Oregon City kntcrprisc. 1 KlUllAY, JUNK o, im.:i. ABOUT TOWN. jVlcca III" lowi'nt Tim liml Front. Jim I.litw tliiorgli Won.lor at tlm .ht II'iiimi, J unit l.'l, Jimi'l fowl llm Imati liall fm mi '.jimlay ami HiimUy. Jim, K.xjU n( ('tarsaiim waa up on V,'iIih'iI)' lor lioiiro. jlnril to llmwiftt u( Jolm Fay, of Mai lis ) 4tt, ' TlmrwUv Inn', Imy. Alaatcr Mm l.clI'M ii, auny nikI ilutii'ii uiIIhI, H yi'H'H. at tlm owra Iioiim, J aim ,Ua, K. Oiahani of Cam wa in tlm ay n Wiiiii'iliy ItxiklnK after liusl ii,k trailer. 1 r . K. II. Ilitfraliain u( ( iiiirr villi wan in tlm I'liy on Krlilay unci rxutarruia looking ai'll in In ii'H'k ol 1 1 wuml Jlcrmlri llm Itoynl An il ('lmitiir u( (Ills i lly will liwet till tlm tl.lr.l Inatnail (ifllmllixt MoliiUy In 'i li moiitli. Jim l.yoil A lloaly la tlm ml toiiwl p tut nioat iltiralile orKmi iii'Iii. Solil on i .jy leriu dy ltiirumUUr A Atuliracii. i W'mili'.l, to rent wiihln low IiIim'Iii n( : i bril Iioiimi ol 7 or 8 ruom ami ! itli. J. Iwllmullo, i:Timniii lr J. It. Minpard, ol mini, Oregon, i f"rl tlmt liotli llm green ami llm Mfr'lly apliia have Uiii quite rlfis llvoly ttX uiilnt"l ly mi wawi (on, C'. li. Ilinilloy anil F. h. Kelly are In- (.'fi'lmg to atari (or tlie l't on Kalurilay rVrnltiK ami urn anlli lialiiitf a inniit viait In CliliK'tanl Mm hinn. t (' I'. Wliicett, tlm timlcrtakcr, lia j'lji ti'i'HKi llm lineal Him o( rakrta ami 1'i'Miim ecr linniglil to Orrrfoii City. i'rl' lo mill llm lime, s I'mi'l ("U't Ihe ilioiMifruli enter t.iliniiciil lo Imi itivrll Hi III" I'lingreg. liOiiul i liun li loinurrow, J- ri-Uy even Tm ket oil mild at kmIuI1ib. A licw nialnli' liaa U-ell ratalillalioil li thn cuuiit v llm t) it inn utwlilrhia to 11 l.riin, (' 8. I'orlor lia lieeii aptninteil lo ilini'li llm I'lillcit Slate tnlil Mninii' Manlcn, llix l.illlri (ienrgi Wtiinler, Iim Iiwii lieluro llm nila uf t 'ti vihk ami lior woiiili'rful Niwcr la yil iiiii'iilniiiiM I tlm oH'r Iioiikv, JIUii' l.'l. liow niiMoilriiii ntiiiii. j itrw i-ily mwl liraply iIinm of lili Jii'U.n mj ili-r. A it'Mxl iiy ol MmitiiiK nmli-rinl o( all In al l'ortlaml ii1i p at tlm I'urk l'In liir, lirii you art' wanlinn to mako ur- lian n( ilry kihhIii, notloiia or clolliinu ami inli tlm I rxl M'IitIimI Mlock ami a I nt to k (roin yon can Im nri oUiinliiiK It at I Si llili(' f liipnii'iiia ol (ri'Hh frtiitn from Oregon I ( it rxliiliil at tin Coliiinliiaii Kxponi- ( Hi am aUiiit to roniiiHUii''. Slrw-l-Uni'ii ami clirrrit will tm tlm llrnt kii'ln of Irull to k (orwaril, w.. Tiin Cowing ami Cliaa. Iliitnplinv iMtin' up (iuiii rortlaiul laNt Tlmrixlny fvrniiiK on their tilrvi'lrM In Jimt M intiiuti'NwIikli In prt'tty kx"I riding con il'tiiii; tht coiiilition of llm roatU'. T'm ()n'iiin Alumni CoiilcriMii'ti oltlm I titti Ilrvtlirt'ii in t lirinl will convi'im f n t tm I'. It. i luin li u( HiIm city on Wiwl mti'luy July 5, lHiCl. at '.'p. in. Hialiop Win. iiillon 1). I), of Payton Ohio pro- K.llllK. tH Hoiiiuir.a Co. ul tlm opora Iioiihv Jiiiix IteHcrviiil ncuti at tlm pout oiBi'i. it a liii'i'liiiK of tlm director of tlm Oregon (.'ily liaxo lull chili on Monday T-f I'. Kuiidiill wiih cliomn lo act im. n 1 1 j i r for tlm mmnon. Tom will xtaiid no foolixlini-HN wlicn Im Im in clntrito f tin' Ho will cull tlm imiim for tli II ml limn on Siitiirdiiy. T I io iinnoiinciMiit'iil of the ami mil nn't "f I'liiniMTH of Oregon I at hand uml in- -.icttti'H tlmt u nioMt ItitiTCHtinn tinio Im ''On iirriuim'd for. Tlm proccHHion will forin ut mm o'clock with Cino. II. lur hum n Krmiil nmrfhul. Tlm oration id to ln dclivori'il hy lion. V. L. Itnth r. tlm flrrtion in I'ortlund on Monday 1'inni'd oil' itiiilly uml rcHiillod in tlm IH'tion of llm I'litiro ri'pulilicun ticlkct "xcept mm coiinriliinin and tho proHocil tiiif iilluriiey. Tlm citizun'H inoviMimnt w lilrli pluyod hiicIi an iniporliuit purl in I'h'ction a your hro -'"' " fiKW thitiiim. Mth. KlmurPixon hrotiuht tothiHollUm hwt week a liuiKiiilh'i'iit hunch of tulip lilcli wnre urown In hcruiirdon ut Kly. U Wiin thn fluent HNHortmvnt o( tulip : "mt wo Imvo over Boon, and thono who ''uy had tho ploiiHiire o( looking over her mirdon stuto tlmt It Ih woll worth a trip out tlmro jimt to aoe It. Tlm firm of Wimmet A Scripture lias I hcjii diHRolvod and horouftor ettch will irry on tlm biiHincH in hi roHpcctivo ; l"purtmimt on hi own liook, Mr. Wini'Hot will conllno hi attention icily to the undortukiiiK businoH ; hll Mr. Scripture will have the black- Hl"ith and wood working dopiirtment. "y will both rouuiin at tboir prusont , ' ation, at leant for the present. KM'TMTIIK (OOLKIl. Nluo lliijs Willi thn Thfrnioiiifter Al um nt at J'n-i'Klnir, Soiim lew week auo tho Kmtxui'UIhr immtloiied tlm fact Unit thn ohIuUIhIi. liienl of tlm lei work lieru would make an apprecluhlu diiriirenre In thn quality oltlm fooil that will Im nerved at the table of moKt ol our iMtoplo. At that time we did not know that there wa in fiiiitomplatloii by one of our leadliiK II rin a plan which ha now boon adopted ami will Improvo tlmfiMxl of every Htraon who piircbaHoa of tlmiu. It 1 a well fntubllnhed fact that meat of all kind I not fit for table turn for mime time after it ba been luoliterod and III all oaitorn cltiea llm loading hotel, en will not cut beef till it hu remained In colli atoraiiu (or at louM nine duyn, ami If It waa known by their riiNtoumm that tlmy were lxduu aerved with inoat not proeily ciued by till cold atoruuu pro- cea the y would withdraw their parton- ago and buy at aomu other place, The F.tilUh ioopln are well noiivnrnant with tbia ri'ipiUite of prime hoof and can tell not only by llm (ante but at a glance when it In on the cultiiitf block whether it ha Im'I'II proM-rly tn ated, and they will buy no oilier. In order to meet the demand (or tlm very U1 tpiahty of meaU the firm of Albrlht A Warner have Wii at a great hk)iimj In fitting up a nuliabln moiii (or curing all nmata bandied by them. ThU room la in con nei ilun with the cold atoraite worka and I well worth a vimt (roin any one. The room I alioul Ulx'.'O anl H (cot hiijli Knlrring you are almmt allocked by the middnii rhangn Iroiu the warm at tin phcrit without to llm cold air Inniilt), for tbia nxiirt ia connlulilly kept al a temper ature of 'H ileiiriMn. Thia I done by tneaiia of a nynlein of iiliiea tbrouiih which la forced the condeimed aniliionia. llieMi are placet! at llm top o' tlm room the alilea ol which are hollow am ao arrutiged an to iromote circulation, tlm warm air panning up through the top of the room ami llm cold cir replacing it from tlm ni ten, entering at tlm Hour. Here tin' I. imi l taken from tlm nlaugl tor bonne ami bung up to aean.ni, and no nicely In the tclhjM-raturu of tlm room adjiintnd thai not a drop of mniNliue a peum any where on the walln, nbowlng Unit tlm meat U Hot rurrd by a (Weat ing pnn'ena but by cold dry air, which makea tlm very bent ipialily o( meat. Here It ia ullowed to hang for nine dny when ll in lukell out an needed and pluced on tlm bltfi k in their nhop and al once cut up and fiirninhed lo their cun lomern who in (hi way alwnyn get frenh, lender meut. llm )n-nt that the market athmln. It ban not been kept bunging armim! where the flic tan have accena lo it and there will never be any parta that have In-come tainted. Kvory pur lit hi of meat handled in thin way w ill alwnyn lie fienh, juicy and Mweet. In order to meet the demand of their clin loMera llm Ann will hereafter alwaya carry in atock a fine lino of well cured low la henidea all kiudn of frenh iiieatn. So much fnrthi lino of their buniuen. There In ntill another dcpuitmcnt which in of an great importance to the con niiniern of meut and that ia their pur chamng department, Aa tbia firm i the Urgent butchering houno in the city and alwaya mako it a point to buy the very bent that the market afford, and buy (or canh their ciintoinera can al wave tfot tho bent meat of them. Then again all animal purclumcd are al lowed to l tm In their flue punlurea for aoviirul day or erhup week after lie Ing driven In from the range ao that limy are never killed w hen in a heated condition which greatly detract from the nihility of the meut. Any one tnuat at once realize that Albright A Warner w ith nil of thono advantagea are in a poni tion to Mipply tho bent quality of meat to bo found in llm city, and to ntill lur thor accommodate their patrona tlmy will, on llm llrnt of tho week place on the mud, a wauon oxprennly fitted up for tho delivery of meut to all cuhIoiii or in the city and auhiirb. Thi wugnii will bo no arranged that purlieu living in the extreme limit of the city cun get their meut an frenh a thone living one blin k from their woll arranged and attractive market. Should you winh ut any time to examine their lino cold utoragn room they will tuke pleasure in nhowiug you through. "Wedding Holla. On Wodneniluy evening at 8:80, Mr. Align Mathononand Mina I,i.r.io Wil liiinm were united in marriiigo at tlm roHidonco of tho hrido'a paronta. At the appointed hour the wedding inarch was pluyod and tho bridal purty entered tho room where tho ceremony was per formed in a moat improHaive manner hy Hov. (1. W. (iihoney, after which a wed ding Mippor wuh aerved, Tho prosonla were contly and numerous. Thono pres ent wore Mr. and Mr. J. It. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Ned row, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Marr, Mes daiiios Lawrence, Mooro and Rings; MisHoa Muggio Williams, Mollie Wilkin son, NoraCalilV, Musa Rarkley, Emma Roberts, Maria Roberts, Grace Roberts, Maggio Hughes, Minnie Holdon, Kmily Holdon, Li.r.io Bluhm, Eunice Donald son, Mary Williams, I.lz.io Stover, Inei Riggs, Nina Caplos, Dainy Lawrence; Measrs. G. W. Gibonoy, Evan Willianw, W. D. AVigirins, Wm. Wilson, J Trit chard, Wm. Muir, Chas. Miiir, C. Mulr, E. Roberts, 0. Robertson, W. G. Reattie, J. II. Black, J. Carrico, Trof. Botzoll and M. Sutherland of Portland. PERSONAL NOTES. Supervisor Al.Cooke ol Damascus wa In the city on Wedniiadev. John Shmldt the genial otmaiitcr at George wa In town on Wednesday. Frits Ii'uixnr of J'ortUnd waa In the city on Wednesday on hi way to I)um- aacu. 0. F. Knowlo of the St. Charlc hotel in I'ortlaad was In tho city on Tueaday adornoon. Grandma I'elton of Maple Lane, I vhltlng Mr. F. D. William In town for a few day. Will 1'aiker l employing hi vacation In ilinhlng out Ice cream acnla at Hunt ley' drug ntore . Henry Wolfer, one ol the pronjieron lurmer of Needy, wa in thia city on Wednesday on buninena. Dr. C. H. Smith ol Eagle Creek, wa In the city on Saturday nhnkliig band with hia muny friend here. Mina Grace Williama returneJ from Newberg the last ol the week accom panied bv Mina Eva Warren of that place. A. H. Dresser was railed to Boine City the first of the week bv legal bunnies which I likely to keep him there (or several day. Int Sunday the bann of Mina Marie Kuertin and Mr. Wm. Sheehan was puhlilmJ (or the first lime at the Catho lic church. C. C. Brown lias lately moved from St. Helm to thi place attracted by lu superior advantage. He baa located at I'ark 1'lace. J. M. Lawrence, who i at work on the Statesman came down from the cap ital on Sunday and returned the follow' ing morning . Among the caller always welcome at at the F.NTKKi'KinK oflice la Henry Wil horn of Eagle Creek w ho called while in the city on Tuenduy. Rev. Stevenson of I'ortlund, will preach for the l iml Christian church in thin city on Sunday June 1 1 , at 1 1 o'clock A.M. and at 7-30 P. M. Mra. W. II. Howell went to Albany the llrnt of the week where she will re main several week viniting friends. Meanwhile Will is at home keeping bachelor's hall. Mm. Geo. D. Bitter, who with her mother, Mrs. D. K. Smith, baa been top ping with Minn Holme at Rone Farm, is spending a few days with Mina Minnie Charinan in town. Mra, J. II. Simons, accompanied by two of her children, Carrie and Ja. Eaton, has gone to Missouri where she will visit till full or longer at the place where nlm was born and rained. W. P. Hawley hu been quite sick the pant few davs and unable to attend to liin duties at the Crown pam-r mill. F. A. Waddin-k has been lookimr after the mill since Mr. Hawley has been sick. Peter Nehren and family have gone to Walla Walla where they will visit friends for a couple of week. During Pete's absence from the court houso his brother will look after his duties here. Robert Holland will leave the last of the week for San Joce, California, where he exicct to get work in the woolen mills. If he Is not successful there he will locate at some other place in the state. Minn Nettie Hixson is visiting her sis ter Mrs. R. L. Holman, but on account of the recent sickness of her mother w ho ha been visiting here for the pant few win ks she will have to return to Seattle to attend her mother who Is going home then. Last Friday Oluf August Emit Olsen died at his home on the west side, of quick consumption, aged 2U years, 8 months and 15 days. The funeral oc curred from the Episcopal church on Sunday, June 4th at 2 o'clock. He left a w ife and one child to mourn their Ions, the child being but four days old at the time of his death. Cow Miayeti. Strayed from my farm near Cane mah, a red and white spotted cow, three yours old and giving milk. Had bell on when lost. A liberal reward will be paid (or her return or for information lending to her recovery. Fkkii Hakai.. For Bent. A six-room house in Cunemah. running water. $7 per month, to Mr. Stokoa, Cunemah. Good Apply Tho vocal and instrumental concert which was to have been given at the Congregational church June l'l.Juts boon poned until further notice. Found at Shivoly'B opera Iioubo a glove bnttonor. Owner can have it by paying for notice. Mrs. S. M. McCown. lliicklcn's Arnica Salve. The Host Salvo in the worbl for Cuts, Itruistis, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheiim, Fewer Soros, Totter, CliapKil Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Hive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Wire 25 cents per box. For sale by U A. Harding. OKIUNANCK NO. - Oregon City doci ordain ai follows: That the gr.de of Fifth .treet 111 Oregon City shall be a. follow.: Heiilnnlug at au elevation of 2S.H feet at the oasterly line of Monroe street, thence oil an aacendlng eight per cent, grade ea.terly to Its lulersuitlou with the county road near the weal line of Van Huron street. To come up for the .econd reading and pass age at a special meeting of tho t'lty Council of Oregou t'lty to be held JuuolM, ISM, al i o'clock V. M Ordered published by the City Council of Oregon City at a meeting of .aid Council held June 7, 1MM. L. L. PosTaa, Kecorder. BIG BONANZA Company. TUESDAY, JUNE 13. lis $1,000 To any one who can lift her. OhUISANCB NO. -. l'rovlilliu lorlh.tlme.nl manner of Improv ing Main rtrrct In Oregon cur. Orrjnu, (mm a polul where (he Hue .hall ol the cemeul inlllcii.uilil Mla tret between block. I noil ft In .alii cliy to the northerly Hu ol Hlitremh ulreel. Oreiou City Uoea oril.ln a. follow.: km-rioa 1. The tiroixmeil Imnrovement of that pert of M.lu ilrevi lying between the main halt i.; the cement mill where It rmn .ant irM.i li.ir.n lilnrk. 1 and 'JH .nd the north erly line ol Hlileeiith Mreel. .hall I completed a. ner.iimiier proviiH'u wiiinu u. n- the ilKiiliig ol the contract by the partlea there to, due uoilce Ihereol having been given bf publication ol noilre, will more follv appear by the proof Ihereof. duly re;uted and died lu theortii'. nllheclly recorder. See. i. That portion of Main atre.llylng b t wee ii the main .halt of the cement mill sod the north line ol lo. atrecl hall be Improved a. follow.: The .urlace ol the int .hall 1 cleared of all tlmlier., plank, or oilier obttrnc tloiia. (aldewalk. il lumber or cement, of the prowr width and on Ihe proper grade and oth crwle lu gmid cotidlllou ei-eHed). If the ob triietlou. are ma removed by iheowuem of the adjacent property within three day. alter no nce from the uperliiieiidviit ol aireela, they ball be rem. red by aud become the property ol the contractor. i-co. J. The Improvement ahall cotnl.t a. (ol- 1. (iradlng the .tree, to th proper mli-grai'e where elevated roadway, are uot coti.trucieil, ami rolling Ihe name with a Bvetnu roller. W heu at enact tub grade and prorly rolled a balla.t of ten Inche. ol clean gravel will be placed thereon: no .tone, therein to be mbre than luchi'i In lanre.t diameter: on top of .aid ball.nl there will I placed a lied ofcoame .and twolnrhe. In Ihlckne..; uid Improve ment .hall then be rolled aud brought to a true .urf.ee. 1. The .trect .h.ll then be flnlhel hy plac ing tkereon thoroughly burned vilrlfleil brick of uiillorm .He, i(uailly and hape, uot lean than J1. Inche. In tlilckueu and 4 Inche. deep, aud .hall have a flul.h ol nnil or .ud and Ur, and bepnicrly rammed .nil rolled, and left In pcrlect condition without rUw or blemi.h. S A curb ol concrete .hall be placed on each aide ol Ihe vemeul. except .1 .Ireel Inlemee lliin.. .lid have an underdralu of 3 Im h tile counei-tliig with catch ba.in., a. the cllv mc veyor may direct: the .lie and manner of Cou .iriiciiou In be lu accordance with detail.. pl.u. aud .pecifliallou. on file In the city .ur veyor . ntlice. t. That porilnn of Main .trect between the north line nl Mo., .ireet and the .ouih hue of 1 aellth .trect. and between the north hue of Fourteenth (treel and the north line of Six teenth Mrcct .hall be Improved by the con .miction ol an elevated roadway of rile.. bcnU and tlmlier .tiper.tructiire. with .idewalk., curb, and railing. In accordance with plan, iid ecincUuu on Hie In the city .urveynr't orllc. I. sidewalk, ten feet wide. Including the curb, will be cou.irui'lisl on each tide of the trtet .o Improved, Iroin the line shaft of the cement mill to tne .ouin one ih weiun .ireet, of good .oiiud lumber, Iree from U.ge, looaeor iiiiMiiuid knot., wane ednea. aud generally Ire Irum .ap. All property owner, have the right to lay .tone, concrete, brick or artificial .toue .ide walk.. provided they are conntructed In accord ance with plan, provided by city surveyor, and completed by Ihe time the improvement of the .treel I. flni.hed. 6 Thai portion of Main street lying bctweea the .on th line of Twelfth .trect and ihe north line of fourteenth .treet .hall tie improved by excavating the .treet to the proper .ub grade and rolllug the name. When at .uVgrnde there w ill l pla.iMl Iheieon .ixievn luche. of gravel laid In three layer, and thoroughly rolled; .ide walk. will be placed on each .Ide.aix (eel wide, with a wihhIcu curb 10 feel from .treel line, ex cept where property owners may desire con crete. Bee 4 The entire Improvement herein con templated .hall be done III accordnnce with the provision, of thi. ordinance, aud Ihe plan., detail, and .prriHcationa then-fur approved by 'lie City Council, u I on tile In the ntlice of the cltv aurveyor. And ill ease ol a conflict the plan, and specitlcallon. .hall govern. Hec. &. The contractor shall Ins reunlreil to give a good and ullicli lit bond wlh Ui'i'e ap proved Mireltc., equal to the sum bid lor the entire contract, conditioned tor Ihe faithful aud complete performance o nil the stipulations uf the coutr.i't. nud within the time specified therein: and such contractor .hall also make out and execute a good and .uttiilent bond with three approved sureties, in a sum not less than twenty percent, of Ihe final estimate, aud conditioned that said vitrilied Are brick pave ment so laid shall cost Ihe city nothing for rcnalra on account of ouallty, or any delects in the brick used lor paving, for the term of five years from Ihe date of Ihe completion of Ihe outran, and dial al the eud of the term said brick shall be In first class condition, salisfac torv to the city council and city aurveyor. fee. 0. The contractor shall lake entire charge of the work during its progress aud hall be responsible for any loss or accident resulting from carelessness or uegleci. Hcc. 7. The Improvements shall lie completed to the sntislai'iiiin of Ihe City Council of the sain city of Oregon City. 8oo. n. The committee on .treet. and public firoperty are hereby authorized lo advertise or, receive proposal., aud the Mayor and Ke cordersliKll enter Into contract with the person, Arm or corporation to w hom iheconlmcl Is let by the City Council lor the improvemeut .peci flcd in (his ordinance. 8ec. 0. The contract shall contain a previa Ion that fur each day required to complete anld coutr.i't alier Die expiration of Ihe time Axed for Its completion, Ihe contractor or contractors sunn lorieii to tne city mr me use aim oeueiii of the properly owuer. atlected by such unlay the sum ol twenty dellsrs. The contract shall contain astipulation lo the effect thai the per son, firm or corporation to whom the coutract Is let shall look for payment only to the sum to be assessed upon tne property liable to pay for such improvement and collected aud paid in to the cltv treasurer for thai purpose, and thst they will uot require the city of Oregon City by any legal process or otherwise to pay the turn out of any other fund. Sec, 10. Ulduey Smvth, H. C. 8teven. and G. A. Harding are hereby appointed a committee to advise with the council in determining the probable cost ol making such Improvements, aud the amount that should be assesaed upon each lot or part thereof liable therefor. Sec, ll. Each bidder shall accompany his bid with a certified check in the nm of Ave hundred (jotl.M) dollars, payable to Ihe order ol Ihe City Kecorder of Oregon City, and con ditioned lor Its forfeiture in case such bidder shall not enter Into a contract with the city with good and sutlloleut bonds lu case such bidder .hall have tha contract awarded to him. To come up lor the second reading and pass age at a special meeting of the city Council of Oregou City lo be held June ly, IX'Ji, at 4 o'clock 1 M Ordered published by the City Council of Oregon City at a meeetlng of said Couucll held June 7, lSitt. L. L. FuaTia, Kecorder. MILLINERY. fi Qreat Idutioi? ir? (5. The cheapest line of trimmed hats ever offered at prices ranging from 50c. to $7.50. Also the largest assortment of flow ers ever brought to the city. We invite you to call and see for yourselves at Mrs. N. Watts-Sladen's Millinery Parlors 4ITHE RED FRONTS 25! Cents buys a pound ARBUCKLE'S, LION or M0KASKA Coffee, 3 pound starch. 5 pound soda or rice, C pound beans 01 rolled oats, 7 siiools thread, or 8 pounds cut STEEL NAILS 8's or larger. 5! CENTS buys either dress braid, boys' straw hat, 12 lead jiencils, ink, 25 envelopes, 12 pens, boys' winsor tie, small chimney, 2oW 5 oranges. ARRIVED Calicos 18 yards for $1.00, satteens and spring dress goods, furnishing goods, etc. l'ure ground spices in bulk half price. Trade for produce. Oat3 and po tatoes wanted. HAMILTON & ALLEN, OREGON CITY. .... OREGON. P0PE& CO. This old and reliable firm always keep In stock full line of Heavy, IK li Matfactri Mwb, Tiwm, Etc. . Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing Attended to timates Furnished. OREGON CITY OREGON GREAT SPEAR SAVE THE TAGS. One Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $173,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Clven Away in Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1.165 BTTM WrKDIUQ ELGIN GOLD WATCHES d.M0 5.775 FINE IMPORTED FRENCH OPERA GLASSES, MOROCCO PODYt BLACK ENAMELi TRIMMINGS, GUARANTEED ACHROMATIC... 28,875 09 23.100 IMPORTED GERMAN BUCKH0RN HANDLE, FOUR BLADED ' POCKET KNIVES 23,100 00 115,500 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH w 1 1 5.500 LARGE PICTURES (14x28 inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, do advertlaing oa them Z8,ro oo 261,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $173,250 00 The above article will be distributed, by ronntfea, among partlea who chew SPEAIaJ HEAD Plug Tobacco, and return to us the TI TAUN taken therefrom. We will distribute S26 of these prtzea In thia county ai followi: To THE PARTY sending us the greatest number ol SPEAR HEAD TAGS from tbia county we will give. ...I GOLD WATCH To the FIVE PARTIES sending u the next greatest number at . .eCr 8PEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each, 1 OPKRA GLAS3....5 OPERA GLASSES To the TWENTY PARTIES sending ui the next greatest number POCKET KNIVa To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES .ending lis the next greatest number of SI'KAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK 100 TOOTH PICKSt To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES tending ua the next greatest number of 8PKAR HEAD TAGS, we will glva to each 1 luUWK PICTURE IN ELEVEN COLORS 100 PICTURES. Total Number of Prlaea for thia County, 226. CAUTION'. No Tags will be received before January 1st, 18M, nor after February 1st, tfiM. Each package containing tags must be marked plainly with Name of Sender, Town, County, State, and Number ol lags la each package. AU charge on package must be PrPKEAD.-SPEAR HEAD poeaesae more qualities of Intrinsic Talna than any other plug tobacco produced. It is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest NPEAR HEAD la absolutely, positively and distinctively different In flavor from any other plug tobacco. A trial will convince the most skeptlcalof thia fact. It ia th largest aellerof any almllar bane and atyle on earth, which prove that it ha caught the popular tnste and please tlx) Deoole. Try It, and participate in the contest for rrite. See that a TIM TAG on every lu cent piece of bPKAR HEAD you buy. Bend In tha tags, no matter bow email th quantity. ery Ff 'j gQjjg company, MiDDLrrowit, Ohio. A list nf the people obtaining these prise In tbia county will be published la IMS' paper luuuadlaUily aXler February 1st, leaf. OOII'T SEND ANT TAGS BEFORE JANUAR1 1. 1834. toothpicks, z papers pins, Promptly. Es- HEAD CONTEST. AND i