Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1893)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRISE CORRESPOND ENTS SWEEP THE FIELD. Molalla Corners' Expectations New SSaw -Mill Two Hrkin Mm bo Now Dwvllinm In 1'rospeet. Molalla, July 31.-Our town hiu grtt eilotations just now for future develop- went on account of a svmlicnte coins to ! , , i.iivi.i, oa iiiiii rust 01 nenj lor the sole purpose of shipping lumber to for eign markets. Thi means railroad at lea.lL Miss Edith Lilly or Corvallis, who has been visiting for some time with her sister, Mrs, 0. V. Robuins, returned home last Saturday. Several more dwellings will be erected on the triangular block this summer. Teople begin to fee we have the location for homes for comfort, and all that A hop house raising accident occurred rxmi e p. m. riday of last week. A young man by name ol imams Tell twenty feet from the top of hop house which was be ing raised east of Molalla river, striding some timbers and bruising him up gene rally besides fracturing his ankle. Doctors Lavitt and Taine were on the ground shortly after the accident and reduced the fracture. Last Thursday at 4 p. m. Car)- Herman bad the misfortune to have his arm broken at the shoulder by a piece of flooring get ting caught in the saw and striking him with the above result. Doctors Leavit and Taine set the limb the following evening. The patient is resting well. Wm. Mackeell, Molalla s harness maker, has just returned from the seaside, where he has been for a month among relatives nd friends. Mack looks well and has been enjoying the salty breezes these sultry days. He reports the temperature quite low enough on the coast for comfort. Mr. Surfus, his wile and two children were burnt quite badly. I.lttlc Zelmn is con lined to her bed. Dr. Carl I is in attend ance. Very little damage was done to the house. Thomas Davies has completed his new barn. The young people gave a dance fat unlay night which was largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Morris, Mrs. Julia K ton and Utile sou, were the guests of Mrs. Morris's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mauti, last Sunday. Mrs. Arden Cheney of Oregon City spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Klora There will be preaching at the school house Sunday at S o'clock by Rev. Ernst of Oregon City. -F?tn.i STRAWBERRIES. The Canby. Casbv, Aug. 2.-Kev. J. X. Pennison, of Portland, who has been attending the camp meeting at Central Point. Jackson county, Oregon, stopped otf at Canby last Thurs day to see bis family who are taking a short vacation at the campgrounds. H. C. Gilmore has sold his candy and cigar stand to a Mr. Marks from Woodburn who has moved it into the building recently occupied by W. S. Kellogg. H. C. Gilmore, D. R. Dimick. Doc Porter and Chas. Scbmitt went to the mountains on a hunting and fibbing tour last Thurs day, retbrning on Monday with 300 fine mountain trout The Canby and Woodburn base ball teams played a match game on the Wodbiim grounds last Saturday, making a tie game. The tie will be settled by another game in the near future. Each side scored 18. J. W. Brooks A Son of Carlton were in our town Monday and Tuesday looking alter fruit trees. They 'seem to like trees on this prairie and will probably buv aloHt 3000. 8. Norton and family who have resided at f 500,1 88 harvest is over. New Era. Niw Eka, July 81, Grain harvest has commenced in this locality and promises to be a protracted one on account of so much late sowu spring grain. The yield will be about average. John Schindler Is building a new cellar on his farm near Caubv. Valentine Cloe has just completed a new i barn the dimensions of which are Mxtl). This is the third new barn in this locality since the opening of spring. Frank Kruse was at the New Era camp meeting on the last Saturday. Frank Is looking splendid. We hope he may get en tirely well and see no reason why he will not Peter Engle has bought a second hand binder from J. L. Kruse. Thos. Blanchard and Win. tiutperlett in company have purchased a new binder. Geo. lllanclmrd is tearing a house down and will move it on his own place and erect it again. 1'eter haiuh ana laimly ot Mlverton have been in this locality the last week visiting relatives, John Burns and James Wilkinson are grubbing and clearing a ten acre tract of land for E. C. Maddock. Justice Brings and family went to Port land Saturday of last week and returned Sunday. Mrs. J. 1 Mattocks and Miss Mary Engle are at Wilhoit springs for a few days. I believe the people voted for a "change" last November. Are they satisfied that they got it? I think they have, and got it I right wliore the chicken got the ax. Stafford. Staftosd, July 31. A short time ago the cry was, "rain! rain! when will it char oil'?'' Now it is, ' I wish we had a shower to settle the dust!" Old Sol beamed down to the time of !H deg. yesterday. Today the mercury stands at ill deg. and not a breath of wind stir ring. Rather warm for Oregon. Mr. Wibour's daughter and her husband came on from Dakota on a visit of a few weeks. Their sons, Fred and Willie, were out Sunday to see their sister. Jake Shalt is having his bouse remodeled and finished generally. J. 0. and A. H.Gaseleft for the coast hut Wednesday for a stay ot two weeks. Mr. Shatz has nearly all of the lumber on hand for his new house. He will build as this place the past year left for their old home near Little Nestncca last Friday. M. J. Lee left for Eastern Oregon last Wednesday on his bicycle. He will be gone three or four weeks to see what he can do Belling fruit trees in that section of country. J. Rogers and H. X. Cook will soon take a trip to the mountains on a hunting and fishing tour. Fred Mott has quit railroading and re turned to his home near New Era. O. H. Barber has been laid up with a lame bip the past week preventing him from working on the railroad. Rev. C. Loutherof Lafayette is in town again looking after the building of his new bouse. E. C. Maddock of New Era was in otir town on Monday. The Canby boys are thinking of organiz ing a brass band. F. Marks of Woodburn was in town Tues day to see bis brother. J. C. Walgamot visited Portland last Fri day. Clyde Phillips is on the sick list. Rev. 8tevens of Portland preached in the Christian church Sunday morning. Alias Ella Knight spent Wednesday in Oregon City. gospel meetihgs. Elder A. C. McKeever of the First Chris tian church of Portland, late of Garden City, Kansas, will begin a series of gospel meetings in Canby Monday evening, August 7th, in Knight'abali. You are specially in vited to come out and hear him. CAUBV letter list. The followingis a list of letters remaining in the post office at Canby, Oregon, July 31st, 1KB: Mrs. Amelia Davis. Lawson Moore, Jesse N. Offield J. J. Bmidt, G. G. Walling, Mr. Adam Wright Geo. Kkiuht, P. M. George Behileis rejKirted to be on the sick list. We c.ns. Mink Dutterlng. Mink, Aug. J. Quite a number of our young folks went to Wilhoit springs Inst Sundav. I Mrs. Cooper, from Portland, is vii I her toother. Mrs. Wolf. i Mr. and Mrs. J. Moebnke went to Port land last Wednesday to see the war ship Monlerpv. Mrs. S. G. Jones from Park Place is visit ing friends here. Mr. Staben has purchased a new Osborne binder. Mrs. F. Fraser is out here from Portland to siend a few weeks with her sister. M. A. Moehnke. Mr. and Mrs. Staben returned yesterdav from Portland where they have been visit ing friends. Central Point. Ce.itbal Poist, July 28. Harvesting of wheat has commenced in full earnest in this vicinity with a little less than an aver age crop. Oats will be a good crop on the bills but poor on the bottom land unless we have rain pretty soon. Potatoes need rain badly. ' Apples and pears are almost a fail ure. Plums and prunes will be plentiful and cheap. Vegetables are drying up for want of rain. There will be a sociable and entertain' ment at Brown's school bouse on August 11. in the evening, for the benefit of our minister. Everybody is cordially invited to attenu and onng a wen lined much basket There will be preaching In the church next Sundav at 11 o'clock bv Rev. Gardner Sunday school every Sunday at half past ten. Riiltalil Soil iiml Smaiiii For rimilliif llvrrln iif INO.1. , In tho (election of noil for erowimr arrawlierri. Oreiner Rivo to a deep, Wvll draiuod clay loam tho preference. although a crop can Ih grown on any Ml adapted for tho production of a pood crop of corn. The lay and compo sition of the land have a great Influence upon tho acaaon of ripotitntf. Among the chief factor favoring farllnesa of crop are sandy comixwition of soil, por ous subsoil, southeastern exposure and flection of early varieties. The market gardener who has a variety of noils and situations may make such selections am combinations which suit his particular purpose. By proper selection of condi tions the berry season can lie greatly longtneneu, or tne bum or crop ripened in just such souson as the market may be expected to be most favorable. Early fall, or even summer, Is the time usually selected for planting straw berries in the southern state. At the north we oitener prefer to plant in spring, nnlvM we have a chance to get good plants the first runners made after the fruiting season not later than Angnst If these plantsare "pot grown" or taken np with a clump of soil, they may be nperted to do all the better, ac cording to Mr. Oreiner. E. P. Towt'll, commenting upon the varieties of strawberries for 1803 in American Hardening, says the Cumber land la absolutely perfect in aha, is bisexual, will stand neglect, does not run out in a single year or two and makes the very best family berry. Bu bach does well almost everywhere and so ranks next to the Cumberland as great family berry. The Ilaverlniid, a long, finger shaped berry, is an enormous cropper and does best on rather light soils. The number of new sorts sent ont this spring in not so large as nsnul. Timbrel! seems to be emphatically ahead. Greenville is another novoltv. I E. P. Roe was one of last year's novelties, as also were Gillespie and Van Deman. Swindle is curiously named, but has proved un acquisition in some atvtious. Beverly and Leader are of the very best For a home garden the fruitgrower mentioned recommends to hold fast to Cumberland nnd Bnbuch and test such as Beverly, Priuceea, Leader and Lovett Mrs. Cleveland is a berry not to be part ed with; so also Crawford, Sadie and Peart. Cyclone, a new berry, is said by good jndges to be very fine. Beder Wood holds Its own almost everywhere, IMMSNSS STOCK OF Spring i and i Summer t JUST ARRIVED DIRECT FROM THE EAST. Millinery LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS AT VERY LOW PRICES. CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. CARLTON i CHNBY, - ORECON. !l Pester HAlHGIJOKST & COMPANY, 151 Kront Street. HARDWARE Portland, Oregon. .NiirtliWffilrru Atfdil htt ATItllVS SAWS -Insmouil. Lane oiTlttmt ThiiIhimiUi Wnor Unr -i:.fto s Mr. ,. l .A V(ri,YVj'As:ci " " " ' WIWvV), VlWA W JtyVlrVa Crescent "Wedges (warranted.) H fc S l'mof Chains. Arcade Files. loj.t. Crescent Mc Loggers and Wood ChojjH'n) SM-cialties. Oregon City Agent, WILSON A COOK A New and I'ronilalng Rom. The American Belle depicted in onr illustration is a sport from American Beauty and originated with John Bur ton of Philadelphia in 188. During the last two years it has lieen exhibited at Philadelphia, New York, Boston cumuii lino nucago, winning saver cups and niedalg. At New York laxt Novem ber it won the Taylor cup for the bent 50 new pink rows. The American Belle, in growth while not quite as rigomns as tho Beauty, is a free bloomer of largo, buiidtome rose Now Try Thin. It will cont yon nothing and willxurclv do you iM)d, If you have a finish , or with any trouble with 1 hrout, Client or Limits lr. Kind's New diwovery lor fonputntitUjn. 'oml'Iim and f-iildt in Cin- tfimrtinteed to tivw relief or iniihev m ill i ' lie puid back SiiUViererH from l. iiripo lotimi it tin (Iiiiii: ami mi'ler ' its line hail a sieedv unl K'rfeet recov ; ery. Try a sample bottle ut our exieiine ' ami learn lor yourself just bow uimhI a thin it is. Trial Itottlo (r.-e ntli A Ilanlinn's lrug Store. Laiitesixo rtk-. .and n (X). ; The (irent Northern ItediiceH liuteN. Tl... v .... i l i.. i .t jnuiiii'iii .vuiiiieni nun Hiiifiiiirii ine lollowing rates: Fromevstern terminal to the North Pacific coast jioiiita first class, Xi ; second class, $i'; to Sptikane first clam, f'10; secoml class, to Helena and Butte, $'.'5; weond class, , $18. First class rates will apply in both directions, second class west bound only. Tickets at these rate will Ihi limited to continuous passage. THE AMERICAN BELLE. Milwaukee. Milwackie, August 1. A very pleasant eurprise waa tendered Miss Bansom of Han Francisco at her friend's, Mrs. Matcheson, home on last Saturday evening. Vocal and instrumental music, numerous games and an elegant lunch were enjoyed by all. Those present were Misses Anna Rogers, Dora and Hattie Bonnet, Kasle and Anna Bcott, Anna Wilson, Messi-s. I. J. Gary, Robert and James Wilson, J. C. Hunger ford. Oscar Wisinger, V. P. Conklin of Portland, Miss and Mr. Bansom of San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. Matcheson. The arrangements are now about com pleted for the erection of the new school house here. The bonds sold at 7 per cent Bids will be opened at the school house Saturday, the 5tn of this month for the building. Miss Daisy and Lulu Trneblood of New berg came down to spend a week among their many friends. Mrs. J. C. Emmel of Newberg is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoesly. Maple Lane. Mawi Labb, Aug. 1. Last Friday Isaac Surfus and family met with a very painful accident. They were preparing a mlztnre to spray the trees and in beating it the ker osene ignited. In extinguishing the fire Cams Happenings. Carl's, July 31. Grain harvest is close at hand. Weather clear and hot; OS deg. in shade. Elmer D. Cooper has bought forty acres of land of Dr. Goucher. Consideration $2200. Will Jones has just completed a fine piece of slashing containing about twenty acres. Special revival services commence Thurs day evening in the Presbyterian church. Rev. Hickman will be assisted by Rev. Forhes of Portland. Quite a number of Caruaites are making arrangements to go to the mountains for an outing and to gather whortleberries, or huckleberries, as you choose to spell it. Lu Ingram and family were up from Bar lows Biinuay to visit K. Milo Cooper. Calla. Currlnsvllle. Cukkissvii-le, Aug. 3. Unless rain comes soon the late oat crop will be somewhat short. During the past week quite a number of the men of tliecommunity were down work ing on the new road which is being built up j Deep creek. Mrs. Diona Currin is having a prolonged attack of rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Marrs are taking a trip to Salem and Linn county. Miss Nellie liasie of Portland is visiting her cousin, Mrs. R. Y. Currin. Rev. W. L. Molloy preaches his last ser mon of the year next Sunday. On Saturday evening preceding there will be a social at the church, consisting of a short program, followed by a lunch. ' To Hub-Contractors. 1 Bids for separate sub-contracts (or 'grading, liaulinit or furnishing and haul- ing gravel for the improvement of Main street, Oregon City, will be received by on long stems, and these rosea are highly the undersigned until 12 o'clock, (noon) iragrani. ineir color is a ncn deep 0n Tuesday, August 1, 18!)3. pink fading with age to a beautiful i Amkkican IIhimjb A Contkact Co lift in Buverjr jjiiik. i ue ueue retains lia fresh, bright color for several days after being cut This rose, owing to its large ' size, ia especially unliable for decorations and table bouquet. j ''' Reward t ! lor any trace of Antip'yrine, Morphine, BALD HEADS! What Is the condition of your? If your hair dry, harh, brittle? Ifcwa It plit at the end? Hat It lifcks appearance ? ocs It fall out hcn combed or brushed? la it full of dandruff ? your Kalp Itch? I It dry or in a heated condition ? If these are tome of yourjy mptomsbc warned in time ory ou will become bald. SkookumRoot Hair Grower ! h.( rul nr.l tit pmliwtMi la not u Mot. but IKa Mall of intU "l.l u( It., lima of lb. t,air a. aralp MHUa .Haw i. !. . i'. .'""V"1"- """'" "wmlalna ftailbM 0,1 Mr til .411 ll ihJ" n.' .'bu' ''""l' '"""rem,.; .04 nlmhini t.M. r MHaalallu Wl. " " "a"x M rww f taJ lha'. K.Tt,hf. Wl? ,,' 4 tr-a fma ImullBe , XdTJi, !,:," " --J - ll luur dnif U Mtrt aupr.lT m aaai4 airxn to ua. an4 a-a anil ttmn THE SKOOKUrt ROOT HAIR OROWCR CO. a" "t e& 5 W-VA m a- TI1DRSIIE Hurt .( rrJ Portland, Oregon. Room 211, (irxxlno'jgh Iluilding. Pr For A mtea r. , Chloral, or any other injurious conioiind ine cnaracteriHtics or good market in Kkalsk'h II k.aimciie Cai'si 2'cts pears solidity, abundant bearing, stand-! For sale by Charman & Co, City Drug u. .vuu uK, mmimr poinw-are , sujre, Oregon City, Ore not alway the beet characteristics for a I fruit that we would desire to grow for themselves, according to Median's Monthly. The Bartlett. Sheldon. Belle Lucrative, Beurre d'Anjon, Beurre Bosc, Seckel, and, for an early kind, Doyenne d'Ete, can seldom be had in the market, bnt are very desirable for one's own gar den. Even kinds like Buffum, taking little room, have advantages for small gardens. E. E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, okkoon CITY. Masonic Building. Fruit and Flower Ilrevltles. The trees of tho sweet cherry are the preferable kind for shade, for which pur pose they are excellent. Potash and salt are recommended as a dressing for the quince tree. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Entkhi kihk ollice. THE RED FRONT COFFEE tirei'ii roller lArlnickles 2 Mokaska Knnst '!, J". t jsinn.l, c. JmT JsiUIHI Uice .V., Sinla iie-foiirth saveil. hiery, towflf, Koivp, HtrnwhatH, Shearn, fan, l' lbn Dry (iranulntwl Kiigur ll, SHOES. Sold nt Krwer's lrolit A SNAP. Manufacturer's Haiimlea nf corset 1 1 a ' iwu Kj.readH, giovex and inits, 1,Hh purw-H, Hhawlri, Etc. A trreat r,,ln,.t PARASOLS. FANS AND SCISSORS Halfprie.. HAMILTON . ALLEN, Cnh Dcfilcm, ORECON CITY, . . OREGON. 8 pounds 8-penny The Ked Front . nails 25 cents at ' If you want to sell your proK!rty,liBt it with Wade. 11. hpencer. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes-40 Years the Standard P0PE& CO. This old and reliable firm always kr-ep in slock full line of Heavy, Slielf si Manufactured Hrtrn, Tim, Etc, Plumbing Gas Jobbing Attended to Promptly, Es timates Furnished. OREGON CITY nwuonN