Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 02, 1893, Image 3

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    Oregon City hntcrprisc.
NtlHAY, JUNK 2, Intnl.
11'rlftt tlm lowest Tim llnil Krufit.
llo for Iinli''i'l',n(i Jo ami ih' tliH
lull gnm oil NumUy,
II yi)H ant to anil ygur irowrljf,llt It
Villi Vh H. HHunr.
llorn, To tlm wlfti o( W. I,. Chapman,
of ('lackaitia, May HI, ft ton.
mmotK. J. (iiirrnw who linn homi
y,.ry lrk with typhoid (vir fur tlm pt
i'luVfll MM'k ha finally Uiiii lo uininl,
Tli" Wlllrtiiii'lln Fall Knilcr ruin
tuny I" rnlvinti ly mil nun lot of rot
tohWiMxl lo I hi ummI Iii making cicvlnior,
Tlm I.)'"" H'lyl" tt l"'"t (iimiiiI
pml iiumt ilurahl or kiwi iiihiIo, Sulil on
fmy lirtti iy liiriiinUlir Ainlrfun,
f 4-
Nhlloir ('urn, tlm tiruu" Gitigli ainl
(roup Cum, U lor nln ly u 1'ih ki't
gitc contain twiiily-llv cLmm, only Ufa.
C ill'lrxn lova It. (-'. (1. Huntley.
Wore you iIUihiIiiIo4 taut KuiuUy
tlnt going to halwii? You iiihkI not
frr llmt Uil" will lni'x'ii tli Ik Hiiwlar,
tmi ran no rithrr to Hnlt'in or IiiiIi'mih1
ii for only f 1.1)0
When you ar wanting lo make a pur
(jlniM of ilry gooU, tuition or clothing
An J wUh till lt atilwtwl mink ti J
aurtiiirnt to li k from you can lie mire
g llinliiig It at I Helling'.
- - -
K, H. Norton mH-retary ami trrmnirir
u tlm Oakland Iron Work wan In tlir
city tlin livt of Hi" wl. vlnilliig Mr. T.
fj Arm-trontf ami in-pm-ling tU Oro- Fir, tolllM4ny .;,; CMwiia on foot;
KOnl ityi. o plain m. n i.i i-oi...any , o( KM,)( 0,r(H1 , Uli, Ajl)
u"11 J rWulv In rarrlaga Mlowrd liy citiiftm
i No mill ill lull lo liiia hrarlng Itrv. I in rarriiw. Tlm pmrwwloii wa lung
.M Aiitfflo liinliprtv'i rrrmon nest J ii""lf cirio ami all of It part
HUn.luy inoriiiiiu ainrit liia auhj.fl la : -ll g"tt-n up. It al highly
"pnir.l. r." lnlorfatlnu aa hi aur j "l-'ki-n of l.y rvury onu, the inouiilwl
ltiia alwaya arn tlila will I hi i-vi-ii knight in purti.iiW attracting alli-ntion
H,,r 'with llii-ir II mi art'oiirtrt'iiiiMila and
I liright trapping. At ten o'clock the
1 II. Cowlnu, U.K. Jo , )! ! (.ro t-HHiNit uiov.mI town Main atm-t ami
iriiiiiplin y ami H.-rt iri...ninnn iii.I. a 1 ,1Mlk ,tl u)t im) o( B. , ,!,
trip M Aurora Nat Sunday on tt.-tr Llcy-1 ,.MI,,.rv .,,,1 Wlt , tIB ,rfinr at-
An limnrna Crowd Tumi Out to do
Honor to tlm hillfii Ilnroi-a.
A lutaullful day waa Monilay with IU
lirlijlit aiiiiMhlni!, It gnntlo hriMv.H nnd
frarant lirnath of prlii(. It waa all
that could l dualred for tlm lnarc:lilii((
of tlm prM'iaaon to tlm cmnnUiry and
for tlm oMu air eiiuclwa. At an narly
hour In tlm inoriiliiK partlca hi'ifmi to
wend thidr war to tlm cimittUiry all
ladmi with flowiira with which they
purpoM'd to add tlm Ut llnlalilii
touch to tlm Kfvi'a of loved ouia, and
ly iiIiih o'clock tlmrH waa alinoat a con
tiuud procnaaioil of Miopl cliinliliiK Iho
hill to tlm rlly of tlm doad, ao that whim
tlm iinacaaloii actually reached tlm
riMiii'lery they found tlm uronmU well
filled with hioIu which with thoaa
HccoinianyliiK tlm prixciwlon maile tlm
crowd linthereil therit thu UrK"t ever
Tlm llrat part of tlm pro(rain wan
arrniiKd for tlm school children and
proviilml for their gathering- at the
M'liool liiiiiM-a and niarchliiK from there
under eacort of the hand to l'oHi'a hall
where they were addrearu-d hy 1'rof.
It V. i'rlnuleaud Itev. Father lllllu
hrand. 1'rayerwua olfered hy Itev. II.
W. (ilhoney, after which the children
depoalted the flowera which they had
lroiilit for dix iiiatinu the gravea of tlm
fallen heroea. Tlm children were then
dlaiiilaaed and the chief eierclan of the
day were Im-kuii. (irand Marahal C. II.
I'auchy took the head of the prx-eaaion
w hich lie had arranged to have formed
In the followiiiK order : Achillea Diviaion
No. II, K.of I'. mounted; Willamette
Silver Hand; Co. K, O. N (i.; Meade
I'uat No. 1' li. A. It.; Sou of Veterana;
i Ifn They had Iota of fun hut it took
tin-in till two o'cl.H k In the iiiominK to
pi home.
The new atenmer Kllwixxl liaa I hi' II
ritc.ii(iv hy the halt Uiya to take tliem to
l:ttl"H'iidciife on Sunday and they will
ink" V"U almi and return V"ii In K""l
iiIH all for the amull aiiui of one
1 dl.vr.
The lllieat tMtat on the lower river i
'.!. Telephone which la aupplied with all
Vtt iihmiI iniMlern coiivenlencea for the
tt'OiIurt of ita paamMiKi'ra. When
y ip. ant to o to the ctmat take the
Tol ilioiie.
J. i:. Jack mvrn'ary of the Huttii Cni'k
FJr Ai'K'liilion waa in the city on Sat
uiiliiy and reKrt the proajMi-ta of the
iK-Jrty very lirlht In apite of the hack
ward aprinu. On Saturday the lOlh of
tl.il month the ollUvra of the aoriety
iQ meet and coucludo defluile ar
rungi'iufiila hIkjiiI the preinlutn Hat
whh h will then he at once leaned. The
(.IliCi ra of the aociety are lUAkinK a'clal
t irijrta lo (jet a larnd nuiiilH'r of H-cil
pri-Oiiuuia ollered by flrina and Individ
iu'1 and are ineetinx with much en-
C"'irneiiienl In their ellorU.
" " "
Kow Hint Oreiton City haa roncluded
tocelnhratethn Fourth It will do to toll
Mm Dative, that a cannon lain procea
of coiiHtruclion rlht here In the city
!.ichwill make tho hill howl. The
lioake hoy have for omo time U'en
I uttlt.y in their apare time In tiorii out
a I-.1IHI..H which w illhavo all tlm modern
aiiplliinci-a for loading and dring. It
will he fully tsiml to throo oumlir
and la ahout aix Inche In ilinnieter and
30 Incite long, (let your ear III tritin-
ii'K (or it i to ho ttm-d on the Fourth
without fail.
inoaplicr" the march waa not accompan
ied hy ilin tiMiul futitruit exHrieltced on
moot lecoralion day with their atiper
ahtindttiice ol heat and dut.
The exercim at the i-enielery were
conducted in accordance with the lollow
i'U program :
pirge 15and
Addreaa Kilual Service
Com. D. McArthur
Heading Ordera Adjutant Shaw
I'rayer Chaplain William
IcBH)tie, w ith floral olforing
II. J. Harding
iexuiae, with floral ottering
A. W. France
Iteaponae, with floral offering
Alex Thomaon
Addreaa Uittal Service Com. McArthur
Selection Hum!
Iteaponae "Our I'nknown IVad''
Cat. J. T. Apperaon
I'rayer Chaplain William
Firing Salute IVlachnieiit of Co. F
Incorllog(iravea. . .Childrenof tho Tout
SidiH-tion lWml
Oration Hon. II. H. Northup
8onu 'America" Choir
The brief address by Cupt. J. T. At
pi-reon waa a forcible and Impressive
presentation of the reason why resect
and honor should he shown to the un
known dead and the imttortance of
teaching the present g'""'"1'0" t'10
NHiite pstriotifut which actuated the
heroes who now rest in unmarked graves.
The oration by Hon. II. II. Northup
waa full of patriotic utterance well and
forcibly expressed. It was historical In
character showing how tho mistake
of the founder of tho government wero
largely rcsNjiiHible for tho war whose
sluin this gathering was met to honor.
It was patriotic in sentiment, and sug
gestive in thought and delivered in a
ploaslng arid Impressive manner. It
wa highly spoken of hy thoao who could
get near enough to hear.
The nauiua of tho who re btirlixl In
tlm Oregon City cemetery and whoao
grave were decorated by tlm l'ost and
m-inber who lie elsewhere are a
Y. O. McCown, CapUln E, lut Ore
gon Infantry,
A . L. Hawyor, Company K, 38, Iowa
Thoina Moan, Company F, 14th
Kalians Cavalry. I
J, It. Mount, Company (i. 107th
Illlnol Infantry.
Charle Warren, Company E. lit
Oregon Cavalry.
0. 0. M. Newton Massachusetts
Lyman Heyman, Company E, 1st, I
Oregon Infantry,
Henry Webb, Company U, 2'ld Mia-
sour I Infantry.
Captain Clark, New York Volunteer.
Ulchard Williams, Company K, X.M
Wisconsin Infantry.
A. F. Hurfu, Company 1, 2d Iowa
Win. Coad Wisconsin Infantry.
Wm. Johnson
J. O. Wcthcrell, 1st Minnesota Heavy
Ilaklug 1'onder legislation.
The use of alum and and amonla in
baking powder ha been carried to inch
an enoramou extent by unscrupulous
manufacturer, anxlou either to swell
their profit or to cater to the demand for
cheap goods, regardless of the stomach
of the consumer, that bill have been in
troduced (luring the past year in the
legislature of many state, among
which are New York, Minnesota, Illinois
(ieorgla, Florida, etc., requiring inch
Inferior article to lie destinctly labeled.
Hoard of Health and Food Commission
in many cities and stales have been oc
cupied with the same problem, and in
manv Instances have published list of
(Hiwdeia containing alum or amonia, eo
that the public may avoid them. Fol
low ing is a partial list of such powder :
Royal, Calumet, Hercules, Taylor' One
Spoon, Forcit City.
.N ol Ice.
(i. W. I'roeser' new hull is finished at
OttWcgo.Ori-g'in and will be rented by the
night as follows except Monday night
as the (iood Temtdera have that night,
the llaptist Sunday school at 8 to 4 p.
m., grange each second Saturday in the
month. For 1 lance all niuht w ith ,iano,
K.0(); for dunce half najlit with piano,
'.'.Ml; any show to.OO. (iood stage and
well lighted.
U. W. 1'hosmkh, Proprietor, tf
Lost or Strayed
From the premise ef J. II. Dawson,
Iluttevillc, a dark bay mare, weigh
alout KMKI pound. Branded "S" on
right shoulder, and white star in fore
head. A liberal reward will lie paid by
the undersigned for information leading
to the recovery of the horse.
J. II. Dawson.
Oregon City Won.
About a hundred people wont down
from Oregon C'itv on Decoration day to
witness the hall game between the home
team and the Portlands, at City View
Park. The absence of the regular pitcher
of the Portlands, and the lack of con
dition on the part of the man put in the
box by the home team, make it unsafe
to judge the whole season by this one
gaum. While both the team were
wanting a regard base-running and
team work, tlm general impresion wa
given that the homo team did the better
hatting and Holding A to Oregon
City In particular, the hitting wa free
at lime, but altogether too much up in
the air. Theimallnes of the error col
umn Is explained by the absence of hard
hit ground-ball. A a whole, however,
they impress one very well, and while
not world-lieler, nor exjtected to be,
they will furnish many afternoon of
olid enjoyment in the ball park on the
In the game, the Portland jtirnpted
to the lead wit It three tallies on base Oil
ball and errors. The Oregon City team
failed to score until the fourth and fifth
Inning when heavy batting brought In
ten run, the Portland catching up in
the seventh. In the eighth inning the
Portland were left hopelessly in the
lrt-h, the Oregon City scoring nine
tallies on heavy baiting by all the boy
combined and by error by the Portlands.
Forby the regular first baseman of the
Portlands wan ineffective a pitcher, and
Spore, the Iwirk-r of the home team,
while he struck out a good many, wa
w ild, on account of illness. Spore wa
relieved in the seventh inning, Khoade
preventing further scoring.
The score speaks for lis self:
R. II. P.O.
1 1 1
3 2 0
(jreat Fdutioi? .9 J-lat5.
The cheapest line of trimmed hats
ever offered at prices ranging
from 50c. to $7.50.
Also the largest assortment of flow
ers ever brought to the city.
We invite you to call and see for yourselves at
Mrs. N. Watts-Sladen's Millinery Parlors
Ilbb2b 5
Dowell3b' f
Keckner I. f.
Clark lb...
Will a. 5
Fields c. f 5
Kelly c 4
Harlow r. f 3
Sore p 4
It holes p 1
Cents buys a pound AItBUCKLE'S,LI0X or
M0KASKA Coffee, 3 pound starch. 5 pound
soda or rice, G round Leans 01 rolled oats, 7
epools thread, or 8 pounds cut STEEL NAILS
8's or larger.
SCENTS buys either dres3 braid, boys' straw hat, 12
lead pencils, ink, 25 envelopes, 12 pens, boys' winsor
tie, small chimney, 2500 toothpicks, 2 papers pins,
5 oranges.
ARRIVED Calicos 18 yards for $1.00, satteens and
spring dress goods, furnishing goods, etc. Pure ground
spices in bulk half price. Trade for produce. Oats and po
tatoes wanted.
A.B. R. II. P.O. A. I.
4 4 2 3 2 0
Out or Sight.
The traveling public are now- fully
alive to the fact that the Chicago,
Union I'acillc and Northwestern Line
otlcr the very best accommodation to
the public from and to Chicago, Omaha
and intermediate point, not only during
the World' Fair but all the vear around.
Total 38 ltf HI 27 10 3
Two-base hits, 9; stolen base, 7;
struck out by Snore, 15.
Callet 2 b...
Forby p 1 1 1
J one c 5 0 I
Staplcton 3 h 6
Howard a. 4
I'rince lb 4
Alberto, f 4
Itennettr.f 2
Myer 1. f 5
2 2 2
2 2 1
1 0 10
1 1 1
2 0 0
0 0 0
Total 35 13 9 24 10 9
Two-bae bit, 1; Btolen base 3;
Struck out by Forby 4. Umpire, Mabis.
Treasurer' Notice.
Notice la boif by given tltat there are
fund on hand lulticiunt to pay warrant
No. 31 iudorsed December 12, 1891.
Interest ceaaes with date of this notice.
F. J. Ixn iK, City Treasurer.
Oregon City May 11, 18i.
Those, monstrous gtumv-jarc easily and
cheaply disMised of with Judson powder.
A good supply of blasting material of all
kind at I'ortland price at the Turk
riaeo atore,
Karl' Clover Koot, the new Blood
Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion and cures Constipation.
2."mj., 50c. and $1.00. Sold by C. U.
Ilucklen'i Arnica Suite.
The Itest Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chped Hands,
Chilblains, Corn, and all Skin Erup
tion, and positively cure Piles, or no
pav required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect Rat isf action, or money refunded.
Price 25 cent per box. For sale by U
A. Harding.
This old and reliable firm always keep in stock full line of
lltiiij. Ilf ai Mittri
wm, raware, dt
Watches, clock and jowelry repaired
promptly at Burmeister & Andresn's.
Prices reasonable and work guaranteed .
Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly,
timatcs Furnished.
photo'? at a Bargain.
On account of removal to 3d
and Morrison street on or
atwut July 15th,
1st and Taylor street, will make
hia Ifi.UO cabinets for $3.50;
Taris panels IG.00.
All work first class. A trial is
Doors, Windows, Mouldings,
Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds.
Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed.
USop corner Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope A Co's, Oregon City
Ory Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes.
rllfiT n E MENDOUS REDUCTION IN PRI C ES By special arrangement we are now in a position to offer our customers a reduction of about Twenty per cent on all cash purchases made at our store.
Iso 1'u give ouch customer making a cash purchase at our store a coupon to the value of ten per Cent of the amount of their cash purchase, whether it is ten Cents or one hundred dollars. These coupon
are redeemable atourstoro in Silverware, which wo mark down in price twenty to thirty per cent less than its ordinary retail value. By this means our customers secure an average discount on their
general purchases of from twenty to thirty per Cent and at the same time Bocure an elegant and useful household necessity. We guarantee this Silverware to be full plated and equal to anything in the
x for. b market. Call at our store and soe these beautiful goods. Yours Truly,