nlnry Mler lo Nmltli A f..r tl:rlr Kuelli'iil Kremlinr. .ni ImI !'. T. Myer, f the Oregon WorM'i Fair ril" to Him It It hiyi'lt ...I.,,, ilia, l.lirlil v.l m.. i'llllt . ' i"' " ill wlilrli w no Ironed itl llm . , i... ii.. ...... J in lllla 1 UT ' " " :lrHt Mtllltltt Waa PX'elVeil III l.lllil dlll'lHI Hllll Wtt thll I ........I... l.f ll, (till w""''. ,, it win aa trmiapiireiit aa Lklim tlinmtfli K1""" wlmlow. 1 nil IliK Jll1"' K'llllllll that lo llml i"K'HM l)r wlileh I i,. It rn-fniM'tl III Clili'atf.) Tim 1.1 alnrak' I'1"1'1 Iiruyed under llm miiMirln ,( Mr. I'lerro ami friend i I Midi iMial.leoii. When tl .y ulil It waa remarkaUle . ,.l I.. Inwiilnif and llm wire jma ' I i had no tank. In which tl ey Xiilllii the aainn elan rake. I I 1 other colli .forage In Chit i Ami nolxxly wl.O could do tl.a Vrll, 'Minn lll'l.'.l lofxllllllt It jjinl It lated Hirt !). Tim i . .. . t--. - i A ul 1110 rem gar. u very noil. I'". It waa only a few 4 llny Mtrvil II up at much I! t siierllltellililiey ul tlie ,1 rlilef, an arroiuil ul wlileh In lln ('regniilnn today i m mli'l li"' ami yuii will a deluded ni'i'imiii ul It t voii very mm maiflllllrii'lll aH'imi'it ul aulniuii. It Man Lrgeal salmon ever ranglil .iluiiil'i rivi-r, ami I laliere. . iiu mirli a Hi'linn ever the world. With alinl r'nrU That wax a very (.l.-nniiiit pnr,y Kvn I'V Mr. hii.I Mm. T. M, Mllh-r al tli..r nmlilniMM. on ovoiiImk In honor of Miaa Merlin A.M.ra.m of Me M I nn villo. Hie evening waa moHily KV(.ii over to tliapleaaiirnof dunrlng ni WH vry I'lea-aiitly uppnt. .i,,t i.ifn.HhiiH.hl. eri.aerve,lai,ltl,n g,i.Mt departed at a Into hour lilKhly ,,,.HPM., win, (,r MitnrUiiiunt'iil Tliomi primwiL went: Mlaa... Kelly, lUrh.w, Cliarman, AHr-a-ni, Jriw o WillUmit, A.iillnand I Initio IVIirane, Vera Pllnhnrv, llith llurln Mlllnr; Miar. F.J. 1-onla, W. A. lliinthy, C. (. ,,yi u.,1,,1, Mlll'-r, F. H, Ki-lly, (ionh.n WIIIIuihh, J. I. IxiVMll, K. F. DrlKH, Kvreti lllrkmaii ami lUlpli Mlllnr; C'upl. anil Mm. J. W, Cianomr, nrxl Mr. and Mm. .. a. ... iy i'.. iiiihiiih. Tho millwliaiuli hriiluu nrruaa tliH rlvnr Intra which waa roniililriit hy aoma a on iiniim-i'Maiy cxHniHt ut the tlmn that itwaa liullt haalM'tin uhji'tu.l lu niticli wnar thai many of tho pUnka am worn tlitonith no aa to mtctmlluto thvlr Ih'Ihu rilmi.iwhlt li U now hulnfc- diine, II. Cochraiie havlmt clmrna of the work. IWiii Illnr In alao al work tlulitxnliiu) - up all of the Iron work o aa to hriiiK the hrlil(n up to the jirojM-r tvnnion ti yrt Iwrly rralat atriilii, Mian Cora rM-lh-m. tha lalntl elucmk liiH)lln.ii)tlv finm the faat will lvf one f( ,vr piitrtuinliiK tivnnlnna in cliH-nliVmar 'i'f(wur'a oiK-ra lioiiae, (. KiT; (ir. Mofi'lay r vwinn July 31, Kl'Ici'lilJIIH fllMlf till' hl't MIlllllllK ul mr.Mii.l l!rlll,u,.ii. tl,,i,al.li1i.r.i,1iU.ttd ami '" ";n,,lrlH, x-hI m.,-u: .W-.wl. a out of KcfmlfC - - . t lluliiiiiii ol Mi-nilow Itiook, uim ol lint ln'vi'it tax ayim in that mrt of lh country uva that iIktm Ihik lmn morn khh riutil work iIi.iik in hia ilitrirt tli lo k-iii flit. ii fft ht'lorn ami tlmt ilh the kind of work dune tluri they can tax lilin alt tln-y mt lit nn li p'ta hack valuu riiilvi'il In the IhIIit romUaml lin rcax"! valun of hia farm. H! HOW COOLING! Your rfpectliilly, (iu. T. Mrn. ijiln-t the lui.rovrnirnt. .ii'K iH'tii"' m-rvi'il hy '.an lltn M-vi'ial roiitraiium fur iriiH'iil ol Main atnt't : i.rlirall I'.lliltfP ('ol.tlai't Co., ry K l'n, W. S. ('Iml'iimll, . i.kliir or nhn-wr II may con- If r:K'i'l p'oprrty Imhli'm on Aft, dr.-K'Hi I'ily, (ir(in, here- . that Ihry in 'e to l Thfisn hofdrviavs are made pleasant to those who refresh themselves with a glass of ICE CREAM 30DA $ The quality and favoring of this favorite summer bever age is not to be-excelled if purchased at the CITY DRUG STORE. Charman & Co. are te lead ers in Drugs, Medicinqs, Toilet Articles, Etc. Largest stock of Paints and Oils in the city. 7 T TIME & MONEY SAVED BY HAVING YOUR I'UKSCItllTIOXS FILLED AT THE : CANM : PHARMACY, CJSLISJSSTLT, OREGON. Our Motto in "Small Profits on a CehIi I5au." Evans block, next dixjr to IIodKt-H, DR. J. H. IH INE, roprietor. GREAT SPEAR HEAD CONTEST. onuw OVEKTY BanksaBustin! Pore Fokes tu the Frunt ! We must begin ter , econermise I Yew arid yewer familley iz axed tew a Soshul inei me x . r., d. x. s iz pointer ut v at me mm OltECON OITY, FRIDAY NITE, JULY 28. Aid) AND SAVE THE TACS. One Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $173,250.00 In valuable Presents to bo Clven Away In Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1 .1 BS STEM TmniNQ ELGIN GOLD WATCHES "",M'K0 W ttk PIVir IMPORTED FKENOn OPERA GLASSES. MOROTTO BODY, 8,775 BLACK ENAMEL TKIMMINUH. OUARAMEED ACHROMATIC... 28,875 C 23.100 IMPUTED GERMAN BUCKHORN HANDLE, KOUB BLADED rWKfcl K?lvo 116,500 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM EOTARY TZl8tt TQ(ftll 5730 AO IIS BOO LARGE pVcTCRES (Ui28 Inchea) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, ( 1 w,ww iv.rtlln on Ihem 00 advertising 00 them 201,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO ,x,m 09 ationai inrcn ll ia the tulk amoiiK ruilroa.) men aloiiKlhe line of the Hniilhern I'aiilic that llirre a toon tn I a chiilift of time for the uvetlmiil trdin which in cxNcii'il lo leavr lieie after nine at iiilit anil to j arrive (rninlhe totuli tx'twecn ci'lit ami nine in the inurniiiK. Aa yet however there ia iiiithliitf olllcial in thia. In the tine of l.irniliiru, carpeta, win- nit ol any aew.mei.l ma.le,J" "'lea, aall a-r, loiinuea ami a. for the i.n.wr.1 liiijiruvn-1 maltre.a..a you rati beat Port price. tir part ol tal.l atrwt, hy the ''X vwn nana my of OreK-m I'ily. hlwk under Um. MTaai-aiaaollii. X ne opinion io u.e pre.riu , little girl ol I . r. ilaynea waa nun 1 UllAl , Z. A.WI nlCn 01 Hie Iliai JierSwasnuiIS II1USV war ...n Illegal, ami have m. 1 011 Tiiewlay .vening while playing at j , l.r ..., poz fl flnnil or SOmthill (ila. No man with a Offul 1.. nuke any ontruct for the , iir,w,toii'a ttiin Ix-r var.l hy the falling n .' ..-i :i 1 i 1 ... j,. , 1 1 . ' , , . , .. L... nu bine wii u ur uwi'tj iu mm. ith. pr'iv.lniga have hmii ir luinU-r from a pile. M.e ia re- ... .I that the rolitrarl ln. I.een ' ,llHj , siting along III' elv. L1IA1 . 6..' lnldCS Ill'dO Tl()t QIill IIT aflimsnun. Thecontractiorthe ' ukem am! com- J CI I A 1 4. V'mvn wil h exposed on evry wuii wareing nanv njom at the armorv waa let on iriwl ('In. v..,i. a.iy to w. a. winte ami 11. a. h nforswj wivi10ut rcgarde to race, sex j who heall Work on them the , . ( ' 1 . . a. tilt I1W Vdt.t LM.flfl 'Tn.fklLl ll VUllll CJi'jil rjU'iMOHini $173,250 00 V lVWW w " - - The above artlclea will be distributed, by eonntlM, amonc partlea who chew BPEAB HEAD IMuVTobco, and return to u. UJ TlS TAUH Uken iberefrom. We will distribute JK 01 met pnia id ini To THE PARTY .ending uith. rrtert number of SPEARHEAD qoU) WATCE taun iiwui " RULES AND REGULASHUNS. CIIAV. 1. Kvery wumun ruust war a kalaker dress and apcrn or somtliin ekally properate. CIIAr. 2. Awl men of the mal nerswashuns must war it tl.i' .tilhoiity i.f the I. a , ami iiomim. linprovemeiit woohl lition upon tl.o propotty jii.l ihcn lore ri liiNi to pay i', mi'l If Voll make iait a nh aiil cilv ro.ineil, or J ill, jo.i to o at your rik ; kiliMin, lieo. I'.r.mghtoii, Icil.k, I Turn '.Ii, Kale lliirchiy, nit,'. .lane I' Ituck, . Co , Mr. Jaa. I loin 11, ii'H't, Jaiu.'H Wilkiuixin, 'in, Jiiliua r'r. ytng, . Jagiiur. JomMiIi Kerguaon, Fliite. Mia. W. J.Cul.Uell, lark. M. Wygant.hv T. W. To Miiti-Ci.ntruiti.ra 'f aeparate aiil-coiiticta for lulling or (iiriiinlilng ami haul- ' for the impioveineat of Main ''egon ( ity. will Ixt tecelveil hy iwigned until 'i o'clock, (noon) iy, Augimt 1, iHliIl. ' n A (Vntmm'T Co., 1'orllutiil, Oregon. -II, tiiMKlno'igh Ittiihling. To tb. FIVE PARTIES ending the next peat "umber of GLASS EE BrEAK uuu lAin, w. win w cavu, To the TWENTY PARTIES aendlng na the next Katert number of Hi'KAR HEAD TAOM, we will give to eacn I pqckET KNIVES To tbe OSE HUNDRED PARTIES aondln nt the next greatest number of Hl'EAR HEAD TAUri, we will give to tach 1 lnn TOfYm PirK3. JaoLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOJTH PICK KM TOOTH PlCfci To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES Kndlng na tU 1 next ITeaJert number of HHEAR HEAD TAlirt, we wlU give to each 1 prrmiER. LA1WE MCTLKli IN ELEVEN COLO 113 100 PICTURES. Tefal Somber ef Prlae for tola Coonty, 828. CATJTION.-No Taa will be received before January Irt, VM, nor atter February Et picka containing Uun mini be marked pUlnly jrllb Name of Sender, To ntrbami Number o? Tag. In each package. All charge, on package, mo Inf. own. maul be PrPa.ldl.n one . r. nnn -- nnnllllM of fntrtnile v.lne than any other Bin, CihVuced iVT. hTTwteat, 1b. toubert. the rlcht SPEAK HEADta E lawTrDoiiUvelTand dl.Onellvely difTerent In flavor from way Plug tob.ero. aTA wrinvlncJ "t ToUt .keptleof thla fact It U the large.! lerof ii?TaJd .tSo .earth, which prove, that It h c.ughl the muhrtjand PJ'JJ roblTTrv 1U and part clpMe In the contest for prtiea. Hee that a TIM TAO ia ,.Sv"i ITcent piece oX bPEAli HEAD you buy. Send lo the Ug no matter how email tha I00"'- N ery tueV'j. 80RQ COMPANY, MlDDl-rroww. OHia A llrt of the people obuinlng the pritea la tbU county will be pubJUhed In thM paper Immediately after February 1st, 1SH. DON'T SEND ANT TABS BEFORE JANUART 1, 1894. Two B.nki Id Portland. mi, r., July 27, 2 !'. M. Two m il their iliMirn UMlnvi the Ore- i "Hl,li..o II. Markle prelilent, Jxirthweat Loan A TniMl Coin- liero wna i(H),(HK) of county I ""iteil In the Oreion Nutionnl If Kelly. vliiatrict rriiMwutinu Attorney, ' aaya tlmt many of the owner" nii'H are coming in anil paying tuxcM on th i.hl .meMMinenta ftliore will beagooil an in aecurod iunty hy tho ati-pa which are f ''ii for their collection. 'fen la hack from tl.o Hlnu iinca where ho has heen for I'i'k iiiHpecliiig tl.o work ilnnn 1'ii'N of the compiiny from here. tut buck with him Home due T oforo which Iih in having. in rortlanil. Norria who IntH heen enro- l"' lit'hi (huighti-r of Mr. Chirk "y iieur ClackiiuiikH, whom) arm ''" a "hurt lime ainco days thai iug along nicely. ''i'ig op. n oiio ilny for trnvol ion Hi root hriiluo iiiruin hroke v WeilnoHihiy evening anil it I 1 nunum clomid a fonniiloraliie r'iiirH. VciHti)HH(ii nml Hanliil Lyons f fried ut 7 o'clock on Tueailiiy "t the Cut hoi iu clmrcli hy Hev. illuhrund. nillm Ik.u 1 ... V.,.11.1 a tarn . n Olllll IU O.IO.I j'He jimt acruHHthoBtreot from his T'ence on the weal aido which he llto rent. following day, K.IUaUith Wagner and Andrew Win were Joined in wedlock at the otlice of Judge Koula hy that woithy justice on Wrdnewlay ol thia week. Thoe. F. Ftyan haa jiint returned from . lilo tliroiiitli Washington and he re- iKiria the wheat on the went aid.) ol tlie , river txtia g'axl II. L Kelly wroto from San Francisco uim.ii tiia arrival that ho waa all right and that he had enjoyed a delightful trip on the oi ean. Hie Monterey left Portland on Thurs day morning for the navy yard at San Francisco, hut will atop lor ono tlay at South llend. Mr. Lewelllng father of Jehnand Will- lam Lewelling of SpringwaU-r died the last of the week at III homo on Spring water ridge . The families ol f. K. Charman and (1. A. Harding Intend to leave lor tneir on Clear Creek next UIIIIIIV. ' " . week. M KckHtrand la building a new house at the corner of Madison and Fourth streota. (Jeorge Margraves fs doing tlie work. Max rierter. foreman of the carding room at the woolen mill has moved into Fred Palmer's liouse on Meventh street. mm Marv Ann Miller, mother of the lute Mrs. J. H.Lamliert.died in Portland on Wednesday at tho age of 75 years. n h f),la..n and wife accompanied hy his brother, C Ohlson of Oakland, Neb., left on Thursday for Lomtjlf arli The rortland tlenerul Klectric com nanv are having their poles along Main street jainted black. 0. Ohlsen of Oakland, Nebraska, Is viniting bis brother and other friends in this city, Clms Morun of F.Iy bus just moved Into his new Iiohko. Iunttea. chaira, etc. npholHtore.I at R L. Holman All work guar anteed. Repair all your old lounges lor little money and they will be goodus new. .. Bhiloh's VitalUer is what you need for Pyaemia. Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed o give you satisfaction. Price 7!c. Sold by C. i. Huntley. W'eddinK stationery, the Ulest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at me inthk. . Clean ragTwtod at the Entbhpris oflko suitable for wiping presses. High est price riJ- PRIZBZ.P Wil b given to the man an wumun bavin tlie wust lookin ri"; on. Judgiz wil ehuzin frum the speck titers. PROGRAM.- Polo and Quortet, Solo by I'voico and quortet by 4 voices Reeertashun, ... a gurl Solo .-.-By 1 little gurl Dewet By 2. voices 1 bov and 1 gurl Hesertashun .-.T.' 13y a womun O . 1 . IK An, OOIO, Instramentul Solo, Keccrtasliun, Solo, Mail Tri'nt u a a vv j y - Then 1 or 2 panteniines and tablovfs by the pour folks. ...By -.nuther gurl iiy sum wun By sum wun el 9 By waA ov the pore folks r. I'll.. t uv 6 men ioiks Admishun to this Grate Trete 10 Cents. Vitels con- sistin ov Iscream and Kake 15 Sents. Admishun to be tuk at the doro. Vitels and drink to be tuk at the table. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MA.VTFACTl'KER OF A LI. KINDS OK FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING. RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. r Special Bills Cut to Order i Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street. OREGON CITY. OR. ICARUS FOS A CASE IT WILL NOV Anaireeeble Laxative and N EH VE TON 10. Sold by Dniirirsisor sent br mall. Ec.,60c-, and $1.00 per package, gampltv free. MflA The Fnvorite TOCTH MVTU 1 1 U I or the Test h and Breath, too. For sale by C. G. Huntley. NO P A RSHIBILITY Will be shown to ritch folks and awl kin hev a jolley gud timer RECOMEMBER THE NITE. THISFRIDANITE 1 A GOOD INVESTMENT Is one that bring big returns. A GOOD MEDICINE Is tho one that does what Is claimed for It. OREGON KIDNEY TEA will enrr nit Wviikm of the Kid nrynn.l t'rin"Tio:i. t-'onstl-pniioil, llliilit-UH, SnildillK l'.ins whm I rinniuiK, l'jins In the Bm-k nml Liu.lM, Irrilntion of H.,. nliulilrr llru t Dint Drnoit and Hi iRtit's Disease, CURE YOURSELF and Live a Long Time with out paying Interest on your Lease of Life, by suffering. S. F, SCRIPTURE, Practical Blacnjith AND GEN'L WORKMAN. All kinds of Repair Work and Horse Shoeing, Executed on short notice in a work man like manner. Prices Reasonable. Do Not Climb the Hill ! STOP AT George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, Elyville, - Oregon, Where you can get the highest cash price lor Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. J. F. FORD, Evangelist, 01 Dei Moines. Inw. write, under date of March 23, mi: 8. B. Man. Mro. Co., Dufiir, Oregon. Gentlemen: On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. . B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both ofthe children like it. Your 8. B. Cough Cure has cured and Sept away all l.oare neM from nie. So give it to every one, with. greetings lor an. n isiiuik ju prwiicuvj, we are yours, .us. a .uiw. r. runu, retilv Inr the 8prln' work. clene youry ttm with the Headache A Liver Cure br taking two or thrre doe ench week. Mliuu perbot tl bv all dru.ariBU. Sold under Bonlilve tuar- anleeby L. M. ANDREWS. Full line of new goods at prices lower than Oregon City. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DKFOT Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding anv kind of stock promptly attended to by person or letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop near Albright & Warner's meat market on 5th street. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of small machines promptly made. Duplicate keys to any look manufactured. Shop on Main Street, next to Nohlitt's Stables. LEARN TELEGRAPHY. A trade it pays success sure. Address. 0". O. SEYMOUR, Oregonian Building, Portland. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner ol Front and Morriaoi., PORTLAND. OREGON, IS STILL ON EARTH For general repairing he stands without a per. For first-clans, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! C. 1. taut PIONEER Transfer1 and Dgif e$, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. t r- " I mmm . ' " 11 '- .M...X. . ,