Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 12, 1893, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Fublllied Kvery Kridity.
Thk OtTvuis 8ir Hilverilw thus: Farmer ut the Kulr.
strayed or stoleii!-i VO.0Vt Howard I (ion . , . ' , ....
Iroin ll,o fold of the present lU-niooratio a.l- . lwUan Mllwmikto, Iiiim
iiilniMrati.m-tliiMariir.iieStinu. Anyone ',,Vl"1 following letter which wo
lillllitnr illM KlUllfl Mllil riitorniliir it nlivn nn.l 1 K'VO ill (nil rtit It sola forth tint IlllllU.tl.
" """ x ' in good condition will rvoi the above ru-1 f lb World' Fair congresses In rela-
CHAS. AI KSIC IY1, I'"1, A,", " "hi can inakiMlmt po.ky jtimi to farmers, who might to derive
iiL.ii.-., i,.,,u,i KU( rm 01 mi' y nun ui , iniH'ii tMMifllt from Hut meeting if they
",v , T ""! " W ill tilll tllkO Hll ill,.'Ht ill attending
v-i , unti t..'iiini- mi- wiiiiij n HIV JTIMirM
. i 'nay ak, from a gorgeous anihas.ailorshiii
,' ilon ii.
One your.
HI x mouth,
Three moiulis,
8uberlHinii fayablc ill vlvanc
Advertising rates glveu ou application.
( 00
1 00
Ax editorial brother in in., after yours
of experience, has arrived at this sage con
clusion ; " The longer we run a new spaper
ami write about people- and event the more
u. i-i.tl.v.. It.iu. ..it. .!. f ...t. I.. i. . .
"v ........- HllVllJ llU.l?.-.lHie ll 19 ll)
Entered at the Post time in Oregon I'lly, Or., scratch every man on the spot w hore he
AA get'Ollii rlmui m.tti.r. :....... ...
I ncnes me most, - and aocoWIng to the
. i ii ... ....
iiepner uarcue, "one in a while it s a
. FKIDAY. MAY 12, 18'.
The EXTERI'RISK guarantees a larger bona
flde rfrrulation than that of the other three
papers In the enmity combined.
when at the fair. The letters roads
Hon. Kit-hard Scott, Moinberof tliu Ail
viaory I'oiincil on Farm Culture and
Cereal Industry ;
Pkak Sik: lty iliroolion of Hon.
Samuel W. Allerton, I have tlu honor to
transmit herewith a certillcatu of vour
appointment una member of tho Ad
visory Council on Farm Culture ami
Cereal Iiuluatty, ami most cordially in
vito you to attend tlio World's Agri-
ultiiral Congresses to convent) in Chi-
I.HdlOH Tt'H.
la a pleasant drink, which will liti liornti
by tbt) aloiiiitcli witboul iiiiiiHou or urip
Ing, It nctN thoroughly on I lie liver,
kliltieya and reiuoductive organs. A
gentle, .lisio, t llli'iont (liilnillc, anil Is
must Useful in scant or paiiilul men
struation. It iiltls digestion, nml re
duce corpulency ; clear llm t'oinplcx
ion, rendering It fair, and restoring the
iiitturiil tone of tho skin, for It removes
tbu bile, wliioli, by aiciimiiliiliiiii, pro
duce tint sallow, muddy I'ninnlcxiou.
I't'culiar to tlui coiiNtip.iled stale. Md
by all ilrtiitgislM.
Olaekamai, .
l uion Mills,
Medow Brook.
New Era.
Park Plai-e,
If a rq 11 am,
orville. -
Kale Creek,
4'lierTyville, -
goon uioa to give Imn a twist where l.edont , MlIO Wltflf ..
Hill, which usually causes due appreciation I r,. , "
ol small, divent favors." i H,',,' 1"'U' ( """" will bo
mmm 1 110111 ""dor tho auspices of tho World's
jCointresa Auxiliary in tho I'orniiiniuit
StNTLM El) FOK L1KK. Memorial Art l'ulaco, which i Hituatod
Follow iiii? is Jude McHride's address tj on the hIuik of I ,ila i;..i.i i
... I .tii.ii.nii in inn
...w in j'a.iiii si'llll'llli; upon iue-
nm Mm-k uii.1 lainua lti..,tf 1'l.u j'...
Gw. Kniuhl ! 8,1111
GanAwinrnn, is is an awful case. The taking of I
G J. Trnllinaer I human hie, under any circumstances, Is a
K.8 HmiiiIisU irrii,u fl,i,ltf ,l tfci.... i K. - 1..
- Chan II, .immi " " '" " .. . '
W. S. Xewlvrry a terrible occurrence; but it is more terrible I'diUurt r 111 tbt) Live Slocklivilion,
Hamilton A Washbiirn for "-v -volnig """ is J"51 1r"K 'U 1 wt l,0"tl' ' 1,19 Atfrlcullural Huitding.
Mrs. G. A. Sht-ppard ; in life as you are boys yet under aire lit I This room will bo oten everv dav ilnrinir
T; .! H"'" ,' years ot a;e.-to kill another. Y.m nmlui.
j. w, iinse. ' - . tvii'.vii J pii vinpiu. o ui tue
- -kTm twee!, f TKU , ft' '"'T ",0"y World'. ConKre. Auxiliary, and hIiouIi!
n. m. i .neper i lutiili; human h I Imn i .1 um ! l.i- 1. ........ I ... '
a. M.MiHHiy " you accept tint apiio iitmeiit von are
I. lUrtman hard work. Hut that youiiit man makes a 1 1 . .. .. .. . .....
B jenulnj. mi.stake; be has made bis hrstKrca. mi,.ake I , , "y "I"or"'";1 u letter
U) FenlnV u. hie when he concludes thai there is anv I ' f"r,l",w from Vour county who
belter way of luakiiiK a dollar than by earn-!"",y"l,enJ ",e KxK)ition. All such
iciiera siiouiii 00 aililressed. alter Mav
H. W illiern
John Welsh
J. V. Klliott
F. liirtseh
.Mrs. W. M. Mi lntvre
Ceo. J. t'urrin
Mrs. M. J. Hammer
Adolph Aschoff
heart of the cilv
I also Ih-h to Inform you that tint Chief
of the Agricultural Department of tho
World's Columbian Kxnomtion baa
kindly set aside a room for the Auxiliary
This room w ill bo oin every day during
the Fair, attended by an employe of the
While Mr. T. J. Kiehev of Allium.
Mo., was traveling In Kansas he was
tnkuu violently III with clmlera nirbus.
Ho called at a tlitiysluieiiiid thediii;ilist
recomniciiiled t'haiiibcrlain' Colic, Choi
era and dinribu a Keincdv so highly lie
coiiclcded to try it. The result w;iliniiio
diale relief and a few doses cured hint com
plelelv. It is inaile fur bnwel coiiiiiluinl
and nnthlii); else. It never fail. For sale
lieuiyp A. llnrdiMK.
iiiK it by honesl toil. The very moment
that be comes to the conclusion that be can
make a dollar any other way than by earn
iiK it, he has made a mistake that is liable
to wreck him. That is the mistake you
boys have made in this case. This man i
1, to Hon. Samuel W. Allerton, Live
Mock lavilion, Lxnositioti (irounds,
Chicairo,. Ills.
The Committee earnestly believe that
one of the Kreateat Iwneflts to Imi do-
(n thf rum to
hen I th the mil
f crn; "" mptivo who
KJ I reason ami
. 1 , wn vi 1110 (irnieni iH-ueillS IQ DO lie
aas a Chinaman, and therefore known 1.1 I .
U. a weak sor, of a man and not capable of ! , " , orW ' 1 T""'
y" " tuu uiuiuai uciiiaiuiaili'0 01
farmer of all classes, from the North,
the oiuior-
tbe Kast is not in sympathy w iih the Pacific
Pnial in itil. niBl.A. I 1 . . .
.,, .,..0 ikuici imuKii iiiiik apparent, i .
and it is tirohahlo that it
I - - ilOl J CI I"
forced. The Chicago Kecord says that "the
administration is showing the least possible
favor toward the Geary act, as it is the gen
eral opinion in official circles that the law
has direct supervision of Chinese aHairs, to-1
day characterized the Geary law as 'out
rageous.' ft was designed,' said he, ' toad-
.... ll . ..-.I I. . . I tl,t,!la. i.. ll.i.u ..,r..l. I .1 .
That 1 ' ' Ulsposeil iimo aiiunieu iiiem to person-
made to the dis-1 ally Inlorm each other B to their moilcs
n,,i r. 1 1. & ..,......: .1.. 1.. making a resistance, and vou therefore con
ivi uc au?Tii?iuii in me v iiinrse ex- ,. ,
-I........ ... ......... .. Cllllled that Von riilil.l niil.r.u.Hul ll.uru.
ciusiuii an, as provwea by tlie i.earv law, , , , . , ..... , , ... .
this government monl.l .,o- l .," i... su" u' ' yourselves, and you I hout"' "J W est, and
the law. be exnelline tlie M.im-nl inn Thut
1 iu oivci'uuiu aiaifuiciu
, trict attorney, that the killing was an alter-1 of farminjr and tho result obtained.
Has not contemplated when Tlu ri,: ... . .... .... .,,
, , .... v v now iiii.ii wi inn unnimuuiS W ill
, i , " ?" """" introiluce your friend to others, and in
thing to contemplate that that udulr ous , 1 : . .,, , .
old mau, whose only oileuse had been that ' information Will I g.ven and
he had worked and got together a lew ! rei'.tMml' ,Ile value of which could not be
will be and certainly ought to be annulled I llo",ir;' b- llolll'st "hoiil.l be set upon i i"e Agiicultural Pepart-
by the United States supreme court. J "'"rdered uh the soledisign ol appro- 01 " f-XH"lllill will arrange a
"One of the highest treasury officials wll0 I PrilltlllK "'e fruits of bis hard lubor. You nes of practical daily talk, beginning
I I, ri.linl.lv ll.. .,,,,1.1 l.u I... . .U.... I 1!.... ..1 1- .. ..
r..v-"V ...v. ,uu. iaaiiuv uc was a 1 auuui tfuoe urst mil etluillg UctoIaT
j Chinamaii the matter would not be invesii- J first; these will be given in the Assom
gated; bill the law knows 1.0 distinctions. bly Hall, connected with tho Airiiei.l.
..." ' U iuiu.iup. 1 , ... ... .1: :....: . ... ' "
vanoe the olifical interests of Mr. Gearv, j " r 1 imi.ici.ui.s society turai 5uil,ling. These daily meetings
as anti-Chinese movemen.s play an ini'r-! I,,af ,nmke' wbu,ever JlsI""u'' I during the Exposition ending with a
Thev minted out the absurd severities oi "'e '8ro. or anybo-ly else. ll!,f,,,B Auxiliary, in Octofr, w,U pro-
tbeiaw. Hut Mr. Geary wanted to give the " 118 reaJ " Cri",,! ' take "e i KmU exlH,,'u'1 or
Pacific-coast people something severe and ' "'ea"Cst of a" ,,ie ra,'M of s P'8'1 by tht' mo8t 'K'lino. You are
he was allowed to pass his act under a'pnv j luk6 "le !'fe of ,lle "'" ' "i-: mmt earnestly requested by tho Coin-
test from such men as Iliit and Hio.,f '"""".v; it is all murder. Thiscase, accord- mittee to acicpt this apnointmt nt. and
One of the peculiar features of the law is i "'S ' "-vuuro" 'e'ent, would have been j urge as many of your f.iomls as possible
that it suspends the right of bail, and prac-1 '""'T l,,e 'lrst dvn,:- '" co""-'"-! to attend the Exposition. The letters of
tical.y suspends the time-honored writ of ; " J?'" 'T 'T cnMn .' introduction mentioned will not entitle
1. 1 11 tact that Inosf of the evn enre hi'iiinu h,o .. """"
"The wvern'ment an.hnritie. fl ,h.. ,h. I - by yourselves; that you have I Mt" '
points above cited are sufficient to invali- ttl,"litted '". "d that lo that extent; ln (jrountlH, t.ut are lor use as ,
date the law, and thev will be extremely ' at lta5t' sll0W" so,,,e ilisposiiion to repent, l"'ateil above, at tho Auxiliary Head
glad to see ifdeclared void." ' j siaie has mercifully ami I think properly j quarters, on the ground. The Chair-
j accepted the plea to the less oll'ei.se ; btitut man will lo glai' to furniMli all further
j b' " 13 " terrible sentence. You have not ' information you may desiro.
The populists are after V. F. May be-. only taken a man's life; you have not only j iw, nittke jt knmvD , , ,
cause he didn t make his statement of the ' set uikdii a man in tbo niijlit and sent him ...
county's affairs bad enough ,0 suit their before bis Maker without Vrei, rat!"n a . ! ,,r""' f.y0Ur f0"" mt .'" '
purposes. If be could have made the in- before bis time-an offense it ,.,. ... ! re"fn"ll've ' the Worlds Congress
debtedness figure a million of dollurs il j which will be before your eyes all tne bal-
WOUld Iirnimhlv Imvp niiili.il inn,. ,,r ll.um I ..... ,.1 ... I 1 . . t
tn,nia,...li .1. .l I 1 1 .'. . " . i ...... ..!... I . . 1 1 1 .
-ii me uiuer uanu ins inures ; mat, bin you liave brought disgrace upon lu 'Ju ul l"v eariiesv iminsiuih date.
seem to have been arraved in such a manner j yourselves and family. Conceriiing oneof; H"gL'ing the favor of 1111 early reply, I
.Uoc ...c niucuiruiiesasiiow up lor an you at ieast l Ijeron .Maek-I know vou 10 am, most relectfully yours
if iu a .tl. H'l ll .!. - .1 t . 1 . . . " . i 1 J J '
" vim. i one lue couiiiv ciera inane tie me nioi or ni. iirnu.vt nml hf.tw.rc ,iu r..
thltikiL ( 'iitHiiiiiii-
tiou ia ili'Veliia
through tint
bliL lt'sani'Mf.
ulous atttvtlnU
,.t 1 .
i. iiiiim m
tilnal-taint. Find a iwrfeet reimsly for
ernfula. In all ita forma M.uiet lung that
imnfirt the blond, & well as Wiiiins to. That,
f It taken in tuiiii, will cum I'lin.umptinii.
Ir. 1'ienii luia found It, It's his ' ti.d.U-ri
Slrtliinl IliMMvery." Anaairetigtli nwtorer,
Idiaal-eleaiiHer, and fUh builder, imlliliig
like it la known to miilK-al wii nce. Kor
every form of rVmfula, llrom-lual, Tliront,
and I.img a.Tietiuiu, Weak Lunga, ritivero
....p..., ...... mi,,.,,.-., nun .r.. in, 11 inn IHIir
rvniiilv an mire thai It cau lie Miininfrrd. ff
11 'nu 1 iK'neni or cure, in every cbjw, you
tiave your money back.
" You get well, or you p-t .VK1." Tliat'i
what ia pnnniseil, in gum I faith, by tlie in
prietnrs of I)r. Si.' I'ntnrrh ibumlv, In
aiitlereri finui t'atarili. The worst cam, mi
matter of how lung ufanding, are iwruia
IMUtly cuiej by thu lU-iiily.
For the Tapers ?
If vou tin you fluuiM lmve tlie
Ladder of Journalism,
A text hook fur oorrcsjitiiiileiits, re
jHirtt rs, filitnrs uml p-nrral
Price 50 CentH
Sent cm rocfipt of price, by
117 NuHMiiu St., New Yurk.
Now is tho timo for summor hats. Wo hJ
just what you want.
Children's Hats in Black or Whiff1
Straw with bow or wronth only 60 conts.
fit lino Mark or white liiiiini"il with .linh $1.IH)
The best Sailor Offered Anywhere for 25 cent,
Lnrp' iis-nrtiiii'iit of triininctl liatt in -'l"r nm sh,,
from !.( tij..
Flniir. ner bbl. - S3 .fid
Arbucklcs or Lion coflbopor lb. 25(1
nnnnnnnt. nnr lb. - - 2Sf!
www w j ' - V),
rJcans, do ids. - - - oi.U
S.igius tif n'l gt'lt" by tin1 ai k at f't. I! iiieiiil.cr wekerpi
line ii-ioirlnii iit of the follun ing:
.Mens' Hoy's, Ladies' and Children's Shi.
pxujs and trimming, uiiilrrwcar, etc., wliii h art
tlit h'st ijtiality and luwrxt .rn -- in tin nnintv,
Papk Place Store
cay lii
i Auxiliary, an J that application for let'
! ters of introduction hIioiiIi! he aiMri'HMcil
Wm. Phillips, Prop
Tlllili- Hcrvicfs lint '(ll:tllcil iy liny
hotel in tin? founty. ISihuiih
ctiiiifnrtiililu ami clfan.
Ch;ir;cH rt'iiHoiiiilili'.
ui Bimtiueni ironi me ngures in ins onice llier. l have known him a great many
which was right, and his only course, as years, and know him to be an honorable
they show just what is counted as resources man ; I know that he would have been one
and what as liabilities, and leave the reader of the first men in the community to have
to itidt'e of their worth, bis litmres mani-I sn.t,i,wl in ami i,r. u,,i,.,i .,,,.1,
.- -: fc....... o.,.. u an annul. 1 1.
festly do not take info account the fact that ' as vou made aiainst this n.imninii. v,. now BlJ
a certain portion of the resciurrwa is not nf ' linir unt imlr i,r,,L,. n,o in,., i.
..v...... v.un.a ...V.UI, ,UU..VII1IIUIC
brought shame and disgrace upon him; you
have brought his gray hairs down in sorrow
at a time when j on ought to be u solace;
you have destroyed ull hopes of happiness,
so lar as your parents are concerned ; vour
Clakknck K. Yoi'.vo,
AsMHtant Secretary.
much value; but as delinquent taxes are
constantly coming into the treasury, all un
paid back taxes cannot be ignored as value
less. This Mr. Jlay has doHe. He also
charges his estimated deficiency as a liabil
ity, ami ends up by figuring up what the
county is going to he in debt by and by.
Great bead!
Is it possible to trace any connection be
tween the Chinese agitation of a few years
years ago and the Slulino murder of a few
weeks since. These boys were at that time
at a very receptive age about ten years,
ami they heard a deal of " wild and wooly"
talk which was calculated to lire theirirnag
inations and give them a poor opinion of
human life when that human was a China
man. Nor could they understand that
much of the talk was but idle vaporing not
really meant by those who uttered them.
Both youths belong to good families who
have endeavored to bring them up to do
right, and who would be the last to sanc
tion the crime for which they are being
punished. What then was the primary
cause of their trouble? When was the seed
aowri, and who was to blame? Who can
Cheap Travel.
"Do you know how I o to Portland
.Salem man yeMerduy to
a Journal reporter.
"How do you do it?"
"Well, you nee I am down on theiM)
'corporation. I ride to the Fair Ground
on a street car fur 3 cento."
"What then?"
onenses uoiii against tne aws, nml against m : 1 t , , ...
your family, and society, hale been very 1 , 1 'lu ,n In,IlUn ,;Illf-,'r""1 M
grievous, and you have no right to hope for j I"' ttlere, Ct'lllwa firl.ce.itn. That
any mitigation of the sentence. There is only i 18 " l!t'",B-'
one sentence that the law nruvides in tl.i-! "What id your next step?"
kind of cases, and you ought to he thankful "I pay full fare from Cbemawa to Oru
to the district attorney that he has accepted i iton City. It'H gosh darn hard but there
the plea that has been entered in this case, j is no other way . To that place it cohIr
Hut your lives have been spared, and 1 hope I me $1.37 in all "
they have been spared to change your mode j ..J!ut tlla, ,lo'r,,t t , rortlnn.1."
of life and methodsof actum: audit snroha-
bly With this view that the district attorney . ' "V'T .
. ' , A llillll fill- O. Plml. l I'll ....... ' , ..I f,
nun gnen you such an opportunity ; and ti i ,
... ' ... " ""'"ft "u The rt'L'ii ar fare m t'A IS a uue n,. ,.i u:
while you must suffer, and nrobaldv while
you will have to suffer the balance of vour
natural lives, and sutler a great penalty, it
is only a justpenaltyofyourofleii.se; and
this sentence should be a warning to every
young man who looks upon this scene. Ev
ery young man that hers this sentence I
should beware of the first false step; beware
Bm that the words " JOHH STETDMAS Oiin.
1st, Walworth, Smnjr," aro otitfravi'il on Uio
uovernmniil Btu.np a mini to eiwli pai knt.
-8oll bj all Leading Drueglats,
centH. 1'dL'otothe World'a Fair
bet, if I could travel that way."
Oregon at the Fair.
Unusual activity wan exhibited in the
west wing of the horticultural buildiiiu
when a large force were butiily engaged
i iwE:
A new ami complete trentim-nt, riiiisIhiiiik of
Hi.pMiltrli.ii, l.iiitmi.ii In (,ul,. ,,
llox ami I'llls: a poslilvii cure for Kxti riinl
luteri.lll. 11 1 1 II ri or I I I,. .1.1....
" ,, hi ioiik.' iiriiioi:,
Kee. nl or llereilltitry Piles, ami nmiiy ill,,.,,,,..
...... .. uii.. minaiii'MI'I ll a WIIVN A uri lit
llillll'flt til I in ir...i..rul .,..,.1,1. ....?.KU
. .7 . .... i.... in,, urni nm-
. . , , in k inenicnl cure reiuliTliiK nn i,,elHn
wliii t in imi tn in, ii,. ,.,..., .,1 ,
J nni-i, in.
runeiijr has never linen known to fall, ,,r
ii i , "y mail, wny sumr fnun
Ills terrllile iflwHue when a written BiiHrHiilee
Isyiven with nix boxen In refiiinl the m,.v
""-'I. .-ii iiu in mi p nir tree siimiile. (yimr
Klitec Imoieil ,y Wooli Kli ( I.A UK K A- I'll. Hlmle
Ml l Mill re'iiil Hpii.,i... ...I. t. ., .
,. .H.n.n. n.,- nHI-llin, i nn , I,
Oreuoli. riir mile l.v i: ll 11 I..., t
Prices on furniture lounge
mattresses, etc., havo taken a tur!
ble. By judiciously buviner fir
niture, and bv manufacturing or!
own lounges mattresses etc.. wear!
able to sell at tho followinc: nricel
which are 25 per cent, bolow Pon
land prices or any ovor given
uregon City Before today.
Lounges, common. .
Bed Lounges, hard edgo, -
uea Lounges, spring edges.
Box Mattresses, upholstered, 30 springs,
Woven Wire, -
We lo thix in nriltT to kc., ,.(.,1,. fm.u p,ip to I
and, wIi.to lliPy, not kii.m-in- our yncv, nro talU
iMiy.ii- at faliulo,,., ,,ri,.,H 1(,,llHl. tll.v an, jn 1.r(.l1(
( all in and sci' us when Vou nr.. ;.. .,... u, ,S
vomMy ,,v sun k f WALL PAPER whirl, v.
in. nn ill
hum ii low as Hie lowest,
Undertakiiijr & i.:m)n.mj
(an AlwavH turn nut a net ,,if;. i...
,..,,, , rili'll IllMlii-.
1 MMCN 'line OKiCl()N .......
' l':IIPIIthlC 1-lflN'HMl Off
4 1
if it
Tiik Illllsboro fndependent says: Tlie
roan committee in tne ueaverton district prolong this scene. It is the judgment of
..cu ic ,uau uoiii ine county line i tins court that you be conveyed to the neni
between, the Uacon and Kennedy farms, lentiary of this state, and tiiat you each be
of any idea o( obtaining money by any I p'adnif in portion the inoriHter fruit ex
wrong doing; beware of entertainine for 1 hihit of Oregon. This xhiliif. will I.i.
one moment (lie idea that there la anv pun- nrm tA thn firx.u utuiu Au. i
" .-..v umj;iajO ijll llllj
er way of getting a living in the world than , ground. In the center of tl.o npnce al
by working fo, it and being an honest and j ,oltej to 0 a t , , r
upright man. It will he needless for me to ,u( , , , . . ''yr"'"" ,,u
.vv,v ..... .,,.. . ,cr:i. lllll, lliin IICCU
built. TIii'h pyramid is compoHeil of .')2
dillerent kindH of woods grown in Oregon,
new quarry. Travelers speak in the highest
terms of the work already completed. The
question of a rock road from lieaverton to J
liillsboro is now discussed.
Ira wrong baa been done the residents of
the city in the matter of the collection of
the road tax, we believe that the best inter
ests of the city will be subserved by paying
the tax, especially il it can he eineniipil nn
the roads leading into Oregon City, which
are sadly ia need of all the improvement
they can gt, ,
wiiuury ui mis state, aiiu mat you eac.i be i ' uk-udii,
tlicre conlined for the period of your iiutnrul ln T'iral whape with projecting
life, and that you pay the costs of this ac- j 1' IgeH, upon which will de placed a largo,
''on- ! fine variety of nreaervpil frnitu Tim
men had just started the pyramid when
the dray pulled up at the door contain
ing a picture to be the background of the
Oregon booth. Thin picture was painted
by Stanley, and portrays Mount Hood.
Hew York Custom Home.
Wabiiington, hi ay 6. Secretary Car
lisle today decided to appoint a com
mittee of three prominent men, familiar
with the intricacies of the tariff law and
custom-house methods, to make a
thorough and complete investigation of
tne customs-house appraisers, stores and
naval office at the port of New York.
Lounges, chairs, etc., upholstered at
Nolinan A Walling's. All work guar
anteed. Repair all your old lounges for
little money and they will be good as
One cent a dose.
This Oiikat CnmTu,,',
Throat, Ho.raene.a, WhooplnV CouEk nn.l
A.t.,ma for Con.umptlon It Ins no ula
fc,Ui"?; '""'"'ft S von If
you ' """''h '' This reruoily is miaraiu
teed to cure you. Price. Ml eta. InVElf"
For sale by 0. 0. Huntley.
Uiilond YonrLivor
Three )(,H(.H f
Moore's Revealed Rumori..
will Make You Ted 1,,.
DofiH your m ft(.Il(.? ,
SKI v.
Moore's Rpvoinri n .
Win give ;wrTQl
Halobyttll,lruggiHt8. '
Cooke's Stable
W. H. COOKE, Managf
Hill l rnr til P. II T . I. t-'
I Corner Fourth nml Main Ff
l:K(i()X city.
u:iunu i.ivi'.ky kt
I'" Cilv. KigN of any ili!
fiirnislied in, Mbnit tiollcn.
AH knnlH nf Truck ami IVlivfJ
"'hs piomptly alli-inled lo.
Horaes Ihianlcl and Fed on '
''ln birniH.
Wiotograph G alle
" you watitajrooil j,J,0to(,'nij
"""i n can at liin old sliU'u
poHito Farr's butcher M
th. II
it I
r.ri- c,
alio i.
: "Inni
"ii i
W'trn i
ill the
!H ,
home i
May 2,1