Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 21, 1893, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise.
In r.rm t Aran, 34, idh,
Hivam.ra A 1. 1 1 IN A & KAMI in A:
intvi '' K I'lIV
7 . in,
I J in hi.
i m p in.
4 i p m.
Hi .m i III
Nu wa; lauilliiaa,
IIUVS riiaiMau
7 !W . in.
a in.
3 W : hi.
' H W,
a ! at.
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; iu p in.
a III.
1 1 ii in.
Tluior.nl .uli)i'i'l In rli.ng. wlilmul U'Hlr.
wit uncus wmc iuilwav.
,10 i
"TM ti'lHll.
Alli.nr I"' (lliihi)
I iiiloinl. Mi"" Mhruiiihl
Huwl'iiri Ux l (ajf Him.)
ku tm mirnu,
bur. l.f llalluuil
Alt", f '"''I ! lllti.
HlllMlll. hi I'll". llllulllo
31 Bl.
" it m.
I W a. m.
I M . ra
p m
7 ''I j in
i nr. tutu
w.lli rl.. aln North. a. ra
y.il. rlin. I'lliU mill. . m
. P in..
ii..) Ai t. n
p ra
ll. Hil't.
Urrinii t'lljr t Mr.l'.ni.. Millllinali.l Moltlla
r.. .1 I; hi ami arilvo. .1 U tn Ull.
nrMii I'llr I" Kir. Mink. Clark Mr1illrHk,
'nl,.ii Mill.. M'lllii'i ami I iilinii, Ir.vr. at Ida
i tuc.'l.r, Ihui.'l.r ami lut,.jr, .u, l(
Iumii ou lollualua ilara at i M p. m
HUDAY, Jt'I.Y 21, IH!i3.
A (UmiiKN Hror One mlln aouth of
MilwtiiliiH) nit an riiilni'iice aoimiwliat
iIhjvh the country Ui the mirth and nl
uf It I an lovi'ly a liardi'll onn Kill
iiiii'I In mailt ilay, and only Hirer
yrara SK'i the apnl hfre It now aland
llm liuinit ui moimliT flra ami olhrr
nirmlira of tlm (uroat primeval tmi
iiiiini'tiiiia to iiHMiliuii, luit nut to i many
f. r tlir tinlnmitatiln i'Iioikv uinl ilrliTinl-
iiaiKin l J. V. ItriM'tiui wlio nin liaw'. :m
irrra there III the lirnrt ol 1 1 wixxia mill
tr'iii Irtiin Ilia llili-rticM In carve nut
I Iiiiiiik mil III plait of tlm llri'ifiin fureat
tin ti'i tiua Hotter and frtnla of the
nialliT varlnlloa in altliiUnro ami liia
liatiilwiinn iitit) la ailmlivil I v all alio
I. that ny. ll lia rttiired mmli
hard work In clear llm tree ami luiritf
ami to hiIkIuii llm ami, Imt the work liul
leil well aldt liitellia'i'titly dune) anil It
II now a rral treat )ilt lu iami along I tin
road ainl we tlm fine yard ami beautiful
flutrnra whlrti are growing In prof iimIoii.
(ireat bed. of lnilli(ul rarnalinlii ol
ilnimil every aliaili aUiunil mlule rare
liruU ami rliolen yArintieaof llnwem ol
ituiiwi every iteaeriiitlun are to I fniiliil.
I'aiwilin fnilll tlm lieautiftil I llm uavlill
one (In. I. that Mr, Hn.et0 I .a lilliuer
uu One ra vine of fully Jll iiilferelil
rarieliea, currant, iiUrklxirriea, rii
Ifrrica an. I ilea Iwrripa Imnii niiiiierniu
ullier vaiietiea. From a auiall Uil u4
Itraolierrina fttilrl) tm liaa In' liaryrntoil
oet 70 worth of lmrnt4 I liia aeaanil.
Tin. line auliiirlian Ure ia only a nlmrt
'71 .in llm i li i I1I1' linn mi Iiuk uliniHit
11 ' 4lie a'lvaiitUK'e of the city Uiile
In in a iuol ileli)(litliil I'lm e for a
I101111. Ita m atioii la on a il'lk'c wliicli
la one ituy ile.lil'ei) tn fiirniuli fili'H fur
htinilreiU of jtml mu Ii line ilncea ami
llial Ino ere iiuny morn yeiini aio aiMinl
(o (Iri'Kun'fl liiaUiry.
K'K ImtMl'kNr hTVKSlf . MIN0.
H'ur.l Ima lu'en reeelvui! in 1'ortlatKl
tlmt Vii i-l'rraiilent Heveniuni mii-I party
"ill arrive 011 Morula)' next, aii'l will
remain at leant 010 day. Arrange-
uieiila liave devil iiia'ln to (five the ilia
luiitiiiilird vmitor ft moat conlml rc(i'f
lion. Tliu reception i.tiiiiiiiitiiM) of tlic
iliuinder of idiiinierce met oil Monday
ml inmli; out tlm follow inn programme:
Tlmt Mr. Klevciimm ami turty tin met
at the Union depot liy proiiilnenl cltl
ifiia in ntrriiiKeH ami encurted to lii
liolel. Alter lie hna had an opportunity
to lirenkfaNt anil relit, lie will Uin o
uitc on ul tlm liolel with earring"
nil, with the menilH'ia of liii I'urly,
Kivmi a drive about the city. lrpon hit
ruliirn to the hotel he w ill be called upon
to review ft parHilo, nmdu tip of ft de
tachment ol troop from Vancouver, ft
'li'tachment of murine from the Mon-I'-rcy,
and the Firnt raiment, 0. N. 0.
Tlmn Mayor MuHon will deliver n ml
iln'Bii of wclcoruu and tbd vice president
"HI prohahly rccpond and then
tlm ceremonial portion of the program
ho over. The ImiuhI of trade of thin
''i'V mik-lit he uhlii to Hiicure a virtit from
tlm vlce-priwidmitiiil party if Mep re
tukun at once.
A Ki'mmkh Camp. Th I'ncnmpmi'nt
tliu "Merry TrampH" aa they elyln
tlii'iiiMelvea which Ih to lie on tho tine
""oiiiiiIm of Mr. I'. K. Momy'H farm below
Hii" eily w ill, ftccordintJ to tho OrcKonliin
''l(in Monday next, under tho iminBRe
"'t'f II. L. WhIIh, T. O. (lladdiiiK K.
Hoyt iindC. M. Idlmniin. Tho cmp
111 1'i'iuK fixed up thin wuek, ami nil tlm
I'ri'liininary iirrmiKementH rti bein
D'mle.Thti " TrampH" will hold a Imn
l"t picnic on the xroundii Hntiirdiiy, and
lnv'' their friemlH to inin with them In
hnvinjr a merry time. Tho cainiigrouiid
18 lovely Hpot about three miloH below
"iih city, ot, the went bunk of the river,
''Mi up, covorfd with proved of tree"
llll'l iiood turf, and rilit on th edge of
'oreat. There la good aprinit wulor on
t,1B grounds and a little creek runs
hrounh them. When compltih'd, with
" large white tenta, guneral ftHwimbly
,en,i croquet and tennla ground, It will
a very fttttractive nlace and one tlmt
I ""'do viflitod often by the friend ol
ylie camperB. All of tlm Oregon City
i wats stop at tlie camp ground.
i.lll . . . . .
Taiiko tmk I'ipk Link. At a recent
immtliiK 'f tho walnr cnrmnllteQ of I'ort
luiid attention wit a called tn (he tax aalo
nollcea p,i(l the Hull U
Ih and tlm following facta brought out.
Koliio tlm., ,K tIM aaai'aaor of tbla
county (li-mniided (hut the ciiiiiuiillee
pay taxea on the hmda In Cluckauma
county to bo (H ciiplnd by the Km,
pipe hue. Tlm matuir wua referred to
City Attorney Mulr, who nutill.nl the
aiweaaor that, under the alumina, the
mini in iUeatloii with exempt from tax.
amm. Mm then, however, a deputy
""mi, acting tunler the aaacHHor'a In
alructiona, ha oated on tree along tho
rout nulleea to the eir.-ct that the land
will m told for ilellnipient luxe next
mmilli. When Chirk Dodge reKirUd
Ihl matter ti the commlttj'e Mr. Dolph
moved that the city attorney 1 ro-
quoaUid to take alupa to have the pro-
pii aaln enjoined, and the motion waa
carried promptly and with ununiinity.
ADoul MX) acre of tbla eonnlv
uren appropriated for pipe-line nurnoae.
and It aeemed to be the opinion of the
committee that they cannot lie taxed.
the paat five wnla fohn (leaaoii ha
been in raatern Oregon iu the vicinity ol
1 endleioii buying wool for a Han Fran
ciaco firm. A a matter of fad ha lia
purchased but little wool owing to the
extremely low price holding, from 5 to
III cent being the range, Moat of the
llm k iimii are ahlpplng to Iloaton on con
algumeiit ns t'lviiig an advance of Ave
cent per pound, which Mr. (ileanon
thluka la all that they will ever realixe
on their clip. lit a) that time are
extremely dull up them and that labor
lug men have neiilmr work nor money
.Maiiiii ;t IIhoaii GAt-cjh.11. The
Houthern I'acillc la at work relay
ing the track ol the rorllund A Will
aioctle alley Harrow uauge roil. The
woik bu proceeded for aoiue 17 or 1H
mile out. There are three rail being
uwd o that the road will be both rntr
row and iitandard gauge. For four or
live mile aouth ol (lawego, the 00-pound
ateel rail are liejng lined, and bevond
that the old -10 pound one. Tho Ore-
woman aaya the renewal recently ol
the Irani Iiim! from Corvallia to Junction
lead aome to think that Mrhap the old
project la to Ixi revived, and the Califor.
nia llama brought dow n on the weal aide
A Month ami a JUr. That i the
time allotted for the Portland InduMrlal
Kxpoaition which ia to (ien on the 27th
of Keplemlier and clone on the L'Hth of
tK'tober l.'nder the elllclent manage
ment of Y.. W. Allen, arrangement are
lMlng erlected for an unuaimlly goial
eiliibltiun Tbia exhibition ia yearly
hrcoming more and more attractive to
the general public R It bring, together
all the new and novel mechanical ap
pliance in ut on thiacoaat aothal any
one can keep tolerably well pouted by
atiendiug it a few time each year.
Among the attraction (hi year will be
I.it-crali'a flue band.
Tn OawKtio ItoAii. A drive over the
road between hern ami Onwrgo nhow
that it ha Ix-eu put in much better
nhiipo than ever U-lore, and mont of the
way it i now iu pretty good time for
travel. Noteworthy feature of the work
are tho atraighlening of the road, the
throwing up of the grade well above the
level of the ground and tho opening out
of the ditchc at the aidei of tho road for
carrying off tht water. A new bridge
haa Im'CU placed above the old one at the
point where tho road triko tho river
and the road ha aluo been ritmight
cniul at that point.
Tn Ti'alatim IlRiiitiK. Complaint
ha been made that the Tualatin bridge
near tho mouth of the river h not been
paxaable. Tlila would have been rem
edieil aome time ainco but for the fact
that tho town of Willamette Fall
wa being platted at thi end of the
bridge and it wa deemed advinablo to
have the approach at thia end meet
the ntreeU of tho new town. Tbeee have
all been liK-atod ami during the past week
SuNtrviaor I'roBMer ha biH-rt buny mak
ing tho approach at 1 1 1 i h end of the bridge
and the people intercntud have been fix
ing up tho approach and road at the
utitli end.
Huhvkyinii Tarty Lkft. Ijwt
day morning Henry Mcldrum left with a
party to aurvey several townnlupa of
land on the wont alopo of tho Count
mountain between tho Wlltton and Ne
hiilem river. Thoy left here going
aero tho country to Korent drove and
from there they were intending to go to
the fork of tho W'Uhoii river where they
will leave tho road and Btriko for the
hill. The party that went from here
wiiHCotnporii'd of Henry Meldrum, Krniwt
Itunda, Henry AuhIud, Stevo Huiiguto
and John (lowland.
Aa a SimriecT. LnHt Friday Sheriff
(ianong and W. H. Welch arreated Hob
Young at Oawego for the attempt to
murder the Chinaman, Hun, and he wa
brought up hero and lodged In thecity jail
till Saturday whon after a hearing btifore
the deputy dlatrict attorney, C. H. Dye it
wa found that ho could eatabliahan alibi
and he was released. It was claimed
that bia actions wore mont auspicious
and besides thia bia shirt had blood on it
and it waa thought beat to permit him to
explain. ,
Tbotkct YouiisKi.r. Insure your prop
erty in the Guardian Assurance compa
ny of London. Caah ftsaeta $23,000,000.
F. K, Donaldson,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Men's Suits
$5. 50.
Cotton Hose
3 prs. 25c.
Black Hose
Iiermsdorf Dye
2 pr. for 25c
Men's Suits
Men's Suits
$10 and $11.
Men's Suits
Best Jeans j Fine Stiff New Fedora I New Spring i Fine Alpine Finest Stiff
I Ii 1 1
i ll i!
Pants j Hat Hats Derby ! Hats Hats
$1.20. ! $1.35. ! $1.85. $1.85. j $2.35. $2.85.
j l il
Skahuikii Takr Notic. The Oregon j
City Transportation company will sell
ticket good until September 30th to all
Kint on North lieach via steamer
Ocean Wave, llaggage checked and
transfered without extra charge. Thia
is a great convenience and will savo the
annoyance of looking alter baggage.
Ituy your tickets from tho agent at the
Oregon City dock.
CikANtia Picnic. Ou Saturday there
will be a grunge picnic at the spiritiialiat
camp ground at New Kr to celebrate
the auuivernary of tho organization of
Warner grange. Arrangement have
been made for a way up time with good
Hpcakcrs and w hat ia always the case
with the gruugc ra a dinner, par excel
lence. It ia confidently expected that
there will be a large attendance.
Hew Befiit.r tb Firit of Augnit.
Jacksonvu.i.s, Or., July 18. Colonel
Koliert A. Miller returned yesterday
morning from his three-month's trip to
Washington city, and found his com
mission a register of the land office at
Oregon City, awaiting him. He met a
very cordial reception from his many
Southern Oregon friends, and wh'le the
opinion is general that his services to
the democratic party were entitled to
lietter recognition at the handa of the
administration, tho Colonel accepts the
situation with liia usual diplomacy and
gotxl judgment and will perform the
duties of the office honorably to himself
and creditably to bia friend. He has
permanently closed his law business
here and left tonight for Portland, going
from there to Oregon City to make ar
rangements to assume his new position
which ho expects to do the 1st of August.
Indies' Tea.
Is a pleasant drink, which will be borne
by tho stomach without nausea or grip
ing. It nets thoroughly on the liver,
kidneys and reproductive organs. A
gentlo physic, etliciont diuretic, and is
must useful in scant or painful men
struation. It aids digostion. and re
duces corpulency ; clears the complex
ion, rendering it fair, and restoring the
natural tone of the skin, for it removes
the bile, which, by accumulation, pro
duces the sallow, muddy complexion,
peculiar to the constipated state. Sold
by all druggists.
If you are wanting a home in thepleas
antest spot on earth whore you have all
the advantages of city with all the
pleasures ol a home in the country you
ahould not fail to see W.H. Spencer and
West Gladstone.
Shiloh'a VitalUer is what you need for
Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or
Kidney Trouble. It la guaranteed to
give yon satisfaction. Price 70c. Sold
by C. O. Huntley.
Black Shirt
50 and 75c
It's a 60 to
O'Connell & Glass,
The One Price Clothiers, Hatters
and Furnishers.
Ecach day we are adding
new chemicals to our dock
and propone to keep thor
oughly UP TO DATE.
We handle only those chem
icals and drug9 that are of
the HighestStandard
of Purity and Excel
lence. If you send your prescrip
tions to us you may feel con
fident that they will be
carefully and skill
fully compounded.
Successor to
Caufield - & - Huntley.
Near Court House, Orgeon City.
Everything in Baseball supplies
from the lenguo goods used by the
professionals down to the 5c. ball
used by the small boy.
We are agents for Spalding's
goods and sell them at Eastern
prices. Special rates to clubs buy
ing full outfits.
Huntley's Book Store,
Oregon City, Or.
P. S League balls $1.25; each.
Pure Silk
40 Cents.
40 cents.
the Finish
-Latest designs
Wraps and Jackets.
The largest and best selected stock
ever brought to Oregon City.
Complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Groceries and Hardware. Five Stores in one. Your order
Filled Whatever it may be.
Largest stock of Coffins and Casket kept South of Portland. Also cloth covered
and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies and Gents' Burial
Robes in stock. Fine Hearse ready at any call.
MILLARD J. LEE. - - - Proprietor.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc.,
Men's Clay Worsted
Dress Suits
Best Uniform
Suits, including brass
Blue Flannel
Boys' Suits
Boys' & Children's
hats and caps at cost.
Finest Alpine
and styles in-