Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1893)
Oregon City Enterprise. Published Every Friday. CHAS. MESERYE, lU'HI.ISllkR AND PKOl'BIKTOK. OFFICIAL PATER OF CITY AND COUNTY. SUBSCRIPTION HATES, On year, j (10 tug months, no Tare motuha, ...... Ao Subscriptions payable la advance. Advertising rates givu od application. Entered at the Pott Ofltee, In Oregon Clly, Or., as aecouu tiw mailer. FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1898. The EXTERrRlSS guarantee a larjer bona Id circulation than that of the other three paper in he county combined. AGENTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE. Otwego, Canby, Clu'kimu, Milwaukle, Union Mill, Aims, Meadow Brook. New Era, Wllsouvlll, Park Place, Barlow. - . Uladstou, Stafford. Muitno, Oariis, Molalla. Marquam, EuttevUi Aurora, OrTille, - Kajjle Creek, ISunnyside, Damascus, Sandy, Salmon, C'urriiisville, Oherryville, - Marmot, learn a lesson from experience), which w trust may be protll.Me lo them. They lis tened a year ai to the ilctimotntle spoak era, who itcclarvM that the protective tnritl' oppressed and wroiijjeil the working hoi ami conferred bencUl solely upon lliu nuiti ufitotttrem. At that time the country wan in great proaHrity, ami the highest gea in the world were paid her. The demo cratic jmrty won tn the contest in Novem ber, and it is now tn lull control of the gov ernment. The result Is that the nation has entered upon such a Hriod or depression as it has not txperioncey since 1,?, when the same party was In power, and industry ol" every kind is in a condition or extreme pros tration. The price uf everything hut labor is down, and now wages will have to come down or the mills will be compelled to stop operations. It will he low wages or no wages. Particularly is this true of Iron manufacture, which has suffered more than other industries because th McKinley tariff reduced the duties upon many of its pro duct. American workmen must fully grasp the fact that we have bad a political re vol u lion away from the policy and the theories under which the highest of wages have pre vailed, and that we are now entering upon a period in which Kuroean ideas are to be dominant in the United States with the in eritable result that the man who toils must surrender a part of his earnings. They may now clearly perceive what the assurances of the democratic journals and orators, The Munufac- Tua New York Tost proclaims that, It is not a mere possibility of tariff revision that confront tis; it is the certainty, and con cludes, if this means ruin, then ruin will come as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow. Whatkvkh requisites our medium of ex change (money) mayor may not have, it must he good and must command universal respect and confidence. RK.II. ESTATE TRANSFERS. ItXH) 0. W. Prosser Geo. Knight A. Mather jl u I ,.. I. ..!! K Ki J. rniuiuser , ov am nuiui. 3o0 740 E. 8 Bramhall Chat Holraau W. 8. Newberry Henry Miley Hamilton & Washburn Mrs. U. A. Sheppard T. M. Cros J. O. Uag. C. T Howard - - K. V. Cooper Annie smiub. E. it. Hartman B. Jennings F. Ulesy L.J Perdu - - H. iloern John Welsh - - J. 0. Klliott F. O'Ktsch Mrs. V. M. Mclntyre Geo. J. Currin Mrs. M. J. Hammer Adolph Aschotl turer. PERFECTLY SAFE. Farties from the country state that some one is assiduously circulating the report that the banks in Oregon City have closed their doors, thereby causing depositors much uneasiness. The times are bad enough without the meddling of evil disposed or thoughtless persons. The reports circulated are entirely false and without any founda tion whatever. The business men of Oregon City are doing business at the banks every day and they have at no time thought that either bank here would close its doors. The Extebprisi has previously stated that the Accorpinii to The Advance the wild speech of the governor of Colorado lias had the effect of bringing out some strong tacts against the absurdity of sacrificing the Inter ests of the country for the silver business. It has been shown that the whole country last year produced oO,flOO,000 ounces of sil ver, worth at present Jt',000,000. The en tire product came trom seven states and territories with an aggregate population of a little over 1,000,000. That is to say, the business of li.0tj,lXX) has been turned topsy turvey in the interest of 1,000,000. The for eign commerce of thej country is two thou sand millions, the silver product is but one fiftieth of this sum, and foreign com nierce has to be conducted with gold. The silver product is but one sixteenth of the corn product and only a fraction even of the poultry product. The country makes more money out of its hens than it does out ol its silver mines and they do not cackle half as much or make half so much fuss as the silver-state governors and senators. Instead ot discriminating against silver, the country has brought itself to the verge if financial ruin by unreasonable and extravagant dis crimination In its favor. "The manufacturers of cotton goods have already begun to shut down. Those who oaHts in Oregon City were conducted on a j make woolens ami shoddy will holdout aafe, conservative basis, and that both have I until the first of August, and then their ample backing so that their certificates of j mills will stmt down for a month at the deposite and open accounts are as good as jtold and worth 100 cents on the dollar. No depositor need permit himself one minute's uneasiness for fear the banks here are go ing to fail. Thev have not failed and are not going to close their doors. Either is as safe and good as the best bank in Portland in proportion to the ri9ks assumed. least and possibly for a lunger period. Each day shows an increase in the number of mills thus forced to suspend operations. If these shut downs occurs there will he en forced idleness for hundreds of thousands of employees." This quotation is the an nouncement contained in the new s columns I of a leading democratic newspaper. The same kind of new s is pouring in from all parts of the country. Prudence is compel ling capital to seek shelter from the with- This is not a time in which a man offi- ! ering blast of free trade, while an army of cially representing the administration of , wage earners are deprived of their means the United States in England can safely be j f livelihood. The first real wave of depres aliowed to tell English manufacturers that I ''"' has just struck Oregon City and idle it is the intention of the American con-! mills and men are the result. When the gress and president to admit their goods j last wave will strike, and what damage may tree of duty and to cause a stoppage of, result before its force is spent time alone Fr the week emling July '.I', 1803, compiled from the county rwonla by II. J. Tliorno, practical aliotractor: Geo E Dye and wife to F. J. Era 14 acres in toe 15, t 2 1, r 2 e. . . .1 1 C V liiuiong and wife to R C Cla- nong block 21, Cane mull 75 I suae Farr and wife to W K Iiitmbo lot 7, blk 57, OrotfouCity... V B lUmbo and wife to J V Boat man, aasigniiient of bond as above United States to S L Roborda ne4' of aw of boc 10, 1 3 s, r 4 e, 40 a S C Putuier and wife to Noblo Wal king ne'of the nw of ioc 13, t5 s, r 1 e, 40 aciva C F Farrt'tt and wife to Calvin Ki iter 42 acre in the W W Weoka D LC.IntS a, rl w Fortland A Yamhill R R to O A 0 R R Co, railroad between Fort land A Dundee Yamhill county with all the appuiteiianivs con nected therewith, including ri'ht of way W A Currin to Silvrton Land, Loan A Investment Co lota 22, 23, 2tJ and 27 in blk 10 in Muruhhanka James Rees and wife to Mary F. and Frank Heoa, 40 aorvs in Mathiaa Revs D L C, sec 9, 1 4 a, r3 e Ira L. Hoffman to E I" Elliott nwi4" of ue' ; no1 of sw and lot 4 of sec 2S in t 3 s. r 3 e, 107.01 a LM Villnon to Wru Miller 4S.40 acrea in the Scth M Palmateer I) LC, in t 3 s, r 4 e F Ritter and wife to Aaron and Haskin Trabue 2 acres in the Syl vester Hathaway D L C in sec 32, 1 1 s. r 2 e J R W Sell wood to J R N st al part of Robert Beer D L C io sec 31, t 3 s, r 1 w, sec 6, t 4 s, r 1 w j sec 3(5, t 3 s, r 2 w and pec HOW DO YOU DO when you buy hoe or rloth Inir f Don't you go to (he place ( If you can find it) where they tell you that you may wear the ail idea out. and then. If you're not satisfied, they'll refund the money? Why not do the same when you boy medlclnef Dr. l'leivel Uolden Medical Discovery la aold on that plau. ll'a the only blood purifier ao certain and effective that It oan be jruirin(J to benefit or cure. In every case, or you have your inoury back. It'a not like the ordinary spring nicdl clueaoraarvapaiillat. All the vear round, It cleanses, builds up, and Invigorates the system. If you're bilious, run-down, or dyspeptic, or have auy blood-talut, noth ing can equal It as a remedy. SOOTHING POWDERS, COPPER RIVETED YfX UUmn i ecu. ADDAISS: BAN fRANCISCO, CAL rWOtllDRia CU17ING TttlH BRIJETB FEVEHIH1I II HAT, PKEYKNT PITS. CONTUIJIlONll, at, PREKERTI A UEALTUY STATE OP TUE CON BTITl'TIOS Pt'RINa PElllOO Of TELTU1NU. Boo that U word "J011S STEED MA5, Owa aw, Walworth, Burray, are enaravod 00 Uis Oornrumoul Slain p anlXMl lo h packet. M-8ald by all LtMUn Druggist. JAl'ANKSB CURE 2000 2CKX) 500 ILL-TIMED SPEECH. American industries. What this country now needs, says the Inter Ocean, is a restor ation of that confidence in the stability of protection to American industries that it felt prior to the elections of November last. The depression now so severely fedt is due solely to lack of confidence. Restore that and you restore prosperity. But confidence cannot be restored so long as a relative of the president, and one holding office under him, publicly proclaims the advent of free trade. What Benjamin Folsom, consul of the United States in the English town of Shef field, said in an after-dinner speech on July 4, is thus reported in the Sheffield and Roth erham Independent of the ensuing day: " England's greatest customer has been the United States, and in spite of tariffs that have been raised against foreign countries there is, and must continue to be, a great and gigantic trade flowing from England to America. (Hear. Hear.J You have passed the worst period; you have crossed the highest barrier that can be raised between the United 8tates and England in the way of trade obstruction. Applause.J I will tell yon why this is. For the first time since 18G0 the democratic party, which has been the party of free trade, is In power; not only in the executive, but in both its legislative branches." Since "the democratic party, which," as Mr. Folsom says, "is the party of free trade' came into power, not only in the executive, but in both its legislative branches" great changes, and for the worse, have befallen the country. During the four years of Mr. Harrison's administration 12C,W3 new busi ness enterprises were set on foot. Since " the party of free trade" came into power, which is about six months ago, the number of business failures has increased 200 per cent, above that of the first six months of the year 1802, which was the first year of the full operation of the McKinley law. What the country now needs is pacifica tion of spirit, assurance that industries will be protected, that wages will not be de pressed by competition of American labor ers with the lower paid artisans of Europe, and that a sound system of finance will be perfected and maintained. can tell. Spear-iko of the results of apprehended free trade, alieady becoming too apparent, the New York Press says: To labor the question is one of far greater importance than to capital; for capital can to some ex tent protect itself by cuttingdown the wages of labor or by seeking some other form of investment than American industrial enter prises. Labor is already tasting some of the bitteruess of free trde in the closing of factories, the narrowing of fields of em ployment and the casting out on the world of thousands of unemployed who are vainly seeking the me ins of support for themselves and their families. TngSan f rancisco Call prints a cartoon show ing the different w ays in which nations annex territory, which is prettv good. It pictures France armed with revolver and sword chasing poor Siarn, and Germany with an immense gun and bayonet pre par ing to impale Samoa, while the central fig' ure is Uncle Sam posed in a meditative at titude with a Kanaka kneeling at his feet holding Hawaii out on a platter, which Un cle Sam seems in no haste to take. A stump speaker in one of the western states sagely observed that " what the peo ple need is not more currency but more col laterals." no matter now much money the government might Issue, be who would get it from the strong box must have collate ral either in the form of property, claim or labor. Without some form of collateral to exchange for it, oceans of money would not avail. TIIEJVJND MOW. The iron-workers ol Pittsburgh, who have prepared a waj;e scale similar to that which has been in operation during the past year, and have presented it as expressing their notion of the fitness of things, may be much disappointed. The manufacturers have a very decided notion that wages this year should be much less than wages lost year, and their view is likely to prevail. The worklngmen of this country are about to A lABOMHo man recently said, "just wat till we can get clothes and other articles at half the present price, then we will have good times." That is not so certain since he must have money to buy with or cheap goods will not avail him anything. It is but fair to conclude that if commodities generally are to be cheapened labor will have to come in for its share of low prices. Confidence is essential to every form of business except barter. With it an unlim ited amount of business can be transacted on a limited amount of money, but without it barter only is possible. We want confi dencenot barter. 1, t 4 s, r 2 w, 307.07 acres ; also land in Yamhill county 1 P C Humphrey and wife to Louise Graf Heman blk 25, Roots add to Marslilield 400 B Jaggar to Ann W Jaggar blk 01, Oregon City B Jaggar and wife to Frank Jnggar n.S,' of claim 52, t 3 s, r 2 e. 320 acres bring the Isaac Farr claim B Jaggar and wife to Minnie A Jag gar lot 7 and part of lot 2 in blk 24, Oregon City B Jaggar to A W Jaggar an un divided ,'' part of lots 3, 4, und 5 in blk No. 3 in Oregon City B Jaggar to A W Jaggar an un divided interest in lots 2 and 7 in blk 20 in Oregon City Oregon Land Co to E C Toby lota 24 and 25 in blk 15, Minthorn ad to Portland 250 RV Short and wife to W F Ed wards nwi-4 of the nw'4' of sec 20, t 3 s, r 1 w, 40 acres 350 J B Laber and wife to Orilla II Lane 22.25 acrea in claim No. 18 sees 15, lrt, 21 and 22, t 3 a, r 1 e 1800 JC Walgamot and wife to O W Sturgeg 5 acres tract adjoining Canby on the west B S Bonncy to Chaa Zohen ejj of of ne', sec 12, 1 7 a, r 2 e, 80 a B S Bonney to C W Clark w of n e , sec 12 1 1 a, r 2 e, SO acres E M Howell and wife to Edward Nuttall and wife lota 7 and S, blk D, Canemah 200 J D Renner and wife to A H Wbit- lock the e4 of sec 30, t 1 a, r 2 e 320 acre 1200 James A Chase and wifo to V O Harding 1 acrea in Pruneland adjoining Canby 235 A new and complete trmltnrni. eoiislilim ot Mippusltorlo, Ointment lu l'nulr. alto In Hoi and I'llH; a tmnlllvti run. Inr Kilarna Internal. Illlnd or hleedlua. Iirhlna. rhmnle. Keeent or Hereditary flips, and itianv ,IIi,bi4, aud female wratnraara, II Is alwars a grrsi oeneni 1"' in aeuersl lieallti Till nrst ,ln covery ol a medical cure rendering an oiwiail with III shift! uiiiirrvry htMeaUor. I hit riinedy has never been known In fall II wr bo. s for IV sent by mall. W hy suffer (nun his terrible whi n a written iiiaraiiipe Is given wlib sli buses lo refund Hip money II uoi curru. mum iinmii i,,r iree sample. ,ur autre l.surd by W,uaii i ahss ,t Co. wlu,e sale and rptail druntflsts, sole skpuib. Hortlsnd, Oreiiou, Kor sale by I.1. II. Huiitlvy, urrou Clly, Orviiou. ecutado.0. rj-JJ 'Oil -VI Tins Ohrat Coroii I I'll promptly rurr where all other fall, Coufha, Croup Bora Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping; Cough and Aatnma. Kor Consumption It Tins no rival: has cured thousands, niul will u n von If taken In tnno. Hold by I'nigulfU en a uar. autre For Ijinio ftnrk or 1i-l, use 8HILOH S BELLADONNA -LA8T.Kj&). s HILOH'SACATARRH MEDY, IlllVeVuu ..lili'ili 'I hU M-nu,lv iMirtiitmn- teed to cure you. I'rko. Oct. Injoctor f rue. For sain by C. 0. Huntley. 700 425 425 A Convention. A convention on moral reform will be held on the Canby camp ground the I5th of August, 1893 at 10:15 o'clock, a. m. Firat subject "The Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic," first speaker, Rev. D. N. Mclnturff, alternate, Rev. W, J. Gard ner. Other speakers not yet known will bs present. 8. Mathf.w NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Julv ill. IH'.IX Notice Is hereby elven. that the followlnu named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make film) proof In support of his eliilm.aml that said proof will be made before the Register auo neceiver ai vregoii iny, uresou, on Sep tember 21, 1'J3, vir.: Hctn Austen, Homestead No. KM, for the lots 1 and 2, 8. E. i. c. , oi wi;. o, ip. o n., 11. o ft. e uamea the followlruf wfriiess to nrovp his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John K.HIckey.of Molalla. Clackamas county, Oregon; Luavt Ilavis, of Wltlmlt. Clackamas county, Oregon: 8. M. Kainaby, of Oregon Clly, Clackamas county, Oregon: 0. K. Nobleti, of Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon. J. J. Arrr.KHUN, 8-4:D-8 Jiegi.tcr. Ukukb the head of "Lots of Idle Men" the Oregon Democrat of Salem says that a contractor of that city is authority for the statement that the number of unemployed men In the capital city is unlimited. The Boston Herald, a strong advocate of free trade says: "The trouble at present is mainly due to distrust of the future." BONUS FOK BALE. Sealed bids will be rjcelved bv th Treasurer of Clackamas county at hlsollico In the court bouse In Oregon City up to 2 o'clock noon, Au gust 4, ISDil, for the sale of bonds to the amount of etnnl school district No. 8, of Clackamas county, Oregon. Hald bonds not la be sold be low par. bidders may bid lo furnish copy of bonds. Endorse envelope, " Proposals for the purchase of school bonds " H. . CAI.1FK, County Treasurer. Oregon City, July as, lWK TKEAMUKEK'S NOTICE. I have now In mr hands funds applicable to ths payment of all warrants endorsed prior to July 14, Interest will cease from date of this nolle. H H CALIFF, Treasurer of Clackamas county. Dated Oregon City, July 14, Imt. Red Cross Tansy Pills Suppressed Manstruatiod PAINFUL Menstruation And PkliVLNTIVlifor Rules For Hard Times. 1. Dtiiit run in iK'lt. 2. Live within your uxcaw. 3. l.o industrious ami Having 1. lUiyonly what you m-fti. m I, 1 .. t.r. 1.,. iriwulu fiir tllJ, l.trli ..... 0. jiuy wnoroytm run p v 1 1 PV p " nionct. 0. Uuyyour good for ciihIi at tiio rarn i laco Moro. Arbui-kles and Lion cofVco 2") rout. Sugar 15, Hi, anil 17 pound for $1.00. Flour $3..r0 I't-r harrel. Tomatot'H 10 ci'iits j't-r ran. Corn hoof 20 ci'iitri jut can . Sugar corn 12 J et'iiU ht can. Hon ns 2") pound for $1.00 1 pounds Arm A Hamnirr noda 2"i n-nts. Royal baking powder -IT) rents per poninl. Host rieo 20 pounds for $1.00. fitt (jOODS DdQED To suit tlio times. Coine ami he eulivilieeil. PARK - PLACE - CASH - STORE Look Before You Lean! OR IN OTHER WORDS See Holmm i's Prices ON Tho Ladies IHHtlF. i lUdkUlLaklllsJi. Are Sifatnd Rrllabl. iff rVrfri-ily HurtnlMi, Purely Vrge. unit i n- vr LIUI PRICE SI.OO. Sent po.tpsid on rrrelpt of price. Money refunded If m say, ' MJ Yin da Cinchona Co.. De Moln, Iowa. For Pule by Charnian it Co. AUMIMHTATKIX S FINAL NOTICE In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Iu the matter of the estates of William Eyaui and KliZHtieth M. Kvsus, deceased. Nolle Is hereby glsen, that Amanda t. Kvsus. adm'iilslrntrli of the estates nf William Evans and Kllzaheth M. Kvans. deceased fl,i her dual accounts as such administratrix In the County Court of the state of Orraun fur Clackamas county on the lt day of July, lnua, and the said County Court of thestataof Oregon for Clackamas county appointed Monday, th seventh (7th) day of August, (the same being Ihs 1st Monday of August. 1KM, and a day of reg ular term of said court,! as the time for hearum objections lo said final account, and for th set tlement thereof This notice I published by order of the above entitled Court made and en tered July 1st, MX AMANHAF. F.VANii. Administratrix of the aliove entitled estate. 7-7 IK LDUNGES,CARPBTS,WALLPAPE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. Arto & Ui eii NOTICB FOK FUULICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,; July ill, lh'ja. j Notice la hereby given, that th followfna named settler has filed notice of his lnie,iii, to make final proof In support o( his claim, and that said proof will be made before tha negisu-r aim neceiverai uregou city. (Ireifiui. uu ovpiviuuur , invtt, vir,: nuns i nrist Hcneei. Homestead No. T.m. for the north half of tha norm west oufiricr oi secuon 'U, Ip. a H., K. ft K. Ha names the following witnesses to urova bis coiitliiiious residence upon and cultivation of said laud, via: John (,. Duns, Helnrlck Kclhmnr, I'eter Paul sen, Hans K linker, all of (ieorgj. CUckimms county, wrcgon. j. t. ai'I'KKHOn, -4:v-k Register. OREGON CITY FENCE WORKS, Manufacturers of and dealers In all slrles nf (JOMBIlJijTIOfl wir;e and picket FfflUti ioui rouKn ami drcHHed for luwn ami divifitin fentf, !to Hartman Steel Picket Fence, And Wire 1'anel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence Call and see Samples and get Prices. Shop over licHtow'. Ha-h & I)oor facu,ry, Oregon City, Ot Sunday Services. NOT1CK FOK I'L'IILICATION Ijind Ofllce at Oregon City, Oregon ( July HI. IH'JII. Notice Is hereby given, that the fnllowlns named settler has filed notice of hlslnteotlnn u, make fliiiil proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Keglster and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on Hep tern tier 11, MM, viz: J. r. Mbecker, Homestead entry No iiwki. for the H. 15 nf K K. Ki. and N. K. Ki of H. E. Ki. H. U of H. E. u asa 'H.T. H., K. 4 K. He nami-a the following wltnessei to nrova his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz; Jessie Cox. Hubert McCain. A. J. Orlndsi.rT M. Holland, all of Klwood, Oregon. J. I. ArTKKHON, 8-:M Keglster. ASrilONEE fJ NOTICE, Notice Is hereby given, that Messrs Potter A Kelly, of Oregon Clly, Oregon, have made an assignment to the undersigned for the benefit of their creditors. All persona having claim gainst the aaid estate, are hereby notified to present tho same, properly verified, to the as signee at his utile on .Main street, Oregon City, within three months of the date of this notice. All persons Indebted to the said estate are here by notified to pay the same forthwith. THOU F. K Y AN, asignee of the estate of rotter A Kelly, Insol vent debtors, Grego CUy, August 2, UM. it EcV.,rlr,,;-1;f;;!;t.V' .: "". '-"iiuni,i;ii i it : it.. M. ANOi.r, lionuiiKHTY, Pastor. He,,,, Z u. 7:H.),,..ock Prayer no" ling V " ,,7 " , 1 Hi.,iy Cbrlsilai. F.ndeJvur , ! , J 'J T " veiling at f)::io prainpl. y """'lay FIltHT HAPTIHT CIUIU.'II . FARKaPs!,.r u.. OHMsa h.i.i .r i-,..;. v ..... .. .. . it us IIIhIhv prayer meeting Wednesday event . ' i , Covenant Meeting Bv,.ry VJIm X "V preceding ,le ,,, Hu ulav ' i".'.'''.'.'.''''' ull " A ay cornlal liivltailun to all. HT. lOHN'H CHI'K(;h CATinno. .. Herman sen,,,,,, '.o .." . "'"' ' " "d At all other in...... i ..i ' . " ,'""' '"a Hchool at l m V. m Vespers m! "" '"hi y subject,, and llened "iloi, at "i, MK.THOIMHT KPIHCOPAI i-ii '...'.. . n,ur:,-',L-f",.":vu!e,,a7, Kpworth ..,,; ,f. ' ...r:.v''J"I"f""rvli-o t7:,ni. it. 'in. iLnin r"ier.,dlvUl,cd ' "'""'" " 11 :,u- r HtHT PIlKHIIYTrKlAU I'llliu,.,. . W.Oi,,oNKV,PastorM(J I :J ,KVI"TK"- ; 7.HI1 , u. Habbstl, Hel,,, if?,1, " "'l People's Hoclety of Chrlsllaii k f' ' Y""" very Hunday evening ,eIH'T".r veiling prayer me. , ",',' ; ' . "v'1' 'jr it Ml 1 '111 U. . KVimin i. , " n' 'ree, Kknst, Pastor. P, . . i 'r(,K,t!N - Ami. Niiiiday at It a u " ".'Vieea ever . . 's nverv Habbalh school ..,.'u. "."... ': P. H llarrlsberg,.,, Hupt.Y w,,i.iIii Mi. 'J"l' . - t ... Mit:jLiiii very Wednesday' .vam, l"'1 ' rKl" rtiitTu i. .. . ''' 1 1 II . rt I'M f !' If n niLUAun. nii..s u -u.-iu'r v. lay morning, ,i u, "r ,n'1 """1 Hu nlK.hl , In each month a f ' ?:! ." Mmr.l, '' 7 P m.. aid the nrl; " m. ack mouth at Fall, view ' 'l,,""i ol p. n. n- ay Cooke's Stables, W.H.COOKE rV.anager, Huccessur to V. II T ALCo, Cornor Kmirth and Main Street, 0UK(J0a CITY. Tim I.KAIUNfi MVKKY STABLI ' Hid City. Kin of any uVacrlti fiirniHliiul on gliurt iiolico. All klmla of Truck ami Dtilivory B' i"'H8 iroinitly atUitiiliiil to. Iloracg I!imr,(i tt(i i;, 0n rfl."01" "'nit ti'riim. R PRIER'S Photograph Gallery. li you want a good photograph B've him o call at liin old ntanl op pohito Farr'H butcher hop. NOTHINd BUT FIRST-CLASS WOBI DONE. PROMPT DELIVERY