Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 26, 1893, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
dr of Court i,
Sheriff. .
AMeaaor. -
School hiipriulcnJi'ut
I urouar,
J. W
Ilea. F. Morliiu
t. W. (iniionn
8. M. Kaiunhv
J. 0 Wcth.rvil
J.C. Bradley
11. fl. tillmitl
SMnor Smyth
K. L. llolmau
I Klohard Sitill
fCorutllua Hair
On Sunday one of the new can (or the I
East Side Kleetrio Railway was run '
over the road for a trial trip but owing
to aome defect in the construction an '
0. L. Harbor of Catihy ha imrchased
lota In lllinl.il
armature was burned out ami it had to , 1)1111,1 house, thereon soon.
Hayor, - . . T. W Sullivan
fcocoriler, - . L. U I'ornr
Chief of t'ulioe - . . J. 8. Furtimn
AiWMor. . - J. K Kh'.witvn
Twanurvr, F J. Umla
City attorney, . . K. aa.
Birwt Con.miaatnnr r, ('. HoNr
B'ipf. of Water Worka, - W. 11. Hitwvll
City litiirinwr. Si.lnov Smyili.
Couiioiluira C. O. Alhrljrht. Jr., H. L Kellv, i
N (irwnman, W V While, J J. Cooke. J.
W. UVonuell, J. u. Sorter and T. P. Kau-
vonncll meet Drat VVeJneaday oteacb month
lu city hall.
tV The way to build up Oregon
City Is to giff Oregon City people your
What do You Think or It?
A party in search of desirable loca-
tian for home, would have to walk
one-half hour from the east end of the
wispension bridge in Oregon City to
find a lot for $200 and up hill at that.
You ran walk 30 feet and Like passage
on a splendidly equipped electric motor
cur and in six minute for S.'o be
lniled in the handsomest suburb in the
world, where you can buy a better lot
$1.V1, 20. dcwn a month.
be repaired. On Tuesday veulmi the.
car was again run over the road in charge
T. A, , Shock, the district em-lnowr
of the North West Ueneral Electric com
pany, who stated that the rim had
proven satisfactory in every way. When
the car left here it was run without stop
to Milwatikie, the time required being
just 24 minutes. As the distance is nine
miles this was at the rate of 22 miles
per hour. The car is speeded to 30
miles per hour and can undoubtedly do
much better than this. In the few min
utes that the car was waiting on the
switch many ieraons inspected its In
terior and uniformly aimed that it wan
very neat and well finished. It is from
the well-known Brill car works of Phil
adelphia and is the neatest car on the
road. Mr. Shock staled that it would
shortly be placed on the Oregon City
That was a fortunate accident which
occurred at the pulp mill on Monday ,
that is if any accident may be said to be
fortunate. The company waa buildinir a
bridge across the arm of the rier ad
joining the mill to support a carrier to
convey trie refuse from the mill to the
island where it waa to be burned and
were making the main span over the
water 124 feet long. It had been sup
ported by a cable stretched across and
in some Way it loosened from the cable.
probably by the wind and some of the
timbers gave way, causing the chords to
break an.i fall into the stream when
the entire structure was swept over the
falls. The damage in itself mm nut ii.r
The lumber for II. T. Sladeii'a new
cottage at Gladstone is Mug delivered
anil the frame will soon bo In place.
inie ot tne iniette brothers has a very
neat cottage nearly enclosed near the
foot of the steps leading up to Falls
Lumber Is on the ground for some of
the sidewalks in West (iladstone and
the work of grading tho streets is in pro-
I gt ess.
I The new electric railway station ami
office building is Inclosed and the inside
work and Mulshing is being done. It
already begins to show up as a very neat
The Wallamette Pulp & Paer com
pany are erecting alarge plutloim 50 feet
high on which they will place their acid
tanks so as to g ve greater nressuro than
they are now able to secure.
Tuesday the company received an
other large barge load of sand which
w ill lie used in making concrete w hen
they get to building the irate and side
w alls which they expect will be in few
days now.
The lumber for the new school house
was brought up from the lower Columbia
on a lame skow on Tiiestluv v ii,.
steamer Hasaelo, and the next day the
contractor had Porland teams hauling
it up the hill.
Work iion the West Side Scenic route
is progressing as fast as th bad weather
will permit. The nx k work Is progres
'' ' ' j u. , 1 ' -wf TT r TV .
Ml " "" mt
The Most Complete
and onlyfirst
Quality consider
ed, our prices are
always the lowest.
1 : , .....
lniHrtiri mm uci-icr
Mice Fair Groceries
SeloctodToas,l'mo Coffeos &Spicos.
Buttcr& Cheese from bcst dairies
Business Conducted
On Business Prlnci;
One Trice to .4
Posltlvoly noct
nAillAn ...111
IIUl.Lli.ill ia in
ndvortlslntf sch4
I'Ytiit aiiil Wiri'lalili's in Season.
7 vi iv i V Jt - ------ j i I L
1 " TT. M:
Cor. 7th & Madison, Shivoly Building, Urogon Citf
The Kntkhi-misk olllce has just put in
a fine, large blank esse for holding iis
large line of livul blanks. This olllce
has already a larxo list of blanks which
are kept constantly in atoek, but with
this case to hold them and kren them in
ing the most satisfactorily as mud do,. I " 'l8' i" ne Increased to Incltide
! not interfere with that line of work. On' ,,mt ttr" 'r in
Posson's Seeds Grew
AL5 TiOTOTiS,' Thla "nd .cut to us with a repeat for CnUlogu. U tJ
tfiSrS-VJ-SSv Hfteen cent on vour flrat order.
much as it involved only tha loss of tlio ! ,on'1.v 'he hrulire men were set to
timlier and work, but in another day ! Work ttt "ie ,,ri,,K,' "' trestles and that
..-1 ...... i it .. ' hurt (if iitn-li-ii.lt.it. ....It I.-. i. . i
nui allien wouiii nave oeen out on tl.e i "-" " "' it punnrti
bridge and the result iniirht have been ! HM the necessary liimlicr can le
attended with fatal results.
Arbuckle's Lion or Mnkaska coffee
IK cents at The Ked Front.
Hamilton A Washburn are paying the
lrghept price tor grain, hay eggs. etc.
Position w anted in a family by a strong !
industrious girl. Address Entkrit.isk !
Strings and extras for guitars, violins,
mandolins and banjos at Burmeister &
Andresen's. x
If you want an absract of title to your
property call on Hade H. Spencer, Ore
:on City, Oregon.
xhe rark I'lare store leads in prices
on doors, windows, shingles and all
buildera material.
Wednesday's sun took hold of the
mud in prettv good shape and greatly
diminished the quantity before night.
Kev, M. A. Dougherty will preach
t the Congregational church Sunday
evening on "Something About Method
ism." Pied, on Thursday, .May 11, 1893 at
l.ogan, Oregon, John, eon of Elder J.
M, Johnston and wife, aged 29 years,
1 mouth and 15 days.
i.ast winter while ukii a visit up the
Columbia E. M. Kamls found at the
Cascades a fine specimen of netritifd cot-
tonwood, which be had much dillictiliv
in getting to the truin as it was as heavy
a " nian would care lo lift. It is that
' as fast as the
There is a jierfect swarm of men at
woik below tliecoflVrdam and aliove the
pulp mill since the water wa.i fully sIdj
hm! the lirKt of the week ami these are
busy clearing out the drisit ami extran
eous material so as to get a gtxd founda
tion for the strong upx-r wall which
Slate Siipt. Mi i:ii.y has sent to Sunt
(lilisnn and tlie other supi-rinteuilants uf
the slate a cui ul.ir letter fur diKtrilnitiun
among the teachers, giving the special
rate !o the World's Fair now made by
the railroads, and much oilier Indn mil
lion relative to hoard and other ex ieiic
while in Chicago,
Owing to a typographical error the
name of II. F. (itbson was omitted from
11... I:.. i it
,.,,., , . . . . . 1 , ..11, , ""' appncania pi ti m iei in ast
Parlor 11)0 IreA itiut mum n.. :..i.. il... . must Biiiiiuirt tlm I...... I. ..... n i- 11 1
!' .......... J (,.. ... ... '-"'''ry ! weeks Entkuckink. who were givingcer
win ami mis a tprv pretty gram. 1 his l o me n ainet! cause ol the trouble n 1 ,:,. ,,a , . , ,,
n.M.i .h. I-I...I... I. .... U, ...!..... .t ... . , i:tiln ales at tl.e close of the examiualioii
." . v iiniu-B i.niei n'imiiig ' iiia n ii"1 ,im. no "'K were ioittiii
Now that spring has come and you
can enjoy a ride on the river do not forget
thatCapt. Bumly lias some of the finest
rigged skiffs out. Prices reasonable.
Taxes should be paid on or before the
30th of this month if you would avoid
costs as the county court has ordered the
sheriff to make tip his booke after that
date. .
iCaptain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Piego,
Cal., says: "Shiloh'a Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I haye ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50
ct. Sold by C. G. Huntley.
Xow that you are thinking of building
anil want the very best quality of lum
ber delivered on short notice it will be
to your interest to rembmber that Glad
stone Saw Mill company can supply you
with the best and deliver it at once.
The following named delegates were
elected from Mink to attend the mass
convention to be held at Oregon Cily,
May 30: G. A. Schubel, G. Moebnk'e.
W. D. H.ll, T. W. Duffy, E. Gunther,
M. Hill, and M. Moehnke.
Those who had the pleasure of listen
ing to Rev. M. Angelo Dougherty's ser
mon last Sunday on Methodism were
much pleased with the discourse as it
furnished a large fund of information
pucii a time as it slionl.l be found con
venient to bring it to Oregon City and
while in the window there it attracted
the attention of the World's Fair com
missioners and they persna.'ed Mr.
Knowles, the genial proprietor of the
hotel to let them have it to take hack,
presumably to exhibit as a sample of
Oregon products.
Bids for new supplies, uniforms and
equipment of the National Guard of
Oregon were opened in Portland on Mon
day afternoon in the presence of the mil
itary board, but owing to the manv
styles of uniforms and equipments pre
sented and the different forms of the
bids, it was impossible to determine at
that sitting what was best to be done.
At an adjourned meeting held in the
oiiiiii - - -
fully I ''"'parutioiu are lieing made for a con
.. .. IcerttO he iriven at the f 'nn,.r..,.Jii,.i,,il
.in; i"iiic mv ii. i.ie i --f.'-rs
ashed out tho 'material ! ,',""vl1 Jl," - Something good may
ne exiecteu.
!!() Reward, 101).
The reader of this pier will U' plead
ed to learn that there is at least one
.!...... i... i .i: .. ...... .. . .. . i
n . . .... no.:., uint-unv mm ki-i"iicu mis i teen
One of their orders was for I.V) , .....
, , . , ., , , . : aoie io cure in ail lis stages, and that is
besides which they had other -. . .. ...... . .....
trousers and overcoats. As the bulk r.f
the appropriation is to be used for these
articles it is gratifying to see it placed
in the state.
in me way when the water was
urawn on aim the trouble lav in
pressure which w
used in filling .
Since ti e completion of the new Fonrd
rinier machine in the Crown mill theyj
have been very busy turning out a big'
order of fruit pstier for the California i
,, , ' I v aiarrn
it.l.U I nnlula um.....l. . L .. it ...
.n , , """7 : positive cure known lothe medical
on ru ,,a,a.r alone for a pi while toj (rilt,.rni( UUrrl, M ,..,.
come. They intend to make their ma-j treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cu,e is
chineryturn out enough of this siiecial' , .l : , , ''"' i ure is
.. ; , . k,, ' "T.iai taken inteiiully, acting direet y on the
kind of paper to supp v the Oregon trade 1 1 i . i ,
. ii ; l,,"0,l H'"' niiicous surfaces of tho svs-
as well since it is heginmg to assume con- . . ., , , .
u! , , . .f1l", " ,,lluto" I teni. thereby destrovnig the foiindaiion
niiierauie proportions with the renewed (1 the
mterent Mint ih Umiijc luken In fruit ruin- j tnnKlh by hnil.lmn up tint rdUHtitutiun
This Paper itt niado on tmrtiow llP animHHiHtin nmnrt in iloinif Km work
. i. ... i i Ihfl rrotrit ort Iirvh mt mii. li f.ii). .
The Celebrated Pure Bred English Stalli:
Tlie Is sl colts nre those from the pure hre.l Knglihfi Sliire Stallj.
I'r.ML nil 1 1 1 r 1 "iiT i'i nft'wu. iimiii iiami I' , nh.i Mf ii, jff tn-iw ,
lit'N k) aliri rli-tn r! frtthrfr-1 lf.h Uti l-tt lil hmlri Unit lfH- f
tti l 4 (isn I.Htl KHW-r
KntUii'l Iti' mi-. 17 t.i iiiiMitti tit , Jviint Kit, wir 1 f ; i h h I
i"j t -a.i. nr !) crsi) mi 11 1 att .4 1 t irn n-iiHf ii ,"rtHti njr t.,fi IJin-oin Jl It hf Mm
IMt hp Ii 1 rl I10 hi- i h li Kumti l..m t I.- I., u . .. I
TIliAllliVII .K, Mmi.tai ii.-.ii at l. M ll..li!n (!.!
M ' rvruli f In hir.,1., a 1 1 t U ! rrank f..f.l .1.1, In lir.1 ItaW :ij,j
llliKou.N I 1 1 V. (f.nn I ii...) H.-.ii In Helix. In to A M l N .l.itl a .ui.U
I I Ai I X I 1 1 N . K1..111 ttr-lnra.la) l.ll.l In lliuia lay lu 4 H al Hldle
sH.l.rtiHil. Ih ii..l, 11 t, at I Una i:l.;o
Toll I I.AMi. ( M-yrr . ti.i.l.. ... us rn.i.i Tri Ir. .in ItimvU. ai.ulni lo fiUi
ml I.H-1 .M.a a. nr r'..nrili an. I A airrria nil uiui.at u.. 11
IIOMK I'l.ACK, lirar li.a.rll... If. mi rta.n,a) .uli, I.. M m la) tnof l.ll.a
TERmS-Seoson $12, due otend of season, I nr.
once $15, due tuner, more is knoujn to bt
cuith fool.
" 1 ' " " ii- urn vimj w ritr
Frod Boye, Croom. F. C. PAULI, Mur. Donvorton,!
evening the board decided to accept tl.e to b 0, inV.r -Id I. , ""lur j i" enrative ,H,wer,s that they oiler One 'iH--A 1 1 .,.,.(, r.-y fl.h ! Fr,em.' C..,
bid of the Albany Woolen mils for lu' !' ' " ',M''l" ,. ,,
trousers and overcoats. A. ' . 1 . , rpt 'Ua,a.'M- Thw '"'"'' i i"0' i "r. U-M.noni.la. : list,, era.,., lobster, ... v.,er. I.iv ' 'r
Shiloh's Vilaller is wh.l ymi fr
IiyH..ia, Torpid l.iver, Yellow Skumt
Kidney Trouble, h In gur jnt.-.,
give you SHii-faction. rirn ,m,
bv C. ti. Iltiniley.
Kor ale nr Ural.
The Seventh alieel livery ta!
ferd atom blnhluig, oil lllieral l
Heal artmil nr,t U1P ,.jt)r ia
atnl, h liiiuirti on lirvtlllae., a
Friemaii's Clfofl llouae. W
The call for a meeting of the citizens
of this community for consideration of
the propriety of holding a celebration in
this city on the Fourth is a matter that
should be of considerable interest to all
ol our peonle and it ought not to take a
a great while to nettle the matter in
favor of a borne celebration. Hurrah!
for the Fourth. Let the old eagle scream
in our ears again this year.
Last Saturday afternoon as H. fiauer-
man was splitting wood on a block the
handle struck tho block upon which he
was splitting causing the blade to slin
and stiike his wrist across which it cut a
sever and painful gash. Dr. Paine who
was called upon in the evening to dress
the wound found it necessary to take
several stitches to hold the wounded
edges in place.
causes the paper when wrapped around
the fruit to absorb whatever moisture
sweats out during shipment.
At the meeting of the slate
board in Salem on Wednesday the con
tract was lot for suits and equipments
and the board made conditional provision
for a summer encampment of part of the
militia. The militia of this section con
sisting of the battery and ninecompanies
of the First regiment and three of the
Second will camp together near Portland,
at a point yet to be selected, and fJOO has
been allowed to pay the expenses of the
companies from up the valley. The three
Second regiment companies will nrobablv
be selected from the military at Hubbard,
I Albany, hugene and Salem, by inspection
the three best being chosen. All
I depends upon the waiving of allow
; ances, and the acceptance of the fill 10 in
j full for each company. The third regi
I ment is so scattered that no efl'ort will
A. hlrcss. K. J. ('iikvuv .r ('. t,.i...i.. ii
Sold by Druggists, 7"ic.
UNsolulliiii .Notice.
! Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing Mwcen the
undersigned, as Fields A Sons is hereby i
dissolved by mutual consent.
All accounts due the llrm will be pay-
able to Clarence Fields. ;
Clara Fikliis,
Ki. T. Fiki.iis,
Dated May 24th IHIKJ.
an,! ilrcaml , l,i, kens. Fn e delivery t..
all inn Is of tlierity
l.a:np. crockery and glaaanarn of
lory pih-es. .,.w invoice J,t received
iron, the em!. Will ,,i h, Ull,,.r(u,
See Itelimny Itum-h.
There is in idling I have rer B
iuiiw ular rliKiiniaiiatti thai givm
much iel,.( as ( 'hamhertaiii' Fain '
d.- I have uaed It (or two yrtn-i
mitt... I.. .It . I I?
j " ' mn in I aaeifl reiJUIITi.
aiwaj a aii-p a bottle n It In m j
I I...I. i l
. ... in..., aimw a ifiaxi iiiiik
hl-sk iin.l.-r tl... llNTKmHifKnlli,
Wilson A Cooke ciirrv a , I i;.
. . , iMiruienH i . I'n-ie one
under the lirm name of F.lliolt A Ilohna, i "' """ hacks and bnggi,., .,i ,
fit. IlltltlllaafllU f train, .n '. . .1: I.... I I . lit...... .a 1. ' '
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between J.C.
hlllottatlll F. A. liolllia. lloimr llllHini.au
at Damascus. Oreeon. ,n i iuHi.k...i i...
mutual consent. The busiiuHS will lie
continued by . I. C. Flliott A Co., who
will collect all hills III), I tlUV till uei.oiii.lu
against the linn of Flliott A llo'um.
J; ('. Flliott,
F. A. liollNA.
Damascus, Ore., May II, iHll.l.
Justice blanks, real e.ti blanks, an, ''old o ii, , 'j t4,
an oinet Manks at tin, K.NT.ai-aisa ,.f. hnliiietit I have ever met with
lice, l'ortlan.l prices. Ivtmy, dairyman, New Lexington,
In the lineof loriii ' I'1" rnl Ix'Ulea fur sale by (mv
, "i '.'ia, Ill- 'Il ti
dow shades, wall p,,r. loun, ,!"""" .
! mattresae, you ,.. 1,,. ,..,, j Wl,n '
"v rnii nit in ... nr . , i. ,
i" f ?
ii tl i I
uh. A L
uvwora ami lull
Keineiiiherwe carry Humh ii.H,H-k.
It is lo
' " ni " MHNf ivirv
economical imver
lilank note, receipt lu r,(.r
at the FviKitriiiMK ,,ir(,
K"'"!", or Is-dsleail,, it is iin!strnf
tbey are surprised when lliM
they can get a tlrsllass spring elf 'I 5"
'""' lr V'M, hard edge M 1 1 j I
box mattress, new and without ,
; i . . . . , t I
"ii eir f i ii; iir.ui new ,e,l-lc.ll
Call on It. I. Hobnaii .,!
be made to bring tjgther its companies
I this year.
U-e nigh water has rendered the old Supt. (iibson has received through Tttk" y,)r ''"''K'" to flu, New York I 1 -till ,.... .. ,
0. C. T. 1 State Sunt. McKlrnv nr.ticn tl,,.t il...,o gallery and get a good bicture ulill.. m fl ...i ,'"i',e loin,,
I Alls
I'm iomv.V III hi ii. .f iliideial,,,,,! ,e , t,,.reof
stairway leading to the lowei
d.v.t, i .i. . . . , . .i
""cici-n aim mo company nave in mum in H. ( lr.mn u,.i..i ,.-i.:i.:i ... nave me c nance. c ..
51 .."-i. :. --":'-o; Old era for utnlerlaving carpet t ! ' ST''':
tintthpwiaM.ilv ...in.i.l Tn aA. i '.!.... 1. 1 .. . . .,. - ft--I-'" ""o...,,. ineysiioimi this ollice. , . Kiiuars an.
Hit nn T n. i,7 '. ,T ' we point oi rack, so be about 14x10 but not less than 8x10 '" """'"'""-rAAt
.v ... .UK.iii. uma BlCttHCU Ul LOllL U'HIII.H I'Hn nr.UT llrlUH frn... .1... ! 1 . .
careful ret-earch the sermon was replete
with oratorical expression.
In regard to the Merchant's Excur
cureion to San Fiancisco via Oregon
Pacific Railroad and steamer "Willam
ette Valley" the Call of that city con-
per to the lower dock thus enabling them
to come and go by eithhr Sixth or
Fighth streets.
letters have lately been received from
several correspondents which bore old
I ...1! I l.i i .. ...
- . . . , uai.-naiiu which looKea as though they
tains a three column item crivini in in. I ..... ....
. ., . . , " migiu nave Been considerable service in
tail the program of the enterlainments Lome one-g ket n wouI(1
arranged for the visiting ' merchants
among which is a banquet to be given
at the Palace Hotel in that city. $15
is the fare for the round trip.
Last Tuesday wag field day with the
anglers who happened to learn in time
that the young chinook were taking
the hook at the falls. For several days
nrior to that time no fish had heen
caught but in the afternoon of Tues
day . trea Lbarman, tlias. Bab-
cock and a few others learned that
thd fish were again biting and they
went over quite late in the day. When
they, returned about six o'clock Fred had
nine and Charles sir. They were all
fine ones ton dlrl fml, arm a o aav tliaf
jutjra little higher water the sport will
w .uiiueiiet.
ii i . ...
ior an correspondent to take pains in
mailing their letters and also to get
them in the office as early in the week
as possible so as to insure their insertion.
James G. Scott, of Lick Mills. Cal..
and O. C. Ritter of San Francisco
were the guests of II. E. Smith for
several days the past week. Mra. Ritter
who has been stonDinsr hern most nt tu
winter in hopes that her health might be
improved, is at present residing at Rose
Farm with Miss M. D. Holmes.
The following named members of the
Tr '. i ... . . . . I
L-niieu mates trrana urv have heen
drawn from this county to serve for the
following term: J. P. Irvin. Currina.
ville and D. C. Richardson, Viola.
uperintendent Gibson wi
forward all photographs furnished him
and expects that all the schools of the
county that can will furnish a well ex
ecuted picture of their school building
and pupils where possible as this will
be one of the best ways of advertising
the educational advantages of our
Hie people living in tne northern part
of the county and who are already ac
quainted with the reputation of Hon.
Geo. C. Jirownell as an orator will i...
pleased to learn that he has accepted an
invitation to deliver tho Decoration Day
oration at Pleasant Home in Multnomah
county just across the line from Clacka
mas. This will give those who desire to
hear him at his best an excellent ot.nr.r.
1 1
tunify, as Pleasant Home Is conyenient of
access to a large portion of the northern
part of this county.
T. D. Gregory of the Rock Creek
district has on account of sickness been
compelled to give up his school. L. A.
Read will finish the term for Mr.
x I
I !
Experience and Science Concur.
Almost Everybody knows that
Dr. Price's
Baking: Powder
Is the Pure?.
V IIU I k B aT
Of all the RiHn r... .
And Everybody should know that 99 pcr ccnt. of th
Powders contain Ammonia, Alum, Lime or other huM
ingredients. tr hurtful
What a reveUtion to the good housewife when Kb
her first can of Dr. Price's, and remarks the be It USC"
it does, so immeasurably superior to that of any other.
While Mr. T. .1. Kichey of y
Mo., wua traveling in Kansas b
'"aeii vi-lrntly , r,,,rrn P
II" callfil it , drug stow ami thrill
ra and diarrhu a Remedy so liyfc
' i ..i ... . ..
' ii urn to irj. u. i , raUu w.i
'lateri'lirfai,,! afnw doses cured lu
'M,y. It is made for bowel con;;
"'id ln.lliiiu .Hi.. t inner failH.
tergi, A. Harding.
Money lo ,m K(K fun, is at
,'"Ml- Call wAI)K II. Hrr
"legon City.
Wanted, A f,.w lnor,. (.,ee l't
ii ii I 'i.... i , i'
" . mi mi, mis cotiniy iiirina.
Wade H. Spencer, OreifoiiCiir
nehool dehortment cards on'
each, gooil flir t,,rm. tl,.. Kim.
olllie. J
Wedding stationerv. the late"''; !
d finest assortment ever bKW'i f
On'lfon Cily hi the Kntkhi-kisk offff
- I f m
read your titlo clesr, H 1 1 Ml
Wade II. Stx.iwn, ill .,...I,a vnU 1 f f
Htraet that will enable you to do 1
"olinan A Walling are prepwJt
"P your houso below Portland P'ilTj ;
Mortgage loans on1mproveJ
'ow rates. fj, (). T. vi'Ui ; -
The lalost in Wsiti,i7cards tl'l
TKHI'Whk OmriCK. I'rlcCS tO SU f '-f.