Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1893)
urn itui mo Hawaii. t I'oitliiinler TrIU of llir Mute or A IT.iIra on Hi Munil. Pnuri Axt, Jiitm .'I Kilwnrl liikiim, , .1 1 i in y relumed from Hawaii on tint , ijii. kIi-hiiht with I'xMuiUlcr Hiiivnna, v, I In Ht '"an I'VuiirUi'ii ttlih In mill iluiiiilitiT, lnkliiK a liinu iii'Kili'il ,. tnrili'iii"l with (Jtrlini'iit uruH ; 4. ml of lliu ririiit revolution mul dm ,:, 4II1 11I hi (itvorlln iluiiuliliT, Im In Mr. I-kiiiii h,i)'h, iihynlt ally In ! ti' HhIimI ('' ', mul nei-ila I, uwiliiii I lu t'limrly alum llin troiililn )ua inlinl mul IiIm furiul (iri'Khiii, I 4 'lialii'l in reinarkaliln ili-ri-n - :iCc Mr. I'i'kiiiii lltl tunt lilm, two ",Mr. Mi'ven I very iputnr nitli tlm !: ijulmiii," aalil Mr. Ivkuni yealenlny. OP May i'l, Jimt U-fiirn lii ilrpiirliire ; t Iiii l'nlli"l Huim, Iim wnit liiiilirin ;-fi l (nalluii mul rM't'illini t llim ! I'ivil hIimmI In linn lor liiiiim lit (l,!er In i!"1 "I'lx'ii'iniiy to nH'nk t,i lilm, mul native Hint lori'lKHiTit alike -hi .1 InrMnril In tmiii lila liuiiil. J TH WI'Ml itl'rllli"l III llllll ., bxl lUUlllilll'lt It tlikl'tl u( llltl ! i 91 III It it li liti In I111I1I l.y tli imlivri. V..4 iiHi'l'lii'M wusmiil to Im llii'Ktaml t -I mt liin'M in Honolulu, "f lie alfiilr nl Hie kliiiiiti urn more ,. 'iji. lit iniHiit tlmn t any time k m llin revolution, My 'rmiiil oii 1 ii, I.,iim iijmhi ruiiveraatinii with hut 1 S ipu uf Honolulu, In llint lliero Mill be 1 .1 Ijiii rli'M'iii p lv Ii"' H'liiuli r Jui'iin- g.ivvrniiiehla. I he rf.tili-nla of tlm filun 1I0 hot urn Inr linn lullun (Mml I'ritdin, (ur llicy Imve licanl . 411 Ii bImhH li'mini'Kii ii''rriuii j.rx 1 , ;tu ill tin" fiilniiir tlml II117 think ' fl-lllt Oil I'll lllllVUtll' til tllKIII '! : .'j wiiitl'l nut tare to lmo (iri-nt 1 - ':u I'Kdllillnll It ITiillH llltnlli either, , .,i0 ili lliry have neiveil no enrour ,, . it' iil (111111 tin' I'lilti 'I Halt in tli u :i. r ill miiii'iutiiiii. What Japan in. ! I in l not known. I'iiiiI Ni". at ln tit-v -general in tlm nueeii tali- prlvili'Kttfif gruwIiiK rlmi ami eurnlnu ft llvlii, My ihtn.iiih! uilnlon U tlmt tin' UiiIIimI SImIkh will tinvnr ul tlm InIhimIh, Tliln Iwlii't In liitmul 11 imii tint dirt tlmt, m'lMirilliis to tlm i'iiiiniin, tlmrn urn Mtr tHKI lllltivt'N, CIlllll'HIt mill JllHIIKNIt, wlilli) tlii'iu hiii only J() tH,0 AlnrricHiiN. iirniilliN Hllil KiikIIhIiiiii'II, Yitltliri'lf fouilliH n tin' t uj.l till Invi'itti'il In AtiH'rl nill lillil I Im K'lVi.riniH'iit In ri'iilly Ainiir Inin, itlllioiiuli tlm maivKN Hnt In tlm nmjorlly. 'J'lmy nr 11 mn'ltmN, liiiprov I'li'iit wt, with tin IniNiiii'nN fthilhy or hriiiim, mul run fu.lly u liilliii'iii cil. At mi Aiiii-rii'iiii Hiini'mttion iiiiM'tinx tlmy will nIhiiiI (or miiiitxiitluii, mul tlm lii'kt iluy Nt h roynliHt giitlnrinK H117 wlllrlmtir fur tlm qilni'll. Hlmillil 11 II nioution crry, thi'y would hu lntiiy until Inlluniii'i'il liv tlm royNlUtN, mul tlmn tlioy W011I1I Im w IIIIiik to pnrlit:l t in mi ftllmiit to uwithrow tlm Kovi'Nilnniit. C'lmm HM-kiln, on IiIn riM iuit vIniI to tlm UliiinN, iliirki-ni'il tlm HK'i n( miiii'xiitlon. It liml ulwNya Ikm'ii tlmt hti wiih In divor n( it hut hit i'iirtiiM'i IiIiiihi'K hn NtronKly op hhwi to it. Ili' lUlniN tlmt It will ruin tlm migr iinlimlry n tlm iniitrm-t luli'ir n)kUiii woiilil Imve to I miolinhnl, Hlty pi'r ifiit ol tlm luliori-ra havn Ixdiml llii'inwIvi'N lor thri'M ywnrN." I'urtii-ii who ili'nirtt to ii-t ri'ltuliln Sun rriii'iM'o anil CulJorniit iipwn will lliul It to thi'ir iiitiTi'Ht to coiimill tht) Sun Kmiirliwo Hull. 'tin which Iiuk chiiio to thn front tlm It'U'liiiK iliiily of tlm I'm illr i'iiiinI ; Tint lliilli-llii li:m rt'i rnt ly '.i'. to tlm inivliutiirul ili-purtinriit of ItN ollire onn of tint Ih-hI iniiilinu prrikrii in' In no tlmt it In now printt-il on , thn fuNimt Mini iniHit fi(it t pii'tN know n in thn pnlilifliiiiK liimiiifiui known " tlm "iUNilruplrx" Inwt pri'HN, tlm hi-Ht jiiwo j,,,,. vm, NOTK'K OK HAI.K In tin fdiiiily Cniirl 11I Ilia Hiniti of Ori.nii, lor llin (inn in y il ( iHt'k 'lint. In lint innuvrof Ilie rtnle of J0I111 l. V.iAvm, (Itirt'imttil. Null)'" t" liitrnlijr jil von, tlml In iiirnn,i o( 11 onltT ol k 1 nut. Ii' mul (iiiU'ri"! tj jr Ihf i:oiiti y Cniirl ol Iim poiinly ol iHckminoi, i ol Ori'noli. oil II1I11 7lh tint nt Jiiiif. A. I' . IH'S, III Nti.itf prIhIm. I In iiihImhIkiii"! 11 iiilnlirNlri ol rntlil mi 11I11. will ni'll tl 1'Hinlc mIk n Dm (n in !. auliji'i't n i'iiiHriniil..ii li)r ml'l "Orl. tlm ..limlini ili'rrlli"l ri'nltouiu. Il'inlti In I'l.n'k rniri I'.nniiy, Kliiicif iiifHuti, to wit: llm in. 1II1 Imll ol II. im tih 1.1.1 ..mrliir mi'1 lot Nn Vol MTilnti HH11 town 'I Miuth ol rmi fl ol lll Wllliliull lin.rl.llnll, colllnlllllill i N"rni, liioritor lr. Hulil .li'iiil"f to Im "l'l nil wlnili'r In iirh .ortloii mil'l liiillil" IrnirU innr r fit to ni.fl, Hulil iitln will l. tinolH 011 Hitlurlir. llm "tli tin y ol July, A. I' 1"'', t oii u'nloi'k p. in. mi tint itmMl, III hI. I Im knumm Cinoly Nli'l tnln ol iimioii 'Inrniaol ! In l inli or ninlll. II I'rmlit. Ilimitiiiflo to rriirnMiiiiml if ittHit i.i-urti hy riiortKHKn on tin mrll"n ol rntlil ml f.lltt.. KI.I.A Cill.HuN, A'lni ol llin Bains of John It. olnoti, ilec'it, llrnwiifll A lirrwcr, Attornr)r lor AOln . 6-K7-7 Not K it KUH IIIHH KOR IMHKOVKMKNT Of MAIN HlllKKI, Notlm It hrrnt.y ilvrN, lhl tint rlly (xnilirll ol 1 J rr vni 1 lly w lllrnif I v fulfil Imla lor llin lni.riivf infill ol 111 iMTonUnoe with .hit iinlinniii n pnnllilifil In llin irf ki.ii City Kianrprlin" ol June VI li. Ii All Ml nnut tin ii'oi:iaiilr' with rnrilflnil rlint k In lh 111. .mil ol .tu; aim in.f ol tlm hrlrk In Im ll"fil 111 llin fi.lllrii'Mi.ll ol i'lalrrnl. Ho lilil or hlil will Im rnrnlvml ulinr i 11 rlm'N p. in. il Jnim IVth. InN. llin oily cmiioll n-rvn tlif r I K til to rrjfi I any ami all liiila. A'Mrnai all l.l.U to t'lty lipriitifi'r, ami mark on farn ol en ynlnpa, "I1I1I Inr liour..vf inr lit ol Malu Iret'l." lit onltir ol lily t.ouiiill, Jniinmh, J (i.POIlIKU, T. V. HA Mi AM, II. U KKI.I.V, ft-vn-;w 1 oniiiiluw). DR. L. WHITE, c WJIKN IX K N BY THY TIIK DERTTIST. Ovnr fJaiiflolit'i l)ru Htore, Offlne dava from th lt U 1'itli ol narh month. Artir,' Ul tilli on rulilMT, flml rliti, Ool'l filling. Iriim U 1111. AH work fiiarauuwf. MTIlCKIIOLUKIIrt' MKKTINU. Niitlt'n la linri-l.y rlvnn, that thn annual tnfU liin( thn I-h kli.ilili rinl tlm tirmo'i y Mn II aft tl r 1 11 H ("Oil. toy will I hn III al III ndlm of lhnl iiiiiiaiiy III iiri'Knn I lly ou Mtiinlny, July ih, l-iu. at IU nVI.-'k a in. ol aalil day, fur llin iniHi.n nt nlni-tliiN illrn.tnri if llin l.'or uirHiinii in .r.vH f,,r llm i.tiaiilnv vnar ml ' Iran. rili. k iirli otlmr liiitlnf.t a tuny roinn 1 brfiiro llic atorkholilf r' uifftiiiK Ii II. JAt.Oim. Hi-r y. dri "ii City, June I. If-M. b- Cooke's Stables, W. H. COOKE. IV.anager, Hurrnnor to V, II T A U Co. Comer Fourth and Main Street":, OREGON CITY. The LKADINQ MVKKY 8TAHLE of the City, liin of any descriptioo fiirniNlmil on nliort notice. All kimU of Truck and IVIivery Busi- tii-HH promjitly attunilvd to. llrirjR PoftrrttMl Nnd Fed nn rpflfton- I al ill. turin. MKS. J. HARRIS, Trop. Home cwk I'd inf.als nervid in the hfHt of ithajx'. Clean rooum and bed. Mealu 25 centn. IJoard at reaHonable rates. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrinon, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS HULL ON KAKTH. For general repairing he utands without a peer. For firct-clanH, re liable goods his Uire ih necond to none. Trv him I f i. lirr rik'lit'linml Imihit, Ima 4 t.i Unit l oiinlty 011 a M't ri'l liim.lnii ', I l.ia olijot'l ran fitnilv Ini Kiu-an'it . v. !.t will rt'niilt from li im can only iiijit tiiri'il. If llm Jitpmioati Kuvcrn- -i Ntti'iuptN to tukn tint t'oiiiilrv tlmru r. ; I I k lilotnl-hi"! (or tho rev. iliili. .iiiMa , ) ji.'lit to tint 1'tnl for liiih'ii'liih'iicd Jii ',!) I'nlti'il Mutt-N ii''N to Intorli'Mt. V. Ltllii'i tlm I'.', IHI JapHlii'Mi Nil tlm in '.111 1 will rinit ill nrin rrinnliiN to m ii Tlm Jpiiiit'it Iinvb Unit, well i'.". I rrnlxTN in lUwmiun watorN, Ti .' l'l.lKK) Cliilli'an on tho ialulliU do w ; drf wlictlior tlm ImIuihU rtt taki'ii IIOM18 riK HAI.K Hnalnl l.l'U will tin rfc. ln-.l hy thn Trranrnr ol I Inrkaoina cnuiiiy al liUonienlu Hit! court Imiikv in ori-K'Ui i.'ity. up to 12 M'cliM-k noon. 1 1 i " r..-,., ... r" '" jinin ;iin, in.t, inr tint nin tn imiuu 10 ion 1 . if nn liunlnni i.l ila kimt in llm U...I.I 1 anniiilil ol t..liu ol trie j It f liny I remarked in HiIn coiiiiiftiui), . in vln.lii Nlioii of tho truth of hintory, Unit tlm limn wlio Imvti In'i'n or art' .io piii'iora of thn Itiilli'tiii liBvitulwayN Ift-n I II ml III tin' inlrifliirtion ol improved prmtiim iiui'lilii -i v into t'nli(.inu,i. ollll'. (i. W. I'rottM'r'i nt'vr hull la flniahi'il ut ; Onwrpi.t Iri'ifnn nn. I will Im- roiiti'd hy tlm I nitiht InlloviN i'ii-i it MoihIiiv liiiiim UN lllB Itianl il'llllill'IN llNVI! tlmt lllljllt, the Itnplint Siiinliiy cliool ut .'I to -I p. 111 , nrut'ca cm Ii m't oinl hiitiiriluv in tin in. mill. For Piiiii f ll liinlit with 1 iimo, ."i im; for ddinit hull ini;lit ujih piHiio, I II'. Ml; any nhow f.'i,(HI. IiihhI an Mild well IikIiIixI. I (i. V. rKon-m, 1'roprli'tor. tf R PRIER'S Photograph Gallery. If you want a good photograph give him a call at bin old stand op jionite Farr's butcher nhop. , &. I, "UN T NJ K IT r KST-L .ASS WUKt UUnL Mai knitiN roiiiity, (irfkioh Hnltl ImiihIi tint lo I l-r itiiti Itflnw it. Khlili-rt mv bu (o furnt-h a w n.iy ol bniMl. All Mil nni-t U nrroni.nlr1 I PROMPT DELIVERY hjf f,rM,iii ii flv prr ri-ni f the RiiMitint of j , , .. , , thr lilil. I Im r I hi U ffrvnl In frjtrt uti y or , '"u'''?wzm:u,um,t,, :Do Not Climb the Hill! Orrion I'lly, June , lrf. a I KTOr AT photo'Mt Bargain fi Ely's On iifcmint of removal to .5d J af J. F. FORD, Evangelist, Of Ilea Mnlnea, Iowa, wrltna under date ol March Zi, Wt. 8. li. Mrn, Mro. Co., Pufur, Oregon. Oentli-nifii: On anlviiiK home laat week, I found all well and anxioiinly awaiting. Our littlt xirl. elicit ami oim-liulf yearn old, who lind waMeil away to .'IM kiiiiuI, i now well, troiiK and vioron. and veil Heilieil up. H. 11. Voufli Cure ha ilone Hit work wrll. Both of the children like It. Your 8. ft. CoiikIi Cure bos cured and kept away all hoarne neM from me. Ho irive it to every one, with KrrtinK for all. Wiahinu yon pro"rlty, we are youra, Ma. A Mkn. J. P. Komi. II yon wlah U feel lrh and rbenrlul, and ready Inr the Hirln'a work, elnanae your ya lm with the lleadai-he A IJyer Cure by taking two or three iloaea each week. Micenu pur bot tle by all drungmui. Hold under a jxiflilvc r nar- an tee by l. a. A.fninii. WOOD TURNING SCRllAWING BOXES 0? ANY SIZES MAKDFACTUEED Partiei dcNlrinir Wood Turning, Pat terns. Bracket, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will be Suited hy Callinir on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. G-. H. BESTOW, Upp. tlif C'onKreKational Church C i HOUSE! Wm. Phillips, Prop CAN BY - OK EGO N . TaMe HerviceH not equalled by any hotel in the county. Kooms comfortabl and clean. Charges reaonable. A naoTKeahUt Iazatire and N hil V K '1 u. . 'J. Sold by Iruva-iaor aeot by mail 25c-,tOc.. and flM per package. Bain plea free. TFA f jf The Favorite IKTt FCT-.J 11 li i t U tot the Teeth acu BreaUi. Foraale hy C. G. Huntley. Out of Mkhl. 1 Tin' traveling ptililic an now fully ! allvo to lint that tlif ('liiciiKO, I luct 1 1'nion l'i illc and Nurlliwi'Mi'rii ' niri-ra the virv hi-ht at'i'iniiiuiHlittloiiN to 1 I tlm piidllc from and to Clilcak'o, Onmlia ami Morrinnn Htrcft on or uliout July 1'ith, DAVIESTHE PHOTOGRAPHER, lnt ami Taylor utrwt, will make hiHifi'.')caliimtfor?..r0; PariH inni ln $(5.(J0. All work lirbt claim. A trial i i ac kcl. Now that aprinit liaa come ami you ran enjoy a ride on the river do not fufyvt .. . . . .. . ... ... . . . '...,..-.-.. ft '.) tin' I uitr.l Mati-a, tlirat liritaill, j anil Ititeruii'ilMte miiiiIii, Hot only Uiirinii i lliai V apt. nuiioy ima eouic 01 1110 iini-m I 'bailor Jiip;in. All they ak la the the World'a Kair hut all IIih year aroiind rwdHkiilH out. I'rit-w n-aaoiiahle, POSTOFFICE STORE, Ulyville, - Oreson, Where you can get the highest cash price for Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWKKN THE BRIDGE AND UKPOT Double nnl Single Rijrs, and sad dle horsea alwayH on haml at the lowest jirices? A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information rrtfanlinit any kind ol t(Mk promptly attended to by person 01 letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Full line of new goods at prices lower than Oregon City. LEARN TELEGRAPHY. A trade it pays success Bure. Address. J. O. SEYMOUR, Oregonian Building, Portland. A GOOD ! INVESTMENT l one that brings big returns. A GOOD MEDICINE Is the one that does what Is claimed for It. OREGON KIDNEY TEA wilt cure all Iieavof the Ki'l nmanH I " rinnrtr I ITTIM. Cotlli- paiioa. IMabrlr, ScaMing Fain whrn Crinatinif, Faint in thr I Pack and Urniha, Irritation "I the Bladder. Bnck Dmt DepoaiH and Bnxht'a Disease. CURE YOURSELFand Live a Long Time with out paying Interest on your Leaso of Life, by suffering- FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of small machines promptly made. Duplicate keys to any lix k manufactured. Shop on Main Stiwt. next to Nohlitt's Stables. GLADSTONE A PART OF OREGON CITY, 8 A SUBURB OF PORTLAND. iPROXIMITY TO PORTLAND AND OREGON CITY.: ;ii.f i aUDSTONT is a short mile from Oregon City, and is reached bv trains on the Southern Pacific and by tho East Side (standard gauge) Electric line, running cars every half hour each way. The eame fare J ' that carries the local jmssenger one block in Oregon City, also curries a passenger to Gladstone. As a matter of fact the resident of Gladstone is nearer to the business portion of j Oregon City than tho resident of tho hitter placu living six blocks from the Court House, Electric cars will make the run to this beautiful suburb I in six minutes at a two and one-half cent faro to actual residents. The workman, the business man, the lady who has labored HITHERTO UP AND DOWN STEEP BLUFFS, AND NARROW AND SLIPPERY WALKS, j Can 1HW Htq, ito a luxurious upholstered car at the comer of any block on Main street in Oregon City, and enjoy a truly delightful ride over a splendid road bed, j ' ith glimpses of line scenery and be landed, dry shod, at their very doors in Gladstone. nn Oregon Oitv Suburb Will be so Easily Reached From am Street, ... ... 1. . i it , t . t ... l r... .: 1 ....vtl.l Ia i k.Ma IIa al niirlit VtrnntYi nil Irirtila nf wentrior i 1 t . .1 llun ,,mtw. ml tn wnMi imp instances 10 l lt'ir laoor. to OUSiness anil liroieitsuuiui uu-u viuiiwmu i """to ".iu v ...b..v v...v..,b.. - - v . ... ...ii r,.. trnm ivriliuwl to (iladstonu and half hourly trains will attract many residents from Portland who care more for health, pure water and a beautiful lands than for tho nightly dissipations of a great city. Thousands of business men in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and all great cities, travel from ten to forty miles daily to and from their luxuriant homes hid away on soino beautiful river or lako and thero rest sweetly from tho day's labor. Cars on the Southern Pacific and Electric' lino reach Gladstone in forty minutes from Portland, the Electric lino running until eleven o'clock at night. The one cape TRPET IMPROVEMENTS Every thoughtful buyer, other things being equal, never fails to take into account the future expense for street improvements. In rocky and hilly places it often fc fc. im r ttU ' ,,ronertvis worth, still street improvements are an absolute necessity. Wagons and carriages do not run well over hills and great mountains of rock. i aiineiiH i nil si t'l exiKHinu im"'"""" -i t .... improvements The surface of Gladstone is level free from rocks, stumps, hills or other obstructions. A carriage can be driven at a sweeping trot over it in any direction. The cost of sidewalks and street imnrovemcnts will be nominal. Tho gravelly soil approximates a natural road bed making a street in its natural state, quite satisfactory to all but heavy traflic. 1 i o o GLADSTONE. 0 o Matchless in Attraction A Paradise for HOffiES. The handsomest tract of land in the state of Oregon now for sale on easy installments at from $125 to $300 per lot. Acreage property adjoining. H. E. CROSS, Agt., Oregon City, Or.