Oregon City Enterprise. Published Every Kriclny. CHAS. MES1CRVIC, ri'BLISIIKR AND I'KOI-KIKTOK. OFFICIAL PAPER OF CITY AND COUNTY. BUH8CUIPTION HATES. One rear, fix months, ....... Three moiuha, ...... 8ubcrlptloua payable la advance Advertising ratea given ou application. tl 00 1 00 AO Entered at the Poat Office In Oregon City, Or., u aeoouu cian mailer. FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1893. The ENTERPRISE rnaranteet a larger bona da circulation than that of the other three paper In the count; combined. AGENTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE. Oiweiro, Canbr. Clackamas, Milwaukie. Union Mills. Alma. Meadow Brook. New Era. Wllaonvilla, Park Place, Barlow. Gladstone, Stafford. Mulino, Carua, Molalla. Marqnam, EutlevUle Aurora, Orrllle, - KaRle Creek, Pnnnyside, Damascus, Sandy, Salmon, I'urrinsville, Oherryville, - Marmot, 0. W. Protmcr Geo. knight C.I ME HOME TO ROOST. Cndor the tille of " The Old tVnspiraey" the KvoniiiK Telegram soortw the secrvtnry ot the treasury fur making a ttntul al this time in favor of an honest dollar. It nays: In IS78 tn the tdronjiesl speech bovver delivered In congress, Jlon, Joint li. Cur lisle said : According to my view of the subject, the conspiracy hich seems to huxeheon tunned here and in Kurope to destroy by legisla tion anil olhorie from three-scVentlia lo one-halt of the metallic monev of the world is the most gigantic crime) of Una or any other a.ce. If tlio Kuropean consoinicv acalnst silver was audi a glgiintio crime at that time, we would liko to ask Mr. Carlisle what lias hap pened since to remove the criiniiinl asect. It is the same old conspiracy now that it was then. It is slill the moat gigantic crime of this or any age. The only dill'erence is that the conspiracy lias grown in force and strength by the addition of Wall street to the combine. Was Mr. Carlisle right then and is he wrong now? We would like to have the able secretary of the treasury answer his own amutuent. A debate be tween Pecretary Carlisle ami Congressman Carlisle would make an Interesting discus sion. I'itDKB its boldest head lines n ailing, "One in Aiuiiuir, me vrrguniaii oi Aionuay A. Mather P"'eu me loilowing: " isitors yesterday C,?Jr!r,.lM.""i"' "''B'" hav noticesi two sentinels standing U J. Trullliiger . , . . ..... . nun ottoi oayoneis in ironi 01 me guard tent. They were custodians of a private of Company K, who ia to be court-martialed today. It Is said that he was unruly while on guard duty, but an air of strict military silence hangs over the affair, so that it is im possible to ascertain the exact facts." This notice was of course read all over the stale and Company Fa reputation sullered In consequence. Here in Oregon City where the company is known and esteemed for its straightforward manly conduct and orderly behavior the news contained in the Oie- gonian's report of the doings at Camp Com p. E. 8 Bramhall Chas Hoiman W. S. Newberry Henry Mtley Hamilton Washburn Mrs. U. A. Shcppard T. M. Croaa J. 0. Uage. C. T Howard R. M. Coowr Annie Snibha. E. M. Hariuiau B Jcnuttigi - K. t.fesy L.J Perdue H. Will John Welsh J. 0. Klliott i CiiKtsch Mrs. W. M. Mclntvre tieo. J. Currin Mrs. M.J. Hammer Adolph Aschotl Tb 8rnata Takioj a Band, Wash i mi ion, Aug., H. While, the monotonous tlolmto over tlio iiiostion of rtvoinngc or ropcal is rogrvMinu In tlio liouso with no prospect of a voto till two weeks from today, tlio lmllcntioiiH are Hint tlio donate will tlovotn its Ural legislative action to an tMitlrely iliUVtvnt roineily for tlio (lunnciat Hilualiou, that of Hrmitting national Imnka to issue currency to tlio par value of their United States bonds in the treasury. Tims tho liodioa will Im working aoinewhal at crosa urH)soH, and out of the complica tions to ensue, no ono knows what will finally happi'ii. The doveloimionta in the senate arvj decidedly discouraging to those w ho had hoped for the uncondi tional repeal of Sherman law. The Introduction ly Senator Yoorheea of the increased currency bill and its) reference to the committee of which lie la chair man Indicate the II nance committee will first seek rolief in recommending the issue of national hank notes to the par value of their bonds deposited, and that tiie questions of free coinage and the rooea! of the Sherman act will be relegated to the future for more leisurely consideration. Utter Mat. The following Is the list of letters remain ing in the post olllce at Oregon City, Oregon, August 7, lsU: Andrews, W I. McMiirn, Henry Kane, Win Mnvniiild, K A linker, J Ma'va, S Carlson, ico I'ovser, .1 W Carlson, Miss Lottie Seliwauill, Mrs Alice t'lug, II A fvlmlou. I'eler t'urson. Ma Alice Thaver, Juines Ihivm, Tandy Tliniiuia II II 1 1 ay nes, l.lbe Vaughan, 1'avld V llardv, tieo Ward, Mrs T Miirall, Christian While, I'ol Hani MeCall, lave Section i It called lor please sav w hen sdverlled. K. M. IIANPS, I'. M. I COPPER RIVETED .sjibv. a a aN. .N ilanaaJVffrH r AODRCSS: SAN FRANCISCO, CAL IS SOT TIIE BEST. The present financial stringency is likely to call out many w ild cat schemes from the consideration of which the country will be fortunate if none are made laws w hich will be detrimental to business. The latest proposition is that the United States shall ! r'l 't son caused surprise and chagrin, and when it was learned from members of the com pany that the reHirt was false every one was pleased to learn that such was the ense, and that no dishonor was attached to the home compaHV, for all feel that Company F owes a special duty to itself and the community since the encampment is held I in our midst. TlieOregonian wasatkedtorur, rvct the statement but did not see lit to do so, and so far as the general public i con. would inevitably conclude from guarantee depositors in national banks under certain conditions, and a bill embody- j ing me mooning provisions nas Deen pre pared: Every national bank existing and doii.g business at the date of the passage of the act shall, as soon as practicable there after, report in writing its true financial condition to the secretary of the treasury and if found by said secreta'-y to be in a solvent condition, deposits thereafter made in such bank in good faith In due course of business, by persons not otlicersof the bank nor stockholders in a reading the Oregnian that a ntcmberof Com pany K bad been guilty of actions unbecom ing a soldier and that he had suffered court martial therefor. The Oregonian ought j not tin-ought its carelessness bring a com-! pany's good name in the mire and then re-1 fuse to make the proer correction. Btramer Anile Faiua Blows Dp. SroKaNK, Wash., Aim;., H.-The crowning catastrophe o( a svrioa of aw ful honors which have made Snake river synonym of misfortune, oc curred this morning at":jl). In the ex plosion of the boiler of the atcamer An nie Faxon, killing eight neinons and in juring many others. The steamer Annie Faxon, llaiighmun master, left I.ewia ton, Idaho, at 4 o'clock this morning on her usual run to Kiparia, with live pas sengers and the usual crew of about fif teen men. A landing wait alniut to lie I effected at Waite's bar, five miles below Almota, on the southern bunk of the river, and 40 miles ladow Iwiston, It was precisely 7 o'clock and the lioat was about eight feet offshore when the ex plosion came. Captain Haughman saw Mclntosh'n head cleft in twain and was St that moment stricken senseless The same shock which rendered lihn un conscious also threw him on shore, where he recovered two hours later. The explosion wrecked the boat, throw ing some of the passengers into the stream, where those who could grasp the floating wreckage until they were rescued by bouta launched by survivors ol the wreck. TflK CKTTIW IT lOJT. k bad enough, with the ordl nary pill. Put tha having II down la worse. And, after all the dial ill bailee, there's oulr a little teuiKrary good, h'nuu Iwgiuuinf mend, Dr Plorcr's I'leiuaut Pallets are better. They're tha smalleal and eaaleat to take tlnr sugar - conlod granule that any child la ready for. Then they do tbelr work so easily and so naturally that It hut. 1 liey atuolutrly and iwrman entlr rare Conatlpation, In tticetjnn, lnuoiia Attac m- ana uiiioua ueadacnea, and all derangn mnnta of Ilia llvur. atomach and bowala. They're trwnronfwii to si aatlfaction, or jour money u returned. Till siAKKits of I)r. Sage's Catarrh Remedy say: "If we can't cure your lararrn no matter what vnur case Is, we'll pay you J.WO In cosh." Now you can see what is taul of other remedies, aud decide which la most likely to cure you. i.OHis only oy cents. .JAPANKSL3 p I LE CURE A new and eomnlete treatinrul. e I it inn ol nupiMXIInrli-a, (lllilllirm III 1 ia ll !-. alx. In lien and ruin: a puaiilve rurr tor Kiirrnal niiernai, nun, 1 or Limitim. Iii'liln. i hroulr Kcivnl or licrcilllary Plica, ami nmiiy dlxii aui leuiaiv weakiiraaea; 11 la alwata a arral iniicni lo me aeiuTitl hralih Ilia flr.i ,ia covery ol a niedh al cure rriiilrrlmtanopeiaiiun Willi Hie knife iiunecraaary lirtraficr. I lili r 'ineiiy na never l.cen knon n lo (all II box. o Tor IV arm by mall. Why aulter from Ihla terrible dl-ea.r when a wniirn suaranirr is (iven wiiu an iw.ira io reluihl Hie money 11 ou, curro. ncnii lainti lor irer aalliile. Iiuar autre iaurd by Unnhaalii !. A t'o. Hto'le aaleaml retail clnn'uMi. .,,le aenii r.irllainl (iri-Knii. Kor talc l :. i, lluuilci. orenm i iu Oregon, One of the errors of young men in select ing a lifeoccupation.accordingtothe Toledo Blade, is in mistaking a liking for capa bihty. The two may co-exit: but the n-js- corporation doing a ! session of one does not iiresuopose the is. banking business, shall be and they are j session of the other. " There is consMcra thereby guaranteed by the United States to ble difference between bcine i.lea..ed w ith be paid to depositors or their lawful assigns ; an occupation and being fitted for it," says I ttK0, She will be launched either Octo- Namtd After Our Btata. San FaAMisco, Aug. 11 The battle ship Oregon in now completed with the exception of placing her armor in nsi lion. Had the necessary materials not been delayed by the government she would have la-en luunched two months or tarnsferees, when drawn by draft orcheck ; but no I'erson will fie allowed to overdraw his account in any manner. To indemnify the United states from loss by reason of the guarantee given and made in the first s-c-tion of the act, an annual tax is hereby levied on all dejiosits hereafter made in banks described in the act. eiiual to one-fourth of 1 percent, of said deisits. Said tax shall be paid to the secretary of the treasury on the last day of each month of the year on the deposits of that month. At first glance this appears very commendable and in all respects a worthy bill, but it is a measure which will bear close iniection, since under the guise of protecting the depositor it makes the government responsible to him in a business over which it has only inci dental control. While it makes it incum bent upon the banks to pay the tax it must not be supposed that it would come out of their cotters. The depositors would have it to pay it in some forni or other and the fact of the government's standing good for all losses would tend to more reckless con duct of the business, and very probably would lead to dishonest methods and fail ures. The belter plan would be for the government to establish postal savings banks which it would control absolutely and which would be as safe as it ia possible to make such institutions. :n.iXrrrhrr1 Kousseati. Itecause a vnng man's livlit "r I'ti or NovemW l!li fancies in the springtime of manhood lead Eec,l,e7. for the Northern Pacific, him to attempt the expres.-ion of them in v , ., poetry, is no posihle argument for his at- "HK' A,1- lo r. tempting to be a poet. Nor if a young Indy j 0akps- of Nvw ork : W'- IXvne, of is fond of music does it follow that she will Milwaukee, ami Henry ('rouse, president l . -r ! ,,f ll.u Miu,.rJ L'.. I. T..-..., I .. .1 ...... I I in c-. tn 11 iiium' n nor performer or singer. ul wu,, Axuur-a.i t oauh i,ituruiiii . m Vice versa, a ruin may have great capobili- Company, were this afternoon iipointi'd j f C f (1 uupor Uottlo, Ono cent a This Oubat Coikiii i i uk promptly rorra whern nil olbera full, Coogha, Croup. Sore Throat, Moararnaaa, Whooiing Cough noil Ait: ma l or Comumptlon It baa no rival: baa curad thouaana. nn.l will u'lia vou If takruln tunc, r'.il i by UrugKtala on n guar nritrn Kor n l.i .o lin-k or Cheat, nan SHtlOli'tt D.'a.t.ADONNA PLASTkft SSc SHILOH'SA CATARRH la&V'nEMEDY; I'i is ri in .)' l-rniirioi. . i'n e McLi. lns torfroaj, li. Huntley. HiiH'Jiit.i a. ii totnl to cure ytni. For sale bv ( It is Money We Want And monoy wo must havo. We are going to soil you goods bo cheap that it will bo to your advantago to buy of us. SOME PRICES:- Ai buckles nml Lion cwfli't' 2" cent. Supirl'i, K', and 17 pniniiln for $1.1M). Lard and lact)ii LM'ttint; Inwcr. I jmiimls Ann A llainnicr hmIu tfiits. nest net' I'D pDUtiil- for fl.iMi. Small white ln-ann L' imhiihIh f !.(. Itityal ami l'it mt'or baking ivltT 1' ct'iitH jut jxhiih!. ifst ncurl oil, h uallniis ..) (lniij; can) Small can oysters in renls. 2 jntiiiids t an t'orn I'l't f 'JO t i nts. All other nils si I I in same i iron rt tun. A cimmI me' of lloiir a m I feet I eoiistaiitlv on liaml. ( 'lothiiis' piM at lit times prices. I rv pun Is in ureat vaiiety. liiMits ami !,.. all praties at prices never hefnre tifli iil in any storu iuil ountv. PRODUCE TAKEN. PARK - PLACE - CASH - STORE puncture apd dtydertal 1 1 " kijgw ajirnni yrr-- rr ;v, un ties for a certain occupation, yet have no liking for it. Yet it is true that those who have capacity for a particular line of work generally like it, and, as a rule, to only such comes success. TO REPUDIATION. In our news columns will be found the statement that the governor Is seriously contemplating the convening of the legisla ture in extra session, and the fact that he has sent out the letters to the members of the legislature asking their opinion as to the propriety of so doing is ample proof that he has seriously considered the proposition himself, and the chances are that he will issue the call. His doing so depends not upon the question of expediency from a business standpoint but upon the result which he thinks it will have upon the poli tics of the state and possibly the nation from the governor's point of view, which re duced to its essence is the advantage which he will gain personally from such action. There is no doubt but that with a great many such a step would be very popular, but it hardly seems credible that a man of the governor's keen acumen and well known business ability would for a moment seri ously consider the proposition as one calcu lated to inure to the best inte,-ests of the ! state at latge. Nor is it probable that our executive expects the enactment of such a law as he suggest since( its effect would be to take from tie state every dollar of foreign capital now invested and prohibit the en trance of a single dime after its enactment, and credit of any description would be a thing of the past. If the scheme of the governor relative to the calling of the legislature proposed could be known it is probable that he believes such a plan would be popular with a majority of the people of the state so long as it is not tried, and in the event of the failure of the legislature to pass such a law that being what he expects and hones for. he could say to all who favored that sort of legislation that he had done his part to secure It. The proposition looks more like a political move than an honest effort to improve the finan cial situation. Company V should make every effort to keep the ranks of the company filled while in camp, for in addition to their duties as soldiers with all other members of the National Guard they owe it to themselves and to this community not only to be present as much as possible, but to conduct them selves so'as not to bring discredit in any way upon the town in which the encampment is being held. If any member of the com- pany Is absent who can possibly be present we would urge upon him the Importance of his being in the encampment Let every one strain a point, or several points to be there. It is to the credit of the company that It has thus Tar maintained Its good name and dignity and we believe that it will continue to do so throughout the en campment. The long agitated Be bring Sea controversy has at last been settled and the agony is over. Judging by the opinions expressed both in this country and England It is more satisfactory than was hod for by either party to the dispute While the United Mates-seems to have been on the losing side so far as the abstract decision is Con cemed, the rules laid down by the arbitrators embody in the niain those points for which this government contended and if enforced by the two governments jointly interested will secure for the seal the safety from des truction which was the main thing con tended for. It is worthy of note that the rules laid down are more favorable to the United Ktatcs than the proposition which Mr. lilaine at one time submitted to the British government for its approval and which it rejected. TiiKKr. are good reawms for the belief, says the St. Louis Cilobe-lJemocrat, that the. cir culation of the national banks of the coun try will inrtase, even if the '.) per cent re striction as to note issue remains, to the extent of :i),m)ff) or mff)fto within the next twelve or fifteen months, bringing the aggregate circulation in the neighborhood of lj.OGO.iyiii. It appears entirely safe to predict, however, that the !(0 percent provision of the law will ! re pealed by the present congress, and that note issues to the par value of the bonds deposited as security will be allowed. This would make a further expansion of about $25,000,000 in the circulation. receivers of the Northern 1'uciflc railroad in the United States court in this city. The drent Northern Kcduies Kates. The (ireat Northern has amended the following rates : Fromeastcrn terminals to the North Pacific coast points llrst cIuhh, f:io; second class, 2; to Spokane first class, $.'10; second class, Tl!0: to Helena and Itutte, fJ5; second claw $18. First class rates will apply in both directions, second class west bound only. Tickets at these rates will be limited to continuous passage. A Cheap Home. One-l.alf mile from Mulino postolhVe school house, public hall, grist mill store ect., 01 acres all under fence, half slashed, 15 acres, under cultivation orcnaru, nouse narn etc. J,an4 per fectly level, on bench and Molalla bottom, no rocky waste land. Is a rare bargain. Address C. T. Howabd tf Mulino, Or. (iuuranterd Cur p. We authorize our advertised to sell Dr. King s riew Discovery for Consumption toughs and Colds, upon this condition If you are alllicteil with a Cough, Cold or any Ming, I tirout or Chest trouble and will use tins retnedr as directed giving it a lair trial, and experience no no tienetit, you may return t iu hott and have your money refunded We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could Vie relied on. it never disappoints. Trial bottle free at G. A. Harding's drug store Large size 50c. and $1 .00. Cross Tansy Pills Hon. C. K. Wilkinson, the populist rep resentative from Lane county, has been ap pointed to a position in the collector's office at Portland nnder the democratic collector. Share and share alike is all right under the circumstances. It is well to know and re cegnlze one's friends after the battle. Hoard of K(iiiilIution. Notice is hereby given that the County lioard of hqiialization will meet at the assessor's oflice in the court bouse at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monduy the 28th day of August 180.1, the same being the fourth Monday in August, and con tinue in session from day to day during the week for the purpose of adjusting any assessment which may be brought before it. J. C. IIkadi.kv, County Assessor. Oregon City, Oregon August 1, lH'Xl. 4t A Iliirgalu. For sale, 8 acres of land, in a high state of cultivation, 1'4 miles from court house, adjoining South Oregon City. The most desirable piece of property ever ofrredin this city. Prices t-j suit the times. Address, A. W.Schwan. Wood Hawing. The Babcock woodsaw. Work quickly and cheaply done. Leave orders at Grout 4 Confer's oflice or address me at Ely. Elmcb Dixon, The Ladies Suppressed ManstruatloR PAINFUL Minjfruation And a PKtVEMTIYCfor ni.r. tUllM.lUKIII.!v. Ar S, fa and Rrl.l,l, tT pTfrrilf II .nHr.a. Purely Vrge. table I rs vrr fallal PRICE $1.00. Snnc poipiil on rrrolp of prt'-e. Sttmry rrfunHed if not m Yin de Cinchona Co., Uf Mtriaea. Iowa. For wile ty Clinrman & Co. ' MM NOTICE FOIt ITHUCATION. IjiiuI Office at Oregon City. Oregon,) July .11. I -'.a. j Nollre la hereby given, that die follong named aenlpr ha filed notice of hla hilriiil.ni to make final proof In aupport ol his claim, and that aald proof will he made before the Keglater and Kerclver at Oregon Cy, Oregon, ou September via: llnna t'hrlal Helical, Ilomaalead No. 7.TO, for the north half of Ilia north weat quarter of aecilon w, ip ;i s II. J K. lie immea the followlm wltnraaca lo omva contluiioiis residence upon and culllvatlou of aald land, viz: John C. Ilona, lleliirlc'k Kelhmer, Peter Paul- aeli, llnna Klliiker, all of (ieoraj, 1'iai'katnai County, Oregon. J. T. APi'KltmiN. M:IMI Keglater. ij'.-.,:t:i',l 'i.:'j.:w - I- ' aft ' W . 1 " a - .. ' ' ff I I ii I M. f-a.T - T" " 0 " ' . :.r.i' .. ,u',. V-4--a- R. L. Hoiman carries a flno lino of Furnittin Lounges, Wall Paper and Carpots atlowcstpcf sible living rates, also a flno lino of Caskets Coffins, Ladies' and Gents' robos, which Alj NOT EXCELLED OUTSIDE OF P0RTLMI Cut of hearse in thin ailvcitiscnn'iit. NOT1CK FOB PUBUCATION Ind Office al Oregon City, Oregon July 1"'j:i. Notlee fa hereby given, that dm followlm, named aetller haa flleil inline of hla Intention tn niakn filial proof In aupport of his rUlm, ami that anlil proof will he made lielnre the Keglater aim Receiver at Oregon t-lly, Oregon, on Sen temiMir Is, ts'j.'l, vl: J. P. Nlheeker. Homestead entry No (.wis, for the H E if of N K. H. and N. K. ii of S. K. '.. H. U of M. K. i . 'iH.T. 4 H . It. 4 K. " lie nainoa the following wltnnaaea lo tin,v oia eiiniiioioiia reaiiiRiieu noon u in en t vhi hin oi amo iiwhj, viz: Jessie Cox. Robert McCain. A. .f. Orlnilai,,ir M. IIoIIhiiiI, all of Klwood, Oregon. J. 'I'. AI'PKI'.HON, JM:IM lteglaler. AHMKiNKK'H NOTfrK, Notice Is hereby given, that Meaara P,iiir Jb Kelly, of Oregon C'lly, Oregon, have miol . aaalgnment to the undersigned for the benefit of tlmlr creditors. All persona having claims sgnlnat the, said xatnte, htci hereby noil fled to breaeut the shiiio, nrooerlv verlllerl o, il,,. aigiiee at bis oIIIcb on Main street, Oregon City, wmiiiii uirrc iiiooina OI llie flnie Of oila llollce. All neraona ilidebled to the Mild rhIhIo . ),.,,.! by notified to pay tlieaaine forthwith. 'IIIOH K. IIYAN, Assignee of the estate of Poller A Kelly, lii.nl- Oregon City, August 2, IHM. m FOR ASTORIA-FAST TIME Steam'rTelephod NOTICE KOK PCIII.ICA'IION. hand Office at Oregon city, Oregon,) July .11, l suit. Notice Is hereby given. Hint Ibn fnllnui,,,. named settler has filed notice of hla Inienii,.,, to make flnul proof In suiinort of his elnl in. ii mi Unit snld nroof will be rninle before tint Kcglsier aim nvceivor Rl wrvgoil Vliy, Uregou, ou beo tetnber Itl, lsDil, vis: Heth Austen. Homestead No. fi!K,a, for tlio iols 1 and 2, 8. E I: of N. E. H of aec. 6. In. A H K. S E. 4 He nainea the following witnesses to prove bis continuous resilience unon and cnlilvaio,,, of aald land, viz: John K. flicker, of Molalla. Clackamas county Oregon: Lcavl liavls. of Wilholt. dacim,,,.. county, Oregon: H. M. Kamabv. of nrrmn i n. Clackamas county, Oregon: 0. K. Niilileli. A l:i",i II'' i , - -r ;. , Vi Leaves foot of ah t tT3 APotland day. except Sunday, 7 Leaves Astoria daily, except Saturday, 7 P. Jtt'V7li7lily at Y,,,,h liny with Kctslioro K. R. I'oifitH on ClutHi.i, J!,.,.,!,. T 11 . . ., . ... id, w,, r. i.i h ""lu:" ""in inviico connects " 1 .. ",! ('mv ,"1't f'"' I'.rtlHi, ve, i,ur inn mi, tut,' II wiico intor(:liiinK(;lll,i TickctH tif Tt'lt'l'Ini'i Of Oregou City. Clnckmna oountr. Orceon, I T A U Ii L' Ii u I tkf Iti. i. flrrnnmn. MIM Keglater. mmimj wire "'""'""'""''"laaalerslnall atyle. of AND PICKET Fi Ttrifl, i. . i , 1 1 I "h" un" ,lr,''-''l fr lawn ami divinion fence, nlno Hartman Steel Picket Fence, And Wire l'anol Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Call and MA DniAAA I op over BcHtow'. Sa8h & Door factor Oregoa CitJ, nil "i r jlv -i it.