--v.. logon City hntcr prise. Kltil'AY, JULY "H, IHiill, ' ' CllL'N'I'Y OrKICKIlli, J. w ,,.1.1. . . r,r. 1 ...l.i.r.. ni"."" Mnlilrum Owl. t. II,, il it W. (Limn M M lUm.l.y J. (I Wmharpf) i, it, Hi.,nr II H. IIM....II Nlitli H my III H I. II, 'Iiii.ii I Klrli.nl H'.otl ll'iifiiclliii luir H. . L,i:,iiiil..l"l'r. " Hiilmri J l Marnr Wi. ,)n(lli.. f Iukruon cirr utrwxm T. W Sullivan A, I. I. I'iirlf V.II'.IIp- J I'iihI.mii . J. K IthiM.ln. t J. l-,llll II. IliiUr w ii, nn Hlilnov Hintrlli. ilmeii-'l.. w mi"....., -i. i ii t wny, i.. IMiiian. W A Vl.lt..J i C,,k.. J. utoiiualli J (i Purler iul T. I'. Half II. iiell rnwuH"! VTwtiiii.il fili uiutilb ball- IAT AHOUT TOWN. or tlio lnvnat Tim Front. in iin, rnicipl mid ordnr Inxik jf Kiri Hi Hi. olllre ftKTKIt. WikkI CHIIHT liy K. lPr. inlilrm liir, Orrnil UlY. . fLiilillim A aJilytl r )'"V win U'll'li't will rwnlva lir patimita at ii M, I.lVi'finurs lluliil. MllliiK M.Uily. ai you wnl sn aUra.t of I ill to yniir .-rl rail on WVUi II. Hlirnr, Ore- l ily, (in-itKii. (ainily of K. Mrn'WMi lartil (or Lit Hay lt TurMlny Inti'inling- U lull 1 lli)1 wiaalmrit all iiiotinr. D I. vmi A llnaly la llm Ix-at liinml iiiimi ilitrat.lt otiini ma. In. Kil, on driiia lV lturiiipiatrr A Amlrratli. I ' liunv.aiiliiil, !)' N IUt rlan k.i iviirUK wirkrr. Itiiftirumc ylvtin lual of in y work altl. A'llriM I ifi-uoii City. flail mil wo llm loiinica at It. !.. u ii anil yii will aoinn vik 4 hirli they am lllii alinott at Aiilaiiiin-r'a 'rlr iliih't Cum, tint tirval Omuli ami P Cur, I lr aaln dy u I'm ki'l i-oiiUin Iwfitty-llvit ilimra, iiiily;.'. Ifi-n ov it. ('. (i. Iluiitli'y. liMniiit atory lu llm M. Jnlin'a -il liiiililiiin liicli haa Jul IxH-n J i mm liirlowri ami llm iiuliT aa It waa tlicn alwut N'Kuu llx'ir work on tlie out ailn of i iiinriiliig an. I tlii-y ilnl not TWO I'ltlNOJILItH AI'E. Iloli lllm k ami t runk Hull Haw out or he Coimlr Jul! and Km... 1.kI Hiitiilay imirnliiK wlmn A. W. Howard wiuit to tuko tlio prinom-ra in tlm county jail (,r l,rukrnit tin lla Mvrr. ,0 t1B cnC 0, t,(9 mn rixim of llm j ,! ,1, t)ia om of thB prUoiinra litxl nrawlml tliroiiili tlila liolu ml mail kikxI hi emiajKi. A coupln ol lioiira luUr he Wrnml that tlmro waa miothur jirUonnr mUaltiK, and that one whom hit aujKMi.d aafcly lixkod In on of tha aimd r,.. Tito cat mniiI irMonera art) Iloh Mark and Frank Hall, alia C. II. Wall, lllmk waa avrvlnu a all month' aniitiiin: for altvniptod rajKi and had Imm.ii In JhII nlnrn hcftiru ttio April turm of court. Krank Hall waapullud a rouplu of month aK for aUmlliiK ahrxip pilla from the warnlioimo of Alhrlnht A Wanmr and waa Imld Mndiiig the action of the (fraud Jury. It iti that thu prlaoiittrt have inualiy Utn loi kfd In thulritilla almiil 7o'il,nkln the nvenlim, all hut lilurk who wa trtatt a a aort of trimly and pt'rmiltod to riMnwin oiiImIiIii of the culla at nlithta. Whi'ii Howard wont down on Haturday nluht to link I hum In hit ralliHl llm rolo aa umial ami Illaik anawe rt-il aa he aiippownl from limiclo the rrll hut In rrnllly from hi place of hldintf Milnd the cell, hi Mjitlon IwIiik aiich that hi voice would aoiiud throiitili thu Imra and aound a tliounh he were iriHidii. From the olln-r prikonera it waa Icurniil that alwut 10 o'clock or aa Boon aa they deemed It rot ft) to do o they 1h-kii to acarch fur an cy place of tcae and after at'vural vain enveavor rlinilied ukui the !! I cell ami I-kiiii work with a hiu piki amiie old hort hladud knivt', a bm k aw and an ax. Tlicy manual', I with the mill and knife to K"t a hole in the floor hl( euoiiKh for the aaw and then had fli-nr aailinif, except that the old lilade w hich thi'y held in their handa with old rag around it made noiiw enough to i heard two hliH-ka away and thev were afraid that they would he caught In tlipir atti'inpt to K'l out. The flmt hole that they made camu up under County Recorder, Kamahy'a tleak and they had to try Kiti. Thia time they were more ucct'ii(ul and got a hole rut j'int where Kamnhy unually Umla when at work at hi dek. It waa alKiul 10x10 Inche and through thi they crawled and then had fair Ball ilia a they had only to oen a wnnlow and get away, hut they no time to apare 2 o'clock in the have many PERSONAL NOTES. CAMP COM WO. nr try. I'. Wliii-afll, the undertaker, ha rn-riviKl the (Ineal line of raaketa oi, III in ever hrouK'ht to )reoii City. toult them) hard, (lull time and liot la) umlerBiild ill price. X L.l Tlmrdav eveniiiK Chaa. Hitter MiraOpal Wclhcrell were married n anleiice of the hride'a mother in iimli. The wrddiiiK wa Btrictly 4te ami pretty much of BurpiUe to f 1 one, :!y li,iae hair came out with every 'miK, wa imliired to give Ayer'illair r a (aitlilul trial. Hhn did ao, and -lily wa the lo of hnlr ehecked, new ami vlKorouaKrowth Boon biic 1M that which had gone. me weeka bko the hTKMimiK pulf l an account nf the auddun dlai- jraiice of Duvid Anderitoll of Clarke'. IrlcmU have at lant heard from him And thut he wandered aw av while lie and that ho waa found In Vanh n where he waa committed to the fliim lit Mondav Mr. Anderson Walker ailj'iiled liiHKiit) ami llit) Milne even--he lukeii hy Dr. W. K. Carll to the iin in Salem, where it la hoied that may recover Iler Binlilen alllictioit mid cuhiiuity to her Inmlikinl and Ijrue family of amiill children who .it the nun when they moNt ihhmI a flier' cure. ii Knudah paiM-r nil) : An unuxuul it waa wiluenaed on Saturday at the nil of Lady Wheler, wife ol Sir Ivor Wheler. ut Leitminijton. f InHtinitH, jrwii kHhiro. The deceaaed weighed 311 f (,Vltlllm,)iind with the collln.ltcwt, ' lh". Thecolllin wa tl ft. Ionic, 3 ft. wiile.itild 2 ft. II in. deep and twelve ' were needed to carry it. A. Mile, lliu well-known pioneer 'Hull ami riiHiilent of St. llolellH, in town Monday nuiklntf brief 1 with hi duimhter, Mra. Uutler. ilu here he renewed mi old time fiiend- with Mr. Ilinim (Whrune, whom) laintancn lie found in WA while y, with neveral other pnKHeiiKera of "leiiiiier t'olunihia, were atrut?- h In the water in their endeavor to Ii nhoro from a awamped ahiihout ' iimkiiix lundinK at Tort Orford. ml Friday the caae of the State vs ''rick Kilter of Alhina wns tried 'f Judue Fouta, MiiHnra. Dye and f nipHon uppearinK 'or tl'u Btatu a"1' firs lluyea and Story for the defend- Homo time alnce Hitter wan mied plilwaukeo by hie woodchopiiera and '"iK'iinont obtainod upon which a I l the woodcut by them was ordered. 'ce of execution having boon ponied .'he wiMidaomeone tore them down lor this Kittcr waa arreated. The 1 resulted jn hn beinu found guilty f lie waa fined $75 and coeta amount- w44.5ri. From the declaion of the i lioim to put theniiMtlvel out of the way before dyli((ht. The reaaoti that the e'Hie of both prlminer wna Hot dim-oyered immeili alely wa dne to the fact that Hall waa tuppoaed to be In hi cell all right it not being uiicioned that he bad deceived the jailer and got locked on the outeide of the cell. There were two other lri ouer in the Jail at the name time but the primmer had lieen quarreling among Ihfiupclve and would not occupy the amo cell. Frank Hall aa be call himself has reajitH table folk living in the F.aat one of whom an uncle in a member of lela lature of one of the xtatca. The name ia an aMiimcd one being allghtly changed from hia real name which ia C. II. Walla. He probably bad Borne object in eacap olncr than the cairno of hi appreben aion and retention In the jail bore. Main Street Improvement. After a prolonged struggle and many discouraging iliawbacka the contract for the Improvement of Main street with vil rilled brick from the baitin to Moes street has been aigiied by both parties to the contract, and the bond executed by the contraflow have been approved, ao that there la nothing more for the city council to do but to make the mHment aa contemplated by the city charter and collect when due. The contractors can begin operations at any time and probably will not delay at all aa the Beacon ia getting lute and there will be no more than time to do the work before the wet seaaon seta hi. On Tuesday the sheriff nerved notice on the contractors that they would have to look to the Individual members, of the council for their pay. Jiit what pur pose the serving of thia notice by the sheriff served, It would be hard to say. It would seem that any one of the objectors could have carried the notieo and have saved themselves the unneces sary expense of paying an officer. It was probably Intended ns a bluff, the object being to scare the contractors off of the job. It does not seom to have served ita purposo if that was its object, as the trestle work is now progressing rapidly and a few more days will doubtless see the dirt (lying for the grading. an- The Clackamas county teachers' nual institute will convene in this city at the public school building next Mon day morning. Among the Instructors who will be present is Prof.P.L.Campbell, who will assist for two days. He will also deliver a lecture TuoBduy evening to which the general public is invited. The fire companies have had new constitutions and by-laws printed in moit.mnu.hlot form to takothe place of those in use which were printed just twenty years ago. Captain Sweeney, U. H. A., San Diego, Cal says: "Shiloh's Calarrh Remedy ii .'i' .ui ,.,,li,.in I have ever found IB tlio uio. - - wnnM ilo me any good." Price 50 Judge Mcllnde ia holding court In Ilillshoro this week. Jack Humphrey In borne from his (lhlng on the lower Columbia. Last Saturday John Vegellus returned from hi week's sojourn l the seaside. U.K. Itohallleft on Wednesday for the liig Nestucca for an outing at the sea iiie. J. M. Lawrence came down from Halern the lust of the week for a visit In town. Itev. John Parsons, presiding elder of the Kalein district, was In 'the city last Tuesday. Geo. Fox and wifo were In the city for several hours on Sunday visiting relatives. Miss Fra'ncos H. Fouls of the Pally Is visiting her cousin Misslletta Fouta of thia city. Mis Mary Young of Milwaukee began a fall team of school at Salmon lUver lat Monday. J. W. Strange slopped off a few days while on bis way to Douglas county to visit hi brotlier. Mra. Pope, mother of T. A. Pope and Mr. J. W. Muldrum, is quite poorly and 1 fear are entertained that she may not recover. Mrs. Scott who has been visiting her iter, Mra. II. K. Smith for the past few weeks returned to her home in California on Monday. J. (J Porter and daughters Fannie ami Kate who are enjoying the many lights at the World's Fair this week pro nounce l he rn grand. Miss Louise Williams who has been in the city for the past few months visit ing her Bister, Mrs Fred Fuller ia intend ing to return to her borne in California on Friday of this week. John Kelly who baa been in charge of the composing room of the Salem Statesman for a long time has come down to bis old borne with bis family to visit old friends. Dr. L. L. Pickens, J. A. Moore, C. C. Kohbiua and John Humphrey constitu ted a pleasant bicycle party that went from here last Sunday morning and sieut the day at Vancouver. last Sunday morning Le!ie II. Cow ing left at four o'clock on hia bicycle for Kalama, the distance being about 00 miles. He wis talking with John Hum phrey in the evening over the telegraph wires and told him that he reached there ' at 12 o'clock. He w ent to visit friends and exacted to lie away for a couple ol days. P. II. Harth and family of Grants Pass are this week the guests of C. II. Dye with whom they were intmately ac quainted in Madison, Dakota, before coming to Oregon and they find it pleas ant since they reached tlio land of the Web Feet to get together and talk over the incidents of their lives in the "home of the blizxard." Past Head Advisor and State Deputy C. A. Wheeler of the Woodmen of the World was in town Wednesday making arrangements lor the organization of the camp of that order at Oregon City. Af ter the organization is effected Mr. Wheeler accompanied by a picked corps of officer from the four camps of Port land, will on some night next week con fer tha Protection degree of the order upon the members of this city. A. C. McClelland, receiver of the Latirande land office was in the city last Thursday looking after some bus iness matteis. Mr. McClelland used to live in Oregon City twenty-aix years ago and while here the other day walked the BtrcclM quite a spell to see if he would meet any one whom ho formerly knew hut in thia he was not successful and he concluded that a quarter of a century has worked quite a change in the place which be formerly knew well. Prof. U. H. Dunn and bis wife have been engaged to teach school in the thriving little town of Antelope, Wasco county, at a salary of 115 a month and will begin their work in that place Au-gm-t 2Hth. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn are well and favorably known in this county having successfully conducted the West Side school tho past two yenrs. They have also had charge of Beverul of the prominent schools of this county which attained a high standard under their management Vice President Stevenson. Dr. W. E, Carll who was in Sulem on business the night before the vice-presi dential party passed through here appears to have Won the only ono from Ore gon City who had the honor to be invited to the special car in which the party was traveling and rode from Salem in company with Mr. Stevenson, whom ho found a most pleasant gentle man Co meet. Aa the train passed here the vice-president was standing on the platform of bis car and acknowledged vory gracefully tho salute tendored by those who had gathered to see him. Vice-President Stevenson must be a man of great endurance as well as very patient or be would not stand the strain of constant ovations as received while passing through Oregon. The overland reached Salein before five o'clock in the morning, an hour when dignitaries like Mr, Stevenson are usually, Btill in bed especially when keeping the irregular hours incident to traveling, yet be was up and prepared to make a speech That act does him credit. Arrangements, now Hearing Comple tion Jor the Second Annual Kn cNmament. Commencing on tho 12th of next month the First Ileglment, together with companies II, F and II, will go Into camp at Gladstone for a term of six day or more, the camp to be known a " Camp Compson," In recognition of the woik done by General Cuinpson in behalf of the militia of the state. OrderJ have been promulgated from which are gleaned the following interest ing data: The military exercise In camp shall consist mainly of such aa cannot well be executed in armories, and of the ex tended order drill. The uniform and equipments issued by the slate will be worn without change or modification. O Mirer and men, when leaving their quarters, off duty, must wear the uniform (blouse buttoned) ex cept that whllo duck trousers, while sum mer helmets, and in event of excessive beat, straw or felt bats may lie worn. At evening parade, reviews, and guard mounting, and at the annual insiection to lie held in camp, the white standing collar will be worn. On drill or other duty thia is not required. Subsistence will be by company mess. Two or more companies may unite in one mesa if so disponed. No person not connected with the ad ministration of the camp or not a mem ber of an organization therein will be permitted in the camp after tattoo with out authority from the commanding offi cer. The sale of all spirituous liquors, wine, ale or beer, and all huckster and auction salea are prohibited. No ale, beer, wiuea or spirituous liquors will be used in camp except upon the prescrip tion of the chief medical ofllcer. Capt. J. W. (ianong who has suc ceeded in placing the company here in better condition than it was ever be.'ore states that be has good prospects of go ing into camp with not less than forty five men, and as he has the hearty co operation of all Ins men, Co. F will doubtless have no rem on to complain of lack of interest and attendance. ULADSTO.U PARK. THE KIMBALL PERFECT PIANO. IN TONE, TOUCH, SCALE, DESIGN. THE BRILLIANT EZ3'M' HALLET & DAVIS PIANO BRILLIANT TONE, RECORD, SUCCESS. THE OLD RELIABLE 33- Kimball Organ. HIGH-GRADE INSTRUMENTS, REASONABLE PRICES, EASY TERMS. Every Instrument Warranted for Five Years. L. V. MOORE, 305 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. The Place of the Second Animal En campment of the First Regiment. To one who has not visited Gladstone and its delightful park, the first trip to that beautiful suburb holds in store many pleasures, as no more pleasant Bot is to be found, especially if the day le hot and sultry so as to make the cool shade desirable. It ii an eminently fit place for the en campment of a military corps since it af fords not only a fine field for drill pur poses and reviews, but it is favored with pure water and a healthful location while for convenience of access it has no equal any where in the state, as those coming from up the road or river can get off here and take the electric cars so as to be lan ded right at the park and parties from Portland can, after riding through a de lightful section for three quarters of an hour, alight on the grounds where the drills and mock battles will take place. There is no doubt but that the militia companies will greatly enjoy their outing on the banks of the beaotiful Clackamas, and it is also probable Gladstone Park will be chosen by many others who de sire to spend a few days in the woods and to view the military maneuver at the same time, as the place to pitch their tent and that they will choose to come while the encampment ia being held. All such will find ample facilities in every way and will have no trouble in procuring all the supplies required. Only two weeks more and Oregon City northern suburb will be trans formed into a scene of military nitrations with troops marching and countermarch ing, while the "corporal of the guard" will be the most popular man in camp Gladstone promises to be a lively spot during the days of the encampment since every one will desire to attend at least for one day and the now delightful su burb will, for the time being, not be such a fino place for the person loving the blessings of the country while enjoy ing the good things of the city. ' An accident occurred at the county gravel pit near Moss hill which very neorly resulted fatally, but the full par ticulars of which we have been unable to obtain. It seemB that the county is hauling gravel from there to the road south of town and that the men were engaged in mining under the bank for the purposo of caving it off, and were intending, as soon as the wagon then loading was filled, to take bars and break it off, but it happened lhat those at work there had just stepped partially out when the bank, without warning, broke away catching one of the men and burying hitn up to hia arms be neath a heavy load of gravel and strik ing another so hard as to knock him down and bruise his legs. The man be neath the gravel waa dug out without having sustained serious injury. It was a lucky escape for had the bank broken away when the men were in the pit some would have been killed. On Tuesday theie was filed by the Southern Pacific company a deed execu ted by the Narrow Gauge makeing a formal transfer of the property of that company to the Southern Pacific. The actual sale was made some time since. The Monmouth State Normal. During the past yeai the State Normal School at Mon mouth has reached an enrollment of over 400, the largest in its history. The Professional Course has been much strengthened by the addition of the Model Training Depart ment in which students are given practical experience in the application of methods, under the supervision of special critic teachers. Miss Edith Cassavant, a graduate of the Millersville, Pa., State Normal, has ben added to the depart ment for the next year's work. In the Academic Course, the work in all the departments has been revised and strengthened. The school has a bright prospect for future growth and usefulness. FOR ASTORIA-FAST TIME' Steam'p Telephone 1 ... Leaves foot of Alder street, Portland. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A.M. Leaves Astoria daily, except Saturday, 7 P. M. gDirect connection daily at Youngs bay with Seashore R. R. for all points on Clatsop Beach. Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Telephone everv night for Portland. Tickets of Telephone, Ocean. Wave, Lurline and tug Ilwaco interchangeable. OREGON CITY FENCE WORKS, , , Manufacturer of nd dealers in all styles ot COMBlflTIOlI WIRJ- AID JlJIp-FESdE,.. Both rough cnd dressed for lawn and division fence, also Hartman Steel Ficket Fence, And Wire Panel iVm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence Call and see Camples and get Prices. Shop over Bestow's Sash A Door factory, Oregon City, Or. SEVENTH STREET TIN SHOP. General Jobbing and Plumbing a Specialty. Will guarantee all work to be done thorough, and at rates that will be satisfactory. Contractors will do well to see me on their contracts. lice court he took an appeal. eta. Sold by G.U. Huntley.