Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 14, 1893, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
Published Every Friday.
n year. 00
Kis months, I w
Three moiubs, ...... 60
Subscriptions payable la advance
Advertising rales given ou application.
Xntered at the Foil Office In Oregon City, Or.,
u second class matter.
FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1898.
The EXTERI'RISK guarantees a larger bon
ide circulation thaa that of the other three
papers In the conntj combined.
Oswego, ,
Claekams. "
Milwaukle, -.
Union Mills, "
A Ims,
Meadow Brook.
New Era,
Para Place,
Kale Creek,
Cherryville, -
0. W. Prowr
Geo. Knight
.. A. Mather
""v Carjr & Wlsslnger
i u j. rruimiger
E. 8 Bram hall
- Chas Hoi man
W. 8. Newberry
Henry Mlley
Hamilton A Washburn
Urs.0. A. Sheppard
T. M. Cross
J. Q. Uage.
C. T Howard
R. M. Cooper
Annie Sluhh.
E, M. Hanman
B. Jeanlngs
. - F. tiieay
L.J Perdue
H. Wilhern
John Welsh
J. 0. Elliott
- - F. CuKtsch
Mrs. W. M. Mrlntyre
Geo. J. Currin
Mrs. M. J. Hammer
Adolph Asohotl
Thk work twins: don by the Portland
OoiutiU Kleotric Company on th west siilo
of tin river Is all of the moat sutwtnntial
character, which shows conclusively that it
is intended to stay nnd that it ia meant for
use and not for show. Any resident of Ore
gon City who will take the pains to make a
careful examination of the work Mux done
tiy the company must Ih convinced that
the future of the city at the lulls of the
Willamette is assured. Cities of mush
room and paper growth are not built as is
this place, and, while to many of us the
growth may seem slow it is well to War in
mind that much preparation is necessary
for establishing larg enterprises, and the
present period is one of preparation only,
which is certain to be followed by one of
rapid and prosperous growth. All this
takes time but all indications point to
an era of rapid growth which will come al
most unawares upon the unthinking pub
lic who hare not considered the plans from
the beginning. But not so to the men who
have for long time been laying the wires
which will ultimately result In the building
up of the greatest manufacturing city on
the coast. That the work Is being well done
shows for itself. That the plans w ill not
miscarry is evidenced hv the succes of
those of the past.
A lluildlmt lturiu at the White
Utyniid Many M (Mi Perish.
Los of Life ami
VaniUKe Dime iti
Some of the energetic people of the county
who are anxious to have the country devel
oped and recognize the great advantage ot
good roads to any section of the county
have been trying to arouse a general in
terest in the matter but they report an ad
verse sentiment in localities where it ought
not to exist. They state that parties who
are owners of large farms which will be
greatly benefited by the building of the
proposed roads are refusing to contribute
a cent although they are abundantly able.
It ought to be a matter of local pride with
II good citizens to take hold of the road
matter and to secure good roads and those,
whose places are to be directiy benefited
by reason of the immediate contiguity of
the road which is so located that it can be
utilized at all times in conveying produce
to market, should be the first to take hold
of the matter and not premit those who do
not own the property along the road to move
.in the matter.
There lias lately been a move on foot to
secure the improvement of the Highland
road for a couple of miles out beyond the
"Maple Lane bridge and there has been con
siderable interest on the part of some who
will not be benefited by an increased valua
tion of their lands, but others have thus
far not shown that interest which they
ought by reason of their prope.ty relation
to the road. Good roads add greatly to the
selling value of lands in their vicinity and
they add to their material value to the
resident who does not care to sell, but who
has occasion to travel them either with pro
duce which be is taking to market or in
going to and from town. When therefore,
as in this state and county there is no gen
eral law known to be available by which
roads can be permanently improved by the
county and private subscription has to be
employed to secure it, those who live along
the road which is sought to be improved
should seize the opportunity offored by the
general Interest aroused and have the work
done as it can be done at such a time at
less exfiense to them than at any other
Thiki should be a good attendance of
farmers and fruit growers at the meeting of
the county horticultural society on Satur
day, as with the location of Clackamas
county and the advantages which it pos
sesses for Iruit growing it is of the utmost
importance that that industry be developed
tothe fullest possible extent; and the way to
secure the best results in that line is by con
certive effort. Thiscan best be done through
the organization or the truit growers them
selves who should be aided in every possible
way by all who have the best good of the
county at heart. There is no better way at
a comparatively small outlay to increase
the market value of land than by securing
a large acreage of profitable fruits. Com
bine this with a manufacturing district such
as Is rapidly being built up here at the
Falls of the Willamette, and we have at
hand the forces calculated to make Clacka
mas county the richest and best county in
the state. The hearty support of the soci
ety which meets on Saturday of this week
will help very materially in bringing about
that condition, and the sooner it can be
done the better it will be for all parties con
cerned, and none should be found hanging
back to permit others to do the work which
should be done br all.
A cycloke on Sunday at Chicago and a
holocaust on Monday, resulting in the death
of a couple of score of victims, are among
the casualties of the past week. The latter
is one of the results cf the cheap building
incident to the great show, and shows that
too much care cannot be exercised by those
who have enterprises like the World's Fair
to look after.
Xiw Yohk merchants are, some of them,
i inserting gold payment clauses in their con
tracts. This has been the practice with all
parties loaning money in the West, and if
this silver agitation continues the parties
who control the money of the country are
likely to adopt such a provision in all
money transactions.
On account of short crops the German
Minister of Trade will propose a susiisiuii
of duties on breadstuff. That means an
added demand for American cereals, as
Germany's European neighbors have little
if anything to spare.
It pays to strike while the iron is
The ew York Fress which represents a
safe and conservative element, says relative
to the redeal of the state bai:k tax:
Ex-Speaker Crisp, after prolonging hesi
tancy, has broke the barriers of the silence
which has shrouded bis candidacy for re
election long enough to say that while he
favors the repeal of the Silver Purchasing
act, be is also strongly in favor of the re
peal of the 10 er cent, tax on currency is
sued by state banks. Representative Wilson
who is the declared choice of the Adminis
tration for the Ways and Means Chairman
ship, has also declared that be favors
removing the prohibitive tax on state bank
issues. Representative McMillin, who has
been selected by the administration as the
parlimentary leader on the floor of the
House, has expressed himself in a similar
These utterances by men who are to be
so prominent and powerful in the organ
ization and proceedings of the Fifty-third
Congress will not reassure the country.
The promise of wild cat currency, the sta-
bility of which must depend upon the State
Legislatures, will he a disastrous substitute
for silver certificates issued against a real
even if depreciated, metal. A Bilver dollar
and a silver certificate are wertb at least
the market value of the bullian each con
tains or represents, and their legal tender
quality has thus far made them acceptable
for their face value in domestic transac
tions. State bank currency would represent
'Whatever the vagaries of local statutes
might define. Its real value would depend
upon the humors of sentiment in Southern
and Western states and upon the strength
of the cry for " cheap money." Not only i
for the repeal of the Sherman act, but for
protection from wildcat money, the country
must look to the republican minority in
To Whom it Mav Comi-frm : There is an
effort being made, in a very curious manner,
to collect all delinquent taxes on mortgages.
Now as this is is a very irregular thing to
do, and all those who have not paid will be
taken in detail, one by one, and will have
no chance to defend themselves except at
great cost, it is advisable for all so situated
to meet and arrange for a test case of this
matter. The expense would be very small
to each. All who are willing to enter into
an arrangement of this kind will please
send their names to Benjamin Jaggar, P. O.
box 130, Oregon City, before July 18, 1,
who will notify them through the papers
when and where to meet.
The property of B. Jagger has already
been attached in a very irregular manner
by a lawyer into whose hands the county
court has put this matter, and the methods
which he employs are very reprehensible.
Bk.njamih Jauokh.
In Your Laundry Well Done!
Nothing exasperates a person so much
as to have a fine white garment returned
from the laundry yellow and mussy,
buttons half off, and in a condition not
fit to wear. The Troy Steam Laundry
sends out none but first class work a
trial order will convince you. Office
with F. A. Waddock. post office build
ing. Bundles left Tuesday evening will
be returned Saturday morning.
The Great Korlhern Reduces Rates.
The Great Northern has amended the
following rates: Fromeastern terminals
to the North Pacific count points first
class, $35 ; second class, f 25 ; to Spokane
first class, f.'50; second class, $20; to
Helena and Butte, $25; second class,
$18. First class rates will apply in both
directions, second class west bound
only. Tickets at these rates will be
limited to continuous passage.
$500 Reward
for any trace of Antipryrine, Morphine,
Chloral, or any other injurious compound
in Kba use's Headache Capsules. 25cts
for side by Charman & Co, City Drug j
Store, Oregon City, Ore.-
For Rent.
Furnished rooms, light and airy and
pleasantly located. Inquire at this
For Exchange:
Hamilton and Washburn' Park Place
have 4 year old, well bred, unbroken
filly -which, they will exchange for a fresh
milk cow. . ' tf
CiitcAtio, July 10. The fear that has
existed for months in tho minds of the
citizens of Chicago found tvalUntlun
toil ay in the frightful holocaust at the
World's Fair, that claimed nearly two
score of victims and for a time threatened
destruction of the entire white city. Tim
disaster was all the more dreadful be
cause, of its sudden transformation from
innocent flames into a iloutli-dcaling
The stuctiire that burned was the cold
storage warehouse, one of the smallest
buildings of the fair but not belonging to
the exposition, being used (or an exhibit
of the Hercules Iron works, and where
their Ice and refrigerating machines
were manufactured. The building con
tained a skating rink, three 120 ton ice
machines, some forty barrels of linseed
oil which added fuel to the (lames, and
in it there was stored large (inutilities of
meat, fruit, etc. That the tire was not
communicated to the other World's Fair
buildings is due to favorable inds.
The scene of horror was witnessed by
many thousands of people who flocked
to the locality when the alarm was
sounded, and strong men wept and
women fainted as one life after another
was snuffed out within full view of the
multitude, but beyond the reach of human
aid. '
The fire was not generally observed
until about 1 :15 P. M . and within tliirtv
minutes the great loss of life occurred
At the first signal the firemen rushed up
the huge shaft surrounding the smoke
stack and when at the summit began
preparations to fight the flames, which
first appeared at this point. Before the
hoe could be coupled a cry of horror
from the crowd below caused the firemen
to look down, fur the whole shaft below
was encircled with flames. The men
stood stolidly for a moment in full reali
zation of their danger. Then one grasped
the rope which had been loweied for the
purpose of raising the hose, and, half
sliding, half falling, reached the roof
ninety feet below, in a bruised and
burned condition but still alive. The
crowd below became wild with excite
ment and weeping women and frenzied
men rushed around wringing their hands
and moaning in anguish over their ina
bility to render aid.
Suddenly every eye was turned y
ward by the preparation of a man to
jump. He gave a quick, spasmodic leap
and turned over and over haif a dozen
times U'lore he struck the roof ninety
feet below. When the body struck the
roof there was a frightful crash and it
bounced far up again into the air. Fium
this timd on bodies rained from the
s'ecple. as after the liirHt wild leup, one
man after another jumped in quick suc
cession as the flames closed in below
and the heat became more intense. The
yery horror of death riveted every eye to
the Bcene, and, while men and women
shouted hysterically, guards were almost
powerless to keep the crowd away from
danger. The spectacle became more
honible as the minutes passed and tor
the lust man on the cupola was reset ved
the fate most horrible of all.
After Ins companions leaped to appar
ent death and as he was hesitating the
whole shaft began to tremble and vibrate.
The lone fireman understood the omi
nous warning and gave a wild leap but
too late. At the very instant he sprang
the whole structure collapsed and this
human being, quivering with life and
wildly grasping for support in the frenzy
of despair, was seen to drop into the lab
yrinth of flame and fire and disapiear
into the roaring furnace below.
As a fire trap the cold storage ware
house could not have been more per
fectly constructed. It was 250 feet long
and 150 feet wide, made of wood and cov
ered with staff. The main body of the
building was five stories high. In the
center rose the smoke stack in the shape
of a cupola 200 feet high . Its base was
about thirty feet square and ninety feet
up there was a balcony from which rose
a tower culminating in the smoke stack
where the fire was first discovered. The
interior of the tower was wooden beams
and framework on which staff was laid.
It is supposed that the framework around
the mouth of the chimney caught lire
f ,1....... a . . '
and did the terrible work In literally one
minute's time, A great amount of
diiumgu is done to crops and the path o(
the storm Is strewn with the carcasses
ot animals nnd In every direction there
Is nothing but wreck mid ruin, immedi
ately alter the storm panned, the cries and
moans of the Injured ami dying were
heartrending, Willing ones begun the
work ol rescue. Their wotk was sicken
ing us people were found literally torn to
pieces, some with legs or anus drawn,
others iiilTWIng from terrible wounds
with the very lilu oozing out, Many of
the dead are so disfigured that they nte
Oenliitie Foster Kid liluVO at tl
Worth $1.70 to f lUll at the Boston Store.
9u your suiiniuia ,.
The. chronic wrwkma, palnf ul
menta ttuU com to woman
only have poiti? rviunly lu
Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prearrln.
tton. If you'll faithfully um It,
very dlturtuc and Irregu
tarltvcan beparnianentlyrured.
It's irtfitiinata uiedioiu tor
woman, carofully aUted to
her riellrau organisation. It
builds up aud uivigoraua th
snltr ayitom, regulatm auJ
Sroiuatm all the proper fu no
on, and restores health and
"Favorite Prescription" Is
the only rwnedy for woman's
Ills that's (ruitrunfeMl. If It
falsi to bandit or cure, you
hats your money hack.
Which ia the beat to try, U you have Ca
terrfa medicine that claims to have cum!
others, or a medii-lua that Is Iwckixl by
money to cur you I 'Die proprietors uf Dr.
Hag e Catarrh KotiMdy arr to cur yuur
CatArrh, prrfrctlv and f mamiMy, ur
they'll pay you (300 la cnah.
i ,..T-r niVETED i
address: an rnANcisco,' cal
Papk Place Store.
Lowest price on ladies'
minxes' and children's
tylili and pretty hats
for July Fourth.
Atiltl. l'i:i"T.
Hiifkeyemoacr, cham
pion mower, Schultler
wagons, Hay Teddnn.
Horse hay folks and
rakes at 1'ortlaiid price.
Men's (Inn hur ,
grea and lace, burs' iH
ahiM-s, ladles' flu
lx'l iyie ai!4 Ijtn,
pil.tia. Udiea', (i,Uw'
and children a Oil
iniiii i..m to s.'.a.
8m that th words "J0H5 BTTOJIAS, Cttua.
bt, Walworth. Bumy," ar ana-rared en lb
OoTprnmenl Btarop aSliml to a'h packtk
M-tk14 by all Leading DrugfUt.
A new !)! cornptfte trfntindit, mnMpiing of
SufifMwItnrl', t'lminetit lu l'milr nto In
HuK ami I'llla: a jm.iIUv curt (or Kwlrriml,
Intrrn.il, lillml or MrtMlu, MrltWiK, ('hnniU.
Iteo'iu or llrmlliary Pile, um! ninny d I
nut) k-iiule wi'stkuviaei; It ) I v y a grrnt
bfiirflt to the ffrnrml With Th Ilrt di.
cover jr ol metlr cure reinUrltn mi oi niton
with the knife ihhh chantry hvruHttrr. Thlt
r-metlf h never len known to full 11 ier
hnx. Aforfj: "'fit hy innil. Why -unVr from
thlt terrible illee when ft written tirntitee
Ujfivvn with lx Uxrt to reftitnl iheinotiry if
not cureil. Henri tmn for free fimi-le. iiimr-
n tee tMiie) hy VYttoiuMD Lahhk A Co. whole
title tin) reuil tlmifif Role intent . I'ortlntol,
Ore;tn. Kor -tie h) i;. U. Hunilr), Oregon t It)',
Sugars at Cost.
Strawberries 3c. lb. & going down
Highest prico paid for eggs, butter,
grain and all produce.
Look Before You Lean
from a delect in the flue.
Cyclona in Iowa.
Fort Dodge, Iowa, July 7. Seventy
four tieople dead, at least five more to die,
and over a hundred injured, is the result
of a cyclone that started at Quimhy and
ended with this awful record at l'omeroy
last night.
At the latter place forty are dead and
over a hundred and five Mocks of rem-
dence are demolished, nothing remain
ing but kindling wood. Two hundred
families are homeless, many having lost
their all. Buisness blocks are badly
damaged and the new postoffice, drug
store and seven churches are completely
demolished. The loss in l'omeroy will
reach fully $500,000. All is chaos there .
The residents still alive are in a dazed
condition, and it Is very difficult to get
any information.'
The storm came from the northwest
bee Dolman's
ii.oupwikj5srl Kl i H Jfl 3 1 UN
rA..ut.. r...
hrhAM all n I...M
inroat, noiiHiiia, WhoXnr Couch nml
Asthma. Kor Consumption It linn mi rival:
has cured thousands, aii'l will ciiiik Toll If
taken in tlin. roll ty IhoikkIkU mi n truar
antfo. Kor a I-irr.fl Hark or Clint, um
Have yowl uiurrhy 'i'liN remcdr U iniiiifin.
teed to euro you. 1'rico, iOcl lujuoturtro.
For sale by C. O. Huntley.
The Ladies
unit: -i
Art Sifoand RHiible.
UT IVrfrWIy Unrmli-M.
Iiirly Vrge
I unit i n-vrr
Sent prut nil d on rcrefpl
price. Monf fefundtd if not
Yin de Cinchona Co.,
De Moines, Iowa
For sale by Charman & Co.
' MM
Notice Is hereby nlvi-n. tlist the County Court
will receive tenled bids lor the delivery of ,'
cords ot sound body flr wood, cut troni live
landing trees; said wood to be delivered at
the court houxe In Oregon City, OreKou, on or
before the 1Mb. of September, Ihm, rihI to be
find clans In every renpeet. Illds will be re
eelved up to noon on the 9th day ol Ausuitt,
lr.M, lY unier 01 iiiu i,ouuiy ouri
OKO. f. IIOKTON, County Clerk.
Oregon City, Oregon, July It, 1hu:i. 7-14 :
Healed bills will be reeelved by the Tresmirnr
of Clackamas county at his nfllee In Die court
house in Oreiron city up to Vi o'cloek noon,
July 2Uh, lm.t. for the sale of bonds to tho
amouut of limiO of nehool dlKtrlct No UT, of
Clackamas county, Oregon. Mnid bonds not to
be sold below par. Hidden may bid to furulidi
copy ol bonds, Kndorae envelope, "Proposals
lor the purchase of nehool bonds."
b. H. CAI.1KK, County Treasurer.
Oregon City, July 6, m- U
bill! II I'lir
ki k MM,
'". !e'e:i;:;;in,is;;L::ri"1''
ln,l"Zl"t"T"' ,l","l,,"' J'' D t'oUon,
Notlee l hereby glvea, that In piir.usnee of
at. or.ler of nl ,,!,. ,,,,1 enier., I,, " o '
y Court of the County of ClarksinsV ut I
Oregon, ,, Ul , ,,,, , Jlll( 7" J; "
above ex nte tin .i... , ,V , ! ' lniA 1,1
-aid anal, w 1 . Ut' I V " "
.. -iil.jeet to e,u,nr,,f;,!,u7l: '. I'?"
following de,erll, re ,,, . '
aiim. county, stale of Oiegou, to wit :
'I'lltt (x.rlli ... .1 . 7 V. W"
a. a whole .r in .h ,.,, '' ' " , ' 1
(It to e(l. M
I hereby glvt notice that I have filed with tho
County Court of Clackamas county, Oregon,
my accounts and vouchers for final settlement
of the estate of John Wilson. deceased, and the
Court has appointed the first Monday In Au
gust, 1H1S, for the examination and seulmenl uf
the name. 1MVIU VV I I.HON.
June S, 1HV3. 6-10:7-1
I have now In my hands fond applicable to
ths payment of all warrants endorsed prior to
July H, 1H01. Interest will ceaa from date of
this DoUo. ' , H HiCAUKK, ;
Treasurer ot Claekanuis uouiity.
Dated Oregon City, July 14, imi, '
trulri x mav nee
Mulil Uul, ,
dy i 7, K,. a ' i. , S?":. ??. "."."''r. mi.
th., t.,ni:i." i ' ' ' ewe
state ol (iruiriio
a note se
Terms ol mil,, l(, ),
l. In. ou
enmity anil
"."rr.l.t.th.s.m.to ta tlZ S ,"r
rowleu Sl'Tr" "' ,' ' !; - 'lee'd
irownrii 4 ltte,mli Atl(iri,y, ,r A(''
Fliie Permnienes and Toilet Articles.'
'o run stock of '
Cooke's Stables
W. H.COOKE, Manager,
Hiieee.nor to II, II T 4 I I'D.
Corner Fourth and Main fctreot,
i tlifl City. KjUa of ny ilumriptM
fiirnlHliml on short nutico.
All kinds of Truck and Delivery Hi"1'
nt'HS promptly Httmirftxl to.
Ilormis Ilonnlnil nnd Fod on rcwo"
'no tnrtus.
Photograph Gallery.
If you want a good photograph $M
"imacall at IiIh old stand op
pewit Farr'g butcher Bhp-