Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 02, 1893, Image 8

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SemAnnual Clearance Sale
' And during this sale you will save money by spending it. If you want to know what wo
mean by a sweeping reduction
Best qua calico, 20 yards for . 00 Our entire line of 12 and 15c lawns, in chocks and .trip
Atlantic ll domestic, do-ineh wide, 18 yards for 1 00
Men's black satteen shirts, reduced to 45
Men's outing flannel shirts, reduced to 35
Men's Standard white shirts, our$l quality, reduced to (SO
ducod to 14 yards for 1 (X)
Ladies' Jersey ribbed under vests reduced to 10
Ladies' fast black satteen skirts reduced to
Our men's I'loiiuli shoe mimed t ..f
Ladies' cloth and leather laeu kIkh-h n-iliu-ej to j
Ladies' low shoe, patent t'l'H. r-diuv. to . ,. ,
ah 'ii . i. I I. I :...a .1 l.i M rmliti'i'il In
1. 1111(1 S IMMIpUII SIIOCS, ll'"'l, ntM - i
If you want to enjoy more than full purchasing power of your dollar spend it during this salo
LU U 1 lUi AL L U 1 3 , HH),,Hn, Loltiu
Conducted liidtr I lie .1 unices tt llir
fUtkauias ("iinty TeadiiTj' Avo.
All communications for thin column
should be uddieMjed to C. K. Pease, Ed
itor, Clat k.mas, Or.
district no. 63.
The reKrtof the Brown school district
No. 63, for the month ending May 26, in
asfollowB: Tlie total number enrolled
24; average daily attendance 20. Thoe
that were present every day are Clyde
Waldron, Jennie Waldron, Elmer Slc
Artbur, Clara Blanchard, Grace Blanch
aid, Laura Engle and Frank Engle.
Parents and friends are cordially in
vited to visit the school.
Chacncev Barney, Teacher.
The following U a report of school in
district No. 40. Needy, Oregon, for the
month en dim; Mav -i
Pupils who have attended every day
are Katie Karstetter, Mable Hardesty,
Willie Riley, Percy Ritter, Katie, Julius
and Flora Spot;la,Tenattuwe, Lillie and
Alvin Thompson. Total number en
rolled 39; average attendance during the
month 31. Visitors 6.
Katie Thompson, Teacher.
district no
Following are the names of the pupils
who were neither absent nor lardy dur
ing the month ending April 28: Mary
Molzan, Charles Thomas, Jennie Phelps,
Daisy Phelps, Irvine and Bert Wheeler
and Guwie Vorpahl. Also for the month
ending May 2G: F.rlie Eauch, Jennie and
Daisy Phelps. Ai.etiia Piiilpb,
The following named pupils have
neither been ahsent nor tardy during
the month ending May 26: Laura Carl,
and Willie Lucke, Claude ilongham,
Clara and Ella Wintermantle, in school
district No. 18.
The first month of school in thiH dis
trict, No. M, ended May 12, under the
care of F"ranci-t Cleaver as teacher. Num
and Pearl Beetle,
Belle Hikkahii, Teacher.
The regular meeting of the association
was held at Can by, Saturday, May 27,
the following memliers being present:
Supt. Uibson, Misivs Fannie Porter,
Maggie Williams, Jennie Uowen, Bertha
dribble, Aletha Phelps, Ina Thomas.
"How to Teach subtraction,
C Y. Draper
Iiscussion, Mi-w liowen, Miss Hill mul
0H'iiiiig Exercises C. E. Pease
Discussion, Win. liankins, Miss Thomas
. . . Miss lluiikins. : snKrintendint and reports that their
and others
Music, IM-ol
Recitation, Mis (irihhto j
"How to Train Pupils to lie Patriotic"!
Oieo. L. Storv '
school, under the liinoiip-niclit of A.
Coles is progressing llni'ly.
The Jackson mhool iienr Wright's
Springs is ably con. In. -ted by Miss Ura
Mis Annie Young is teaching in the
Katie Thomas, Mattie Noe, Ore Nelson, L. " " -" 7 ' " ' ' , ht"Ty
f,iii. H0..1,: . i ' , i I ' Disciissiop Miss Noe and T. J. f ary
-il ol 1 le nankins. Jessie a . nm ami . J
llMt;Vin,,....u mu n r I "Modes of Punishments,"
C. Y. Dra.ier, Bert Bea.tie, G 8. Story, j .,7 " ' " U "weather
i n vji..,, r ii v: . Discussion, Miss rantuo Porter
A. C. Stranga, I
, II. Vincent and C. E.
"How to Teach Penmanship."
(j. W. Swoim
The first subject on ths program was, n. .
"How much Literature can we Teach D'.n' MH' A,,me Ict'J nd M,M
... D..i.i; u..i i.. it t ,.' . vtaldron.
..i i uuuu iiiuuio. iiir. niiKIies, , . ,
beimr absent. C. E. Pes ... oni . Tl,e KUooi at Macksburg will he out
on to ojsjn the discussion He was fol
lowed by Mr Irajer, Mr. Vincent,
Miss Porter and Mr. Ga-diner. All
seemed to think that a knowledge of the
subject was desirable, but that verv
little attention could be given it in the
ungraded schools.
Miss Phelps next introduced the topic,
"How to Prevent Whisnerinir." She
thought it impossible to entirely prevent
it, but that every possible effort should
be made toward that end. Miss Rowen
thought the best w ay to control thisevil is
to keep the pupils busy. Miss Waldron did
not think whispering a very serious fault
il kept within reasonable bounds. The
discussion then drifted into a eeneral
experience meeting about school man
agement. Mr. Draper asked how to
avoid the frequent interuptions of recita
tations by requests for permission to
sak, borrow books or pencil, leave the
room, etc. Miss Rowen said the teachei
should pay no attention to such requests
during recitations, and that a short time
between recitations whould be triven to
answering questions, hearing requests,
etc. Miss Thomas, Miss Porter, Mr
I)raier and others made spicy remarks
on the subject
Mr. Gray not being present Mr. Dra
per took up the subject of "Teaching
Long Division," and stepping to tin
, . " ft "il', aim njrjf ling to me
ber.of pupils enro led, 19; average 8ttcn-' ba,k boarJ preflentetf ,,iH met,)(J(, of
eance, 18; casfs of tardiness, 3: number
of visitois, 5. The following named
pupils have been neither tardy nor ab
sent during the month: Ida Hnd Fred
Woodside, Maggie, Willie and Frank
Mulvey, Aggie and Fred Wallace, Nellie
teaching that subject in his forcahlo and
interesting manner.
Supt. Gibson delivered an able ad
dress on the subject of "Grading Country
Schools." He said that although there
was a great diversity of opinion in r
.... ..itumiijr vi iiuiiiMui ni re-
and John Bogue Delia and W inme gar,j to tllis st (J ()
I sura n I urnnia nwi .ii 1 . "
Logan, Clarence and Joshua Mallett
district no, 14.
Following are the names of all pupils
who have been neither absent nor tardy
and who have been noted for their good
deportment during the month ending
May 12th, at school district No 14:
Louise Lacroy, Myra Lacroy, Christena
Hamilton, Lulu Miller, James Ruther
ford, Mary Hamilton, Georue Closner,
John-Rogers, Bert Rogers and Urania
Lacroy. Visitors: Misses Mary Lacroy
and Emily Dravers, Messrs. 0. B. Kakin.
Wm. Miller, Howard Haydenand James
Ward. Total No. enrolled 42. average
daily attendance during the month 36,
Friends and parents are cordially
invited to visit our school and note our
progress. Yours for education,
Ciias. Ruthekfobo, Viola, Or,
district no. 99.
Following is a report of the school in
district 99, Clackamas County, Oregon,
for the month ending May 26: Total No.
enrolled 25; average attendance 18;
Those neither absent nor tardy were
he overcome, the time would come when
the country schools would be graded.
The first item is that of making out a
course of study by years or grades laying
down the work to be done in each of the
several branches. He tLought that the
adoption of a course of study would be
of much benefit, as many teachers tiush
their pupils over two much ground to
teach anything thoroughly, while manv
others failed to accomplish as much
work as is generally prescribed for ordin
ary pupils in the graded schools. Ho
promised to present a course of study to
the teachers before the fall terms commence.
Music was conspicuous by its absence.
It is strange that Clackamas county
teachers cannot sing. Quite a pheno
menon f Misa Jfonnia tlnuron mtMnA
"Samuel and I" in an excellent manner
to an appreciative audience. The next
meeting of the Association will be at
tff . I t i-l i 1 X n.
macKsourg, eaiuroay, June z, wnen the
following program will be carried out:
Music, Local Talent J
on Friday June 21, the closing exercises
will be held on Saturday at the meeting
of the Association.
Mr. Neal Stupp and Miss Ina Thomas
will close a successful term of school at
Canemah, June 2d.
educational circulars.
State Superintendent McElroy has
received dursng the past few weeks a
large number of letters from teachers
and others in all parts jf the state ask
ing for information relative to the cost
of traveling, details of excursion rates,
rates of boarding at Chicago, the edu
cational congress at Chicago, Oregon's
educational exhibit and many other items
of importance to the peoule of Oregon
who expect to visit the World's fair.
These letters have become so numerous
that it has become impossible to answer
them in detail, and, in order to meet
their want the superintendent is nrenar-
ing a circular letter to teachers and others
which will furnish full information rela
tive to roundtrip and excursion rates
over the transcontinental railway lines.
These w ill be issued to the teachers at
the earliest practicable date Tee
annual meeting of the state teachers'
association has been postponed until
November or December next ; it is gen
erally liehl during the summer vacation.
This change was made upon the receipt
of numerous requests and petitions from
county teachers' instutes, universities
colleges, and teachers, asking that the
meeting be deferred until some time sub
sequent to the close of the World's fair,
as a large number of instructors contem
plate going there.
tkaciikrs' cm; ii.
The Oswego Ironworkes says that
school closed yesterday for the term.
The closing exercises consisted of recita
tions and musical selections. There were
quit a number of visitors.
H. T. Evans, principal' of the Oswego
school and his assistants, Misses Bickner
and Fox, closed a very successful years'
school last Friday. Prof. Evans is an
able and efficient teacher and has held
the principalship of that school for
several years. On their way to Beaver
Creek he and his wifestoped in Ore
gon City for a few hours, and the Pro
fessor called on Superintendent Gibson,
and had a chat on educational affairs.
Miss Mary Davis is teaching a very
successful school in district No. 85. in
the Henrici neighborhood.
Prof. Alex Thomson and Miss Maud
Salisbury are teaching an excellent
school at Clackamas.
Miss Mattie Noe is teaching a goal
school at New Era.
Henry Thomas, clerk of district No.
65 near Wilholt called on the county
Jonxriid district.
Miss Ediu lios closed a successful
term of school in
last Friday.
James Jr. Gibson was in town Monday
evening visiting his son, Superintendent
C. F. Clark snd W. F. Kohinson of
Clackamas called on Snjs'iintetitlmil
Gibson Monday,
district no. SO.
The follow ing is the report of school
district No. HO: Nuinlter enrolled fsi;
average daily attendance during the
month Isuiiininu Mav 1. and nndimr
j May 20, is 2r. Those who have la-en
neither absent nor tardy are Cora
Martin, Gusla Mm-hnke, David Mwhnke
and ltalpli Meyer; those that have lieen
tardy but not absent are Elnora Gunther,
Arthur liluhm, Will Kliiluu and Fred
Friends and naimim .f Mm ii..!,,;i
are cordially invited to come and '
the school. Mvkti.k Tavloh
ii:t.iN(jt km iav h i.i-:.
Sr i tr. i.r ( in..i .
(iui.lv i. I lit. kn i'.M.t
Iff I tie I'l.iie. lir 'it irv mi ( il v, ( 'ri'i.'. .n
In the iiiimi. el i!n' suii- ,if iirrn'..ii, r.ni
are hereliy nuiiMinu.lp.1 l.i Irvy m.mi II.p
(.Ki.ln nil, I I ill . I -! 1 1 1 1 1 li 1 . 1 111 j'-llrli
III I III ll.fl Klllllll ill hll .ri. 1 11 li.l. nr
mi liini-li llieri'iil tm ill ..iti.f i t lie am.im.l
llll lilf-'f'l InT Mill) till rn.'l m.. . rfllli d
onli; slid il ho 'f..iinil .ni4-ftv If loin.. I
limn il i ufii I lie rrul .r..-riy n Imili In
tlie aiil iliilhuiiiiii la i I I . or iini.li
II ultl'lv Ihr Ut ft i-Lnri'i-il ami
l.ii.il ,li.t.i.. V.. 7ii : lIliTeof III
ri'iiri'i ti pity oicr nil inoiirvaiioiiillrrti-.t
lo Hie I'Hv 1 rvnt'iriT i, I Hrron Cii, , i irr. ,
goii. ' !
Ill Willie-Hi Vlil'lt)..! Il 11 V e lirfrlll I,, vl
my linit'l Hint nltlu-.l tin- l ol . il l llrr-iiii
t'lly iliKMInlay of t-i i-rmrv HM i
I.. I. I'l'lt I Kit.
(Scnl. I I!i-cor.li.r ..( (In k'.ni I ny,
My Virtue of Ilia lon rrnl, !,.
Irvic.l ill... n. null milt no M Inv il. I 11.
(! ol Jinn.. !i,. ,f ,,'ntt. i-l,. k
I . M. ol kiihI 1 1 a v . nl lli.-nnirl Im.iim. ,l.,t i
tlif i llv ol I in fill l ily, I 'lii, kitiimi i. ,
tin-con, m-II Hit lollonuiK ,.. r,l. i,
l-nia-riy nl imlillc nuci (orrtt.i n, l,ni,,.
or mi iiiin-h Uii.riHif . mil i,r niu .iini
ol clly la tea 1 1 iir llit-rt-on ,aii ii.,i. ihi-
... .ii.U.-iH iiv in i iiv iiui.. nl i irrv-i.ii ( in
,.,, ii . , . ' ' . '"our "i ' arama. mala n lltiajB i
crifC'ii, l-nnlilnl lor ly thr clurirr of I .i..hm, i i,i(hi..i i,i,,, inaial.-f
I Iri-irno I O V 1. 1 la if t.i.l . . ... . .
Ill k
f.' -i
I .'
liriK.in I'ny, to u
l.lT or HKI .1.1141 Lira rokriTY II1M IS Oka
(" HT.
Owner. !,,(,
I'r.lia iii.la ll 3an,
(T.in I jtm iiImII .1 a, j
Mra. ,M. A. llr.,ii,,,ii,..
Couiil v a lii all ..r
Mra. Marv I'l.liin a
AM Kmly, ealaii- n
liku-le 1. county a.11 u
liuinlile Itol.i , ,-i nrt
Mra. Harali Partriilgi-nl 4
I It Y M 1 1' a II At. tl f
j S'.d'ci If lirrrlif (tliili, thai !) vllv
If allanl lifir.l l. Ilia lc- I'lcf ..I ll,a . ,
H.IN.t (.. in-. .fr. Ir.l ,alf tlf f4k a
Ma). A P . I'"' a. 1. 1 afallifl
r..itimaiitln( air I. Irt t u"ti t-l H II k
U aU'l i-.ii.irl Ilia aff'ff Iiir lit l'i 111
aiii,iihtiii I, (ha anht ol Bia il .har tul
Siain:a l.-f (lip lfti.r.ilcltirli( T:Ith t
lu a-!;.-!, lifrg.ili
I liaie Ihlf U Irvlr.t lti.i aal ak-o
a. r I l-r. I f . i-r K , ail. I oil Ilia Hall ,alf.
11 at : if 1 i-a-a Ml. ,i aal.t ,la. la r-t
(ha r-MWI lloiiaa 111 Ilia I lt o Oiaf a
( ...nil y nl ( lai kaaaaa, an. aula ,.I nia a ,
f-U fal.f .f..flf In Ilia hlgliral M.I let tu.
In -ar "I I aiac-.fn.am. Lajrlbal aiU
alel atlifca --f fair
Sal I aaic l.i laf ..f I M n. illiff
1 W tiVa. 1 111 iif
Sella. H Orrtfolt. Wa I I'!'
1 II Y MahsMAI. kklK
.V..(l. a It l.cial.) fltan. thai .l atrtaa
vaffaut Iftiir-I ti Ilia rvra.f.laf ,il 1 i
arl... lo tna ,lr,T(. .lain) Iba Nk
Mar. A I'. I""J, ai. l ajall.il
f 1,1. .Ila
f..i..man.ln( taa lo Irvr iii-.n 1.4 r la U.
an.) r.-llr. I ill.' afa.aamrli( .bia llif-fa.at a
lli I" Ilia f.oa ul M-.an i..lait all I lata
rnla lor iha lraiiiainaul o flllk km
ar"a.a. lirrtnu.
Iliaia llila itat laala.1 iiN,n aal-l aOi
a. lll, .i.ailt .li t oil Ilia I'ah -laf af
Mrl..k , , f tal.l ,lai la IV
II. a r.. lift h..a H Iha (III ol Inal I
.ml, i, I larkaiiKa, mala n llfra. a I ,' j "
i.. i..
aaol a. ..., nil. I.rllicf allli f.u tfc
ioitra mi aala
Sal.l aala lo l lor I' M ali.t filial-
r. W liAVIk I'lljr Hi
-ll-.. Olg.,l,. Ma, lutt H..
A 1 1
.1 III
Oa .tinier ft IVi "i
I.. I), h'liniiril ; jn ,T
Mra. A ,,,.., U.y . f ,
ib J""1 "'nli M im
kariant Itailf.l
lirV A HrtAl. M AI.K f
la hrfrl.r altau Ihal lit ilrw it
alw.- nia .llfr, ic.l
Iha rM ..-lf ol lk
Mar A II laai. an. I aial'.al
3 III i mrnman-tllir mr lo lr,r w-ti l-S Ik t.
:a ainl roiln-t ho afaraa mrlil il.ia Ihrfniiti la
in lo Iha a.iin ,. ihlr-.a al .1.-11. if taj i
r.mi l,,r il,, ini. fin amain n alilkic"
Sallw.Hal (irrfatl,
I ha.a tl,l..lw lK.i..t ........ ..u
Ill oil Ilia loth ,ay of Jnnr IwiJ, al I'' j
in olaal.l.lat, lu Irolil ol Ua rfiurlkn-t
Ilia I It j at llrf-,,,1, ( lr l oillilf ol I Ifi.
aiel Slaia n li,r,..i, win aa aall pM f
hlnlinal hl.llrr Iharflor In par al. auiau
Ifk-lrf Will, ri.fl alel aloaliaoa ol aai I
Sal. I aala lii Imi lor f S ani.l an-l nlt
u . " W MAVIS. ( Ilillo
k"UHil, lirrj.iii, May t la- l
V 1
S'Hlrali liarvlir (Ivan. Iliai hi rlriK
airain i..i,, ,i,r ,,,m ,.,. (
H..l... mo illia, ,!,.,( Hl,
"'J A . i Ifj.t an-I aK4llifl
I li.Hallll
e..lnlan.ltn nia o Inty li...ll ',fiV
"lia-k II all. rollrrl hn aaai-aanir nl Jul
mi. ainmoiuiK lo iha ..mi ..It,.., li:itfi
llll.fuilii,. ,, HI, 1 1, ,i ,,.p HallW-aalo-'f I 0
I llfvr llila .lay l. vlt.,1 ill U ; 1 j
-l IIIM. ,,,, ,.... v a ( Oh I, .1 a V Ol .
ai 4i, ,., I, , , , ,,,,1 j,.
Ilia ri.iirl I, I,. .. . .. ,
( '.illilv oil 1,,-kamaa all. I Htala "I Ur-1 t f'loih-i-liaui.l
.r...a-rt - lo huhi'fl lilil.l.T ibf" ' -. t
'"r MI inent, toai-lhar lll" of
tl-f-nwa ol aala i.'l n
"alii . i,, m (,,, i. m Ulli,i .,! .Iliii -1 -i ,,.,a
'- f'l
OkiorTNl Ukocar CoaiTkacTOka aso uils
isa m kiiimm,
0AKD Isuhd, NIB., April 8th, lHta
Dr. Xa MtdUaX Co., Elkhart, lnd.
OliiTLIflKk: I hid been tmoliliMl wliv
Biktatr aoaiTMC taario vraa. anrl aln, .V 1
JIiKl1. T 10 . "nil alllMiiixli I
Will I STCW teailllv laor .....II . ..
re'rvMua,r.i,"k MO" ' eovi, r would l"2
.rli-.,.'ie.riY.rvl fc kini 1,0, iff
i.i at u""tU'7 m mj elrculktlon conul
lo impn.vf) from tlio l"nit, unil now Tiln oi.lo lo do
(i1dy'i work for. mn lid yekrofaw. Iglvo
--kav Ufa I-IKkaiT UUIla al Iha
II 1
I ' ''lAh. V, J I 1 a "M ti't ill"1 "-.o
wV&Vr'. The j Jl' "'"l-r Klvm. thai Iff .! L !
PPol's Comol. u- . ? i "' i'""-'1 ' "'" rri-oM.-r.il Ik"' V nQ
r'.P'O'lon Cream rra.tl. I., ma dira..i...l il-o-.l ll.laMk . J
APPOl S Comnl..l a
ton iZ. i . 1 r"vior in ir.i.
' "'"tiliil clear and t,.?..
.'7' ' m
frillT flip rnu rufii.uua.
"'I "vv3i , h ia iiYltri
i , " V' l'h('Xh I keep k Isatle In iha
-V. i" annum nuwi u. i ivo a I an liml
' " ' yini an HID
Lt"ler luonthkMini-ai
For Bale by Charman & Co.
new yokgalleky!
rhotogriiphH Delivered J'romptly in the
Finest (Stylo of Art.
Fine Crayon Work a Sixxialty.
Old Pictures Copied to Any Size, fiafio.
Illolion . I L.' ' 1 A
Uillcry fle.r Foit Offlo., OEEOOH CITI, OB. RATES - ft Clly'
F. P. W IIITK. -
tHKp. Katlmalia r, i? 1.. ' "' '""'lern ei.
t.llnor.ddr... WIII1-K,7'u75l!V"
C M. taian.
1 tf .ii..
r . WIH HI 111 r
eoMiliia.idli,, i, , Invyui lot I In k-' o:'i'
""I r..ll,-,.i n,r . Mllt ,P J
io iiiiIiik l iiojauin ol iw..iiiyiilu'J t
"lih ,ir,... ii, h,.Wl ori-noii f. . "V
,t,!.!!,Vi" 'i''1" '"vl'"' n"i"ld'i 1
i i,r"i'"'y. kini on ii... I"ih 1U1 f
lW.aUo,. k .. I,, ,, Hald day. Ill (TPlll (
!',' ,""" ' Hi U.a ( lly.l Oral- f V
' "'') H:iaekain ,i sial.."IOrai..i j
a.'ll anjil i.n.i.i.riv i,, ,i... , ,,1,1-rlh. L.
lo liav .i.l . . . nh I i-liilikl.
' .-"-aaiiniiii o.ai.iiii'r wn- I
ao.d and HI"' I T,lA?'"
k lltt.aal, Orai,, Mnytf, s-i;i, 1 !' "'i-iia.
' . I,,
tllV MAIIHIIAI, HAI.K. I .(,, ,
(viiri'a i ? i' tn'r.'liy (v II,, I l,v rW" r.il
J, '"'", 1 1 liy til., rai-order of H'' ' ?"' 11 n
, .""', '" l"0 'I'fecteil. 'iKl' il II" li """ A "
SIy A Ii.,h.,;, . ., t) c lA.
l" Ivy'Mu,..'..; lot I0l1 i
iw-inv : . "' ""y """" :ri i ask-
atreat. ' ,i,..i.i. j f
sa.i'aaniioit o.ai.ilo
iihi ... . ' -
.,.., ,,, mniv.
""Id aiilo lo l, l,,r -
nr U"i": ,
IIIlUll'1 I
Jrlliild", M',Uy -vil upon .-I.I -'jf DlflCS
"in ,o. f , , ,y or-f" f !
"'y ;i i:ik..k,, Hl,a ore; i
1 k'(l ir,,.-riy i h hUha.l I. ' .' o k f khi
j ' I'ny Mid a 10l,i, totl,r ll t . ,kH.
aai ' 1 " kiiionl, Iokiii
L , I. I nana oi anlll.
H'".lanleiohf,,r I'. H. (old or illtf,
Hellw,.. i ,:- w- IAV s, uny;,
.''niiioti, M,,y,, ,im.
N(tf lita L I . . i.h I
tala , , " ion kl aioellHK - ,, -ir
U e , sural, A. 1'atrtrl.Un. (.,.-im.-il- ' V :
.III . "I" l'l.li.te. jun.lllh. 1H kl" ' 'eld
a,on. ""J'' iiona lo aald miMin a- t o,
Ua r
if WM. HKAMAN, r a'oiiii
M.y 0!S'All,,r'""""rl"tB' m.Hf