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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1893)
Oregon City ERPRISE. r i J I VOL. 27. NO. 32. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1893. ESTABLISHED 186C U A 1 - coi'in. if nil o"iirt pnnvviiM n rut Moii.lay In ,Vr id mini ai'in.iajr in a 1 1 1. ,,.t iiiMifl In eoaaliili Rnl Monday III .ai'h ..svnl.eliiiiara wurt Drat WwlimwUjr . rdr.i Wmi'Ur nl eoi'li niiiuili, .1 l IIIIIN'X U m KINMllNIi, . ' 0.MAIIIH A JOHNSON. i It'll, KNUINKKItH AM. l'KVKYOH. i , :fr lamllim n. rniialrtii'llun, lir.lna j. iil.'l llmal. fur Walf u''ly ;.. and tlrwl lin.r.rniiiiit nl tnwiii. ...i'lil at Ion I (! (I if "ii In itrmilillii( au lilun (rinllin luvr.i, ATTOhSKY AT LAW, ! I ' 0 rnwlli' In all twirl, nl lh. tlala. i 4, mriirr Main a lul Klf hiU aUMia, o.uait. If : Inula. una citr, Oai'l'iM y CAllKV JOHNSON, l.AWYKIt. ! I E. E. WILLIAMS. Grocer ami Ciissi Mailt Masonic Building, Oregon City. Xlfhl Ht Main ilrrt., Orrfon CUf, Oimou. . KSTATK TOHr.I.k AM) 1 MuNKY TO LOAN. i I j t I'OHTXIt, ATTOHNKY AT I. AW ioiTi or ranraaty rt nwiamti, t uml lii ( llf tank on lh iliwl. "1 1 C T. WILLIAM. "jilt A I. KTAir. AM X) AM AtiNT. if'. n) nl itumi'jr In loan n tli uiuai lanital. I. 11.1 ma, l, $ 4il lltir nl tnialiiraa, rolilftire and aiiliiirlian rtt..riiy. l'f..rl)( III lr. i. in mil mi naay Irrma. ft.'..itliitrlif-p (.ruml.tly Btlttrfr.t. II s 0 h. In I a'ltl.'l'l A ll'itillt, i dim llrtV., r. t 1 Jl I'VH, VI O'ltNKY ANIi CurSSIXOK AT LAW j nfflra uf (llr"0 City liana. I t.ln I ITT. ORIOUM DEAD, ? ? DEAD, DEAD. Wo aro not in tho undertaker's business but are ready to bury hilt prices of all our cinetitors. Now, if you want to nee tho fin cut lino, ami tho chcnjx'nt, just step in anl get jiriccion Iajuijki'h, Itcdrooin Suites ami Mattresses. For instance: Ramie lied Lounge, l:i?v, Silk Red Lounge, spring edge, 110; Ash Cheval Suites, oak fininh, 117.50, and nil othiT goods at winiiliir low prices. No matter if you have Ixvn persuaded to l)iiy clHewliorc, juat b'C how much money you Iihvc limt. HKM.OMV St IJUSCII, tho I Ioum;fu rnuther-,. AN EXTJLV SESSION. PrcHldent Cleveland Will Con' Tcne ConjjrenH In .Si'teiiihor. AX AXTI'TUl'NT l'0XVE5T10.. (irorer ( IcrclHiid In IH(I Tli IjiMtof tli llomrnlpad Mnke In th lourtx. Don tFool WithFakes! -If yourni'lf or friemlo w ir-h to bo cured of- t "i; JASSKV. 1. ! iKH, N'lTAHY H HUC k INHI IIAM'K l irtJ. ami I'llr rtariy I." ! I'ollwllnna I ..u. lr. ,al'l lor II. .11 rKil.lrma W-.licjr 1 l atl All Imallir.a .r.ll'M)f aHrii.livl .i 4 (' II HMIl II. I II VS1CIAN ANDSl'KCKON, iJl Creek, - OrvK'Hi. i t i c i.A fot iiKnr.. A! ipitNKYS AM on'NsKums at law knjN IITUKXT, UllKIION I ITV, ONKIIOM. Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Chloral, Cocaine or Tobacco habits, seek only the GENUINE KEELEY TREATMENT, Which in tho only naff, reliuhlo and K-rinaneiit cure in existence, (iciiuine Kecley IiihtituteB, with most fuvorablo nurroundingn, at Forest Grove and Roseburg, Or. fMF riU for 1'nrticularH. CorrcHjiondence Confidential. Wahiiikotok, June 5. The preiidont hIiI tlil eveninif, in roply to direct (iict ion liy rfprerwritativo of tliepreBM, tlutt In intended to call n extra Hcnnion of cotiKreiw not enrlier limn the lt nor Inter than the l'jtli of Septemhcr. uiilvtt iineiiH-cte.1 conlinKencieii ahoiild nei en iUt an earlier meetinif. Tbe prewdent lurtlier aaid : "While there ha been no mynlory nor aecrecy in regard to my intention In thia matter, I think it ia not amiaa that our people ahould he informed authori tatively that the timeia at hand when their representative in conxreaa ahould be called rjxm to deal with the financial condition, which Is the only niei.ance to the country' welfare and prooperity. It ia well (or the pwjile to lake up the mibject for theniaelvea and arrive al their own conclimiorii an to the merit of the financial policy which oblige u to purchaae idle ailver bullion with gold taken from our reserve. One doe not need the eye of a llnanceer to aee that thin gold, tlaia Hiibtracted from the gov ernment' Hlock, ia ea.'erly aei.eil by other nation for ntreiithening their credit at our exrene. It doe not need tho art of ntutenianiihip to detect the dan ger that await tixin the t-ontiniiance of thia 0ieration. the timidity of capital ia painfully apparent, and none of tin can fall to nee that the fear and appreheiiHion in monetary circle will ultimately br:ng sufl'ering to every humble home in our land on time thi morning. The entire run of tH0 mile wa made without a hot box or excetwive delay at any point. On the ljiko Hhore three minute were had for car iiiHjK-ctiori at the varioiia achedule ntop, and from eight to ten men runhed through the job. The NloX on the Cen tral were of five minute. The actual running time of the train waa nearer nineteen than twenty hour, bet-amie al lowance rntiirt be made for nine a:hedule ttopaand alow-down at railway crw ing and draw, furthermore, water wa taken from track tunka twelve time and thi cauwd a reduction of speed at such point to twenty-five mile an hour. One feature of the trip of fpetial interest lo railroad men wa the run of engine No. V.)') from Krie to Buffalo, diatance of eightv-eight mile, without taking water. The capacity of her tank i 3,500 gallons. Qladatoat'i Failing H.ilti. New Yokk, June 3. Harold Frederic cables on the time from London : "The reassembling thia week of tbe common after the holiday leaves an extremely grim impression of Gladstone. For the first time he seema to acknow ledge bia age and bow before the im pending shear. An old man, always courtesy itself, he seems to have taken on the transfiguration garment. He is as subtle and dexterous a of yore, but he is etherealized and deprecatory, rising with a warning finger like an ancient sibyl, to lebuke his unruly opponents, who shrink before his sp- purition as from a ghost, and grow silent w hen he rises in the atormiet moments of the houtte, and with its weird aspect cothe bitterest of his enemies. But it is a purely pergonal feeling, and stays no movement of the genera! obstruction. Conversely to the saying spread of old that the beloved apostle will not die, rumor whisper among the Gladutonian disciplies that the old man is going. COLD IS LEAVING. The Ueserre Reduced to Less Than Ninety Million. THE DEATH OF A UREAT ACTOR. Tbe Monitor, Monterey Coming to rerlland Spokane Hank Failure .lew Commander Appointed. and an awe-struck hush falls upon the I think be-1 turbulent assembly whenever lie arises. tween now and the meeting of congress . Hig enemies treat bira as if each speech till Al.atraria nl THI. 1O.n Money, y.irv .ti Moriaatna. ami Iran.a.'l licnrral I Ijiw Wilalnraa. CIIIIHM, I ATTOKNKY AT LAW. II 1. t'aalTH t IS ALL l ilt ST. or TMS Stati I Km lUtals and Imiirniir.. , ' i mi Main Hiru'l. Iml. Hmh ami Hrvriilh. j mantis iitt. na. 1, U. MAMm, i i. ofAUY l'CllLIC, KKAI. KSTATK INSl'ltANCK. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS. Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patont Medicines of all Makes. Notions. Optical Goods Full Stock Of Machine Oil, Beit and Cheapest. Kino Holi-ct ion of lVrfuniery ami Toilet Soaps. And Load ing l?rands of Cigars. IKI:n'IIII'1'IO.N .4ltl.FI i.i.y F1I.I.F.W. Shlvely's Hlixk, ...... Oregon City, Or. om.'i. In Din ',,a DllllHi llllll.tllif. ().'. Ml J 1 1 jr. Otrtnll. T M 0 K. II VAN. BKAI. KHTATK A.M INHl'H ANCK. ' liolf. cltr. Kami an.l Hulmrlian prniwrly (nr tiiy arrl.i. riiiiiity wnrratila an.l .immoI "tall iHiiiKht ami anlil 'Iaira alil ! ! '.il.Uii a. n( iivery rlitloll altt'itiloil to 'f I'. '0 ri'l...i iiil iif mi atalra III ImlMllu inirlli t( jxiat.iltlce. r:, int., Mr nki.i.. a. a DRKaaaa. J JIlOWNKI.I. A DKKHHKK I ATTORN KYS AT LAW, HtK-l.TH CITY, ..... OMilON. lil )mripn In all thimntirla nf tin' alatr. Ol " nxl ilnnr to CauHvlil A llntilliiy'. "IniK 'I - JMlj CIlVklKHCIAI. HANK. OK OltKOON CITY , THE Oregon City Sash and Door Co. Carry tho LnrgcBt Stock of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. In Oregon City. Special of Doors anil Windowt made to order. Turning of all kinde Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts Kurnirihod on an)lii!iition. liuildcrs, give tin a call, and see if our work in not of tho best, and our prices as low as the lowest. Price List sent on application. Factory, Cor. Main and llth ts.. Oregon City. TKAllHACTB A MKNKIIA 1100,000 HANSINII lUlRINKK". '""' nut.lii. It 1 1 1 h ioiiiiiiIiiiI. MakM rnl !l"il. Iliiyaan.l aella ttxi liHiiKit mi all pnlnta 1 H'f I'tillfii Hlati-a. Kiirnna ami llmiK Knnu, f.-ilh roi el-i'il aitliliTt In check Inturt'il at '"l rnlca allnweil on time tleimaltit. Hank " I) a. M. to 4 r. M. Halunlay ovoiiluita '"n ft tn 7 r. M. L'. tATOUKKTTK, Prcnli-nt. ' K t IIONAI.IISON, CaaliUtr SK or OltKOCN CITY, Clrlcst Banking House li tbe City. I'alil up Capital, M),000. '-1IIXHT, ' fSf.auiKNT, "nH. Titoa. chasmam. OKO, A. II A HI. I NO. it. n ( Ai'riKi.n CHAILli H. CAUriSLU. ll "it" niei.lvoil atllijnel lo elisok. "'Ti'ilhllla ami nottta dlanniiiiled. :'!J ami (illy warranta Ixiuirlit. ", on avallalile loourliy. ntic IioiikIiI ami aolil. : linn, niailn protnplly, ' nlil .tvallanle In any nart nf ths world. ' aphid sirliansea aolilon I'ortland. Sail !, iMiIi'iik.i anil Now York. paU on time ilepnalta, ' Art iiu ol T1IK LO ennalt.. NDON ClIKQUK BANK. OREGON CITY JOBBING SHOP. All kinds of Tinning, riumbing and General Jobbing PONE TO ORDKR ON SHOUT NOTICE. SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS At tho most reasonable rates. MADE flTAll work is done with a view to last and satisfy all concerned. A. W. SCHWAN. Nhop ttu Weyciidi Hi., iieur Irepol, 4regoN VUy. J. JONES & SON, DEALER IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. lMiicr.N Tilt: i.oivi:'!'. l8hop corner Fourth and Water atroets, back of Tope A Co'g, Oregon City that much dviiils iixjn the action of those engaged in financial oiierations unu biiHiiifHS enterprises. Oer vat nutional resutirceB and cretlit are abund antly siilficient to justify them in the utmost faith and confidence, if instead of being frilitni.led they are conserva tive, and if instead of gloomy anticipa tion of immediate dinusU'r they will (ver fonn a patriotic duty , and at thesame time protect their ow n interest. The things that are juxt now needed are coolness and raininess in finuniiial circles and study and reflection among our people." Aatl Troit Conrentlon. Chicaoo, June (i. When Governor Nelson, of Minnesota, called the' anti trust convention to order today it was existed that the first fight of the session would begin, or it was generally known that the Donnelly or radical faction had been beaten in the committee of resolutions and would carry the fight to the floor of the convention. Chairman Kosewater of the committee of re sol u tions, no sooner read the preamble than Ponnelly moved as a substitute, a de mand for the government to purchase anthracite coal lands. Henry D. Loyd, of Chicago, wanted bituminous lands also purchased and the fight on these two amendments lusted two hours after which Kosewater moved the previous question and the committee report was carried. Tiie fight was kept up all day, by the extremists, but they were out voted at everv turn. The resolutions adopted set forth at length the evils of the trust B.vstem as at present maintained and calls upon the convention to create a permanent associ ation to be known as the anti trust association of the United States, con sisting of three representatives from each state and territory. The resolu tions declare over capitalization of cor porate proorty largely responsible for tha breaking down of credits and the financial distress now prevailing. These resolutions were not radical enough to suit the I)onnelly-Weaver ele ment and they gave notice of another meeting in the I'almer house tonight, ltefore the close of the Central hull meeting, J. M. (uinn, of Butteville, Montana, ottered a free coinage resolu tion which passed by a small majority. Bolters to the number of thirty, rep resenting thirteen states organized at the Palmer house tonight. They are all populists. General Weaver of Iowa, was elected chairman. Ignatius Don nelly and others made speeches. Had of the Homtitesi Ossei. Pittsburg, June 3. All charges of murder, etc., against II. S. Fricke and others of the Carnegie Steel Company officials, as well as the Pinkerton de tectives, were dropped in court this morning. In turn, all of the strikers who had been arrested, and were as yet untried, have been released on their own recognizances. This virtually ends all of the Homestead cases in connection with the big strike of lust year. Orer 1000 Milei Day. New York, June 2. The Lake Shore exposition flyer pulled into New York ( might be his last, and deferentially listen to the voice that falls now- and ttien, but is eked out with gracious gesture . Nobody dreams of complaining that he cannot hear, while strangers in the gallery look appalled at tbe dumb show, and reporters compare notes lo collate each syllable. There is mur muring that Gladstone's 8ieeches get harder and harder to take. Bottom Oat of Wheat. Chicago, June 2. A new low record was made tody on the Chicago wheat market. There was unwonted excite ment and small failures. A panicky, bearish feeling prevailed to such an extent that selling was probably much overdone. The market started today with a rebound of five-eights of a cent from last night's closing. July sold at 09 5-8 and September at 73 1-8. Then began tbe selling and tumbling. The early advance was wiped out when Manager Powell poeted the firm of Kellogg & Forsythe as not meeting their debit balance. The firm waa email and the failure insignificient but the fear that other small failures might follow made trade unduly excited. The de cline went on until June touched 60 cents, a price never before reached in this market; July 661-8; September 71 1-2. There was less than a quarter of a cent recovery at the close. One of the weakest factors in the situation was the sharp break in local securities on ex change. The aggregate depreciation since May 2d is close to $23,000,000. for 1896. Nkw York, June 3. The Herald's Cnicago spcciul quotes Governor Flower as sayimr in an interview: "There is no reason whv Cleveland should not be the nominee of the party in lS'.H!. One presidential term has intervened between the two administra tions. It would take another term before he had served two consecutive ones. If in 18 Cleveland desires the nomination of his party, no man can successfully stand in his way. At the present time I do not know of any aspirants for presi dential honors in the purtv. I know ef no true democrat of New York who today does not give the president his hearty support." The Next Sesiion Washington. June 6. The Star says: President Cleveland's statement as to the time when he proposed to call con gress together and the reasons which will lead him to do so, is clearly inter p re table as indicating a determination on his part to continue using the gold reserve to the extent necessarp and not issue bonds. He desires that the full gravity of the situation be apparent at ttie time ot the meeting of congress so that the legislative branch of the gov ernment shall have the duty pressing upon it to correct laws protecting finances. Protect Yocrsklf. Insure your prop erty in the Guardian Assurance compa ny of London. Cash assets 123,000,000. F. E. Donaldson, Oregon City, Oregon. Washiwotosc, June 3. At no tim since specie payment were resumed on January 1, 1879, has the net gold in the treasury of the United States been so low as it ia today. The amount is (80,8.19, 217. On January 1, $114,lil3,M. Since that period it gradually increased until March, 18H8, when it reached $218 818,000, which was high water mark. Since then the net gold holdings of the treasury have been on the declining scale. While no uneasiness Is ielt at the treasury department because of con tinued lose of gold from the treasury, till Secretary Carlisle Is not unmindful of the fact that the limit may be reached where tbe confidence reposed in the treasury by the people may be shaken. How to replenish the treasury with gold has been a problem seriously con sidered by the administration for some time. An issue of bonds is the remedy usually suggested, but it ia known that the president is not in favor of thi alternative except as a last resort, and even then if they he issued treasury officials are not by any means confident that the treasury gold repleted in thia way will long continue. It ia con tended that the laws in force simply mean the government must borrow gold at interest for the purchase of silver with no assurance that the gold so obtained will remain in the treasury longer than the time necessary to take it out. The suggestion has been made that tbe secretary of the treasury has power to issue greebacks in exchange for gold, thua increasing the amount of gold, and increase the volume of greenbacks out standing to the extent of tbe gold thus exchanged. The treasury officials eay that the idea is not a new one and has been advanced at different times in tbe past ten days. There is no law on the statute books more stringent than that relating to greenbacks. The secretary of tbe trersury has no discretion either to in crease or diminish tbe volume of greenbacks. Sink of Sp.kue Filli. Spokane, Wash., June 5. This morn ing the Bank of Spokane Falls failed to open its doors for business at the usual hour. The news spread rapidly, and ex cited widespread regret, but little or no excitement. There was an entire absence of scenes and incidents that us ually attend such suspensions. Confi dence in the ability of the bank to pay dollar for dollar, with interest, on all claims, and faith in Mr. Cannon's private fortune and sterling integrity, and ability as a debt-payer, were everywhere ex pressed. This exerted a tonic effect, in striking contrast to the general alarm that usually follows the announcement of a bank's suspension. There were no crowds around the bank, and none gath ered to discuss the affair. The feeling was altogether one of sympathy for Mr. Cannon, and confidence both in him and the other banks of the city. Mr. Can non remained at his home during the day, where he received a large number of his friends. Without exception be was the recipient of expressions of sympathy and confidence. Edwin Booth Deid. New York, June 6. Booth's physician issued a bulletin this morning saying there was no change in his condition since last r.ight, and that he had been unconscious since Monday. Booth's sleep was fitful during the night, inter rupted by an exhausting fit of coughing. It is not thought possible he can" live longer than midnight, if that long. Already he is practically dead, being entirely unconscious. No solid food baa passed his lips for days. New York, June 7. Edwin Booth : died at 1 :15 a. m. The Monterey Coming. San Francisco, June 6. A morning paper says: "It is stated upon the au thorty of an officer of the United States coast defense vessel Monterey that the double turreted monitor will come down from the Mare Island navy yard on the 25th inst. and after taking fresh supplies hero leave for Portland, Oregon. She will go direct from here to Astoria, pro ceeding up the Columbia and Wil lamette rivers to Portland." Hew Commander at VsnoosTer. Washington, June 3. The secretary of war has issued orders placing Briga dier.General W, P. Carlin, recently pro moted, in command of the department of the Columbia, with headquarters at Vancouver, Wash., relieving Brigadier General Rnger from further temporary duty in that department.