Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 09, 1893, Image 8

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a " I
Semiannual Clearance Sale
And during this sale you will save money by spending it. If you want to know what wo
mean by a sweeping reduction
Best quality calico, 20 yards for (X) Our entire lino of 12 and 15c. lawns, in ch.,k8 ami strips w
Auauuc l.u aomesuc, oo-incn wide, 18 yards for 1 00
Men's blaok satteen shirts, reduced to 45
Men's outing flannel shirts, reduced to 35
Men's Standard white shirts, our 1 quality, reducal to CO
duced to 1-1 yards for 1 (X)
Ladies Jersey ribbed under vests reduced to 10
Ladies' fast black satteen skirts reduced to
Our men's TUmli idiots reduced I"
Ladies' cloth and leather laco ! r-tliuvd to
Ladies' low shoes, patent liK'd, reduced to
Child's Pnngohi slW. tipvl, sii-s -I to 8, redu I to
If you want to enjoy more than full purchasing power of your dollar spend it during this salo
Conducted Cnder Hie .indices f the
(larkamas Comity Teacher, Aso.
All coiunmiiii-ations for this colunin
should he addressed to C. E. Phase, Ed
itor, Clackamas, Or.
On Friday, June 2, II. G. Stark
weather and Mi-w Ida Stark uwohpr 1
being no less than: Mrs Helen Camp
bell, Kev. Lyman Abbott, I. I)., Col.
Thomas W. Knox and Inspector Thomas
Byrnes, Chief of the New York Detective
Bureau. j
Mrs. Campbell, the nuni-inail u-rilufi
light. Every nice is a Krtriit, every
scene a stern reality. In looking at
these splendid illustrations the reader
sees at a glance j,ist how (iospel work
is carried on by day ami by night bv
rescue-hands ;he is shown strange sigNts
closed a successful year of school work at ! ,al,or'
certainly commissioned of liml. Rflil ! in nut rf I lia u'n 11 .I - I..
In His .Name spent many years as a j or never seen by the casual visitor ; he i's
missionary literally "In Darkest Xew j taken into cheap lo.lging.hous,.. and
...... woimen.11 worr sue, cellars; into the homes of the poor;
did. How devoted and bleswd Iwlim 1 i....,
are. It pj a story ntver police and di.eiiv- .1... .-(
:l 1-f- . . Ir. laaa rwi- ... . ! .. 1
ain.aukie. ine aay was observed)'" m unique vol-. nothing seems to he omitted,
in an appropriate manner. In the! ume I're;,"' these thrilling ejp.-rieiK.Ts; We do not know when 740 pages have
ninrnm.. ......II.. I 11 of Pll H Ml illtl tl n.li.a ar,. ntl. .1... 1 I I ' .
fuym nun parents assemoieu l " mi wc uunnrctis given us more genuine pleasure If we
at the school house and were enter- j of Plltl'e,ic and amusing scenes that j ss-ak warmlv of the book it is because it
tained bv an interesting anil U'pII ron-
were packed into them : it pjrtravs life 1
dered literary program. At th cln
story ntver
titmiue vol-
of these exercises, teachers, pupils and
pations filled two special cars and were
speedily taken to Oregon City where
tney enjoyed a basket picnic in the
Home again in the evening a tired but
well pleased throng. Ttianks is due the
East Side Electric Car Co., for their
courtesy and special rates.
The Caneuiali school under the man
agement of Xeal .Stupp and Miss Ina
Thomas closed Friday, June 2, with lit
erary exercises in the afternoon in the
presence of a large number of visitors.
were packed into them ; it portrays life
in a great city by day and by night "As
seen by a Woman;" it shows the ower
of the Gospel to redeem souls from the
lowest depths; it gives striking tertimon
ies of the redeemed - un, I fm,n .11 !...
a. l'ar-lkl7l. OICIUC 111 TOM aiuna
park, and a stroll along the bluffs. I rit'' 8n'' vried exigences it draws liv-
i the evening a tired but in" truths for head and heart that are
worth to any reader ten times the uric
of the book. Mrs. Campbell's account
I of rescue-work is full of wonderfull touch-
ing incidents. Stronger stories are here
told than romance ever dreamed of,
every one ot them drawn from real life
by a woman's hand. In every chapter
sue weaves anecdote after anecdote, in
Inorm.-ui a targe nunioer 01 Visitors. , - wnio um auit-cu'ne, in-
Aruong the novelties was a miniature Cm"nt after incident, story after story,
vnifann trial.. I, 1 a i ! flnd thn rpadaar'a altantmn t.
. v,1 m h.whmuM ID 11171(1
breathless to the end of the volunin.
volcano, which emitted real fire and
Miss Lottie Ely closed a successful
term of school at Maple Lane June 2.
Mr. Wm. Hankins, w ho is teaching at
Macksburg, was in town Saturday, and
called on Snperintend"nt Gibson. He
reports the schools in that vicinity pro
gressing finely.
Geo. V. Swope and Miss Madge Hill
will close school at Harmony, Friday
June 9.
J. K. Nelson will close school at IIol
comb's June 9.
Miss Matilda Reed is teaching in the
Tracy district. Superintendent Gibson
visited her school June 2 and reports it
in fine condition.
Miss Nellie Bisel closed her school
near Canby with appropriate exercises.
Friday, June 2. Miss Bissel is an ener
getic and capable teacher, and has given
thorough satisfaction.
The Oswego Iron Worker says: "II
T. Evans, principal of the schools here,
recently gave as one of the questions in
examination papers, "What kind of a
hen lays the longest?" Eddie Rankin, a
bright pupil, turned in the answer,
"Dead Hens." Correct, Eddie; you're
head is level."
Mrange but most suggestive is the
fact," says Bishop Coxe ii warmly com
mending this volume, "that Christ is
to be visited in these dens and dives :
there are those whom He will bear in
mind when He says: 'Ye visited me,"
or when He says ;'Ve did not visit Me.'"
Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott's life-long
interest in City Mission work, and his
personal share in that work, nre-emi-
nently fitted him to write for this book.
In his introduction to it he says:
'My interest in these phases nfntv
life dates from my college days. From
that day to this over a third of a cen-
tury I have continued the studies then
begun, and the subject of this book has
been one of the great subjects of my
study- sometimes in literature, often in
No appeal from temrance advocates
can do more to promote the cause of
temperance than the thrilling scenes!
and incidents so well described ; at least !
so says Mrs. Marv A. I i
Miss Frances E. Willard.
One of the most adsorbinirlv interest
ing portions of the book is that written
by inspector liyrnes giving the ripe ex-
richly deserves it. It Is sold onlv bv
airents, and is meeting with an enormous
sale. Agents who introduce such a work
ought to lie cordially welcomed. A bet-
i I..
nan rci miii.y never come to our
table. It will he read over and over
again by old and young, with ever in
creasing pleasure and lasting profit.
The work is published by the old and
well-known firm of A. I). Worlhington
& Co., Hartford, Connecticut, whose iin
prin is sufficient guarantee of the excel
lence ol this first-chiss volume. Royal
octavo, til) pages. 2.W fine plates, por
traits, and text illustrations.
Ladles' Tea.
Is a pleasant drink, which will lie borne
by the stomach without nausea or grip
ing. It acts thoroughly on the liver,
kidneys and reproductive organs. A
gentle physic, efficient diuretic, and is
most useful in scant or painful men
struation. It aids digestion, and re
duces corpulency; clears the complex
ion, rendering it fair, and restoring the
natural tone of the skin, for it removes
the bile, which, by accumulation, pro
duces the sallow, muddy complexion,
peculiar to the constipated state. Sold
by all druggists.
Ftow-KB Tots. Hiving closed up a
contract with the Milwaukee pottery to
sell their goods in Oregon Citv w m.r
today a full line of flower pots at prices
never seen before in this city, for instance
a 4-inch pot for 5 cents, and others in
proportion. J!ki.i.omv A I'.i.scn. tf
Ifiniw of Wilty. Cel.britw! Comedy Co,
t rtmima Band tad Urtliwut,
Dr. Mil JTmHtoJ Co., Elkhari, In.l.
Von will remember tlio condition I wan h lire
ywi fo, when 1 u alluded with a exmom
Uuu of hvt nd IhouKl.t tliern wm o xri
torn m. 1 tried all klU(launxxllcln,a,iiTtt,rni
iif eminent fb)rlclaiia Uy nerve" were prmiraicl
.mdiirln dlumeu. I.eart Iruuble ami all (Uollli
UuU luako lila mlavraljla I cuouiuiucvd lo Uue
DR. VI!LP?, Nrnviwr
- . " " IIMUf lllhi
In mi iraretaewh jrear, wueu I are ih ihou.u.i
Olpliyatcal wrw kj, -riug rmin nervui iirrn
U m f, Irallon. Uilng pnMrlpllona fron
M tX lal phyilclaiii wbohave no inua i
" "17. J18, lhlrcaa, and whine donih
U certain, I feel like solng to tbeui and tayiii,
9" .'" Ncrvinc aajo at cuao- 1"
overwork, men WW I 1 lm IS ul Brolr
Holland nerroiia eihauatlon, brought on by Hit
cliaracter of tna buauieaa angugul in, 1 would
a a turu cure for all autTurllig rrr.m tlienn raniea
Jama K. Wiiia.
TR V DR. MILES' PILLS, .in nfKFQ ox rra
For sale hy Chnnnun & Co.
I'KI.I Nyl kn r TAX mi.i:,
St tTK or I 'MH'.i'S. I
I'lntnly ot I'lni-ka.-mm.t
'J' I tie Ci.lltN (i.r .( ' 'fri... ('iiy. ( irt-fc'M.i
III the na.nr ot llli- Mnlr nl rr.li, )o.
lire l.i-ri-hy i.Miiiiitilr-l lo Ir v y ii.ii Ida
hiih atlil ( tliltlt Ir of itrlllllirtil lal l4Trr
llllllll-.l III IliM laitlilll .li'llll.tlll,..! lal flat nl
m inn. h iIjitcuI a ill mli-lv ll.r aiii"i. l
lite, li.tfi-ifii-r ltti Ihe coin aod aif-riiu.i:
I i-i.Ht: mill II mi ii-riMiiiil i.ri.i-rrlv 1m t.ii.tl
ll.r.i iiixin l lie rrrtl ir..'.v a m-I ti.rili in
I he Mil il.'iiinU.i.l ai (.r .i mu.li
lln reot w ill nalKlv Ihr lat ai rl.a'irrd
.Itleftllh (mla lliil rllrliwr and vm mm
j riiilrt-d lo n v ow-r all omnev. . ullr-(r.l
lo II. e t 111 I ri-xiiri-r 1.1 i.ir.uii ( it y , I rr
In witnraa wlirrenfl have li. rrui I., .d
my Imiiil ami altlinl tin- -k-.I ,. ..,, (ir, ,,,.
City tin litd ilit) uf rcl.r.iafv. n
I.. I. I t It It.
' Seal . Itnot.lrr id (lir-.iii l ily.
Ilv virtue uf tle al-.ir warrat.t. I datr
levuil ui.'ii. and will, on Mond.iv. Il.e .-ii
(lay ol Jinn-, ai i, r t,,,,jr of in,,,-, .
I I'. M of nnl ilav, ai ilii-Minrl I,. him- .li.r in
tlie i llv ol ('rrH'.n ( lly, ( In, kao.a- rnnhlv,
liei!..n, m-II Il.e li.!l.,in il-.crlll real
i r.iH-ri v nt puldic au.-tion, lorca-li In l.ai,.,
or an tn lie li Ui.-r.-.if a- Kill aati'lv Ihr olii hi. I
(d rily Inc. iliif l,.-,,na !...!, i,r
(lt liiniu-i.l Hit id nlv laic, ol ntek',i 1 v
l-rovldrd lor lay the i liarlrr of
nri-gon l ily, ,i wit:
I ISTi.r Ihiijh.1 rsta r.,n . itt Tim i ,t. '
o! ( III. I
(Iwni-r. ...
i - i .
i'rdiii ( noil Im-I 3 ,! ,
"ridiaraii.ld.ell S B)M
Mra. S. A. Ilnoiiiliton
I'omily a-I.I
Mr. Murv lii.lnn
' All Klldv. i-aful..
"nude K . rounty add
"uinl.le jli. I, .
Mra. isnnili Partridge eat
Amiob Miller . . ,
I. ll. I.ein.iir.l
V T; Al" liiy" ' d. of
A. h. lle ,n,
A. K. Winte -. ,,. "i
all of
I ,1
'. arid (I
1 1
Aim I
I." .--I
i :
ii in
i m
5 i.
.1 ill
( It V VI Mall U. sl t
N"(l" ll henrl.f (llrU. dial kf t At,
, warrant hmr t, ihr fvr-itrr .f
rlla.--l (.. tin .!(n. (rd dalrd Id au
kUi. I' . I"? an I !..!
f I (...-llli.
eom.aal.dlotf hie lo lei y ii.u a U a
IJ ati.1 riti,r-l Ilia aaaa.ttirtil tj'it a
aiiiouiitii.a the aom id fli i;n u
Siarrl.K .f Hie llli.(,, unrl.l .. f '1
In arilN.I. (iirj i,
I late tliia da, levle-l 0in laid V
-rllN rc-rli. and on tl.a ub 4tt i
. 4 al j u r mm k m. i.f til df k
lite t.Hirl l)iia , ia ( y f
("Hill id 1 laikaitlaa nul I'.i. iiIim.-.
aril aal'l .r..fit, (,, II, r lililirn 1,1 In
to -ar ald a.Mraanieiil, liajrllit-r tla
alt-l ric-ti.ra el R4ir
Said aaia to ta r S an!1 and all-v
1 W In 1 la i ii. a..
Hrllwia-I irrrg.in. klaf lai ft .
I IIV MA halt At sail""
S"llr la linel.f alien. I,.
warrant liaur-l l (lie ri-rit rr id tfc j
arll.. t inr dlrrrtrd. dale.1 Ibt al;j
'Mar. A P , 1im, an-1 afalnat I
f I (o-'lln I
ri.tiilnatiditia Hie 11 trljr iitw,n . ? U ;.
and r.i,p ( (hi- a.araainrlil -Ilia ttirrawa w i
tit lo llit- mm ol ar.wii dnilara and tart
i-rnia li.r the iiiiiKuieiimii , rm.
H,twa-1 llfrauli
lliaie Ifila day levied d(-.tl al4 ah
erllwd -ti---rtT and oil Hie pah Jil
imi ai 1 ... -,. k ! m id aaldd.i la
ll,.c,rt hum, Hi,, ( . ,,l ii-n
( "iinly ol ( la. karn .a, Slate ul (ir
aani pr..H-My l,l4,ral l., I.f (Ji.r.lt.
aid ai.r.,.iri,t, .je(lif altn P-o tt
x-Tia.-a in aale
Said aala lo be li.f f S l.,, and
I W PAVIa I ny k j
fa)1 r ta I 11... ... ..... 1
I Vl
.1 .Vl
(ol rnlip. inn a.aeaamn.'it doe lliriir I
I.f In Il.e auui ,,, ,, ,iarf t
"'" '"' I'.e llllliMivaiueul uf Ut.f
irllwia.l l.fea.in. I
I hie thiaday Invled (item aal4 rr
ft U': II
J. h. Ill "AliM I
lly ('(illerlur,
rhotoKNiphs Delivered Promptly in the
I'lnest Stylo of Art.
Tine Crayon Work a Sjiti'alfy.
Are you insured? If not, now is the
time to provide yourself ami family with
; a rwttle of Cliamlierlain's Colic Cholera
I and Diari hica ltemedy as an insurance
1 against any serious results from an
j attack of bowel complaint during the
I summer months. It is almost certuin to
be needed and should be procured at
Jo other remedy
Old Pictures Copied to Any .Si.o. Katis
faction Guaranteed.
Oallory oipolte Commerrlsl Hank, Orngnn City
1 1 Mduvimw'mmt 1
i. Ai, i ' a 1 1 . a
HMMtWAJIaV MM J k L . , I mi
I IIV kiAllsAl.HAl.K
N'.slre la licrrl.y fUi-n, ),a( bf !
war.anl I. .mi, ,y (he rix-.i.ar .d ll
-llw,-l I., ttiV dirio-ted. daM llnai
Her A P .t, and aal',.(
r r (o-hIiii
(a, in Ot . ii ,1 1 1 ,. ... i.. i i.j . i. i
. .....,.... lv ... ,iHin i i. i
ii-, riiur. i inn a.aeaamp.'lt doe lllaraf-aw I
and nil Ihe pah ,la id Jnnal.il. all
P nt of aald day, In If,, in f Iba rtmrl I .
Iliel llyiif (Irranii ( y I 'utility . U
and State l l.tr., will aell aald ttv i'J
lila-lie.t 1.1,1, rr iiia.ra.fnr. lo pay aald aawa-i
-- . ..in r.rai an. i elienata ul aaia
Said iala lo U for r S Bold an-l aloe
y ,, I W PA VIS. I Uf '-
BollW.K-l. (f,.,,,,, t 'it
N'MIre Ii lirreby ,ven. Il.al by
arrant laa.ird l.r Hie recorder id lk
Sellw,- , , ,rj m
Mar A P I-j.i and a.loat
K ( (I.hhIIii
e..inmatidlna me li. I.,.. ........ .l.ni:.
k 1.1 an. i..ll.-i tin,
A nnnl'a r
lavotlt- French i,,....o" ' I he
mice. io Oilier ri'incdv mn Inla iiu
, "J -""rw rine K.viiiir lite rion etr. . -'-.- -
1 tie Oregon Pacific will run a teach- perience of thirty vears of detective life !I)laceor do it8 Work- 2 60 cent
'a ar.nralnn I. C. TT- . l,,.l llr.B r. I.I 11 .
suLbico lor nit 10 oy neo. A, J I ardl 11.
er S excursion to San Fran.-iH-n tl.ia
month, the rale from all rail points Iflo
for round trip tickets, good to return un
til July 15th.
''Darkness and Dayllhf,,, or Lights
and .Shadows of Sew York Life.
In this new and superbly illustrated
work a noble Christian woman tells the
tlirillinjr story of her personal experience
in gospel, temperence, mission, rescue
work in a great city. No recent publica
tion is now commanding so much atten
tion nor has any other called forth such
ringing words of "God-speed" from min
isters and eminent women. It has been
preached about from famous pulpits,
read by tens of thousands of subscribers
nd made the subject of many a clenrv-
. i- i , . . -
naii b runoav eveninir locinm
Many of the startling revelations he.
makes are taken from his private diary, j WANTED Snlacrviar, I
They have never before been published, i JrldT
TlllS taScinatinZ VolurilR in indnod o Woll Irnnuin I,,,., V.. I ,
" a - - ""fu, a uil llt:ul 1IO CapilHl
wonderful tale of Christian love and faith to reprsent a firm that warrants nursery
all alive with intense and utrilri ttr ran
eveninz lectnrn. Tin
ti , . . ' - v.f w.iu ui mem iiiHiie iroui frlioto
autliorsb.p is fourfold, its four author, j graphs taken from life, mostly by flash
The best of it is a pure and elevatinz
a . ... . O
dook irom oezinnmz to end p. vnlnma
for the family circle. On this point the
words of Kev. Dr. Twicliell (who has a
family of ten children) and Rev. Dr.
Magoun, president of Iowa colleze, are
worth quotinsr here: He Ta-i,.i..it
writes "My wife says that she is going
to set our young people on the book
right oil. for the zood it will Hn ti.o .
and PresidentMaijoun says "My family
finds, where other books on nnr nliolvoa
lack interest, this one always holds and
attracts attention."
It contains 252 supurb engravinzs.
every one of them made from photo-
nt.ul.-H I1TSL-C HHS noil Irtoa t n...
...... . iia.nn
Tj ir ATT n...
..uiiiv ni.i., nit, YJ-.AK. 1(K) per
monin totlie right man. Apply ipjick,
stating age. L.L.MAY&CO. Nursery
men, Florists and .Seedsmen . ST. PA UL
Lest or Strayed.
From the premises ef J. If. nBu,ur.n
Butteville, a dark bay mare, weighs
about 1000 pounds. Branded "S" on
right shoulder, and white star in fore
head. A liberal reward will h t.;,l ,
the undersigned for information leading
w ine recovery ol the horse.
J. II. Dawson.
If you want to sell your property, list it
with Wade II. Hpencer.
.""ill OIl-.l, 1,
Notice is l.crel.y given, thutthe f.'ity Co,,,,,
ell ol OrcK-m ( ay ropM. to Improve t
portion of Mai,, ntreot lying bot we,.,, ,mt
point on Mam street whore. t, lit,.. H,uft 0,
the cement null croHscs the nai.l strc-la,,,
the north line of Kixu tl, utrcct at the , 'x
lieilSe (ll lint linionrlu ' .. ..
li i. ii i ' nun ,10 .nit
Hide Knilwav con, puny
i '.ty Kr",li"K '",rt "f Ml" "treet
sail street an. the norll, In,,, of Aloa. hI,Z
.., .iiC c,.iioiooietiitrn.ie,aiii l,v pnv iiirnmne
full wi. li with a vi.rili ,rU k pave,,,.
Ml. Hy liridKing or (resiling i,n( part of
Main street lying hetweon the north I
Moss street niiil the south lie of Twt., j
street, full width. "-nui
Uv irailiiiv li, i.t ..r ii.i. ' .
iv-inir I.; . r m '"
' ". , , - -".ii nun in l we tl i
arriiol unl II. 11. . "'.oiii
.,rii,.ii... , ... '." rourteentli
v, vniiiunsneij grai e, and hv imv.
Inir the ario.e lull ...l.i.l. .V.i.i. J I "v
i ieiit '"i a gravel puvo.
4,h. Itv l.ri.l.fl... a an .1 . .
Fourteentli un-..i ,i n. ...i
tee.itl, street f """" ,,nB 01
fttll. Ill' llllit,! .l.l..,..,'.ll . . .. 1 .!. . ,
u,.i,i : " 7 -".'oii until nines of
.... n.i.Ti, Ul, in l,n Iin 111 it.. UI ,1 .
where the line .1 .i V T. "' ..r"' '
crosses said street to the north line of Mix-
. , "a, ooviiKtd, nowever, that no
sidewalks shall Ik, li,l where the walks now
Inn are in good condition, of proper width
and upon the estHhliHlied grade.
1 iil.liHhe.1 l.y order of the city council al
a meeting held May 10, lsin y 1 ttt
4tJ I b. POKIEIt, Kecorder.
"T.r;."w,r."?7P,?!i0''. Cream i:r.,ii.!
'ielureo, you;n " " " S," 'te
la... Hui , 7, , .ZTr"
. VPPe.r,.n,"',,'rtr;k,! IX """""I' -A
A P POl a Orlaum.! r.
rranm,;. c"'"r "Iul ""l'..et jr
ipol's Naturwl
cnnnol l,eile,n ir, ,?.' '"' "r
I. t-llt l,.r I... . ''" '1"" '''""woalia.h-a
If V Urifi'itr " "
a '""
... ,,,, ,rr in,,!,, a-lemn,,, ' -- '.r.rji,
f ll-.ll-l.olfl.-t , r in- ill ii'. ?""k"'K '!(
"hkcs. Kathimtea V, , ,? .V.'." '" Tn e.
n or address VlY Tj,'i'll""tl,,n
t"'"on Cltjr, oi
Transfer and lnm
FreiRht nn.l ,mr(!(!,H ,,,;
to nil r,.i. .. ''vi-rc.il
RAT.e t--""i cue city.
RATES - REAanii.a
Ill, l,H,.i, i . .
, ' 1 1 lo (lie lillin 1.1 tail nulla" I
lllilirai.ii I u, . . .. ... , . .... ,, ,
,', --I ii'.u aiii.pini nvnw J r, .'
I ha tin. ,.vb, I,,,,,,, M4i. 1 -f
. rll.... .r,.,a-rt,, n it ti al r f "'
1V..I a 1-,,, , ,, , , ,,,,, d. I, I
!"' ''"O" I e lii Hie l Ilv oflHf'S ''"'
I i.iililyiifl laikainaa and stair"! Off - "
" ITi pert,- U,,., ,,,,,.r It'" f
ay nam aaai-a.nieiil. ,,(rllirf allllM
ei.i'im-a of nU.
Said aale to !. fur IV S (old and ill"
u , an. it i in, i hi
- ".U.'Jr''1'"" "y II, a'M
N'.llre la li.r..!.. U..-.. ..... I.. .IKK i
- .. ai.a'it inai ir a,-
rant ,., f,( , r.(,,.f ( ,fcr f
u '" ",B due.. led. date. I lllll1 1
Ma A ll. 111,1, ami aualnat f V
K. t: (iiHattn I -
("iniiiandlii- ir p. levy npoii lot I ID ft
"(id e.,11,.,., ,,, ,., ,, li f
aillntllil I, a i.. ii ..,h. : e
in , ii. inn oi iweinr iii'i-
" "I l.lrl) five renla for the ItnlTof"
sixth atriel In Sellia.Hi.l l.r..u.,..
Iliavnlliladay day levied t,.,,tt aaU '
, rl1"''1 .r".i ll)-, and on the llllll J'!'
!'.. ai 2..r:, . ,, , ,,, HM ,),, , p H
,'..?""' ',', 'lly (I or
.. ii ?."1 l:",,"i'" and Slate "I '
,. ' ""l'1 .roey to the l,lKh(..I l.ld.l" :!
(O llv d(,l . . ? - lit
.,, ' - ""-aaini, liii. ier '-
"Od eiti.ia..a ..I ..I.. '
Said anli ,,, , (lpr ,r a , ,, alio
u,,,, , , vt. IVS,I ill"'
-.."I, iirerioii, MayV, w:l,
CUV Mi iiuit ii ml.K
;'';''1'.Ul','V','y slven. that l.f 'l'f
J,, '.vlhe r-eordcr "I
! ,."""e nirecteii, ii,. iiiaiw-i ,
l' .l'.;i, i, id analii.t I HK
.... '"tieei Ilia aaaeaano'lit nn ' : "-III.4
" "I "' O.e anm of forty four '', ;
i reei """" ir Ilia liniirov""""
.e'riu," lU 'ovin.t ii.n said ,
Die e i.r . ' " " ? "' " "I'd ""'-'"ii
"!,"' :l''"ina., and Slate of O'"," i
II "aid property to ,m ,B,,t UI.M' J
aa.i V ' ' '"' """''""inent, loatdlier I
.".'VII I anle. I
- Ct,
-it i
ita n
Hr ir, H gold or "" I r "
'. w. ha vis, cur j. 1l
. Mnvu. lwtt "
A ...
I. I i',ltl
Knld ale u, h (, ir, H gold or ll'"'
iiw. (,. 'a.wj
Not ii it 7lt Vi.-. w.u-..i yyn.vT r
Ui,Z ",hr,,h Slveii, that lh "n"1'"
lata ul u . a "'I'ort aa aineiinv , J
eiuipi i 1 l rlr due, deceased. I
"mrl haa ai,i,(,i,.i... i ai ! '
01 III ai- V' ui.u "Hi. a - . I