Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1893)
1 (jj) JXSTJtlJMENTS. , . JoOKLVN DEALER WHO HAS AN INTERCSTINQ PAIfl. ,Thl ! ini"iril mill I, l.4iB - II Ult.rjf uf Varlmu , iiMlrniii.iil, (limn V. JV""i lnwt on ililliltiin ,(nf 111 iirouKiyii a mi mm la ,roM. It l '"'I to lie Hid only It kino in iuiwoiirn, rrin 1 atrip of UpIT I" th Interior of l.tnitiiKiit II I" lariii iimt It wu Kmiuult At'liatlaiii of Ilrmjiit Pari., In 17HI. U. U m uM M thit Mil. H It ned evcrl tlinwi iu tin Illlikt. 4 mM by lilatortiut to have bwn Sit'Uti, wm th Invent of , wm of th witau aud kit etrtng jmriiU. 11" floarUhnd alxiut l.Botl !wfnr Dm (Muj(o and Wkktbe flr.t rTi tlinlitrlnm of ilHTnrimt kit when ntrnU-hl n!tiMl v. .iunl. !ltiirllKl -of E0Tt liulru- btvlnii tb miii ipnitrrKi form m p, vrki'l jrnlUrof iiumWii time iiiiinim.k uio tiwouverir or tr- n tlmt country like proved. The tu lJ roaoy otlir kl ringed limtru- 1 but tli"1 thr rluwra wr the on.- ilyr U nppnw4 to ) more aiiclmil ) i n hrp. A very old liillin( at )!aa In Kh7H rrjirtwiiU tlio ar tf nniio fuh'ljftifM In tlmt country 4 t I Jihm'iIi' )irtilmii. One to h"M k lyro having four .trlii.'a. f.-uitaH nil Itn jrv vrnifiit on tlia Jilii M'Moiii fiiiuul M'tilituril In ioinnnln uf Oronro uml Uimn, 2 mili ill 'I Hot nuiiMtT tlia In t:4 nuftli-li'iitly iliinlfl'l to o m It. which kcootinl for It nut t,( In tlia ruin of Uium irmi Jt wm, tiownvnr, mi of Dm tniwt nimlritl luilruuiotiU of Kuyjit, hlatortnntarn of the opinion that , mi of the Kyottan muiii-Uot-a, k I tli Ihriw thiiK'xI lyr. Tiim jjitave fortli thnw mii grave, T.ii.l MiMitM .Ml irnuth I tin huiHiitL nt'T, -riiirf kiot niiiiiii'r. Tim ui ni tun wrt'k, k l wi'ii diri)l tint year only Into three lute w klotr ly tli Aral rri mi l niu'lnl tlm wot at.iut 1 of tho c ruwt'liT. lu the hui1iii I It U Hknii of M tlia limlihk 1 It It mIiI to hkva bnn uml ly In n of lrwil lit tlnir rrj"li'lii "oriTtliriiw of rinu-knh't h'wU lrrn rVyptUn Intn 1 itlm-t uit of tim Arkbla tut. It ha art uf alrtiiK kinl I itnyrl by a I. lirll frrt am riliilVil, ' i1ihmi of iwfi.rdiiiK tu tlia 'U of 17 Interval tu tlia or- iilntliitt of 13 lunula an In- nlli.T li'M tlinll lu'liillolix. rv al.i llvo ciiiniimn, whli b ar ill, (ml iiiili rH-i kiiUIi1ci a lllfrn-tira of tiitrli. fci-K" tlmli iin k') Intn hn two nun, Ha rr a him. UTTLS KINO. I iM a kin ti,i f,flllH(n, IV, "'" "" 'f''wnliiil-1, A Hill. ..!in l.rimiwMRu, AiHll,.Mln.r..,t.l'mrl.t lutiurnU,,, hr.rinlii. or. HM..llll hi, Jw kl., ,,,, AM .nr. iii U,.,,,, , ,ri, Mliln tl,i Jacki-f, ,a,u,i u. Kf Urn ll.., f, Mr A inii,i i,i, ,i k( M nruul I M i'Mllil)r , ,r (,, A it. nr Miiimtliing ,,f iimi i,!,, If I iim.t i. ),, f , ,rM l rrn'tlmt nii,itr' lixlil tli rrtav liUlilrMi ,I,. Hiil ii"l m all dlKMHl lu run. Anil .urh a .nt Whll. I lira liar. I prnaiime m M Alinllmr aniih a vlil ) A Umi traiMxiriMl ul Toiitlir mini prlnnta III. rural t:.i. partuuk. InmiIhImni il,. flmi .irunliia TIim. j.rilf a rr hwk. I qiiMilnii If ih. royal enacb Himwl whirl, f,,inwn wall II. Hi. .iKiilltranra on litgh Of ll,U nlal.l VouUi'. Companlno. I I. flalnll. ri.a. had lovwl hrrr vrry tniJerly and long nine, uul aha lial aconiwl Ho wa no Worm fttlmr t,,r ). would hava turnml wlifii troJ njKin, V'lt ha rw kJ not till. It wa enough fur lior that aha did not rare fur him. Tlili I luually anoiiKh for ny womani alo fur any man wlirm tha boot U on tha othrr foot, fur of anrh la tha kingdom of Cupid. Ilia condition hal at but become nn Imnrnlilo to hliii, and be rcMilved to w-tn all or low kll. It wu lata una avmilnv whin th fittWul inouwiit came. Will you mnrry tnnr he aiikfxl hrr In untrliniiiiHl KnKlmh. fur he could iru.i hiiiiMiif ut axtUilntr In tha oroa- lliniital llun, Khe apurmsl liitn arorufully. "NoP he n-illii. with arctlo, hate ful, cnnd nn,hiU. "Nor Tha wurd ,Iiti I the hntrt In hi boa out. lit hm qulvnrtvl. and kt flmt b eonld not ..-ak. "Hava you no more to anyr be kkl kt luat pliilntlvrly. "No, lr. he rrptiiii. "Whkt more could I anyr Ai;nln hn .hriink at tho crtud thrut, "I didn't know." be murmured trmu loinily, "Mil think yuu mljfht hkve anld 'No, I thank you." Tln-n he fli-4 away o wiary with dia at.T, triKK"! with fortune, that be wutild ai't hi life on any tlinme to imwid It or l rid of it LMruit Krre I'ra. A Ca.ium Tli.l I. Xtry Itlil diIm4. A brtdmuadpthn confcMion to aitronp of young woiiii-n who Kthi'rv around tii-raftrr th wmldttiK cwmony and the congratulation hal liwn Mild and ownnl ap to having worn a yellow gnr tot fur two year, that he hail conntd th lini and carried out the rartou hit of lum tlmt nre prophetic of timrringe and Inippiiii'iu evur after. Hli. wnr Minwitlilhii util aitil mhiik ililng n.w. NniHillila twrruoiol ami uiiiniliinn 1,1 u. on her wedding ninlit. and. inorpover, wore a mlvi-r coin a (Vilumlilnn half tK-k'". tho lowi-r l for the i uollar In her khutt. Nie wm liuwerel ird and the higher for the iltnpit- j with the umml Biiiuiint of rice when it Tin at vie Into wu known mine lime to get into the carriage and ! ilnve away fur the honeymoon tnp. and i hnd old hIhm'o and gi m mI wiwhe enough i ai'lit nft-r hi' to tuiike the lifter year. ' joyim' one If lliey all hold good, and. ! Moreover, when nhe onMiln r trunk Biid traveling ling and. the bridegroom opena hi umbrella enough rice will come to light to innke their tint nee pudding, and thr hon atrnpHi on the out.ide of the trunk will tell it own tnle It I at range how much enjoyment one get nut f uch ImriiiU-H tiling, but tlia OiHtom lant. and the older it grow tha more rigidly it adhensl to. lluITalo New. nrlii. It. height vadinI from 3 Inn to ,1 feet. Very dii'p lluti-a lured from it. Another Into ,t differently formed wa known hlute, Until hnvii, however, lung "il anny to the violoncello and i. Handel wmtn a part for a "i 17.0. AfliT thin dote the lute i more In ori'lu-itrul acore. It I, however, iii private ue until I uf the century, i "I IVlu. celebrktod a a maker (l"iiri-liii in 1000. Hi in.tru- m highly ornami'iital and werx 'or their lienuty, ivory, mother Uul tortiiin ahell M'illg llx d in tlieui. The prexnit directiou tl taxte and coinpiaiitioa i d- Hi cultivation of auch tenderly tliiil.T aa the Into puwuwd. niiiieiit luu now benmiekn ob- f "ean-li for collection and mo lt wa a favorite Inntrnment of the ixteuth and aeventeenth but declined In the eighteenth The great J. 8. Ilacb wrote 'f It, which still remain, in Bi't. The Intent engraved pilhll- the lute is 1700. K'lil wna uliu-ed In the iioaaea- Jliit lut a short time idi bv iiiwpH Vitnle, a promluent numii ian, who obtained It at a 'r' nli. It i a tery Yiiliikhle t, althongh It waa adly in lir when itcnine Into Mr. IVi- Hn ha been offered (urn '"g from S to '(K). Mit It la !' 1 a handsome one. The body 'M. It ia beautifully Inlaid T wid warL Tha nock 1 28 Jt. The fingerboard, containing f I2 incheilung, and the body, f ro) Inch kouud bolo, I IB) Ik- The liaiw of the inntruiiient f . ileen. while at tlm n, ll It i 'than it) Htrlii(, 8 of which '! fur the biiN. Tho head, or "I' d into two aections and con l"'g. or keys. Olio of theo l iiichea lung and tho other The hit t nr ia lined fur the BriiigH, which are above and f't of tho fingerboard. Four I'M O Mtrilliru hi.,. ,l,.l.l.t.k n,i,1 UfA n11 tw ,,.. ,(, niv '" very duo wire. Tho re- 'nugn nro of ailk wound with '-New York World. III I I.. IU. I... '''unlike nro sold fur t a iHillera in tho ntrueta of "lilorniu towns. Dover are '"K i'rHons who want to tan '(r Viirion. nun ntul niieh Mil hi Slinlta in tlm liuiniler fl moot conducive to the " of tho nkin's colors. THt CLOVER FIELD. rrktmni Aft.r Tli. Mow.r'i th Cuw' Goo pasturing young clover after ritrvest U the gmicral custom, but tome fanners think mowing lustukd ha al Vkntiigik that cannot be Ignored if the bent reunite are to lxi ociin;d. Tlie ol Jectlons to piwturlng are that tUx:k In variably cat where the grans Is weakent, leaving the rankest growth a a butt re tort. The consequence) la an uneven rop, M-Hido irregular fortillzatlon of llm soil. Tbo uiuwnr la far superior to pastur ing If we aim at a clean field and fine, rvm stand of clover and the crop wlmn well cured Into bay. The principal ad vantage of this method are: W will have clean and even field f;r hay the following aenson, but the most impor tant ia the gradual eradication of bitter weed, the worst weed pest on the farm. Travel over your broad country during the month of HopteiuW and find if you can a rlix'iied stubble field wlih young clover which la not overgrown with bit ter weed. Why should tbla Intruder at every rotation of crops stand In iU full rigor, robbing tbo young clover of so much fertility, which the latter should have. J'iuit tiring dim not doetroy it, fur the stock will not eat it except m a lnat resort, and w hen cow eat it the result U bitter milk. Now, brother fanner, why foster this intruder at the exjieuse of your better friend (clover) when it may be barred out? auks a Itural New Yorker corre spondent who no longer fears it en croachment, lie aays: Have yon ever thought of why or how it is always on band at a regular period? Of con me tbo weed, an other weeds, in always on band In our com and tiotato fieliln, but not in such quantity as in wheat atubbles. Tbe renaon ia that we have been growing a full crop of well rieiied need on every wheat stubble field sown with clover. Iimtead of pasturing, mow your young clover, wheat, ntubble, bitter weed and all alnmt tha Innt of Augnnt or flmt of hcptcmln-r, or Jimt brfora the seed of the weed is ripe enough to germinate cure tho whole an hay, utilize it by throwing it in front of the stock in the stable, let them pick out the clover and um the stiibblu fur Milding. If a good growth, it will Mi worth tons of bay. In addition, yuu have nut sown a crop of weed fur next nt-anon, but do nut think you have done with it until you ceuno growing will, but just an noon as therein no more nil iu the ground, and we grow no ked, it will no longer trouble ns, and henceforth we may expect to grow pure field crops innteiul of those mixed with weed. In the foregoing plea fur the new clover culture there is not so much dif ference in the coet of mowing and gnaw ing off tbo clover field On one hand tlie cattle eat off part of the grans there i no cost to the farmer in the rmrrcnt ing. ' Tho cattle, however, leave the weed and coamo gran just what we do not want left. The mower take everything, and later the cattle pick out what they want and leave the rent. The only difference is that this wliM-tioii is mado in the Mini itmtead of in the field, and tho rejected ntuiT is put where it can do no moro harm. Th IVIIImI'ATZ f Knrifi, I mm that frofunnor f'otrie in hi latent work o varices the theory that Europe Ik not indebted to lgypt fur Its civiliza tion The discovery ha been rather late coming on tlm part of the archieologiHt I have long maintained that Kgypt bor rowed fully an much of her civilization from Kuroie an did Knrope from Kgypt (European civilization wan really an in deKndont growth. Kgypt and Baby lonia Ujrrowed fully a much aa they loaned. This European civilization ao- 3 ill red act independently, Jnst a India id. Mors than 1,1500 year before the dawn of th Christian era civilization had mado considerable progress in Oreec and Lytiuv A century utter witnessed great proficiency In tbe art. Moreover, thl civilization wa not confined to corner of Eoroie. but stretched from the Mediterranean to tbe frozen north. Egypt and Babylonia did not civiliz Greece and Italy. Oreec and Italy did not civilize the rest of Europe. They only ranked for a tlm a th farthest advanced in civilization. It wa on in digenous development At last th archaeologist are stumbling onto this fact, long patent to th careful student, and tbe knowledge appear to snrprin them wonderfully. tit. Louis Olobe-Datuocrat GREAT SPEAR HEAD CONTEST. j r ffrj onmw Too Prompt la HI ApplUatlua. One of the tnoet interested partio In th bit Connecticut River road deal wa a former suin-rintondent of tbe Central Now England and Western. When it wa flmt refilled that tho River road bad gouo into the hand of the consoli dated road thin gentleman sat down and wrote Prenident Clark ankitig for tho su-M-rintendeiicy of tlie new acquisition. After mailing the letter be bought a newspaper and read of the unexpected turn affair had taken and the control of tho road panning into the hand of th Philadelphia and Reading, th company that had ounted him once. Now he's sorry bo wrote.Uartford Poet An Error. It wa t-ltlwr the precine telegraph operator who objected to abbreviations. ; or the intelligent compositor or telegraph editor who tilled in tho omomion of the unintelligent oix-rator, but the Butte Inter-Mountain the other day paraded Mgr. Kiitolli before its readers aa "Man ager Sutolli," and thus set him forth in heavy black dinplay type at the head of the column too. New York Sun. AND SAVE THE TAGS. One Hundred and Seventy-Hires Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $173,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Clven Away In Return for , SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1 ,1 68 mtm vrisvma eixjis gold watches . , .(34,09 tt B.7TS FINE IMPORTFD KRKSTII OPERA OLASKFA MOROCCO BODY. I1LACK ENAMEL TUIMMINUH, OUAHANTEfct) ACHROMATIC... 2875 99 23.100 IMPORTKT) OKRMAN BUCKH0BN HANDLE, K0UB B LADED ItM'KET KNlV'tX T?. 23,100 M 1 1 6,600 RELI ED GOLD WATCH CIIABM ROTABY TELESCOPE TOOTH ' HCKH. 57.TS9 09 1 16,600 LAIUJE PrCTURES (14x28 lnchc) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, DOkdverUilDf oo tbem , , , 2D,87S OS 261,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $173,250 00 Tbe sbove article will be dint ri bated, hr ronnH, mon parties wbO ebew BPEAB HEAD flu( TubMoo, sad return to u the TIN TAUH Ukea Uieretrum, We will dlitribute 226 of tbe prize la (hla eoasity u follow! To TH E PA RTY n-n-llnu u th greaf'St number of Sl'EAU HEAD TAOH from bl coanly we will jive. 1 GOLD WATCE To th FIVE PARTIES wiidlDg o the nxt rreAtt number of BfEAK HEAIi TAUS, we will give to each, 1 Oi'EHA GLaBH... J OPERA GLAfiSBE To the TWENTY PAUTIKS neodlng m the next gmiUwt numtier of HPKAH HEAD TAUtt, wa will glv to e4.b 1 POCKET KNIFE . 20 POCKET KNIVEt To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sndloK u tbe next rreatert cumber of KI'KAR HKAH TAOS, we will rive to each 1 iiJLLED OOLD WATCH C II A KM TOJTH PICK 100 TOOTH PICES, To tbe ONE HUNDRED PARTIES lendinit u ti e next greatest numlx-r of HI'KAK HKAD TAUS, we will give to each I LA HUE HCTUUE IN ELEVEN COLORS J00 PICTCEEa Total Somber t Prises for ibis County, 220. CAETION.-No Tmr. will be received before January Int. IflW. nor after February Int. i INOi Earh packwe ronulnioa twn mint be marked plainly wltb Name of Render, Town, louaiy. cukvo, ftuu Kuiuuer oi iuk iu u.u pai-nage. ah coarge on package moil o prepaid. KEAD RPEAR HEAD pomieme more quntltle of Intrinnie valne than hit other plug tobacco produced. It I. (he we-tet, the touif li-t. tbe rirhet kPRAR II t:AU la alwilutely, positively and dlsllnetivrlr iliirerent In flavor from any other plug tobacco. A trial will convince the moat .ki-ptiralof till, facu It I tbe lano-m seller or any similar shape and atyle on earth, which proves thai it ha caught the popular tAie and pleaae tb iieople. Try It, and participate In tbe contest for prtiea. fee that a TI TA la on every Iu cent piece of bi'LAU UEAD yon buy. Send In the tags, no mutter how .mall tb quaollty. erv sincerely. THE P. J. 80RQ COMPANY, MiDDLrrowH, OHia Rtatl.tleaL '. A stranRrr from Michigan asked a cit izen a fow day bro whatcroit were best adapttvl to the soil aud climate of this I section. The citizen' reply waa, "Rao- I bit, free nifjcrs and mortgages are the i stirnrt crop in thi country." Vienna (Ua.) I'rogreoa. A list of the people obtaining thee prize in tbla county will be published la Utlk paper Immediately after February l.t, IKiL . OOK'T SEND ANT TAGS BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1834. A landslide at Sticlacoom, Wash., ia said to have revealed a number of coins, ranging in denomination from five to twenty dollars. It i supposed that the money waa buried in the bank some years ago by a man named John Lock. Root "''t In Her AdvlMir. My doctor rocotnnionds me ' ken vovaire. but 1 huve in f't his niotivos. "n-Whyr uM'auke my doctor is ray f-London Tit-Bit. Whmt Would Ho. Kvcry oo ba. Hoticeil tlie (rrowlng hulght of ech aucceiwive year's lery of debutante, and the younger generation promise to be uite a tall If not taller than their prederewiora 'I It pomible you are only lit" said a small woman to a little Kirl who wa more than an Inch taller than herself. "How big you areP "Ob, do you think soT answered the child "Why. my friends consider me quite short Tliey are nearly all of them taller than I am.' "'Good gracious!" ex claimed live little "woman in dismay. "What BrtilMlingnafians you will all be. and how will you got partners? If you were my cluld, I would put a brick on youi headP Chicago Tribune. Th Ores Ml.tali Colambn. Mad. Bchoolmatr-VVhy wa It that hi great discovery waa not projierly appre ciated until long after 'Columbus was dead? Nineteenth Century Schoolboy Be caiiie he didn't advertise, air. London Tit-nita. NalnraJ. Caatleton I himr you are engaged to Mlas Uiggerulle. the girl you went horse back with ao unti l) last umiuer. How ou earth did you manage IU Summit I couldn't help It, old man. We wore thrown together so much. Tnitli. Tlie highest wave ever met with in the ocean are said to be those off the Cape of Good Hope. Under the influ ence of northwesterly gale they have been known to exceed 40 feet In height Timber of the tamarisk or shittim wood has boon found perfectly sound in the ancient temple of Egypt in connec tion with stonework which is known to tie at least 4.000 years o' The last words of Marie Antoinette werei Loru. enngnien aim buikju m. hearts of my executioners. Adieu for- ever, my near cniiumi; k J"1" your father." I wonder why It Is we itre not all kind ft il.. ! I- er man we are iiiwitoj ni. uu How limtanUiientiHlv It net How In fallibly it is remembered. Urummond. Oxford. England, which is by many re garded aa the greateat university, has 21 college and five halla. Hugge.tlun Ui 1'oullry t'rnir. Every jMitilterer with large flocks netnls at leiifct a few acres for cropping and penning his birds upon altcriiiitely. One aotirce of loas is wanting the drop pings or selling thriii nt too low a price when a large return might bo derived frnin them if uaed for growing good fjimilyand poultry food. Hut tlie prin cil reamm why the farm ahonld tie large cnon;;li to alternate the runs with cro is to keep it clean and prevent diit eajte. An excellent plan for chopping and pi'iiuing land is IllnRtrated in the cut shown herewith mid thus descrilied in The Farm Journal: Bows of toMta are set permanently oue rod apart or leea. On these wire net is A woman luia applied for a separation : from her bubnnd on the ground that he ; married her while ho waa under the in ; fluonce of liypnotinm. ' Knew lb Specie. ! Spendall 1 gave you that five dollar ! as a friendly tip. Why do you hand four dollars back? ' Waiter I likes to keep eve rything OA business basis, sah. Geuta wot's so I very friendly w'en dey has money U apt to come round tryin to borrer w'en dey got broke. New York Weekly. W b0 FOR C IT WILL HOT CUHC? y Ansreeble laxative and NEIIVE TON 10. Sold by Druinrt.ieor scut by mail. :V..6U:, and tl.lX) per package. Sample free. Wfl JJf Tbe Favrnte I5CIH PDT1IJ 11 Vi 11 U for the I eet h antl lircath. ic. For sale by C. G. Huntley. Do Not Climb the Hill ! -STOP AT nmnivo thk rins. stretched to remain. Net hurdle are used for the ends and divisions. Every alternate apace is used for a crop and afterward inclosed while the run now used for fowls is cropped. This saves time In fencing, the land isenmly worked in long row and furrows, and thegrtn stuff for the birds is always eaeily ob tained for feeding them three times per day. The hurdle dividing the runs may he placed near the buildings when the birds are first turned in aud moved back rod or so each week. In this way the flock cannot run over, tramp down and wante the fixxl on the whole plot in a short time. Echoes From the Eaporlnient Station. According to an Illinois Ntution report, 6,000,000 acres are annually planted with corn in that state alone. Some of the experiment stations have actually struck the wmie figures of Rural New Yorker's recipe for tho bordeaux mixture viz, one quarter of a pound each of lime and copper sulphate to each gallon of water. At the Utah station they find in two years' trial that increasing tho size of the pieces of seed potatoes increases the yield, bnt they doubt if pieces larger than ono-fotirth of tho potato will yield enough more to repay the cost of the extra amount of seed required. i At tho New York station concentrated foods like cottonseed meal, linseed meal, etc., furnished tlie richest manures la feeding tests to ascertain tlio relative value of fertilizing matter in different ; classes of foods. Next in order came ' the leguminous crops, as clover, peas, 1 irtc, then followed grains, and lastly I root crop. I Tb. Right Kind. "When does the ghost walk?" inquired new actor of the treasurer of a pros perous company. "It doesn't walk at all," responded the treasurer; 'it ride. How much do you Wan tT Exchange. "A flame" is the signification of the word phlox, and a fine bed of different varieties of the plant is a brilliant sight Tlie white gra)ie currant is very hand some and considered of excellent flavor. A handsome double white hollyhock or double white balsam furnishes an ex cellent substitute in bouquets and floral designs for a whito rose or camellia. Seeds of ageratum sown in August will produce plants for winter blooming. The flowers are very useful in bouquet work. For fall flowering pansy seed may be sown in July and should lie well watered till the plants are up. The oriental poppy is one of the most gorgeous and brilliant of all hardy par eunia! plants. George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, Elyville, - Oregon, Wherp you can get the highest cash price lor Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. Full line of new goods at prices lower than Oregon City. It Should be In Every House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clav street , Sharps burg l'a. says lie wouhl not he without Hr. Kinu's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wile who was threatened with Pneu monia after an attack of "La Grippe" when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good Kohert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anvthirg he ever used for Limit trouble. Nothing like it. Trv it. Free Trial Bottles at Geo. A llard ding'a Drug itore. lirge bottles 50 cts. and 1. Scientific American Agency for A A GOOD INVESTMENT Is one that brings big returns. A GOOD MEDICINE Is the one that does what Is claimed for It. OREGON KIDNEY TEA will care .11 Dlnesne of the Kid ney.. nil rrin.ryOrijnns, Consti pation, ninlietr. Scalding; Pains when Urinating?, ruins in the Back and Umlw, Irritation of the Bladder, Brick Deposits .ad Bright'. Disease, CURE YOURSELF and Live a Long Time with- out paying Interest on your Lease of Life, by suffering. J. F. FORD, Evangelist, 01 Dei Moines, tnwa, write, nnder d.t oi March 23, 1M: 8. B. Men. Mm. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen: On aniviiif; home last week, I found kll well and knxionsly awaiting. Our little irirl, eiltlit kiul one-hair year, old, who hud waMeil kwav to :w pound., ia now well, trong and vigorous, ami well tlealieil up. H. K. Cougli ('tire has dime its work well. Both nf the eliil.lrvn like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured ami kept ii.av all lioar-e-nesa from me. So give it to every one, with greetings fur all. Wishing un prosperity, e are yours, Jlic. & Mrs. J. t Fouo.' If yon wish lo feel fresh .ltd eneerful, nd ready for the Spring's work. riesnH) rmir sys tem with the Hend.rhe A Liver Cure by tkin tn or three doses eoh rek 5oent per but tle by all druggist.. Sold un.ler a poslilveenar nleeby L. M. ANDREWS. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Stile Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THS BRIDGE AND DKFOT Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horse always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by" person or letter. Horses Bought and Sold. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him I KstabliMhed I. I Mwa PIONEER Transfer1 and E$Fe$, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. WOOD TURNING SCROLL SAWING ISii I .T rJ rr- caviat. I H VI .J0 TRAD! MARKS. i ae ..... : COPYRIGHTS, ato. for information na free n.nilhook write to MtINN CO.. il BmiAliwAT, NW Yiikk. Oliioiit bureau for .eeurlii patent. In Anwrlii. Kerjr patent taken out by u U tiroufttit lxfira tU publio by uutloe giTen Iron ot ouargs la tb gricufific mcnaw Lartatt el reflation of any Mentlfle paper tn tk WorlO. Hplendlilly llltutrated. No Intelligent man ihonld be without It. WarklT, ).ui B Addnn. MCNN A CO ti inutaa, 3 kt itnixlwy.w torkUty. BOXES OF ANY SIZES MANDFACTURED Tarties deHirinic Wood Turninit, Pat terns, Brackets, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will be Suited by Calling on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. Q-. XX. BESTOW. 0pp. the CongreKtional Church S. F, SCRIPTURE, Practical BlacM AND GEN1 WORKMAN. -All kinds of- Repair Work and Horse Shoeing, Executed on short notice in a work man like manner. Prices Reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop near Albright & Warner's meat market on 5th street. LEARN TELEGRAPHY. A trade it payB success sure. Address. J. C. SEYMOUR. Oregonian Building, Portland.