Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 02, 1893, Image 2

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IWomtlnf Ui Grvea-Nf w Urg Store-Olilt
Chat nf Timu.
About Crops. A Kiiiiiimiit loam A
lVtltllir;Sellinir ltoitns Sllverwurt
Look Out lor II tin.
Kw Era. May SO. Quite nuniherof
our citizens have turnetl ut May to pay
another trilmte of rvspvtl to departed rvla
lives and frioiuls. Some have gone to Ore
gon City and several to Canby.
Everybody lias been busily eniiaged plant
ing crops for the last few days, and not un
til the latter part of this week will the entire
crop be planted, as some have yet to sow
their oats and many are not through plant
inn potatoes.
James Blanrtard, son of Thomas lilanch
ard, had a team run away with him the
other day while hauling a load of straw on
the wagon box. Just as he drove out Into
the road the straw, not being bound to the
wagon, slipped forward and let Jimmy drop
on the wagon tongue. This frightened the
horses and they started to rfin. After they
had run a few rods James fell from the
tongue and the wagon passed over him, but
trange to say be escaped uninjured save a
few slight bruises. The wagon was broken
some, but the team was not hurt any.
There is a sharper working the people up
Ibis way, and so far, we understand, has
been quite successful. He claims to be sell
ing jewelry and catlery for a bankrupt firm
in Portland. He shows his catalogue with
prices which are very low. Then he exhib
its a double set of knives, forks, and table
and tea spoons, hioh he represents an a
sample lot, and says they are silver, and in
order to convince his victim of their genu
ineness he puts a whole set in the fire for a
few moments, then drops them in a pan of
water siizlliiR hot, then wipes them off ami
they are just as bright as a new dollar. ISul
in order lo prove more clearly their genu
ineness he takes a file and tiles one of the j
knives (which probably are of some value)
and it is all right. But if you will take the
pains to file a fork or spoon as your writer
did yeu easily discover they are nothing but
brass. There is plenty of evidence in this j
JiClftUUVllfUUU IU tD'fl O.....U.V. ...
pen. If he is yet in the county he should
be arrested. He is of German descent,
dark complexion, brown eyes, smooth
shaven except a mustache of two or three j
weeks growth. He carries a small hand
case which is about 10x12 inches square and
4 inches thick. He is well dressed, wears a
gold watch and chain. Parties who think
of purchasing just put the file on a fork or
Carol Happenings.
Casus, May 29. It has been suggested
that the old school house, at present doing
duty as a wood shed, be cleaned out and
fitted up with benches and table, in order
that our citizens may have a place in which
to hold public meetings, entertainments,
etc The school building proper is entirely
too fine, and the church bouse too sacred
tor such purposes.
George McCord has been for some time ;
engaged in making repairs on his mill and
expects in the course of a few weeks to have
it in first class running order.
John J. Jones was in Cams recently, from
Chinook Beach. He is putting up a build
ing there which he expects to utilize as a
store. John E. June is at the same place
working on a ranch at feood wages.
Rev. Baker and wife started for the East
a lew days ago, exacting to be gone all
summer. They will t isit friends and also
take in the world's fair.
Lorenzo Horosliuh and wife and little
Freddie have been absent some six or eight
weeks. They sent two days in Chicago at
first; but finding matters at the fair so very
incomplete, went on to Pennsylvania to visit
friends. They will stop in Chicago again
on their return home.
Carrich Cassiday and ife have gone to
Salem to visit friends. Mrs. Cassiilay is
able to get about very comfortably on
crutches. Calla.
Viola Notes.
Viola, May 29. Charles Stone is building
a kitchen 14x20 feet to his bouse. W . H.
Mattoon is hauling lumber for a new
kitchen. Andrew Graham is cutting and
peeling logs for a ben house.
Newton Walker moved to Portland last
week where he intends working this summer
David Zurcher is moving from the manse ;
to his house across the road, which was
formerly occupied by Mr. Walker.
Arthur Mattoon has had an attack of
rheumatism which so crippled him as to
compel him to use crutches. It all'eeted his
feet principally. He can now go about
again, though not without some pain.
The tolling of the church bell last Thurs
day evening reminded us of the announce
ment of prayer meeting and of civilization.
Born, to the wife ol A. Graham, on Bun
day, May 28, a son. Mr. Graham is the
happiest man in all Viola now.
J. Hayden is at home for a few days now.
He has been building a bridge across the
Sandy river.
Mrs. Wood is this week the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Hayden. Plow Boy.
Garfield Notes.
Garfield, May 28. Fine warm sunshine
for three days past. Farmers have all fin
ished their grain sowing and garden plant
ing. Jackson Krigbaum is quite low and
not expected to live. Lung trouble and
general debility the cause.
Mr. Warner, teacher at Irving's school
. house, makes it a practice to give the schol
ars a treat of peanuts and candy the last of
every month of the school term. Miss
Currin, the teacher at Adinfinitum is follow
ing his example.
It bus been proposed to hold a camp
meeting in the fir grove near the Irving
school bouse some time in July, by Brother
Manon Young was very low last Sunday,
the family thinking he would not live the
day through.
Wm. Palmateer is working for H. E.
Cross at Oregon City.
The Miller brothers have their saw mill
running. '
Canny, May 81. The Teachers' Institute
was held in Candy last Saturday, and unite
a giuul many teachers were. In attendance.
All reHrt having had an vujoyahle time.
The druggist, J. V. Irwin, has received
hi stock of drugs and toilet articles, and
will open up business in full blast in a few
The itancV given in Knight's hall last Fri
day night was not very well attended, as it
seems to be too late in the season for dances.
W. 8. Kellogg, who gave the dance, came
out in the soup.
1. K. Plniick has been quite sick the past
week with pneumonia. Ir. W, K. Ciiesy of
Aurora was called and Mr. Pimick is slowly
John Zeek has set up a blacksmith shop
on his farm near Canby.
Miss Stella Ames of Portland, will give a
musical and literary entertainment in
Knight's halt next Saturday evening, June
S, for tlie benefit of the Good Templars.
Shank Bros, have been quite busy the
past week poling and tying up their hop
M. J. I-ee made a trip to Oregon City
Monday on his bicycle.
James Williams, who has been down at
Scappoose the past two months working in
a saw mill, relumed to his home last Tues
day evening.
Miss Minnie Whitney returned to her
homein Canby last Monday.
Tuesday was decoration day and the ceme
tery in Canby was crowded with decorators
all day long placing Mowers and vines on
the graves of friends and loved ones.
Wm. Brown snt Monday in Salem on
Sam Hess spent Tuesday in Oregon City.
N. Poucet has his residence nearly com
pleted. Agricultural College.
Corvau.ii, May 26, lXU.-l.ast Tuesday,
for the first time this year, the students
were required lo drill. This will be contin
ued for the term. A commissioned otliier
will be in charge next year. H. A. An
dsews is, at present, captain of Company A.
Lyman B. Andrews is 1st lieutenant or
Company B. L. Leland and 1.. Casto are
high privates in the rear ranks.
Miss Krma Lawrence being among those
who have high average grades forthe entire
time, w hile in college, has been chosen by
the faculty to take part in the graduation
The freshman class will hold forth on the
evening of the 23d of June. I-ester M. l e
land has been appointed to write the history
of bis section of the class.
It is a pleasant scene of an evening when
scores ol bovs with tools are sending their
compulsory hour upon the lawns and gar
den. Here one has all the pleasures of a
country home with all the advantages of
the city.
Bulletin No. 2fi, prepared by President
John M. Bloss, is now ready to send out
from the station. It treats of drainage.
Nine hundred books of the station and
lOfiO of the college have been catalogued.
The annual circular has been taken from
the press and the yearly catalogue is under
The college is to have a par. The first
issue is to appear in June.
Maple Lane.
M ale Lane, May 2. The farmers who
have finished their planting are workingou
the road.
Mr. Bishop, who was thrown from his
horse two weeks ago, is slowly improving.
Miss Emma Wade is visiting her sister at
A. 1'. Venan. of Portland, was in our i
neighborhood last Saturday. j
Miss Katie Mautz is at home again.
Mrs. Thomas Davies and daughter Mary
went to Portland Saturday.
T. B. Hankins and family, J. Rentier and
family, and Mrs. Jones sjient Sunday with
the Davies family.
Wm. Brayton is on the sick list, the re
sult of a gathering on bis right hand. He
is rapidly recovering.
Maple Lane has a fine prospect for a good
crop of fruit this year. Gardens are look
ing well.
The few Bunny days we have had have
made quite an improvement on the roads.
Borings Dots.
Boais'is, May 27. Nice weather once
more has blessed the earth, and farmers
bave taken ol! their long faces and put on
smiling ones.
The crops in this neighborhood are most
all in.
Quite a sad all'air happened at Mr. Mc
Cord 's Tuesday, May 23, while preventing a
mule from killing a colt. Nicholas McCord
and his brother were engaged in separating
them, and owing to the excitement and
heat Nicholas is supposed to have burst a
blood vessel. He stood around in the cor
ral and spit blood for awhile. At last his
wife and neighbors persuaded him to go
into the house and lie down, but he coughed
bo badly that he had to get up for fear of
strangling. He died in a few minutes at
the age of sixty-three. He has been a resi
dent of Sandy and Borings lor over twenty
years, and leaves a wife, brother and daugh
ter to mourn his loss.
their plan Mug for each man to Improve
the road in front or his place by clearing
and grading the same, so that when the
regular road work comes lo bo done the in
Hrvlsor will find things In much better
shape for the permanent Improvement
which it is hoped tlie roads of this section
soon receive.
Several of the hoys of this locality have
put in practice the good resolution to stop
using tobacco.
Dr. M.J. David is a prominent physi
cian of Lewis, Cask county, Iowa, uml
1ms been actively engaged in the practice
of medicine at that phut) for the past
thirty-live years. On the I'tith of May,
w hile in lWs Moines en route to Chicago,
lie was suddenly taken with an attack
of dianhiea. Having sold Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diurrluea
Heinedy for the past seventeen years,
ami knowing i reliability, lie procured
a 25 cent bottle, two doses of which
completely cured him. The excitement
and change of water and diet incident
to traveling often produce a diurrlnva.
Every one should hrocitro a bottle of
this remedy before leaving home. For
sale by Oeorgx A. Harding.
Sinner i Milliner
Notice is hereby given, that th minimi mi
Ingof the Oregon City Manufacturing Company
will I held at I lie oflW ol thel'ompany In Ore
gon l ily on balurday, July sih, irtO, si 10
o'clitek a m. of aeld day. lor the ptirpoot
election directors ol the Corporation In terra
for the ennulng year, and trannatilng such
other hualneas aa may come before the aloes.
holi'era' meeting. (.1. U. JACOHS. Hee'y.
Oregon City, Jiinst. WS.
Lano Orion at OniuoN City, Obioiin.i
May w, I sua.
Notice la herebv Riven that the following
uaiued si'tller baa tiled notice of Ills Intention
to make final yf of lu aiimiort of Ida claim, ami
thataald proof will be made before the Keiilnter
ami Receiver ol tlie I' S. land ottlce at Ori'gou
City, Ureguu, on July 21. IsM via:
John C. Ilarkett,
llnmntead Na Tlx, for the aonth eaal ' of
uorth -weal '4. north east of auiiih-wrai ami
north ', of toiilh eat aeetloti M, towu 2 aiuh,
ratiae i rant. He names th following wliiiesum
to prove hla eontimioui resident upon ami
cultivation of said land, via: Stephen Nlitohrll,
J C Melntyre, Joaeph Walla. Ttmmaa Stone, all
of Salmon, Uregou
J. T. At'l'KKSii.N.
Healed bids will be received by the Treasurer
of Clai kamai county al hlaohVeln I h court
house In Oregon City, up to 1.' u'ebx-k noon,
June loth, I -'.'i. for the sale of hotida lo the
amount of KuO.il achool district .No. one, of
flarknmaa county. Oregon. Salil tsmda not to
be aold below par. Hidden may hid to furulah
copy of houdR. Endorse envelope. " Propoaali
for the purchase of aehool homla."
8 H. CAI.IFF. Cuuuty Treaaur.-r
Oregon City. May it. lva A
Notice la hereby given, that on the loth day of
June, lnv3, at thechool tonne hi Viola, at three
o'clock In the afternoon, scaled bid will lie re
ceived for the eoiiRtructloti of a achool liouae.
a40 feel. Plana and pei lr1catloiia lo be "ecu
at tne home of ( li blouo. near Viola. Also,
bida for lumber for cvuntrurttou of Mine will
be rerelved. IMrectora reserve right to reject
any ami all tuna. u. u. oiu."r.
Hated tlila tl day ol May, iskj. a
gtana i
oaeiltoih i mmm
Front Street. HARDWARE r-Uml. Urcg,.,..
S'.lrtl,ailiMI Afelita lof
,,,., Diamond. Uiies Weehl.nl Tuuict..ll.
. KiicrUtir. - MUvvr mowl .w
. - - .n"" v
I have now In my hamla fund applicable to
th? payment of ail warranta rtidored prior lo
November I, IrrJO. Intereat will reae from date
of trill notice. H H I A I. IKK.
Treaaurer of Clackamas county.
Dated Oregon City, Juue 2. lwt.
Crescent Wedges (warrant.Ml.)lKtSrroofCl.AiiH. Amnio Kil . Hop.. (Wontf-
Loggers and Wood ('!iiiT!i SjMTialtioH.
Oregon City Agent, .-
Leaving Portland, tMo A. M.
7:.'!0 P. M.
J. W. SflAVKK, Muster,
Leaves Washington street dock,
Portland, every Monday, Wednes
day and Friday, at G A. M., for St.
Helens, Kalatna, Rainier, Oak Point
and intermediate points, arriving
At 3 o'clock p. rn.
Return trips for Portland following
mornings at 6 a. m.
For freight or passenger rates
apply to dock clerk at Portland or
on board steamer.
This iB the nearest and most di
rect route to the Nehalem valley.
Steam'r Telephony
7 Hours quicker to St.
23 Hours quicker to
40 Hours quicker to
Omaha A Kansas City.
Cars, Dining Cars.
For rutes find general informa
tion call on or address,
W. II. UURLHL'RT, Asst. (ienl.
Pass. Agt., '254 Washington St., cor.
Third, Portland, Or.
Cukkinsvii.i.e, May 29. Garden are
about all planted and noon a shower will lie
needed to make them grow. Both fruit
and gardens were considerably injured by
tbe severe hailstorm we bad here the 17th
of this month.
Dr. E. T. Cams of Portland has returned
to make a brief stay and practice dentistry.
John Hates of Damascus visited his un
cle K. Bates last week.
Miss Frances Currin, who is teaching at
Leon, spent Haturday and Hiinday at home.
The contract for putting up the school
bell, which was let to Chas. Linn, has been
fulfilled, and the school is now enjoying the
benefits of the bell.
Mrs. L. E. Ham is having the roofs of
her house and barn painted. Messrs.
Woodard and Kerns aie doing the job.
Logan Notes.
Looaii, May 30. The farmers of this lo
cality are doing good work on the roads,
Southern Pacific Konte
Express Trains leave Portland Duily.
Bou.h 1 1 North,
7 W p. M. I I.r Portland Ar d .'t-'iA.H.
7:1ft r. M. I Lv Oregon Olty L 8:43a. m.
SrlfiA.M . I Ar S. Krannlaco I.v tt:0U r.ii.
Above trains atop only at the following at
tlnna north of Knaebtim: Eaut Portland, Ore
(Ton City, Woodtiurn, Salem, Albany, Taiiirin
ShedilK. IIiiIkcv, llHrrlaliiiru, Junction City, I
vlui; and Kugetie
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Foraccommodatlnnof Seeond-Claaa PaaaciiKera
attached to Kxprcss Trains.
A. X. I Lv Portland " Ar mTll
9-iKiA. m. Lv Oregon City Lv 2;AVp. a
8:10 r. a. I Ar Koaclnirg Lv 11:20 A. a
ALBANY LOCAL (Dally, except Sunday.)
6:00 F. a.
6-o r. a.
0:00 p. a,
Lv Portland
Lv Oregon City
Ar Albany
Ar 8:MiA.a.
Lv I 7 Ma. a
Lv 6 00 A.
West Side Division.
Hail Train, Daily (Except Sutidav.l
For tickets and full Information regarding
raua. mapa, etc., call on Company's agent at
Oregon City.
M matter. Ass't G. t. and Past. Agent
. no to
Fine Perfumeries and Toilet Articles,
Also a full stock of
ipiisrTS- OILS, ETC.
Land Olllce at Oregon City. Oregon,
May 'it, Ih'.m. I
Notice la hereby given that the following
named aettler haa filed notice of hla Intention
to make flni'.l proof lu smiport of hla claim, and
that aald proof will be mailn before the Regis
ter and Receiver of the United States land
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on July li. 1MM,
vli: Ilium II Hnlii'cl,
llnmeatead entry No. mil', for the south east
of aec. 'U, towu 8 aouth, range f east W, M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hla continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, vlr: Mans Paulsen, Johannes
Duns, Hana Johnson, Peter Paulson, all of
George, Clackamaa county, Oregon.
6-a:7-7 J. T. APPERSON, Register.
Htm'', ''r-vm.
Leaves foot of Alder street, Portland.
Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 k
Leaves Astoria daily, oxcopt Sunday, 7 P.
For sikhhI and aceoiiiiiio!;itinn tin- 'iVlqilieno in not t-xct' , ,
on tho racidc Ooast.
TRATRIX Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned
has been, this Slut day of May, 1HM, appointed
by the Honorable County Court ol Clackamas
county, Oregon. admlnlKtratrlx of theeatateof
John Kiihiih, deceased. All persona having
claims against said estate are hereby notlflad
to present the same to me properly verified at
Oswego, Oregon, within six mouths from date of
this notice. URSULA KNAUS,
Aduir' x of the estate of John Kuaua, dec'i,
I L. Porter, Alt'y. ' M:f-2t
Ort-gon City Iron Wt.rks for all kintln of Macl
work ami Casting.
To Traction Knim-H, Tlni'hliiiig Maoliinesj'
vcHtcrH,(Movurs, Ku-., jiromi.tly attoiuU'd to.
ArciMjualtotliolowi-Kt U lo had in Portland
Shop on Fifth St. near Main, Oregon City,
J. ROAKE, Prop.
. . M'''t'".nt.mHealcr, In , ,yle. f
nnWiniM flTTflllT Ulmp mn .ia nidJF
uumuipuup YV1KL MIJ UlUKtl rP
Hth 'H1' l ,,r'l f'-r lawn an.1 division Uv.u, nlno f
hartman Steel Picket Fence,
And Wire Pa.iol Farm FW! aW Expantlod Metal Ff
Call and see Samples and get Prices-
Shop over Bestow, Hush & hwt fuctory( 0rog(jIl cilJ,