Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. f KIUDAY, JUNK 23, IHlV VKADUATLIU KXKKl'IMKM. HAT i AI30UT TOWN. I'rlcu tlm lowi'Kl Tim UimI Front, if m II tn A WiNlilmrn Mr jmyliiK tlm hct prlcti lor untlii , hay tM. tito. ifow lo inMirv Iriilt wltliimt cooklng j: jUiioot K. Im William tlm grocer. r, A. WnililiK k lm taken a uw!liin v ill tl Crown I'niwr ioiiiaiiy a fori). r In tlulr mill. Jin' U'nt mill mily mini wy to prvmirvo ;,;( I wlili miilfiTini'iitlnii, Kur mIv y t !' Wllllmtii tl' Kr,''''. l liii I, yon A llouly U tlm lt tonix! .,m i,,.i"l ilutulilf oitfiwi liiiiiln. Sold on , , yiiTiim ly HiiriiiiilnUr A Ainlrrm-ii. s i. It. Culilior lilt taken rluuKH o( tlie , .irrii' wii'l " 'i k lit WlnciM'I'i' , ' I (Intnl. I In" lot of knmIii on Imml at j!i luwi'nt rl". 4t tK'NT KI'KW your fruit over hot Thfl I'uullo KcIkkiI CIokm With tcrtntlnf frrrmonlfi, In- Hlilvnly oHir limiin was pwkml to It fullimt i ninrlty IunI Frliluy evenlnu to Union t tha KrtiliiHtlriK Mercian of tlio pnlillc Achool. Tlio KriidimtlnK clan niiinlHTi-il Kdt ttminlNMN knd tlm ei itri'l. Iinllrt(i,l that limy lntl Klvt-n inndi careful preparation to llmlr wviirul part. It in tlm) friiijtmnlly rctrmrkwl that tlie tlmrcliT of tlio production rwidi-rvd w much ulxivn the vrKn upon mu h occatilon mid wnr in tlmin I'lvci mroiiK comniDiidutlon ol the character of tlio work ilonn hy tlm rliiwi durliiK the your in whool, The wiilliuice w vnry appreciative ml the nmmirom Wullfiil florul trlliiitc testified to the h l(li i'twni In which inmnlier of the clus urn held in the coiniiiniilly, lllllkr MKNTION OKTIIK I'HOIM'I HONS. aii account oi A irii to haturn ' was til veil In a pleaaliiK ami sntnewliut humor our manner hy Noia Ciiliir. Mam, the minor planet, Jtiiiiler and Katuin were vixlted on the outward lour from the si.,v Preserve them without conking1 1 earth anil tlm lonn on the return. All h Urintf Aiitifermnlitiiw. K, K, VI. tiMiV. the tfrocer. A'tcwurd will he paid for the return of ! i; 4 linn l"t hy tlm tlO'lcr ninol. J ,;!y hlclitilled. A. W. Hchwan, !' lion wanted, hy a first class wagon :i I CuirinKi Worker. Iteferencea given . la trial of my woik anked. Addrvna 1 ViO, Oregon Clly. i ...... W'hi'ii preserving frulta nave 1W, ! , t ami sugar and have iH'rfect remilu, ( i Atitifcrinentlne, For no In hy K. K. i;J.iiii, tlie irrocer. ';)! Park Place achiiol will clone tcxluy v. U Hipriprinte eierciwa aiuoiiK which v. '! 1 e muaic hy the hand which ieur i in piildic fur the Hint IIiiih. I jjiiiiuea, cliaira, etc., upluiltert at !: I.. Dolman Ail wmk Ktiar " '.'l. lie air all your old Iuuiiki-i fur money ami Ihey will Ikj gixxln "1 - . ' '1 lie leceipl of atraw -Iwrriea UVInea- ' t y the meichanta of thla city were I Wn than I'.'.'.V) Ixixea Merchant ' .'.'f that thia i tlm lar;eit iililpiiielit c. r ri'ceived in ulnitleday, Mr. and Mr. It. J. V. Mill, reaiding i i rti Point addition rejoice in the . !,it into their home on Monday of ', wwk of a iKiunciiiK Uy hahy of the v i.J ri(ht and prtmilaing condition 'II p.wn(i'rit oft the otiihhouml local i i i re In the rear conch on Monday i,i ming had to chatitf to a roah taken ' :i the incoming train a the one going - b hroke down coming fnim Portland. A Soiiipletn lint of the ('hlncnn regi I in Oregtin ahowa the iiiimlxr to he !,' X California and C'olomdo alone t,; regintered more, while Illinoia , cloe up to tlii atate in the t . s bfi rcglntered. A hkiih the graduatea of the Willamette i' in mity which roncluded it year' ikthe pant week waa Homer Kruneof r enmity, who completed the mimical with honor to hlninclf and cnslit ! !', nchoul. N (lin la hereby given that there are ' ! on hand luilllclent to pay all out ' i jing warranta endorsed to date. !ii rfxt cine w ith dute of t li in notice. I V. J. Iiuia. City Treasurer. I Oregon City June 22, T!i cold weutherof the pant two week ifcrnl wiih aucceHnfiil finhing at the ' "id the Clnckamaa, hut on Monday '' nun cume out hrlght and clear and ' mIiikhi renponded iilte frwly to ii the Hpixin and egg. I 'uri ii.' the race of the Oregon KHed I Breeding Annociution at Haleui from ' '! fh to 7lh inclunive, the Southern ,(lc will hold the ltonehurg exprun ' the fiiir ground till nix o'clock o 'ii all hu WH may t n ke in the ruue "i i return on the evening train. l int in a hiimlHouio rone tree which :- II, J. Harding hun trained over the 'ot porch at her Iioimh on lower Main i' l't, The IiiihIi Iihh clinihed to the ''motor window and in loaded with "' In'autiful hloHMouiH. Mr, llar '' fny that heHlde tieing a profune !" "ner it continue to hlooin nearly whole canon through. 'mt Momhiy tho Hocond digentor at "'' Willumctli) Mill wiih atiirted up fr 11 fltat t i iii o linco It waa overhauled, 1 now the wood room ut the uppi'r '! Where all the wood 1 prepared i a "Hy trene Hnd there ie wnrculy room "r nil ontnlder to turn around there, no lire the employee. I nduy evening June the W. II. M. the Methodint church of thin city give an unturtitinment togethor w ith u ii q cream and etrawherry social to """mined at eight o'chK:k. The pro- "in contiiliiH Home very interonting o ' tionn which no one ehotild hiIms hear-i- AdmlHHion to tho entertainment 10 'idH, I' ter Ncdiren returned from hi vlnit to 1 ' rn Oregon and Waahington the lout 'Hid week and reports an enjoyahlo Imt hu Hays that the Motion which united are not to he compared to Ore 11 1 !ity and (Jluckiima county either in " '-mount audi diveraity of their pro or in tho amount of bulene . ..jii'ted and that they areaway hehind - ' mutter of material improvement : t igroBH, the ImhIici viniti'd were dnMrrllMid a It I nupponed (hey would apjM-ar to one acluully on their Rtirface. The diMunninn hy Fred K. llixlge ami Ijtareui e I.. Prlgg on "The Statei inaimhlp of Ithiino and (iladntonu" Wa oHined on each mdo hy a brief nkeU h of the Htatenman'a life. It wa claimed for lllaiue that lie wa a el(-iuade man, that he waathu grentent of party leader, and that he had fhuwn himnelf a con aumale Rtatemuan In all of the many lin"irunl Nnitlonn that he had held. For tiladntonv It waa claimed that he wa the friend of Ihropprenned. that he wa entirely Irmn all demiigoginm, and that hi RtateRiiiannhip waa employed to a U tter pnrHe limn waa HUine'. Minn I. uta Miller gave an Ink-renting nkelch of the ' ' 1 the "Maid of Orleali," dencrjuiiig her early (icanaut llle and how il had heard iiernatural voice tl at told her of her mlnnton. Her Vinil to the l'auphin, her (iiccen at Orleana, and her trial and execution acre all vividly dem-ribed. The great change which took place in poetry fioin the time of Pojhi to that of Vord wort Ii wa dim-unned and ilhiMtra led hy Min Hade Chaae. The vanay gave Die clilel cliaractcrlnllc ol tlie culd and artifli ial hut correct poetry of the achool of Pope, then Uieiitioned and hrictly dencrilMsl the tranaition jva-ta (iolomoilh. Cooper and Hum, and con cluded with an aicount of the leading feature of Wurdaworth'a Jioetry, love of nature, iiuilicity imagination and niHintaneitr. Mina Pauline CamtiUdl conipaie.1 the World' Fair with other international exhibition and allowed how it RUrttawtc all in nine and importance. To thoae alio vinlt the orld hair it will be an education in itaetf. It will ahow foreign er our great natural resource, and will lend to bring aliout nnlvernul H'ce. Min Ada Hughe ilcncrihcd Jane Aua ten'i life aa being full of uncfulncn and devotion to literature. The dwelt UKin Min Aunten'a urvat akill in Hrtraying nimfilo chaructera, and the realintlc nature of her novel. The ennay com pared the writer to Scott and Picken, and concluded with Scott' entimate of her work. Without telling from whence he de rived hi inyHlerion power of dincloning the fu' tire, Clarence Purdom gave, a a Clan Prophecy, a very amumng and in tereating account of the future career of hia claHnmatea. It wa carefully pre pared, well written and evinced much ability in imaginative compomtion. Tho muaie for the evening waa fur nlnhed by Mr. A. 8. Premier, Min Mullie Wilkinaon and Mennr. Geo. Fox and Prof. P. Soiilen. All patt rendered were excellent and added to the evening' entertiiinmont. Judge Mcltrido'a aditrea to the clam wa appropriate and replete with word of wldom. In view of the excel lence wo piihliHh It In full. The abort addren of II. L. Kelly, prvaident of the hoard, in preentiiig tho diploma to the cIiin waa pointed and excellent. jrixin mciihiuk'r aodhkhh. Mil., AM) Yot'NO I.AUIK AND (iKNTl.KMKN OK TIIK (illADt'ATINd Cl AM! A great writer ha well Raid "We live In a thounand moment which aa yet are not, in a thoumind kki(h which wo do not Inhabit." Life, to the earnest Heeker after intelligent treasures is a perpetual exploration of new territory, in traversing which each student must tie Ihh own Stanley ; his own Livingstone and tho fruit and llowers and gold and precious gems which are the eole property of the discoverer. Wo can form hut littlo idea of the geography of the boundlcsB real in of science hy tho experience of another. Wo cannot drink from the everlasting knowledge by proxy but each one niunt be his or her own explorer; must patiently tread tho dusty path of scien tific research, must scale the mountains of ignorance and traverse the deserts of error if he would seek out and quench the thirst for knowledge at the hidden crystal springs of everlasting truth. This evening this occiiBsion, marks for you one sUiire of that journey one prominent incident of that search. It murks one Important epoch in your intellectual lives. As a result of past Industry and proficiency you will this evening be presented with diplomas showing that you have mastered tliono branches of learning which are deemed absolutely essential to fit you for the seri ous purnnlt of life, Porliua you hardly realise the extent of the harvest you have garnered, hardly appreciate the aluo of the gem that your Industry ha extracted from the mine of useful knowledge. And now without any desire to flatter you or to ovrrcHtimaU) your acquirement I will ask you to follow me while we try by comparison to measure the extent of tho tree gift which your free country by ita free school ha presented to each one of you. Washington, father of our country the hero who led the hotti of revolution aiy free men J the successful general, tlatesinaii and ruler had lea education, lens of that knowledge which is gotten from the achool and school books than any one of thi graduating cluss. Franklin w hose name Is almost synon ymous with wlswom; the discoverer ntuli-HU Bii and phileaopher whoae fame will ever shine forth bright a the Im prisoned lightning which be first made captive to the will of man had les educa tion with which to lx-gin the buttle of lile than any one of you. Lincoln, the gwat and good American The preserver of hi country, the wise statesman, the great orator w hose eloquence even on the printed page thrill us by tlie majestic diction und pure and pathetic earnest ness, would have deemed himself indeed fortunate if lie had been posessed of the education that member of this class had acquired even a year ago. You know more of mathematics than Pythagora the father of mathematics, more of astronomy than Coeriilcus, more of history than llerodutus; more of geography than Cabot or Columbus. As we look bock over the Uvea of those grand men each one a giant in hi day, and ace, how frequently they arrived at wrong conclusions from lack of data, see how much talent, efforts and energy were wasted for lack of that knowledge any school boys of this day could have furnished them, we can form some idea of tlie mental progress of the world during 'he past throe or four centuries, and cun realize to some extent the grandeur and intellectual wealth of this the grandest of the centuries. . And yet my young friend while you have all this and more, you have not yet cliuilied to tho summit ol the mount ain of human acquirement. In truth you have only attained the first acclivity and there pause to breathe and look down uion what is beneath you and surmounted by your ellorts, and, I trust also, to look forward with courags, and determination upon what still lie above you. In the vast concourse who have gathered thi evening to witness these exercises all the stuge of human life are repiesented; with some of u life ha reached its meridian ; w ith others its sunset is not fur distant; but for you the gates that separate the present from the future are just swinging ocn on their golden hinges. To call back the past is impossible. It belongs to God; the present alone la ours absolutely ours; and a great and beautiful heaven ha given it to us for action, for work. The sun loiters not on the meri dian, the hand upon the clock linger not upon tlie figures that mark the hour of noon. Time is short and will not be entreated to linger. "Remorseless, fierce spirit of the glass and scythe, What power can stay him in his silent course, Or melt hi iron heart to pity, On, still on, he rushes, and forever, forever." lint swift as, is the flight of time ; brief as is the present, there is still room in It for easy duty, and that person who can grasp the passing of moments, measure it and fill it with his purpose is doing the work that Ciod intended every man and woman on earth should do. Hut leaving the past and the present let us put aside the curtain and glance into tho tioautiful dreamland of the future; your heretage ; the berotago of Iiok) und youth. Truly it is a goodly country. Yon cannot cross it in a day nor a week, nor a lifetime. Eye hatli not seen its utteinuist boundaries nor has the imluidry of mortals or immortals garnered tithe of harvests that gild its Koldcn fields, Ambition and hope build their shining castles upon its inviting fields and raise upon its towering peaks mighty monuments that dip their tops in the very blue of heaven. Enthroned amid its stars, fame beckons and en chants the imagination. A thousand ambitious purposes stir tho heart. Before our eyes is tho vision of tho world's great toilers, Franklin, Col umbus, Whitney, Fulton, Iarwin, Edison and the whole host of men and women who by patient labor have reached out and attained the reward that the future always holds for honost patient effort men and women who towor above the common level of man kind as our snow clud peaks tower above our foot hills and valleys. But think not in your eagerness that such rewards may be won by mere spasmodic efforts. Perseverance and Btoadinosa of purpose alone will win from from the future its laurel crowns ; and to pel severance and steadfastness must be added Integrity without which ac quirements however profound and talent; however brilliant are as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. Then my young friends act, "Act In tho living present" tairy not, loiter not if you would be foremost in life's race. TRe mighty present so grand, so full of iiiRgnlflciuiit poswlbilllie, but alas so fleeting, is yours, In an hour it will be beyond your recall, lost forever In the eternal post. Life is one vast battleflel J and to attain success you must win it as any other prize of battle ft won, by good bard honest blows struck rapidly and continounly. Cease to strike and you are lost, but enter boldly into life's con flict resolved to strike down and over come every obstacle and rny word for it, success will crown your efforts. I con gratulate you upon what you have ac quired and trust that as you now go forth from the influence of this school it will bo with a firm determination to rightly use that education which a henelli lent government has given you; to be useful, honest faithful men ; to lie pure, true good women, whose lives shall reflect credit usin this institution and lie of permanent value to humanity; that upon an intellectual foundation here laid shaii be builded by each of you a character that shall show white and beautiful upon the virgin lamlcaeof the future. And now waiving for lack ol time the further council that I am tempted to give 1 leave with you these word of holy writ, which if heeded and followed will bring you, if not fame, at least a fair measure of success and happiness. "Whatsoever things are true, whatso ever tilings are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are puie, w hutaoever things are of good report, if theie be any virtue, If there be any praise, think ve of these thing," Coming on its Own Special Train. Europe & America's Consolidated Tented Titan! Most Intensely Interesting Exhibitions on Earth. SANGER k LENT'S Grand International Allied Showg Will Exhibit at Wedding (Jell. The wedding of Miss Myrtle Howell of Canemah and Mr. Charles William Mar tyn, of Portland, was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Wednesday, June 21st. Promptly at 12 o'clock the happy couple entered the room where they were met by Itev. U. W. liiboney and the mar riage ceremony was performed. The pallor wa tastefully decorated with roees and smilax. The bride was at tired in white silk and lace and wore Marshal Neil roses and cairieda bouquet of LaFrance roaes and carna nations. Only a few intimate friends and relatives were present after the ceremony and congratulation the company retired to the dining room where an elegant dinner awaited them and which was heartily enjoyed by all. Thebiidei wetland favorably known to all our citizens, having lived here from childhood and is highly respected by all as one of Oregon City's talented young ladies. The groom is one of Portland's esteemed young men and at present a popular employee of the South ern Pacific Co. The happy couple took their departure in the evening for their future home in Portland. The presents were many and costly. rep Citr, Until, Ml Unparalleled in original conception of pre-eminent exclusive features. Great double circus, monster menagerie, Roman hippodrome, oceanic aquarium and congress of world's wonders. All nations' greatest arenic representatives selected to excel. The rarest wild beast gathering that ever invited attention. Only great show of marine wonders ever per fected for travel. Grand convocation of circus creation! collected at an enormous expense. An acceptable innovation in amusemenU entirely revolutionizing the efforts of others. Everywhere acknowledged great feature shows and specialty exhibitions. The very best artists of America, Japan, Europe and Arabia. A sumptuous wonderland festivall A rich, rare and moral entertainment for all. A century in advance of all contemporary exhibitions. Don't forget the Thrilling free Balloon Ascension AND PARACHUTE LEAP DAILY. Be on Hand to see the Grand Spectacular Pageant. One Ticket for the Usual Price Admits to the Great Combined Shows! One hour given in which to inspect the menagerie and the many wonders previous to commencement of the circus and hippodrome per formances. Two grand exhibitions and performances daily. DOORS OPEN AT 1 AND 7 O'CLOCK P. M. A FEW RCAS0S. Why yen Should Join (lie Woodmen of the World. You accomplish seven very desirable retmlts, to-wit: You aecure to your family a contin uance of the family loaf, in the event of your death. You adopt the cheapest mode of make ing certain provisions for your family. You secure an estate at the time when mot needed. You lay by for the future inconsider able sum, that in a needful hour may become a bulwark and defense. You convert the small amount which you pay into an accumulated fund for moat pressing requirements ; sums that might otherwise be wasted in frivoious expenditure. You ploce your family under the pro tection of the law, which exempts the proceeds of benefit certificate from all outstanding claims. Yon bring to yourself tha pence of mind that follows a worthy action; con scious aftmirance, that in any event the loved ones are provided for. For further particulars inquire of A V. ltlackford Special Deputy Head Council at the ollice of L. R. Janney. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANlFACTfRER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. Special Bills Cut to Order Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street. OREGON CITY. OR. GREAT SPEAR HEAD CONTEST. A Chestnut Social. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Frst Pres byterian church have again prepared a nice mmucale and literary urogram which w ill be piesented on the evening of Tuesday June 27 at Shively's opera house. The numbers for the arrange ments have been made and are of the usual varied and interesting nature. A special feature of the evening will be the rendering of PeKovens' "Armorers Song" with the anvil accompaniment. A tal ented young lady, recently arrived from the F.aat, will recite. Some of our favor ite singers will give well selected solos. The evening's entertainment will con clude with the opening of chestnuts in a novel manner, the serving of refresh ments that will truly refresh, and the playing of social games. Make your arrangements for Tuesday. Program at 8 :30 ; admission 25 cents. Bucklen's irnlca Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by U A. Harding. OJLLJJW AND SAVE THE TAGS. One Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $(73,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Clven Away In Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1 ,1 55 STEM WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCHES 134,650 6.775 FINE IMPORTED FRENCH OPERA GLASSES. MOROCCO BODY, I! LACK ENAMEL TKIMMIN'US, GUARANTEED ACHROMATIC... 28,975 00 23.100 IMPORTED GERMAN BUCKHORN HANDLE, FOUR B LADED ' POCKET KNIVES 83,100 00 116.500 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH 1 PICKS. 67,750 00 1 1 5.500 LA ROE PICTURES (14x28 Inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, no advertising on them 28,875 00 261,030 PRIZES. AMOUNTING TO $173,250 00 Tbe above articles will be distributed, by eoantlM, among parties woo cnew 6PEAB HEAD Plug Tobaoco, and return to ut Uie TIN TA4Ji laken therefrom. We will distribute 926 of these prize, in thla county at follow! : To THE PARTY tending ua tbe greatest number of SPEAR HEAD ' TAGS from Ibla county we will give. 1 GOLD WATCE To the FIVE PARTIES sending nil the next greatest number of SPEAK HEAD TAGS, we will give to each, 1 OPERA ULASS....5 OPERA GLASSES To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of Bl'KAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 POCKET . KNIFE 20 POCKET KNIVES To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will five to each 1 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK 100 TOOTH PICKS. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of Hl'KAR HEAD TAG-S we will give to each 1 LARGE PICTURE IN ELEVEN COLORS 100 PICTTJEES. Toil Number of Prise for thla County, 824. CATJTION.-No Tags will be received before January 1st, 1S94, nor after February lsl IBM. Each package containing tags must Se marked plainly with Name of Bender, Town, County, State, and Number of Tags In each package. All charge on package must bo prepaid. READ. SPEAR HEAD pnssesse more qualities of Intrinsic vain than any other plug tobacco produced. It Is the sweetest, the txmgbext, the richest. NPEAK MEAD Is absolutely, positively and distinctively different la flavor from any other plug tobacco A trial will convince the moxt skeptical of tbls fact. It is the largesv seller of any similar shape and style on earth, which proves that It has caught the popular taste and pleases tlm people. Try It, and participate in the contest for prizes. See that a TIN TAG Is on every 10 cent pleoa of bt'EAR HEAD you buy. Send In tha tags, no matter bow small thsj quantity. Very sincerely, THE P. J. 80RG COMPANY, MlDDtsrrowif, OHIO. A ltst of the people obtaining these prises In thi county will be published la UU4 paper immediately after February 1st, W1 .DON'T SEND AKT TAGS BEFORE JANUART 1. 1834.