Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1893)
J,EnSONALNOTES. 1 ( i,,liu 1 1 14 1 1 it In visiting Imr frloti.l iVm I'll"'""?- L V H. A iiIm w turtl : nut on ,y ll Vlil III I"W. j, Jell MytTH "I .,l cuniy ii i. ol y Ttntny o( tiiU wiH'k. 0, rien awl Iv ijiiiiii lo in! Uy to miihI abort vara- 1 , fMltli Wlslmrt liasgonri to Ilwaeo 1'tiitn. i ( (Ulirli'l Hykim In aWiit nt tltn I , cuiid'""" Methodist Kpla- I . .. A II ...... .. Murrur rclnriH'il lint lut of ilm 1 iroin Ys'i'ilna May win-re lui had M cuupln of wrmka. j i.liro. Warner and linr slater MIm il"H l'v rulnrned (rum their A, Ilsrnhard oUI lima friend of (unln Hyri B'"'1 ' 'li't I"'"' H' 't wik, t. ()iiu K. ( iImi w ho linn leen visit ft leUlive al I.a( Vntnr for (lis punt Ltrvis l eiH tol home on Mun- I'nik intends to Url fur Ilm I luiitny lo l gne 'vi'fl wiHiki j tt iitmijt'iiiPliU to iiiiivc utit hero !.). itlitll Cli-v-liini wlio lm Ihh hi) sister, ,ilrn. II. ti. l liw re J lo eastern Oirgoit itio llml ul .crk. F M"rey has ' raised a Iiniiimhii it Ms r ili'ni- fniii uliirh tun and slrl) wavo on public -:,n. '. Fouls and returned frum Hip lu Ihe North Count Urn Unl i,f ..i i. i ...... 1 i i .. Mrl IIHI a rtv liillill it'111'lllii.'U I'J wlinii. Ji Walton ami ifo in lend to .. i i i i- . i i i i.. ua Niii'iu) ior ineir on iiuiue in m aiHl will iako in tint auriua k.lSV, Par of the Wwxlluirn Imlv ot nvniiipnnied by hl tsiloaere - cur ril of liny tho pail i liiilinu Irieiida. i Walllim nl lfrt returned on front a trip to tlif coast atiil -i, WsliihR,t"ll aline they have lining IlirlliU -i (' llrnwnell, who was lnary out with work took a few liiy from hit duties at the coast, re 1 on Wednesday, JsJi-iihK' Front artivKil from Kan- m hiimlay am) a ill vikiI tier Ima- annl, t. li. t'rmt avni family vi'l i f Inolitha. rl Wjllinina nihI Mifi lm haw HMn..y Nmytl, Hhohim h....n mikhrmiI '"f im lli,i ,(.mrK UM, m,. ht ' Muln alr,.,.t , 'il,mliu., ilm mimii M,lthrN, (i A, I I.r.tti.w mh.1 , ('. K(.v.M,a l,o wm wi'lioliilnij hy tin1 rouiii'll to hIvIkh will, him In tmtkli.K li NMavaimmt ami It P,rov.... A ai. lu m,.-hIhK wiin rullwl for Wmlmwlny fv.-nlii to Intro 'I'H'H an unllnam'u mukliiK tli hhmih mMit hut la It wim ()l r,m,iv tM, ,nl.,.t. Ii'lf h. lo U iiljoiiriH-l till Tlmr.iluy. Ilm liluhM laaoaamont U inaihi Uilnattlm Vnl KM,, KI.M trlc om ,uny mllafor .V(W.M, tlm (. C. Wg.Cn. ruim-a nt.,i wt, :j n,l)2 to ay. Homo of tliB olht-r )ilKhat payi-ra r: ('alhullo HlKK).4ft, Hr.llnt, WiMcn A Mory lll(K), Cla kan.aa com.ty flrlll.14, Mn. J. DoUn ) ami J. Wllklnaon 7I2. Tim imiMmamtml for tlm wuat alilo of tlm "trt-ct l hfivlt-r than that for thu tant IiIb on moouiit of tlm railroad track a bt'lng um Ilm nr, ami thli It caua Ing (liaaalUfurtlou amoii tlm proprty owimm who liavo to ay for tlm lint.rovB nmnt. Tlm rrcahvlrrmn chunli of Kiiwiiv Ima rxtemliMl t till to Hiv. 0. Win. tillHiimy 0f Hiia city, tolMH-oiim paator of tlm rhiin h In that .larm Mr. (ilhoimy lm hiillt tlm i hiiri'h ami Sntiilay n hool ImriMlp from afiw iiminhvm toaoiiK'thlnK hkel(K),whMi atU atathuclhi'li'iicy of hla work. The tt'inlanii at Wli ihiirrh ml Humlay ai hiKil la itood mn) not only la Im Ih IovpiI hy hla chnn h anil con-Ifri-iiation hut tlm cominunfty it liirn Miwm him highly ami nil would xtrniiirly lorry to hva him li.ave. . Tlm mtwlintf of Wtllaitmtto Kalai-amp of Wuudumn un WVilm-atlay livening aa wi'll allnidrd and in addition to thu miMtiwra iM'ionitliiK, Hutu wm pnMnt a didt-iiatlon from I'ortluml who added miii'h to I Im lnlurit of thu inm-liiiK. Tlm next ini'iniim will Im on Wodimmluy tvi'lilii of m-it wwk. Thu iiii'IiiIhth I'li'M'iit Unt Wednewlay rvi'iihiK rtnelv ed their certilli atei eiilillln them to tlm U-lirlll In inw of deuth . JildlJrt Kouli eiiterUineil a party from near Wilwinville lunt week upon tlm eornplalnt Y. 0 Walker who rlmred llemy Iiietkermun with inakiliK an ajinanll nin Imu with a daiiKeroim Weuo, aald WeaHn hriliK a iniirileroiia Kruh hoe of w hlrh Walker w ua niili h in fear. Tlm defendant wan hound over in the nu in ol tHH) for which Im liirniahed Ilm ImiiuW, Itvv. (. Wm (iilxiiiey and family riv turned on WedneiMluy fiom l.rhanon where they hum aHndiii; theii vai-atiou. .Mr. (iihouey Ima iciiiiied aoiiielliiii liku IKleen tioiniiU in hm hIi aeiirn and ia heavier than ever helore. CMS PICBIIC! SEPTEMBER 8, 1893. SHNDY, ORE., In F. A. Meinig's Park. l ' fcjk PROGRAMME: INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, - Metropolitan Band ORATION, - - Geo. C. Rrownell, of Oregon City DANCING ON PLATFORM IN AFTERNOON. Ginnd ball in hall in tho evening. Refreshments of all kinds convenient. CIRCLE SWING. DAY & NIGHT H. 15. CIIASK, President of tho Day, J. C. MtADLKY, Grand Marshal, TICKETS,' For danciiiK on platform, 50 cents. For ball in the Hall, including Supper, $1.25. K. A. MICINIG, & SONS, - ProprietorH. GREAT SPEAR HEAD CONTEST. onnw m ml AND SAVE THE TAGS. One Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $173,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Clven Away In Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1 .1 68 tSTTM WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCTIE8 B T7S FINE IMPOFITKD FRKNril OPETIA OLAWFS, MOROCCO Bflglf, 0,770 BLACK ENAMEL THIMMINOH, OUARANTtED ACHROMATIC... M CO 23 1 00 IMPORTED GERMAN MJCKHOIIN HANDLE, KOUE BLADED IHJCKET KN1VEH 23,100 00 116,600 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH 116 600 LAROE pVcTURmVlV Incbei) IJf ELEVEN COLOKH, for framing, i i w.www uomiyetUtiDt on ttiim a."7! 261,030 PHIZtS. AMOUNTING TO $173,250 00 The tboe trtlelw will be dlirtributed, by ootl tmong prtle wtw chew 8PEAB HEAD Plug Tobvxo, ud return to us Utt 1 1S IAW UMen therefrom. W will dlrtrlbut a of then prtiw in (bla county M follow! I To THE PA RTY inllnK u Ui imat..rt number of SPEARHEAD nnj -n vn krrP TAOH from Ibto county w. will gWe. I GOLD WATLc To the FIVE PARTI EH eendln un the next RremtMt t BjmWrf ... r, ARfirc BPEAK HEAD TAOt, we wlU give toencE, 1 Oi'LRA OLAba.,,4 OPERA GLAoSIx To the TWENTY PARTIf .ending oe the next rmileirt niimhfr Prof. G. L. KuHttnan, of 3S8 Kunt Morrinon St. Portland, will le present ami bo prepared to make photograph) of all kinds. I.t K'iJ.IV H C. lil'llliillH Wild (lilt un III" "vli lie cli'e uilil (ell in bui li nmtuier un to (rui'tnrn one u( liiii rilm, fil l Inr '.' ver lell (or llieir ! ,, m ...n ineii liln itrit nml keeps m it (i.likili, Wiwi.imin lo ! Nr.utttl tlmiitfli aufTi-riiitf uiwmI dt'l ilh U t r-iiiple i( laofillm. ,ni, .it NhU'I returned from tlif i-ml i Kev. tiilnmn I'urker Mm railed to Mnday .. roii,.nied .y In. lam- j ufM )( Ti,tH,Jiy B(.r,10n to unite in 1 Mi. Swan and family all (I Ui ii ut tlie aeamde fur a 'u irka. n.rr KriiN. i.I tlii ritv rtnd Mini Titer of Vanei.nver Horn in lliw !l llit uf the week on llieirwuy liuin a utivimfiil iniiirrl tour of 'ilUineiie nnlvemlty. and I red l'.ly returned from trip tlirouKli Citlifiirnia tlia flrai of P"k well iileaaed to get buck. They '"HihI tlm team at AatiUntl and tl rent of the war ly rail. linker who fotinerly lived tier ''o linn nntly Ihk'O Imatedit ilarurt, Imn returned In the cily for 'tiler and la livlnu in one. of Mrs. Im' Iioum-h on Jelferaon atrret. 't Hunday eveninic K. J. Imia, tl i"n and Minilar druK clerk at ")', li lt for tlm Kant here, lie- vUttiiiK hi old homo at Iowa City, !l ajiend noma time at the great fair. lxH to I utiMoiit Kuiiie live wveka. and Nello JoliHon lire down from "He un a vinit to their parwnta. I'M I'untriii'ted rheiimutiHin from 1 hn la mireritiK aovemly and he ' fiat tlm I'lmnito lo Wei) Foot f help him. Nello la pre- mturn to achH)l atI.elnd Htnn- ll'Binraity In a couple of wwka. f 'Utinio frlnnilNof W. 1. Hurnt fiiriiirrlv aherlir of thia rolinty tlie jdi-ttMiiru uf a vlait with him """"II and wlfo wurn In Ilm city V,rrt tho wenk. Mr, llurn In nKH iimil clerk on ono of tlm llii 1 a luv iilf for a " of duva whieli )i niuiiit heru. J" '"Urn Knti-:uiiiihk olllcohn recalled ."'iiKitinent of Ihoolllco n it waa lleaaHhenir ami (xriiyln tho '""idiiiK in which wore then located llllty olllcea. "''oiifeivmH) of the MothodiHt Kplnco !l,t'li 'ih in Hn"Nion at Allmnv. , Hv. 1 ''"'hoiih, thu Becrntury, called the " to order and IHhIiop (lood "i'iileil. jjiiMt of the iiiemliera "rt''l to tlm roll eull. J. A. Iei)iii 1 1'., Whm n!,i.ii,l .i,Tilurv and 1 A. Hlllrr. Iniiiuiimr ' c"i'ly teuchem will hcM their ,r Niunthly ineofuiK at Marqniini l,"r"y l UiIh week and are iinluv pleiiHimt and snccorHfiil meet 1111 'ho IntoroHtiiiu program which "en rruiiKiid. , f ' TliomuH and Ivy ltlutja have nied a tioeriHe to wed . 4. iiiiiinnifi' John Pieice of lUwton, Maana clm-fttH and Mic" Clura llutihii.a of I.n;n M B. Huntley of Ktitfcne who wm attendititt the rnratnptnent at (iladntone " uiiliirtiliiuie fiuiiin to a iumu while there containing aoinelhlniJ over 17. A mong tlie vlsitora In town may be seen Mine Uira Appemun, of McMlnavihe, who la thegucKt of Mina Sinnio nil-liunn. Mine Juneau Wade and her aunt, Mini Amy Johneon, have gone out towarila Mt. HoikI for a week'a camping. FOR ASTORIA-FAST TIME. Steam'p Telephone A- A of HPEAR HEAD TAGrt, we will give to each 1 POCKET KNlfE. .20 POCKET KNfVT lo the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES eendlng ni the next greatest namher of HI'EAR HEAD TAif we will elye to each 1 vrrva HOLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK 100 TOOTH PICKa lo the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES eendlng ui tte next greatest number of HI'KAR HEAD TAOH, we wlU give to eacn 1 ,., lAlWiE PICTURE LN ELEVEN COUlIUJ K PICTCBEa Tetal Somber of rrlaea for this Coonty, 226. CAITTION.-NO Taeii will be receWed before January 1st, m, nor after February 1st, Krh Dackaee containing tagi mtut be markeil plainly with hameol Ki oiler. Town, C ountr. tttatc, and Number ol Taga In each package. All charges ou packages mail oe prPRK.AD.-HPEAR HEAD poawenea more qnalltles of Intrlnirle Talne than anT other .1... l.iw, nmrfunML It Is the wetet, the U)uul)et, the richest hPEAU Ilt.AU Is 14. absolutely. Dositlvely and dlatlnetlveiy ainereni in navor irrnn nnj wwr i m A trial w'il convince tlie moot skHptlcalof this faou It Is the larei neiler of any similar ' . . . . . V. ... 1. U..- n .. I . I I. n M.m, I ar I '. I " .nil nlAMJit I Km I ill null on every matter how small the Shane and style on earth, which proves that It h is caught the populs neoDle. Try It, and particlpHie In the conust for pnua Htethaia 10 cent pkc ol bPEAli UEAD you buy. Kend In the tag no i THE P. 'j. 80R0 COMPANY, MiDDLETOTrii, OHia quantity. A list of the people obtaining theM prtxei in this county will be published in tela paper Immediately after February lut, 131. DON'T SEND ANT TAGS BEFORE JANUAP.T I. I34. Leaves foot of Alder street, Portland. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. M. Leaves Astoria daily, except Saturday, 7 P. M. Iireet connection daily at Yotinps hay with Seashore It. It. for all jKiintu on Clatsop Ileiich. Tug Ilwuco from Ihvaco connects at Astoria with Telephone everv night for Portland. Tickets of Telephone, Ocean Wave, Lurlino and tug Ilwuco interchangeable. Clyde Appcraon of McMinnville was calling upon hla many frienda here (or a couple of day tho pant week. THE PERFECT.EE5 KIMBALL PIANO. PERFECT IN TONE, TOUCH, SCALE, DESIGN. MARKET KKI'OUT. llelow Is given the Oregon Cily Msrket He)M)rt, eorrertcd Aug.'.:', from iUotatlona rurnlsliitl the Kntuu-kisi by lo:al nier- chaiita: oka in Wheal, vallev, per bushel not posted. (lata, per buiiM M.CM ri.ot'K. Oregon City Mill", Portland brand. . . 3 Ml riot . Hhorts, Hr ton -1 (x) lira. 18 tW Clover hay, haled Timothy hay, haled 10 to 12 OP raouuii. Potatoes, per 100 Ilm "5 Onions, nominal, none in market, Apples, green, er Iwx Apple", (IrUil.per lb Chick...! 2 00to- Turkeys, r lb (lease, per do 1 e0 to 11 ( llulter, per lb Eggs, per dos 111 Honey, per lb Prunes, dried Plums, " MKATS. 60to"5 4r.S lleef, live, perlb , .i...u.A.i MlU,,,..lve, ,Trhe.l 2' Pork, live per II...,. purk, (IreMBt'd, per lb , Veal, live, peril.... Veal.drc".;.!, ,,er lb i Hums, perlb v IlllCOU ,'. hard OHKOON CITY HOHK CO.. No miT. 8V hoc. tf. NKyOKK, rrm. ti omPaNY FHtHT KKOIMKNT, ). N, 0. inr ini.iuv". , month. lteuulnr Monday of each Mniiilny, J. w. Onnnng, f. 8 Kelly, U U Plukons, . . Ctsln First Beooud Lloutensut THE BRILLIANTt3 HALLET & DAVIS PIANO BRILLIANT TONE, RECORD, SUCCESS. KMHS Root -vjpir'ta- ' 1 TTT", NOT f. I'1.-. rr.K a Cf.5E IT Will A n s Treeehlo lavnOveard N EH VE TONIC Sold by DrtiKinaisorsent by mail. ZjcHOc. and tl.00 per package, framplcs free. lTf Wrt The Favorite TXTH POTiri f V ft. VI lor the Xoeih and Urvatu. Zm. For cale by C. G. Huntley. Do Not Climb the Hill ! STOP AT George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, Elyville, - Oregon, Where you can get the highest cash price tor Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. J. F. FORD, Evangelist, Of Dei lloloes, lows, writes under date of March 23, 10M: 8. B. Man. Mro. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen: On anlving home lat week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eiglit and one-half years old, who hud wasteil bwsv to &i pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. II. CoueIi Cure has ilone its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and Kept away all hoare ness from me. So cive it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing yon proerity, we are yours, -M a. s -i as. j . r . r okd. If you wish to feel freh and cheerful, sjd ready fur the Spring's wnri. demise your sys tem with the Headache A Liver Cure by taking two or three doses each week. SOi ents per bot tle by all druegins. bold under s posl'ive mar antic by L. M. AM.KEWS. Full line of new goods at prices lower than Oregon City. THE OLD RELIABLE 3Z3- Kimball Organ. HIGH-GRADE. INSTRUMENTS, REASONABLE PRICES, EASY TERMS. Every Instrument Warranted for Five Years. L. V. MOORE, 305 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. University of Oregon, EUGENE. Open Monday, September 18. Just closed the niont prosperous year in its history. Wide range of studies. Thorough instruction, business courso addod. Tuition free. Entrance fee, $10. Board and lodging at reasonable rates in tho elegant new dormitory and hoarding hall on the campus, where students will receive personal sup ervision. John W. Johnson, President. OREGON CITY CASH MARKET (Head of 7th St. Steps, PETZOLD & CALE, Props. Will sell tho hest meats in the city at lowest living rates for cash. A GOOD INVESTMENT Is ono that bring, big returns. A GOOD MEDICINE Is the one that doeM what Is claimed for It. OREGON KIDNEY TEA will cure all Diseases of the Kid neys and I'rinary Organs, Consti pation, Oiabetes, Scalding Fains when Vriunlinir, ruins in the Back and Limbs, Irritation of the Bladder, Brick Oust Deposits and Bright' Disease, CURE YOURSELF and Live a Long Time with out paying Interest on your Lease of Life, by suffering. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DEPOT Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the bam for loose stock. Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by person or letter. horses Bought and Sold. JOHN A.BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Try him 1 Katablinhrd lstffS. . I. ram WOOD TURNING Jisru . SCROLL SAWING Everything fresh, sweet and clean and only the very best stock Bold. Finest Sausage, Bacon, Hams and Fresh Meats always on hand. Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits." Orders delivered in any part of the city. BOXES OF ANY SIZES MANUFACTURED Q-. U. BESTOW, aaf 0pp. the Congregational Church PIONEER lm$kt and Exjre. Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. S. F, SCRIPTURE, Practical Blac?gitli AND GEN'L WORKMAN. All kinds of Repair Work and Horse Shoeing, Executed on short notice in a work man like manner. Prices Reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop near Albright & Warner's meat market on 5th street. Parties deBiring Wood Turning, Vat turns, Brackets, or Shop Carpenter's Work LEARN TELEGRAPHY. Will be Suited by Calling on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORUtK, A trade it pays success sure. Address. J". C. SZEYIMOTJ-IR,, Oregonian Building, Portland.