Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 30, 1893, Image 8

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    1 j
emi Annual Clearance
aas jL
And during this sale you will save money by spending it. If you want to know what ' we ji
mean by a sweeping reduction
Look at thsse rgducgd prices
Best quality calico, 20 yards for 11 00
'Atlantic LL domestic, SiS-inch wide, 18 yards for.. 1 00
Men's black satteen shirts, reduced to 45
Men's outing flannel shirts, reduced to . 35
Men's Standard white shirts, our $1 quality, reduced to GO
Our entire line of 12J and 15c. lawns, in cheeks and stripes re-
" duced to 14 yards for 1 00
Ladies' Jersey ribbed under vests reduced to 10
Ladies' fast black satteon skirts reduced to 75
Our men's 1'I.hikIi sIkh-k reduced to
Ladies' cloth and leather laeo shoe reduce! to
Ladies' low shoo, jmtcnt tippil, redutvd to
Child's Pongolu shoos, tipi"d, ' 4 to 8, reduced to
If you want to enjoy more than full purchasing power of your dollar spend it during this sale
Conducted Under Ihe Ampler of the
Clackamas Cuaiitj Teacher lso-clarion.
All communications fur this column
should be addressed toC. E. Pkask,
Kdito.-, Clackamas, Or.
v. q.
Before criticizing the directors duties,
I would Jike to say a word or two to the
district voters. I consider it a moral ob
Jigation on the part of every qualified
.-' voter, to attend the annual school meet
ing. It is his duty to go there with his
mind free from all ' partizan prejudice,
either political or religious, with a de
termination on his part to elect as di
rector, a man who has some direct in-
oiviuuai interest in the Bthool, a man
whom they know to be just and consci
entiously honest, a man who is willing
to devote a little time to finding out what
his duties are as director under the
law, and when so posted will earlcssly
discharge them, no roa'ter what politi
cal, religious or social clique influence
may be brought to bear arainst him or
the discharge of his many duties. There
are such men in every district and they
are the right men for the place.
It is a lamentable fact that two-thirdg
of the directors of our county, if not
ig'iod blackboard and chalk, a reading
chart, and an unabridged flietionary
are absolute necessities. After tLat
as goon" as possible a good physiological
chart or ni.inikiu, a few wall maps, and
for all country schools would advise the
board to furnish pencils, pen and ink.
This may seem strange but if you only
knew how much time is loet in waiting
for 'Ta to go to town." I feel ounfident
that yeu would not mind the trifling ex
The support they owe the teacher in
governing the school can be accom
plished by visiting the school frequently
anil agreeing to certain rules or regula
tionsfor punishing tardiness and non
(To be continued.)
, uu mot uiimbii were
state, do not know what their duties are, Uttie and Pearl Zeek. Average atten
dance during the term 18. Those of
good deportment and neither absent nor
tardy during the term were : Lettie, Lot
tie and Pearl Zeek. No. of visitors dur
ing the term 37.
Bells Hibbard, Teacher.
and many if they do know fail to fulfill
them. True the office is not a paying
institution, but when they accept the
position as a gift from the voters of the
district, and take the oath of office, it is
their duty to fulfill this pledge Ihe same
as if it was accompanied by a princely
Tl.rt . . f .1. - i 1. ' 1 i n i . i
T i i it .i , ,.' opuri wine iiiiruajin nnai mown
I would now call the attenttion of d -. ........ i . .
. ,, a , . , .. ,. , .uiBcnoui in uie urown .scriooi uistrict
rectors to he five , following dut. which Vo endi Jun, m fa fol,
are more frequently neglected than per- Tn..i M o, .
are more frequently neglected than per-
lirst, the employment of teachers:
second, the inadequate amount of appar
atus ; the support and assistance they
owe the teacher; fourth, gchool visits by
board of directors; fifth, compulsory
One of the greatest mistakes, that our
country school boards make, is the em
ploying of a new teacher for nearly
every term of school. No greater mis
take than this can be made, for with
any teacher, no matter how good
or how indifferent, it requires from
six weeks to two months to get ac
quainted and understand the characters
of the childien, while during that time
little or no work can be done. If you
have a teacher who has done fairly well,
engage him or her for the next term
even if you have to increase the salary
somewhat, for bear in mind that teacher
is acquainted, knows just where each
stood in his studies, and enters the
school prepared to take up the work
just where the work was left off, while a
new teacher would give two months tb
get them organized according to bis
mode of teaching. By employing a
""her who has done fairly well the
"jtirne you will find that much
fco'.'k will be done and a great
(ire accomplished. What does
r if 4hig one or that one does
Ut employing the teacher again,
a almost every neighborhood a
who are never pleased tin
'nnetbing or somebody'
"it of apparatus is
found in near I V all our rcIwkiIk I in tbn ?rmo mme il.. ,.,.,l K.,.,.,.. -..,1
certain amount is absolutely necessary Drovided with un mirun and vinlin utnl
in even the smallest Schauta. Plenty of ! other necessary Biunirtenancea for the
Ttie exercises of the association were
opened in the usual manner, when the
regular program for the day was taken
up. The subject of subtraction was ably
discussed by Prof. C. Y. Draper whose
vigorous manner of discussing the sub
ject called forth, a protest from Miss
Jennie Rowen, who radically differed
with Prof. Draper in her uianimr of
teaching subtraction. Prof. II. 8.
Strange, D. F, May and others entered
into the discussion, which became very
animated and elicited great interest from
the large and appreciative audience.
Miss Mollie Hankins then rocited in a
very pleasing manner, "The Kide of
Jennie McNeil," after which an inter
mission was taken, and everybody wag
invi'ed to partake of a sumptuous dinner
which had been spread in true picnic
The afternoon exercises wers not very
lengthy on account of the absence of
some, who had been given subjects for
discussion. Mr. Bert Beattv rendered
in a taking style a select recitation which
was frequently applauded. Miss Ger
trude Findley being tailed upon told in
a very charmintr manner "How th
Deacon went Courting." The closing
exercises of Mr. Hankins' school were
also to have formed part of the day's
exercises but owing to the fact that
whooping cough had become prevalent
in the neighborhood it was imossihIe for
many of his pupils, who had parts to
perform, to be present, and the school
exercises, with the exception of a very
well rendered recitation from Miss
were dismissed from the program.
A committee consisting of Misses Find
ley, Ely and Starkweather having been
previously appointed by the chair to
prepare a program for the next meeting
reported the lollowing program :
Music LocH Talent.
Discussion "Itesolved, That Literature
is a Better Aid to the Study of History
than Geography." Affirmative, Mr.
Heckman; negative, Mr. Pease.
Recitation Bert Beuttv.
First Instruction in A ritt.rntii ? Ilnur.
and When Given." by G. W. Stvope.
Music ' Loca Talent.
"Duties of Directors to Schools," Miss Kly
'Calisthenic Exercises," Miss Finley
Closing Address II. 8. Gibson.
The next meeting of the association
will take place at Wright's Spring on J
The following named pupils have been
neither absent nor tardy during the
month ending June Jd: Eddie and
Celestia Meier, Carl, Willie and Laura
Lucke, Edwin Hoff, Claud Hougham
and John Mundorff.
DI8TB1CT no. 09.
School closed in district No. 09 June
23d. Number of pupils enrolled 15 : av
erage attendance during last month 18;
those neither absent nor tardy during
the last month were: Willie Hartine.
frequently intersHTed with good HiUfic
by Messrs. Hankins and Kay.
At the clon of I tie day's exercises the
following resolution of thank was read
and unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That the thanks of this
association are hereby tendered the o
pie of Miickshiiig who have so graci
ouly provided tor this entertainment
and to thti teacher of this school. Mr.
Hankins, for the pains he has taken to
make this meeting a success.
Report of school taught in district No.
64, Clackamas county, Oregon. Number
enrolled 21 ; averuge attendance 19 ; esses
of tardiness 0; number of visitors 4;
names of pupils averaging above 00 in
examination: Carrie Knots 05, V, V.
Jones 05, Fred Woodside 03, Willie Mul
vey 02. Nellie Rogue IS) and Bessie
Logan 02. Fbancss Ci.savkh. Teacher.
j,m,rr rn I'l'M H atiox
Uad omr at (Hi-..n cm? ry,
K4lr ll hum)-? (Ion thai th (. , ,
tltlltr.1 pvtllet ll Atct Utfuf hU IfcWt
! mat Riif.l .f.M. in am-i-xi l hie .
Ihal aail liftmf ttlll bta-U tf"?t lh,tq
Irr adit haw-vitrr el iH t'ulta! ftt;n
! al li(r..n i'llr .. o n iuii a
til liana II Ih-hMl.
M'ltiaattt ttU N.i. W-j. tuf !i ftttt
l are ,'iliitnl nh luiitiH a
Ma bamita Hi li.it.iialug llbMi (a
hla ruiilOMMHia nwtitnir iimh anil rutri,
nf al Un.l, tia 'latia l'aj!n. iu
Pma, liana Jnhttaoai. r!r faiaia), a,
V at 171 J T. Al'I'fcK'. !
(8:45 a. m.
17:30 p. m.
Total JJo. enrolled 21 ; average' daily at
tendance 18; those that were neither
absent nor tardy are, Clyde 'Waldron,
Laura Engle, Jennie Waldron, .Clara
Blanchard, Frank Engle, Grace Blanch
ard, Ella Gutperlet; No. of visitors dur
ing the term 30.
t CiuuNCEY Babnkv, Teacher.
Katie Thompson closed .school at
Needy last Eriday, with a musical and
literary entertainment in the evening.
P. E. Cone closes school in the iair
district June 30th.
JSmma Grei)el Who lm hMn touMiini l)l laut fialnnLn In Till,, Tl. ,.!.,. I
.- . 1 1 vuij. Alio niu IO i
at Wilsonville since last Ocoljer closed : of that district which closes on tne day
har 0liru-tl nritli an nnt.L., T ...n.A..n .:il 1.- 1 ..
--.aw, niui m cinui toinincni ii uue j I'icviuiig win uiuko special preparations
'ln- , to entertain the teachers upon that oc-
t' T) .1 ... ' .!...!. a... , . .......
iuauiiwr uaiiiuy closes lerm 01 i fusion uy giving a picnic in their honor.
Music and singing will be provided by
the teacher, A general irood time is an-
school in Ihe Brown school June 30th
Nellie Sayer closed a term of school in
district No.87, near Wilhoit June 2jfd.
Leonard Vincent closed a twa" months
term of school at Sunnysidg last.Fjiday.
A. Coles closed school at Missouri
Ttiilisa Jnna IC.tti ' J
w ' '
Emma Nicholson closed school in the
Seiver district June 16th.
., . V
In pursuance, of an invitation ex
tended by the teacher and adirecfors Of
the Macksburg school, the regular month
ly meeting of tig) Teacher's Association
convened at MackBburg, June 24,' 1K93.
Siecial preparations bad been mada'bv
the teacher and patrons of the school to
entertain the teachers by giving a picnic
in their honot. . ..
A stand had been tastefully arranged
pated and everybody is cordially invited
to be there and to take part in the ex
ercises. The name of II. B. Heckman having
been proposed for membership in the
association, he was duly elected to the
The program for the day having been
exhaugted, Prof. H. S. Strange, who
had been specially invited by Mr. Han
kins to be present and make an address
to the school, came forward and in a
very felicitous manner, delivered an
able and instructive talk upon the sub
ject "Education, the Basis of Liberty,
Fraternity and Equality. The address
was well ' received by the large and
appreciative audience.
The exercises of the day bad been
Dr. MUtm MadUal f . rlln4.
Put Rim; Tv jnrt I u troubled with
brnrt dlwow. Would frwiieiulr have falllnK
lolU uid amotherliiK at uiuln. flu to alt up or
(fit out of bed to breaths. lld pain la uiy led
Ids and back moat of Ilia time; at lwt I becania
dropali al. I wu very uervoua and nearly worn
out. Ill loan excitement would rauaa me to
with Buttering;. For the last flftoen years I could
Dot aleep on my loft aide or baf-k until Wan Uklm
your Utart t'ura. I bad not taken It very
tuug iiiuij icia oiiii:n ueoer, ana 1 ran now aieep
on either aide or back without the least dlm-nin-
fnrt. I haTM no rutin. amollmHtiv triit tin mli.il
onitomacbnrotiierdlMiKraealileaymppirna. I am
able to do all mr own kouaework wiUiout anj
trouble and consider mmlf runnl.
Klkbart, Ind.. )xx8. Mks. Ki.mika IlATni.
It la oow four jfeam time I have Ukon an)
medicine. Am In better health than I have, beei
In 40 yuan. I hnneatly b A . .
Here that Dr. MU Jfn (II I H K f
Utart Our auved my lit WWIllaU
and made me a well woman. I am now m yoan
of axe, and am able to do a (rood day'a work.
May tth, low. Idas. Elmiiu Uatch.
For sale by Charman A Co.
the Quicket to Chicago
and the hast.
Quicker to Omaha
ami Kansas Citv.
Cars, iHning Cars.
For rates and general informa
tion call oiiorndilreNs,
W. II. 1IURLIIURT, Asst. tienl.
Pass. A(tt., 254 Washington St., cor.
Third, Portland, Or.
hutick r ai-iit.vrtrNT or amc
1h tm
ftiHlre la herrby lived. Ihal lha iiB4t
naa umu. llila Jl .lay ul May, l-rt r(-.
br Iba lliiMnratila miniy t'txirl nt t iai'.-
riHtnty. iirriin. aiiniimatfairii of iriaaau
. "".t IkMWIIB. MnVM Mil I' ,
riatma aiainal aaid ara h'hr v
( lu praot tla aama to an prtipartr laaiam.
! Ovwrau, Orvfiii.wllhlnalx wtiinthtfria .w
Ihlinoiii. I Itnl .A kUtlt
I admr' I nf lh eaUK ul Jibu kaaut
I. U e.iaraa jku'y. an : t
NOTICE KtK rt'liUCATliill.
t.anti tiff ii T 0X" "it nav
May 9 ri
Kotlra la brrl, (Iran Ihal ma l-4i i
namnt aritlrr haa Sir. I Birtlre ul hia low.'
In mat flnai pn n In aoplnirt nl hla rial
llialalil iini.il mil Imi rnada Iwlura lha kn i
ami Krculimr nl lb I' M land urni al"T'
t Uy, Dicfuii. on J hi y 31. Iu.. li.
Juhll (.. Il.rkrtl.
llniriMiFad Su ?".. I. ir lb aniilh a4
in. rlli niirih f.rt i, nl aniith arai', n
liiMth ' nl aunt b eaai 1 4 am1! inn jaj, loaa 1-'
ranta 7 raat. lie ualima Ilia iillnalli ium
In imfa bli niiiiliiuiiiia rl lum-a !-
rlilllralliin n aalil laud via Hlnihao
J T Mrlutyra. Jnacpn W alia, 1 ln.m.. t i
ol Halmnii. Orrjim J, T. Arl'r It '.
U l-Jl a
MOTH t or AfHOtNTMCNT of Al'Sltt
Nnlb-a la hrl. vIvmi ItiAl ll.a uhdanlfW
haa jn aiMiiiird by Iba llnnnrahla tr
"'in hi ihe alair nl luaanu Inr lb Ida r
nl l.lai'kaiiiaa. ailinliilairalnr wllb ll.a'-
lined ol ihe aalal ol laaaff i:apia. dra
All IMraoiia bavlna rialma aaalnil iba
tale are hemby iiirtlSeii o preaenl lhaaal
me, properly yennnl, at my nltlra la 01 I
'ri wiiiiiii an uii'tithe Irnmnaiem
TlhiN. r. HYAN. Adair,
wllh wilt annmnd. nl laaao l appa, it"
I'atnd, June w A. I). IMM. I ' 1
(Head of 7th St. Steps,
Will sell the best meats in tho
city at lowest living rates
for cash.
Everything fresh, sweet and clean
ana oniy tne-very bv.m stock sold.
Finest Sausage, Bacon, Hams
and Fresh Meats always on hand.
Our motto is "Quick Sales and
Small Profits." Orders delivered
in any part of the city.
T ,7 rBr,Blan, tname I For the
Ueation of perfect tompl.alon, Xhl
lavmiie French toametlc ' ln
Appel Complexion Cream Fradt.
PR0,'f ,8k'n Bleaoh, Rradicatra all
" Tan, Hunburn, Frrcklca, Bwariby ami
a JL 'IV P"r"' ol the tare. "
APCm.' ?rI0nt.,,, Powder In Fleah,
While, l-mk and Cream aha.lra, Tr, ,
.7. ?-b"ul"ul fuaparei? I-
Appel's Natural Blush Th. only Rmiir,
lllletonulurr. hrnai..,li.e I.. .I.J. K
i !"1'f?n":.'! """"I, f'tupln wo.,;a,a
A pain ihli'tiiii how u Creaia a uuum ...i '
and guuda tor Sule By wuij,iulou frw)
Blacksmithing and Repainr;
lluvlnu on uf tin iM-itt alimTi In tlJ
atnle In hiy iiiiiluy. I mak
Shop oppoHito corner from Pol''
hanlwaro store.
i:lnblahrl H3.
& CO,
. " ".A. WHITE
Practical drchittott & JtiiUir
Will pro,,,,, ,,i,, elev.tl,,, T workhn?5'
UU,and .peoltlration, fr ill ii UZ. ,,i 3'f
!nf. Bpenlal attention elvei in i
tae.. Kail m n tua lu ru lhe"l on . P,'
Call on or a.ldrea. "'""e m,PirV ,' W'!"0
""sun City, d'na
lliotogrBplm DoiWered Promptly In the
niyie ot Art.
Fine Crayon Work a Specialty.
Old Pictiirei Copied to Any 8ie. Ratis-
mcuon Uuttrantood.
Cilery oppo.Iw Comiaerol.l Bank, Oregon city
Transfer and Eflfefl
Froirht and jiarcols deliverod
to all parts of tho city.
Practical BlacgM
All kinds of
Repair Work and
Horso Shoeing.
Executed on short notico in a work'
man like manner.
Prices Reasonable.
Satisfaction guarantor!. Shopnef
Albright & Warner's meat
markot on fith etreot.
t m