Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1893)
Oregon City fcntcrprisc. KHIDAY, AUUt'HT 4, imi.'l. " CHAT AUOUT TOWN, I'rU'os the lowest The Itml Front. Sliii-ty U-avhers enrolled at His liutl- ,nl. Flrot regiment eiiramu intuit hglns W'WTI, WlMlJ llOpMTS liy K. 4rkr. contractor, Orrgnu (,'Hy. Ttkn your Isiinly and lritt thmo to kii cllnit Sunday dinner at the IJvnr. nor. ... (?, T. Illtkmsn '! lle hsvit gone to ,.4ttli lo visit 'lii'ir daugliu-r, Mrt. I(k. W. J. II. Aikwrtnail la iMmk souin trrlli'iit woik Kt tlio limllliito, Ho y i,e it'srhers. II vml want kii ahmacl of tills to your iliriy cll on Vilo II. h'iotir, Ore- ,11 I lly, Orrgoli. Frank ("onler who had lib rin hrokiMi 1 fulling from a wIhh'I harrow last wwk , (riling along lllcrly. Wm. Huiaon and Miss Cum Ifciolltlle I ilna iilm, wer marrlml it Vancouver, sVmIi. un TKiUy of lliU wm'k, Tim t'nloii IVilla rivnr tiiirr ire ) rritod to he carrying paasxtngers ft so as to knock out the TuIihIo. t - ' Inrr. ll "ill slM'Pl ilr a aiimll lark jiiirw containing iiiDiii'y. Kindnr V ill plrami li'vit lit Orison City hank. Tim I.rn A llly I thn Ixnt tniiml ViJ uuwt durahle organ nuiln, Sulil on L.ylrnm ly lltiriiicinU'r A Aiulrravn. i J'rrtl ('hamuli and (i, A. Harding It mtli tlirlr Inmilnit ypalrday fur thnlr liimnrr camp si the inooth ot I lenr frrk. II. .. Ilurl.liarl and if moved Into irlr lrnt rooms t tlit Wlllmnclte illt station on Monday and am very irMiitly swilled. I'm llun wauled, hy a Ural class wagon Luil carriage worker. Itofereiicra given irml ol my work asked. Addteu ?);) 4K), irrgon Cliy. Miiloh'a Olff, the iret ('outfit and ruiiii Cure, la lor sale hy ua I'ocki't V it contain t 1'iity tl vo dose, only 2.':. i'lil lnn love It. C. i. Iluntliy. There It no dii'um) fur ny man lo ( 'r in xo'li'ly Willi filily rtn ninre i introilui'tlon of lukliiKlm' !), Vhicli toliirn nliiml bron or lilm k. Win. IUvin iuovixI into lilt new tori 'ig Iiiim on tlitf writ inln of tlm rivnr a MtiUy iinl lltxl lilmlf linu li morn Hivrtiii-nlly limlml limn lie down jn. H. llonl mid Clmrlo lx'k tn ulliling rollin for Pr. 1'niiiK iacruM tha trci'l from III imtwnl rvni- i.-nct on the i t m.Ui. It will lie YliXi ml ii lo m mitiil. C V. Wlix'Mitt, tlia unlrUk(r, Iim nt rivrlvwl tin llni'iit line of rimkxtii ail rnlllim evrr tiroiidlit to ()ri(fon City, 'rirw to unit tlieiHi liartl, dull li 111111 nd ill not Iki uniluriuild In prlitt. z I CipUin Hwm'iiKy, U. S. A.,Kn Dicito, I tl ,uyt: "hliiloli'i Cnisrrli Kcnindy h the II ml inudii'iiie I liv evir found jtliit would do inn ny irxxl." l'rire 60 U. t-old tiyC. (1. lliinllKV. AUit Annum M 1hh:i, the l'rk Ve more will for cmIi only. Tliry ve rtslinid (lie iirice on tlmlr good fend are giving tlie Unt Imrguini In li kummi county. Noma mmiiIu ny tlit the iinprove- inciit of Min Rircvt will work Imnl f lilp upuii Home Kir proNirty ownam. foil will, ImiI how ulxMit tliu many poor iliorliiu "urn who will l kIvpii work? "Ki'op down exMnmi!" iilhe cry of ,"ine uii'i) . Muko your ixponm liK'it, ?'JiI thn wei'k'a naming l miill, you IS ill not Ixi nut iiiiii'I, If vim want furllU "Mi buy from Ilollomy A lluwli andwivu JlUJIIfJf. tf A corritHpomlciit writom I wap out In ii Kimlo Crwk and Sandv country hint piurdav and Sundiiy. I found Hplundid rilli out that way and (hf uiuiBrBl con Jlilion of thn N(iplo Bcciiuto tmid townrd riixirity. J. H. lliinna. J. 1'olnn and I'rod p orry, mnployoim 0f the paper mill, are lumiiug to nturt imiiii'diiiUdy for thu vi 'I'ilyof Mount St. Union lor a two I " Ullllllg, ilipy W ill OU Jllllinil ni S'ortliitul fy Mm, Thoman (u aintorof IUi.i.Lm 1' . - mi Ill I... nl 'r. lliinna), and othorii. n Monday a Mm. F. K. White and Iiilhur K. P. KuiulHwnre picking bi '"nniir town tlmy wnro gtirpriBnd to j"ealwn jtinip npnnar themi and run f wV. Tliny altorwardH buw it Htandlng 11 a by-roml and It did not apirnr to be "Hell Mcurnd. Tim change of time on tho Soiithorn '!iflc liaa tnkun eirnct but does not "ke any chango hnre. A train was Mn 0ir of tho south otu! and the over- "nl is now made to do the work, but "e tlnio ig made up buforo reaching '"'Kon City. fovonth etreot Ir to have anothor new "wiiuiBH hoiiHo. Tho building will lie irni.t...! t .1 11. .1.1. nf t)ia f -..i.,.uii Hb ouco on 1110 norm biud ui ptrtwtnoar Monroe, adjoining the tln pop of It. E. Dyer. The front will be 1'wnl by a Mr. Kvnns for cigars ami con f'rtionary while Ooo. Itoddaway will run laint shop in the rear. ( m tOl'XCIL PltOCKKIHMN. Nf w ( It; Tn-aaurfr-Flflh Ntrei-t Or Irrrrt Impriirfd. Olllcnrs and tnnmlMirs all prnmuit ex cept CoiiiicIIiiibh Portnr who was shsnnt from His city, K'Nlgnallon of K. J. Lfjuis, city treaaumr rfad, atatlmr that hi private bualmms would inquire his full attention Id future, Tho rport of the truoKiirer was rnad, lo the mport of tho finance comiiiitU'e slating thtt tlmy found the mport of tlio city tre iwiunir corrnct. The ri'ort wai sdo,lnd and the resignation of 1'. J. u scenptt'd, The saloon llrensnof Hill A Coin was stniidi d fur another yttar from August 2.1. Llcnnne of Thos. Csmplmll agt x lnndid for one yi r from Augunt .'lint. Itnport of City Attorney II. K.Cross relative lo the suit broiivht In the name of II. C. Htnvens to nwlialn the county from collni ting the mad tax staling that thn suit had gone sgulnat tho plaintiff, ordered plwod on file. Cily recorder rnKirted Ihrm) cawts iM-forn that ollicnr for July, all (or dis orderly conduct. Two wore lined fo each and one f 10, none of w hich were paid. Committee on health and (olice re Krt.)i relative to aewnr conni-ctions, ahuwing that coixuH'tluin along Main atreet are nearly all mtds or permits le aned. Ordinance for the Improvement of Flltli ainicl (rout llijjli u Van Huron alreet, read and paail iinanimoualy. The committee on strcnt and public projmrly wsa antlioriiil to advurtiao (or bids for the Improvement of Filth atreet the aame to he oikmhhI on the 1 " 1 1 1 of August, The mayor 8,-)uiiileil Fielding K. Kelly tresatirer lor Ihe unexpired term sud the nomination was immediately coullrmed by the council, The city engineer submitted the eti males (or the impiovemeiit of Main atreet allowing the coat to each proerty owner, witlioiit making deductions for tint atreet railway and axking for In truciioiia relative to making the esti male for the street car Hue. The council diwuased Ihe action of the Kast Hidu railway in ignoring the council relative toitatrark. A motion m carried in atructing the ollce to arnut all con ductors ami motor-men running cars at a greater speed than seven miles per hour. T. P. Hsndall. J. J Cooke and J. W. O'Connell were a;oiiiU'(l S committee to lake the net-canary steps to secure from the Kant Bide Itailway company definite llifuBJoailuii in relation to their inten tion concerning their track and the Im provement of Main street. Tho committee on health and police wss inatructed to have the place where the water enters the water pipes fixed, ax the suction there causes drift to accummulate. The finance committee reported favor ably in-m the following bills and war rants were ordered drawn (or the several amounts: HILLS ALLOW KI). P. t K. Co H72 0 II Itnslow 60 John Kolly fiO 00 J. t. Purdom 80 00 I) K Wieppsrd 60 I, Hamilton 12 00 TPHandall 10 00 Mrs (IW Church 10 00 Geo Itoylan 7 00 8 F Hcrlpture 1 6 L I- Porter 30 00 Axalie Cochrane S 00 Kntxmi'nisx 60 L A Nolwl 00 K L Uolmsn 67 30 M I. Harper (w Oregonian 1 76 I! T H laden 8 00 8 Smyth 00 11 105 00 F J I xiuli.! 60 00 C N (ireenman 1 00 Total aint ol warrants f"!K) 25 The treasurer's reKrt for the quarter ending July 3lHt showed general fund: Receipts 20,7IU 00, warrHiits redeemed $21,520,111, tmlunco $1,2(18.61, cenmtory fund, receipts 05. warrants redeemed 2tU."3, balance i.U, water lund, re ceived $1307.10, warrants retleemou, $18lft.ll, halanco $.42; Main atreet fund, balance May 1, $:I52.IW, warrants redeemed $:I52.0H. 500 It ow aril, for any trace of Antlplrene, Morphine, Chloral, or any other injurious com pound in Kbaibk,sHicai)Ai iikCai'hui.ib. 25 cts. For sale by Charman & Co., City Prug Store, Oregon City, Oregon. 1 ton (l.J.Currin was in the city the first of the week and reiwrts a large force of men at work opening the roail between liaker's bridge and the mouth of Peep Creek. He says that thoy are going to got a gool road opened up there with the money and labor subscribed. The lecture by Prof. P. L. Campbell at Hhively's hall on Tuesday eyening was largoly attended, the hall being well filled. The lecture was both interesting and Instructive, the subjoct being, "Froebel as a Man and Reformer." Goo. riumyea, a member of the Odd Fellows' lodgo of this city and who has been a charge on this lodge for the past year, died In Portland last Wednesday. l'srtland r. Oregon City. Two games of base ball were played on the homo grounds tin past week between Portland and Oregon City. Saturday's game was but poorly attended and thoe present spoke of it as rocky game all around. The score Intends that some body Vss caught a napping. Thn runs by Innings were as follows. 1 2 3 4 6 0 7 0 0- 13 1- 23 Portland 2 O. City... 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 4 3 Portland, Ibtllingnr and Oregon City, Usvey and Feiinimore. Sunday's game was livelier and there was a better attendance. The hoys on lioth sides took Interest enough In the playing to keep the score within bounds. Ity innings the game stood: 1 2 3 4 5 6 H 8 9 Portrnd...l 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0-5 OCIty 0 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0-0 Ilalterlea Portland, Iiellinger and Schwarti; Oregon City, Davey and Feiinimore. Oregon City is booked to play St. Paul at (inrvsls on the Oth. A good many are planning to go from here as a good game is pxxcted. Col. Hubert A. Miller, who Is to sue coed Cspt. J. T. Apperson as register of the land office, did not take charge of ihe office on the flrat of the month as was expected on account of the non arrival of his commisHion. Col. Hob, as his many friends call him, has been here for several days and is getting acquainted with his to he fellow citizens. From a long acquaintance with Mr. Miller we can aaaure the people of Oregon City that they will find him a congenial com panion. The Kntkki'hisr has only one kick coming, and that is thst the democ racy did not do better by a man who has borne the brunt of their battles in the state. The succchs of Mrs. Annie M. Ilcam, of McKeeaort, Pennsylvania, in the treat ment of diarrlnea in her children will undoubtedly be of intercut to many mothers. She S4ys: "I sjienl several weeks In Johnstown, Pa., after the great flood, on account of my husband being employed there. We had several child ren with us, two of whom took the Iiar- rlin a very badly. I got some of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlnea Keuiedy (rom Hev. Mr. Chapman. It cured both of them. I knew ol several other esses w here It was equally success ful. I think It cannot be excelled and cheerfully recommend It." 25 and 60 cent bottles for sale by Gro. A. Ah Sam, who rents a piece of land of C. Kocher near Canhy, was arrested last week on complaint of his landlord for trespass. The case was tried before Judge Fouls on MomUy and Ah Sam was convicted and a fine of $10.00 and costs impoacd. The strangest part of the case was that Ah Sam borrowed the money to settle his suit (rom the man who brought the suit. Mr. J. C. Hoswell, one of the best known and moet respected citizens of Itrownwood, Texas, suffered with diar rliii' (or a long time and tried many dif ferent remedies without benefit, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhea Kemedy was used ; that relieved him at once. For sale by Geo. A. Hard ing. The "pore folks" conceit at the Con gregational church on Friday evening was a great success and some of the get ups were perfectly horrible, "don't you know". Everybody had a good time and the receipts showed that folks are not so very poor after all. G. W. Prosaor, superintendent o( road district No. 4, is taking the proper steps to secure all the road tax in his district, by having notices prepared to serve up on all delinquents, then when the proper time has elapsed he will collect by stress. There will be an entertainment for the teachers at Shively's hall on Friday evening to which everybody is invited. Songs, recitations, reading, etc., will be in order. The band will be present and take part. Free don't (ail to go. M. A. Stratton was in the city on Wednesday giving in his assessment to the county. Speaking o( the Main street Improvement ho said that he had the money to pay (or it and was in favor of the improvement. Attorney Eimnott Williams was in tho city Wednesday representing the Oregon City Wollen mill in opposition to the street improvement, Ue uot with very poor success in his efforts with the council. In tho line of furniture, carpets, win dow shades, wall paper, lounges and mattresses you can beat Portland prices by calling in the Oregon City bank block under the Entkhi-kise office, x II. E. Cross has made arrangements to have all the streets about Gladstone sprinkled during the encampment This will add very materially to the pleasantness of the grounds. Lounges, chairs, etc., upholstered at R. L. llolman All work guar anteed. Repair all your old lounges for little money and tnoy win be gootiaa new. Shiloh's Vitallzer is what you need for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed to cive vou satmfaction. rrice 7oc. Kola by C. G. Huntley. Weddinir stationery, the latest styles and flneat assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkrpkihi office. Tbreahlng Machine Owners Will find It to their interest to get one of those hooks which the Kntkmi'Kikk is now plating up especially for threaders. In It you can keep sn exact record with tho least amount of work. No other book required. Everything kept in the sinallnat possible space. Send postal card for a sample page or order a took of 100 pages for $1.76. Now is the time you want it. Last FrlJay Mr. P. F. Morey gave a very pleaaant party at his park below town in honor of the 12th birthdays of liarry Kastham and Carlton Harding whose birthdays come within a few days o( each other. On this account It has become customary for them to have a joint party. Mr. Morey chartered the Altona for the occaasion and she took down a parly of eighty of the happiest people in town. The day was lovely snd everyone had a delightful time. Last Friday was a blue day in busi ness affairs in Portland, caused by the closing o( several banks. The Commer cial National, Ainsworth National, Port land Savings' Hank and the First Na tional of Kant Portland are now closed, but all expect soon to resume. No flurry lias been felt here on account of the failures in Portland, aud our northern neighbor has again settled dawn to her usual balance. L. U. Gurnetl intends to spend the vacation which the clotting of the mills affords him by running around for busi ness and pleasure. He intends to go to Astoria and the sea shore on Friday to remain till the first of the week when he will run over to Itritisb Columbia for a few days, and by the end of next week be ready lor a few days fishing up the McKenzio. P. F. Morev has purchaeed 12 acres of the Hallinan place adjoining his fine ranch below town. Consideration $250 per acre. The inetitute will be continued until WeJneaday of next week when the quarterly examination will begin. Mr. Thomas P.atte, editor of the Graphic, Texarkana, Arkansas, has found what he believes to be the best remedy in existence for the flux His experience is well worth rememoering. He says: '"Lam summer I had a very severe attack of flux. I tried almost every known remedy, none giving relief. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and lliar rben a Remedy wss recommended to ine I purchased a bottle and received almost immediate relief. I continued to use the medicine and was entirely cured. I take pleasure in recommending this rem edy to any person suffering with such a disease, as in rr.y opinion it is the best medicine in existence. 23 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Gkohur A. Habdiko. Frankfort, N. Y., Dee. 28. 1801 Mr. Nokmam Liuhty, Des Moines Iowa. Dkak Sir: Last summer I procured a box ot your "Headache Capsules" from a friend. I found them splendid, but have been unable to find them here; then-tore write to you asking you to send me a box as soon as possible, as I do not like to be without them. Please be prompt and oblige, Box 07. MiBS Grace Harris. For sale by Charman A Co., City Drug Store, Oregon (Jtty, uregon . Terr Haute, Ind., Dec. 4, 1801. Mr. Lichtv, Des Moines, Iowa. Enclosed find twenty-five cents, for whiclt)leaso send me one box of Krause's Headache Capsules. I have used some which I bought in Chicago, but can't get them in this place. Please send as soon as possible. Yours truly, Lizzir M. Planktt, During the dog-day season, the drain of nervous and vital energy may be counteracted by the use of Ayer.s Sarsa- parilla. In purifying the blood, it acts as a superb corrective and tonic, and en ables the system to defy malarial and other climatic influences. Sot Ice. G. W. Prosser's new hall is finished at Oswego.Oregon and will be rented by the night as follows except Friday nights as the Good Tern piers have that night, on and after the first Sunday in Septem ber until further notice; Oswego granges each second Saturday in the month. For dance all niicht with piano, $5.00 ; for dunce half night with piano. $2.50 ; any show $5.00. Good stage and well lighted. G. W. Prosskr, Proprietor, tf Do You Want An Abstract? When in want of an absolutely cor rect abstract- one that you can depend upon you should call on II. J. Thorne over Huntley's drug store near the court house Children's shoes 25c to $1.00, mostly lace ; Indies lace shoes flue and coarse $1.00; Boy's brogans 75c. Clothing greatly reduced at the Red Front. Take your babies to the New York gallery and get a good picture while you have the chance. E. E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, OREGOn CITY. Masonic Building. Can you read your title clear, if not Wade II. Spencer will make you an ab stract that will enable you to do so. PoaTLAMD, Oaaooa. A. P. Aimitioho, PaiacifAk Open all tbs year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. H! HOW COOLING! These hot dry days are made pleasant to those who refresh themselves with a glass of ICE CREAM SODA The quality and flavoring of this favorite summer bever age is not to be excelled if purchased at the CITY DRUG STORE. Charman & Co. are the lead ers in Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc. Largest stock of Paints and Oils in the city. THE PERFECT.: KIMBALL PERFECT . IN TONE, TOUCH, SCALE, DESIGN. THE BRILLIANTiE HALLET BRILLIANT THE OLD RELIABLE jEeS Kimball Organ. HIGH-GRADE INSTRUMENTS, REASONABLE PRICES, EASY TERMS. Every Instrument Warranted for Five Years. 1. V- MOORE, 305 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MONMOUTH, OREGON. The Leading Normal School of the Northwest. !5 ..'-.'llj''.fr,- Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. Address, P. L. CAMPBELL, Pres., or S. SIIEDD, Secy, of Faculty. SEVENTH STREET TIN SHOP. IR. E. PUOPRIETOB. General Jobbing and Will guarantee all work to be done thorough and at rates that will he satisfactory. Contractors will do well PIANO. & DAVIS PIANO TONE, RECORD, SUCCESS. Slrons Professional and Academic Couraes. and welt organlied Model Bchool for Practical Training of Teachera Normal, Advanced Normal, Business, Music, and Art Departmenta. Beautiful and healthful location lis nt expense no saloons. The Normal haaenjoyed a steady growth during the past Tear, reaching an en rollment of over 400, the largest Id its history. New members have been added to the faculty, ew apparatus supplied, and the course of study revised and strenrthened. The graduate re In demand to fill good poaitloua The diploma entitles the holder to teach tn any cunty U. '.he sute without further examina tions Tuition, Normal, ti.2S per term ot ten weeks; Sub-Normal o.U0 per term of ten weeks; Busiuess Vi '2& per term Board at Normal dining ball 11.75 per week. Kooms from SOo per week, unfurnished, to II 00 and ll.iJ fur nished. Board aud lodging in private families U.!W to R0O per week. Tuition, board, lodging aud books leos than $150 per year Conserva tory of Music. Thorough courses are ottered in Vocal aud Instrumental music. Tuition, 110 per term of twenty lessons. Monmouth is easily accessible from all parts of the State, twelve miles from die Sute capital and sixty miles south ol Portland. Plumbing a Specialty. to see me on their contracts.