Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 12, 1893, Image 6

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    'Oregon City Enterprise.
FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1803.
ImproTfiucnt ote.
Am I'arkiT h his house at Uladatone
nearly inclosed and will soon occupy it.
The Gladstone electric line station
is inclosed and will soon be completed.
It will be both neat and convenient.
The contractor lias the frame up for
1 . t. Worey a ham on the west eido of
the river and has rwin inclosing the
Mine .
The work oi'unidinjt for the new school
bouse la progressing favorably, the con
tract having been let to Gilbert A
Cod f rev.
rt ....
ine Aiauigon street bridge is com
pleted and is found very convenient.
IVople will soon be wondering how they
veriwt along without it.
J. V. Grout is erecting a new store
tniildinon Seventh street near Monroe
which will be occupied bv a Woodburn
Many Komi Matters Claim the Allen
of the Conrt-ltlllK Allowed.
In the matter of the chantto In the
Otty road the report of the viewer waa
tiled and approved and it was ordered
that upon the payment of all of the ex
penses of the viowen and mirver and
upon the report of the supervisor of
road district No. 1 that the new road is
as good astho old. The new will )m
established and the old ordered vacated.
The reKirt of viewers in the Graham's
Ferry and Sherwood road was approved.
The expense of viewing and surveying
have been paid, Uhii the tiling of the
report of the supervisor of Iioad District
o. a that the new road is as good as
tlie old, the new road will lie estab
lished and the old vmal.v.1
Keport uf viewers on Kngle and Nolan
Mill road tiled and approved ami the
road ordered vacated
Keport of K. Dickey, aiixrvisor of
District No. iXi for the year ending Jan.
31. '811, approved and account of .M
man n-trn u ill Mum U .
n. ,. ., """'
.... 1B, ,,, .nnos.ng; ,.,;,. of c p
the new ( man km . n at . ' 1 ' "
k.,.,k . . t i , wunty rtmd granted, and Sidney Smvth
1 Z Mt i" i " r. dUn"g mM 8"rVr Joh" iyn.
in ,17 si U H Wm KandlB E- " to
" at place of tieginmng Tuesday, Mav
The session of Presbyterian church loth at 10 o'clock a. m.
t their Monday evening meeting, din- Petition of 0. F. I-ee et al for a
cussed plans for enlarging the Presby- county road granted, and Sidney Snkvth
terun church which is becomming too j appointed survevor with K. M Hart
small for the growing congregations, j man, J. V. Dor res and Samuel Irons as
They will probably present the nutter to j viewers to meet at the place of begin-
congregational meeting soon so that I ning ou Friday, the 24th of Mav at 10 a.
fteps may be taken to secure more room ui. '
Wore fa"- i Contract for huildin the hrid.. n.r
All day Tuesday the linemen of tliei1- Gritlin'a house awarded to C. F.
Portland General Electric company were I Ko.val for
hnsy on Main street stringing the mon-i Contract far building hr.dw across a
sterwire.vible which is to 1 ned by : ravine on the ent road awarded to K.
will 'llll III i-illl llrt'l IllCir I Ml UUP 1 Hrlu t.m Mil! I
rtationwiih'th. .K..,..; , Im.11 ' tl'.L 1 Andrew Oiler witness
V,.: " ' V W" r ' M,Hr et ,or Sidney Smyth survevor
""'- rni.oi s,x county road granted, and Sidney Smvth Wheeler & Sager K and II acc't
copperwires wrapped wh pa.r and anointed surveyor with (ieo. t'urran, I. S. Miller K and it acc t
refine encash ,h,.y in a lead pi,. ; Hans Paulsen and ti. I.inn as viewers to (ieo. K. Ilortmi chLk s fees "
h,el, ,s .tself insulated. I.e.d hein, a meet a, the place of beginning Mav VMU Den C. Irwin 'o C II exp '
..n-cc.nductor it is expected that this at 1 o'clock, p. m. In, i 1 1 n ' " '
blewill abviate the sinirim, now so! vtiti.,n f :. -,., '' V". .'e ..
- - u ' m iirtur ft mi iiir n iiinituuf itw l .....
j purchase of the California Powder Co
and of Hamilton A Washburn.
Permission granted the Portland
General Moetrlo company to lay a 2l
inch water pipe across the iusHnsion
orntge at tneir own expense after they
have removed their electric wires frnm
said bridge, provided that they shall
piace near the towers at either end of
the bridge suitable livdrunta um.
attachments to afford protection against
Application of M. Judy for release of
tax sale on 4' of mortgage owned by
him laid over till the June term.
heport of 11. M. Welhorell, acting
treasurer for the bomlsmen of .1 n
approved Wotherell and the liondsmen
The county judge nuthoried to nnr-
chase lot 1, in block D. Park Place at an
expense of $t!0 said lot to be used for
a gravel pit.
Application of Hoffman A Hales for an
extension of time in which to build
county bridge across the Sandy river
granted and 20 days more time allowed.
County treasurer ordered to set aside
tho two-mill mad lax collected for
road puritosos, as it is collected to bo
kept aa a seperate fund.
In accordance with the decision of
the circuit court relative to the claim of
W. T. WhitUxk for services in abstract
ing mortgages, to the effect that claim
was a proper one against the county, the
clerk was authoriied to issue a warrant
in favor of W. T, Whitlock for K'SJ.tiO.
Mileage and Ir diem was alhw.l
the commissioners as follows :
C. BairSdays, 28 miles $11.80
K.Scott 3 days 18 miles 10.80
C. Hair 1 dav 2i miles, extra X jo
ltie following bil!s were allowed :
C W Gmiong sheriff 1572.37
K Parker wood 15 i-
O C Water Works 1.5.00
purpose of doing this the further sum of
la appropriated to ho used In the
Klinger lane.
UeiHirt of G. W. Prosser. supervisor
ofUoad District No. 4 approved and ex
pense account allowed as follows: l.ahor
1:178.20, uiHrvisor 121, bridge material
$122.2(1, total fM4 2(1. The siirvlsor
was authorlned to piocuro the materials
n'Hitodas rcoiiircd mid to make a fur
ther examination of the Oswego Like
and Trvon Creek bridges.
The sheriff was ordered to Hie his de
linquent list for the year, not later than
May KOtli.
ReHirt of A. W. Cooke sutiervlsor nl
road district No. 1 approved and ex
pense account allowed as follows:
I.alxr $1MI,7.'), Siisrvlsor i(), bridge
expense 80.110, total $240.05. '1 he siijier
visor rccomiiiends that roads be
selected us follows as miiiu traveled
roads and that every effort he made to
have them llrst improved, via from
Clackamas to linker's Kerry bridge, 'rem
Danmsiis to l'lasaut Valley and from
Pleasant Home to Sandy, He also
recommends Unit work be first Is'gun
near Iwthwiiitu's ou the Haker Kerrv
road, near Nelson's on Winston A 1'nlnn
school house road and that the Sandy
I I 11........... It I 1 ! I 1 .. .
uii.i 1 u'Mi-niii iiumu nuui ir w itieiHMi as
thert is an inmii'iise amount of travel
thereon and hut a single track . Smer-
I yisor Cooke also reported the resigna
tion of W . J. C urriii as foreman anil the
apsintment of W, S. Gordon in his
stead. At the request of 50 petitioners
living north of Sandy ami Hull linn
there was presented to the court a
petition asking to have the money col-
i leeled for taxes In that section exts-uded
I therealM)iit. This was presented with
! the mm-approval of the supervisor and
I with the adoption of his report was1
I therefore lost. iiervisor ordered to!
, clear out and widen roadway from Sandy i
I to Pleasant Home in accordance with
1....L i rill S rillTI-!
fill I UK n
The Heat Salve In tl' -''.j ' 'minm
llrulses, Sores, I'lwra. Salt I '
m Soms, Telh.r, CI;.M'H ;
Chilblains, Cori,s, .n.l all KMn Wl
ons. .mll--''7i'JnVS,toln'
pay required. t l B r" ,11,1111,,,
per .H-l sallslactlon, or v - - ,
Wleo2S cents s.r box. h'r sale by
A. Ilanliiig. .
j, F. FORD, Evangelist
A trails it imyw iuhm-h -ure.
. t r T l
Orcgot.inn lluil'lii'tf. I'"r"'""'-
H II. M" '" ' "
liiilur, llrrgon,
(IslillrllifiH ....
On srilvlmt l'.ns lst wm-k. (,.
sell snd snki"ly slilig. Our lim, ',
and 11nel.su years ulil, .I,,-,
n.lril ssv H miiiii.i l ,,, '
.irons- and viKonmi, and wall ,
II Ct'liltl. I'U'S li dons IUwoiIi n r
.'.I . ,l,l.l,n Ilk. II. Yiinr M 11 '
Cur h cm"l snd sspl aasv l'
.. iritiii imp. r - w , i,if
(tm-llng" for all. Wl.htns toll ,tmm,
sr your, . . ...... 4. , (r,JU
It jmial.h Hi M ''li SH't rhmrf.u
If ilia "I'll"! ".. nr. 11,. .
, .llll III llM.Wch I lf ,. I,. u I
.... .,p iIiiik ii r. i ll Mark Mli.m..
.' ' o .1...--1.1. a..l.l
11. vj . m.
tii. l.r i-
Ma CtMitH l.iivs ftpouii'l AKHt'CKI.K'S.I.IOXt
M ...... 1 .-i - t ,..H'... 't 1,., mill utiiridi K
J Isiula or li'.'i', lM,""tl ,"'u'"4 ol rll,l mu,'
mnniIk tliri'iul, "f H K.tii)tl8 nil 1 ..,
i .S's r larp'i'.
CKNTS Iiiv8 citluT (I1V88 l.ruiil, I'o.vh' straw hat,
k, 'J.I l'llVfl'M''8, I- H'lIM, IMIVH VN
.ilMI liMiUlJiUKH, ajKTH jilt;,
ltit(l iu'licils, ill
I )
II 1 1(1 1 It' ,
til', Hlllllll ('
AKUIVKP Cnlifi'8 IS yarln fr $!.,
ipriiit' dress l'ikmIh, furnishing km1h, ft'.
sj.ia-s in bulk half j.rico. Trmlo for .riMlun.
tatot'8 wuntod.
Hlittft'iH j.
I'uro grour.
Oatu anjj,
-! I
his lei-omin.iidulioiis. TTT- 1 i. .'..l
I. I J 1 A A -ty .a.
----- v., , m urt-i4T VI
C.....VJ..,,; ,o leiegripnic connection over ; county road grantinl and Sidney Smyth
th wires attached to the poles used for; appointed surveyor with Wm Doring
electric lighting. This is the longest j A. W. Cook and Harrv Cartwright as
pphcation of this system of insulating viewers to meet at place of beginning
in the world and is to a certain extent i Tuesday Mav 31 at 10 o'clock a m
an exj-eriment. j Warrant of 5 ordered issued' to R. S .
I McLaughlin for work on the Milwankie
and Foster vmi the same to be charged
Ke survey of la-wthwai.e and Haker
' l erry roud ordered with S. Sinytli
surveyor and A. W Cooke, J. W.
Hoots and M. II. Keihlmir as viewers to
A Correction.
Two items in the financial statement
prepared by D. F. May for the grand
jury and published in lut weeks' E.n
TtBi'BiSK, were by an oversight in cor
recting the proofs mde to appear wrong.
The trouble is that the points for the
cents are not correct!- shown. The first
mistake ii in the "Balance due on state
tax 1892 which should be $16,430 62.
The second is in fund in hands of county
warrants, which should be $3,151.04.
Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there are
lands on hand sufficient to piy warrant
No. 31 indorsed December 12. ISM
Interest ceases with date of this notice
F. J. Louis, City Treasurer.
Oregon City May 11, 1803.
Mrs. George OAorn
Aldrich and the Kev. G. Sykes, of this
city, were attending as delegates the
convention of the Christian Endeavor
Society which was in session at Portland
on Monday and Tuesday of this week.
Those monstrous stumps are easily and
cheaply disposed of with Judson powder.
A good supply of blasting material of all
k-indB at Portland prices at the Park
Place store.
You will lose money unless you ex
amine the fine assortment of millinery
goods at the Park Place store before
R. E. Dyer intends to open his !in
8bop on 8dventh street next week.
Walter Noblitt has been appointed
poetmastet at Needy.
against the road fund
Proposition of the California Powder
Co.. J. T. Strite and Washburn A
Hamilton to furnish power forthecountv
laid over till the June term.
Petition of the O. I. AS. Co. for a
county roal granted and Sidney Smvth
appointed surveyor with Frank Ford,
D. D. Magone and George Kruse as
Keport ofW.H. Smith approved and ex
pense account of 181.72 allowed. Ha re-
commends particularly improving first
tlie Uregon City-Sprmgwater road via
Viola work to be bestun near Jones' mill
and on the flat near the Viola poBtoffice ;
seconu tlie Oregon Citv an J Clarke's
road, work to begin near the Latourette
71 1K
44. SO
The Hi aulj Standard.
The standard of female loveli
t.uua u I.. ,l:.r. .. ....
. . -. .w...., i-.i, 11 in II" 1
UH-1I,) tries and with individual tnuiva S,. ' T 4.V. Uxi. .
-,)1 J prefer plump and buxom lyie ; some ad-' JUU WiUU lUU U U11U P
State vs Chinaman Jake
" " II E Cross ....
" " Hums A Mack
" " M Anderson..
" " Stewart
" " Moo.lv
" " Kohler
" " C W Strickland
" " II E Cross
(irand jury exp
S M Hamshy recorder
Enteki'kisk printing and books
Pope A Co O 11 exp
J C Bradley assessor
Jury list (list. No. 14
D W Kinnaird 27.50
Meston A Dygert records 112.50
Geo Hannegan meals for jury. . . 9 10
O C Iron Works 44.45
meet at Win, Uwthwaite'a Thursday j
, May 2.'.. I
ment of tho famous "Falcon"
brand of
Bee Supplies.
ntirc the slcnderHiid m-lnli-lilf a mm.1 ........
Hi. HO the tall and (pieenly maiden. Hut among
t!'1 r"j l,H,P' of the Caucasian race one point
' ! of lwauty is alwaadinired-a pure, clear
i'.V-I "P 'tless complexion, whether the
'( -' I female be of the blonde, brunette, or
34-. (X) j i...i 1 ....... rri.:.. ..
" r.'"i i it. jins nini areai rem s u
7.00 1 i l,.....i: 1 1 .... ... t
u. uvi-iiurnacHii uti ansnreuoniy vy a pure
state of the blood, active liver, gosl ap
petite and digestion, all of which are se
cured by tho use of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Uiscoverv. It Is ituarantctd to
Jury exp April term 8-.1.00 .. . ' , . .
State vs Colver. . 47 sn Mc0,,,l'l " that is claimed for it. or
. . fnimv rt 1 11 11 itt if u-Ai.l.l I. ......
. ....... j . .-...wi.-., a iuu nftiii (in t C
tion over sold in this market
send your order to us.
A I Stokes road exp 3. 00
Inman, Paulson A Co RAH sect 3.41
Petition of C. S. Porter et al for a
county road gianted and Sidney Smyth
appointed surveyor with Ferdinand
- . ni.u viuiuaiii
hridge. He also endorsed favorably the j Hother, John Schmidt and Peter Paul
M,.n.;0 I Ptition of W. C. Ward et al Dledtfinif
aayg worg ol ten hours each toward
planking the hill this side of Viola, pro
viding the county will furnish the
lumber. This matter was approved by
the court, with the provision that the
contractors work under direction of the
supervisor of road district No. 2 and
that the road be graded 40 feet wide
and cleared 60 feet wide, and that they
work at said road and in hauling lumber
from the mill of Davis A Ambler whose
offer to furnish lumber at the mill
for $5 per thousand is accepted.
In accordance with his recom
mendations the supervisor wai
instructed to begin permanent improve
ments as soon as the weather will
permit. The supervisor was authorized
j to buy powder as he may need, and
for the purpose of testing it mav
son as viewers to meet at the place of
beginning May IS at 10 o'clock a. in.
License granted T. A. Meinig to sell
liquor in less quantities than oi.e gal
lon in Cascades precinct for a permit of
six months.
Heport of E. P. Carter, supervisor of
Iioad District No, 3. approved and ex-
ense account allowed as follows: Labor
10ft.57, bridge expense $30.(11, super
vision $54, total $191.21. He recom
mends that the road from Molalla yia
Wrights' bridge to Can by and Harlow or
Oregon City. He recommends be
ginning at Molalla and building this
way as far aa Wright's bridge then
thinks the road to Canby most im
portant as much grain is hauled over I
that road which is well nigh im
passable and by reason of the nature of
the soil should he graveled. For th e
c.ear, lovely complexion, free from er
uptions, moth patches, Ssts and blem
,lslirs, usetlio "liolden .Medical Discov
ery." j WANTED. Salosman, Local
and Traveling. To represent our
well known house. You need no capital
to reprsent a firm that warrants nursery
stock first-class and true to name.
month to the right man. Apply quick,
stating age. L.L.MAY A CO. Nursery
mon, Florists and Seedsmen. ST. PAUL,
Call and see the lounges at llolman A
Walling'a and yon will see some nood
ones which they aie sellim: almost nt
manufacturer's prices
Impounded a sorrel horse, star in
forehead, right hind foot white, 8 years
If y..i want to examine goods heforo
you buy, go and see Wilson A Cooke,
Receipt, note and order books at tho
Kntkrtkisk ollice.
In stock full line of
j This old and reliable firm always keep
TT m IP 1 ar . ,
ii an n 11 it mm m -
HKHVV AllHll m VQ11H Qp?nr
uuuij, uuun Uliu lliUUUlUuiW
TTnurl rrrn vr 171,',. 1 I
Plumbing, Gas Filling & Jobbin
Attended to Promptly. Ks-
iinmtes Furnished.
ifii i.
' i. i
' 11 1 1
' .
i 1 1
- w.
".II- I
.. a ..
r a .ii ii
P ui i.
'ffM'l I
" tllllj
'"HI nf
OREG0.V' ! :
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes
. fuJN J.HE 10 per cent off systefl
..t4-.wo o-w.m ,!, rKlutb-uyBIiecial arrangement wo are now in a position to offer our cufltomerH a rcluction ofaln.ut Two t
HOW IS IT DONE? BV THE rn?DCent,WlI1l,Nww,"l,w'
We give each customer making a cah purchaje at our store a coupon to the value of ten per cent of the amount of their cash purchase, whether it L. N S VST E M
are redeemable atour store in Silverware, wh rh w marl- x xu!x 1 u,-'mB,- """inir it is ten cents . 1 "V.iv
i l re j. x . .... t-.ic twenty io irnny per cenx less man itn ord nary reta 1 value Hv bi une "Undrprl rliu r,
general purchases of from twenty to thirty per cent and at the same time secure an elegant and useful household necessity. WStvXr 1 V 7 t K
market. Call at ourstore and see these beautiful goods. thw S"--areto,)e full "f '
TT -TT V -r-r s. - . . . anything I u, w ,
'wtti. 'I
"l" KIIWI(.
tlin s
luiii nd it '
,.... I
f "; niiiHcu
the: iroi
''"l Htron,
F;"X 288.