Oregon City Enterprise' SCHEDULES OK TIME 0 C. T CO.'K HTMMKIIM. In rrrmT A ma m, iKuii, HlramM-a AUiTna 4 lUMtiNA: I m f.iMtl.AKIi Hit I llBRim HIT. 7 a. ni. 11 :ma hi. it mi m. "J ll l Ml IW, III. II iHlfi III. Nu M ay laietliit. HI'MiAV. U Itu a. tit 'I Ml, ) V III. Tliuo rtl atilijw in rliiii ? " . III. V .Kl II III. U unn. 3 Mi i. in M mi i n . w. II ui III. .Kift m. Willi. jiii n.Hlr NOl TIIKHN J-Ai lflC IIAII.UAV. HOHTM Not' Mi. A t B V IWajr lallolui ahlmnla Kauri, (llifuujli) lliMrlmig l.ual twa, .lalluii.) ol'TM mildll. ) ' c ) rat .wl (way .union.) Altwny I iical iway .lalluti.1 ; alilnrula K ! lliiuiili l a in a in. ' i. m. M a. in ' i in ' H III I 111 M All. MalU r, r'H'l N'lilli.t a. n., I m , p w i Mall. 1M (i.lli) Hi. Hill, V a. Ml., T.Mi y ni. I ami .i taa. I Orrf.in Chy lu Kly.Cariia. Mulln. ami Uolalla i Iraira al l in tint arrl. al Ii la, .Nil;. ! Orr..ii (Mir i. nr. Mink f'lark ayV-ailnwIlnmk, t ul.'ii M1ll. il'illn.i .) I ..ll.. ii. k.vmal o M (lira. lav. I hill.lay an. I Maliit.lay, atl'l ft) I inn mi luliiiwliia ilava aitUp n ntiPAY, j r n v. :, lH'i.i. I I Tiik ("nil i'Ms'i Camwhai.. I.mhI Hiiiurndav evening htn lulin t( fx. In Wan til premium at ,'iim' dull, the ocean J. .ii la-nig the May Maaiiiira,ii given by Jlitt i hildri'tl under (Im direction of Mrs. 11. Cih hraii mul ,Mra. It (ilaitpMi, Hip liltlit (oik wrrtt gaily decWd (or llu intii"Iiiii an. I an traiiaunijirilled tlmi t wniilil hate liollu'ii'il lliu imwt lutj. ImilK Ii Inula ol iiiii u 1 1 ii i to inn' ul thrir I I 1 1 1 i t y , Altncrllirr it Vnan iinmt enjoyable aflair whiih re- Jlivta mm h credit lo lliimi under luiar Ntiikkt Imi-niivkmknt KniT.-Judgt, Mo Ifl.lu ncHiily decided . ruH AMlu inv.ilvliiu Hit lUMIity of property abut ting ' h Ktmnt lo my (or the Improve ''iit of the thoroughfare. Tim decision In brief declare t1Hl W,n n prorty owner encourages (I,., c!ty i ,llllK(, ,,. provement or UnimilnsHiit ol tlm furl ut II'" i lly Ih lui.aavltitc tt ntrctXfMM-tiiiK Hut m,i,(UiiK .fi,.,(y to iuv for It unit trn.itM t, ,,lty , M,.U. , ,(1,.l)U)lj. fw in i out uniliirMluiii lux l.i. nlll MiirrHiH.r , ..hi,,.,I (,, t.r(.uftr II"II.II,1U Ui I 'ultl, f tlw loon iroomll. W.r t, ,,r,,rty uiii.r iM.rinitU.il ., work to U .lonti IHiout j.roU'Ht tlm muf t won Inclini'd to look ut tin. Int.Mit of tlm routii ll m i,t liM Uru t,u lraut anaainwit IhvuIM ,. i .ii.o aon,, minor toclirilntlliy IiimI b.n ov..r.K,k,.,l ,y U, ..jty, Um uimuvIkw taken liy JilU Hti-uniH of I'ortlmi.l in cI.m I.Ihik iwiUr um in Hil . Ily wt.l,, , .1))ir,.lll(, court, Tiik Iiaiuai. Hiiow Tlm lmikrt iif of Ih,, Hiring iK'KHon liun mu.ln tlia fxi-cutivn fwnii.iiu-e of tliu florid nujiill- ry l.caiuu, mInmu wttinte tUiliitu for tlm milt li-t4kl.of llov.nr Khuw, but ut inwllim yca,.r.luy tlicy .li l,lr,j ,,.fl. nit'ly iim,ii Junu 21,2-J, mul 23 tlm tinin, and tliu l:Miailloii Ha tin. (.lace. An xiimmrauiiiK in.o.l.er of rxliiliitom I .. I a oavtt Mrcttily uiu.lu ail'liiHlioiia for !"., ami tlm liiilii ntioiia am tliut tlm aiiow am i, g lri.H, xi,H in.ij,,, i tlm I'XiH'lillvwcoiiiiiiitti.t. Hr i' vty anxioiia that all who jli to ,,i,ir ,.xill,il houlj uiuko inlii'ulioim at oucm. Kvn II no,B ilo not Uh to ciitr llowera In ioii,mHll.,i(tla IioihmI that i-v tun Ut in-vaili-i upon lo mm in ihi-ir ron- Intuition lo ail. I lo tlm am. and U-uiitv of (hit kIiuw. ENTIRE STOCK AT COST! Some Popl Tay fs, WE (DEAN JUST 'Utyat Do You Ieai7." WHAT CUE SAY. WE MEAN TO DO IT, BECAUSE WE HAVE TO DO IT. Tiik Sam Imimiwo Kxithi-ion.TIh at.-rnrr WilUniftli, Vullry.ol Urn Or,.. i!lll I'urilli- I(,iill..,.,l : .. iroi.Uurx ll lirl.l a .ll aa u,-,,, II,. , Brrlv,., nt FiPnM. Mon.lay having fl,il.l....i who Mirlii i.i.-. lmlm,,nivl. on U,r, a u.lv .,( m,.,. InmiHuml ll,.., j:i u i n i "Ml to int. I'tftrima alMiut lw U Kuci-ni. Cilv I:..... I...... i- n: " " '"" l "I ll inn, Niinii. iin.lothi-r ihi'IiU h, tin. Willun, THE LONG RAINY SEASON IS THE CAUSE OF IT ALL. TRADE HAS BEEN VERY QUIET AND WE HAVE ON HAND A VERY LARGE STOCK OF Spring Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods, WHICH WE CANNOT AFFORD TO CARRY OVER. SATURDAY MORNING MAY 20, WE WILL INAUGURATE THE GREATEST SALE WE HAVE EVER GIVEN. WE NOW OFFER OUR C'uWIIIU, 8 oti h I. it Jiliiy ".li' whirh liM'In.lc.l tlm IwiiiIiik n i with i ol. ii. I rihUiiia tlm ilni'lii( o hu h tn lint liavr Uir. lln- .kill ol IIiiim. fho ailui.nli., tlm it wa tint May $ uii i' ami "Tint Virginia Uim-I," aa ill a i Iral ami lilrrary ur I ftrrHi'tit iharacliT. Thia.it who look iirt ill lliu ratnlval wi-rt. IVurl MrLlrniii, O'irrli; Nrltut Wuhh'll, M 4 r ctir I ; Ilil.l.i Will. I, .ii, I'mtv in n-il : lino lUnl bif, Fain y lrfa; Kate Idailiiili., Kaiuy Iu'a; Kaltt Wanl, Kloir (ilrlj lluili I'ani'y lita; Maltitt I)faaT, itir ; Maria 1'rnll. .Nun : llrli ii E.iiliain, Katn (irtvitaay; IW-lta Kouta, Hiaa IVaannt (iirl; May Wlahurt, 6)v; Marjoriv Caollt'lil, Japaiin' ; Eilirl Caiilli'hl, Swina IVaaaril; Ilia Cha, ii)!".)'; Ilrlcn Siiton, llowcr (Jul; ( arrii. (iranaraon, I'aliry I'rt'aa, Si.'ia lUr.linii, Fany lit.aa; Vtnla Will lam", IUarln liirl; lllainlm Walili'ii, iint-y dailiiiim; Mury Wa.liliak, Anmr Itu; Clurii VaillH'k, Fancy I'rcaa; Hljliil l.icl. Fiiiicv lnaa; Amy liol- !$ k.luiicy Pr.'aa; Llmi'iire CamiiU-ll, JatcrMly ; Fthcl Alhriuht, Ilahy; Mm I'lilrhtT, 1'nm y 1 rt : llihlia ,Mi(iit .'Ii ii, l iuiry lii-Hit; tW-rnii'tt Kelly, Fancy Dii'na I, mini I'hjh., l jiircna JiMriiiiip ; rlmii Alhriuht, Itullcilly ; I'.cho Shiii.imi, l-'iuiy, Hitku' lii'ililirk, Wiailoin; IlcaNif W'MHla, tlllKtll H CiTV F.vtkni iubk ; Ntlllic WimhIb, Find Woinun ; llattio Mary I'ralt, rtuicy I .. ; Mini,) ('.Kikit, Fancy Driha; Myrlln WincM't, Fancy lilt: Ail i llnt-rth, Fancy lic; Lena No iiijcr, MurnliiK t-'lar; Muhltt ltrown, Ittilian; Vcia Hill, Frottt; Mclla Finlcy, !l.iimim;Koiiii Sliuw,ltJ KIililiK HimkI, I'arhura 1 Iitiiuui, Spring; I'aniy Haxtcr, Cfuntfittiirl; Fdna (turohl, La.ly; Vulia Wulkcr, Flower (iirl; Kulti Slia.llit, Fluey lircnt Lena Cuplt', Funcy Pre; Hlc CiuiipU'll, Fancy Irein; Ircnt Mi't'own, Fancy Ihcna: (irrulJiiHt Mo ('Own, Funcy I irrn";lur Stover, Flower (iirl; M.il, In l'uaey, JupHlieao; Junu ( lliiriimn, Itella; Mary Helle Meldrtuii, Utile ltnN'iii. (iuy Cluik, King; Wch I'.OniH, JiH-ky ; CIihh. IluniM, Jr Itntc.her ; I'flli (irneraoii, Fireman; (ieoriftt (ireit ''Ion, Cuvulier; Willict Uhjun, I'aluT; I (H' HiinliiiK, l'oliceimin ; Funny Nohlo, HUnl ir; Krttd Chnrmun Jr., Furl, Carle t" IlurdiiiK, Archer; Thnilow Knnila, iti'iiiit; llowunl IjitoiirtilUi. Turk; fitly It 'dilick, Suilor: Leater Ackermnn, 1'ttlicy llreaa; Uonuhl Jolumoii, Texan t'owhny; Norwood Chiirniun, l.iltlo Hoy line; liny WillinniM, l'nncej Silim I'H'Icl, ScIkmiI Hoy; Kuri; Wnlker, Lit t!Tom Tucker. At it m recent election of olllcero the f'-iiior cIuhh of tliu Htutu iuiiiiihI achool I'howed iu uppreciution of one of Clack ""an county titudtmtii hy tliu election of 'I'Ih An I'.uird iih iireHident. Thoau l)know MiMH Annlitmt feel that the election la u HitliiiK tribute to lier uiuiH oirhinn yi't ilinnillcd, woiiiunly clmrac ,(,rj io well iih to lier Inlelliueiice an J ovable (liMiHHilion. Slio will honor thu '8tt inn which lier cliiHHiimlt'S liuve lion ,rld her iu lllliim and will HRWiine no 'lue uuthorily while fillii) tho flrHt " ullion in the gift of the cIuhh. Ho Foil Castmc Khiim. The I'in't 'ulur church of I'oi timid will give a "'till cxcurHion Sunduy Juna 4, from '""timid and Oregon City to CaHtle ' Inn. The ntonmer Uuinonu Ischartorod file alley. S,e ,,. ,,i, k ,ri ((IJ11 la.pilnu, koiiik lowii in Ihirly-iteven hmira and forty iniiiuti-a, the Uat on rwonl. A reception committee n.t the ateainer at Ihn WaahiiiKlt.il treet wharf, Imarded her and weliimied thr viahom. The puny whh not an lurg,. iia.ta expecte.l. thntlcli il i,ni,,l,..r...l ulul M-vfiily p,-rhon. Tlm ingrnm forthelreiilertHiniiielil includeaa liAliiltiet at Dim pulut-n I, i. lei and tripa to varioua (Miiula of Interent in the city TlKAaANT ArtKRN.KiS TA I.aat Thuraday afternoon Mm. Mmcy enter tailH'd Ihn ladieaol Ih.. Ci.iiLT.'L'iili.iivl cl.urcli al her huinlaouu. rciilciice on the hill at an afleriiMin tea which wait a yrry pleanant alfiiir. Thoae prexent were: Mimlamea W. T, Whitlo. k, Ilen neaa, ('. II. live, F. A Sleight, V. Y. Wliie, H. ('. Sleveiia, K. Steven, J. W. Norria, ('. I. l.atourette, (ieo. ('. V.rown ell, K. K. Cliiirinun, W. K. Hurl, S J. Fancher, ('. (). Allnight, (ieo. linnigh ton, . ll. Wilwm, (. II. ( aiiliel.l, It. L HoIiiihii, J, M. Ilixa. ii, and K 11. An drewa STOG flofyiyQ F(eserued. ryerytf7i9 Qoes. We Must Have the Coin. Call and See Us and be Convinced. O'CONNELL & GLA The One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. MiMCHANT'aCAiiMVAi.. Thia Ink pop ular Na'ciuculiir clem. .ii-ti.iliii which the young x-ople of the Congregulinnul chinch are prepurmg to prcaeiit ut an Parly dale. Thi alyle of entertainment hna proven vety attractive in other plucea whore It haft been preaenteil, repreaent- ingna it doea an indiiHlriul dixpluy of rant merit. Couitnitteea liuvo been p Hiinted am! are at woik at the pieliinin ary arrangHinenta. It la the intention to have It ready for prcHentittiun about the Fourth of July. Fnoink F'oH Sai.k. Keroaene engine Riiitiiblu for running feed mill, pump, churn, priming prc or Mourn launch.: In H)rfeet order. Sold cheap ua it Iiiih been aet aaido for electric power. Tint null amount o( oil required uitiouma to lena than the coat of cutting wood f. ra WoihI burning Hteiim power. Addri'fta OlIKIioN ClTV KNTKIM'KIHK. TiikSai.km ItAi KH The new truck ut Suleni ia to Ut a regulation affair and will receivo ila lirnt trial (luring the four iIhvh' aumnier meeting ol the Oregon Hree.ter" Htnl Speed AaHociation in July. Workmen are now engugetl in fencing It, and tho work of laying out ami guid ing the courae will lie commenced noon. i' thu day and leuveH Portlund at 8 a. Liberals and their frlendH of Oro-oii- City ond surrounding country all Htcd. Fine niUHlc, dancing, gainon "iugoodtinifl generally. Kound trip keu 50 centa. 1'i,owkh I'otn. Hiving eloKed up a contract with the Milwaukee polterv to Nell their gixxU in Oregon City we offer today a full line ol flower potnut prices never aeen before In thin city, for imtltttico A 4-iuch pot for ft ccnU, nn.1 olhcrn in proportion. Hki.i.omy A. IUihcii. tf Arc you IuHiired? II not, now Ih the time to provide yonrnelf uud family with abotlluof ('lmiiilirrliiin's Colic Cholera uud I 'inn In ni lteine.lv iih an iiiHiirunco uguiiiHt any deiinun retulta from it i attack of bowel complaint during the Hummer niontliH. It is almont certain to bo needed ami should bo procured at once. No other remedy inn take itu place or do its work. 25 ami ftO cent bottles for Halo by (ieo. A. Hurtling. Meinui lul Iuy Scn leea. On Sunday morning under the direc tion of Meade I'oat No. 2, (i. A. H., Mcrvicea were held at tho Congregational church in memory of tlione w ho died in dt fenm; of the I'niun. The aervices at the other churchcD hud leen omited so thnt all who desired tniglit join in the uieuioriul ncrviecH. Acting un an esoirt for the (irund Army, Ciiinpuny F fol loweil tho band in line of uiurch from the upper end of Main street lo the church followed by Meade Post No. 2, V.. I). linker Cump Sons ol Vetrannund the llremen. Members of I lie Womuns' Uelief C'oris and the Ladies' Aid Society joined the proeemtion at the church where the following interesting memorial services were preneiited: Fnntania of (iosin-1 Ilyuina.by the band. Ringing, The Doxology Invocation,. .Key. M. Angela IKiugherty Scripture Lesson, M. Angela Puugherty Solo nnd Chorus, "We are Gathering Home." Mrs. E. K. Churman and Choir. Prn.ver, ltev. (iabriel Pvkes Song "Flag of the Rruve and Free." Ity the Choir. Sermon, liev. U. W. (iiboney, from the words "How Are tho Mighty Fallen in the Midst of battle." liev. (iihoiiey's sermon was highly coiumelided by all who had the pleasure of heuring it, being referreJ to un "able comprehensive and to the point." It was well prepared, thoughtful and sug gestive and wiin delivered with tolling and pleasing effect. WANTED. Salesman, Local and Traveling. To represent our well known house. You need no capital to reprsont a firm that warrants nursery stock flrst-clusi) nnd true to natne. WOKK ALL THE YEAH, $100 per month to tho right man. Apply quick, stating age. L. L. MAY A CO. Nursery men, Florists and Seedsmen. ST. l'AUL, MINN. Ladles Ten. Is a pleasant drink, which will be borne by tho stomach without nausea or grip ing It acts thoroughly on the liver, kidneys and repioiluctive organs. A gentle physic, efficient diuretic, and is most useful in scant or painful men- ... i. i ? nimutioii. ii uhih digestion, ana re duces corpulency; clears the complex ion, rendering it fair, and restoring the natural tone of the skin, for it removes the bile, which, by accumulation, pro duces tho sallow, muddy complexion, 1 peculiar to the constipated state. Sold by all druggists. Dissolution Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between tho undersigned, as FieliU A Sons is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm will be pay able to Clarence b lelus. Clara Fiki.ds, Ki. T. Fim.Ds, Olarknck Fiklds. Dated May 24thl8tl3. Old papers for underlaying carpet at this office. PURE DRUGS. Reach day we are adding new chemicals to our stock and projH)ie to keep thor oughly UP TO DATE. We handle only those chem icals end drugs that are of the Highest Standard of Purity and Excel lence. If you send your prescrip tions to us you may feel con fident that they will be carefully and skill fully compounded. C. G. HUNTLEY, Successor to Caufield - & - Huntley. Near Court House, Orgeon City, MORTGAGE LOANS -ox- Improved Farms. C. O. T. W LtLiflmS, Next to Huntleya Drue Store ORBCOrl CITY, ORECOM. BIBLES. We have just received some of the new Inter national Bibles which will astonish you with tho reduction in price, being full one-third cheaper than pocket bibles have ever been sold before. We have them in plain pocket bi bles, reference bibles and teacher's bibles, ranging in price from 50 cents to $12.00. We have also a few of the revised edition of the prayer book. SPRIMSTOCK ! TH0S. CHARMAN & SON, ThePioneerStore -Latest designs and styles in LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Wraps and Jackets. The largest and best selected stock ever brought to Oregon City. THOMAS CHARMAN & SONS' PIONEER -:- STORE. Huntley's Book Store. OREGON CITY. OREGON. Complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shces, Groceries and Hardware. Five Stores in one. Your order Filled Whatever it may be.