1 JUNE-MONTH OF BHRGHINS WE INTEND TO INAUGURATE A Semiannual Clearance Sale, And during this sale you will save money by spending it. If you want to know what wo mean by a sweeping reduction LOOK HT TH6SE R6DUCGD PRICES Best quality calico, 20 yards for $1 00 Atlantic LL domestic, 36-inch wide, 18 yards for 1 00 Men's black satteen shirts, reduced to , 45 Men's outing flannel shirts, reduced to 35 Men's Standard white shirts, our ll quality, reduced to GO Our entire lino of 12J and 15c. lawns, in cheeks and stripes re duced to 14 yards for 1 00 Ladies' Jersey ribbed under vests reduced to 10 Ladies' fast black satteen skirts reduced to 75 Our men's VUitfi ! redu.od t 1 tt Ladies' cloth and leather lmt .. reduced to 3 Ladies' low shoes, patent tiH, winced to tf, Child's Don.lu shoes, tipH, site I to K, reduced to Jf If you want to enjoy more than full purchasing power of your dollar spend it during this salo HT THE STORE OF I. SELLING EDUCATIONAL NOTES Conducted Incler the Auplcps of the tiactaiiiat I'ountj Teacher' so-elation. AH communications for this column should be addressed to C. E. Pease, Ed itor, Clackamas, Or. DI9TRITC so. 14. Following are tlm names of all pupils who have been neithei ahaent nor tardy and have been noted for good deportment during the month ending June 9th at district No. 14: Samuel Gertwr, Lulu Miller, Louise Lacroy. Carroll Ward, Smith Lacrov, Jix-l Lacroy, James Kutherfurd, Herbert Mat toon, Robert Wooilen, Cora Ward, Urania Lacroy, Ilertiert Wooden, Maurice Ward, Lizzie Zurcher, Louis Gerber, Willie Hetter, Eva Mattoon, Mary Zurcher and Maggie Zurcher. Visitors, Mendamea Thos. Jubb, Amy Martin, D. A. Miller, J. Heater, J. Hayden, D. Zurcher, Helen ward, twice and Messrs Adolph Miller, Harry Collins, Fred Walkei, Ed Miller, Chas. Hayden, James Scott, W. C. Ward, Kufus Horne, Ad Weir, Jew Maytleld, Ed Graves and Fred Rogers. Total No. enrolled 42; average daily attendance, 38. Friends and parents are cordially invited to visit our school and note our progress. Chas. Rctherfokd, Teacher. district no. 9 No. of pupils enrolled 33; average attendance, 27 ; number of visitors, 10. Following are the names of those present the entire term : Kittie DeShields, Katie and Willie Haberlack, Lucy Smith and Ross Parker. Ciiaki.es E. Pease, Teacher. C E. Pease closed school in east Clackamas last Friday. There were a large number present the last day and both parents and pupils manifested their desire for him to teach the next term. Prof. I'eane got aboard the train for Salem where he will sojourn for a few days. School cleHes in the Logan district June 2:!d. Miss Matilda Read lias wielded the rod very successfully during the last three months. Tillie Myers will soon close school in the Colton district, No. 72. Mins Myers intends going east as soon as her schoo' closes. F. M. Darling has been teaching in the May district. School will close June 27. Minnie Harrington will close school at Redland June 2fth . Prof. Alex. Thomson and Miss Maud Palihbury closed school at Clackamas last Friday. A goodly number were present tolisten to t he well prepa red exer cises. Mr. Jensen was there with his violin. The music and singing were delizhtful. Jessie Talbert read a paper entitled "The History of our School," giving the date of beginning, the num ber enrolled, the average daily attend ance and points concerning the good management of the school, etc. Prof. 'Xhomson recited, "Darius Green and His Flying Machine," in a very ap- jdaudible manner . Remarks were made by Sunt. Gibson, A. Mather, Dan Tal bert and Mr. Hibbard. Katie Feathers, of Damascus, closes sehool at Bunker Hill, June 23. Miss Feathers is thinking of going to Dover to teach. , Hester Rusk is teaching the Meadow Brook school and will close June 30th. Tennie Mayfield will close school tt Clarke's. June 30(h Closing exercinesj are to be held in the grove near the school lioiwe. The Strirklin school is progresning I nicely under the management of Souri Mayfield. Miss Berta Gribblo will close school in the Whicky Hill district next week. Miss Ella Currin cloed school lant Friday. She went to Monmouth to at tend the commencement at the Normal school . David Warner's whool in the Falma- teer district will close June 23 with a! picnic. A general good time is antici-j pated. I EMie Young of Milwaukee, will closui a term of school at Sandy Ridje June 23. j There is talk of having Miss Young to' teach a mon:h longer. j 1 Read this Letter From a Chicago Lady. Chicago. 735 W. Adams St., Apr. 20, 01' Mr. Norman Lighty, Des Moines la. Dear Sir: A sample of Khacsk's Head ache Cai'si les was left in my husband's office a few day since, and as I am sub ject to headaches neuralgic, nervous, and in fact every other kind he thought fully brought the sample box home. The very next day I had a chance to try them anil one capsci.1 relieved me in less than half an hour. Next day I was attacked again, took anotlu r capsule with the same delightful result, in less than half an hour my head felt as well as ever, with no bad feeling as the after result. I have had these terrible head aches for twenty years, and have tried every remedy I ever heard of, but noth ing I have ever taken has cured or re lieved me as quickly as Kkacbe's Headache Capsules. MRS. 'N. A. SKINNER. For sale by Channan 4 Co. City Drug Store. State of Ohio Citv op Toledo! Lucas County. ( Fbank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing buniness in the city j of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, 1 and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each 1 and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catakhii Cukk. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of December, A. D. 1880. A. W.GLEASON. (heal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonial"), free. F.J. CHENEY & Co. Toledo O. tafSold by Druggists, 75c. When one thinks of the prices they have been paying for their upholstered goods, or bedsteads, it is not strange that they are surprised when they learn they can get a lirst-class spring edge bed lounge for $12.50, hard edge for $9, a box mattress, new and without a blem ish for $4.00; bran new bedsteads $1.50. Call on R. L. Holman and you will understand the reasons thereof. x Karl's Clover Root, the new Blood Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion and cures Constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by C.G. Huntley. You will lose money unless you ex amine the fine assortment of millinery goods at the Park Place store before purchasing. Little Borden aiulttej. Nkw Ukdkokd, M iss., June 20 It was just 4 :40 o'clock when the sMVtatorn, who kept their seats patiently during the retirement of the jury, noticed n movement indicating their return. A moment later twelve men filed into their seats and polled. Miss Borden was asked to stand up and the foreman asked to return the verdict, w hich he an nounced "Not guilty". Then all the dignity and decorum of the courtroom vanished. A cheer went up that might have been heard a half-mile away, and there was no attempt to check it. Miss Borden's head went down upon the rail in front of her and the tears cume. The People's Verdict. Besides curing the worst case 01 rheu matism in Clackamas county, the fol lowing cases speak : Mrs. CharleH, of Seventh street says: "My boy's right leg was paralyzed from his hip down, so that he was unable to put his foot to the ground for over twelve months. After using three bottles of Mr. Hargreave's lamous Seaweed Rem edy. He can now run around without his sticks." Mr. Michael Qtilnn of Oreiron City, savs "I was laid up with a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism in a most acute form. Three applications of the famous Seaweed Remedy entirely cured me." Mrs. Geo. Reddaway says, "It is worth its weight in gold for rheumatism." Sold by Geo. E. Hahorkavks, South Madison Street, or at Thayer & Alden's office, Oregon City. P. O. BoxjIHS. Are you insured? If not, now is the time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy as an insurance against any serious results from an attack of bowel complaint during the summer months. It is almost certain to bo needed and should be procured at once. No other remedy can take its place or do its work. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Geo. A. Harding. If you are wanting a home in the pleas antest spot on earth where you have all the advantages of a city with all the pleasures of a home in the country you Bliould not fail to see W.H. Spencer and West Gladstone. 1 THE LINE THATi LEADS : ALL OTHERS FOLLOW. i 1 1 THROUCH DAILY TRAINS! vnirK roit rt hip ai"y taul lit el ii-(mii ny I'f-fi Ma ft IN( 1 S.4i- li lir.el-y Upti Out the ... Humcl artiler m riU.l tiithil hli Ititeiu-. It make Hu'J tiOail 111 "l'lt"M "t hi I Hilt l't l' 1 UI '! Iwtif Ulffcn;, Irr an. I Ite.eKor "I Hi I'lillr.l ui te i.m.-e ( urrf.m CUT "ft. .11 nU Jul, x Him II nrliral, llumeiteait emrv ,Nn. "-ll Inr liiv vmtli!!., Ill arr li'll H a-'.llll fatifeAra.l W a He hallic lh tullim ln( ItllraM It, pvi Ml r..ltillUMI rllrlir MmiM anil "4.llu.., il aal.I lull, til 'lain IVllarii Juaiim Puna. II1111 Jiihtimu. enter I'atl.ioti, ti t ttroffiM iai latu' c."llllf rftf'iii jr:i 1 t Al'l-UtHi'N. lia,'-" LEAVING PORTLAND '8:45 n. m. (7:30 P- m. LOUIS D. VANOERVERE, Om ef thi twrt kicva (rulnaM an la Chicago nprtMoUtlvi oftt irmt Bmlitmt Oo. HEADACHE, SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Dr. Uih MtdUal Co Elkkort, Ind. Ocntlamcn : I Uke plmuura In Informlne yoq of U lenr liif Oclii rulu which h fulJowod the m or Of. Miur RtToTiv Nihwi In InecaMol myiwlf and i(b. Knr i 1 u uhlect to a dlatrwalnf pala at th bum of Ui brmia and OPPur curuna of Ux iilnai onnL I 31 DAYS TO 2 CJMCAG0 ago a mm paw torn uma mm wu ffnaiir 111 I R K IJ IrouUwl with iImpIomimm. yoo, Nenrin wu biKhlJF nootninctHlol to ma. My m had been no W nate thai I had no conlldrnre In the rlTi ary of any medicine. Yet aa a lava rearirt I ennn-ntnl to Rtve It a trial Much to my mrprln, I riperlanrrd market heneflt; my Iwplnauina diaappranl: my headache waanuaoredi mylrlUaudgeiiial IfSTHOUSANDS aiNco Tt mtv rouajee. All thii oeeuaate arrca ifaaNKO and will know fMvaiciafia Mao raiLio My wife 1 taklnx Uiu Ni-rvlnr with Uie but ulruaulu. Louu 11. VaNUiavaaa. OLO ON A POSITIVE QUARANTCf TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 D0SE8 25 CT For sale by Charman it Co. OREGON CITY CASH MARKET (Head of 7th St. .ti'i)S,) PETZOLD & GALE, Props. Will sell the best meats in tho city at lowest living rates for cash. Ntlicuieket to Chic ami tho Must. LfrmrM Quicker to Oniahii NUUlp and Kansas City. PULLMAN A TOl'mST SLKEI. Kits, FKKK KKCLI.MNG ( liair Cars, Dining Cars. For rates and cii'Tiil iiifornm tioti call on or addri-Hs, W. II. IIL'KLIU'KT, Asst. C.-nl. Pass. Act., 2"l Wushiiiton St., cor. Third, Portland, Or. School deportment cards one cent each, Kood for term, at the Entkki'kisb otlice. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and fineHt assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Pntkri'Kisk office. Can you read your title clear, if not Wade H. Spencer will make you an ab tract that will enable you to do so. The Park I'lace store leads In prices on doors, windows, shingles and all builders material. Do Not Climb the Hill ! STOP AT George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, Elyville, - Oregon, Wherp you can get the highest cash price for Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. Full line of new goods at prices lower than Oregon City. Everything fresh, sweet ami clean and only the very best stock sold. Finest Sausage, Paeon', Hams and Fresh Meats always on hand. Our motto is ''Quick Sales and Small Profits." Orders delivered in any part of the city. MlMMMJaWafl Norn r i-r ArroistMKNT or uit in i hi i4lrii li hurt., alioii. Dial lit uti'tanlft: haa Imtm thli .lUI lay of Mf. l4l -tw liy llifi HniM'talii I iiilhl I'lHirt iif tiaftiaa r.iiintjr llrrfuii ailniluiitralrlt ul IhaaiUrf J.ililt klii'ii, ilrraail All rwil riainii itfiiiiit '! mala ara hrrvd, n:t Im trant Ota lanii fu tiifi trii-r t y ri4.ll inwrj.., Ilrrfdi, 111,1 1 ill Iniililhl tf'i1iU lllli lin'lin I'll lit I.A K A' I A inu i, llio ratal iiljuliu Knaua 41 1. I. I'nana AU l ! rt Null! K MH l'flil.rAr,"S. I ii trn a tr (JaKum l ift ttatuev klar .V ! I S'ltlr la hrrrlif (Urn that ilia l i iti lialtul arltlni hai SIp-I itiHIra ul hla lauiv.4 In niali Snal wi In iufMirt nl hit rum mi Outlaid tiriHifwIII lt niada Imliirti the Hr1'r ali'l Ili-roli ar nl the I' M land oltli e at U I r. Olrf.m. nil Juif 31, a.i, . Jnlill I . Ilai'arll. Ilmno.1. a.l .Nil fur ilia niiilh nit i ninth Or.l I , tmrtli raat I , nl ninth Baal Vu' llurlli nl imilli ant 1 1 arrlliilt .m. Iua J ralifo 7 rail Ha liimri llm l..l.alu dluM In rnv lilt riililliniiiiia rril-ltiliie lllxai i' nllllalli I aai, I.,,, I .It Hli'ihta Wllrkr. I I Mi-lnty ri. J.. ,h W alia. Ilu.niai niimk ul "ilm.iii. orr,iu J. T ArrMfnV H7-7I Karana; FOR- ABSOLUTELY PURE' DRUGS 00 Ti d A. HARDING. NONE BUT OOMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Flue Perfomerlcs anl Toilet Articles. Alio a full itock of OILS, ETC. DISSOLUTION OF PAKTNKHHIIIP. The partncrahlp herefi'ore exlKtlng hetwei'n g. M. McCiiwii anil II K. I'rom la the (ilm. tone new mill company l thla ilny (Hanoi veil ij mutual coiment II. K. ( roan heraitnet the ole owner of the partnernlilp property, ami will collect all accouutu anil pay all ltilelitt'l nem. fl. M. McCOWN, H. K. CKOMH. Juu 3, 18)3. 6-lti; Appei Parisian Enamel v ti.c Crration ol prrfrci toiupltaion, favnnie Prcnrh Cnamrtlc Appol'a Complexion Cream rra.ii- ir.'uro'i"ykou:h,ud,"v" ,uu" sk, Appol'a 8kln Bleach, Kraillraira all bliml.hca.anildin-oli.tiiii.inaofthr.kinaiiih Ian, Hunliiirn, Htr.klra, bwailhy ami grenaynpnrnramf oltlie tare. Af?!!S Pr'On' Powdor In IMeah, White, I'mk anil trram ahailra, tlvr, n,r fnre a lieautnul clear ami lin,i,art',t . Appol'a Natural Blush The only tine to mitllrr. whn m.t.li.t l n. . llpacanii.il be alrtrrlr.I. put up in lw ,''m,l ml . . "ir '"'iii'ltia Thi April Ciiaitle Cj. Oio TnMi-i f! CHARMAN &c CO ciiopoHAU run hum Nollmla heral, flvrtl. Iliatun the Ilh4l Juna, I "il, at ll,n .i Ii,h, hiulir III Vlnla. allll oVIik Ii In Ihvallorn.i.Hi. aralnj lihli will X ..'Itnt Inr the riilialriiullnn nl a arh.Kil Julu ,el plain ami iMarl'i'allnni tot al the nuiiae n l' o nt.ilie. hear Vlula. i tiMa ,,r lunilier Inr oiiatru.iluii nl " In- rerriinl liiri'rt.ira leierte rihl t.i", nr ami all 1,1. 1. e, tj. HlU.H I'ate.l ihia fnh ilay ol May, I:t W. S MAPLE Blacksmithing and Repairing HiivIiik oiinofihe Mat aliiN'm In On ""t" In my enipln)', I luuke IIOKSI-SIIOIiIXt; A Si'l-CIALTT ALL WORK ATTENDED 'TO PRDMFTl! Sliuji (ijMinit(, corner from To,' hardwaro ntor. ORECON CITY. ORECON;, DulHlillahril a.f)3. n 1. 1. WIIITK. W.A.WIIITK WHITE BR0THFR.Q Will plana. elovHtl,,,,',. w kl,tSt ami iwln..tln. fr all kl n, ," L ,? it Hpjolal attemion elven to m.ler ,V Uhkii. KatlmntH. f.irnlHI.u.I on an ,l,,M ,' Callonora.Mre.i WIIITkTiioh . . Oreumi City, oia NEW YORK GALLEKY. riiotoKriii.l.H Dniivtinxl Promptly in the FiiiiiHtHtyle of Art. Fine Crayon Work a Specialty. Old I'icturoa Copied to Any HlM, Kutig. faction Utiarantoud. Gallery oppoalte Commercial B.uk.Orcgon Clt J. i 1'DDlllllOll UUU111QI U PIONEER Trangfep and bttfi, Vrrilt ,,,,,1 ,iro(.ln Slivered t all piirtn of tho city. RATES - REASONACtU S. F, SCRIPTURE, Practical Blacgii AND GEN1 WORKMAN, All kindH of Repair Work and Horso Shoeing ExMiutcd on nhort notice in a work man liko niunnor. Prices Reasonable SatiHfuction guarantwid. Shopnet Albriglit & Wamor'B meat market on 6th street.