Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 23, 1893, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Published Every Frldny.
ftnt year. i oo
Bixmnniha, . l oo
Three m.nuha, ...... AO
Subscriptions parable In advance
Advertising rales given ou application.
Xutered l the Post Office In Oregon City, Or.,
as tecoud cliu mailer.
FRIDAY, JUNK 23, 183.
The K.NTKHTR1SK guarantees a larger bona
iit circulation thai that of the other three 1
papers in the eonntj comblnrd. I
land and Minister ltlount will be unalila to
prevent the Hawaiian Islands (ram ilrittiiiK
to the United States. The tide liaa set in
that way. The president a"nrnlly thought
that he was strong fnoiih to swim against
the tide, but is beginning u see Unit it Is
upstream work. One report now is that lie
has authorised Minister Mount to negotiate
a new treaty, and another thai a treaty hat
been cem to the Hawaiian minister at Wash
ington to be submitted to the President. IT
Mr. Cleveland l as tired of swimming
against the current as he ia believed to le,
lie will suggest some verbal changes in the
treaty that Harrison submitted to the senate!
anil let that body accept or reject it, as en-
(homed to do. The president's admirers
can but admit that his management of tlie
annexation roblem has been feeble, ile
has developed no policy but that of opimsi
tion lo the piweding administration. If he
had shown what could be done in place of
annexation he might have stood some
chance of inking the bulk of his party with
Thy Split Even.
The condition of the grounds on Satur
day wore not eondtislvo to j.hkI bull
playing. 'Ncithor waa tho audlonco. Tho
galaxy of beauty In tho Kiau.l staml waa
solcot, Imt small, and somehow tho
average ball playor never la oncourttijod
us ho should bo bv tho soliHtness ho
nqulri8 quantity. Tho laiys lost that
gttmo but then they gave Urn vet mi
awful acaru in that eight inning. Tho
Albany team waa the tlrat of the outside
team to play on tho homo diamond ami
they appeared to out china tho Oregon
my nine in ago and experience, ago
especially. They soiuro.I a good lead in
tho first few innings on four or five hits
and as many errors. In tho eight in
ning the Oregon Citys brought the tally
op to within one of a tie, timely hits by
rtelds and Harlow clearing the bases.
Out or Sight.
Tho traveling public r now fully
alive to tho fact that tho Chicago,
Union lVillo and Northwestern I.ino
oilers tho very best accommodations to
the public from and to Chicago, Omaha
and Intermediate points, not only dining
tho World's Fair hut all the veer around
Shiloh's Cute, the (ireut Cough and
Croup Cure, is tor sale by us. I'ocket
aise contains twenty-live doses, only Hoc
C.iildrcn love It. (!. ll. Huntley.
tall and see the lounges at It. I..
Ilolman and you will see some ikkmI
ones which they ate selling almost at
manufacturer's prices
hith him. But the poverty of bis resources In e ninth, Harlow, w ho was an ex-
is disheartening. He arrests a movement ' perimont lehind the bat, made a meas
promising satisfactory results and lets things! of things and the Albanvs scored a
luiou kills, .
Meadow Brook.
New lira,
Vtllsnuville, -Prk
Barlnw, .
Moialla. -
Kagle Creek,
O. W. Proaaer
Uv Knight
drift. Probably the result that was hi llain
sight when Harrison's term expired will be
reached in the course of a few months."
The advantage and necessity of having
A. Mather i Kod roads is coming to be more and more
GtPjTr nTilnJ" i , l'l,rwia,J "d ''' 'f the older states
E. 8 Uramhall I are now moving in this line and securing
Chas Ilolman , .....I,. .. i 1.1 r .
W Newberry! niiufiH'uiiini,rui iirai
Henry juicy uoiunj 10 mis siaie wuicu nas so mucu
need of good roads, little or nothing having
as yet been done in the way of making per
manent improvements. Among the statu
which have recently moved in this line is
Massachusetts, whose legislature has pro
vided that after August 1, lsyti, the tires on
the wheels of draught wagons used in that
state shall be from three 10 live inches in
wiuiu a practical step toward road re
form. Such tires tend to make good roads.
W. M. Mclntvre 1 RTVl"s ln measure as rollers; and as me
ieo. J. Currin i new law does not become o-er:itive for three
Mrs. M. J. Hammer I vears it nill mv tho-u, ulm m. t,..w
AOOipil .ASi'IlOII
Hamilton & Wa.hhuru
Mr. O. A. Sheppard
T. M. Cross
J. Q. Usee.
C. T Howard
K. M. Cooier
Annie Stiibha.
E. M. Hartmaa
B Jenuinj.
- F. litesjr
LJ Peril ue
11. illiern
John Welsh
J. t". Kllit.it
F. (ilKISl h
couple of runs more. In their half,
despite encouraging yells from tho
bleachers, tho Oregon City's could do
nothing. The wet condition of the
grounds made clean fielding impossible
and many of the errors were on hard
chances. There is room for consldoiahle
improvement in the base running of
Oregon Citys. Stanley got a clean home
run over tho fence. The score:
Oregon City. as r. la sii ho a k
Babb. lb 5 2 0 2 S 5 1
Keckner, 3b 4 111)040
( lark, lb ft 1 1 y 0 1
Anderson, If ft 0 II (I (I 0
Fields, ss ft 2 0 s
Harlow, c .1 0 2 0 ft
Kellv. rf ft O 1 0 0
Khodes, cf 6 0 0 I 0
Kenimore, p 2 10 0 0
and specially
nursing mothers,
need the strvugtli'
ening suppoi taud
hell) thai comet
with Dr. rierc'i
Favorite Prmcri.
tion.' It Icwmiia
the pain and bur
dsns of cblld
tHvtrinir. insumi
healthy, vlgorum
o t i 11 r 1 11 u . Hii.l
promote an abundant secretion of nourish
meat on the part of tlia niothvr. It ia an in
vigorating tome inada ewcially for Women,
perfectly harmliva in anv oonihtion of the
female syatom, aa it risgulntim ami promote
all tiio natural functions and novnr ixullicts
with them.
The " l"nerlitln " tuiilils u. troiiL-tli..ii.
ami curva. In all the chronic weiikntM'a and
disorders tlmt allhct woinen, it la iuuiiiurv. j
U Iwaellt or euro, or the money ia ret'uudid.
For every case of t'atnrrh whlrli tboy ran.
not cure, tlie pi-o rietoni of J r. tage's Ca
tarrh Heniedy agn to pay f.'iim 111 cil.1i,
You're cm-rd by K.t ndl.l, ... -thing, rUina
ing, and hooimg prujicruea, or you're puiX
EVEitv'lir? 3UAf?ArlTI?eD.
ADOstss: eN rsAncisco, eL
Park Plaee Store
wagons time hi which to prepare lor the
change, which ought to do much towards
securing better roads.
No improved street or road can stand the
A uesti.es as who has just returned from !',rai" i'u-'i'1" to heavy learning with nar
the Kast says that he has not seen outside , row t" tires. especially w here the grades
of Chicago any city which shows the me fe ''e'y as they are in this city. The cost
and improvement which is manifest here in j making permanent improvements is too
Oregon Citv. It is certain that there is no . gTval ,0 Permit ol the use of vehicles which
town in the state which has as little occa- 'lnickly wear them out when by the use
sion to feel the stringency in the money
market as this where tnere are so many im- j
provements going on and numerous hands j
engaged in mills and factories, thus con-
Totals, :i 8 tl 4 :7 13
Albany. as k. 1r sii ro a
! IteiHy, 3b 3 4 1 0 li 2
l Hums, ss ft 2 2 0 O 0
j Shea. 2I ft 0 3 0 3 3
' Mclireevy, p ft 0 2 0 1 3
j Staulev, c 3 1 1 O 2 2
Wallace, cf ft 1 1) it
Miillui", lb ft 1 1 o 1.' n
Cole, If ft 1 it n (i i
Swam, rf ft 1 1 o 1 l
1 4
n o
o o
1 csir50
11 I Uil
Lowest price on ladies'
inks,-' and cliililrrn's
alylih and pretty huts
for Julv Fourth.
AiiUl. I'KI'T.
Ihickeye mower, cham
pion innaer, Scliillller
WSgoitS, (tity Teddeil,
Horse hay (oiks and
rakes at I'oitUud prices.
iien mm sinie rt
gross ami lace, lor.'
hiM'S, ImiIiks' linn ,k(
iH'Si sivioa an.) ,M
puces, i.adles , mi,,
ami clilliltriis IliUj,
irom i !... to l.' ..),
Sugars at Cost.
Strawberries 3c. lb. & going down
Totals, 41 tl 12 0 27 II 12
Two base hit, Fields; home run,
(Stanley; bases on balls by Fenimorell;
by Mctlreeyy, 1; struck out by Kctii-
Rri.itvs rtvriiiKH he.it.
fllKVE.NT riTS. CONVl'IJflONS. a.
rnrsrnvE a hf.ai.tuy state tir the cxin
of wide tires the same loads can I hauled I more : Ml't,r'evy. '"t "X PHi'her,
w ith less than one-fourth of the strain and
wear and tear iion the roads.
by Kenimore, 2; by
pitch Kenimore,
Mi-tireevy, 1 ; wild
Mefireevv, 1
stantly putting in circulation a large volume ! r ""proved streets, why not provide by
of money. More than this, Oregon City has ordinance such regulations as will protect
at no time been given over to wild and tin-', t,,e ,lr',s and the proerty owners who
warranted speculation. Paramount to this j have ,0 l'a.v tt,T ,,,e street improvements.
is the well known fact that the banks of this
Now that this city is moving in the line I double play: Keckner to liabh to Clark.
city are recognized as safe, careful and reli
able institutions whose managers never
speculate, and who, in the conduct of their
business, do not approach (he danger line.
dead i.y lj )r,
Cnder form of law many queer things oc
cur. These at times are so peculiar and
Bon that the wonts " JOIIS STFXDMAS. Ch
(at, Walworth, Burrsy," aro eugrarod ou Uio
Oovernment Stamp a filled to each packet.
4" Sold bf all laadlnf Vrugflsla,
or tectuiv,: i Highest prieo paid for eggs, butter,
grain and all produce.
HAMILTON & VA S 1 1 1 U R ,
pi Lg
The neo.ileof Oremo, rite !,, ..K,i..-.. :c""lrary ,0 ct.nimon sense that one is al-
in the banks and in the n.en ho h,n. I n'ost led 10 '' "'denre in the practices
trolofthem, for they are aware that their ! lf "0t ,lie,lw,ri"" 'f Wackslone, and
business has al av h. e..,..li . j 'mler if the law might not be a little more
gold basis which will not permit of any
shrinkage of values incident to other cur
rencies in times of depression. This, to
gether with their absolute exemption from
Time 2'a' ho-irs. I'nipiro Kandall.
The game Sunday shows that attend-
anco nun eomeiiung to UO Willi lilt) kind A new and romplne tre.tmenl, Ch-l-tni ,,
of ball put up. The attendance was j -d "UiVaTZny.,:?.
large and the game was first class. I '""'"ah "Under i..-.-.iin, ii.-hiim, i hn.ioe,
Tl . ... , . Keeent or llcrrdltitry I'll.-", ami nniiiv d
llio youngsters showed those old ! ami (,-m,le w,-.kn -. n I. k.n-i
vtenn. from up the valley that they j iUZ "t X:!;,!!;:
too knew souietliing of tha noble Ameri-I l"11" iuoiere..i,ry li.-iei.ln-r. ltd.
.... , , ; r"inedy h. never lirt-n known to lull II .,-r
can game and when the smoke cleared ; i.. ilrf.: .em hr m-ul. vi,v ..irt.-r lr.-m
away in the ninth inning, tlnu.ka to i'1 X:: 7,
.nr. lliinow, inn tiregon V. II V DOVS Hail miiip inr iree lll-le. Ininr
pitching on both sides
was excellent
j respected if it practiced a little more com
mon sense and a little less red tai. A
! pointed illustration has just occurred ai I
j Ulympia where the courts have pronounced ! unt'' l',e Oregon mist rendered accuracy
i a man dead who may be seen any day .impossible toward the end.
walking on the streets, and the worst of the j The Alhanys executed a triple play
so iar as ne is concerned is that the on an unexpected catch bv Walla,
. COUrt relllSPH Ilk neLluiU a, ,l ilu .rr... I ( 1., ' . .
no line money on ueposite in eitlier bank i , "'" "i.us is soineiliing lliat otilv liiipiK-nsi
. .u mai many years ago Jioses 11. .Volt I nn(. VBUP . , ...
not cured
lit.. I. ...... I l.u Vt'...., . . . - . . .. . ,
, uii iiit-ir iiisi miiiiB, ino general pisy-i le iel ti-'.ail drnitul.tn .,u- sunn.. PuriUnd,
ingof Mr. Ilul.b was very iruod ami the I V. rorsaie uy.:.o. n.lutieM.resn( ity,
8culative associations, makes our citv's J
banks safe ami reliable at this time when i
such reuisites are most essential, and those ,
today could have it in no safer keenini?.
uluted at this lime
especially in having two banks as sale as
, u-Mii a hi.,.l....i f.r ti. .. i ..... . . .
mis rity w to be congratulated at this time '" , . i little wild base running on the nurt of tl. !
scsseu oi some nronertv. He e t (I emtio, " '
the best in the state.
homo team. The score:
Oregon Citv. All R
3 2
The Enterprise has time and again ad
verted to the necessity of building up closer
business relations with the snrroniidingdis
tricts. Any community which makes this
policy the basis of its growth has discov
ered and is practicing one of the secrets of
success. We believe that th business men
of Oregon City should give more attention
to this matter than they have heretofore, aa
our close proximity to Portland, which is a
bidder for the trade ot the farmers of this
section, gives us an active competitor with
the advantage of size and a greater market
for supplies in her favor.
The peopleof the upper Clackamas should
be drawn to this place to trade by a com
munity of interests mutual t6 both, but they
will not come simply because Oregon
City is situated in the same county
in which they happen to live. Our size is
against us and we must make up lor this in
years ago and up to a short time ago notli
ine was beard of him. During hi. nl,
his stepmother, a resident of California, He! k iter 3lV "
proved his death to the satisfaction of the I (.'lark,' lb .
probate court, and as administratrix sold Anderson, rf.
some ol the property, making a claim of V1"1'."- "
lu,t.f ai.i.l.r..... !'. 1. . Il.llUtt, II.
junkmen, uicuuor. aijoui a year
ago Scott turned up in Olympia alive and
well, and his identity was too well estab
lished to require further proof. Scott com
menced action in the superior court for the
recovery of his property, but he failed. The
j court decided that Moses was dead. The
case was appealed and the supreme court
decided that Moses was still dead. The
case was carried to the supreme court of the
United States, where Judges '. 8. Porter
and M. A. Root argued it in May. A decis
has not been reached.
. ft
, ft
helly, c 4
Kenimore, cf 4
K hodes, p 8
Totals 3S
Keilly, 3b, p, ss
The Rural Northwest lakes up the (pies
tion of short weight in many of the butter
rolls which are sold, and says: "It will be
' a matter of l?ood business nolicv nn tha iiart
some other way which will commend itself j of the Oregon producers of full two-pound
to the farmers of that section. Just now i rolls of butter to call the attention ,f eon.
Ua . .l . -U-. I
mo inline ui uiai locality are moving tor a
road from the mouth of JJeep Creek down
the north side of the Clackamas to the Ba
ker Ferry bridge, from which point they
have a level road to both this city and Port
land, with the advantage of distance largely
in favor of Oregon City. It seems to us
that this is a matter which should commend
itself to our butiness men, ami they should
earnestly co-operate with the people of Ea
gle Creek and the surrounding country in
securing a road which can be traveled at all
seasons of the year and upon which good
loads can be hauled either way. This is an
opportunity which should not be permitted
to pass unused. Portland is pushing out to
sumers to the fraud which is penetrated
upon them by the sale of short-weight rolls.
It is a well knowu fact that all of the butter
which comes from California is put tip in
short-weight rolls and that a considerable
wirtion of that made in Oregon is put up in
the same way. While consumers generally
understand that such is the case there are
but few who actually furore out the true
cost per pound of butter which they buy in
short-weight rolls, consequently they are
apt to think they are buying such butter
cheaper than is really the case. This oper
ates very much to the disadvantage of those
who put up their butter in honest two-
pouna rous ana is in tact a premium on
Hums, n, 3b .
Hhes, 2
Mclireevy, ss, p .
Stanley, c
Wallace, cf
MullitiB, lb
Cole, If
Swartz, rf
Prices on furniture, lounges,
mattresses, etc,, have takon a tum
ble. By judiciously buying fur
niture, and by manufacturing our
own lounges mattresses etc., wo are
able to sell at tho following prices,
ikmh !land Prices or any ever given in
I'll MUM
i : i
i j
i-i. i
3 27 17 5
W l. M
six-t4.,aDfi N.-a-jy-i i
Uiioccutadoae. ,JJjtj
Tina (iar at Corou t i in. ,r i,"i r-,',,
whe.--.! all others f..d, Couclu, fr'ir'., for
Thro t, Hoarirnr.-, V.'eor., ir. , . (j, j
Aethms For Conurfir-"m 'r i.t.1,,, i,t,
has cjred thousands, i t,it ., ,,i rrnt. you i
taken in tlno. iy I v l"i , i . , .- .. ,-.
nnioc. i-nr n u ., ,, ,. j ,
tMiIL0:i'& Hi. .i- - . I-..A J
fHILO v:z)
j..' ai..-. I I a
l'l"f .-ft
IIUVO) .... ...tutu
teed to oiu o you.
I ksM If I kW 10
Oregon City Before today.
Lounges, common, ....
Bed Lounges, hard edge, -
Bed Lounges, spring edgos,
Box Mattresses, upholstered, 30 springs,
Woven Wire,
Bedsteads, . . .
For sals by C. O. Huntley.
0 25 II
fi 7 8
0 0 0 M
10 0 4
secure trade, and in a few more years with dishonesty and fraud for the reason that It
Continued innetivltv nn an. nari !. ti-al.
will have been diverted and business rela
tions established which cannot be broken.
Let this road be built just as good as wecan
possibly afford it now, and later we can im
prove it so that it will eventually be one of
the best and most traveled highways in the
There has always been a strong sentiment
on the coast in favor of the annexation of
the Hawaiian Islands, and the people here
have therefore been dissatisfied with the
course of the present administration in its
conduct of the negotiations with that coun
try, as it has generally been excepted as op
posed to annexation. The Call, in discuss
ing this question, pretty nearly expresses
the situation when it says:
"It begins to look as if President Cleve-
offers a constant temptation to slightly de
crease the quantity of butter put into a roll."
Death of Senator Stanford.
MknloPahk, Cal., June 21. Senator
Stanford died at 1 :20 o'clock this morn
ing. He passed away peacefully in his
sleep at his residence at Palto Alto. It
lias been evident for some time that the
senator's demise was a question of but a
sliocj time. His symptoms were apo
plectic ana his weight was increasing
For Nule.
Yt Block on Eleventh street opposite
school hoBse with six room house with
barn, woodshed, well and hydrant water,
choice fiuit trees, berries and shrubs.
For price, etc., inquire at this office or of
owner on place. F. E. Famier. tf
Totals 37 5
By Innings. 12 3 4
Oregon City, 10 0 1
Albany, 0 0 0 0
One man out when winning run was made.
Earned runs, Albany, 5 ; Oregon City,
4; two base hits, liabb, Kenimore,
Harlow, McGreevy. Stolen bases, Shea
2; Burns, Keilly, Clarke 2; Keckner;
triple play, Wallace, JIcGreevy, Mullins;
left on base, Albany 0; Oregon City 11 ;
struck out by Rhodes, 3; by Ittirns, 8;
by Kielly, 1 ; bae on ball by Kliodes,
2 by Burns 4; wild pitches, Khoods, 1;
passed halls, Kelly 1. Umpire Kandall,
Time 2 hours;
Our boys play in Albany Saturday and
Sunday, and we may expect to hear
good reports of them as they have been
practicing considerable this week.
For Sale.
I-arce residence of 13 rooms with
one or three lots Improved for sale
cheap. Inquire of Mrs. K. W. Bacon,
Cor. Sixth and Madison streets Oregon
If you want to sell your proiierty.list it
with VVa.le H. Spencer.
Receipt, note and order books at the
Entxrphisr office.
I herchy jive nntleethst ! have nieil with the
County Court of CUcknuiK. C'ninly. On-vnn,
my acRiniuta and vn.if hers for lliml nettlemeut
of the entitle til John Wilson, iteeesaeil, ami tlio
Court haa .-.il tiled tin- Rr.t Mmnlny In An
Kiiat, Ih'I, for the examination ami pn-nliie-iil ul
theaame. IJA VII) WII.h.i.n.
June 8, iK'ja. ft-in-7-l
0 lit) tlllS III lin er
land, where tlicy, not k
to k
U. 8.
Land Ofllce, Orexon City, Oreirmi,!
, , . iy it. i ww i
C omplaint havlns been entered at this nltleo
by Henry N Jolin.iin SKnluat. linllln T llrnnka
for alianil.inlns hla llnnieateail F.ntry No sm,7
dateil December its, lX), ii,nn the niirth eat li
Hpeilnn mi, Tnwnahlpa smith, limine 6 eaat, In
Claekamaaeoiintv, Oreimn, with a view lo the
emiiellallon nl aalil entry, tho nll ,irlli- nre
hereby atirnmoneil to appear at this nlliee on
the "th day nl July. IHict, at 10 o'clm-k a m , to
reapoiil anil liirnlah teatltnnnv eniieeriili.ir
said alleged abandonment
3 T API'KHHON, Ki'irlatrr.
6-19:0-23 PETKH PAtj'JHT, Kec-lver.
jwiitilo from troiiij,' to 1W
nowit)-' our iiriei'M nn tnll-,.,1 into
uyinj? at fnlnilous tiriccs Iktiuis.. il.v nn. ;.. i..e.i i
lt .. . - j in l oi iiaiei.
v. ui in and wo uh wh,-,, you nr.. in town. V have .
completely new stock of WALL PAPER wl
iiiki as low as the lowest.
li ich ymi wil
Undertnkinfr & ICmhalminK
N ' ""' 1 "l ntil -I,rl l
WMHCH Tine )K(jf,N t-i-rv .,.,.,..
Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon,
, , , May 11, IH'jII. 1
Coranlaftit havine- been i.iiteri.il mi ih'B ..nna.
by (ienrire II. Heed BKalnnt Charlea Hi.ln l,.r
band'inlni hla hnmeatead entry N I'm Iu,..,i
Oetoher 11, Ihmh, upon the N W. t section M
townahlp 8 south, ranire S ea.t. In
county, On-koii. with a view to the eaneeilmlun
of said entry, the said parties are hereby aum
moued to annenr at thin iiltlce tin tlin :ir,l ,l i
July, Witt, at 10 o'clock s. in., to respond ami fur.
niah te.tlmunv eiiiic-rnliia- hhIiI hIIi.u,i ......
donnimt. J. T. A I'I'KltHON. Keyl.ier
6-la:S-2a PKTKK PACI-KT, Jtet-elver.
N'll l ll-U- t.L- u .
In the County Conn t',t the huu-'o! Or,-.,,,, i .
thee.,iiiity( ,.i1Hm """" "-.iii, lor
ln)h;;iin.j.ler,,f . ,. j.,,,,. ,,,,,,
Nmlee hereby riven that In.,..
Oren.n .1,1.711 .. '" el
Cooke's Stables
W. H. C.ntUC SV nnnnnr.
alnaa, KtHto ,, I vvl,fcl ".uihvm
almve entaie. tl,.. .i...', '". In Hiie.-.,r .,. o. ii f U Co.
aald entain, win . L. ,. ? ," V' '""nl.lralru el '
Kotirth h,1 Main Strerte
I have now In my hands funda applicable to
tin payment of all warrants endorsed prior to
nay i, inn. iniereit win eeaae Irom 'late of
lioa uuoce. H n CAI.IKF,
Treasurer of Clackamas county,
Dated Oregon City, June 10, lswj.
Notlne Is hereby nlven, that the nntleralgned
will apply to the elty council of Oregon City,
Oregon, at the regular meeting in July for the
continuation ol the llceuae for a saloon at the
corner of Mala and Fourth streets in aald elty.
Oregon CIjx, Oregon, June 16, lwo. 6-10:
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,)
... , . 'ay IS, I
Notice la hereby given that tha following
named aettler haa tiled notice of hla Intention
make final proof In support of hla claim, un
der amtl.miHOI, R. H and that aald proof will
be made before the Itegl.ter and Keeelvcr of the
IT. H land olllce at Oregon City, Oregon, ou July
18, irty.j, viz.
William A. Hobble,
Homestead Nn. osis, for the soiilh-caat W see
Hon 12, township 2 south, range 7 east.
Hpeclsl notice to Uanl.il ll. lluaasrd. who
made preemption No. 74!a forsame land: Ile
will be required to show why Hobble should
not be allowed to take title under hla home
stead He Dames the following MrttnA.Hn. fn nrn..
bis COIItlllUnilS realilenoe noon anil enltlv.il...
of said laud, vis: klce I). Montague. Alfnt ll
Haines, Louis lleueau. John T Melnivro all ...
Halmon, Oregon. J f, APPKHHON,
e-iw.-zaj Register.
following ,-rll,.' I',".?'!'' (;.'"', Hi"
.". eon.ny, ulei)( int. I.t-k.
Winn,. i,';:,,;,, -:;''! -oi,i
"7 niny aei- m t ,f - "'otin,,,.
the preml.7, I , , ,' ' ," "l"." I",'k m' "
A'lm'a oftl," , i0 , jf; I'Lhon,
MAIN HI lit i, -i-
Notice hereby oiv.u ... ' .
it Oregon t:ly win,,.,.,.' v niycor
lmpr.ivein,.,it of Main air i,t 1 'V'1" ,,,r
;hu orilinaiiee put "h, f,'1,' .''"'r'laiiee win,
Kulerprlae" of J, 'V ."'."s-n Clly
aenoinpanled with a erf I led i''1'1: ''''
ainouiit of i.,ii u I eliet-k In n,
Ml lu the eon.r , , , "'' '" 18 ''rl, k t be
or blda will he reee , . ""J! I ' bid
OHK(iON (31TY.
Tho m:adin(j uvkky htabli
of tho City. HiUH of any li-ori('tio
fiirniHlintl otl H10rt not,.e
All kinds of Triirk and I.Vdivery
""ss promptly nttemlu.l to.
I'orsea Umr,M ail( .', on re'
ilblo term".
June nub.
right to
IM'lt 'I',... .. '
'"' P in. f
...I .. ' e'lyeotiiicll re-erv...''
bids U CI v'l l l 1 ''III,. A.Mre..
velope. "ilitl for , ,,;;"v "' " '
J order of cit, CountV" j'un'r',,1" "."
J (I. Ptiii'ru-i,
Photograph Gallery.
K you want uKood pliotofirnph gifp
"imacftll at his old hUihI op
Jiosito Farr'n butcher uliop.
t) c
( t.
ii) k
lie i
lie h
I'it m
Jiio i
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li f- !iANIALI,