Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1893)
itvgon City Enterprise. 'tHEOULES OF TIME 0 ( T (UN NTKAMKHH. In Krrmt Ai nu, ill, tf';i, NK'nincri Al.lON.l A HA Mi IN A: . ijn HIIXIll KltV. I.V fillllAXli T, III. i :m a in. i I ) mi in K .m u. m. . 4 ,w i in. m i in .,', war lu.tllii 7 . m. t" in, u III in. 'i wi II. III. 't M II III. 0 IV III. iMI'MUV. in. K m "i ' m II i"i m. 'Hi . D .) Ill . rani tilii-rt to I'lintiH wllliuiil iiu llrn T Md llUll.N I'AI IHl' IUII.U'AY N,miil ii mi. Inral ay (tallm,.) . tut int. ,t,,ri,( Kit.. llhr.ii(li) .(iMim Irfii'il ( wainm.) . hi, I l Ill UIH KU. (wur Mniiiiiiai ,n .. m I (May itiiif h, i. in , K .inl K,ir.i Klin, 5 , ,. in - Tlir. M.WI.H ,. Hum 'iHi Nnilli.t a Ill , I n II i M, lj. rlmo mnilll. ) a u.,).jup. III. ill, k'M Tta (,fi,,n II r ti Hr.t'ann. Mullnnati'1 Molallt l U ill ami arrives at Ii M 4alltf. t, rut In f ly, allnk. Clark M-ailnw llnu.k. I vl 1 1 . UmIiiim aii'l I .'ll.n la. al In a 1 ,-! I. Ihii.'lr ami Haionlajf. ami r ,a nil f"IlnNlltK tla. at 4 31 i lit IUIPAY, Jt'Ni: , iM'.t. f fituiriKii !iut k Pa kmknt. Wil- I, ,& Ntnyth, City MnnliHyir Iturliutftun, : "Thern are fi H.'-Kltl miles n( -Mlr.lU'il In 1 k 1'nvi'iin'iita In our i f. Hi" Ami hrlik pavement u . ! .,J HI August, KH. Kilico (J laid the J ! 4 tiri' k pnvi'ini'iit. if i oil, it pavement ' i. i Inh'Ii 1 itl on either liiiiin'a or i, ij.l.'iiro alt rets, imrtaill iImtb I In II, 4 near lultiri., Il ( In um-on all our h!ri la ol heavy trail. c, ( 'olil rui tor sru i - T,inri"l In Kuaimilep, "it 1'oiilit of il l known iiiuhtli- if hrirk wlilrli ihey a 4 n iiilrri In furnish; 5 4r ci'iit of ! 4 r.iiilrurl I'Mrn la iriiilred for our v,j, ii iiivrr liny rJli-imi' fur ri'iturig i!i V' llvt- iniili'iiul, wlili liwill kliow up ,i lflli( 1 1 1 it I linn'. 1 l,i rriM lit m iil it lull .,( Our olili al I'flik u v i mi lit la (but- ;. Imrilly any n(n o i'nr iiriM tiiiji'. St i i l 1 v aiikkliiK, no ii'jmirn liuvo iiiiininiv; kti fr tin only work :i pr iii II, la rniH t li U'i'ii tu rlw r, stlk.t-ii ilui fii ovrr 'oiiik of Hit) lllulfr- fiiiinl )liiii, wllili (iini't xe i '.ii'i'il ii',Hirn. (In mriiiinl of Ita 1 suNolllllPaa It la nlllliwt llii'lf a J I lilmk. Whiln vrry amoolli, it in il all ll'x'ry. 'fn IIiikk Siiuw. Tim Imrw liow . ul iIIhIhiiu on h.itunl.iy lt waa writ ' ni!niliii mi'l tlinro waa a kihmI iiailay ( i,l ft- raa mi ruliililtioll. TliO llltflral of t! 4 f iriiii'ra ati'iui'il tu renli'l inuinly ill ilhijliruvy ilrnlt Imrwa lilih llii-y llml , I- tli-r. H.l.ipl.'il to tlirir work Itraiilin 'i Ml h h llii-v olll nrll to ati iit ti iH'lu-r al ' ;ll'.lt'l' W llt'll tliry hit put mi tlii'iiiar i l A in. in k tin""1 allriirlniK I'li'Hi'u ' I ir aMi'iitimi Ma lint ri r,mii, Blallinn, i luOvit rrinr vtliomtia itiw lit IcrlliiT E v. iili u'imhI mi nil n-r of liiit rullx all ol wlnoli !(! mill iimrkr'l ii in I Irnit to tlirir iit. . r 0 ' I'rlnrii rarritiil oir tlin lilnii rililion, . .i il a a ri'ul ,lrjmini to ami liini a I n i.ini'ti"l iirmiilly aloiiK, tlio fi'tiUT of j All(fa, .. Hi. mil ly liia colta tliri of !ili ii liHik iniai' a" aiirkliiK colla anil m-'t'Cial uh yi'urlliik' mi'l two veur Inif tlm two yi'iiiai olil writfliivl MlM) ) iihIh. It will puy you to a (irove l iiliid if you arn nt all InU'ivrttt'il In Ii 'iH'H ami to ilo an you liavi' only to ii 'p into Nnlilt'tt'a luirn any Tucmluy nfienioon or Wi'ilni'Hituv morning' Baymonii r.ict'HHioMiiia. On Mon i'ii (lieu' i.urty nf lUyuioiul ox nmnonlHla up lnn from I'ortliintl Imv t is at lit'i'ti ilruwn tliitlicr ly lliu liope of iiiittii iiiK a wily aalinon lo lako ttixir liuoka, I mt Monilay wiiHtiot oim of tin' i!ujf tliul UmIi at-ro liitiiiK ami tlit'.v wuro illiiappoinli'il, J)r. Kvciliurt, of Hcran I n, lVntiHylvaiiia, a nicinlH'r of tlie iirly, Hiiiil tlmt Ori'ttoti City ri'iiilnilud liiiQ rn of tlm tuwna in liin ntulo tlutn i)iif pliiri' Hint lui liuil viniti il aint'C li'uv ni tlm Kant, nnil mliliil Hint it Imd liiih'li morn in tlm wityofof fat'toria iinj mil In tluin uny other town viHitist. lid wiih iniirh iuipriHiil w ith tin) (reat ("iWit of tlm fiilln nnil milil that with rii'6 roiintry Imi k of it thin pliiro onulut i rtiiinly to lict'oiii( ii Krcnt muniifnctiir ii'ii. i'iiy. Tlm purty left on TuuBiuiy f'TAIuHkll. I . Ij iMiuiit Havk Hkkn. An Hoi'iihint happened ut Ihti liomu of ('. Ilotiorg on 'IuH(hiy (iveninu which rt'Htilteil inont fit v'oru lily for all nineiirned ainee nch im', fri'tuinlly tumUli tlm initteriul ' r. f.tlul luiNliapH. MrH. lliiherx and tl. 'Uliler weru ut liomu nlono in tlie ''viiint(and liinl a Untiled lump nut titu "n tlm ornan wlien in boiiiu wuy it wus "inet and fell upon thu lloor unit broku m ot i u 1 1 in tlm full to permit tlm oil to nitiont. Thin at otieo eiiut?iit tiro nnd tint fur tlm imiiiediatu prenenee of mind ( Mih. Iloliertf the Iiouhu liuiHt have I'l-rlHlied. She ut tineo threw tlm lump "'"J hurninjj conteiitH out of dixiru and 'lined tlm honH upon it, thus averting a more HerimiH aeeldent. At Camtlr Kkiim. The Btimmer 'miona took a party of excnruioniiiU imnihtiring uhout l.r)0 through the locks 'inj to Rock Inland whuro thny lunded t CuHtlo Kohm. The oxeuraion wus even under the atiHpieea of the First 'lulur Church of l'ortlund and all who ""nt hud a nioht enjoyuhlo day and v re delighted with the beauties of the ' miry. J Wii.1. Not Cki.kiiuatk Monday after noon the Kotiith of July coiuiuitimt hold a meeting fr thu purpoao of mill further coiialilerlng pinna for celeliratlng hut when thu report of thu flnuucu coiniuit ten w iin inmle It wuh found (hut no many of thoaii who waiild hit directly henellt ted hy thu holding of u hern had iiiuiln audi amull contributions that it would he well nigh iiiipoHnlhle to gi t Up U uivi.h(uI eelehiulion urn) a muliun waa initilii mul curried to udjoiirn to mi Pt ut the cull of thn chuiriumi. This uieuna that I hern la to ho no celebration In Ore gon City iiiiIchh thoiw who will bo ili reclly bmielltliHl intlmuti) to tint :om inittce In a prucllcul wuy that tliey wIhIi to have alepa fur celebrating renewed Com.iimi.max HaUMAMN'a Vimit l.uat .MoiidaV aftermxiii (lougrcaaiiiau Itinger lleriiiaun came up fmin I'orllund and lopHn olT in (liegou City till tlm even ing train which In, t.H.k to Clii'inuwa where he waa intending to vlnlt lb llurriaon Iimtliule or Indlun Truining school, Mr. lieriliunn w.ih hern to look after aomt) htiaineaa in roniiection with tlm appointment of a rudet to Weal I'olnt and llie Naval Academy at Aunaio lla Thn ejamlnatiiiti for theatt u Hlntinenta will take place in a few duya at Salem and our irougrehaumn is anxious that all win ih-aire ahull liave the opikartiinity to enter thu t-onteat and If they win will rccuivtt thn appointment and tlm Wmcllta rf a g"od vihicatlori In-1. ,Ni I'Mr.iima - On Momluy fveuinu the nienilH'ia of Compkiiy !' were meua ured for new uiilfiirms which am to Ni liiaiki for them by J. M. Mover A Co. of Cortland. TIicini uniforuis uru pint of lire equipment which is Ix-ing fiirniahed by tlm stulu to thn National (iuuid and tlm boya aru hoping that they will have them pi lor lo the limn when they expect to go Into encampment, as thu uniforms which they now have aru becoming ipiilu ahuhliy. The pnlita w hicli the larva ure naing iri catiliecUoil Willi tneir unifoiius re llinmi which they tuiuuht for thi ol elves without tlm aid of the atute. 1 hn coiiipuuy in lieguii City hit a pnid iic.rn uiniiey out of (heir own xh'UcIs dining the Imm that it bus Udunged to tlm ri'giineiit lliuu It bus received from the atute, Tu k Hihoust Ykt. Tlm salmon usually caught at the fulls with ni.n ami line are the yniuic ones weighing : from two tu live pi. inula but nrcuHnliully an old sluger takes the book and is landed. Saturday evening there wus on rxhihition Is'fore tlm jmim! olllii) the biggeat aahnon cuiighl Ibis aciiaiiii with hook and line. Il was ranght from a bout aiiclinred below the fulls and for- Itunalely the bout sIiM-d lis anchor ' whi-n llrn salmon was hiaiked and b Ifore be was lunded tlm 1m.uI hud reached and was circling in an eddy In-low tlm nT mills. It was four feet long and weighed .'IS'ij jmunda. Will. 1 1 a v r Am IIhahkh. The Kat Side Klci-iriu ruilwuy ronipany is pre paring lo place air brukea on the curs plyinif Uitween this city and l'orllatul. This will ihln them lo operate the curs lo much better advantage and to stop on shorter notice which will l a factor in enabling them to ahorten the running lime. As the air chambers will l pumped full by the uction of tlm cur when running down bill so that no powers will ho reipiired to operate the iiuini they w ilt prove quite a conven ience not only to tlm motor men but to the traveling public as well. Tun Iiw kk HivKK. Parties who have occasion logo down ttie Columbia as fur as Oak I'uint w ill find it to their interest to take the pleasant sU'aiimr Iraldu which after thia will leave the Washington street dock in Portland for Oak point and way landings at 3 o clock ilullv except Wednesdnvs. This allows 4 those who live below 4'tt hours in lVrt land. Tlm Iruldu Is one of the most nccommomiting boats on the lower river and those who pulronixo it may be an sured that they will meet only fair and courteous treatment. Ji Nioit I'hi.k K.ssavs Lust Sunday at the meeting of the Junior Society of the Iluptist church the essuys on the biblu were rend and the following named persons were entitled to the which hud provihusly been ollered : McKelsey Thomas, tlrst prlr.o; Olive Thomas, second prir.e;Mettu Finley and tiruce AVhitlork each thinl prizes. There were aeverul present besides the Juniors. The first Sunduy In July essays will he read on the subject "How to Behave in the House of Uud." Tiiky Want Wouk. A muss meeting of unemployed men wus held ut tho pla.u in Portland on Sunduy ufternoon and tho following resolution was pre sented and unanimously adopted: ,,Ko solved, That wo demand that the city council furtiinh emplovment to thone who aro law-abiding citi.ins und arc out of work, hut who must logically in time become a menuce to tlie body politic. Men must huvo bread and to obtain this they must have employ ment." TitAVKi.i.KHS Attkntion. Tho World's Fair and liustorn cities. Save fare to Portland and re-checking of baggnge by purchasing your tickets of L. B. Moore, agent, H. P. Co. at depot. Tickets over all roads out of Portland and all Eastern roads, w It Hamilton A Washburn are paying the lushest price lor grain, hay eggs, etc. ENTIRE STOCK AT Some Popl Tay Is! Uat Do You Heap." WE fDEAH JUST WHAT UXE SAY. WE MEAN TO DO IT, BECAUSE WE HAVE TO DO IT. THE LONG RAINY SEASON IS THE CAUSE OF IT ALL. TRADE HAS BEEN VERY QUIET AND WE HAVE ON HAND A VERY LARGE STOCK OF Spring Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods, WHICH WE CANNOT AFFORD TO CARRY OVER. SATURDAY MORNING MAY 20, WE WILL INAUGURATE THE GREATEST SALE WE HAVE EVER GIVEN. WE NOW OFFER OUR El lottyir Ve Must Have O'CONNELL & KLA The One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. In Ir.M Watknh. Last Tuesday avs Joe Meldrtini ami Clitlord Gray were playing on tlie raft of aaw logs near the limit hour-o the iiiiufnrtune to fall in the river und hut for the limelv uaxirU snre ol two larger boys who huppencd to lie present they would both have been drowned, Joe was pulled out by Web Hums who munaged to reach him and get hold of hia cout but Clifford wa-s not us fortunate as ho had sunk twice before dim. Prow had reached him and pulled him out. Thut is a had place for boya to play and a fatal accident is like ly to result if the boys aro allowed to congregate there. Nxw Phkmium List. This ollice is In receipt of a number of copies of the new premium list of the State Fair for 1!3 and will take pleasure in study ing them to our readers aa long aa they lust, or by calling on the president of the society, Captain J. T. Apiierson anyone may ob tain a copy, They are very neatly and carefully gotten up and give promise of an interesting program for the fair which ohiis September 11th and continues through tho week' The society offers $15.01)0.00 in cash premiums for this year. HrsTMNu at thk Wokks, Last Fri day night tho watchman discovered that tho coll'ordum above tho pulp mill wus giving away and he hastened to give the alarm so thut ai l might be procured. A force of men wus at once summoned and put at work repairing the leak but in splto of their efforts it looked for a while us if they would not 1k ablo to prevent the entire dam from giving away hut after a timo they succeeded in get ting tho water Htopped nnd no further trouble has been experienced. Ciiii.iiukn's Day. Next Sunduy will he observed at the Methodist church in this city as children's day and a special song servlco has been prepared, tho principal parts of which will he sung by the children, these to bo interspersed with responsive readings that will prove very interesting and all aro cordially invited to be present. Services begin at 11 o'clock. To iik OitDAiNKn, Rev, J. A. Kck- storm of the f piscopal church will bo ordained at Trinity church in Portland next Sunduy morning at 11 o'clock at which time special interesting services will be conducted by Bishop Morris. Quite a good many from here are intend ing to be present to witness the cere" monies. ' The Park Place store lends in prices on doors, windows, shingles and all builders material. F Reserved. the Coin. Call PURE DRUGS. Ke.icli Jay we are adding new chemicals to our stock and propose to keep thor oughly UP TO DATE. We handle only thoe chem icals and drugs that are of the Highest Standard of Purity and Excel lence. If you send your prescrip tions to us you may feel con fident that they will be carefully and skill-' fully compounded. C. G. HUNTLEY, Successor to i Caufield & - Huntley. Near Court House, Orgeon City. Base Ball Supplies. We arc able to furnish every thing in b'ise bull goods at bot tom priees.andsolicit aconipari son of prices with any Portland dealer. Irpaulding league balls, leauguo bats, league mitts, legal masks, all sold at club prices to any buyer. Sole agency for Spaulding's goods. Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City, Or. P. S League balls new selling at $1.25; regular price $1.50. verytyii and See Us and be Convinced. SPRING TH0S. CHARMAN & SON, ThePioneerStore -Latest designs LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Wraps and Jackets. The largest and best selected stock ever brought to Oregon City. THOMAS CHARMAN & SONS' PIONEER -:- STORE. Complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Hardware. Five Stores in one. Your order Filled Whatever it may be. eC.P. WINESET.H UNDERTAKER AND EMBAUER. Largest stock of Coffins and Caskets kept South of Portland. Also cloth covered and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies and Uents' Burial Robes in stock. Fine Hearse ready at any call. CANBY NURSERIES, MILLARD J. LEE, - - Proprietor. A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Etc., WHOLESALE .AIT 3D BETAIL. CANBY, - - - OREGON. COST! eta (joes. and styles in- STOCK