Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1893)
Oregon City Enterprise. tubllheti Kvery Frklny. CHAS. MKSIJRVIC, l't'HLIKIIKK AND I'HOI'KIKTOH. be hn.l in compressed hales ftr about J lolUf . goods in smh countries a mini of pmlU he eents per ixiuiitl, m.. nt aucli Hkum-h my j yond oaloulatl.m In paid and h meat deal of iiriKiHHim 0.111 tei "H'lil ol me as long as I j Course 10 oilier tuitions. In It limu to Ih'kIii ciiii p't them luiit down here for Unit priee, j to surprise both our people mul lorelil nu ninl Hint is cheaper than one ran raise Inn j lions by a nd toward keepinir tli money own lohacvo. About linlf a doteu of my of tln ('lilted Stales itt home. Mul .illtiiiK neighbor lioptrrowers, o y rooMinnpti.lii-1 a mop to the patromi,.,. or oilier countries lion, used (ohaivo lor nprAy inn (lit ir hup. , to some ex tent? yards last lull, and every one of llieni has j been highly satisfied viilh the result." I OFFICIAL PAfER OF CITY AND COUNTY.! . co-or.KR.mrj-: ri..i. SUBSCRIPTION HATK8, The Illinois Central Kailroad Coniany Onayear. '. . . . fj ro ,,IW ",lomu',',l I'1"11 V w latoti its em. 81 mon tii , f ployes may become stockholders. Tills Is a Three moiulis, 40 i svsiem nf nuwiii . 1-,.,i,.,...ii.,.. 1.1..1. 1. me fiven ou application, entitled to more than passlnir notice, ami n nun mar prove an titiH-rtnnt precedent. The railroad problem in Its financial phase, is still unsolved ami is heconiiiiK more ami more complicate,) all the time. Any new departure lias in its favor the fact that a change eonlil hardly he for the worse. j The Company oilers to sell to its ollleers I and employes one share at a time, and at a I fair market price, to lie ll.xed when apnlica-1 lion is made, the purchaser to pav for the 1.. ... I i .. I .... fume in or iiiuiiipics 01 rive, lien one Entered at the Pot Office In Oreon City, Or., as second class mailer. FKIIUY, Jl'NK 9, 1SU3. The ENTERPRISE piaranteei .nr bona Ide elreulation than that of the other three papers In the county combined. A commencement f ,0 ureal a stcn hv our people Is the llmllng ol means In I he country to buy nil worthy securities; mid I lie nex; step is, to put the money in such securities and hull. I up the enterprise of the nation, The next step Is the hull.lliur of a proper linauclii'. institution In the coun try to grapple with the prohleni and begin Katherinnoi the wealth of the world lor our people, to the extent that a proier ap preciation of our dutiei and rlnhts as a na tion demand. Mol Ire f Dissolution. TI10 firm heretofore existing under tint firm niitiit) of Witicsot ei Si iipulto Is tliia day dissolved liy liiutiial I'oiiHcnt, All persona knowing tlicinaolvoa Indehtcd o llio sniiKi w ill please call mul aelllo ly cash or nolo within thirty iltiys. S, 1''. Sritii'ii ttK, ('. 1', Wl.NKHKf, Oregon t'ily, June II, ISM. Arlnicklo'a l.lon or Mokuska colleo L'5 ceiilM at Tim Hod Front. AGENTS FOR THK ENTERPRISE. Onweeo, Oanby, Clackamas, Mllwaukle. luiou Mills, -Alms, Meadow Brook. New Era. Wilson villa, Park Place, Barlow, loadstone, Stafford, atuiino, Carus, Molalla. - Marquam, Euttevllle Aurora, Orville. - - EaRle Creek, Kiiiinyside, Damascus, Sandy, Salmon, Currinsville, Cherryville, - Marmot, 0. W. Prosser lieo. KnU'hl A. Mather Oary A Wissluner li J. Trtilllnaer E 8 Hrsmhsll t'has llonnsu W. 8. NewtH'rrjr - ItenrT Miley Hamilton Jk Wsshhuru - Sirs. U. A. Sheppard T. M. I'nwi J. O. C. T ll.iwsrd K. M. .'tsper Annie MtihM. E. M. Ilsnmsu B Jeniiliiits - K. Itiesy L J Perdue 11. V iltiern John Welsh J. C. Klliott F. tiiKtseh Mrs. W. M. Mclntvre Ohkoon City has as rich an country hack of and continuous to It as can lie found anywhere In the stale, hut the great trouble with it at the present tune Is that it Is not developed lo anywhere near its full capacity. One or the factors which have added to Orcon'i prosin-ritv in the past tew years, w bile the Sound country I111 snare has oeen paid hr another may I pur-1 "' ul!erui rroni financial depression, chased, and so on as lon as the purchaser '" It" rich aKrlcultuml sectioua whu li is connecieil with tin road. The shares of I invariably yielded ahundaul cropa stin k are the same in all resct.s as other I '''l'n have b'en aent abroad in return for lieo. J. Currin shares, giving the usual ri;li to div idends and power to vote. PuriiiR (he time ol payment interest is allowed on payments made at -I per cent. If a purchaser shall make no payment for a eriud of twvlve mouths the presumption j will le that he does not to coixpleie ' the purchase, and his money will lie re-1 funded with interest. This one share and ' iiisinmuem piau uocs noi preclude the pur- money much of which has come from the Annul itself in return for our vegetables, our fruits and our cereals. The llural Northwest says that " the business men of Tacoma and Seattle are taking a good ileal of interest in the matter of developing the farming interests ol the country tribiilitry lo those cities. This la very w ise action on their part. No really great cities can be built 1111 without lame ami iirosoerim. ft Ks1" (uiiivof clump"cul prion," oirwrett by u 11 a 11 1 hurl leil ilcdlera as IKx'tor 1'ii'itv'a ieiiuiu lllistielinti. To p r a t n I fraud and liupo aitioii, thn i-nu-t'ae (rminiiifivii nusiieliii am sold , , only through reg ularly authortrrd aijrnta, and nt the follow big Ioiik entithlishcd prion ibikleii Mistical 1)immvii jt (for Uver, IMikkI ami l.uug I isiimi (1,1) raTiiiiio 1 rewTiptlnu (fur wonuina wik tiiwse and ailment! l in) 1 kwwiii renew nor me llverl. , . 'Stc. Hut at thiwo price, w hlch must I si nld fur vimr im, ,,r, 1 a ninuc uu an nol only the beat, but they're the cAeoiMt, they'ro iiiininr-rif in every cairn to Iwiiellt or euro, or iim money ta rvrtindtsl. Tim nuuiufiiiiurnni 'take all tba risk byaell Ing them on Wt an nuiil U, y,.vr in.riii;rin nir but omier li aileinpt to ut titlltn otlwr mishelnoi for tio, by rnxilll ineiiding tlwiu to ) "Just a uikhI " ouljr Uutt be may nuika a Urgor prvtlL COPPER RIVETED r n ri a aw ssr' s OTTOM'TAN ADORISS: BAN fRANCISCO, CL cnase ot a larger number of shares of stock 'arming community 10 back them up. The for cash. , change from developing real rstnle tuwiin. TOBACCO SFRAYIXG, Mr. G. Muecke of Aurora gives this as his experience in destroying the hop louse. The extract is from a paper read before the farmers' institute at Harlow. He savs: "There has been so much written, so much advice given, so many controversies had about the best spraying materials for the hop yards that, after reading all of it. and trying for the last two years almost every one of the recommended best' sub- oiaiii-ts mm materials, I nnally became ut terly disgusted ami was just about giving op all hope when I learned a way to save them. Why the hops were not destroyed and bow we saved them from the lice which a month previous had so thoroughly infested me lower yam 7 yon may naturally ask. I most emphatically answer, we kept destruc tion off bv spraying. And spray we did (in fact almost too late) for six weeks, right along; that is to say, six weeks before and right up to picking time. What did we use? We used tobacco and whale oil soap, ami when our small supply of whale-oil soap gave oat, we made the commonest kind of soap ourselves, by boiling common grease with concentrated lye and water, and I be lieve it answers the purpose just as well for the soap only lends to make the spray- i mg material stick to the plant and leaves you w ish to spray. But the true and most effective insecticide is tobacco juice. 1 have found this out to my entire satisfaction. Whenever tobacco juice hits a leaf infested by the aphis, you will quickly see the aphi des become white, and a few hours later brown and ihriveled up, and there is the end of them." Mr. Muecke says that he was led to adopt this method by learning of the experience of a merchant whom he met in San Fran cisco and " who owns a large and handsome place and residence In Alemeda. California. He is a great amateur horticulturist, and basin his large garden many ot the choicest peach trees. But some 'infernal insects' bad made tbem look sickly since the last two or three years. He tried every recom mended remedy, but none did any good. At last he took over with bim a small lot of tobacco stems, made a decoction, and up the juice went right into the leaves of the trees with thrice the force which a true Vir ginian would use in squirting it into tbe fireplace. The result was astonishing. Within a very short time the leaves became bright and perfect, and the fruit was mar velous. It seemed to have been demon strated that tobacco is not only a sure In- sect Killer but a great fertiliier, not only for vegetation In the root but for the very leaves on tbe branches of fruit trees or vines. The same gentleman was so enthusiastic about his results that he advised and urged me to use tobacco Juice in my bopyards against the hop louse, and he would guarantee suc cess. It was then rather lale in the season, the hops just about commencing to bur out. Vet, rather than again let the aphis or 'phorodon hiimuli' eat me up (or rather my hop yard), I was bound to steal the march on them if I could. I procured a good lot or tobacco stems, soaked them in hot water, strained the liquid through old bags, and, when cooled, mixed with soap and water, and up went the juice and down out of ex istence went the hop louse. " There are also other greater advantages in using tobacco over all other spraying ma terials : tobacco Btems are cheaper and their substance can be put into use quicker than anything else; you can make at least two emulsions or decoct ions from them within a few hours and then use the residue stems as tbe best and most effective fertilizer on the hopyard, by putting them around and plowing them under tbe hills, a grub worm wtll never go near, and it may I say it Ir. the event that the purchaser leaves the service of the company from any cau-e, no matter what, he must then either pay in full for his share and receive a certificate therefor, or take his money, including in- Mrs. M. J. Hammer I totvsl up to the date of his leaving the serv- Adolph Ascholl 1 ice. This Is clearly right and rir all I around. In fact we see no objection lo any j feature of the w hole plan. Apparently the 1 details have been framed in a way to satisfy and be fair to both parties. to developing agricultural resources Is most healthy one." In view of the fact thai there an. so many acres of unimproved land well suited to ng. riculture in the immediate vicinity of this place would it pot lie a good Idea for the business men of this community to set about establishing inure Intimate relations . between themselves and the fanners which shall lend to a rapid 'development of the I rich farming lands contiguous? ISOOTHIN Now is tho timo for summor hats. Wo ha; just what you want. Children's Hats in Black or Whil Straw with bow or wroath only 60 com, LADIES AND MISSES SAILOE: In lino Mack or whiti- triiiinn l with n'uU .K) The best Sailor Offered Anywhere for 25 cenJ I.iir(,'o nsnTtiui'iit of trim )-! lint latest ri'lmn nml 1t, fr.iiii l.mtt.. Best Flour, per bbl. - S3.5 Arbuckles or Lion coflcopor lb.Ssj ! Cocoanut, per lb. - - 2$ I Beans, 25 lbs. Itie Inter Ocean says of this plan; "Thelbcsi ways to bring this about is to make primary object ot the board of directors of '''is a good market o uter, the Illinois t'entrul is to establish and main-! ; tain a community of interest between the j Til of ... early completion of stockholders as a body and the employe, as the Nicaragua!! canal can only be under a body. It must be conceded that the at- j stood bv a comparative statement of the tainmentof such an object would be a great ! saving which ocean transportation involves thing, and that not only lor the people in i The saving upon the freight carried by the direct interest but as a precedent for other ocean is not all that has to h.. eo I.,l i corporations. The company has no stock making this estimate, as the ocean freight- .or sa.e m ,ne ordinary way. ers act as a regulator on all freight rate, e- The result of this system will be awaited : reft on perishable goods. With the com. with interest by others besides railroad mag- j pletion of the canal the v olume of business, o.ueers, and employes. If it works which would at once lie drawn to it by rea well in this it may be tried in other , son of the greatly reduced lime of transit hues of business conducted on the cori.o-i and the cheapened trensonrt,..!,.,, u..l.i' In thesedays the tendency is lo ! still further militate in ..f tb twirl- coast. I'pon this subject the Hun Fran cisco Call says: "Over liUKimO tonsof frelthl 1IEUEVI rEVEltlHH I1KAT. fliFTVENT FITH. CONVrmiONH. PltrsfUVK A HKALTUY aTATK Or TIIK CXiN 8TITCTI0N VVHINU TEllloD Of TEETU1NU. Be that the words "JOnS BTmA!l Ch.m. lt, WlrrorUj, Bunny," ara eimrvrd ou Ui i Ine of the i orernru!U Hi amp affllml lo eacti packot. Sl.o: SupirM nf nil jint'li's ly line H- tho iiirk ill rt. l!i iiii inl. r wit If urtiiii'i.t of tliii fi.H.iniiijj: a-8nld by all LeadJnf DrufgUU. rate scale corioralions in almost all large lines of business. It requires o much capital that '"""' en.-.ieo ooi. i nc corpo-1 will have come round tbe Horn in clipper rale system is to business much what ma- ships in the year which closes next month chinery is to manufactures. There are On this local merchants will have made a hand made goods still, but they cannot sav ing in freight of at least f, per ton. This compete with machine made, and so there is at least worth .APANESK CURE A new mid coniplrm treatment.'llni, U..M).1 111 In nail Ira .1... . lt.i and IMIla; poalilve eure l..r Ktteriial. .Mir.uai, iiiiiiu nr (iimiiiiif, llrnthtf, I hrollle, Hi ei i.l nr Hereditary J'liia, mid many diwaaea nd female Wi-nkllea.e.; It la aw)a (r(.i bent-Ill in the KMiii-ral brail hi I he flr-t i "HT in a nu oil al eure render lua an -1 n r i . 11 wlih the k.nlB iifiu.marr hert-nlirr. Ihn fined haanrwr Itch known In Ml ,,r .u'." . ;,"'" by mall. Why 'r-nn this terrible dleaM when a rlllen pMlaralllrn l"Kiven (villi al lKir. In refund ihetinmry it not eured. Hend xamp fur free sample. i,ilar l.lee I.miinI ,y V,hii,i,i I.AKkr A f... i, "ale Slid retail dni(irlla, ,lr anelili. Pnrllali.1 Teidiii. For .ale b 1: 0 lliiiiilvy, tireoiu:iiy' Moils', Hoy's, lijulirs ami Children's SIi J MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS. 1 M't'ss pnn tin a in t triiiiiniii; li-A ijuality aii'l ! iitnl. rw i ar, t-tc.. wITh It art nvr.-t r i in tln t oimtv. Park Place Store !., are many great lines of luisinesa must be conducted on the joint stock plan. There is bardly a railroad in the country which is not corporate property, and for the most part factories are owned and 0eraled on the same basis. The exwriment of the Illinois Central is being tried for all corpo rations, and may point the remedy for the present antagonism between labor and car ital." COXFROSTED W1TIIDUTV For some time past Edward Atkinson, a radical free trader in theory, has been in consultation with the treasury department muili freight being shipped by the Horn has also a healthy reaction upon rates overland, and therefore the gain to the coast is general. At this momint tbe freight coming to California by clippers is estimated at .'17,'") loos from New York, AW jo Ions from I'hiladc Iphia and Ji mj tons from Baltimore. This is a healthy sign that California is not wholly dependent on the Southern I'acillf, but can llnd oiner means ol transportation when dis posed to act." A New Yokk paH-r is authority for the statement that "half the money of New I York is I Villif itl Vaults mid aulea IU.V..M.I regarding the policy the administration the reach of business, and because 'its own shall pursue relative to the rnlleetinn nf I n far. r,. i .. . .. iKjt nu viic uih 1 1 1 em se. i ks, ami nave revenue, and he now says, using the pro- no necessity for doing a business them- i&sr a n rial WMi i vr. i j? r. ai noun "we" in referring to the a.luiinistra. tion: "We are compelled to face the situation in which more revenue and not less is needed. The result is that it will not be possible for the administration to present a bill which will make any very radical changes in the tariir, or be a serious blow to the protective system. The fact is that in my opinion the administration will do very utile, inaeed, w ith the tariff, for the very good reason that it will not be able lo doso. There will be some changes in the articles which yield comparatively little revenue. Probably many of them will be put upon the free list. This will be true of those ar ticles as to which the cost of collection very nearly approximates the arnountof revenue collected from them. The details have not yet been worked out. Knougli has been discovered, however, to make it very clear that comparatively little will he done with the tarlf by tbe administration. It will not be possible to do much." selves." This is no doubt true the country over, and not till general confidence is re stored and this money returned to circula tion will better times result. Tub city of I'hlladclphia has set apart f JO.OjO to relebrate an old-fashioned Fourth of J uly. There seems to be a general ellort this year lo revive American patriotism. The Inter Ocean says ' this is well. Edu cation In patriotism is what young America needs, and it wont be a lick amiss to some of the older ones w ho thirty years ugo hid under the hand wagon." n -eta., tfJVir .Viet" mi l Nl, tlXJjicr 1UU!cJ1 u..occiitBauu. yiji.J wi... . . '.V . I J.1' " tirnmiiryrum - , , , i.OU:.ia. i roup, Sore A? mi 'V-"5!?"""- Coiih .in.) Ast. ma Inr Consumption If bna nu riviip has cured thonaonda, end trill crn v.,r iV infM '"r!"0; lJ'.,': !t:,tl; U J !' ",""r' BHILOH'8 likL"' AlloKSA Ma'c j .K iiik.-iii, 1...1... ;: . . . ,., ,.. v , tood tcic.neyi;.!. Pet... For sul l.y C. H. Huntley. I 'I. !UII . I' l'fu'O. Mrs. Million's Kiile. When lrH. Million grx-H to ri.l travels forth in Htato, Her liorsos. full of fire and pri.Io, prancing from the jjHte; But all the beauties of the day hI.b views with lungui.l eye, It reems then that this administration I fIur f,eBh in weakness wuatcs away, her NO l V E OF FINAL 8ETTI.K.MKN I. t herebv tlv-e notice i. I l... ai...i .1.1. .1.. ,t7 i'i v-oieMsinaa r. 1. inly. Oregon my a.Tmii.i, , v,,.i,.t.r. fr flnnl x-ttlemeui i.f Ibeeiiaieof J.ihn Wllaon deeeaaed. ami thn ""u", "l'l'i...eil lite mat Molnlay lii All ivn, for the examination and eii1ni,.,it f UAVI1) VtlfaiiN. June S, ls'jn. 0-111:7-1 Prices on furnituro. lonnef; , .v vuuvu, viv,, aicv v U 1tlA.Uli il lliiL. ble. By judiciously buying fir niture, and by manufacturing oi: OWn lminfTOcimnffrAcarke. f n J tuvVA VUkJlO UIU WU ttii able to sell at tho following mid ; 1 SI W - I . wnicn are 25 per cent, below Porf land prices or any over given zt uregon Uity Before today. Lounges, common. .... Bed Lounges, hard edgo, -Bed Lounges, snrini? odirnq at.lSes bolstered, 30 springs, NOTICK. I.'. 8. Hill! go band Ofllce, Oregon City, tnnii,i ( omplalnt having been entered at thin nilicc by Henry N jih.i.n analnat Kollln T llroolt. for Rbnnd.inl.iir hia llome.tesd Knlry No si,7 dated Deerinber W. sm. nt.nn tl,.. ...... ' I He lton .10, Towiishlliilshiilh. Itanite h east, In " ""''iiiii. wrriMiu, wi.ii a viewi.ithe eaniellatlon of said entry, Die said pnrllea are hereby ...ininoned to appenr at this ..lliec on the sth .lay of July, yock a , , . rep,iid and furnish testimony oon.eriilii aiild aliened abandomnei.l " ,.,., J T AI'I'KHHON. Heirl.ter. IHV ra PKTKK PAy'JKT, Woven Wire, Bedsteads, VVu do tli is iii order to kec laixl, where tlicy, ,,ot knowin- lilivinir ni f.,l...l . V " h l.ll'UHHIS Jll'ICfs) ( all in and sec us u-Ik.h $50; 12.0 3.:! 1 pfojilt- from gtii)ij to I'i "ur tiricL'H. nrt( tftlkctli: d'l'lUISC tlll'V nrn in Purtlnn.t J -.... .... Villi nrn in Ilii-ii Imvi ioiii ui'K'iv lie v stock if XT ATT t , , , ajaj rnriitt w as low as the lowest. find !iich pu does not find it as easy to carry out the the oretical Chicago platform when confronted with the important duty of supplying the treasury with funds necessary for carrying on tbe government. As has often been learned by parties before, it is very easy to criticise when there is no responsibility of administration, but not so easy to apply the pre-election theories when confronted with the responsibilities of government. d MIGHTY LOSS. Just now many of our people are specu lating on the cause of scarce nionev. and the following suggestions by the Empire of Finance and Trade may prove interesting as well as profitable food for consideration: By the calculations of some of the fl..n. may in future even keep the bop louse, cicrs of England the people ami govern- n Tl. n. .:..- J .... I . .0 ... .. . .. voice is but a sigh For Mrs. Million is in an advanced state of catarrh, und all the luxuries that wealth can buy fail to give her corn fort. Hlie envies bt;r tobv wuitinv.muM and would give all her riches for that young woman's pure brentb and bloom ing health. Now, if some Inie and dis interested friend would advise Mrs. Mil lion of the merits of Dr. S, age's Catarrh way. The quassia chips, no doubt, are also a good spraying material, but why use an article which is more than twice as dear and which takes a much longer time to make an emulsion from? And the residue you cannot utilize. In Kngland they know Tery well that tobacco as an lnsect-ltillerex-cels quassia chips by far, but there tobacco Stems are about three times dearer tban Quassia chips, and that is the only reason uy angnatj nopgrowers use mentof the United Htiitcs pav interest tn capitalists of Great Britain on the sum of $2,000,000, (Ml of bonds and stocks of all kinds, which at an average Interest of 4 per cent amounts to the great sum of 80,000,000 jirr year, in oiner turopeun nations as much more is paid for the same purpose. By the people of oar country who go to Eu. rope for pleasure there is paid to the steam. ship companies of foreign nations, and to ins inrri inflnennianr aunh imiiinu i. . Ti... .... ' I r ' ' -" "'"""i much as Here It is the reverse. Tobacco stems can I 50,000,000 per year. By the purchase of Pammlli nl.n 1 il . n.uj woui.j ii-iirn nun ner case is not paHt help. f.WO reward Is offered V... tl .. i . v ! oiaiiuiHciurers lor a case of cat arrh in the head which tlicy cannot euro. All Free, ThoHa who have used Dr. King's Dis covery know its value, and thone who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a Trial Hottle Free. Kr.nd your name and address to II. E. Iiuek-I Jen Co., Chicago, and get a sum pin box of Dr. King's New Life l'ills Free, s well as a copy of Guide to Health and HouHehold Instructor, Free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost nothing you G. A. Ilarding'g drug store. NOTICK. tl. 8. band Office, Oregni. City. Orejon. , , ... . . May 11. imj:i. i.mpinniiii naving neen entered at th's nfflei. 7,.; .v1 iz"- "x.r- dated town-hlpl 'alh ''a" county, OrcKon, with a view to the cni.e..ii...?M the said parties am herebv ai.m. R. Li. HOUJVIAJi fNDKI uuemr ICmhalmin; Alwnys turn t.iit a ncut onifif ........ I III ...... - -....w , ii l I HIM CO. "UKOO.V CITY Irs.-. "c.UHK 1'IIINTIMl OKP'' inw.isiiip s smith, rannHll east. In i:ekna,' .a " I I." uir .riiiriTIIHIIfil oi am. entry, the said parties are hereby sum i . i. iwn , "L" "" ,,,e "rcl ''? '' i.lsfi te.llrnony coneernliuf .l. Au..t Vim ' .1. T. APPki.Hr.v ..... .... . I'KTKIl 1'AttlIK'l', Kecelver. M'Jili-i'l Receipt, note and order books at the Entkbpmsc eflke. NOTICE KOK l'lJIILICATlON. band Onice at 0reKon City, Or.yon,( Notice Is hereby Klven thHuTo'VlTowt.,,, ;.er seeilon Vitili, It! H ., m". t,"t "M"d'i r'.mf w'U be made before the Heidst.,, ,d Heeel 'Ver f u Is, mCti? Ht r"g"D ,;,ty' 0re"1'' ' ir' '. . wllll'n A. Hobble, ,V"?,1':;,,;"', 'r the sou h-eat y. Kf. tloii VI. K.wnshlp 2 south, rsiifre7 east. Hueelal l.otleo to 1h nl.-l If. Ii.iasar.l who made pre-emptloi, N. 1m ,r,H , ,(.H,j j .inner ins iiome- ne iiamca tbe following wtiir,MP, tn rnv h s co i Inuou, resldenee nnon and cultivation of said land v z: Klee I). t.,i,tKe, A r," 1 " "V"'- "eueau, John T M.-Ii tyre all of Salmon, Oreifim. . t. ifvv Ju, S i(" UffiB lis Gfffii ft' I T.. i. ii . IjOIIIIIH till' ur m( f ( I '"t tUw, Htrotnr hoalH I Vr '"",".H "if?htH ""nliotiHt., Iia t 1 ! 7 J'r-0I rOHW t.llll.tal ft at. o..Ka of LI low riifes. Also .. I r ... l"t of ...J..I-- . c a r nit ... i . i " . "i ti.n) i (izi n Al i "n iniKH i..r hh nt s.w ' Cut l lu l,""H1BI'lj"Hi.r,liir..r,.itvfirifti 'in HmverH ma, ,. u ., ... -- it riiii I'll it ir ii i i ui i ii tii i'ih in t IHO 11 I'ntX'H iimt W t(.i yi'nr. PLANTS FOR THE GARDEN. 6-lU:6-2a Call and see the lounges at K. L iiijiiiinii a. m you will Bee ones which they ate manufacturer's prices some good selling almost at t Calibairo iilnnu !.(; vt f'iJ11!''-..! c.i.,i.iwrPi 1 1'lit F"'r liiiinln'l 7.V ; f ' '. ?" VatiKLn-fHrlW linfu .e V i . J.' 1"T tllOtiHItfi, T .7 i , - . iiiiiiiinij i,. ii., i i. "iinitii.'H me I ni"" Plant- i-or huu&- V Z' Tmt.M-Llvl,,RHl..n carhHt Bn.( best ,,i,tr,tH ,M.r ' ' tl.aM(l $5, Tomat()(,H Htr,il A" 0rdcrs. pPy Execute! E. E' Willia,ns Grocer, an, C. A. ailllrCMH, J. (inr.T tV'a , I ' I illL'O, UT. fof!tln If . 1 .11111 Bl,ut. Oregon City AgMttg. T all !! lb t':t lb l-U v.l,. Villi' rn .0' Q Ail p Villi. ) '!" Iiil.i li.-rnr afier Bv 1 ninu in,' I iinlln l(.Kk dnfn lllrtUp t-.rt', party tl) t) I! ""if I ' n l) I lnibl. ling u l!afw Iner rii-b i'i errtaii U- ei lor'AI iy hiippe luasili (iv'Ora aet:di lor4f.,i it.dlK'h "VUliili "ntho llpW'l I ciioiikI Mirtotii but fur 'f Jilt H'ld l,u turned more At ''anion iitinihn 'illj to t Cuh: K'ven i : "ular "nt li vredi nery