now torn up Is completed
so that it may be traveled us it is not
desirable that tho street should be all
torn up with the prospect of wet weather
which may prevent work on the street
till spring. It would bean awful con
dition of affairs to have the street all
torn up ami irnpussable during the
Steam'p Telephone j
The state fair begins next Monday
morninu and will continue during the en
tine week. During tho fair the Rose-
burg local which U due here at 3:20 in
the after noon will be held at the fair
grounds and will not reach here till
8 o'clock.
To rise in the morning with a bad taste
in the mouth and no appetite, indicates
that the stomach needs strengthening.
For this purpose, there is nothing bettor
than an occasional dose of Ayer's Pills
taken at bed time.
President J. T. Apiierson of the State
Board of Agricultural is intending to
take his family to Salem to remain
during the state fair. Mr. Win, Elliott
expects to accompany them if the
weather will permit.
II. J. Livermore is now livingon Water
street at the corner o( Fifth street. He
has not yet decided what he will do now
that he is out of the hotel business but
expects to spend the winter in California.
Geo. C. Brownell wag in Canby on
Monday evening as attorney to appear
before the city council to argue tho
question whether liquor shall to sold in
the city or not.
G. 0. Itinearson is thinking of going
to Coos Bay to locate (or the practice o(
The men are still busy with the coffer
dam upon the west side of the river hut
exiiect to have it tilled iu a day or two
now so us to begin puu.ping in earnest.
tiegiiming the first of the week tho
pumps were tried for the purpose of test
ing their working capacity but no attempt
will be made to pump out the water till
the dam has been made as strong as
possiable. The work upon the canal
walls is being steadily pushed forward
und is progressing very satisfactorily.
E. E. Charman left on Monday to
spend the week at the seashore and to
help his wife and mother in their pre
parations to return at the close of the
The Gladstone green house which is
l. t ..:t. 1... r . . .
Orion oiimi riyjumes vuiKinson, jr.. is
approaching completion und is quite an
addilion to the place.
W. T. Whitlock left Thursday ufter
noon to drive to Berry ufter his wifo who
will return in u few days to go out ulter
Leaves foot of Alder street, Portland.
Leaves Portland daily, oxcopt Sunday, 7 A.M If
T.AflTrnO lnbtn r) 1 L O-A 1 M T I
Leaves Astoria daily, except Saturday, 7 P. M.
Direct connection daily at Votings hay with Sviishoro It. I!, fur
potnta on Clatsop Uracil. Tug Ilwaco from Ilwuro connects at Artorii
w un i eiepimnc cvrrv night for Portland. Tickets of Telephone, Oia
Wave, Liirline and tug Ilwaco interchangenhlo.
J. J. Burgess, of Gladstone, sturted
east on Tuesday tho 5th to visit a daugh
ter in Minneapolis and the world's fair
at Chicago.
Krauso's Headucho Cupsules unlike
many remedies are perfectly harmless
they contain no injurious substance, and
will stop any kind of a headache, will
prevent headaches caused by over in
dulgence in food or drink lute at night.
Price 2r cents. For sale by Chariuan A
Co., City Drug Store. Oregon City. Or.
A Million of Friends.
A friend in need is a friend liwl..l
and not less than one million people I
lomei nisi, much a menu in iir. Kmu a
hi ft: . . . . P
new jiscovery ior consumption, Coughs,
and Colds. If you huve never used
tins ureal tough Medicine, one trial
will convince you that it has wondorful
curative powers in all diseases of Throat,
Chest and Lung. F;ach bottle is guar
anteed to do all that is claimed or money
will be refunded. Trial bottles (reo at
Geo. A Harding's drug store. Larire
bottles 50c. and $1.00.
To Brace p
tbe system alter "La Grippe," pneir
monia, fevers, ami other prostrating
acute diseases; to build up needed llesh
and strength, and to restore health and
vigor when you feel "run down" and
used up, the l-.st thing ,e World is
I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical I llseovery.
It promotes all the bodily functions,
rouses every organ into healthful action
purilies and enriches the bl.d, ami
through it cleanses, repairs and inviior-
ales the entire system.
For the inu-t stubborn scrofulous -kin
or scalp diseases, dyspepsia, billioua-tie-H
and kindred ailments. the Diseown.
is the only remedy tlmfs yuurim .
!l .1 I . ...
i uiienii i neiieui or cure, yon
money back.
Can you think
oompitint PHARMACISTS ImpiCH
n Pirfiroenei and Toilet Art!:!a
Alan a lull ttis'k ul
have vutir
of anything ,,,, ,....
vmcing than the promise tlllt H ,
by the proprietors of Lr. Sage's Catarrah
remedy 7 it is this: "If we can't cure
your caiarrrti, wb
py you f'MH) In
Threshing .ttiieliliie Owners
Will !
, l" "''r interest to get one
'd those books which the Kntkiii'hisk is
n putting up especially for threshers.
, " ' ep an exact r ,rd
me least amount of
nook required, j.
smallest H,ssih space.
Card Tor a u I.. .
. ' '"" I"'l""" order u hook of
""' l'"K': ior .(ij. N,JW
want it.
'"'k. No other
everything kept 1
Wend a postal
rder a book of
' is tho lime you
Wiiti Id ho pleased to see his frici: is
and put runs in his m'W
quarters on
Third and Morrison Streets,
Over ( iolilni Rule Hiizrtitr.
a A t
-a - V ..4
Mrs. Geo. 0. Brownell left for a
month's visit to California on Wednesday.
oregon citv.
Masonic Building.
Hons your wife know tl.,. ...
rahan, tW obtainable comes from C.
f. Howard's mill at Miilii,? The rea-
'or this is that he makes this branch
o .isworka sKciultyanda
you enjoy gems or unhnm
. ? rr
i 2aV
Kbaubs'i IIsadaciib Capsulkb-Wab-
Elizabeth, pa., Aug. 22, IHIil
Jh- and those who huv0 tried ZnZ
"'em again. KnH.,u,;ir,.llu ....
, y
'AH. If, fijMiririMi
Unload Yoiirliver
Throo I)ohi'H, of
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Will M;ikft Yon liit-l W
itov1 ia
Doom vmir l.,w,lr ne hn?
everv Htop Boom u hurdon?
aou billimia.
- Moore's Revealed Remedy
Will giva you relief. Try it. '
Bale by all druggiflts.