Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRISE (OR It FN POX IV EXTS SWEEP THE 11ELI. Wllsnnvillc People Want tho Comity Court to Explain Itig ltitrn Local Notes mid Items of Interest. W'ilsonvilli, June IS. For tlio benelit of numerous Inquirers would the Count v Court be kind enough to state through the J columns of the Kntkki'KIsk (he reason they do not place the bridge tlist crosses the Tu alatin river in a passable condition. The greatest query in the minds of the people of this place is why the bridge whs built in the first place. Hut now that it is built, and 4000 of the taxpayers' money has been squandered therein, we have a not unrea sonable desire to know why the County Court does not complete the work and place the bridire in a passable condition for the convenience of the traveling public. An explanation on their part will be anxiously awaited. Homer A. Krose succeded in passing bis post graduate course at the Salem univers ity last week and by so doing has attained the highest grade that can be obtained at that institution. He has also been retained as teacher in he piano and violin depart ment, and will commence teaching Septem ber 1st. Hon. John Kruse and wife, the pa rents of the youi'g professor, were present at the graduating exercises and are justly proud of their son's success. Wheat has all headed out and the pros pect for a crop above the average is more I promising than ever. The continuous showery weather is helping the oat crop out wonderfully, and In spite of the late sowing we may yet have a fairly large crop. Potatoes are all planted and we now anx iously await the harvest which is not far distant. K. P.' Brown of Portland has been send ing a vacation of a few weeks at this place, and is a guest at the Kruse residence. He will leave for Portland next Tuesday and in a tew days will start for the Sound w here he intends to stay till Se ptember 1st when he will start for the world's fair. A grand ball is to be given at Fete Lar son's new dance hall on the evening of the Fourth. Everybody is cordially invited. Five teams will start hauling lumber from Saum's mill tomorrow morning fur John Kruse's barn, and the carenters will commence framing the building Tuesday morning. Forty-live thousand feet of lum ber will be required to complete the struc ture. Bishop Seeley, the well known hustler and potato king of this section, has been basy with the aid of a hired man in clearing another three acre tract which adds greatly to the looks of his vastly improved place. ago Saturday. Although it raineil nearly all day he had plenty of help. M ra. Iaviea and daughtertt prepared an elaborate din ner and supper for the men. They are nil wishing for another " raising." There will not be enough cherries this year for the birds. Henry Mauls, of Portland, has been vis iting his unclj, A. Mauls. Frank Taylor and family sieiit Sunday In Oregon City. Isaac Surfus has purchased a very tine Kimball organ. Vera Hill, of Oregon City, bus been visit ing her aunt, Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mrs. Philip Strank went to Portland Monday. all his Utile might on Mount Pleasant breeios and mountain scenery which Is I right and proier. Num. SmvATo. immense stock of Milwaukee. Milwaukee, June 21. The Children's Day exercises at the I'nion Sunday school Sunday evening were very enjoyable. The church was tastefully decorated with Dow ers from garden and Held. Mrs. Young gave liberally from her abundance and many others brought bouquets of (lowers. The children acquitted themselves with credit, and the large audience seemed well entertained. A. E. Campbell left Sunday night for California mines. A number of our young people think ot attending the cantata, "Queen Ksther," at Sellwood Saturday evening, June '.Mill. A good time is anticipated. The East Side railway company is chang ing the track and switch at the car house preparatory to Using the other part ol the ' building, one-half being insufficient for present needs. The water is gradually receding but it the warm wealher continues we shall exect a rise. I.. M. Wissinger, ot Tacoma, came over Tuesday ou business and called to see his nephews, Oscar and (leorgo Wissinger. Strawberries are plentilul and very cheap, some selling at three cents. Scth I.uelling it Co. are shipping all their berries, thereby doing better than they could at home, Mrs. T. L. Charman and .Mrs. Fonts, of Oregon City, were the guests Tuesday of Mrs. J. 0. Bonnet. Rev. Kaatse is a happy father. It's a boy. Mother and child doing nicely. Cherryrllle I'berps. Chirbttilli, June 17 Dr. Hickman wi called again one day this week to see Claude Baty who has been sick for some three weeks with what was supposed to be nervous fever but which has developed into . mountain fever. It would be a great convenience to this section if a good physician would locate in this part of the county, say at Sandy post office. We think he could build up a large practice. From sixteen to thirty-five miles is a long distance to go for a doctor, and people will get sick even in this country. A five months term of school will begin August 14th in this district, No. 42, with Miss Marian Fernly of Fremont, Multno mah county, as teacher. She is well recom mended and holds a good certificate. So we have hopes of a successful term of school this year. Salmon river bridge is Hearing comple tion and has the appearance of a good struc ture. We understand there are parties camped near the snow line on each sideof the moun tain on the Mount Hood and Barlow road waiting for the snow to melt so they can cross. The snow is reported to be deeper on the mountains than it has been for sev eral years in the month of June. Crops and gardens are growing fairly well. Clover is blooming and promises to be heavy. Fruit is dropping badly, espe cially pears and cherries. The bee business is having a small boom in this neighborhood. Several have small apiaries started and doing fairly well. The present road law is not in favor by the majority of the people in this part of the county, as clearing the road of fallen timber and filling up mudholes has to be done by volunteer work if it is done at all. Some predict there will be a marked im provement in our roads in the near future We sincerely hope there will be. W, Molalla. Molalla, June l!).Ho for Wright's Spring on the Fourth of July, all ye boys and pretty " hats," and hear the patriotic eagle scream as of old in historic times, in that magnificent grove, and drink of the crystal snow water of life that never re quires a cooler. One building ot the firm ot 1.10 le, Fox A Harris is Hearing completion. Mrs. W. D. Adams is quite ill. Dr. Paine was out to see her lust week. Barton Jack, Esq., is slinging the adz and beetle at Teasel creek in a way that will soon have a barn ready to raise for E. Albright. Molalla was well represented at Teasel Creek camp meeting yesterday. Rev. Mc- Farlen of Albany preached three sermons during the day. His leading subject was Organization." Elders Dart. Wingfield and Harliss also held their usually impor tant services over the creek. At a former meeting they voted to meet an hour earlier so as not to interfere, hut of coarse three hours added to 10 o'clock a. m. would make it 1 t. ni. hold-over-services. E. P. Carter, road master, says much more work will be done under the present system than was at first counted on. Now we have some weather that will make strawoerry growers smile, saving nothing of the picnicers. Is there anything wrong w itli illamette Valley clituutv, anyhow? Hood View, HoonXiKw, Juno 12.-Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Seely a son. C. T. Toore has been unite sick but at hist account was improving. Mrs, John ltoyee of Champocg, formerly of this place, is in Portlund under the doc tors care. Mrs. Hudson, who has been quite sick, has been taken to Woodlmrn for treat inent. tleo. Young is again Ml to be around alter an Illness of two weeks and coutem plates a trip to the coast for the bencllt of his health. Miss Klva Coplo Is, we are pleased to say, among us. Miss I. a m I), of Ncwberg, Is vUitlngdraml- ma Seely. Miss Nettie Wood is with her sister, Mrs. Clara Ijuub, of Portland. Grandpa Ziimwalt spent last week with his daughter and family, Mrs. CO. Davis, of the metropolis. Deny Bell and wife of Newbcrg sienl Sunday and Monday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. L. II. Drown. Miss Twink Graham has gone toOretnwn, Tillamook county, hcre she h engaged to teach a four months term of school. Bishop Seely recently presented his fane ily with a new organ. (!. W. Prosser. our general road boss, was in our neighborhood examining roads and bridges last week. Rev. Mr. Kldridge delivered his farewell sermon Sunday to a very large audience at Pleasant Hill. He leaves us after one year of toil in the good work. Quite a numU'r of members of Sunrise lodge contemplate attending a picnic at Newberg to be given soon by the working men. Hood View exects to have a grand time on the coining Fourth in their beautiful grove. Preparations are already being made. Children's Day was a grand success, there Mug a very large audience anil the numer ous children who took part in the exercises well deserve great credit. Mrs. Graham and son William and Mrs. I A. Young have just returned from a triii beyond the Yacalt prairie in the big timlier and reK)rt having a good time and plenty of mountain trout to fatten oh. Amka. Spring i Summer i Milliiien i ana JUST ARRIVED DIRECT FROM THE EAST. i.Annrs' and ei-IILDKICN'vS MA I s Al; VERY LOW PR1CICS. CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. GtWO iisehkbm CHNBY, OREGON, IlAHHiHOKST & COMPANY, 151 Front Street. I HARDWARE I Portlatnl. Oregon. Kexter Beaver Creek. Beavee Creek, June 15. The rain has settled the dust. The grain looks well. J. J. Guyer is expecting his son-in-law, Mr. Gaybill, from Kansas. Mr. Gaybill spent two years in Oregon, but returned to Kansas last fall. He seems glad at the thought of coming back to Oregon. Mr. Shefchik has sold bis farm. We did not learn the name of the purchaser. There was a magic lantern show at the school house last Tuesday night. The Beaver Creek school was photo graped last week. A Mr. Davis from Albany is visiting the family of Richard Davis. Mrs. Kate Staub, nee Weidner, of Port land, visited her parents last week. A Christian Endeavor society has been or-" ganized at the Presbyterian church and held its first meeting last Sunday evening. A literary society has also been organized and is under the auspices of the Endeavor society. The literary meets every alternate JYiday night. Willie Daniels recently visited his sister who lives near Woodbnrn. Obsekvek. Mountain View Items. MorsTAi.i View, June 20. Mr. Frederick will move into bis new house tomorrow. A. F. Buckles has given his house a coat of paint. Mahlon Moran has painted their new house. Joe Harrington has torn down his old barn and will build a new one in a different place. Geo. C. Ely has employed Ed. May and H. Nichols to dig a well over at the slaugh ter house and they are meeting with solid rock. Charley May went to Canby today to pick strawberries. Miss Annie Newkirchner and Jones were the guests of Mrs. May last Friday morning. They made a flying trip to Van couver and on their return introduced themselves as Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jones of Muliuo. Geo. V. Ely and bride began housekeep ing last Wednesday in their newly furnished house over in Falls View. Saliha. Canby Ctilllnjts. Car-by, June 21. Owing to the fine weather the strawberry men have lcen able to ship a line lot of lerries from town the past week. Several thousand crates have been shipped to Portland and Tacoma. The ladies of the Christian Endeavor So ciety will give an ice cream and strawberry social at the Roger hotel next Tuesdav evening, June 27. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Died, at Canby, June Pith, Joseph Stun ners, after a two months sickness of dropsy of the heart. Deceased leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss. There mains were luie to rest in the Cunhy ceme tery. J. Zeek has gone to Woodlmrn and started a blacksmith shop. He will move his lain ily up soon. F. Boecker is improving his block of town prorty by enclosing it w ith a new picket fence. Mrs. Stella Lamb, of Albany, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Howard. W. S. Kellogg made a short business trip to Cornelius last Saturday, returning the first of the week. A. G. Stoggsdill who has been quite sick is utile to be around town again. S. A. D. Gurley, of Arlington, arrived in town last Tuesduy evening intending to send the summer near Canby. J. I.. Hendricks of Barlow gave us a pleas ant call last Tuesday evening. Warren E. Slater, who has been in Canby the last three years, departed for Ogden, I'tah, last Monday, where he intends stay ing the coming summer. Niirthar.slvra A(rlU tut ATKI1VS BAWS -IMamouil,- Uuee- -Orelilenl- . TulllMu . cticf Unre , NlWsi tel Saw "teTri Crescent Wedges (warranted.) 15 it S Proof CIiamim. Arcade Kil'n. Hope. Crtwi'iit Logge rs and Wood ('hopiMrs .SjMrialtien. Oregon City Agent, WILSON A CO Maple Lane. Mapi.k Lake, June 1!). Maple Lane will celebrate the Fourth this year. A meeting was held Saturday evening and it was de cided to have a picnic in the grove across the road from the school house. A good time is expected. We would like to see all iur friends on that day. Xfanle Lane is becoming a favorite rlriv for the lovers of smooth roads and pretty country scenery. Thomas Davies had a barn raising a week Elwond. Ei.wood, June 17. A Sunday School has been organized with a full attendance and much interest. The United Brethren will hold their quar terly meeting in tbe school house on the 17th and 18th. Miss Holcomb has been retained to teach another month of school whudi speaks well of her as a teacher. Miss Blanche Hammettis at home trom Oregon City for a time, on account of the illness of her mother. Mr. Martin and family of Timber Grove were the guests of N. Boy Ian on Sunday. Mr. Howard of Barlow spent Sunday at Mr. Taylor's. Arthur Boylan, one of Elwood's promi nent young men, went to Oregon City last week with Miss Annie Martin by his side and entered the bonds of matrimony. The couple have the best wishes of a host of friends. Carus Happen Din. Cahus, June 1!). Farmers are waiting rather impatiently for a chance to begin haying. The crop promises to tie a heavy one. drain s looking well, but the prospei t betokens a wet harvest, and good manage ment will be necessary to secure an un damaged crop. Mr. Grayhill and family who went hack to Kansas last fall have recently returned to Oregon and feel quite satisfied to make tbis a permanent home. Prof. J. R. Nelson came out from Oregon City Saturday evening to spend a few days among his friends and pupils in Cams. Mr. Nelson has taught fourteen monthscon tiuuously and expects to take up his work again after a short rest. Dr. M.J. Davis ia a prominent physi cian of Lewis, Casa county, Iowa, and has been actively engsgedin the practice of medicine at Unit place (or the past thirty-five year. On the lltilli of May, while in iK s Moines en route to Chicago, lie was suddenly taken with an attack of diarthiea. Having sold CliauiU'r- Uin'a Colic, Cholera ami iMnrrluca Kemeilv lor the past seventeen years, and knowing its reliability, lie procured a 25 cent bottle, two dose of which completely cured him, The excitement ami change of water anil diet incident to traveling of' ell produce a diarrlm a. Every one should hrocuru a hot tie o this remedy hefoiu leaving home. For sale by (ieorge A. Harding. A Bur gain. For sale, H acre of land, in a high stale of cultivation, U4 miles from court house, adjoining South Oregon City The mont desirable piece of property ever offered in this city. Prices to suit the times. Address, A. W. Schwas. Liberal. Liberal, June R The coming Fourth of July Is the pass-word here. I took a stroll through the picnic grounds and no ticed the Improvements. The spare of open ground is twice as large as formerly. A fine platform, 30x0 feet, for dancing, well seated and covered, is among the attrac tions; also, stands, shooting galleries, swings and lunch counter. have engaged a brass band, and also a string umiu iur me piauoriu. NOTICE TO CONTKACTOUS. Sealed Md will be received at the nfflrs ol me rim niy clem or lilionmai cm lily, Orrgnn until ten o cluck a. in ol Friday, the Till day of July. 1MM, In sraileamt btillil. complete, arewnl hill to pUiis ami elfleallinis lor (lie same mi Die In the iifllee o rnilil county clerk, a wagon roan iwciuy ireiwiue annum (lilmm Hlutf, la aeellnns 17 and Is, T. J H It, K... 011 the linker llrlilKe and 'airalde Mill road, a Ion the mirveycd line thereof; UkIiiiiIiik al riiniiin cre.-k ami e xten.Hrir westward Hlmnt .'o rlrilii Knell bidder Ml Ml del.oall Willi liln 1,1,1 ,,. percent ot the amount of such hid. which shall he forfeited to the county In rate the award la Minor 10 nun limine falls, nek-lens, or nluo ti enter mm coiilrimi In the maimer required i,y n.1.1 i,i MIH HHllHiaeiliin in me coiiutycoiir j ne iiinn win ue operieu ai leuo eioek a.m. ou am in iay 01 Jiuy, in'.i;i ny the County Court, and the contract awarded to the Inwent' rCMHlll- i 'ile bidder. Tho court reserves the right to iriri i niiy aii.i no Oloa. by order of the County Court. 6-ffl;7-7 OKO K. IIOKTON, Clerk. NOTICE OK FKOI'OHKI) I.MI'ltOVKMKNT OK fin 11 hi KfcKl. Mount Pleasant Jots. Mouht Pleasaht, June 19. After a visit of a few days In Portland P. Lewis has re turned to the home of his nephew, Will McCord, where he has lived since last win ter. Last Saturday Will McCord's little boy Wallace had the miiffortune to nearly sever his great toe from his foot. Miss. Helen Warner returned last week after a pleasant visit with Mrs. A. L. Corn wall of Woodburn. Mrs. Cornwall is better known here as Misa Jennie Carter and Miss Helen's school friend. Arthur Warner King is flourishing with Letter List. The following is the list of letters remain ing in the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, Inn. iw luo-l. " " ' Applegate.MrsNancyKichcy, Mrs Clara Davis, W H Sims, Lucy Kvans, Dr H W Smith, Miss P 0 Hamilton, Geo Tizer, F H Huntly, Geo Tuttle, G M Moore, W H Tvaehe, John Mulvey, Mrs John White, F K Muralt, Christ Warren, K S Miller, Miss Francis Winer, MissOttle PrciiHS, Itev J M Elders of the Chris Kider, H D tiun Church If called for please snv when advertised. K. M. KAND8, P. M. Notice. G. W. Prober's new hull is finished at Oswego.Oregon and will be rented by the nigni as ioiiowh except friday nights as the Good Templem have that night, the Baptist Sunday school at 3 to 4 p. m , granges each second Saturday in the month. For Dance all night with piano, 15.00; for dance half night with piano, $2.50 j any how $5.00. Good stage and well lighted. G. W. Pkobmkb, Proprietor, tf Notice Is hereby given, that the City C'nuiioll of Oregon City propones to Improve that portion of Klfth street IvIiie between the west aide, of High street and easterly to the Intersection of the pres. nt county road near the west line ot van nnreu street at uie expense of the property First-Hv iraillni that Dart of Fifth iir..! I The managers JfaK net ween the west line of lllirh street and ..I nl TtlntwnMilfl. ,.f V.. 1j. ...... ., . . ..... ... ... iitiicii .urm uiuir ei i llahed grade, and by .ravelin the said street iei:i ou eaen sine ol uie center line of said ireei. neciMin me sidewalks are to be taken up and repaired so as tit conform with said grade and In case there Is no walk there Is to be built a good six-foot sidewalk, all at the expense of the properly owners. Ordered published by the City Council of .rcgiMi voy m a meeting in said Counell held JillK 11), l:i, 1,, Poiitkb, Itecorder. NOTICK OF AI'POINTM KNT OP AHMI.NI.S TIUTOUWTl ll V.11.1, AN.NKXKD. Notice Is heroV- given, that the undersigned has been Hiipolntity by Jhe Honorable County ( mirt of the stale of Oregw for the the county of Clackamas, administrator .with the will an nexed of the estate ol laaae Capps, deeeased All parsons hsvlug claims against tliu aald ea tale are hereby notified to preseni the same to me, properly verified, at m niiini i i, ....... City, within six months from date o tbla uo- tlCe- , TIIOH. K. KYAN, Adn'r, with will snnexed, of Isaac Capps, doo'd. Dated, June 20, A. U. pslia. -j;i:7-21 BTOCKIIOLDEH8' MEETINO. Notice Is hereby given, that the annual meet. Ingot the stockholders of the Oregon city Man ufacturing Company will be held at the ofllce of the Company In Oregon City on hatiirday, July sth, lsdll, at 10 o'clock a m. ol said day, ,Vr the purpose of electing directors of tliu Cor poratlon to serve for the ensuing year, and transacting such other business as may come before thBStoekh,.l,lu...m...... ' w,m ..,U,,H. Oregon City, June 1, 1W3. O. B. JACOBH, Hcc'y, MILLINERY. i The cheapest line of trimmed hat! j ever offered at prices rangk.1' from 50c. to $7.50. Also the largest assortment of flou ers ever brought to tho city. We invite you to call and soo for voursolveJ Mrs. N. Watts Sladon's Millinory Parlors j: THE RED FRONT (Vnts Inns a j.otmtl AllMJCKLK'S, LION f- iMwpwM. t (,11,.,., u pound htarth. 5 Hoila or l ife, I", jitmiitl l.fti,H 01 rollt'il 3'4 HiMH.lrt tlimi.1, or h jHmmlii cut STKKL XAL'j AAA Aa 25: B's or larger. 5 C'KNTS buys . iilicr ,l.SH i)rai(t jM)yH' Htrawliat k; Va1 P(!,'K "ik, f.nvclt.pi.H, 12 iH-nx, Ivh' wir tilt CIiimM al-,... ( UC, M1IUII ( r. minify, j.miu tiMiUll.lckH. '1 HUI-lTS P- o oranges. ' A mrvM.'T -ii. "iwwvjw-uiiicoH in yanln for 1.00 go'xls, fiirnisliimr illUH, Trade for protluco. tii;i spring dress picoH in bulk half price on th. en I 1'uro grotto, tatoos wanted. HAMILTON & ALIEN, i - - - - OREOOJ OREGON CITY. P0PE& CO M antl rHiablo flrm rU,vb , ,ile 0, , t ,1 m mm Mm, Tinware, etc, -' fur Pi.....ia!.a. ttt- Attended to Promptly, timates Furnished. OREGON CITY Jobbii OREGO