Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1893)
IKON YOKK MOVIMJ. Ilie Orocou Cttjr Iron Work I'linit lloiufc Moved lo Permanent Quarter. When the Ort'iton City Iron Work were built it w iu aoitiewliat of a iiiH'stion whether or not such an institution would I ay here as many of the mills maintained their own repair niton and the agricult ural lino of repairs wag not very great, hut the few years of their existence under the able supervision of Jus. Koake has demonstated that there is a field here for good machine works and they have found themselves with a constantly growing business on band. At the shop had been built on rented ground and the time had come w hen it seemed best to make extensive additions to the plant, Mr. Kuakn decided to buy and move to a suitable place where he could enlaige the building such a ways, as convenience demanded without doing it on another man's property. He decided upon the location at the corner of Fourth and Water streets and purchased the site of Stephens A Japcer, who, to make room for the iron works, had to move W, 11. Davis paint shop to the rear of Pope's hardware store. This has been done and during the past week Tate Hatch Las been busy moving the plant bodily along the water front across tho block to its new location, and this is being done withort disturbing any of the machinery or tools so that when the building is lev eled up the men can at once resume work. The upper story will be used by Jones & Son for a wood working room and additions will be made to the main building as they are required fur other branches of the business. A moulding and casting department will probably be added at an early date, thus making the iion works tuorecomplete than any other to be found in a place of this size. School Fund Apportioned The statu board of school laiut commis sioners have apportioned tho school fund among the counties, as follows: No. Olill Counties. dren. Itaker l.W ftenton , S.7SS Clackamas 7.2 Clatsop S..VW- Columbia Coos 3.4311 Crook l.a Curry Douglas !.... 6.ftJ7 Urant 1.737 Gilliam l,i7 Harney Jackson. Josephine Klamath Lake Lane.. Linn Lincoln Malheur Marion Morrow....... Multnomah... Polk Sherman Tillamook Umatilla I nion Wallowa Wasco Washington Yamliill 4.SM W4 6.ISI0 7,?.1".' UM I. Ml 22.747 3,527 (MO 1,430 4.M2 l.tas 3,0! 5,S4t! Amount. Ii.iiiu 2,t;ta 10 fl.OlM 00 1.810 20 l.:ti! J,M 00 744 10 S7 00 S..M8 !K) 1.208 tW 87U W m 40 3,l7 40 '1,.V8 70 t!74 80 ,VW 00 4,ti27 00 3.4M 40 km 40 2S 10 CUM 70 1.0-1 70 l.V" DO 2..VVI 00 !W 00 1,001 00 S.lilt 10 3.1.V1 40 l.l.V) 10 2,100 20 4.002 so 3, 00 Total 220,045 fM.Vil 50 Biography of Juntos!;, lll.tine. The Henry Rill Publishing Company, of Norwich, Conn., has been entrusted with the publication of the biography of the great patriot and statesman. It is to be written by Gail Hamilton, Mr. Blaine's literary executor, a w riter of world-wide fame and literary ability, wbo is better qualified to write the biog raphy of Mr. Blaine than any other per son. The Biography will be sold in connec tion with bis great history, "Twenty Years of Congress." and his later book, "Political Discussions: Legislative, Diplomatic and Popular." This will be the only biography of Mr. Elaine, approved by his family. Hon. Juirfs W. Bradbury, formerly U.S. Senator from Maine says: "There is no other person in the country so well equipped to prepare a biography of the late Secretary of State, James G. Blaine, as Gail Hamilton. She has all the materials of the work, and the ability to use them with a graphic pen. Her lung residence in the family made her acqiainted w ith the man in his inner and outer Hie, the workings of his mind, and his manner of dealing with the im portant questions that came up for solu tion. She so fully possessed his confidence that she is made bis literary executor, and has the custody and use of his let ters and unpublished payers, important to give a full idea of his labors, and bis reasonings upon the subjects that en gaged his attention. She has also such reverent admiration of her relative that the work will be a labor of love that will call forth the ut most effort of the genius of one of the jnost prominent writers of the times. Stopped the Kan. The San Diego Sun quotes Horace Mc Phee, a county commissioner of River side, Cal , as telling a Btory which is pe culiarly pat at these time. He said that there was a run on a bank in an iron mill town and the debitors were being paid in silver dollars. Theexcite ment increased and the run became a fast one. The cashier was a young Irishman, and the work put on him was more than he liked. He resolved to stop it. He sent the janitor with a bushel of silver dollars into a rear room where there was a stove, with instruct ions to "heat them silver dollars red hot." They were heated, and in that condition were handed out with a lade.!. The depositors first grabbed the coin, then kicked. "But you'll have to take them that way." said the cashier. "We are turning them out as fast as we can melt and mold them, and if you won't wait until they are cool you'll have to take them hot." That settled it. The run was stopped. Mcl'hee says the story is true, but denies that he was the Irish cashier. Woithington's Illustrated Magazine for September shows great diversity of material and an excellent list of con tributors. The interest and value of its leading articles, and the fine literary qualitiy of its Btories, poems and depart ment matter, are admirably supple mented by fine press work and specially prepared illustrations which make this number as attractive as it is readable. The leading article for September is a well written and highly entertaining paper upon "Seals and Sealing," by Joseph Stauley-Browu (formerly Secre tary to President Garfield). Call and see the lounges at R. L. Ifolman and you will see some itood ones which they are selling almost at manufacturer's prices Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Sared. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hnnl, of Groton, S. !., we quote: " Was taken w ith a bad cold, which set tled on my Lungsf cough set in and finally terminated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up. saying 1 could live but a short time. 1 gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could nut stay "with my friends on earth, 1 wotikl meet my absent ones above My hus band as advised to net Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. 1 icave it a trial, took in all, eik:ht !ottie; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at G. A. Harding's drugstore, regular sixe 60c. and $1.00. The (ireat Northern Reduces Kates. The Great Northern has amended the following rates: From eastern terminals to the North Pacific coast points first class, ; second clae, $25 ; to Spokane first class, $30; second class, $20; to Helena and Butte, 25; second class, $18. First class rates will apply in both directions, second class west bound only. Tickets at thtwe rates will be limited to continuous passage. A Gentleman Who formerly reildrd In Connecticut, but wbo now reside in Uonolnla, writes: "For year past, my wtfs in J 1 have used A jer'a Hair Vigor, aud we atlribnte to it the dark hair which she and I now have, while hun dred! ( our acquaint ances, ten or a dozen years younger than we, are either gray-headed, white, or bald. Wheu L liAi.m..liiil.l.n. (AtTftjtfj totd Its color and "Sci-J fulluete, we reply, 'By the use of A jer'a Hair Vigor nothing else." "In 186, my affianced was nearly bald, and the hair kept fall ing out every day. I Induced her to use Ayerf Hair Vigor, and very loon, It not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant aud glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all In need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is all that It Is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrun, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR n Portland Cowlitz River Route, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellogg TranH. Co. STR. JOSEPH KELLOGG leaves Kelso Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at G A. M. Leaves Port land, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. NORTH WEST Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Kelso and Upi:r Cow litz river points, returning the following days. This is the only direct route to reach all Cowlitz river points. WM. R. HOLMAN, Agent. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of small machines promptly made. Duplicate keys to any lurk manufactured. Hliop on Main Ktreet, next to Moblilt's titablos. t I J HON. Z. AVERY, ONI tfTNt USSCST CoTCTOe Suit i MiamtiiA. HEART DISEASE 30 YEARS. Qbakd bum), Kit., April 9th, lsia Dr. Mil JtHMl Ofc, Xtkhart, 14. Oiframis: I had been troubled with mc.hi liiliil tqaTMf uitHUHi, and although I a krvawd by hl injurlan. and tiled lua iy Niueilloa, 1 grew Meadlly won unul wa. com. hitiit hottco ant conrmip to m mto tvry tsktunk. . , l'n hm J Hone hr. 'and II wiih the gruaitsi difficulty tbai Bf elnulautvn count HthousandsS ck lo nmsriotunoa agalo. While In thfi tion 1 tried your ni Must Cost, and Iwn to itnnrvvt from llio llral, aud uuw 1 m able lo do a wod itay't work fora mn 6 jrru(K. Iglvo Da; Mntr Nt HtT Cum .all ib cttdlt for my roooircri It lionrili luonlluunra I bar taken any. alihouxh 1 keep a bottle In the houie in raw 1 abould need II. I hare alxi tiwd TwirNtfVt ISO LlVta Pitl, and think (reel deal of tlieiu. S. Avaav. OlO ON A POaiTIVC QUHNTII. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, SO DOSES 25 CTt For sale by Charmun fc Co. WHEN IN CHN BY TRY THE 11 1 1 nn H Uli MRS. J. HARK IS, Prop. HutneoHikt'd iiM'als served in tho hest of shut'. Clean rooms ami hed. Meals 2" rents. Ronrd at reasonable rates. box ns roK SALE. ScW bliln otil t r. relied hy the Treirer of tlarhninii county at hit ottice Inthecotirt hoone In Orfiion City np tn l3o'lM-k niNiu, Ati Kit JS. IK'S, (or tile nW of tmtidt to the anioniil of l.'MOnl x-hiMil dl-lrlrl .to, .1. of ( ! kniom county. Orrfnn KhIiI ttoinU not te he tohl low pur. Ii.' to lnr hi-vpb r mil lutereet and uitcn. ami prtociful yyntile et the othce cd uiecoiiniy trc'iioirer nt uretoti t.tiy. nreaon. Ktidorup eiivelotH. " (roti.Miiilt for the pur- cheof nchol lMnti " Klifhl rueived to irlvi t ny nr all hide. S. II. I'AI IKK. (ninny Treaaurer. Oregon City, An? 17. 11 CIIATTKL MoltTtiA'iE SALE. By virtue of a cer uln chattel raor'xnee, dated Mav li'th. iv.a. irlven l.y S. c Mump aud J. H HheeliH-k to E. I'erkrr, and filed at the court' houx-at tirrami City. Oregon. I, E Parker have tnkt-n awny from S C. Stump nnd J- li. Whre lii'k the (iKule mid rhnlii l dex rllied In laid rhrtitel norti('iire, to wll One hv Vfldlna. aired 7 yearn, immed 'lotor; one iinrrel aaed 7 years, named Nettle: one Mltrlietl Wiaou,:!', inrh keln. heinliT truck, with rn'k: and will n il the me at pulilic ituctimi l N I H 1 1 ' ita- bin'rth, l'-i. atju'ehx k p m a. i AKKr.K Oreeon City, An. 1", ttt. NOTICE KOK l-CIII.ICATIO.N. Land Office at Oriuon I lly. Oregon, July ill. f.. S Notice in hereby given, that Ihe follolnr named nettler laot filed notice of hu Intention lo make final proof in aupport of hla claim, and that aahl aroot will he nimle Iwforu the KeaUter ami Keeelvor at Oregon llr. Oregoa. on September tt Ita. via: ifaua i nrni nrnen, llomealead No. TXt.i. for Hie nn'lh half nf the north weat ipiarter of aectlnn .1 li. tt E. llenamcathe followltig wltnee to tirfive hla conrluiioua rvuldeni e upon and cultivation of aald laii'l, vll: John f. liuua. Ileltirlck Kelhmer, l'eler Paul- aen, liana Klluker, all of (ieorj. (Mackamaa county. Oregon. J. T. APPMtMo.N, -4:-S Keglaler. NOTICE EO prill.ICAtloN. Land Ofllce at Oregon city. Oregon, July 31. Ih'.'il. Nr.tlce la hereby given, that the following nameil aettler lua filed notice id hla Inlenllon to make final priMif in aupnort of Ma claim, and that "aid nrnof will be made before ihe Keglater and Receiver al On-gou City, Oregon, ou 8ep temler 21, vl: sctn uten, llomeatcad No S'a.i. for the lota 1 ami I 8. E. .i of S. E. i of aee. B. tp IH.R.S E. He uamea the following wllnexea to prove hla contlnuoua realdence upon aud cultivation of aald land, via: John K. Dlc kev.of Molalla.t la"kamaa county. Oregon; lavl llavla, ff Wllholt, Claekarnaa county. Oregon: S. M. Kamaby, of Oregon City, C'Ur-kamHa riuinty, Oregon: V.. K. N'rdilett, of Oregon City, Clarkainaa county. Oregon. J. I. Ai'rr.Knim, S-4 'J-S Hegi.ler. NOTICE FOB. PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon July ill. Imi3. Notice la hereby given, that tliu following named aettler h Hied in tlneol liitcntlon lo make final proof In aupportnf )ila claim, aud that said proof will be made liefnrethe Hglter anil iteceivcr at wrcgou i.ny, wrcgon, ou ncp tcmner In, lh'jS, vl.: J. P. Nlticfker, Ilomextcad entry No ijii:i, for Ihe S. E '. of N. E. ., mid N K of H. K. i, H. of A. E. M sen. ffiX. i li . It. 4 K. lie namca the fottfiwlng wltncfo.(a to prove hla contlnuoua realdence upon and cultivation of aal'l land, viz: Jeaaie Cox, Kobert McCain. A. J. Grindatafr, M. liollnnil, all of Kl wood, Krcgnn J. T. AI-I'EI'.HON. -:9 Keglater MOKTOAGKK'B HALE. The iiinlcrilgned will ofri-r at public nuc'lon on the 2d day of Augiixt, the following leacrlbed ierMotial property: 1 Kitfon ahoddy picker, I ahoddy dunter, 4 large pulleys. 1 exta pulley; I KJ llich belt, 1 1'J Iim I) belt, aevernl mall helta. about W feet of ahaftlng, and all the peraonal property contained In and about the aalo building aud tifcd in the manufacture of ah'Hldy in the pulp mill building leaned formerly to E E. Henry and leaae of prcminea occupied by the same. The aiile will take place at the ahoddy ailll in Milwaukee where the property laaltuated and will be sold purmiant to the term of a chattel niortgagCexeeiiud by Hamuul Pleraon to J. 0. Koberla. J. C. KOHKIU H, Mortgagee. Dated July 27, 1HM. 7-2S:S a AHHIONEE'B NOTICE, Notice la hereby given, that Meaara Potter 4 Kelly, of Oregon Oily, Oregon, have made an akalgumcnt to the underalgned for the benefit of their credltora. All peraona having claims agnlnal the aaid eatate, are hen:by notified to present the same, properly verified, lo the as signee at hla office on Main street, Oregon City, within three rnonlhaof the date of this notice. All persona Indebted to flic paid estate are hero by notified to pay the same forthwith. THOU K, KYAN, Assignee of the estate of Potter 4 Kelly, Insol vent debtors. Oregon City, August 2, IH'M. Ct THE EIGHTH FAIR MIL J OF THE' Butte Creek -TO HE HEM) AT TlIEIIt GUOl'NPS Near MARQUAM -ON- Thursday, Fridays Saturday, SICIriCMBKU ..8th, 29th H 30th, PREMIUM LIST LRRCER Anil niore liberal than ever Mow. STOCK AND FARM PRODUCTS Will bo given every uilvnntaue for a tlinpluy. Jbe - Indies' - Departnt Will be 0110 of tltt liMnling nttractioiiH, ami nn t xbilit in i-x-jMftttl worthy of tlic tlrjmrt nt. BEAUTIFUL -:- GROVK Adjoin iit)r proumlH with ovrry convt'tiiiMiw f.r citmpinu with ti jilii'ji and fin l in abundance iitnl nt nifoniilili' ric--. Hotel tWYOIlllllinlittiollrt anitI for all. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- TUB SHASTA Wni Of tho . SOUTIIKKN PACIFIC COMiv Kijireaa Train leave I'nrlU, H.m.h I 1 wir. at I l.v" ? tit r. at Hi ina M I'orliand "1.' l.v Or.,.. in 11, 1, i At H. fralielti-o ,, Pullman Buffet SleeD; TOURIST SLEEPING Caj Foreceotiimmtatlati of aWotnt l'Hk allaehrd lo Kipmas TrBimf1 ItoHKIIt'KU MAIL (ri,r Ml. a i l 1'orllan.l A r .11 M. I l. tlregoiit ll ., hMr " LAr"""',""! ' !'J V val Mule Hivnio"' iturwrrN I'ohtun!) axu cm, , Mall Train. Dally tKarHIllMni' 1 ,111 a I l fur 1I1 IJ !r a I Ar Ai 1 1: t'orvallit I., P Al Altwtiy and l'orllt. r..unwt 1 ol Diatom and faclDe lullnaiil. Iiprvaa Train Itallv 1 tt aet, I iur a I I I'orilaii.) x, 1 )At a I Ar MeVluuvillt t !, On a id aflrr lb Jih ot thu .mj further nolle trains on lh Wiji,T fl.lil IH.ei ll between,r, ' and tMiwneti MiHHltoirtt ami ail,rtua ( only imr other day, that l 1,1 M, (, . tou in ,i.iir. and Irt.m ...n.," roa. en Motida,. Welaeaila,s. aa.) 1, Irmii halrioi lo WiiMirn 11,4 , HilterloH. Tueadaya.,!, ina,( itn l .tiitpaliy It i"lo ilcl naliMt vli e owing lo the iIwimn In tuiuaa aud Iraftui THROUCH TICKETI TO AI L foiajl EAST AND SOUTH, rmllrketa and full Infurmtltnt ralM aiai.a, etc., rallun t inuiHoiia orejoa 1 11 ' H KoKIII K. f Hiiiltal. Manager Att'l U t tu rial 1 ;p TICKET I (hkmI wn?n rondri connect Mariiiant with all nrt of thu county. Visiturs from a dintauco comin(r by railrnuvl will Ut ablit to ctmveyances at Silverton, Mt. Angel ami other convenient railroad point. TICKETS FOK THE SEASON: GENTLEMEN, 50 CENTS, . LADIES, 2. CENTS, Day Tickets 2") ct, Children tinder 1.1 yearn of ati' fret. ftVSciul for pretnitiat lint and; full infornuition rev'ardtin; njuice and Htand privileges to A. V. DAVIS, Secretary. U. JACK, I'rwident. THE POPULAR BOAT. Steamer Iralda, Ih now makinff round trip: daily except Wtdnortday Im Uucii OAK POINT, AND PORTLAND And intermediate landitiK's, con necting at Riniinier witli STK. CARRIE - IV FOR KELSO. Leaving Ouk I'oint 4:11 a.m. Arriving in Portland . . . 10:.'5() n. nu Leaving rortland .'!:)) p. nu Arriving at Oak I'oint. . .7:M p. in. Wharf foot Washington Htreet S. E. GILI1ERT, Agont. Portland-Clatsbnic R-O-U-T-E. u4 fir Salt Lake, Den Omaha, Kansas Cit Chicago, St.Lc ANUAU Eastern Cities. 31 DAYS TO 2 CHICK Hnnrt Wwkr to ( UUUlp ami Kansas Cir IM'I.LMAN .V TOCKISTSli KKS. FKEK HKCLlXINiK Carn, Dining Cur. For rati' and grni ril iu.'i tioii call on or adilW. w. H. nuiti.iti itr, AMt ( Piio"). Agt.. 'J.VI Wiwhin(!t"n Third, 1'ortland, Or. tliuQuicki't to Chi ami thu Ki-t Sunday Services. HT. PAI'IH ClirHCII-Kpl.iial-Knv. 1. A. Kokatorm Paator. bnrvlrea at II nXiM'k a m anil , :M. m. l'rayitraiirvlce vor Krlilny uvuttliiK. KlKKTCONOKKOAriONALCHI'UCII.-Km. M. Aniii.ieii iiii;u.hkhtv, l'ati. HorvKn-a at 1 a. H. hd1 I 'M r H. Hmnlny HcIok.I alliT riH.rijliiK ai'rvlcfl. Ftayur iioetlfiK WoOurailay cvi-nim at 7 :l ''ick. I'rnyr niwtlnir of Yihiiik I'mipir, Hocli'ly of Chrlatlaii Ktiili'ror every Hiimlay veniuir at prompt. FIKH'P KAI'IIHT CliriKCIf.-ltitv. Oiumak I'akkkh Paatur MortiliiK Hvrvlre at II :Hmiliiy HnhfMil at li U; Kvi'iilnit HervUtn fl M; ltKulnr prayer niui'tliiK WeilfiNflay irvi-filtiK. Muiittily Covenant MimuIiik every Weilneailay rveninK preeeillnK Hie tlrnt Hiinilny In tliu moalli. A curiiiHl invltatiiiii to all. HT. lOIIN'H CIll'KCII. CATIIOMC.-ltiv. A. llu.i.itHKANU, Paator. On Hn inlay innaa at H nnil lo ;tl) a. M. Kviiry arrimil and fourlli Hiinilny (iermaii aiTiniin afti-r the M o'cloi k inaxa At nil other niaaaea K ul I xli aerinoiia. Humlny Hi'lniol at '2 :l P. M. Vmtiera, aulof utieal aulijeuia, kii4 HeneJIctlon al MKTIIODIKT KPIHCOI'AI. CIIL'ltCII.-ltKV 0. Hvkt.h, Paator. Morning aervlec at II; Hutnlay rtohnol at i:!; Kvenlmraervlen at7::i(l. Kpwnrth l-eanur. meetinn Hiinilajr evinlni at tt .10; Prayer MfPtliiK Thiirailay evening at 6.30. atraninra corillally Invlteil. FIKHT PKKHBYTBKIAN CHUKCH.-ltltv. O. W. Oihonky. Paator. Hervitwa at 11 A. M, anil 7:0 P. M. Halilmtll Heliool at 11) A. at. Yoiiiik Peoplo'a Honlety ol Clirlatlan Kurteavor meeta every HutelKy evenlnK tt d uo. Wedneailay evening prayer meelinii al 7:80. Heata free. KVAN0CI,ICA.CH(;HC1I-0KKMAN-Ann. Eh NaT, Paator. Preaching aervlrea every Huielav at 11 A M anil 7:So P. fi. Katilmth (!hol every Hmnlay at 10 A. M. Mohn llarrlalmrxer, Hnpt.) Weekly Prayer MeiiUng every Weilneailay eveiilng UNITED DKKTIIKKN ClltlKCII.-Kev P. II. Wii.i.umh. paator. Hervli'oa fl rut iiikI thlnl Hutt lay mornliiKa anl the preeillni Hntunliiy nlKlit In each month at Oregon City, at II a. in. ami 7 p in., ami Ihe flrat Bunday aflnruooti of each month at Fall View. STR. SARAH DIXON. ii:0. M HIIAVKH. Mnaler, Will li'iiv 1'ortlam Diwly.fxtvpt Sunday, at 2 p. m., for (Jlathknnii Si way InmlLiigH. Returning, arrive at iVrtland at 10 a. in., Daily except Monday. TIhj company nwrvo thu right to change time without notice. -THE- fill For ftvight or piiHhrnger rut apply totlm k clerk at Portland or on Uiiird steamer. Thin in the ncareHt and mont di red route to the Ne,a,k.u valU-y. ISPS In the lino of furniture, eurpetH, win dow hIiuiIch, wall piier, Ioiiiih and mattrnHHes you can beat, i'ortliunl price. by callinit in tim uretfon i ay tmutc block uniler the K.ntkbpkihb ollice. x J.rratlon of jK-rfrrt Couitilcxioo Th. favorite l'r,n.h toan.rtlc. 1 ' Th APRel' 8lln BiflBCh, Rr.rllc.lf. .11 riontal Powder In vnh . rrrrn ri AdDaI'a nv(nn.l i- . Appol's Natural Blush The m,iy Rolle jniet.i.t,,rr,whfappl.rt to the far-..r Tk. i I r " ""'k 'I'M'irtlr,, I Ud ff'aala J.'ijr HaluRy U' L'"UlU """iHm frw, tlAliMAN &C CO. 11 Oregon Pacific Railn E. W. 1IADLKY, KiA'i" IHnvt Lint (inick ili-f' Low frui;lit rato la'tww lumi-ttc VallVy jint i Frawiwti. fX-'KAXHTlCAMKItSAllB S. S. Willamette Yal I-aveH S FmnciKCO M at.J 'J1. Lcavi K Vaititia Miiwh '.J'J. TIuh Omtpflny rwr right tnt'tuiugo nailing da" 1 Hlt noticit. HIVICIl KTKAMKR Sleanier "Hoii" li-iivcn Wi'diiemluyV and Saturday' A. M. II. 0. DAY, Oeit. Ag'ts Street Wharf, Portland, D. It. VAUCHN, (! Al Franc'iMco, (Jnl. C. (J. 110(1 HE, (1. F- CorvalliH, Oregon. Cooke's Stabl W. H. COOKE, Manflg Htir-caaor to V. II T Comer Fourth and Main S 0HKC10N CITY. The LKADINO MVKHV g: of tlio City. Uis of any ftirniHlied on Hhort notice. All kitulHof .'ruck amirdi neHH priiiiiptly attentlml to. Ilormn llonnlud and Fed u0 able terniH. X