Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 02, 1893, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
J. W Ni'Mmm
ot Courti, - - Geo. F. Hortou
Bhriff, l W. (in li.iu it
Keconlrr, S. U Ksmahy
Treaaurvr, - J. O WiMharvll
AurMsr. - j.i!. Braille
echnol 8uprlulouJeut, - II 8. illlwmn
8'irTjror. Shine Smyth
Corouer, - R. U llmnisn
I KU'hard Scot!
ICornellui Hair
Mayor, - . - T. W Sullivan
RwN(t, LU Porter
I'htei ol Police - J. 8. Piinlora
Aui'HW, J. K Khiuitlea
Treasurer. F J. I.outs
City Attorney. - H. K I'maa.
Rsreet Cumnilmilnnrr. ('. Iloherii
rMP't. ol Water Works, W. H. Unwell
CitTKnthieer. Shine Smyth
Couiiellmeo-O. O. Altvfltht. Jr.. 11. L kelly. C
K. tireenmsn. W A. White, J J. Cooke. J.
W. o l onuell, J. Q. Poner and T. P. Ku
.tiurtl meet tint Wednesday of tori) month
la ctty hall.
The Board of Trade Takes the Initia
tive Committers Now at Work.
TThe way to build up Oregon
City Ik to give Oregou ( Itj people your
What do You Think of Itt
A party in search of a desirable loca
tlan for a home, would have to walk
one-half hour from the east end of the
euspenBion bridge in Oregon City to
find a lot for and up hill at that.
You ran walk 30 feet and take passage
on a splendidly equipped electric motor
car and in sis minutes for 2l1c be
Last Monday afternoon there- was a
special meeting of the hoard of trade at
which a committee was appointed to act
with other committees in arranging for a
proper celebration of the Fourth. The
president of the boaid was Instructed to
appoint two committees, one ot ladies
and one of gentlemen, and in accordance
with his instructions he appointed as fol
lows: Ladies- Mistresses S. A. Mo
Cown, U. A. Harding, A. S. Presser, T.
W. Sullivan, l II. Glass, F, K. Char-
man, M. M. Charman, T A. Poie, and
Sidney Smvth. Gentlemen P. F. Mo-
rey, J. W. O'Connell, K M. Hands, W
A Huntley, II. K. Smith, Ir. W. K.
Cartl, C. O. Albright, K. K. Charman,
and C. O. T. Williams. On motion,
G. W. Brow nell was added to the com
mittee. The city council met on Wednesday
and appointed J. J. Couke, C. N. Green-
man and T. I. Randall to act witli the
above named committee.
On Wednesday evening the several
committees met as one with J. W. O'
Connell in the chair and T. I. Randall
as secretary, and proceeded to set on foot
the plans for a grand celebration. The
first question to be determined was as to
the advisability of celebrating, and the
committee after brief discussion decided
by unanimous vote to celebrate. The
question of finance was discussed at some
length, after which the following named
working committees were appointed:
Finance 1 F. Morey.T. 1 Randall,
C. O. T. Williams. H. E. Smith and J.
Cooke. Music W. A 1 1 untie v. Mrs.
landed in the handsomest suburb in the i J
w "rid, where yon can buy a better lot j R- Charman and Mrs. D. II. lilac,
for f 130.' $20. dewn 110 a month. Ieorati,.na-C. 0. Albright, Mrs. T. A.
Pope and Mrs. F. R. Charman. Seak-
SPRAY OF THE FALLS. I-0"0, f' At; M-
I ( own and Mrs. T. W. Sullivan. Print-
Arbnckle's Lion or Mokaaka coffee I ing E. M. kands. lr. W. E Carll and
25 cents at The Red Front. I Mrs. S. Smyth Program and Entertain-
j ment h h. Chnrnian, C. N. Green
I man, Mrs. M. M. Charman, Mrs. (i. A.
RaiiStricklln of Highland, was In the
city on Monday.
Hon. llenrv MeGngin of Sandy was In
the city last Thursday.
Samuel Engle of Molalla, waa in the
city on Wednesday attending to busi
ness. Prol. 11. A. Webber of Portland has
already a class of six pupils on the
Mrs. A. E. King of Ilwaco has come
up to visit her childhood's home till
after the Fourth of July.
Anion" the prusivrous men of the
county who were in the city the lust of
the week was Andy Kochcr of Harlow.
Miss F jimia Hodges of Ilwaco came
over for a week 'a visit with friends here
on her way to Seattle where she in ends
to iro for awhile.
Miss Bertha Chase who has been,
spending the past week with her cousin,
Misa ltertha Burin in Portland has re
turned to Seiid the summer with her
aunt, Mrs. R. I). Wilson.
B. T. Elon, who recently came from
Canada to this locality, has purchased
property in the vicinity of Clackamas
heights uuon which lie will build. He
intends to send for his family at once.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Driggs have gone
to Ashland to be gone about a week for
a short vacation. Mr Prigga also has
some mining property in that locality
which he will look after in his absence.
Mrs M. M, Charman haa Ineii quite!
ill the past week with a form of low I
fever which is not yet broken. She is!
getting along as well as could he tx
The Most Complete
and only first
Quality consider
ed, our prices are
always the lowest.
Selected Toas,ru.o Coffees &Spicos
Butter & Cheese from best dairies
Business Conducted
On Business Principe
One Trice to All
Positively no cor,
noctlon with nni
advertising scherm
Fruit null Vegetables in Season.
Cor. 7th & Madison. Shively Building. Oregon City
Posson's Seeds Grow
HI li M l'IM
SI'HAV f(ifll".
nfrT Thta ""J" . ,0 w,lh
"-.. .....I. n villi! drat order.
request for CtaIogu la good
l.ast Monday when Joe Valentine was
fishing at the Clackamas dam ha went
out in a boat above the dam and made
his boat fast to a long rope atove the
falls w hich in turn wus fast to a stake in
the river. The force of the current
d ranged the boat down to and just over
peeled while the fever is having its run. ! the (all where he waa in danger of
Hon L. T. Barin was tin tho.lust of 1 1'""" under. He quickly juinM out
Hamilton A Washburn are payinn the
highest price tor grain, hay eggs. etc.
I Maiding and T. 1. Randall.
was up
the week taking in the flahir.g at the
falls. Those who know bis fishing
! qualities will not need to inquire as to
bis success for be always catches IWh
I when he tries.
I Hon (ieo. C. Bmwntll drove over to
Pleasant Home on Tuesday and addressed
;a large audience gathered to observe
and graiqcd the rope leading back to the ,
si uke and couhed his wsy up to the stake '
w here he hung on till help and a long
rope could be procured. As this took j
some time he hud plenty of time ( enjoy j
the pleasures of a bath in ice water Ikc :
i f'tre be got the end of a rope and as
draw n ashore a welter and colder man.
The Celebrated Pure Bred English Stallion
Tlte Is'sl o.lts are those from the j.ur.' l-ro-l Knglisli Hliire Stallion.
HKUIS ricwicn ICNO. 5onh-AM. .ri.
Parker accompanied by
his wife went over to Forest tiroveon
Strings and extras for guitars, violins, i The committee elected as olli.ers of ""1'on",on "v- "T- !rt'n,''l )"
mandolins and banjos at Bnrineister A ; the iIhv the following: For president of that he never spoke to a more attentive
Andresen's. x j the day, E. M. Kands; for grand mai- bo,i.v)f
If vou want an absraet of title to vouri8lal,J. W. O'Connell. i Rev. Oilman
pronertv call on Wade H. Silencer. Ore-1 The next meeting of the committee
gon City, Oregon. . will be on Monday afternoon at three i Monday and on the follow ing day Mr.
jo'clocK. Meanwhile the several com-, 1 arker bad the pleasure of delivering
prkes 11:..M)a xj. , a..ir1r .ntritii, llMn. In ! the DtTnmtinn ilitv nmtion In a virv hI-
shate so that at that meeting it will I) tentive and appreciative audience.
it will j C. C. Williams and Win. Andnsen
With i
The Park Place store leads in
on doors, windows, shingles and all
builders material.
On Satur lay of last week Judge Fonts
married at I is office in this city, Miss
Anna Smatheift and W. P. Spencer,
fcoth of this citv.
Now thit spring has come and you
can enjoy a ride on the river do not forget
that Capt Bundy lias some of the finest
rigged skiffs out. Prices reasonable.
Last Wednesday Dicey Alice Pope and
Wm. B. Knotts of Can by, visited Judge
Foms at his office in this city and were
legally made man and wife after t..e
Judge's most approved form.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50
cts. Sold bv C. G. Muntlev.
Prof. U. A. Webber of Portland will be
tip on Thursday of this week and each
succeeding Thursday for the purpose of
(living lessons on mandolin and guitar.
For particulars inquire at BurmeiHter &
Andersen's jeweiry store.
The Epworth League of the Methodist
church will hold a strawberry and ice
cream social, Friday evening, June 2d,
at the church parlors. A short liteary
program will be rendered, beginning
at 8. P.M. sharp.
Now that you are thinking of building
and want the very best quality of lum
ber delivered on short notice it will be
to your interest to rembmber that Glad
stone Saw Mill company can supply you
with the best and deliver it at once.
Fifty cents is a small doctor bill, but
that ie all it will cost you to cure any
ordinary case of rheumatism if you use
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it and
you will be surprised at the prompt
relief it affords. The first application
will quiet the pain. 50 cent bottles for
sale by George A. Harding.
T. G. Jonsrud of Sandy wag in the
city Monday transacting business at the
court boue. Hesays he found the roads
much belter than he expected and that
instead of making the trip on horseback
he might have made it all right with
liis buggy, there being but three bad
holes and those all on the flat east of
'possible to outline the work that
1 be best to attempt for the day.
the experience of last year fresh in their
minds the committee of Ibis year will be
able to get up the best celebration ever
held in this city. Several attractive fea
tures are already being solicited with
veiy fair pronects of being successful,
among which is the first regiment, O
X. G.
The finance committee began active
operations on Thursday morning, and
will make a complete canvass at once.
Among the attractions talked of for the
Fourth is that of getting a big ship up
here from Portland. As the back water
will be well up at that time there will be
no trouble in doing this, and it would
prove a great attraction .
The board of trade instructed the gen
eral committee to endeavor to secure
Senator J. II. Mitchell for orator of the
day, and if it is possible for them to get
him this will be done. With the eena
are intending to start for the Fast next
Sunday evening to visit the World's
Fair and old friends and scenes. Mr,
Andresen will be gone alwut a month
and Mr. Williams probably longer.
Miss Kate Casto, one of the best
students at the state normal school and
who is from Clackamas county has been
elected historian of her class, a position
whicn she will fill with credit and
acceptably to her fellow students.
Mrs. W. C. Johnson accompanied by
her son Merle returned from Tacoma the
last of the week. Merle has almost re
covered bis usual good health and was
I able to attend the hall game on Decora
I tion Day and report it for the Entkr-
C. W. Younger, C. W. Cuthla-rt and
A.M. Morrill who aro working for the
Southern Pacific company were up on
Monday with George Fuchs taking in
fishing at the island. They were only
tor as orator this citv would be certain here hort tinle in the evening but had
Had you noticed that there bad been
quite a number of weddings hereabouts
of late? It is a fact even though you had
not made note of it. The reason of this
is that the young couples are taking ad'
vantage of Holman'a great closing out
sale. As be Is going out of the business
of selling cheap furniture so as to devote
Ida entire time to the higher grades of
goods and especially to fine upholstered
sroods, he is now offering his entire
stock of furniture at greatlv reduced
Vrices and those lines which be is clos
ing out vou can buy at actual cost. In
addition to the fine line of upholstered
oodslwhich be will carry in stock he
w ill have facilities for repairing all classes
of upholstered goods. Don't fail to call
at once and examine his stock and get
his prices.
of having the best oration delivered in
the state on that day.
While the league game is not booked
for this place on the Fourth the com
mittee assure us that they will have
a game here on that day and that in all
probability it will be a league game.
Those who delight in the sport of the
diamond may plan on coming to Oregon
City on the Fourth with full assurance
that they will not be disappointed and
that they will have the pleasure of wit
nessing at least one good game.
It will require not less than $1200.00
to make the celebration a success but
those who contribute may feel assured
that it will not be money thrown away
but a wise expenditure which will re- j
turn good interest on the investment, j
It will bring people here from abroad
and keep our own people at borne,
and the money of both classes will be
left in the community to grease the
wheels of trade. Let every body take
bold and help the eagle to scream.
On Wednesday evening Mrs. F. K.
Charman entertained at her pleasant
home the young people who participated
in the Children's Carnival on Thursday
evening. Delicious refreshments were
served and all bad a merry time.
The big stump puller has been tried
on the west aide of the river and has
proven itself equal to the task set for
it except that some of the parts have to
be changed and strengthened before it
can be used to advantage.
Two parties, May of this city, and
Brown of Portland, were booked for a
foot race at $50 per side on Thursday,
but after trying in vain to get started the
race was declared off.
the good fortune tc catch some fine fish.
Geo. T. Myers, president ot the Oregon
World's Fair commission, was in the
city Wednesday and brought with him
the finest salmon ever caught in the
waters of Oregon. This fish is 54 inches
long and 40 "Inches around and weighs
just 82 pounds. Mr. Myers brought it
up to have it frozen in one of Smyth &
Lovett's finest cakes of ice so that he
might send it back to be placed with the
j Oregon exhibit at Chicago. When this
! king of fishes is frozen in a cake of clear
! crystal ice be will present a magnificent
j appearance and will attract a great deal
i of attention. Mr. Mvers is confident
that he can manage not only to ship
the specimen back in good shape hut
l that he can preserve it indefinitely
after he gets it there. Messrs. Smith A
j Lovett have tendered to the World's
Fair commission the free use of their
plant for preparing all tho specimens
that they may desire for exhibition and
Mr. Myres savs that they will make
liberal use of the plant.
Frank Kruae who four weeks ago was
stricken with a parallytic stroke was in
town yesterday so far improved that he
is able to get around with a good degree
of comfort.
The Salvation Army will open up in the
room beneath the Armory on Saturday
night for a two week's fight.
III'HCHM'TION iVlf.Lrk l.r.in ilinli l h." ! Mn1'. "t mrilu
M,kr 'l.n !. rll lr.Hirrr.1 (... !.!.! t-i" .1.1 l-'Ol .ir.f
: ailli.Lhri-, li4 B.Mtti.l ollilllullHll. icmr. ma n i n. .n -w.
Wednesday morning as T. K. Rvan i"te " Ml "''
", . g i ,, ,', ,r l"f llHiMI I' K 1' Bird li J.rftl iflnir Srli.l.ll ffM Vmihrts.Brt-
f eg down ihe face of the blulf r " , ,,llh .. , j,V.,,ii. u, n. h. h t,,,
i from Seventh street he bad nearly H.. ! ' It.m.i.h f.ic- k him -uiier..f ri..n i.y wi I h,...ih ill u. 1.1 . .
IVII hr li) U4U llil-al 1 lie IM AfWI l; 0"""i .. ii.piii
I'll A let ' II I K. M I) ii'-n l ii M li.'Mn nW
Krmn M . ii.! riniln I.. I iiwl at I ' M ! Cii. '''! iui.I. tiMt iiW Ki,i
I III KOi i.N I 1 1 Y If. m I .ii"i n -.11 In W..mm It I" M ! N .1.1111 ul.l
II Ai I AM Art Fl A I li'N. K r Wcli.r.l., ulflil In 1 li'if . ll III A U l lllll .
or II Ml li ill Ih'iri.U) ii..ii al J S II Mr a MaMa
run 1 1. AMI, al Mi).f Hal. If. Hi Kf"hi ntrrt fr.no 1 iHiiUy ulii In frMtf m
ll.l J' ( I i.r K.mflll ali'l A "Ifrrla Ull aluf.ta) li - tl
IIOUK I'l.Al K, lll Hra.rrl.iU. If"ll KatuMal xrull.t In tl" laf ImKlllllf
rcucl.vd the foot ef I lit hill and w
the railroad track when without warning
an engine came around the bend and
frightened bis horse so that it wheel'd
and backed olf over the bluff in spile of
all that Mr. Ryan could do. When he
saw that the rig mut certainly go over
the bank he jumped out and saved him
self from injury but the home and buggy
went over, the borne falling fairly on the
buggy and siuanhing it all to pieces.
Mr. Rvan saya that the engine gave no
a .rnin .ml ulun lli.t it ia r.inniior .1 I . tW 'V'"'" "''!'""' '
" -" ' lrri
not li'iwtliun l'J or l.ri uiili-s t.r hour. I
iFrod Doyo, Croom. F. C. PAULI, Mtir.
The county court was in session Wed-1
nesday for the purMise of receiving from
the sheiiff the delinquent tax roll which
TEfDS-Season $12, due at end of seoson, Insur
once $15. due uuhen more is (mourn to be
uiith fool.
latum l.'f rlr all) l b-M toixtialUik
M V will Ilia tw rraMnIMr fur n-t'lriit. Ilial ttiay orrur
Donvorton, ft
had tube received and acted upon by
the court that day in order to bring the
delinquent sale within the period allowed
by law. On account of the delay occas
ioned by the state board of eqiiali.ntion
the list is the largest ever returned by
any sheriff in this county.
If yon are wanting a home in the pleas
antest siot on earth w heie you have all
the advantages of a city with all the
pleasures ot a home in tho country you
should not fail to ace W.II. Sjiencer and
West Gladstone.
On Wednesday as W. M. Young waa
loading sand at Broughton's dink his
team became unmanageable ami in try
ing to control them he ran them into the
river where but for expeditious work
they would have both la-en drowned.
11)0 Reward,
The reader of this paper will tie pleas
ed to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure know n to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution
al treatment, Hull's Catarrh Cure is
taken inlenally, acting directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the svs-
Is Year Uiinilr; Well Hon. I I The I'mplr's Vrnllrl.
.Nothing exaHrate a . much ' l'ei.h-a i urlng the ort t of rt
as to have a line while ganneiil returned ' inalisin in t'U. kainaa H-niilr. Ih t
Portland is working to secure the
next annual encampmentof the National
G. A. K. at that city and is said to be in
a fair way to be successful. Any help
which can be rendered from this city
should be forthcoming since it is equally
advantageous to this city if Portland
can tie successful.
Mrs. E. E. Williams will conduct the
concert at the Congregational church
Tuesday, June 15, 18113. Among the
musical instruments to be used will be
a fine Kimball piano from the music
house of L. V. Moore, Portland, Oregon.
A more extended notics will be given
next week.
Of course you are intending to go to
Independance on Sunday to see the Ore
gon City and Independence base ball
teams play.
Girl wanted as a companion to lajy,
age from 12 to 10. Could go to school
if she wished. Inquire- at this office.
teni. thereby destroying the foundation
Of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative power, s that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for anv case thatit fails
to core. Send for list of testimonials.
Address, K. J. Chunky A Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
F.noink Foil Sai.k
. , I - r i
Hiuiauie ior running letnl mill, pump,
churn, printing press or steam launch.
In perfect order. Sold cheap as it bus
been set aside for electric power. The
small amount of oil required amounts to
less than the cost of cutting wood for a
wood burning steam iower. Address
Okkoon City Kntkhckisk.
lowing t-aiam aak ;
.Mrs. Charles, of Seventh slrwlse'
The Troy Sleaiu foundry i "Mr ritflu leg was p rall ied If
hia hip down, so that ha wa unl.
put his fool to thn ground for over tf
month. After uing ihrve ImltW .
Mr, llargreave's Unions Senate) R
nly. lie en now run around altl.'
his aticks."
Mr. Michael tnlnn of Oregon O
aava " I m I a 1.1 ,,,, ttl. ..vmhi alU
Kidney Trouble. It Is guaranteed to ' f ,. ,., . - w
Sold ,.it f,,rm Tl,..u M,...tl,.ll..ita nil:
- "' I
famous Seaweed Remedy entirely w
from the laundry yellow and iniiasy,
buttons half off and In a condition not
lit to wear
i semis out in"ie but first clan work a
trial order will convince you. OrfUV
with F. A. Waddi-. poat olllcii build-!
ing. Ilunilles left ruesday evening will I
he relumed Saturday morning
Shiloh's Vitallzer is what yuu nee. I (or
Dysiepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or '
give you satinfuclion.
by C. G. Huntley.
Fish, Fish, At Humphrey', ft.li
market all kinds of fresh ami salt water
Geo. Reddaway sa)', "ft
fish, crabs, lolmters and oysters. Live j w"rlh il w,,'kl',t in gold for rheiimatUa
and dressed chickens.
all parts of Ihe city.
Lamps, ens kery and g1 nurture of fac
tory prices. New invoice Jimt received
from the east. Will not b undersold.
See liellomy A ISiihcIi. x
Free delivery to' ""'" 'Co. h. Hahomkavks, Mc
J ii . i . .... . .it..
.naiiaoii nireei, oral Ihayer A aw
office, Oregon fit v.
P. . ii,, :'hh
For Sale nr Rent.
The Seventh slieet livery slslil I
Justice bhmkH, real eslat,, blanks, and ' i',""1, ","r" "" T
all other blanks at the K , 1 rrrt","", '",rn 1,1 U"' n,V "A '
it .... i. .i . . , h Muted. I'.nuilire on or Ises. Of'
inc. joiiiami prices, ' .. ' ...... .
- . : rrieuiaii s Collee House, L'illl Vak:
III the line of furnilure, carpels, w in-' '""I street, Porllaiid. 1
dow shades, wall paper, lounges and
mattresses yuu can beat I'orl land prices 'hen one thinks of thn pricel l!
by calling in (Id, Oregon City bank ,"lV1' ,M','M paying for their nphuMf
block under the Fntkiiciuhk ullice. K"d", or U'dxteads, it Is not atranie'!'
II is to our i I ' lU"y ttr" "n'ri"ed when they t'.
economical buyer. I!k.,.,,omv llrs, .V ! 7 r"" iWt 'U' "I"'""
instil. II . (m,1(, lir ,of(0 ,mri r(I(, l,rf,
Blank note, recelnt and onh.r 1u.l. 1 hot no.n i i - hl.r
- l ..n - ' urn nil'l million i.
Kerosene engine Bl the Knti jii iumk ollictj ihh f,,r 1 1 im l 1....1.1....U II '
1 'I "Kill IHIIT iriiHBO" 1-
Take your hahies to t he" New York I 1 "" " ""l"'"" i'"1 5'"1"
gallery ami get a g0d i,i(;i.lr -.1,11,. 1 '""lerslnml Ih,, reasons thereof
have tht) cluince.
Wantkii, Teams and choppers by K.
Patker, contractor, Oregon City,
Washburn mandolin, guitars nnd
banjos at Iturmemler A Andresen's. x
Used in Millions of IIomes-40 Years the Stnaard.
Wanted, A few more choice lo1"
K'xid Cliickiimim faultily farms, a Pi
to Wade II. Spencer, Oregon t ity, Of
HcIhhjI deport intuit canls on "
"sell, gtaal for term, at Ihe KsiKsri
Wedding stationery, the latest
and finest assortment ever brought :
Oregon City at the F.ntkiiI'Iiisk ollW-
Can you read your titlo clear, U '
Wade If. Kiencerwill make you
"tract that will enable you to do V-
!olnu.n A Walling are prepared to i
l your bouse below Portland pik1'' I
Mortgage Ioiiuh on improved fafn,,'
low rates. o. T. Wn.U I
8 pounds 8-peniiy nails 1!5 cent t
The Red Front .
( . . 1.
' Tliu '"test In viHiting ,;Hrda at
IHIU'lllHK OkKICK. Irl,.,.u ,. .nit oo. i-