Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 12, 1893, Image 7

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Jli.x NollU 1.miIhtI Iii llin KiM'Dt of
.Inter, Mr A. (Irnlmin.
V J. C Hylvmiiw of Hprlnuw MUr
y, ti InWII III" llt"t ( III" Vieck,
Iltilliy WiIImiim MMil II.iImtI lluvliiit nf
.i Ciii'k aero In Out flly Monday
jiulKtiT. A. Mi llrl.lt Ik linMlng rniiit
luinbl muniy Ihl week wIihib Im
In Imi )iilinl ly III family tint
I ,,( llin week.
j, v, M. AiiU"lo I'oimlii'fty will nui'li
0 . t n y 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 a at tlio ('oiifrr(iitliiiiM
, ; dull Oil "Hll'klll'," Mtll III lllU (IViH).
,,11 "KlilllXllllHK abolll C(lllKII(Hi.
)r. II. K. renin nf Ibis rlty was In
! ImiicI Tii'"ly HpikIIiik tliti lnlii
, ,tini( of llin lliiliti'iipulhli'M'tltiii,
: . 1m 'li'mt Mini prti(ilhliaea-
i . Mmey returned on Thiiradny
i three H'ki' eaalctii Irln to New
r and Mm litiH'IU In Urn Interest
,! fl,,. 1'urllaii'l titinnial Kleitrle Com-
(1 H. IWth of tin' Oakland Imii
tV ikt i In 'lty hiiiIIhk lew ilny
,,: hi pari'iil,T. L. AnimlroiiK, and
j-.-. ,'jjliihK Ibn trtin! i'IT of Smith and
;j -.vtu's new Irti plant, which Um fli,.
Im ruiiiHiiy Im f ver built.
ti Indie ol tin- W. ('. T. V. will lilva
b Acketiiian, it reception lit thn
f uf Mm Clinloii l.uloiiii'lli' im
; fllllll 2 Infill. Ill, Tliry Wlllllil
n to have every lady In Oii'ipm
vlinpfcivr liUoiHirtuiiltv ol hiifliiiK
i , si nil' iiiom I'liuriiiuiK women In tlm
V liU W. ",T. V.
I I"
till H l.ii.AI. (jt KwrtoM. It will bit
hered thai tlm leuialatilrv
It I Cha lloliuun, of tlua
ll roiiiiiiialntier, but (lovernor I'en-
I t iK'iiori'd thiaelei'tlnti and aplxiititi'd
: III I, lice who ipllllllled and eiiteted
lithe dieliargv of the ilullea of llin
4l I, ini' and lloltiian lilh have
r I for aalarie In llin mu,a of
4 tetary of Ute an ! li'gal npliiioti
!. J-Thttpa. an ai timi at Uw will bn
iry tM-forn either ran Im pan'.
i rdy at H o'll.Mk I", M , Mr.
- (. Kinearmin ami .Miaa Helena
l, Co-an will bn married at thn
'h,e of tlie bride'a mother, Mra. N
Vft'oMii. Ill thn preaenrn of a few
literelivea by lr. (', C. Sttaltoii
I'jillanl The bridn la thn well
and aiv.iiiiplialied datighler of
4 ( "pt V. I Mi ('own and having
' I ill her life In Oregon City, i favor-
ki.onn to a larin rirrle ol fiiend
Ijinrarwiti waa alwi brotigbl up in
'4 niiiitv and baa a large rirrle of
!,tj-,-ia.inul f Hen, la. tin ia at premuit
, IlilllaH'tf for adniiaaiou lo till'
r l haa bright pr'H.nsta iH'fotn
;Mr. and Mr. Kinearaon will lay
t. ! ekei'ping at Olnti In Mr. Me.
rottiign at the bead of llin
at tent atnira They have Hie
It i ttphea of a boat of warm Irieiid.
t larkamu.
'. Mav ll. Mr. Sol. line) la
urn i w ad.lltloo bulll In Ida I e.
l nley la dnliiK the wotk.
'! P igley having Ida bullae oil"
fi ' i It la ,iine an lmi rn etiient l-i the
I"' Jit, HnKley haa lieeil bating very
la lifilth aiiie he returned (nun th
t" i!i he la Itiiomvliiir now
r si' Vn kera la liuihllng an addilliiu
11 1 ti the Kiuihrrii patt n( town.
U iktnnii haa IhiiikIiI the hiiitdinK
' aa iia.d a a harneaa ahop. He
I i Unite l up near hia Iiuiim) til liae
of) ,-e.
" V . A. I'hillpa haa hntiirli! Mr. A.
V 'II- pro rty and Inti-nda to make
' !0"ie.
' i.rtrr Warner' two lltllo cliildren
' aik. The hahy liaa ptieiiniouia
. I .11,. I'.-.!, i. .. i - ... -
n 1 M la in return to I'ortland In alnnit
I'Vulea frnni Clarkatiiaa to the Hun-
I'Onl eonveiitlon at un gon City la
P"n a pieiiMint ami heurlirlul lime.
vOoiik i ronh, of t'hii kninaa met at
'"""ol.Mr, r. K. Chirk I it-t Wednra-
" -Uliig In prmtiie alnuiiig. A hirge
r wna present and a good lime re
d. la-tler l.lat
rtpo flowing iM,
VVnll'f I olllrciilOreKi
f letter renuiln-
al Oregon City, Oregon
f ll. JM't:
r, V M
lliirrlin.Mr engineer
, Mai hew ll.irri. Fh.
Mi-a Mry .; j, ,,.,, p j
I'm'. W I, Knight, Mr l Mra
Kltaa l.lliilill Ij-wia (:
' ' a Kellv, Mra Knlti
-. If l.lhhie Liinhlee, II II
K. Mnlh.. v .. ....... i.'i....
a nut, i . iiiiv,
F' r v nidenbiirir. titiatnv
fi-'ef, W II I'lnllipa, Miaa lli'len
Il,U V,.r IIitiiiio, l.r.l 1
Henry Ht.uieherger, MraS W
;"rv I.I.111 Sinilli, t; P
I. A l ', ,i
fM "'Miirnn Wiirlhlngliin, Cnrn
' ,, i i nrn i,
nlia Inr d.'iiM av when adverliaed.
j K. M. It A N HH, 1'. M.
The IViiplt.'a Verdlcf.
'il tliOHu who luivo proved tint
of the faiiiiniH Sfiiwt't'tl Kt'inedy
fatui only spurn f0r tho following:
Mjrliciil ihiiim of Oregon Cily,
("t WltS lllid up with M HltVltlO iitturk
"iitiDiiitory rliimmiilisii; in a iimst
fortli . Three n mil ii'itt i iitih of the
gTjj, ,K"w"il UuiiiiMly utitiruly curtul
ti. WbIIh of (irt't'ii Point, snys
''"'I tint St'itwiMitl lU'ini'dy to do all
i i liiliiii'd for it and cnn thoroiiglily
tii'i rid it,"
, WitttH of .leirtirson Htroot, says
Cotnplt'itdy cnnul of a severe
of niiiHrtilar rlmtiiiiiitism by three
'" 'Us ot the Ht'itweml Kumetlv."
. 'o. Hudduway says, "It is
vtoigbt iii gold for rbeiiiiiatistn
' Htronirlv reroiriinnnd it."
"',- K. IIahmhkavkh, Solo Agent,
, - KoutU Mudlmin Street.
J",!t 288.
At special imii.thiKof Ine city council
Thursday mti'rnooi, Dm (.(m,iiilit..M on
strcel. ml .ii,i: proin'ity wn ordnred
toulvt'rtiM) fr I.Ms .,r tint improve
",""t M'l'i Mm i-I it entire, IciikIIi
with vitrified brick.
fl Hlperalltmua.
Unt lit Job Mrlniiwh, mi ulili-rly negro
Wild lived ma iniiny your nw till tun ol
tho (linrKiu kelt IhIiiiiiU with hi wife
Uiuiimh, tiwid fiiiii..iiy to robuko lilt
Willi for her "iiIimiimthUhIiIii.- "Yo'ii
.Hup t.Ki ktMiMriitlNliU. Iliirimh." lie
would w,y. "Wi.y ft- vo ,. 0illuirvt
inn, ola 'omnri? Yn' uln' neblr mini m
miii tin MlioiMTHtlHiin. Dey ln' no dog
Lowlln wot klu skner int.; tiny aln' no
Hack rnt wot kin miike mo IwltwU lt
I'm jf'an fnr to din!"
Aunt Iliinnnli jmld no ntUiitltm. Bin
KTtlnttlllled tt) lilt Joll KMUTt III U-
pfrior vlrttit wltlmut contradiction, U
ln lt wur Hint ho wiui no iMttn
nor wlnir thmi hl fellow.
Tim very night after thli wmltlv
nrtlmi on Joh'i part of tila IndeiMmdmu
or miliemtllliiim Aunt lUmmh wm nid
dniily tiikeii very III with rholera mor
bii. Job. lifter wit lufyliiK hlnmelf tlmt
bnr riuw wiu rtmlly nUrinlng, wt out
Jtit nt aunrlM to feteh tlio d.M tor.
Ilawiu jinit milking hit wny In dto
preened fraino of mind through the putt,
overgrown with wild ornnuo and la
tn I no thnl lea. la from hli cabin to th , ' provtxl tlm aulvatlon of (JoruiUntl
toat Imidliig. Hi eyea wero upon th i ooplo. The fire aurvi of tbeTurklah
Itround. Huddetily be Waine awar that j capital I century behind tha average
e'iue object waa ooiifroittmg him on th ' l'18 tiinea. and In thn aotithorn auburlal
lh and bn I.Miked up with a atart ! there aro mile of afreet lined with
Thero ataii.ling fin ing hint waa a big nothing; but wooden hoiiara. but the aruv
blin k rat. It gl.may bai k arrhtl. tta tail tta ruttc iinarUtni tn their prenont condl-
pr t utiii ait-iii a.ii i,i K ii,,i u..in,i f. 1
traordlimrv a He. and ita irol.leii nviaj '
glHlerlng In tho light of tho rbdnir inn.
Itwa. merely ,,o wandering tabby of
largo alto returning from a night foray nmnuo. wuno an aounuancaj w
and !rtled by Job't quick approach in- j watr ia aupplled by indoor batlu and
ti making a bold allow of rMUatanco, but , fountain, but tn addition to all that
to tho negro' dnznd ti) ea It waa an anion- they are aiirroiuided by acroa of ever
iahlng and terriblo object. ftr"' hnib. which tn their turn are In-
Job threw iiplotlihnndaaiidrr.m.xl elod by miuwlvo atolio walla
" Talu t mo. Marao riaUui! Tain't ui ; A ainglo wtabliahment of that aort
tlnfa aick. I tella vo If mv oln 'oinnn and their niiinlMT run op In tho hun-
Ilariiab dal ye come
fer Tain't mo.
alarm Katun!"
Ja k Tolliiier. on hia way to the rice
plantation, came up juat at till moment
and took in tho whole eltuatlon. and
whilo thecal tunied and run off through
thn jungle. Jack laughed long and loud
at Job fright Youth's Companion.
Wkal'i la a Haa
Ho waa a amall bor Iravelltig with hit
father and mother on a train, and the
way tn which he warwhi-d up and
down the car alato made him a terror lo
the other rMoiiarnger.
"Sit atlll." aaid hi father in a foghorn
Voice: "how can I hear uiymilf think
w hen you're making uch a nu ketT
"Thero. there, Johnny, dear, you dle
turb ." aaid hia fund mother
tint the infant terror kicked and cried
ml nduiaed Ui kii'p one poutioo a arc
onj at a Hum.
"I'd tike to have the ralain of that
boy I juat would. aaid a aharp foa
ttirinl woman who had ber knitting
"I wouldn't mind having a hand in It
myaclf," aaid a man who waa regarding
tho yotingatcr with murder In hut eye.
"Kit Hill. Johnnie, dear." aaid hi moth
er plni idly for tho (tooth timo.
"Why don't ymi call bun John? He
might pay more attention to you then.
aaid hia father criamly
"What' in a naiiivr naked the mothnr
"lly any other name be would be our
Johnny Mill."
"Then for heaven ' nke give him an
other name." retorted hia pa, "for he
baeti't been atill a uioiiicnt with the one
be haa."
Then he plugged hia ear with cotton
while the oilier pnaat'iigcra encorod big
but remark. Detroit rVt i'rt'wa.
Aalranoniy and Pbolography.
Modern aetronoiny la more deeply In
debted to the arience of pbologTaphy
than tho average reader may Imagine.
Without tho aid of the camera and tha
tierfict view It
has given ua of the
bodies "far out in siaco our knowledge
of celeatlal geography in the latter part
of this the grandest of all the centuries,
would be meager Indeed. When, whore
or by whom the camera was first point
ed skyward with the lutentton of photo
irranhiiiif a planet, or even a whole seo-
turn of tho stiir swingled canopy which
envidot our littlo worbl I will not
attempt to say, but tho grandcat of
all such niidcrtnkiiigs la that which
hiui latn Iiiiitigunited and jntrtially
ciuriiHl out by tho astronomers and
acloiitillo photogriiphers of the world
during tho past two years. Some uina
t..r minil conceived the Idea of mapping
the entire sky of making bypath
chart of the heavens, as it wore. This
idea when fully matured was commu
nicated to others Interested In that par
ticular brunch of scirnco, and the result
was an agreement that a celestial atlas
should bo uindo. St. Louis Republic
Anlmwla In lb llaln.
Horses and tattle never look so miser
ablo as when standing exposed to cold
and driving ruin. Every field in which
cnttlo aro turned loose should have some
looso shelter provided, however rough
and hardy the stock. If left to them
selves in a state of nature they would
travel nllrS tO SOIIIO WOll knOWTI DlinK
tbickut. which would at least give
cover ngainst the wiiuL Shut np be
tween four hodgee. they are denied alike
tho aid of human forethought and of
their own Instinct
Uowick'i vignettes of old horses or un
happy donkoys, huddled together In
driving showors on some bleak common,
exprosa a vast amount of animal misery
In an inch of woodcut London Speo
Notice la hereby given, thai thn undersigned
haa filed hia final report executor of the
Utoofriarah A. Partridge, deceased. And the
court haa appointed Junedth, la'.'S. t the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m. aa a day and time act for the
hearing ot objection tn aaid report ud tor the
aettloinunt of auld estate.
" WM. HKAMAN, F.jerntor.
II. K. Crn, Attorney lor Katate.
May . lies' 6-12 :-9
Ttinn. on miililun, cnu nmlit
Willi Uhilmurln to iImiioo tur u
Ahull ll'klliilil It wan li,
Tim ! xtrl trip in tli Ikxponu
I lial Vuwur purt'liaMKl rarintlf,
tonil imrmw ym. a liliv k u hliu lil
Ami IlialllliK. Hi" atara III Jlllial
TreaMtaof nlitlit ilrnwti aniiMilliljr bark
from ovrliniwa Ilk Ilia irnat-vnt wm.
HI, ii iianio.il an Inalanl Willi Ixiwwl liawt,
'llinli. at a unit Inn of liar wrlat
A volt nf ipiaaallinr otltarral
And wrapt Iit In a allvar tnlaC
llnr tillill' waa nf TIDIa nall
html Uiniiiuli with man)' aalarrjr aiclu
Tli wni that t'lMiml It mliihl hav iMwa
A Collar for ar)not'a na k.
Nun nf Hi lwaiit)r rliarma all lackctl
DrwamM fnr Mrfvtlnn'a inwr,
Cliariu upon charm In bar waa pflk4
I.Ik rim, avx In a eoally vaaa.
full In Hi lanuma' nulnrwl Unlit
Mil mwiiiimI a tiling of nanulla.
I knaw not If I aaw arltfht.
Or If mr vlalnn Ull m II.
Thnaa lantma apraad achaallnf Rlam
hunh alalna llir tliraw frnm unuvh to Tina,
Aa If III alar Ur lir and tliar
Hail apllt a Jaruf brtlllaul win.
Ami Umn Hi diuiilaln' tlrvwair fall,
1'ti burning alnM' haavjr rnt
Th nlghl, Hi pUw. Hi Imur-lhar alt
Wn full nf an lit I blamlialimont.
-Tlwimaa llallajf Alitrti h lo llarpr".
Th lUvlval of Cltl.
Tim revival of ancb citioa a Athena
anil Uuiintactia can ho iiluiliixl by tbtx
unrivaled awlvantago of their loattloo,
mi advanOigo which haa alao mors than
1 on urn reuiiv atttitmi iirenrooi. tun
palmrea of tho Ttirkuth grandoea are built I
alin.t m luaively of atonn. tho vety j
fl.r.cmiat,nK of a moaalc of farte-
dre.1 could atuiul unacathml In the
mlilat of Hiiintiig atroet. and old Btatn
bout may in tlio aame way aurvive a
boiiiliardin.'iit (if the predicted Kuaalan
luvunion. It atte at all event would
limtire ita renti miction. Kan Kranciaoo
I lalng I p th r.arth'a NIitm.
I The dt'itth of the eurth and aun mnat
1 both come, and with their death the end
of al) life upon Una earth, but the human
rare of t.iluy t taking care that it Rhall
ceaaetoexMl milium oi year oerure ,
till ahull come Ui pun.
Ho rapidly have two kind of aocuroo-1
Utd earth atort-petroleum and nat '
nral gna-btx-u eihauated tn America J
1 that within one generation alone atorea ,
' m-hi. h u..eu niilliona i.f fence auvninn-
'"- rTV milliona oi yeara aoenmo-
' biting Will have been almoxt Wholly ei- I
hanatinl. And all till time tmuulation '
, , ; . I
llicreawa wo filet that nt the rate Ol ,
growth during the hint tweuty yeara the
f . , . " r. , i . I
inliablLruilaof Ureat Dntain In 1J9 yanr :
time will nnuibnr more than HlKI.OOO.OOO. j
!....! I i. -......t..,..i..Mli.-r. i.ew .
U liiii4 . t v uw ,i se. iiwiij m,
ibility for llietii to exwt with only aix j
Ktiaro f.-et of earth aurface apiooa to
live on. WtMtniinater Review
r.tithualaatl M'yomlng Wemaa.
' The t'lithtiHiiuuu ahown lu rviriatering 1
bv woiiieti of Wvotiiliikf in uualllication i
... .i.. ..i.i i t.-.,,e. ...... . 1
I , , "-- n the name ol the Stateof Oregon, von
1 plfte rofutiitioli of the hackneyed cbarga urv hen hy comtnan.lel lo levy upon the
l that "the M'XH do not appreciate nor gen- : good an.f chattel of (lelimiuen't tax payer
erally care for the privilege of tuffraga. ! i""l in the within .h;lin.ue.it tax list, or
.' .-. ......... ... , o lunch thereof aa will aatmfv the amount
I Nut only were the wivea of prominent ,, IO)n,l ,itll cat and a.-cruing
:cituena reglKtered they weut further , ,.0ts; and if no Kronal proierty be foun d
' by inatmcting their help In thing politl- j then mini the real property aa set forth in
! cal and Insuring their registering aawolL ''f ; deiimpieiit tax lial, or w niuch
I,... i . , . i ..ii. thereof as wi aatislv the tax a chargwt and
I W bem-ver it ha been made worth walla ,, wlh lm .x.K.lll.,; 8nJ V0II ,re
; to them the women have seldom. If ever, required to pay over all inoneyaso rollecte.1
i failed to show how real la their Interest ui the City Treasurer of Oregon City, Ore-i-
n... ..t i... i... n... n,,.iLn,i m. 1 1 iron.
Ill aiiv tine ui .uv vativh a v. aauu u .
Aa Kugjllah Warn' Clothe.
The clothe of English wotuenl In ona
of the new London playt Miaa Alls
Craig. Ellen Tcrry'i daughter, appear
aa the typical strong minded Ltigllab
woman abroad In violet and black striped
satin, over which is a black and whit
niackinbiah made of the same material I
as the ordiimry sponge bag. a crochet
, . , i .u .
lace fichu adorned with cameo brooch.
and, to finish the masterpiece, sida 1
spring bootw and mittensl New York j
Why It Is Dlaer.dlted.
A petitiou written to parliament la
16-13 has. it is said, been discovered In
Maine. It ia written tn ink ou baud
made paiHT. mid the sheets are fastened
together with a brass pin. That an en
thusiast with a completed petition should
have omitted to present it is the only
thing that throws doubt on the story.
New York Sun.
Tldle Again.
"I heard the dreadful word tidy.
aid a woman a day or two ago. "and a
saleswoman at an art counter showed
me a collection of ribbon wheels, lace
trimmed, which she said were intended
as such chair trimmings. Does this mean
a return to millinery ou our chair backs,
I wonder?" New York Times.
The lurgest electric locomotive yet
built hns Ix't'ii finished at Baden. Zurich.
It is Miovod that it will showextraonli-
ary sKjd. aa it is gauged so as to de-
Yelop not leas than 2.000 horsepower.
On a clear night a red light can be
seen nt a gTeuter distance, it Ib said, than
a white light, while on a dark night it
Is claimed, the result ia just the reverse.
There are 800,000 domestic servants tn
London. That is to aay, about six to
very policeman. VV really must in
crease the force, suggests a writer
The Intensity of the mind's emotions
is often greater when the troubles are
mall, so curious is the mental stata of
thosa bordering on aberration
Both Greek and Roman ladles painted
their faces; for whits, ruing white lead,
tor tad, tha j c of an nnlroown barb, j
KOTICK V 1'itnl'OHA.f, V) IMi'ItOVK
Nollt'C la hernliy kIvcii, that llif City l"on ri
rll l liregnii Clly ,roniMi lo in,rove tlmt
Kirllon of Muin atrret lying iieiM,-ii llml
Milnt on Mm ii alrei't w lier llin Hup alinli of
till) (anient inlll eninHt a llin Mai. I street aii'l
Ilia norlh lltifof Hull tli atreet, ut tlm
i.eiiae tr llin ,rnierty ownera and Iho Knal
HelH llnllwnv comii:iiiv
l"l, It y grmtliiK II, nt ,nrt of Mnlli atreet
IvIliK hetMrreii tlm Milul on annl al reel W here
the linn almtt ol i tin rement mill croaaca
aiild atreer ami the tinrlli line of M',aa atreet
In the rafuhliahfflltrriiilfl.aiid In, iavlng aanie
full width w nil a vitrilie'l hru It pavement.
'I, lly bridging or tretllii that part of
Main atreet lying Mweeii the norlh line of
Mnaa atreet unit tho aoiilh 1 1 nt of 'fwellth
lret, full width,
,'td. lly grudltitf thut part of Main atreet
Ivllig IhIwivii thd anulli line of Tw-ellth
at re. t and tlm north linn of Fourteenth
atreet to tli eatiihllalied grade, Olid by pav
ing th tamo full width with a gravel pave
ment, till, lly bridging or treatlingtlmt part of
Main atreet lying between the north line of
Fourteenth atreet and the north line of Hi
teenth atreet, full width.
Mh. lly laying aldewalkann both aide of
M i' I tri'et from the (xillit on aaid atreet
where the line aim ft of the eetiieni mill
croaaea aaid atreet to the north line of Hix
U'etith atreet ; provided, however, that no
ailwalka ahull lie laid where the walk now
laid are In good condition, of proper width,
ami liKin the eatahliahed grade.
I'uhliahed by order of the city couru'il at
meeting held Mxv 10, IH'i.'l
41) U I,. 1'tlKIKK, Itcrorder.
Oregon ( lly doe ordain aa follow:
hm-rio 1, hat that certain old build
ing known aa the hluger Mill, lituated on
th fullowing dearrilied preuiiaea, to wit;
Ilegltinlng at a niint larlng iiorlli l7 ileg.
eaal and UU (m l itialant from the monu
ment at the inUTawtmn of High and Kev
enili atreeta in th city of Oregon City,
I Itti kiin
n MiMhuina to the t-lae of iH-ginning, and
belonging to Anna M. William. i hereby
her. 'I. I'tili aa Ihe owner remove the
aame within aixly ilnva from the paaange of
tin onlinaiice, the Chief of I'oliie ia hereby
atiihoriied to abate the aid iiuiaance and
remove and .lealroy the aame, and render a
reHirt of hi proeeiMliuga hereunder to the
council at it Ii a alatemrnt of the coal of hk-Ii
abatement, that It may be entered In the
thicket of the cily lien aa a charge agaiual I
aaid prcmiHc.
Ordered ,tihliabed bv the rltv rounril,
May HI. IKil. I.. I,. )'OllTKU,'lteirler. j
Oregon City .l.e ontnin a billow:
'I hut ll.e'preaent tird of water coinmi.
loner of Oregon Citv, ( haa. H. Cautlel.t,
; Tlioa. K. Kyan and llirnni rMruiglit. and
j their amxt'aMia in oltli-e, are berebv atUhor
; i.-l and eiiii-iwcreo Ui iaaue and diaiaiae of
! Ix'tnla, the aame not to exceed a par value
i ol tell Ihouaand dollara, and to be known a'
Iregnn City water honda, and to I latle.
and old in amiplanre with the proviahm
feerlion 117 of chapter 11 of the Oregon
! C'Hv charter.
,.,,.., i-.,.bli.be.i bv the citv council Mav
pi, r?a .. I'CIKTKK, Itcmrder. '
.v,,,!,.,. ,, h,,,,,, ,lvrn, ,hVt the city eounell
of iir.-giui City will receive eeale.1 Ol la fur ihe
Improvemeui of Malu atreet In aceo'danee with
,,,., pnt.u.hni m tho "orego,, t itv
Kuterpilae "of March .4th. iwt All hl.la mu.l
tecoinpanleil with a certified check In Ihe
amoiitit ol yi; al-n aampn-a nl ine tincg in ne
uaed lu the couatruetlon of aaid aireel. No bid
;r bi.la will be received alter & o.cl. k p m ,
June lat. Ihvs The city eoimell reaerve the
right torejeetanyandall blda Addreaaall bid
" '' heeorder and mark on faceot envelope.
lly order of Clly Council. May nth.
J. ti. PoHTKR.
II. L. KKI.1.Y.
HI .V2S Committee.
STaTg or OHguoK, I
ounty ot Clackamaa,! "
Counlyot Clackamas,!
To the Collector ol Oregon Cily. Oregon:
, , .
In witness whereof I
hsve hereunto set
my hand and attixol the aeal of aaid Oregon
City this tilh dav of Kehruarv, lM.
L, I.. .'OUTER,
(Seal.) Kecorder of Oregon City.
Ity virtue of the above warrant, I have
levied upon, and will, on Monday, I lie l-'tli
day ol June. at the hour ol one o'clock
I'. M. of aaid day, nt the court house door in
Ihe citv of Oregon Citv, Clackamas county.
Oregon, aell the following desrrilied real
I'Imiitiv at public auction, forca.di in hand,
,",,'"','( " " ttti?(y '",'"'"'"t
'f c"v taxes due thereon aa shown upon Ihe
Ul.i;ni.h, list r,.v taxes ot Vrfi City,
1 ireg a provided for by the charter of
Oregon City, to wit :
Owner. Lota. Bl'k. Am'L
OrphaCampMI S and 4 11 M)
Oridis Canipbell 3 and 4 140 1 SO
Mra. 8. A. llrntighton.
Countv add all of
Mrs. Mn'rv Dolan 8
Alel Kudy,' estate.
(iaude K.,'eouniy add . 1-2-3
(iamhle lloht 5 and (I
Mrs. rinrah rartridgeest 4
9 HO
3 0 i
S 25
3 mi
3 00
1 25
1 .VI
2 00
3 50
Amos Miller.
I.. 0. lyeonnnl
Mrs. Angie lahy
A. K. Waite
A. K. Witite
. pt. of
1 and 2
2 and .1
Citv Collector.
Do Not Climb the Hill !
George C. Ely's
llyville, - Oregon,
Whore you can got the highest
rush price for
Butter, Eggs and Other Farm
Full line of new goods at prices
lower than Oregon City.
Vlowkr Pots. Having closed up a
contract with the Milwaukee pottery to
sell their poods in Oregon City we offer
today a full lino of flower pots at prices
never seen before in this city, for instance
a 4-inub pot for 5 cents, ant others in
proportion. Bkllomy & lk'scu. tf
ia r.iuiitv. ilreiiiti : runiiinir tnence i " 'loco i""i'i."'i u u. mu uy ... ,u
.il. 'ji ,i -J...I..O... il..... r,.rl. Iw. al xoeiueg p. m oi lui.q .iy. in irom oi w
,leg. eaat.i.H0l.h,n;'ll.e.;'..l.:il AAVTAlV I'M 2
Ntrtleela heteby (Ivan, that by virtue nf a
warrant laaiiol by the reeorder tf the t:ity of
M.-llw.Kid, In ma illrwted, dated the ath day of
May, A. ll. lt, and avalnat
I), W. (..KKlln.
ennimaridln ma Ut levy upon weat U of I'd IA tn
Idnek t'.alld Coli'''t the aaeniliet dnelliere.'il,
auintiiitlrig to tha aum nf three dnllara and
ninny five eeiila Inr tti Improvement of Flllh
atrei-llii H.-IIwihI, trretrnu.
Ihavetlila day levied iikhi aaid above di
erllrtid prnp'rly, and mi tin" pnh day of June,
IW, al l o'elm k p. n ill aaid dity in front of
the eomt hnnae Iii th City nf On ion City,
(.nnulv ol Uai'kamaa and Btat nf OrrKoli, will
adl aaid proHfrty to lilgheai bidder thetelnr, to
pay aaid aaM-aament, u,ll.er Willi coata and
extienaea nf ftale.
rlald aale lo be for (' H rnld and allvar coin.
C. W. )A Vlrt, ( liy Marahal.
Kellwnod, Oregon, May a. w b U ll
Kntlee I lierebr riven, that by virtu of a
warrant laaued by lb recorder f the t lty.it
Hellwood to me diro led, dated the Dili day of
May, A. 11., laMand agalnat
r. C. iolln,
C'iniinaudltig me to levy upon lot III In block
and collect thn Naacaatnciit due tiicreon,
amounting to the aum of flv dollar and fnrty
flveceiua fnr the Improvement of Fifth atreet
in Kellwood, Oregon.
I have tbla day levied upon aaid aljov de-aerilri-d
prnH-rty, and on the tilth day of June,
laJ.ai 'o'clock p. m. of aaid day. In Iront ol
th court bona In the i;ily of Oregon City.
I'.iiintr of Clackamaa, and rl'jte of Orrgnu, will
aell aain pmirly lo the hlglieal bidder therefor,
lo pay aaid aaaeaament, tajetber with coat a
and exefiea of aale.
Bald aale lo be fnr I'. 8 gold and (liver coin
(.'. W. 11A VM. City Marahal.
Hellwood, Oregon, May . Wi. S-12.6:
Nirtlce la hereby given, that by virtue nf a
warrant laaued by the recorder rd Ihe City of
Hellwood, to me directed, dated Ihe nth day ol
May A. ll. lava and araluat
0. W. (,.elln.
commanding me to levy upon lot 14 in block
M and collect the aaaeaament due thereon,
amounting to the aum of lour dollara and
aeventy ceula lor Ihe lis provemeut ofnlilh atreet
In Hellwood Oregon.
I nave thla day levlel upon aaui anove ae-
ne i
aell tald
aid aaacaameul, bigelher with coata ud ex
Jnvuaea of aale.
Hald aale lo be fnr V. 8. gold and allver coin.
C. W. I'AVlrl, I ity Manhal.
Hellwood. Or-gnn, May . IW -l'2;-9
Notice la hen'hy given that by vlrtne of a
warrant laaurd by the recorder of Ihe I Ity of
Kellwnod. to me directed, dated thla 1Mb day of
May A. ll. 1U. and agaiuat
F. C. (iiKidln
commanding me tn levyuKiu lot 1 In block 43
aud collect the aaaeaament due thereon,
amounting to the aum of twenty-nine dollar
and thirty five cent for the improvement of
btxib atreet lo Hellwood Oregon
I have thla day day levied upon aaid above
I deacrlle-d property, and on Ihe iuth daynf Julie
oa3. al io cine p. m. oi nam uay. in iroai oi
Ihe court houae lu the Cltyrl Oregou City
I ounty of Clackamaa and hute of Oregon, will
ell tald property to Ihe higheat bidder therefor,
to nay aaid aaaeaament, together with coata
ana exnae of aale.
Hald tale to be for I' H. gold and ailver cnln.
c W. IiAVIS, City Marahal
Hellwood, Oregon. May , I-. b-Ufi 9
I "1"'
Notice ia hereby given, that by virtue of a
nt latuc'I ny the recorder i tne t ity ot
iod. Ui roe directed, dated the "th day of
1 May A ll., 1j3. and againat
r t:. ono.nu.
commanding me to levy upon lot 10 In block
45 aud collect the ataeatnient due thereon.
mo. luting to the turn of forty-four dollara and
twenty two centa for the Improvement ol Fifth
I have thla day levied tion aaid above de
arrlbed pnierty. cd on the loth day of June
ls3. al 'I o'clock p. ni of aaid day. in from ol
the court houae lu the City of t r.-goD City.
Coutilr of Clackamsji, aud Htate nf Oregon, will
ell aaid property to the higheat bidder there
for, to pay aaid ataetamenl, together wuh coat
d expetitea of aale.
riald tale to be for V. 8. gold or allver coin.
C. W. IIAVIa, City Marahal.
Sellwimii, Oregon, May 9. law. i.W-e.H
Notice la hereby given, that by virtue of a
warrant laaued by the recorder of the City nf
Hellwood. in me directed, dated Ihe 9th day of
May A. II. I.hM and agaiuat
C. W. Uoodln.
commanding metn levy upon lot 1 In block
4-'i and collect the aaaeaament due thereon,
ai, .utii, i, g i,i mo aum ill liner: ijioiara alio
twenty eenia for ihe Improvement of Sixth
atreet in bcllvrikHl.liregnu.
I have thia day leved upon said above de
acrlbed property, aud on the '.0th dy ofJuue
I'M at 'Jo clock p m of aaid day, in front
of theeotirt houae in the City nf Oreeon City.
County ot Clac kamaa and eiiate nf Oregon, will
aell aaid property lo highest bidder therefor to
pay aaid akaeaament, together with Coat and
expense of aale
bald aale to be for V. S. gold and allver colu.
C. W. I'AVIS. City Marahal.
Scllwood. Oregon, -May , 1C &-12,-
Notice la heieby given, that by virtue of
warrant laaued by Ihe reeorder of the City of
Sellwood. to me directed, dated the mh day of
May, A. lh, lstci, ndgaint
Mary Hampton
commanding me to lew upon lots In block 4A,
and collect theakesametildue thereon, amount
ing to ihe aum of even dollara for Ihe im
provement of Kltth atreet In Sellwood, Oregon.
I have thl day levied upon aaid above de
acrlbed property aud on ihe 10th day of June.
li, at i o'clock n m. of aaid day, fn front of
the court houae lu the City of Oregon City.
County of Clackamaa, State ol Oregon, will sell
aaid property to higheat bidder therefor, to pay
aaid aaaeaament, together with coat aud ex
penses of sale
bid aale to be for V. S. gold and ailver coin.
C. W. DAVIS, Clly Marahal.
Sellwood, Oregou. May. ItwJ. 5-1:2:6-9
Notice la hereby given, that by virtue of
warrant Issued by the recorder of the City ot
Sellwood, to me directed, dattd the Mh day nl
May A. l , l.NM, nd against
C. W. (ioodin
commanding me to levy upon lot 14 In block
and collect Ihe assessment due thereon,
mounting to the sum of three dollar aud
uitiety five centa fnr the improveinvnl uf
Fifth street lu Sellwood, Oregou.
1 have thla day levied upon said above de
acrltied property, aud on the 10th day of June
lfys, at 'i o'clock p. m. of said day. lu front of
the court house In the City of Oregon City.
County of Clackamaa, State of Oregou, will sell
said propertv lo the highest bidder therefor,
to pay said aaaessmeul, together with costs
and expenses ot aale.
Said sale lu be for U. 8. gold or silver coin.
C. W. PAVld, City Marshal.
Sellwood, Oregon. May 9, 1N'3. 5-lj:64
Notice Is hereby given, that by vlrtne of a
warrant Issued by the recorder of the City of
Sellwood, to me directed, dated the nth day ot
May A. 11. 1KV3 and against
C. W. Uoodln.
commanding me to levy upon lot IS in block til
ml collect the assessment due thereon,
amounting to the sum of (our dollara sud
seventy cuts for the Improvement ot Sixth
street lu Sellwood Oregon.
I have thia day levied upon suld above de
scribed property, aud ou Ihe 10th day of June
WW at 2 o'clock p. m. ot said day, tn front
ofthecourt house in the Clly ot Oregon City
County ol Clackamas ami State nf Oregou, will
aell said property to highest bidder therefore,
to pay said assessment, together with costs and
expenses of salo.
Said sale lo be for I'. 8. gold and silver colu,
0. W. I. VIS, City Marshal.
Sellwood, Oregon, May , 1W3. 5-12; 6-9
Notice la hereby given, that by virtue of a
warraul lssueu ny tne Kecoruer oiinemyot
Sellwood, to mo directed, dated the 9tU day of
May, A. 1). lew, and against
C. W. UwHlln,
commanding me to levy upon lot IS In block
SI, and collect the assessment due thereon,
amounting to the mm of twenty-six dollars
and fllty centa lor the lmprovemout of
Sixth street In Sellwood, Oregon
1 have Ibis day levied upon said above de
scribed property, and ou the 10th day of June,
1S9S, at 2 o'clock p. m. of aid day. In front ot
the court house in the City of Oregou Citv,
County of Clackamaa ami Slate of Oregon, will
sell said property to higheat bidder therefor, to
pay said kaseaatnenl, together with coat end
expenses of sale.
Said tale to be of V. 8. gold and silver colu.
C. W. IIAVI8, City Marahal.
Sellwood, Oregon, May 9, INK). i 12:e-9
nroiH-rlv Ui niyiieat nuwer tnereiore. u pa
Nolle la hereby given, thai by virtu nf a
warrant laancd by the recorder nf the City nf
Mcllwnod, lo me directed, dated the ath day nf
May, A. D., 1MXI, and agalhat
y.i; o.HMlln.
commanding me in levy upon lot 17 In block It
nil collect the aaaeaament due thereon, amount:
hue to the aum of aeven dnllara and twenty five
fcnta for the Imprnvemeiit of Kllth atieet in
H'-Mwood, tlrcgnn.
1 have irila day. levied upon aaid above do
aerlbe property, and on the Pah day of June
i"M. t'ju clock p. m. of aaid day, in front ol
the court hona In ihe City of Oregon City,
County of Clin km"i. mate of Orrgon, will aell
aaid property to hlnheat bidder therelnr, to pay
aaid aaaraainent, UKclher with cixta ami ei-pen--a
of aale.
lUld aale to be fur r. ft. gold and allver coin
C. W. )A VIM, City Marahal.
Dellwood, Oregon, May . VMU. h-M Ht
Notice la hereby given, that by virtue of a
warrant laaued by the recorder ol Ihe City of
Hellwood. to me directed, dated the 9th day of
May A.U. Hew, and agai',t
V. C. (.mlln
commanding me In levy upon lot 2 In block W
and collect Ihe aaameni Hue inereon.moiini
lug m the anin l thirty an dnllara and thirty
eeniaforthe imprnvemenl ol rililb atreet In
Mellwood Oregon.
I have thla day levied npon aaid property.
lid on the loth day of June IWSJ, at 2 o'cUu-k
p. m. of aaid day, In front of the court houae in
the Clly of Oregon City County ol Clackamaa
and Mtaie of Oregon, will aell aaid pron-rty to
higheat bidder therelnr. to pay aaid aaaeaament,
U getcr with coat nd eipenae ol aale,
Bald tale to I lor C. S mid and allrer coin.
C. W. IMVIH, City Marahal
Hellwood, Oregon, May . b-if
Notice la hereby given that by virtue of a
warrant laaue I by the recorder of the City of
Hellwood, to me directed, dated till "th day of
May A. ll. law, and atalnat
C. W. Ooodin
commanding me to levy upon let 15 lu block 45
and collect the aaaeaament thereon, amounting
to the aum of three dollara and nlnelr fHe
centa for the Improvement of Fifth atreet In
bellwond Oregon
I have thia day leved upon aaid above de
crlbed property and on the loth day of June
iM.'l SI n'.u.l.'k r. m ,lf llM III front of
' 1 th. '..... t.....u la ,,v ,.f lvulm I'tlv
County nf Clackamaa and State ol Oregon, will
aell aaid property lo higheat bidder therelnr. in
pay aaid aaaeaament, together with coat and
exgienaeanf aale.
tald aale lo be for V. 8 gold nd allver coin.
C. W. HAVIH, t It Marahal.
hellwood, Oregon, May . Iw 4-li!.
Notice la hereby given, that by ylrt.ie of
i warrant laaued by the recorder of the City of
1 Hellwinal. to me directed, dated the tb day of
jnav A. o. ami Raiiio
Ft Ooodin
commanding me to levy upon e',of lot 1 lu
block ia and collect the aaaeaameiil due there
on, amounting to the mm of two dollara for the
tmprxvement of Hixth atreetiu iSellwand Oregon
I have thia day levied upon aaid above de
arribed prnperty. aud on the loth day of June
l3 at 'so'cliM-k p. m. nf aaid day. in front of
the court houae lu thw City of Oregon City
County of t larkamai and Htate nl Oregon, will
aell aaid properly to higheat bidder there'ore,
to pay aaid aaaeaament. together with coat and
exneiiava of aale.
bald tale to be for I'. 8 gold and allver coin
C. W. ll.WI.S, City Marahal.
Sellwood. Oregon. May v, l-ns. J-12.
Notice la hereby given, that by virtue of a
arraul la-iied by Hie reco-der of the City ol
Hellwoo.1. to ine directed, dated the 9th day of
May A. ll. 193 and again't
Oeo Uallier.
commanding me to levy up, n w1 nf lot IS In
block til and collect theaaaeaament due thereon,
amounting to the aum ol t'i 4., for th improve
ment nl hixth at reel lu Hellaro.d Oregon.
1 have thia day levicl upon aaid above de
aeritied property, and on the Ithh day of June
lova at 1 ii clock p m. ol id day, lu front of
the court houae lu the city of Oragnu Cltv,
county of Clackamaa and (late nf Oregon, will
aell aaid proeity to higheat bidder thereiore,
to pay aaid attetamenL, together with c.aits nd
expenaetol aaa.
bald aale to be for I'. 9. gold and ailver coin.
C. W. HAV1H, Clly Marahal
NellwooJ, Oregon, May . Ikkl b-U; t-9
Notice I hereby given, that by virtue of a
warran' laaued by the leenrder of the City ol
fiellwood. to me directed, dated the 9th day ot
May A. 11. lh and againat
C. W . Ooclin.
commanding me to levy upon lot 12 In block H
aud. collet ihe aaaeaament due thereon, amounl-
tuv In Iwsnlr.llva Uollaea alul aevenlv-Sv'e
i -nt lor the " in,nrr..ment nl aixth atreet
! m seilWOOQ Oregon.
I have thia dav levied upon said above
described property, and on the l'th day of June
IWI, al la clock p. m ol said day. lu front of the
cauirt house In the City of Oregon City. County
of Clackamas and State nt Oregon, will sell said
property to highest bidder thereiore, to pay
saij asseasmeut, together Willi coal and ex
penses of sale.
Said aale lo be for t". S gold and sliver coin.
C. VY. HAV1S. City Marahal.
Seliwood, Oregon, May 9, 1MB. L!:6-9
KxlablUhrd !-.
Transfer1 and Efe,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
00 TO
me Permmeries U Toilet Articles,
Also a full stock of
?ITTS- OILS, etc.
Over Catifleld'i Drug Store,
Office dava from the 1st to 1Mb of each mouth.
Artificial teeth on rubber, first-class,
Gold rllllug from I'i up. All
work guaranteed.
Corner of Front and Morrison,
Fortgeneral repairing he Btands
without a peer. For first-claRs, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Trv him 1