Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1893)
! Oregon City Enterprise. BL . - i Clackamas Co. Directory. Judte, , t'lvrk o( Court, Sheriff, Kecurtler, . TrvMuiw, School (-uprlulouJoul, Cunuer, t'ommlmiiuien, COUNTY OrriOKKS. J. W CITY I'OISCIL PKOCKKIUMiN. A Lively lSIH'NTKI.U. NOTKS. Session Sotenil Ordinances. IVtition of A. W. Schwan tor permis sion to eiect a shed on his premises Important 1 Woik iiMn the West Sttlo Scenic ruiitti has been progressing very favorably for ho past two week and they are hjw beginning to got where tliev can see tho beginning of the end. A largo pari ol I ho rock u..rk I THE LEADING GROCERY HOUSj Sidney Smyth K. L. Iliiliiiaii I KU'lurtl 8cnit li'orneliui Hlr OREGON CITY 0PFICKK8 Keoonier. T. W 8iitlkn L. l Porter J. 8. 1'iirdoin J. K Khostlo f J. Uuiin II. K. Cnwu. rhlel of Police -Aor. -Trwumrer, City Attorner, Street I'onuniiiiiloiirr, Hup'r. ol Water Work. City Knclneer. -Counoilmeu C. O. Alhrlirht. Jr. N. tirwiimn, W A. While, J W. O'l'ounetl, J. O. Porter and T. P. Ull, Ku- Council meeuflrtt WednesiUy of each month la city hall. VThe way to build up On-iron City l to jrlre Oregon City people your patronage. FRIDAY. JUNE . 181. ' a ride on tliu GLADSTONE. What .lo You Think of it! A party in search of a desirable loca tian for a home, would have to walk one-half hour from the east end of tiie suspension bridge in Oregon City to find a lot for 200 and up hill at that. You can walk 30 feet and take passage on a splendidly equipped electric motor car and in six minutes for 2iae be landed in the handsomest suburb in the w-rld, where you can buy a better lot for $150, 2rt. dcwn $10 a month. Melilmm c, w. lUiiom I granted. J. 6 wSfhw'fl T,,e chirf of Plioe ""port! having done and the grading I so well along f. j, nmuiri i iiii irirti iiiitui miiii miiii mm iiiirNM hip vi iii i.iua.! n.M..i.i..i: ... .... . . 11. a. ciiiwrn ... t".-. mm inoirscn laying u.a tajhto ui iu n aiiiomiitHi to can be commenced In a few day. The the balance, 8 rents was turned over to ; company would bo pushing the work the treasurer; also one rteer for $11,00, ! more than they are but they ,aye re $3 20 of which was turned into the city j wived word from the builder of their treasury. ear ,mt owiK to ,lt) folmnl for The city recorder reported 1!) arrests electrical good they cannot ship the for May. 12 being for disorderly conduct, ' cars so as to have them here l.foio the four of these paid a tine of tS.OO each I 1,'uli i I'. H..IV . . - ' .-."....II IIIIIU HIP w. h. Howwl j HIU1 80Un wi'M to jail, evon were company are pluniiiiig to have the line ii'.,LekeU-!c. rrr',i,!niHl ,or lH,i"K '"nmt08 of bly and everyihing ready tor the j. i-ooke. j. ! "i which one was uist'iiareeit ' ro inn MtiM'k. i.m 11..' f..r o deposited bail of $10.00 each which was I new road. forfeited and one was lined $50.00 which The Columbia is already retting high wa l,i-,, enough to interfere with' work at the The nuance committe reported favor- new power atation and the company is ably the following billb which were not trying to do much in the way of all0WeJ: j building especially . there is every Portland Hetil. FKvtric Co $170 20 piopect that both it ami the Willamette l.eo. Bronghton i3 00 niuch higher and seriously In- Uladstone Mill Co 2M 00 j terfere wilh work at I he foundation if it I.. A. Noble 21 00 j 1" begun before the waters recede and Mrs. G. V. Church 10 00 j 'or this reason they are waiting hut as John Kelley 67 50 , oon a the river fall will at once bnrini J. S Piirdom 7 TS to push the work a fast as it run tut Chris Hoberg 61 00 1 l'o"B. L. L. Porter 4A 00 ! tret't Commissioner Hoberg ha Wn C. X. C.reennian 5 00 : improving the appearance of Madison W. U. Young 22 00 1 street north of 12th which bn bus ,l.i,l The Most Complete and only first class GROCERY Quality consider ed, our prices are always the lowest. JfoRft PERT? !niHirtcr mul iMr I""" . 4 1 1I1IIT II 7 III vuvvv J Solocted Teas,l'' Colfcos &Spico3 Butter & Cheese from ifbcst dairies Fruit ami VwfiiMes in Season. Business ConductJ On Business Princi- One l'rice to : Posltlvoly noc nectlcn with J ndvertlslnirschtf Cor. 7th & Madison, Shively Building, Oregon Cit! John Ure.n II. L. L. Clark.. The L'nteki'bisk. The Oregonian . . . J. W. O'Connell Street Committee 10 00 20 00 15 80 22 80 4 30 253 28 in good shape. He ha also been grad ing the hill on Fifteenth street. West Mile Jott lug. William Uodbould is having a fine residence erected in Sunset on his lot 1 A Ibuullful Spot. There is no more inviting stream to U found, look where vou will than the Clackamas with ils beautiful bank and iir n A t" I I. ri . its cur spu.kiing wau ra as pure a. iho, The Ce corated Puto lircu tnniisn otal! everiasniig snow lrm winch they How. Many of the resident of Oregon I itv banlly rrahtn the great beauties of the scenery along it bank and have never seen the inviting and secluded nooks where It 1st delightful pleasure toeiid the hour not devoted to work. With the completion of the Kat Side Klectriu line it is ossih!e for the resident of this manufacturing city not only to visit these scenes but to make his Inline in their midst where bis fiiin- GROVE PRINCE, TO HORSE BREEDERS. The Ix'st ooltH an1 those from tlu pore lr.-i Kii(lislt Sliiro Su!!.t GROVE PRINCE. HKtUMTICMICI) ICNCJ. 50MH-AM. ri. I KmCUI lri N hretttt. tuu ai-Mtf ratl nigh, t tt MM k li"n rli'4U Iff. frthrrl In.ti Ut"l I-t . (, SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Prof. Chas. opra house, June 13. j water to run old pump was not allowed j and caused considerable acrid discussion. All ordinance relating to the declara I tion of nuisances were laid on the table Ma-dn, by pr.otist, at the as it was decided that nuisaiuea should ' le declared by general rather than $1000 to any one w!.o can l.fc the Little ! ",tH'ittl oril"""'l--Georgia Wonder at the opera houe !, ,V' il,nnv upon as June 13. jfo.lows. For the iiuprovement of Main . I street lead and ordered published; Strings and ext. as for guitars, violins,; changing the grade of Fifth street mandolins and banjos at Burnieisler & J oruered published; Authoriaing water Andresen s. x , commission to innim ni)mi k.....i The O. C. Mfg. Co' bill for the use of . J "n" 1- I - Uvlor- '' story I ' "i u mes t.e sue nun lower ami one now ami 1 ' rl ' ' i "Miine ami io which he can retire when his duv's labor I three double windows. It is patterned from H.'v. Oilman Parker's at lilsdstone ami will cost aUmt $'.i:0. Lock and Howard have the cunt met to construct it. 1 f . .... .nr. .Montgomery mo.eil 111 Ins new house in Sunset Monday. It has just been completed and ft makes a coxy home. Itenj. Iloolittle bus just completed a neut cottuge which he will rent. It is fenced in and has a well. We undcr- If you wuint an ahsract of title to vnur naased relative to imnrmm,,.,.,. ..1 ptr.i! HtM,1(1 ,"' wi" ,,uil,l residence this i" - ...... property call on Wade H. Spencer, Ore- ( stieet. laid on table one month ; re-; 'r W" Ue' pon City, Or smi. , monstrance airainst the improvement ' A twUl Si',,Ih w1",h" nM",B e 1 n..... , . of Main street was referral ., ; f''"' " ''" l"''lt a small cottage ncr vfi aicc u lull's, KOniTS ' "v in ti... 1 1 . ... .. . .OIMI..ittMe., in Sunset and moved anu aauces. nign kicker ana skirt, , . i-.m.i. h,l.-ii . dancer, at the opera house, June 13. fnr 1 II. .. . 11 presents bis family in. He ' f' ,'1 .J.I . The committee on stills u.I ...,i.i;.. ! ""' "e main part this fall. iroi.rtv Hi.tlw.r;.-.! , ..i....:.. 1... ; William Martin is just coiniileting his ail ha. a.dlti.1 fttll.ll. Ill 1,1.1 rilHR. IcmiMll II i ItrAi.l i:llllU. I... ... Im. ,H iil t'H"' 1 I MC I III 1WK K '"Id IwS Hrr.l by h-h llriuio) Ne(.ill.,ll Tletll Nllt,' Kll.l,, li,-iilr. .T lit ,,.ll.rHh tft , ll, Slf W t a .1, k til. k. v V 1 Ituv 14.1. hr liv llrsTtllali. I'atl.M'k lUtn N.til.rr lir Im.i.I I.I.h.Iu lit h. k. . J is none, a ajsn wneie lie can enlovall the ' ' " " ' ' - f i,,.tM.i pleas,m.sof ibeconnly will, all the ad-j w,a MARE jH SEAS0N QF 1803 AS FOLLOWS, vantages ol the city. ; T,lA,inVII I K, M..1..L1 n -u .1 t. H..I.1-, . .1,1,1. Sotne evening when vmi are tired, Kr,,m m 1.) rn,ii. i, 1 . M li f"fJ ui,i- nni nw r,,. ultlieiliixt ami turmoil of the cny just- . 1 n M .4 si 1 u. kiui, m(i,i ,., n,,,,.i., u 4 u .(hi.h., I ilium nib. 11 .J il... - il. ..'1: 1;.. . I SKl.l.lllinll I txiri.lai h.Kth t J 4 Mil lt, ' ' ' " " --"" a""l"K, CUII.Ml .1 I . 4.. Mr. ... .'.I H.1.1 h'trrt It.m lli.lf.,1., .....l,,, r,JU electric cars kinl la whirled sw illlv ' ' 1 "' r'"ufili .n.i 4 -urri. nil i,,t.i, 1, long tor live minutes w , .vou willi ""MK ma cross the Clackamas tiv. r. then alight j TERtTlS-SeQSOn $12, due Qtend of SeOBOn, IflS. iiiiiK iu vnur ich i.-wn tin" ; rp 1 1 1 . , . js.reain a three niinu.e's walk will bring j Qnee $15' du! Ujhen mQr8 "aknOUjr. tO bt lyoil to the ideal spot for a siihuiban Ujith fOfil. home, Paine for a mnment and look "r"ir ,n...ii,( ,.rr. ,t i ,ci ,, ir an t l,rj iwb-u r.,n..,l V.... I .1 1 rr rt "HI ll"l Im tr..ill..r arrl.lruu llil Dial I aroutiii, 1 on are in one of llie garden j spot of the the universe with imt a riH.t, Frod Coyo, Croom. F. C. PAULI, Mr. Doovorton.s jor stone to ciimner the ground. Stretch-1 ing away to the east are the fisithills of Wanted,-A few more choice loans on j bids for the improvement of Mi 1 1',"'e in ' '' fc-oou v.acaamas coutny urnw. Apply said bids to be opened on June l!) to Wade H. Spencer, Oregon City, Or. The olJ WaU.r ,!OIIUI1!f8ion,M vvn re. ; elected 1. t Kyan for ono year, C. II. , Caufield two years. II. Straight tl.r The Williamette Falls Excelsior com pany is moving its wood sheds down olF; tiie bluiFto the mill. river bank below the j vears. Kev. M. Anelo Uoagherty will preach Sunday mcr.iingto the children, parents ordered to place 1 nil tAaeliwra t 'I, ,1,1 .n I ... .. n .... - ... . . . ... v ...ivi'i,, a asoj l.t l in the evening. Rert of city assessor on sewer col lections referred to finance committee. Committee on health and iolico ' i a closet In the council i building. City engineer ordered to furnish a list Captain Sweeney, U. S. A.,. San Diego, : of " property owners in sower district Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Keraedy j ' ho have not connected with the is the first medicine I baye ever found : sewers within two duyg. All owners the Coast range wilh an occasional snow a tine i'""" in ine instance on a aplH-arnnce. I l,,,lr 'y- 1 nroiigli these hills the beau- Mr. Smith' and Mr. Paine's residences i t,ml Chu katiias winds ils way till it lie have each received a new coat of paint ! ,lt '"r ''''t " thing of beauty and a which adds greatly to their beauty. j joy forever. To the south vou see the J. Humpbiey is building anew barn i '"-''"'i''' "1 mills of Oregon City which on his place on the West Side. j cmyloy their hundreds 0f ,als. To P. r. Morey stables and the largedepot i ,,ie ''Ml north you will see th In hip dow n, i that l.n uiu Put hi f,mf to tin. ground foromii f nm.ltlia Afl..r it.l 1.. . Dill IlllltfS on Illrl West Hi, 111 urn m.u n n I I'l'O Ml iiiauietie W 'Il I. US lower lltu It III. ' ., .. Il II. . I i. r i ... i i. II . . - ,- leu i iii'iuiiiv evening will iir(ri'ave Iiiiihhi iJi:l u'flellon. panting steamers. ,i will he be returned Saturday uiornina' -h- Hn ora is progressing raniillv on the iu pum tor ine nine you have : 1 1... ii..l. I Vmr l.aunilr; rll llutief .Nothing i'xaM'raii' a s'fin inn, li as lo have a litis w!iile U'uf ineni returnr from the liitiinlry yellow ami iniiy, button half oir and In a condition nut tit to Wear. The Troy Steam l-auti'lrr sends out none but llr-t cla Work-a trial order will convince vou. Olll.e with F. A. Waddoc . 'lioit olfli-n biiil.t. Th IVoplr'a Unllrl. Ilea). Ie I'uring the wort raw matiain In ( la. kmaa county, li. I lowing rswni 'k ; ,'ir. . liarl.., ,, Seventh strxu; "Mr l,v' f il'I,i l.a.. ,.. ..i.n'j v. i'4ti now run aroiii,,) that would do me any good." Price 50 eta. Sold by C. G. Huntley. Prof. H. A. Webber of Portland will be Dp on Thursday of this week and each succeeding Thursday for the purpose of giving lessons on mandolin and guitar. For particulars inquire at Burmeister & Andersen's jeweiry store. Now that you are thinking of building and want the very best quality of lum ber delivered on short notice it will be to your interest to rembmber that Glad stone Saw Mill company can supply you with the best and deliver it al once. The water pipes are all laid on .Seventh street, and the hydrants placed and the jMpcs are now being laid on Madison ireet to loth along which they will be extended to accommodate the people of "Kansas City." Fifty cents is a small doctor bill, but that is all it will cost you to cure any ordinary case of rheumatism if you use Chamberlain's. Pain Balm. Try it and you will be surprised at the prompt relief it affords. The first application will quiet the pain. 50 cent bottles for fcale by Georue A. Harding. The Lelloeii children Cora, who is less than 6 years of age, and little Max who will see his 5lh birthday on March 4 have been delighting the patrons of Cord rays for the past two weeks. Without doubt these are the most versa tile and talented children who ever ap peared on this coast, and their efforts have been crowned nightly with merited spplhuse. Sunday Oregonian, May 28. These wonderful children will appear at ! the opera house with the Big Bonanza Co., June 13. The Oregonian states that the First will be required to connect at once. Among the successful applicants for admission to the bar at the leient exam ination were Geo. L. .Story and E. F. Driggg of this city. Mr. Story who has been studying iu the office of Hon. G. K. Hayes, had the honor of standing at the head of the large class as he did west side motor line and ower house.atid blasting can be heard at all hours. Mr. Prosser of Oswego, our road supervisor has had a force of men at work this week on the west side doing some much needed road work. The -pern-yon win tie delighted and Mnloh, Vitall..r I slut you need r charmed. Then when you walk around l'yioMia. Torpid Liver. Yellow skin..- the new sidewalk and nol Hi- Kidney Trouble It I. i ... give yon satisfaction. Priie 7.V Sold on roads and confidently excct permanent improvements in our roads. Frank Baker who sold his farm to the Electric company last fall went to Grants Pass about two weeks ago to I. ... ....I f.. 1.:.. I :i.. not miss a question. Mr. Driggs, who ,i , , 7 has been a student in the office of Messrs. i bU' 'l""' "",n a"d r?1"" Latourette. also reflected credit una. I '' l ro re"1 . ,rove i,e,l,,'r "e moved this week, lie will he greatly streets already graded vou will not won der that the homeseeker is seeking West Gladstone wilh all of ils attraction and riMoltlM ln.rn all lou.ul. In it,.. I. ;..!..... , bllilllilll thpru mill u-lll ..... 11'.. 1.. b.v..,..u . v , u v. . ninoi. ... .iiu iiiuiiitiil . n... r.-.j iiiiiii'. ' - i'i,i,'t . .. .. nruiua ..I il, n ,.l -...i. .1... I II. Snenenr olm ..I,..,.. I... 1 1... ...ii: .. ' market all k in,U ..1 f -..I. . .. I . . i. .. . I ' - '" ","l,ly '. . .,., rJn ni ui nuiii,iuig - .oin .no neillllir ----- nun n,..r . i ,. , . . ... . I llNll. CrilllH. Inliut.'r I .......... , "...... by C. G. Ilim.ley. Fish, Fiii. At llilinphrey's li.h Mr Mi.h.. iiilnn of Orw. I. , ... . -it um up ,,(!, a m-rrfi. if 111 Hit 111 nmt . rv rliKiiinatiaiii in i ut torm. Hireo applirationi famous Seaweed Li lliedy rntir-'j Mr, t, h!s tutors by graduating with honors. The Portland Iteastaurant of this city has partially changed bauds, Wm. Bohlander having bought an interest with L. Kuconich. Under their ioint management this popular restaurant will be made better than ever. The concert given on Wednesday even ing was not well attended though the character of the entertainment provided was such as to commend it to public favor. The trouble seemed to be that it was not properly advertised. Tne base ball club have their grounds all fenced and the grand stand well along towards completion. It has a Karl's Clover Boot, the new lllood Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to missed for he and his family were held ! Co,l''exion ami cure Constipation of loin in this unrivaled tract. For Sule hpiip. J. I.( 'use threshing engine and four roller chop mills. Call on or address. A. !. IUhnks, ?o. (SO, Cnion Ave., Fast Portland. in high esteem by their neighbors. John O'Shannon took his children to Portland Decoration Iay that they might visit and decorate their mother's grave. They remained in the city during the week visiting friends. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Baldorf on Sat urday last a daughter. Mr. Bwire has rented Wm. Godbnuld's ; place on the hill and has moved in. I Mr. Snyder and futnily are living in a part of the h hannon bouse. Mrs. K. E. Parker, and her sister have gone to Kansas and will visit the World's fair before their return. Miss Kebecca Chambers had a biith- day party given her Saturday evening. and 11.00. Sold by CO. crium, ionter ami ovsler l.iv. and dressed chickens. Free delivery to all purl of thecily Lamps, crockery and g'aware of (,. torypri. es. New invoice JBt received I iroiu me east. Will not I at mid See Be Homy A l'.umh. Sold h) ;.. K. .homk.vh, s Madixm Strerd, or at Thayer il olllce, Oregon City, P. l. Itox 2mm der ill X capacity for seating 400 people and will i Their many friends remembered her be ready for the first game on Saturday Mairiage licenses were issued the imst week to Annie Martin and A. F, Boylan, and Alice M. Warner and Geo. V. Ely. V Bott is building a at Clackamas Heights. neat resilience regiment of the Oregon National Guard is i.onsidering the propriety of camping either upon the north bank of the Tuala tin south of this city or on the north bank of the Clackamas north of the city. Should the officers in command be inclined favorably towards either lo cation the citizens of this city ought to take the necessary steps to secure the location. This is a matter that the l-oard of trade might very properly take hold of with vim. There need be no trouble In finding a suitable location for a camp near this city and every effort should be made to secure the encamp-uient Statu of Ohio City ov Toi kih.i Lucas Countv. ) Fkank J. Chknkv makes oath that be is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and stale aforesuid, and tnat said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catabuh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before rne and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1880. (1 A. W.GLEASON, (skalJ Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co. Toledo O. tW Sold by Druggists, 75c. Kindly by numerous beautiful presents and all present bad an enjoyable time. Mr. Shannon has had a tract near the school house laid out in lots which are now for sale by John O'Shannon. This is a fine sightly tract. Miss Williams has been holding revival meetings for some time past in the West Side chapel and several were con verted. The West Side Sunday school is in a flourishing condition under the able management of Supt. J. Humphreys, and we have a crowded house every Sun day. Mrs. Fraxier is secretary and treasurer. The collections are usually large which is a sure sign of deep in terest. Phonograph Entertainment. Arrangements have been made with Mr. George II. Tixbury to give an entertainment with one of the Edison phonographs at the Congregational church tomorrow, Friday evening. Don't fail to see and hear this wonderful invention. It talks, sings or reprodu ces whole bands of music so that it may be heard distinctly in all parts of the houae. 2.'h:., 50c. Huntley. If you are wanting a home in the pleas antest sMit on earth where you have all the advantages of a city with all the ..I........... ... .. i. .i i I m:.... .. I" noun) in win country you I """K in llin Oregon Cilv should not fail to see W.H. Ss-ncer and ""('k m,,l"r F.ntmii misk oil,,- nest Gladstone. You will lose stmrr.1. rrotn h pre ,ii,, ( i, r , " signed near Ints. Mull Justice blanks, real estate blank, ami flinty Oregon, on May 20, Urp r.MKMI'NlHK of. II II... . .. wm,-, oi.tiiKN hi um it.... ii. ...I . , in e. i ortiumi price. In the line of furniture, carpet, win low shade., w.,11 pn.r, ,,, inaltresHesy,,,,,-,,,, .(lt p,)r,,m,, hit Ilk ' x It is lo our interest i,!,.,. .,.,, economical buyer. I!i:uwv.t It, ... ,. .V11",. ""'"'I'1 order book, at the Kntkw'msk ollice ..,. , uoienn you ex- I amine the fine assortment of millinerv goods at the Patk Place store before! purchasing. j our .mines i 'to, N. yl)rK at i gallery and get U,MH :.... , guar- have the el,...,..,. . ' " Lounges, chairs, etc., upholstered iv. i.. iioiman aii work anteed. Ko air all your old lounges for iiiuu money and tiiey will be gooda Old papers for underlaying carpet at this nllire. Wantki,, Tesuis and choppers Pinker, contractor, Oreg (.j,v mandolins, l-v K. orrrel uinre about six y-" Hranded un left shoulder with Ji nd half circle 8.r on riifl't nkle front cut by barb wire. IV reward will b given lor her irtun for information leading lo bet rrn P. J Han b-iil. Oregon, Junetl, 113 Fr Sale nr Kent. TheSevenlli stieet Hvery stalk feed store huildings on lilH-ral " P-est barn Iu the city lJ I's ub'd, Knipiirn on preinlnen, Frieiimn's C,,ir,. 0w,, ;m V ton street, Portland. j ashhurii lllll HIM II. I...... ... . . I ,l..,.il - .neiiier .V a i ., . ! 0., y Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder IS PURE AND SPOTLESS. The only Baking Powder not tainted with Ammonia Alum or some adulteration. Hence food raised with Dr Pric,a u always wholesome. When Flaty White Biscuit, Pastry of surpassing delicacy and flavor, or Cake that is moist and sweet are desired... Dr. Price's Cream Baking P0W(ier IS INDISPENSABLE. When one think of the pric" Hi lave been piiyllir fr 1((r tiphul'fj or Is-dsiemlN, it Is nottrnr j urn siiriiriseil wbeii tlu'T V? ! "icy can vet n iirt ..i II ""'"K" for 1U 50, hard edge M 1 J ""X uiatlress, lu,w Rll,) without b M" f'ir $ l.()i); bnin w bedslilM 1,111 "" n l iioiuiiwi ami y'y "ii'lerstand tin, reasons thereof, ' Kchrsil deportment cards on'1 '''"'li, good r t,.rm( (,1,1m Knti' "nice. Wedding slut lottery, the latest t finest assortment ever brW1' "'"ifonCliy at the Entkhi'iiisk offl' Can you read vnur liiln elnsr. U I w'lo II. Hismeer will iniiko you "inici that will enable you to ilo nolinan A Walling are prepared ' in. ....... i . . . -I- jour uouso heiow Portland pric" Mortgage mm lnirov,., fri' low rules. 0. T. WnH"" POUtlils Tho Ued Front . nails' 25 cei" Tho latest in visiting cards t t'"F mmis- Oxkigk. Price to guit 1