Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1893)
rc0Iiitziintcri)risc- FRIDAY, Al'Ot'HT 25 1hii;i." " r.-- ' " - -i If ! TlrkfU. JUdii (ruin Im'1 iunllyuf tmiuli chnrk. fly iiirrlininu Dip Mix m in litrgn (jimnll tit at wliultl.' irli'..n( with olm trlo ,Mi(ir mill lunt runiiliijt irrnnia tl,0 KntkhI'Kink U llo to iv rU n on Imp tli ki'l liwr tliftit vr ofTertuI Morn. I for nmlrt am! .iU-, CHAT AIJOUT TOWN. I'tWtm tint lnwrm Tlii Idxl Front. I'ir ii'l Hinl) ix wanted it tlio i:siitiii'HiK nlHi'f. VaKTKi,-IVoik1 liiijirt ly K. I'niki r. tKntri tnr, Orr-uun ('It v. flm lillti't prlrn all fur tmttnr, rirun, nml, out, wuiil mn MjtnlM m 1'itrk J'lai-n lrK. Tim !) lli'uly I tint Umt tonml ml iniml iIiiimIiIp orKiin iimilx, Solil on - trrum ly lluritinlntxr A Amlitnnn. i IUU'd Vi'k'i-tuliU Mclliuti llulr It... no it U iiiuiii'iitliiiilil)f tlm IwNt irtwr vatlvn of I tin lialr. It la also curallvti ul dunilniir, trllr, mil nil M'uln IT".n tloim. Tilim rl i on ll Orfumi City Mf(. Co., will l liken for fuu value In pay iiiriit lor kmmU or rrixlitml on iiumilily aiTiiiiiita at Tln. Cliarinan A Kon'i. Slilloli' Curti, tlm (Irrjl Coiili ami 0)til ('urt, la lor aaln liy ua. I'otk.'t aitrt'oiilaina Iwmily-flvw ilimt', only '.'.'. Oill'll love It. ('. i. Huntley. Mi. Al lliittitlna, tlm olil n-liulilo horiw liirilt Im fiiiiiiil al S. V. Ht-i ipturv'a lilxkuMillli'a nioi wlii'ti) Iim will I iiaw. lo liiinl old ami near frlciula Ilka. tf Captain SwiM-iii-y, 1. S, A., Kan iMi'iiu, Cal , v: "Milloli'a Calarrli It is lliitflial inmllrilitf I liitvn uvur fouii'l tiial amilil ilu inn any km." I'rlrpW) rla. f-oKI ly ('. (i. Huntley. Tli ii(!'it 'ron can no-urn on of t tie Ileal paying rotift'cliniH-ry ami imtioNa rUmla in Orpifoii t'ily liy railing on K. l. Kvana, Alilriltt('amty Slum. Term to anil. tf C P. Wlmwtt, tlin iilicli TtnkiT, Ima jiul riHilvcM llm fl neat llun of raakrta ami r.iltlna rvrr tiroiijlit lo Omui City, l'riira lo aull llmao Imtil, dull tlmra unJ ill mil I hi umlvrmilil in priiva. x Hev. li. Win. (iilxjiiey alio Ima Ixn-n ixiiilinit lil" vacatiun In I. Inn county antra tlmt lie III txi Imiun tln'rek amlllial li will in a li at tint 1'reali) tnr- ian cliuirh nrl Similar uaiial. "Keenilown ript'iiwa!" Ittlie cry of )iiii inen Make your rxpniiM' lllil, oil tint miek'a raroin la amall, you lll nul I out iiiurli. If you want lurnl line Imv from lUillomy IUhh Ii auilaave inuiipy. tf Fur a UikkiIi ami torplil liver, iintliinK ran turpaaa Aynr'a Pilla. Tliev voutain no ralmiirl, rrnr any inlneral ilniK, luit re rouiium)il of llm ellvn prini'iplea of the lt vi(eUlil rntlmrtlt'i, and tlixlr uaa alwaya reaulu in mrkl bnnitflt for llie patient. J A. Harnard whnliaa nat roina (rout OlierUin, K annua Iiim mttlixl In tlio Kly lie:y!iMirliool M itli tlia iiileiilinn ol riiak Inutliia liiiliome. Hewaaanuld nuinli Inir ol I), (i Knwt in tlie ennt and readied tli in placo on Sunday. Hy Tuesday lie liad eatalilinlifd liliintell and family in one ul tlio Wdi-li liouaea. Aiiuinu our catlnra on Tupsduy wan our old (riend, J M. Fiiullov of New Km wlio reMirtcd that lil diiuulitor Lucy mhk liinl up w iik a aeveru cut on tliu (out iIoiik u llli an RX while olie wua Hplitlinu a itii k of wood . Tlie cut la on tint hhIc I ul tlie tint jiiHt lnu k of the Kfi'iil too anil i likelv to lav Iiit up lor Btvral weeka. niE SHAM BATTLE. liAHT NAT! ItDAV'M fKJIlT II ill 100 HA5MU IJIAItV AH MinXl. All Onirrr Klllell l.lenlen.ini II.L.n ol ( oriipany A Mliot In tli Hack Hr OneoMIU Own Men. In Ua riMrt of tlm duinira at Cumn Coinpaon luat week the KuTieHi'iiian noUidlliat Itwaa the Intent Ion olllme eral Coinpaon to Imvn a alum haltlo on Hatnrday and aa It had Ixwn Kiinnrally advnrliiHid there waa a liiir er,,,l prant lo witneaa the mimln flirlit. inoat of whom wore well uleaaed wiih the way in willed it waa conducted. The plan of tlm Imttle aa riuiKd waa fur tlm Hfi'ond regiment aupimrUnl by tda Utlery to appnar uon tlm unaua- Mi'llnt cump, which had no picket out other than Ida reijular Kimrd. Th calionawero taken out of the encamii- nif nt Hin afUr noon and ahorlly hefora three o'clix k the heavy doom of one of thla warned the camp that the enemy had approached the work and waa even Ihen huilliiK lila ahella Into lie inldat. The call to irnia waa at nm-e Notindhd and In a moment all waa apparent cou tiialmi with troopa htirryliiK to and fro to K"t In poaltion t meet the foe. in me aangiilnary liattlu which waa fought (ieneral Coinpaon had com tiiandwiih Major Fverett In churin of the Flrat reitlnirnt and Major Teller aa Actlnu colonel and Ca.t. Kliermaii as Major of the aecond r-ji tnr nt which waa inukliiK the atUck. Willi the firing of the llrat nun from the hatlery the nkir in Uh line of the aecond refluent waa thrown out lo deploy and tllacover the Huri)i) Macnirn thinki thut death waa catiaed by tlio nhock of the rifle din cliarund aujierinducud by the Intense excitement under which the unlorUinHte ofllcor ujuhI have been laboring at the time. Tlm exact partlculara of the accident are hard to obtain but the following taken from the tiiNtimonv at the Impieat will aliow aa near aa oie(lblo how It dapK!ned. AT TUN INO.CKHT. It waa not a bullet that madtt Men tenant Charlca E. N'elaon'a death-wouii'l laat Saturday In the ahatn battle at Camp Coinpaon. That fact waa demonstrated to the aatiafadion of all who heard the testimony at the Impiest, bexiin Tues day olteiiioon, , Buigeon Mac ruin, of the First regiment, who dressed, the wound IKUtii minutes after It wai re ceived, swore that the dole was too raKX'd lo dava Ix-en made by a leaden ball, and Dr. Wheeler, who held an au topsy on the remains, produced a thin cardboard wad, which do lound im bedded Iir the lumbar muscles, and which corresoiided exactly with the wad vsed In the regulutioii blank car tridge flied by the guardsmen during the mock conflict. A bullet serves the pur pose of waddiiiK for a bull cartridge li'ith surgeons were jfisitive that the muzgle of the death-dealing rille was w ithin an Inch or two of Nelson'a back when it waa fired, and that a bullet pro jected at sued clot range would have gone clear through the dody. The ideuty of the man who fired the fatal shot remains to be etlilihed, and it remains a question whether itwaa fired accidentally, with criminal intent, or through criminal negligence. District Attorney Hume, representing the people Orman Frangidlcal ftf rrlcf. Quarterly Meeting lo lie condticU-d bv Rev. J. U. Fisher, P. K. of Albany district, Oregon conference of the Evangullcal aswx:iation will lo aa follows : Preaching (Knglisd) at the Graham church on Friday Aug 2.r,tli at 8 o'cIim k P. M at the First Evangelical church ' corner of 8th and Madison streets Oreuon City, on Sat urday at 2 P. M., fiunilay August 27th at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Communion service after the morning srrmon and Y,P, A. meeting at 7 P. M In the afternoon at 3 o'clock the F:ider will nreach at the Maple Lane Bchool douse (Kiig'lsii.) Come and enjoy these meetings. Ai d. Kmnut, pastor. ryryt Postlasd, Oatoos. A. P. Amtoo, Pusciml. Open all tbe year. 8tudenta may enter at any time. Catalogue free. 2 A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. H! HOW COOLING! Kas to take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Hmallest, easiest, cheapest, best. They're tiny, sugsr-coatwl, anti bilious granules, a compound of refined and concentrated vegetable extract. Without disturbance or trouble. Con stipation, Indigestion, liilious Attacks, Hick ami liilious Headaches, and all de rangements of the liver, stomach and bowels, are prevented, relieved and cured. Permanently curtid, too. By their mild and natural action, these lit tle Pel leta lead the system into natural ways again. Their influence lasts. Everything catarrhal in its nature, catarrh itself, and all the troubles that come from catarrh, are perfectly and permanently cured Dr. Sages's Catarrh Hemedy. No matter dow bad your case or how lon standing, you :an lie cured strength of the enemy. The drat re- j and Major Perry, on behalf of the Ore- slatance which It met was from the re serve guard which waa thrown out to .... i. ...1.. gon Itatlonal uuuiu, iiinorvu paiienny with the witnesses, to the end of having wsid the enemy lo act as a skirmish line these mysteries cleared up. They met lo hold the enemy in check (ill the com panics could form anil gain a deairuble Nialtion. While the picket line was en gaging the fiat in a ilcmiltory way the main body of the First regiment left at the aoiilh and making a detour came Uion and engaged the enemies' right, Company V being held in reserve, hoon Imaginary bullets were Hying in every Jlirivtion and the raltlr of musketry wits heard all along the lino. Although the attacked party was much the larger it twice retreated before the determined stand of the enemy till ieneial Coinpaon himself took the Held lo rally his forms when with a rush his bravu men massed and with sulliclent success to warrant a pre diction Unit the inquest w ill lead to com plele enlightenment. Mr. Hume evi dently started to work on the hyHitheis thut a ball cartridge had either inadver tently or willfully been placed among the blanks issued to the men before the fight lsgn, but the tustimeny of several otPcers and the two surgeons compiled a dtsertion of that idea. The shrewd at torney's present plan is probably to con cede that Iho deatd-deahng projectile was a wad from a blank caitriJge, and tden to ascertain why it was fired at ao close range and by whom. In Its report of the inquest the Oregon ian savs: Tpon the epauletted alormed the enemy diiing them over shoulders the hill and away from Iho guns which j they had lo surrvinler, but alas In that aiirrelid jr there occurred an accident which immediately threw a gloom over the whole affair . This waa the sh ioting of Lieutenant Nelson of Company A who while demanding the surrender of one of one of the piecce of ordnance re- ! celved a wound in tlio back which re sulted fatally the following day. Lieutenant Charloa K. Nelson who was wounded In Saturday's iham conflict al Camp Couison, died at 3 ::'.) P. M. Hun day at the (tood Samaritan Hospital. Citv Physician Wheeler held an of llrigadier-C!oneral H. li. Coinnson. of Klsiimtd Fall, Or., rests sole responsibility for the sham battle at Gladstone, in which Lieutenant C. K. Nelson received his death wouYuf It was securely fastened tdent last Te Taxpayer!. Parties holding Mortgage in tbia county who have not yet paid the taxes on the same, will please consider thii notice that unless they come in and settle at a very early date I shall levy on their iroierty to satisfy the same. Timely attention to this notice will save you trouble and lunner coeia. Don't delay. C. W. Ganono, Kheriff, Clackamas County, Or. Ily E. C. llAtrntrr, Deputy. Dated August 11. 1H03. ? These hot dry days are made pleasant to those who refresh, themselves with a glass of ICE CREAM SODA The quality and flavoring of this favorite summer bever age is not to be excelled if purchased at the CITY DRUG STORE. Charman & Co. are the lead ers in Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc. Largest stock of Paints and Oils in the city. Lout . A dark sorrel mare with white forehead and a sore saddle mark. The two hind feet lsiiig white. Finder please address Kiev. R. Staib, Mink P.O. 3t Paints and Oils Have Never Been So Low in the History of the Trade as Now Prevail. 'Pake advantage of the low prices and have your 1 painted while a little moin-y will go so far. house Mr. Thomas Itotte. editor of the l T I. .. .. 1 .1 , .. .. 1, ., a ' Urapillu, iflttlKBlia, AIKHIIMRi una found w hat he believes to be the beet remedy in existence for the flux Ilia exp''iBnce is well worth remembering. He save: ''Last summer I bud a very severe attack of flux. I tried almost every known remedy, none giving relief. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rheal Remedy was recommended to me ! - l... I ..111 l.v..l. evening .., :. - and ...j allnogt Guard who testified at the adjourned ! ' . . , nM ,,, inquest. They swore that there was a general feeling in ramp against having the mock tight take place, and that the brigadier-general was well aware of its existence, but obstinately exercised his superior authority to carry out his fatal whim. Another important point brought autopsy on the body and found that the j out in evidence was the statement that gunwad had entered the back just sImjvc the kidneys, made a dole a quarter of an inch in diameter and had fractured the two last lumbar vertebne Particles of the vertebral were found in the abdominal cavity, which was filled with blood. The flesh was badly powderburnt. The Intestines were not Injured, When Dr. Wheeler discovered that the two lumbar vertebrie, which aro among the heaviest bones of the body, were fiactured, he decided thut they had been struck by a bullet, and $o made a two hours' search for tho missile, which brought no result, and he . . . i ... i . i. :.. ,l was forced 10 anaimnii inn iinw;. Nelson was shot by a man who was in the Salem company of the Second regiment. The identity of this K?rson waa not re vealed by the testimony, but significance attache to the fact that District Attor ney Hume lust evening notified a young fellow named Roach, w ho resides and is a student at tlie capital, to appear before tbe coroner this morning. Social Dance. A dunce w 111 be given in the hall at New Kra, August 2(1. Good miiBio and floor management. Supper for those that wish it. All invited. H. Anthony, immediate relief. I continued to use the medicine and was entirely cured. I take pleasure in recommendingthis rem edy to any person suffering with such a disease, as in rr.y opinion it is the best medicine in existence. 23 and 5) cent bottles for sale by Gkorok A. Habiiino. Children's shoes 25c to $1.00, mostly lace; Ladies lace shoes fine and coarse 11.00; Coy's brogans 75c. Clothing greatly reduced at the Red Front. E. E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, OREOOn CITY, Masonic Building. Shiloh's Vitallier is w hat you need for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is cuarantved to irive vou satisfaction. Price 75c. Sold by C. U. lluntley. Jhe Rainy Season is Not Far Off. One Coat of Paint Put on NowWill be of More Service than Two Put on After the Rain Begins. See DHVIS, THE PAINTBR. AU work first class and prices to suit the times. Shop hack of Pope's Hardware Store. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MONMOUTH, OREGON. The Leading Normal School of the Northwest. a4KJ 8trone Prolewilontl and Academic Courses, ud well orxunlicd Model School for Practical Training of Techer Norml, Advanced Normal, Business. Music, and Art Departments. Beautiful and healthful location light expense no saloons. The Normal has enjoyed a steady growth during the past rear, reaching an en rollment of over 4U0. the largest in iu history. New members have been added to the faculty, new apparatus supplied, and the course of study revised and strengthened. The graduate are In demand to fill good positions The diploma entitles tbe holder to teach in any county In tbe state without further exsraiua tions Tuitian. Normal, M.JS per term of tea weeks: Sub-Normal .".UO per term of len weeks; Business fc.2t per term Board at Normal diuing ball S1.75 per week. Rooms from 60a per week, unfurnished, to 1 00 and I H fur nished. Board and lodging in private families AM to M OO per week. Tuition, board, lodging and books less than 1150 per year Conserva tory of Music. Thorough courses are offered in Vocal and Instrumental muslo. Tuition, 110) per term of twenty lessons. Monmouth 1 easily accessible from all parts of the Htale, twelve miles from theState capital and sixty miles south of Portland. Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. Address, P. L. CAMPBELL, Pres., or S. SHEDD, Secy, of Faculty. PECIA AMAIN SAT W IPoi tlie Next Few JCDaiy Only. iWe have lust received a lot of goods which we bought for 33Hc. on the dollar, together with other goods Ipfr over from last season, wmuu we win uiuou uut way uciuw 105 tne nsi ana see wnai you waut; J-adit-H' Ki,l Cloves, Mack and colors, per pr 79c 'H'.yi' (linnlianifl, c l-adioH' Hamlkcrcliicfrt. adicH' Nidit (jownn,... '"lilies' J'.olts, lc 25c 15c niant'B SluvZZ. c Men's Snr-l-a linavv. HIT DUIT ,)C ( luldrcn's HoHutior pair, 'n jV'atch chains, roll plato, c Men's Necktioa, 'lmiHt'B, ladies, c f bread, 8 spools for f Men's Overalls 3?c llmin.I C!1i.. OC T ''um OllllUB, jersey Caps, Men's Wnvlrinn r!lnv'ffl i - w m oiniiii: .m ai i t mr I.n.J;u n 4. iOC ..5c 45c Towels, largo si.o, 9c Children's Shoos, -19c Children's Shoes, 79c Misses' Shoes, 95c A few odd sizes in ladies' and men's rubber tennis shoes Cheap Oil Grain Shoes, ladies, $1.45 Men's Full Stock Shoo, SI. 05 Men's Fine Calf Shoes, $1.75 Men's Shirts 35c Uovs' Waists, 19c A big lot millinery goods, at just half former price Men's Straw Hats 10c Gossamers, ladies, 65c Torchon lace, 12 yards, 10c Red Table Cloth, long, 2J yards for 89c White linen table cloth, long, 2 yards for 85e A fine line of ladies' umbrellas, 98c Ladies' heavy black hose, 10c A large cake of soap .. .4e A box writing paper and envelopes, worth 25c... .9c Garter Elastic, per yard, ' ...5c A few Boy's Suits, $1-39 Men's Underwear 39c Men's Blouses '. 39c Heavy Skirts, ladies 50c Some remnants of worsted dress goods, way down Baby's caps, 19c A fine calf Boy Shoe, $1.45 Shoes, ladies' lace, sizes 5 to 7, 75c per pair, worth $1.50, and plenty of other articles besides these, which we are selling at the same reduction in prices. Call round and investigate for yourself. T H IE IBOTOM 0E,