i In Ills loam we f ntaf" ought ) e r'ilti' I'wrlr CiiiivrulUn. Tim iiiiii'Ii trIk of ituiHM ciinvnnllcin ,4 llm IVopli'd' parly In tuku notion rnlu- ijvtl tD lllf nillllly llllll'llllliaa Will lll'lil lb lint tttuvo mi tlui hill mi TiuimUy, ltll Hit ftttl'lllllllH'tl Itll'lllllillK llnmii ilrnwn HillliiT tn mn wliat UH ilmm, ,4 ltlit I'.'.V TI117 W'l'i I in liuvn no ntii'i'lllu of wrtluli iitKiinlrril will. f, II, (iiinliiii it I'liulrniHii nihI II, Kintlr wmllmr no MM-roliiiy. ('oiinlilnriililii Ulkintf wan IihIiiIkmI In, Inn it wuh jiU'lll llllll till')' I'l'lllll llllt HKIIMI lllllll inu'lvm Rk In ft liMl aliuiilil lm iluiio, (jnltfl It nilliilinr 1 if iimuliiliiiiiM Mnrt) f, at'lltinl liy ilnli'KHliin I, ut nil ,Ut thn fnlliiwliitf wrrtl Vnlil ilnwil. 'llm fiimiliillnim llimlly ilo,tm hpim k j.jluwa; :! vrtl , That all ili'li'Kti iiiiil 1 (Turn urn mrvanta of llip nh,i(i ami lut our iIiIikW tniirMM Uhiii llio run nli(iii tlmt mu ll I lliti hhh. );imilviul, Tlmt thin I'liiivmitiiiii 1I0 tlJ ""t IH'lll I'fOlXT IIII'llllM 1ljll( U ! iiM-ii of dm iirt'iil l'l( cf our county nil MlHiva llm coliiititiitlutml I'Ullt. WllMIKAII. J"lm county nuirt uf Clai'kaiiiua enmity vlulatml tint niiinliliitioii tin) r iOtii'!i'fi"l I'iMiiity fiiiuU In vnrlmu wit a. Tlifti'loro I It ji,.jvnl, Ity thn tmiKiyi-rn Imro niiitili'il tlmt lliry urn unwurtliy of U.air (HMttiun mnl llicy alioiiltl ri-algn t!,ir ollUi'n. 1 I'lilillr Hrlitwl Kfiitca. Xln I'ujiil of llm arlimil Mi-rn nviti tofciarrb f ruin llit arlinul tu tho liall on ) r itliin l'y. Abmit 4iKi mi't at ihn n. b'i'l at m'ho oVIim k mill furinul In linn i(li llm Imml ! t i (itf. A (ilrliirii waa takrn l llio linn Ifti'm alartiiiji. All i:,l7i'"l lliiWKin lilrli lliry Iff t ut till' ii.iD (o Ix- tali ill to llm rnmi'ti'iy. 3Jr. (iilwny kv llm lilorury rlnmi mi tiittii'ttuin tiilk on llm pii'l, Ti'iinyiHin tilt Mninlay, A lnil in iaMN'li-i lii rliw tin tilth i,( Juni', llm Imi) nf Ilia nrnlimtinK claim I .tln-r nitli nlliiT Imyaiif tlin m'liuiil Lite loftiii'il a lmi Imll lilliu mil Imva 1 liuJloiijjml llm IIioh.ii rvutl Aimlriny !- f to a gaunt uii llif lillli. I.vi'inlrr 1- Bk' iM'lii li'il liy llm crinliiiiting i'Ihiui '' ciilur". IIk1 iiini'' uniform will liilmiti'ty iiiiiiIkmmmI of luvi'lnli'r. All rr ci"!t'iirKi,i to atti'inl tlili gumu to Vi'll ! r tln Imiiif timiii. Hi" liuit ln'liii( of llm Kii ii'ty mi . :-y Hi'll dttftlili'il. Tim rvHirt uf 1 1 if 1: mmilti'ii mi flitrrtuininiMit liopi ! ;J'i to Ih iimmI fur thn inrKi of pur ilatinii lilirnry. Mi'IiiImth of tint ;i !f mnl ollinm liva routriliiitpil iHmkii to ihr lilirary. Tbi' roiinniltiHi HiMilntii to -Iim'1 tlif ! - k for tin' lil.rnry n I'rof. I'rinitlt', M4 1'nrii r ml M1k Wmlc lb" ili'lmti' ml Hi" irlnliliK pri'im ml li'Htn iwkIiih qitontion. The utimin oiikIiih Hii'i'lviitl thu volit of tliu JuiIkihi. rn-ii- Chuhh nf Hnirce Momy, A wiill-known I'liitUml ImnkiT ulvi-n NOTICKOK l'ltu'HHl, TO IMI'ltoVK MAIN M'l'KKT. Nut In. I.lirri'liv (i vbii, Unit llm City ('null ill ul nri'iruii ( iiy rooMi in niirovc Hint iorllon of Mulii hlrm-l lylii ln lwfi'ii (tint jinlnt on Mil 1 11 Nlri'i-l h Iiith llm line nlmlt ot llii' ciiimi'iiI mill 1 riiin tli uli l ri'i't iiiiil Mid iinflli IiiipiiI Hnli'i'iilli utri'i-t, Hi llix i'X n n ri'iim.11 for tlniili'iri'fnimi in huiHiifM 1 ,,(.!,. . il,n ,rnifilv owihth hhiI Kuil unil thn li,it not iiioiiiiy.thii (net Hint l""1" H"v iinnmny- i,',,li 1. . . ,,. Il. It V Kfiiiliiiu tlmt 1'iirl of M11I11 Htri'i't l.llllnll IiioiIkiiK" i:oiii.mil.n 1110 ritllinn yi,, .u.',..i lh l-lnl on il mn-i-l wlirri' III llinlr Iiiiiiih iiliiri'il In lliin i iiiniirv 1,1 r... 1 liii' lliiii uliiilt ul llif I'l'iiii nt iiilll rrimoKii neve llm Htri'Hn of uir.iirit ut houiii, I'.anka lnTti uro 11U0 fiilllnu In tin. r Ioiiiin, mnl only ri'Kiiliir I'liNtiiiiiiTHriin horrow iiiotiry Till In thn ri'umiii why llm Huiiml fouiitry In nulfi'ilnu inom llntn nny othi-r 'nrl of Ihn NorthwiiHt. J I In Imi kcl Urii). ly liy Kiwlnrn mnl forliiriiillitl mut lum niniill ri'noiiri'1'n of IU own to Imrk It up wlmii thu out nlilu rujiiUl In Mllhilmwri I'ortlHinl Ik hullt mnl owiiml l,y J'ort luinlnr mnl imturitlly U uir.K'toil in only 11 ImiirM t wiiy l.y fliuiii lul ili'ir,.nlin In Furoio or thn Imnt. It In thn m unrlty of inonny In tin) mirroiiinliiii country, 011 wlilili I'ortlunit iliHnin for Itn tmiln, whii'h rmiwN thn ilullimnn of ImiIniikhh luirn, Thn . 1. 1 . ( . Uuurin. Tim Nutloiml Trlhuiin Convi-riiHtion Cluh (iuunU of Ori'Knn will linll their flrnl miinion t On-Kon Clly Juno la mnl 14. Thn K. of I', Imll m In-i'ii wi uri'il, kIhu fn tiiitrrtnlniiii'iit throuidi llm klniliifK of thu (i. A. K. In lii'lpiim liiKinlM-r of tliiv I'Ui fto mx iirr Hit) tmiis. Thn Nulluiml Tributin ('oiivithmUoii Cluh litmnU in hmnl of the Coim-rn-tion Cluh orwHiiUvil In Hun ton Auifiint i:t, lmm, for milium' iM ii. flt mnl the iiiore irtlrl rnfori'i'iniiiit of thu prin i'lii' of irottri'iHi mid mtriutiniii tu wlili'h thn ('onvprniitioii Club itaniU ilmll(nil, OliJivU pmuri'nn aiij pttriolimn. ('. (,'. rtuwnr forip't'inu-iiol. (?. C. mot lo pro mtrii4. Thn Oreiion ilivinion w formi'il lMiut a yrnr nirn itli twenty I ilmtler iin'iiiliem, Mm. Flri'U Hinith. ol Allmnv. roininmnliT. All Intt renli"! in Ihn i nline rn invilxil to mteiul. alnu to join our rmikn. 1 will nny (or thu N'oellt uf a few tlmt thin in not a nei icl wK'ii'ty. 1 mi I' I nl reel mill Hie nurlli line of M i inn ut reel In the elnlili!ei iriiln, Mini h 'U vlnK "nine full niilHi Willi a vilrilleil lirn k aveinenl, ;4. Hv hruliiiiiK or trenllliiK thnt nrt uf Mm 11 nlrM't lyiuir helweeli thn nurlli line ol Min nlreel mnl Ihn noillli line of Twelllli ul reel, full m iIi. ;t'l. It v xni'lliiK Unit nrl of Mnin ntreet lylnK ti'tnei'ii th noulli lion ol Twelfth iri'it ui mI llie'iiorili line of Kuurtenntli Irnet In Hie i-lnlilli-lii'il nmtr, ami hy av 1 1 1 K Hie "nine lull wiillli with a Kravl iave melit. 41I1. It v hrlihilua or trenllliiK Unit part of M11I11 ntreet lylnK fx-tween the imllli line of Kiiurlimilli nireet aiul tSe nurlli line of Hli teeuth ntreet, full wliltli. Mil. It v InylliK nlilewalknull Initll nlilen of until ntreet from the (mint on naiil ntreet where tint line nhnfl of the eeliieiit mill erunnnn naiil nlrnel to thn north line of Hi-ti-riilh ntreet; provlileil, liuwpvrr, that no nlilvwnllin nhnll lie Inlil where thn walkn now Iniil am In kmmI nonilltloii, nf .ro-r wiillli, ami 11 1 'Oil the enlulilinlieit Krn'le. I'iihhlie. hy nnlnr of the city ciiuni II at a uieotliiK helil My Hi, lrt 4i U I.. l'dltlKH. Itworiler. DR. L. WHITE, WHEN IN- C K N BY TRY TIIK- DENTIST. Over Cniiflelil'l lima HUir, Onirnilnm (nun the Int In I'.lli nl nnrh mmith. Artlfn Inl teeth mi ruhlier, firm rlnm, lit. Unl'l t1llln 'rum ti up. All work guaraiel. Base Hall Supplies. We are utile to ftiriiiHlii'vcry tiling in liixi' ball kk1m ut ImiI tiiii priii'n.mulrinlicit ucottiimri nuii tif jrici'H with any I'ortlnntl (li'uli-r. huitililii)(r li'iipun balln, lrmigtte Imtn, lt-ngue mitts, legal inankn, all Mol.l at club ricrH to any Inner. Sole agi'iu-y for Sauliling'H giKnlrt. Huntley's Book Store, Oregon City, Or. P. S league 1h11h m-w Helling at 1.21; regular priw $1.50. N'llH'K KOK 1'flll.HATION. Ulnl (ifflca at Ori'lim CHy, lre'm,( April 21. Iwa. t Nntlen In herehy given Ihnl Ihn fn!lnwlii( limni-l neltlrr linn rllii) linlli-riil hln IlileMlnli In mnke rliinl iinml In uiiimrt nl hln rlnnn. anil Dial inhl iiriHil will l inailr lieliire thn ilen-lmer mnl KveeWer nl Ihe I'. M Inml nltlc at OrennB i:ily. Oreumi, mi Junn la, Inua, rli: M or II 11 L. HrlilrnilliiK. Ilnmenlen'l miry No . n'J, Inr the N. W I; Bi. H T rl , It 4 K He iininni the Inllnwliia lt iiriiei in rnve hln emitliiii'iiu reilileuee utmn mnl eiiltliniliui nf nnl'l Inml. vi K1 Miller, Mnnnii WnrniMk. Jnliti T. Myern. Jnneih Kenl, all ul HirliiKwnter, I'lm knrnnn rminty. Oregnn, i jnfi-i J. T. AITKltHiiN. lleKlmer. Cooke's Stables, W. H. COOKE, N.anager, luceeuor to U. II T A L. Co. Corner Fourth and Main Strw-tu, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVKttY KTABLE uf the City, li'ign of any deacription fiirniHhnil on ahort notice. All kimla of Truck and Delivery liuei- nenn irotnitly attended to. Ilornea Boanliyl and Fed on reason hie term a. Ml Wil MRS. J.IIAKKIS, I'rop. Home cooked inealu nerved in the )cnl of Hhujie. Clean rxuiH and hed. Mcaln 25 ceritH. Hoard at reanonable raten. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrinon, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS 8TIIX ON EARTH. For general repairing ho utamla without a peer. For firxt-clanfl, re liable goods hia Htore is second to none. Trv him ! R PRIER'S Photograph Gallery. If you want a good photograph give him a call at hia old stand op jKinite Farr'u butcher shop. Do Not Climb the Hill ! STOP AT- George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, Elyville, - Oregon, Where you can get the highent canh prieu for n . . 1 1 . r 1 fLt r : a. M....11.... -i-mi u u v, . 1 ..i.i ..r.u .r im Duuer, tygs anu umer rarm ,;,rn.;1;..;(,Vih.Kt NOTHINO BDT HEST-CLASS WORI DONE. PROMPT DELIVERY .NOTlCt FOK H'ltl.irATIOK. UuJ ortlce at Orenn Hy. Ornrnn.l April Jl, ln.a. i Null re In hereby riven thnt the liilliiwtuir nainril netller hnn flleJ untlee nl hii InteDtlnu In mnke film I iinnil lu niiiMin ol tin claim, 1111 J. F. FORD, Evangelist, Ol P Hoioen, lw. wrln-n under date of March 'A mi: H. ii. Men. Mm, Co., Ilufnr, ;re(on. Gentlemen: On arriving home lant week, I found all well and anxioimly awaiting, (lur little girl, eight ami one-half yearn ohl, who had wantinl away to M potiniln, la now well, ntrong ami yigoroua, ami well Heitieil up. M. II. Cough Cure lian ilone itawurk wrll. lioth of the children like it. Your H. B. Cough Cure baa cured and Keit away all hoarne iiem from me. Ho give it to every one, with greeting for all. Winhing yon projerlty, aearayoura, Ma. 4 Ma. J. K. Fokd. If tou wlih to leel frenh an4 eheerful, and ready Inr the Htirtiir'n work. clentiMi your r lein with the llexlwhe A Liter Cure bf Inking two or three donee eeh week. Seecnta per Ix tle br all drungiiu. Hold uuder a ponltlve f unr-anu-eby l U. AMiKEW . WOOD TUIliVING SCROLLAWING BOXES OF ANY Produce. Full line of nt-w (tixkIh at low er than Onuon City. SIZES MANDFACTUEED Parties desiring Wood Tarninir, Pat- tern. Bracket, or Shap Carpenter's Vork Will be Suited bv Calling on Me. Doors. Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. Or. XI. BESTOW, TOpp. the t'onifregational Churcb NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED CANBY USE! Wm. Phillips, Prop CANDY .OREGON, Table services not equalled by anjr hotel in the county. Kooms comfortable and clean. Charges reasonable. KARL'S 'ClOYi Root mm roe a ense it will hotcl. J Anaarwahle Uxativeand NF.KVE TON IC. Bold hy Iiruariataor tent by mail. Kc6uc and 11.00 per package. Bam plea frfe. ir Tf The Favorite TKTS KTIia MX U HllroTUeTeetbaiuliireaUi.&c. For aale by C. G. Huntley. BETWEEN 1 HE DEPOT BKIDGX AM) pflCOB I t . n. lAiia iiiiii ai uregon 1 liy, uregou, oa ! Jima H, WO, vlx: Jneiib Wind. II . I V .. (,'..., I... 0 IT I V U' 1 j Int. :l mid 4. nee. 1. T. a H., K. 7 K. lie nnmen (e horHt'H always On hand at the the following wliue u.prnve hl. fnnti,,,,.,,,., . . -nr,,lf,t(l Double and Single Rips, and eail- renlilenee 11 linn nml e.illlvntlnn nl nnld Inml. tie: lOWl'' IHlCeB. J.me. Krli,..ttlck. I'.vlil o'lmuuell J..I..I Me- j wjtn t)e for lo,,,, stock I nl v re. K. Ilarwr, all ol Salmon. ( Inrknmaa J. T. AITEHHoN, Ueitliter, eoiinty, Orveou. 4 if.if-1 W. S. MAPLE, Blacksmithing and Repairing. .. . r. -" . . INOTU E OP APPCINTMEST CP AD.MINI8- liaving one in i ne m-ni aiioern in me 1KAIOK. ntnte in mv euiplii)', I make Sotlee ! herebr given, thnt the umlernlgned l!Ofl VI 1 fl' I CIlPiM I TV I " "u apnuiiiieu oj me -louornuie vnuiiiy nUKohollULl.Nlr A M bUALll ! Court oCMniknmnnconiity.Orennn. admluUtra- I tor with the will auueiH ol the enuie ol Lu- ALL WORI ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. !ruL"' e nt them, properly Tenneil, to me at my rem- hm dlilHihitl. (VirniT from Pfiii' ! at Hnnella, nenrOnwean. Oreanu. within .noji ojijk hilt wrui r irom 1 ojt . u m(m,n, (rom th dui 0 thl. a-itleeor they iiaruware store. ORECON CITY. ORECON. are forever barred. UKO. H UK'EY Adm r of the eainte of l.umnn II. Calkitn. ili-c'd. Imied Mny 1, 1W3 b-H-1 Information regarding any kind ol stock promptly attended to by person or letter. horses Bought and Sold. LEARN TELEGRAPHY. A trade it pays success sure. Address. J. C. SEYMOUR, Oregonian Building, Portland. A GOOD INVESTMENT la one that brings big return. A GOOD MEDICINE Is the one that does what Is claimed for It. ORECON KIDNEY TEA witt ewe nil Tiee of the Kid arm and frinnryorennn, Consti pation. Dialwlm, Scalding Painn whm innatinir, rain in inr Back and Limhn. Imlation of the Waddrr. Bnck DuM Ucponits and Bnitbt'n bucase, CURE YOURSELFand Live a Long Time with out paying Interest on your Lease of Life, by suffering- FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repairs on all kinda of small machine promptly made. Duplicate keys to any lock manufactured. Shop on Main Slrwt. next to Nohlitt's Stables. GLADSTOME o v. J A PART OF OREGON CITY. Y A SUBURB OF PORTLAND iPROXIMITY TO PORTLAND AND OREGON CITY.: (il.AIiSTONK in a hlmrt mill' from Oregon City, and in rpacliod by trains on the Southern Pticific and by tie East Side (standard gauge) Electric line, running cars every half hour each way. The same fare i that currit'H the local jiasHi'tigtT n bliK'k in Oregon City, also carries a passenger to Gladstone. As a matter of fact the resident of Gladstone is nearer to the business portion of Oregon City than the resident of the latter plaeo living six blocks from the Court House. Electric cars will make the run to this beautiful suburb I in six minuteo at a two and one-half cent fare to actual residents. The workman, the business man, the lady who has labored HITHERTO UP AND DOWN STEEP BLUFFS, AND NARROW AND SLIPPERY WALKS, Can now step into a luxurious upholstered car at tlie corner of any block on Main street in Oregon City, and enjoy a truly delightful ride over a splendid road bed, with glimpses of fine scenery and bo landed; dry shod, at their very doors in Gladstone. on 1 r,tt' !ln fi ui"-! i III Hi. d bJU U 7 i s iiit!i .J a bid f I'll''! 1 am i I regon City Suburb Will be so E eached From lain Street. A boon to shoppers, to thoso compelled to walk long distances to their lalmr, to business and professional men compelled to go homo late at night through all kinds of weather. The one . . rt . il.. 1 A . ni .1... 1 I. .. 1 t 1..K...1 . .... a ...Ml nil lk1 IM. ....I.iiita Pxvll ... V, rtO rX nm.A f. tv V. nl I 1. 11111.11 ll'llfali Q ml a luillllf Jflll lanilQA 1A llllll HI puvi'J" ir-, v I 11 -rill cent hit mile faro from Portland to Gladstone and half hourly trains will attract many residents from Portland who care more for health, pure water and a beautiful landscape than for the nightly dissipations of a great city. Thousands of business n ten in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and all great cities, travel from ten to forty miles daily to and from their luxuriant homes hid uway on some lieantiful river or lake and thero rest sweetly from the day's labor. Cars on the Southern Pacific and Electric line reach Gladstone in forty minutes from Portland, the Electric line running until eleven o'clock at night. ollirt' r, II ' 1 n ' mil U) f iuice'' farm'1 Ml"'' STREET IMPROVEMENTS- Every thoughtful buyer, other things lieing equal, never fails to take into account the future expense for street improvements. In rocky and hilly places it often I happens that such expense amounts to moro than the property is worth, still street improvements are an absolute necessity. Wagons and carriages do not run well over hills and great mountains of rock. Tl 1 rf -o f Gladstone is level free from rocks, stumps, hills or other obstructions. A carriage can be driven at a sweeping trot over it in any direction. The cost of sidewalks and street 1 1 lie H limit 0 Ol I 1 t . . . . 1 ... . . ! .e x - 11 1 ..a 1 a t' - 1 improvements will be nominal. The gravelly soil approximates a natural road bed making a street in its natural state, quite satisfactory to all but heavy tratlic. o GLADSTONE, o o 1 Matchless in Attraction, a Paradise for hordes. The handsomest tract of land in the state of Oregon now for sale on easy installments at from $125 to $300 per lot. Acreage property adjoining. H. E. CROSS, Agt., Oregon City, Or. itthot'j it yo' t