Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 11, 1893, Image 7

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    !XiiIn Mrcr-t Hark.
li llwkn a m Tui'mUy
klit rrnimit'titJ In ln'uln work t
li nirwt I'M I'rliliiy whi'ii tint work
t .1 I 1 1 . i. .
, hihImmi nil raiiuiy aa mHllln,
vcynrHI'litry Hinylli wna lmy wldi
null f'llli'K lli" Kr'l NtulltD
mi llml ll"'"! mllil I in no fiirtlu.r
J.iV III K'llinK 1,10 ""'k iHi'liT way,
, Itiiiki' ' H'0 "rM I'M I'l'i'll
i(m iimlor hi'vituI klhm o( lirlrk t
,H,)ii I'uik mi'l Dial Umro Mill U nu
tin m i'iniit of llm lirli lr. Tim flrnt
mil 1)0 I') 't llm rurliliiK In m,J
j,t) llio rvol wlilrli U to lurm thv
dU.hi (r llm lirlrk,
)lr, It tirk road up on Uia tlm tno rar
.tin Mr. I'"l ' llin"Hmt'ltyMi4ipJ
ilurlnn Ciniii'iy and Im told Mr.
lk ll'l It l'"rMi '( the
Ji,.iiy in IiiUtikhmi (urllnr olijwtion
.'llm iiiiruvMiiiiiil mill llmt Uiey wir
p, ,lillt"l U live It go on. Ai IIikwi
itlituttn t'X'k ll' l'l In thv omm1iiiii
1,1 urn' (In lti I liifliiHitinl n llm )
iir-nU lo tl liii'KiVf inriit llm will,.
nl lliWr ulijwtloiMi ami tint ol
,,m hu liNil co-i'iiei-meii with tlunn
ivrt (tin iimtwr in K'" nn wiiu no
j.ilnm lo Nk nl. Thuir irvMnt
iiiudt' i In lo fonimifiili'il ,
itr'ly i'ln kn liitvn awn tlm
fa I Ifiutt il"in t tlm Inwor part ol Ilia
hvi ink apprwlnitly ol tlm linprovn
L liii li It l making In Ilia 'cnr
i ul llm iit''t. Wlii'ii that it iloiio
(lie luli k rr ill In place) ll mile
On Nliiry Ami llimriimiit.
Tlm fiii-lilr llulhlrr m.v.: Um wlnUir
wli'm tlio liiiirivi'ininii cr lining.
llrut.MUt OrrK.i Cy ,y ,n lirflllni
(ii-tioral M.vtil(. C.MniMiny II hm rie
imrtiMl ll,Ht tUy would , uw ,ln).
proof l.nll.llnu In tl,, ,.ly, TIU t.1)IM.
imny'N i'li-ni.ivu Intmi'Nia In hikI ncur
tlm rliy hikI Iik reputation lor imlilli;
iilfrirliiM inmlti tl,i report appear rea
mitiiiMii lo all and It whh icoemlly ex
pected llmt urtf IU,M wo,
(Mifiinittnt-cl furly litHt iilii,. Nothing
of tlm klml umliirtiikfn howovur.
hIiIioiikIi llm Imililrm wuro lvmi mnn
rniployiniMit nrtlng IminlmiinH ollh-e
luillillng at Oregon City, H(tr d.mlun
hy An hltwl )vli (lllvy, kimUIno in
Milling In ollh'i llttlnva In th
lrgn oflli'a now wciiilil by the
roniNiny in tlm Worccntiir bullillng.
ItiKTnily tlm r.-M)rt hua Ixmui rwclvB.I
tlil tlm comimny nrojuit huiMing t
onr no timir iroHTty ol KKixlOO on
Hevenlh nl AMr ulrwitu llowi-var,
Mnnin.r O.kxI kUipii llmt nothing .Infi
nite Ima yot Mmn iIin IiIimI on It In
nihlo timt tho roiniimiy limy urit t
lullilllig JO UK) hiHniilit mill onn Mtorv
liiuli, on tlmlr inirly thli lull, hut
nothing further will l doim il tlmt inm li.
Il Is the ullliiiHln uhjm t ol tlm couiiaiiy
lo crrft ImmliKiiiiu flrn-iriKi( hiiililitiK
KHIk UK) on tint property, hut tlmt limy
not Im iiiilirtnk.n iliiring 1 Kin Whim
it I huilt. howrvi'r, it will he nn unique
i nu1 mi. in I'min mm iu-1 nirin iiire, in wlilrh motive, litmtini mid
.. il. I i I.. I i . . ., ...
Mlui filming "I K""i "I'l" "I'"" I lignnng Knr will lie (urnUheil hy
it will Imve (Ireet ol whlrh we i elwtriclly. No pl.iliK wlintever Imvu yet
1 Im jii'lly prouil nmi ol wl.lrli woilwii nrepme.l liy nr.hiu-t.lii, hut it in
II i;Ul lo 1hiI. tinil.triilo.i.1 however, tlmt the compiiny
Hnriilur Retire. j Imve dwldiil whom they will employ to
. , .. .,, , jilenlgn Ihelr Imilding when they me pre-
lulrri Iroin my Iioiimi on the . tit op . . ' '
I'hii'u iu iit-Kin n .iinnmjruon.
.iil llie Inlliiwliig pr'ierly: A goM
r wiili him k onyx wiling einlioMe.l
. h 1 letter W hit h rt'A.U "M" l.'litilh
, ami "K" m i . I M n y a ; u.il.l hnkfl,
4! Iuk'., partly eiimneled hla.k,
itiiili "Knle" iM-rnti-heil on the oiitnlcle;
i4inlo I'M-kn o I nir an J Im ! Ilrnl iIom, ,i4 cUmb, Jll; to
T a. .. . 'ill Id... .
Li lin.kMi. II tliln prorty In re- ; " I'lme, i.'.i; tH'c.imi c-niwi,
ie. t oit.-o no .iiflloliii will le!HH- Kirnt luHK lutei. will npply in
.1 mi'l Ihe liin'ler will Im ilri.t. ilireetionn, M-ron.l rluni Went lxiun.1
riellie mrly approprlwling lhee only, TlrkrtH nl th.-Ke rntet will be
linil l''k nut.
Kii I'amkkh
Jlnnlhrr Ttrnnrrr Mllng.
treat ru ileiiient prevnili at Ju. kiHin
o on ivcninl o the .inniHariiiii' ol
linlv Tii'iiurer (ieorge K lUmiiner.
Ihe (ireat orthrrn HeUnee lialea.
The lireat Northern Iihh amended tlm
hillnwing rwlet: FromeaMtern terminala
to the North 1'aeilli' coiit iint lirat
rlima, ; weiii. ehina, :'.'; to Sjmkune
Flreincii ra liiicue.
Tlm Oregon C'iiy bae bull bmm will
piny tlm Oregon City II ro ilepMrlineiit on
the hum) hall Kr"iimlit la tl.ii city on
Hiiudiiy next at i p. in. Thi toun I
exn'. til to play at the Dremun'ii loiirnu
tueut nt Tlm Pullea (or the chiiuipIotiNhip
of tlm finiinni of Oregon. Admiration
w ill bo (ree to ImlioN, and ui'iitleuien nri
exHn:tnd to pay 25 cent a. All arc
InviU'il, Following Id the nmko up ol
llm (luha: Firemen, Kelly, c; Fenni
mor, p; Nehren latlh; Howell, 2d b
Keeliuer, 8d b; Ilhodiia, at; Imia, r(;
Hrown, vl; Moore, il. Umgue club,
Wllaon, t; ('lurk.p; Fivldi, lat bane;
Knbb, 2dii IlarriN, 3d b; Will, m;
Anderaon rf ; (ireen, (! Munanu, If.
Thiine who Imve ot'cnaion to atop In
Oregon City for their iix-hIa now find
thnt they cnn get better and more autia
I.M'tory aervire nt the Kpular reMtaurnnl
kept by W. C. Fnulkner In cmnetllon
with the Hotel I.lvermore. The renaon
for thin la that be giyei hla rentnurant
and gueala hia iemonal attention and
the ronm-ipienee ia that all are well
served, l'lraons alU-nding the eni'atiip
ineut w ill do well to bear this in mind.
The Willamette I'nH-r mills will start
up next week but on account ol the dull
mnrket they will make a reduction of
twenty-five cents a day in wages.
Take your babies to (he New York
gallery and g.-t a good picture while you
have the chance.
limited to continuous paaauite
A ('bran Home.
Dn.-l.aK mile from Mulino KwtHic.i,
school Ikmim, pulilic hall, grist mill,
store ect , til acres all under fence, hah
alaalied, 15 acres, under ciiltivuti.iu.
ixiunly romiiilw.lom r'a Imve been I orchard, house hru etc. I.und per-
J..tigiting Mr. Itl.Miiuer'a a.coiuita ' 'y l"v,,l. "n iH-nch and Molalla
when Im was called iikiii lor a j l"ltom, no rocky wsale html. Is a rare
ileinriil he lailed In anawer to : lsig,.ln. .l.llri-ss l, J. lloWAitn.
name. There is a deficiency in ' Mulino, Or.
its "I several tlii.tlimlid dolUrs, T)lB 0 ,ra. Annie M. llesm.of
tl. fM I atiiomit Ima not In-eu i M( Ke,Mirt. IVlinaylvaiiiii. in the treat-
Ir Know n. I
(aril nf 1 1muka.
!r. and Mrs. Henry Smnthcrs and
melit of .liurrhi'4 in her children will
, undoubtedly tie ol iulereat to many
iiiollii'm. the saya: "I Sn-nl several
1 I..!., f I..... II.. ..
t , i i . ,i . i ,i i. i . i i . neeaa in jniinnuiwii, i itner me Kreiit
i.tivea wihIi to tlmjik Ihelr friends fur , ......
, , . , , ., . 1 1 vi, on account oi my iiunoiinii iM-ing
f kind aitin.' during llie sick! ' .. . , , . ., ,
, , , , i ,i . i ; einiilovrd there. e had seventl chlld-
slid burial of their .litUKliler, ' ...
ri( t(i ren with ua, two of whom took the Piar-
rh.i'S very badly. I got some ol Cham
lie voting men who were coiill I In ,,,riijti's Colic, Chol.-ra nnd liiirrbce
f.irdi.inrhing the Salvation Army ' K,.,y from ,,.v, Mr. Chsptnan. It
fvidnillyn.it Inclined to irollt by ,.,,1 Hith of theni. I knew ol eeverul
riiiiMrieiatiuiiasoii Wednewlay they i other esses where It was e.iially siiuccnn
lie l.m.llv singing Sitlvalum irmv u I think it ciinnot lie excelled and
'a and uiaing a diaturhance gener I ciw,fuv recomuiend it ." 25 and 60
P. nil Thursday morning loey 1 rent Littles for salehv Oko. A. Hakiun.i.
4'led In worse (ban ever, although
riir I in in ill g bud several limes
irnrd llii-ui to desist. Finding tlmt
. . . . ... . ,.. . . i ..
a-v hi not iie.Hi ma a.imoiiiiioua in
j:e proHrly went down and locked
?' nl lluMii in the cells and tied an
t dlnliirlier of Ibn iptlet of the court
f in' up to thu cell, and Informed them
lit If 1 1 1 nt did not do tlm bnsineaa be
i..l I . I . . i .1 . l-t... t.
y". umi' pif.ii .j iia iii'iii. !
Ml, Sir. HherlfT.
llit, Mr. Shi
l Mil ii.ia.l.i ti
f "'V
sfwork in tin
1 1.... .. in i
""-ii null in
as Walter Nemcyer wua
e carding room at the
mill he bad the misfortune to
ink one of the Ixuiea of his arm. He
Y throwing a Ml oil of a machine when
4 srin got too fur through nnd the Ml
iht It tlrawiiitf il Ihroiiu'h betw een the
ill and pulley and breaking one of the
es. He (nl n tod nt the time ol llm se
nt nmi Dr. Cnrll was called. He set
broken bono and Walter ia now
te comfortable.
lames Trucey of Logan wna In the
on Wednesday and says of the
l is in his vicinity that more and
Iter work lias Wen done this year
In ever before and be heartily en
" he plan now in force for the Im-
bvi'inc nt of the roads for be believes
ft in the end it will give much better
jhways tlmii any other system.
Ii work of couHtructing the trestle on
went aide ol tho cur truck at Four-
nth Ntrout is delayed on account ol n
I'Utl! relative tu Llm line ol Mrs. JllN.
fill's proiierly. The city clalma that
riling to the aurveys the fence is
tj'l'e linn nnd she Intotida to hnve a
v'or from Portland to settle lb
'ho Kilverton Appeal lias been ro
by the former publishers, Miwars.
Priim-V ,t pmrriMh. who lllive pur
"'d llm Tribune and resumed the
"'"no. It nppeara natural to hail
Appeal from Silverton.
L. Kcluller bus gone with a party
'"or Hand friends to the mountains In
viiMiilty of Table lt.M-k for a week's
"g. llurimr IiIh uhsence MisS Ltira
liler will ofin- H,n Haul i in Store.
(XKpairof ahoua at the Hod Front.
ri bargain ever ofTered in Dregon
Terre Haule, Ind., Pec. 4, 1H1U.
Ma. Ijciity, IV Moines, Iowa.
F.iic1os.hI find twenty-five cents, for
which please aend me one box of Krause'
Headache Capsules. I have used some
w hich I bought in Chicago, but can't get
them in this place, l'lense send as soon
as possible.
Yours truly,
Mr. J. C. Itoswell, one of the best
known and moat respected ritir.cn of
Urownwnod, Texas, suffered with diar
rhea for a long time and tried many dif
ferent remedies without benefit, until
Cliamherlain'a Colic, Cholera and Hiar
rhica Iteme.ly was used ; that relieved
him at once. For sale by Geo. A. Hard
ing There will bo the usual preaching ser
vice at the Congregational church next
Sunday morning preaching hy I'rof. II
A. thorev. In the evening there will
be a song service conducted hy the Y.
P. 8. C. E. at 8 o'clock.
Tho Injunction secured by Multnomah
county to restrain Sheriff Oonong from
collecting the taxes on the Bull Run pipe
line was Issuod by Judge MoMrnm who
nays the county promises to fight the in
junction. .
C. T. Ilowaid has just started up the
popular Mulino roller mills on new
wheat which be finds of very good qual
ity. Ho exHcts to keep bis mill running
from now nntil away a long in the winter.
Mrs. Geo. Warner and Miss Sophia
F.ogus have gone to Ilwaco where they
will visit Mr. Warner's Dialer, Mrs. E. A.
King for a short time.
Ayehardt A Helote the contractors for
tho cement curbing were in the city on
Thursday making arrangements to begin
work at onctr
Representative Trullinger, a well
known capitalist and mill man of Astoria
was in the city on Thursday for a few
hours. .
John McGutolilo came in from his
ranch at Springwulor the first of the
week and reports his folks enjoying thoir
The Crown pVer null will fire up
again next week.
Ci of Cholera ia Hrw fork.
Naw Yoiik, Aug. 8. Health Ollieer
Jennings tonight isHiird the following
"The bacteriological examination of
liren.o Mura.rio, a passenger on the
steamer Kariimania, who has been
.isolated on Swinburne island, shows
the preaence of cholera bachillua. The
patient is recovering and is now able to
Ui up and about. The other pnhaeugc rs
of the Karamania, who areon Hoffman
island, are in good health.
Or-ifon Fruit is the Kait.
Salkm, Aug. 7. The Karl Fruit Com
pany w Ires H. A , Clarke that a fruil-car
of peach plums from The Pullca sold in
Chicago at (l.:!0 a Crate, which nets the
growers good prices. Tho next car gis-s
to New York because this carried so
Sunshine com.-a, no matter kow dark
the clouds are, w hen the woman who ia
borne down by woman's troubles turns
to lr. Piorce'a Favorite Prescription.
If her life is made gloomy by the chronic
weaknesses, delicate derangements, and
painful disirders that afflict her cx,
they are completely cured. If she's
overworked, nervous, or "rundown" ulie
has new life nnd strength.
"Favorite Prescription" is a iowerlul
invigorating tonic and a soothing and
Ntrengtheiiina' nervine, purely vegetable,
N-rfectly liiiriiilt-HH. It regulates and
pnnuoies all the projier functions of
womuiihootl, improves digestion, en
riches the blood, dispels aches and pains,
brirgs refreshing sleep, and restores
health and vigor. F'or every "female
coiiiiihiint" and disturbance, it is the
only remedy so sure and unfailing that
it can be guaranteed.
If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have
your money back.
."0() Iteward.
for any trace of Antipirene, Morphine,
Chloral, orany other injurious com
pound in KnAt'SK, Hkadaciik Cai-si'lks.
23 eta.
F'or sale by Charman A Co., Cily Drug
Store, Oregon City, Oregon.
In the line of furnituro, carpets, win
dow shades, wall paper, lounges and
mattresses yon ran beat Portland prices
hv calling in the Oregon City bank,
block under the Entkhi'KIhk office, x
They Ought to Us Aah-uned.
Notwithstanding the fact that only the
rich can afford to eat pork, and, to per
petrate a very bad case of Irish bull,
that tho pig; ia really the goose that if
laying; the golden egg for the farmer, a
surprisingly large number of reports
reach us of the practical loss of the
spring litters. The weather has been aa
nupropitious for the pigs aa it was last
spring, hut the lesson of that time waa
thought to have been severely enough
enforced by the course of the market to
make such losses almost impossible. Cer
tainly many hundreds of farmers pre
pared as never before to save the pigs
irresective of weather, and they will
surely have thoir reward. The wonder
is that any fanner could be so indifferent
or careless aa to allow unfavorable
weather to rob him of a large part of his
valuable pig crop. Of course losses are
bound to occur even with the best of
treatment. Accidents will hapjien in the
liest regulated barnyards, but enough
reports have reached us to indicate that
the thoughtlessness, carelessness and
lack of judgment which laat year left
thousands of farmers without pigs when
prices were abnormally high have again
curtailed the crop. A farmer must be
indeed rich if he can thus afford to pay
tuition in the school of experience.
Breeder's Gazette.
Wedding stationery, the latest Btyles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Kntkkchimk office.
Notice la hprchy Riven, that hlda will li re
celvi'il fur lh limirovcmrnt l Filth alreet trnm
weal line nl IIIkIi afreet to the cuumy roail near
west line nl Van Huron atrcol In aceorflanoe
Willi pinna anil apecifleHtlnna In the nltlc of
Hty aurvcynr. Illil" to he acnrn'miileit with
ftrrtlrU"! check for the um of .'iO0. I'onnotl re
nerve the rlifht to reject any or all hlila. No
lilita received aller 4 o'clock p. m., Ainrnat li,
lS'.IB. J. (I. PORTKR,
H. L. KKI.I.Y,
T. P. KANDAl,r
Committee on Streets.
Oregon City, Auguat 10, lorn it
How I'rofeuwr Oarar IL filonuin llrcaka
TlK.ni or Tlmlr Had Hal-It.
In hi book on horse Professor 0. ft.
Oleaaon tells us how be overcome the
bad habit of kicking and runaway
horse a follow:
In breaking horses that are kicker or
runaway I nse tlm double safety rope.
In case some of yon may not have the
r mM
I 4.-,'r(.,i -4
n A Trri
Dot'Kut Arrnr ropb.
surcingle and different appliance that
I nse, I will explain how yon can use
what you have near at hand. Take a
common harness and put on the bone
an open bridle and line. Run the Utter
back through the thill straps, the aame
as in driving a colt Next take two
(trap, with a ring In each one, and bno
klo around the fore legs just above
hoof. Take a half or five-eighths inch
cotton rojie 20 feet long and fasten one
end through the ring in strap on near foot
and pas the other end over the belly
band of tho harness, down through the
ring of the off front foot and back over
belly band of harness again. Now take
the rope back with the lines and start
the horse. The moment be starts to kick
or run yon can test the control yon have
over liia front feet by simply polling
tightly the rope yon hold in your left
band. This will of course bring him to
bis knee and render him powerless to
get away unless you permit him by loosen
ing the rope.
In 80 minutes the most vicious run
away or plunger will be completely sub
dued by this treatment. I also nse this
rope on horse afraid of bicycles, cars,
firecrackers, etc., as well as in driving
over imjier or going past top carriages.
It ia impossible for the horse to turn
around with you, for as be does so just
tighten the rupe, and be ia on bis knees.
Loosen the rope, and be will be on his
feet again. In manipulating this rope
on the road I nse knee pads made in the
following manner: Take a piece of felt
about 0 inches one way and 12 inches the
other, and in tho middle of it sew on a
piece of leather in the shape of the horse'
knee. Have a strap fastened to the top
of this felt and a strap to buckle on the
bottom. Buckle these on the horse's
front knees, and yon have a pair of knee
pnda that will answer every purpose.
They can be bought, however, of any
regular harness dealer.
Uleaon hinioolf uses a surcingle of his
own devising adapted with rings and
buckles, aa shown in the illustration.
One Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In valuable Presents to be Given Away In Return for ,
W.KU kniveb seyo Sa
I iu.uvv j,JCK11 57,750 M
116 600 LAIV1B PICTURES (Mx38 lnehe) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing,
w,www no(MjertJ,lug on tbem wg7
281,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $173,250 00
The bov srtlele will be distributed, by eooatlea, monr prtl who ctWW BFEAB
HEAD Plug Tobsooo, and return lo us Ui 115 TAUN uko therefrom.
W will dMrlbota 22of the prize In (hla eonatr a follows!
TAOS from Uil county will glTe. A GOLO WAIVE
To the FIVE PARTIES sending o tbe next grett number of .QOta
bPEAH HEAD TAOS, we will glv toeacb, 1 OPERA OLAfeS... OPERA GLASSES
To tbe TWENTY PARTIES coding o the next grentent number
To lbs ONE HUNDRED PARTIES (ending os the next greatest
number of SPEAK HEAD TAOS, we wl'.l give to eacb 1
Hulled gold watch charm tooth pick 100 TOOTH PICKS.
To tbe ONE HUNDRED PARTIES (ending us the next greatest
number of SPEAK HEAD TAOS, we will give to eacb 1 ,
Total Number ef Prises for this County, 228,
' CACTTON.-No Tagu will be received before January lrt, 1W4, nor after February 1V
Eacb package rontalnlug tacs mult be marked plainly wltb Name of Semler, Town,
Country SUM, and Number o? Tag In eacb package. Ail charges on packagta mult be
Pr,1READ.-SPEAR HEAD pomewe more quatltle of Intiinnle raine thnn ny other
pint tobacco pmduoed. It It the nweeteirt, tbe U)Ui;bt, tbe rtohit. fcPEAR HEAD I
abf-iluwly, positively anddlatinetlvely dirierent lu flavor from anywiber iiIuk tobacco.
A trial will convince the nkt skcpUcalof tbl fact. It U tbe largest n-iler of auy umilar
ahatie and etyleon eartn, wdicd prove mat u nu cauaui me p'puui i
neoiile. Try It, and particlpte In the contest for prlzcc See that a TIM TAU I oo every
lo cent piece of bl'EAtt HEAD you buy. Send In lb tags, no matter bow small tb
Vfrv lnfiirf.lv.
THE P. J. BORQ COMPANY, Middletowji, OHIO.
A llrt of the people obtaining thei prlxe In tbl county will be published In tbj
r Immediately after February 1st. 1"!H.
i Bf -' JL A
H 3u. worn
AnaeTf-oble laxative nd NERVE TOMC
Sold by DrintgiKieor acnt by mail ISctJc
And (l.OU pr package. Ssimpice free.
ir TTlS The Favorite FJTTH
fU 1 W for the Iixia uiU UreaiiL,c.
' For sale by C. G. Huntley.
QueMlun and Answer.
Which of the followinR courses will
be uioro profitable: 1. To keep 20 cows,
wiling the milk at 2 cents a quart, naing
the manure, one-half on the meadow and
ono-half for cultivated crops; or, 2, to
keep 10 cows with milkatthesameprice,
putting all the manure on the cultivated
ground, and buying Canada wood ashes
at $14 a ton and selling the hay which
the cows in the first case would eat at
f 10 a ton? Connecticut.
Answer No man can answer such
question fairly. There are too many
conditions that an outsider cannot com
prehend. There is very little money in
milk at 2) cents per quart Rye straw
and potatoes both ought to sell fairly
well with you. We understand that Con
necticut farmers do uot grow potatoes
enough to fill all the Connecticut mouths.
If you have land that is suitable for noth
ing but pasture, keep your 10 cows on
that Build a silo and put all your stable
manure on ensilage corn, following the
corn with potatoes, using 800 pounds or
more of a complete fertilizer. Then sow
wheat or rye and seed to grass with
clover in the spring. Von can sell most
of your hay and your rye straw. The
ensilage, with some clover hay, will feed
the cows, with cottonseed meal and
other grain. This will give you milk,
potatoes, rye straw and hay for cash
crops. This is assuming that yon have
a market for all these products. If yon
have not, the plan must be changed.
Do Not Climb the Hill !
To Good Templar.
Do vou know that Moore's Revealed
Tteme.lv in tho only patent medicine in
the world that dues not contain a drop
of alcohol ; that the mode of preparing
it is known only lo its diicover; that it
ia an advance in the science of medicine
withont a parallel in the nineteenth
century : that its proprietors oiler to
forfeit $ 1, 000 for any cane of dyspepsia
it will not cure?
Cooke's Stables,
W.H.COOKE Manager,
SurreMor to U. II T A L. Co.
Comer Fourth and Main Streets,
of the City. Rik'8 of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and Ielivery Busi
ness promptly attended to.
Iloraes Boarded and Fed on reason
a'lle terms.
George C. Ely's
Elyville, - Oregon,
Wherp you can get the highest
cash price for
Butter, Eggs and Other Farm
Full line of new goods at prices
lower than Oregon City.
Is one that brings big
Is the one that does
what Is claimed for It
win cot"? nil nine-men of the Kid
new nod l'rinry OrjraiM, Consti
pation, Diabetes, Scalding Pains
when Urinating. Pains in the
Back and Liml, Irritation of
the Bladder, Brick Dust Deposits
and Briglit'a Disease,
Live' a Long Time with
out paying Interest on
your Lease of Life, by
J. F. FORD, Evangelist,
Of De Molnei. Inwa, wrile nmler dU of
March 23, ).'.:
S. B. Med. Mru. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
On anlviiiit home last week, I funnd all
well snd anxiously awaiting. Our little frirl,
eiht and one-hiilf years old, who had
wa.ste.1 away to pounds, is now well,
strong and vigorous, ami eil fleshed up. S.
B. Cough Cure has ilnneiisworlt well. Both
of the children like it. Your S. B. Coii-t
Cure has cured and kept away all hoarse
ness from me. So give it to every one, with
greeting! for all. Vihine jfon pro"iritj,
we are yours, M a. M R-. J. Ford.
If you wih to feel freh and cheerful, and
read? (r the Sprlut's work, clean your t
tem with the Headache A Liver Cure hy tkim
two or three doses each week 50 centa per bot
tle by all druggists. Sold under a posliiveriiar
antee by L. M. ANDREWS.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rips, and sad
dle horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind of
stock promptly attended to by person or
horses Bought and Sold.
Corner of Front and Morrison,
For general repairing he stands
without a peer. For first-class, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Trv him !
F.atablifthed 1MUS.
Parties desiring Wood Turning, Pat-
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Suited by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
Or. 33T. BESTOW,
Opp. the Congregational Church
Trangfei1 and Exjre,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Practical Blacnjitli
All kinds of
Repair Work and
Horse Shoeing,
Executed on short notice in a work
man like manner.
Prices Reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop near
Albright & Warner's meat
market on 5th street.
A trade it pays success sure.
j. o. SE-rroTTR,,
Orcgonian Building, Portland.