Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 05, 1893, Image 2

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Sornial .Xoles-lntoivstlnp Letter From
the Slate Normal School by a llueka.
mas County student.
Monnoi-th, May l.-On April 17 began
the fourth and lust term of school for the
jear. ine attendance is never so large the
last term of the school year on account of
Buy siuocwa Having lelt to take charge of
pring schools. The number in the senior
cias, nowever, remains about the same,
there being nearly fifty.
Only three of Clackamas county's repre
aantatives are in attendance now vii: A.
I. E. Elmer and Harry Curd of Clarkes,
and William Vaughan of Molalla.
Harry I.ee went home at the close of the
third term. He was an industrious student
and always among the first in his class. It
is hoped he will return neit year to take
the junior course.
A. D. E. Elmer is one of those who makes I
wie oest ot his tune at school. Especially is
lie proficient in drawing, being the best in
his class.
Last week twenty-seven representatives
of the State Normal Y.W. C. A. attended
the first state convention of that association
held at Forest Grove. lasting fm. p.u..
till Monday. All were greatly benefited
and returned home with a greater seal for
for the work.
Kate Casto, a former resilient nf ruk.-
mas county, will graduate this year with a
i ft . . .
sr.. mis is tier second year at the
There are only seven weeks more of
achool, and preparations have begun for
iMiumenrenietit exercises, which will last
three days, June 19th, 20th and 21st. The
entertainment will consist of, beside the
graduating exercises, athletic sports and art
week in one or their too close lines, with
considerable damage to the saw which the
senior partner soon righted without the
usual delay attending such cuts.
Oh, no! :w is not a steep license for a
inrw-years run in the saloon business,
when you remember that fl-Jifl ..m h..
ur regular rate. Lucky man !
The Methodists have a imiiwt.,.i
ing at the Sanders church.
The Southern Mitlm,list m 1...1.1 n...i
" uieir
quarterly mcetliiKat t in TmuwIrMwir ..i.,i.
the second Sunday in May; their annual
vamp meeting will take place about the mid
dle of June in the grove.
Joe Harliss was fcelinv miiu .....
other evening. Ho says it is a boy.
josepu v ill.oit starts this week for the
mines In I!ritish Columbia.
When directors Nmw.t ...i,.,.,i 1.
not to read the Itihle in the school they are
probably afraid the
some reasonable cause for their existence.
and again in the evening by Ilov, Gardner
his subject being "Stepping Si,,,,,, it,
ward," an exhortation to the young people.
Mr. I., (iardiier rode his wheel from Sa
lem to Harlows last Friday In five hours,
but from Harlows to Canbv he preferred the.
Lev. I II. Williams will .,.1.1 1...
cnurcii goers on the doctrines of the lllble
tnree evenings, commencing Monday even
ing, May 8, at the M. E. church.
The West Stile School Appropriately Observes
the Day-Two Hay Queens.
West Side, May 2.-May Day on the
West Side was appropriately celebrated
Monday afternoon by the West Side school,
both departments participating. In the
fMint-ai urpunnieni .miss Louise Follens-
was eiectea Jtay yueen and Leola Fair
child in the primary trade. irt ;0 H ......
phreys and Bud Chambers were elected re-
imuteiy 10 crown tlieni. and act as their
escorts. Liizie Baker, Hattie Thompson,
Jessie Humphreys and Carrie Chambers
acted as tellers. Misses Permelia Smith,
Jessie Huninhrevs Kriitl. s,.,.......j
, --j UniuIIGI onu er-
nie Boddofl acted as maids of honor, and
Frank Martin, Dave Jones, Cal. Montgomery-
and David Schalene as kniuhts of honor.
-A very beautiful wreath of cut flowers
was made by Permelia Smith and presented
by Lizzie Baker, and with this the May
Queen was dulv O.' 1 iA anil :
- 4 aim OCttlfU 111 B I
bower of flowers. A wreath ot apple bios- j
i"j nas usen tor the queen of the pri
mary department. After the rwn.,l I...I
all passed in review and each received a
beautiful txxjuet, the chosen queen and her
attendants led the way to the woods where
a pleasant nour was spent in gathering
wild flowers. After their return to the
schoolroom Mrh n(tl. l!..l. ,
. v. Jiliic (jureiig maoe
a beautiful speech, after which all went to
n.cir uomes naving had a pleasant half hoi
idrfyr holi.(lay l'lch is greatlv enjoved
and of practical benetit, and which we hot. e
r 6C"') os"vea m our pub-
juolalla, May l.-The World's Fair
farmers are getting desperate because they
vmjuui uo meir seeding.
Winter wheat looks quite well in the foot
hills south of the prairie.
Frank 8. L. Bagby and his brother Robert
are wref ling with the grip. " Bob" has re
covered hisapetite.
Uncle Tom Simpson has sold his farm in
Kussellville to a family from Portland for
Samuel L. Dhrt is moving his barn across
Kock creek. He don't like swimming the
creek to feed his horses everv freshet.
Merman Bros, sawed an iron " dog" last
Cauoy Cnllingi.
Casbt, April lIL-Tho
railroad company lias been very busy
with a .urge force nf imn ...
- ...... P..v.c(in(t mm
hauling gravel fur tlie improvement uMhc
Win. Brown from Aurora has rented
house and tituved into Canby.
n 11 tj . ....
j.arorr nas sold his farm near
Macksburg and rented a house from Isaac
rrusi and moved into town.
Mrs. Lucy llodires relume,! i,n,. ..
... " Hill,
month s visit to her daughter living near
x 1 uterine, eastern uregon.
W. S. Kellogg has oiene,l nn m..i
in connection with his Candv and cr
own Ui
Robbins A Son were in town with several
teams hauling out goods to their store in
Molalla the past week.
Several of the Canbyites went fishing for
trout Saturday, hut ran 1 a lwim ti. - i. .1
, IIVIHD TiuuailUlI
A. N. Cook has sold hij trftnf u.,.i i
" v iniiu in
Canby, and will accompany Mr. Norton to
me wasi in a iew nays.
.Mllo Lee. who is inst lnn',,i, t ,:.i. .
bicycle, had quite a niisfnrtnn s,,.i...
evening, by upsetting his bicycle in a big
mudhole. He went in head first, the wheel
following suit and falling on him.
The Canby base ballclnh Will iri i-a a nHi.J
ball 111 Knight's hall Friday evening, Mav5. j
JIUJICOV Hubbam'a trii h..i c
- hi oe served at Knight's hotel. Tickets, in.
nulling supper, J1.0U. A ninlin invil.ti.,..
is extended to all.
James Rawlins returned home from Scan
poose Saturday.
Clyde Phillips departed rnp!liiii..n.
. . w.tiICM, U1C.
gon Thursday.
Canby. May 3. Tb r,v m,.,.,.,. i
- ". .,1111 ici nas a
last arrived and the election coniniitfw. I,..
given notice thnt on the tenth of May we j
will have our first election.
There will be a meetingof the prohibition
ists in the church Friday evening to have a
kind of a city rally.
The Good Tenirilar. ..!. I !.:. i
- ....... iiiiini ,
nnnrlArlir .lud.. I..... o. .
1 v,.,, cuiu.i ibm Saturday evening.
electing as chief temnUr (M,nra L'..i.l.
- , Si v,ll(,lll,
vice templar Elvira Lee, superintendent of
ju.t.nieienipieA. il. Knight, chaplain X.
uoucet, secretary Millard Ie, financial sec
retary Bertha Knight, treasurer W. M.
eiianlc, marshal Epsie Lee, guard Deltal
Shank, sentinel Willard Kni.rl.t ti.,.-hi 1
"O " vow "HI" I
cers will be installed the first Saturday
evening inMay. The lmU linn,' IlllmUr. 1
about sixty-five members.
Grafters have all finished their u-nrir r.
this season, and some of the grafts are
growing nicely. About one million and a
half grafts were set this year by the various
nursery men.
Th! Christian denomiimiinn i. mat?!....
rapid preparations toward their nB rh.i.
building. They have purchased a lot fmm
Mrs. Rogers, and raised i.eri .;i,t 1
dred dollars by subscription.
Dix's saw mill has rjrohnhlv rlno,i ,inm
for quite a time as the men have all gone to
me toiumuia river tn em isinrnni. ..t..
The Lee estate has heen ,,.bi,, .. 1
oico uuriiiK ine inKt lew ilnv. A f. n
... - .' " uji. vw
of Dakota has purchased ten acres and
George Koehler forty. The county deputy
was up Monday and did the surveying.
Services were conducted in 11,0 i v
church Sunday morning by Rev. Gardner,
aim m p. m. DV a tiermnn Mnihli.t
Maple Umt,
Maple Lank. Mav 1. Wet. .,n.,. .i
Is that grammatical? Anyway it expresses
the condition of the ground hereabouts.
U.....11 1 .
m-ruuig is 1101 yci ail done.
. . . 1 " with
during thedrvsncll.
A. St rank Is back ni-nln .,,,1 ti.
. , ., 1,11'VIIIII
hum of his saw and steel sledge Is again
heard. His brother from l..-n-...i 1...
- ' nun
moved tip and has been occupying K. W.
funiuim s uouse.
Mr. Bell from Southern Iowa has renteil
J. V. Watkms' place forelirht m.mil,. ir
h'Prts severe snow storms and cyclones
raging wnen tie lelt Iowa. For one I am
satisfied with Oregon.
Frank Kellogg has put out a tine lot of ber
ries of diD'erent kinds this spring.
Frank ItalUml ha lwiv..n ..... ... 1 .....
tiundred cords of wood cut for Mr. Drayton.
Isaac and Mrs. Surfn.
. v niiciuiiMir
the quarterly meetingof tlie United Breth
ren chun'h.
Maple Lane. May 1 tr 1 ..-1 -1
' - i'iii fiinwers
bring May flowers what an abundance of
in'itrra we win nave this month.
Mrs. J. K. Morris snent li -t.i.
, - ........ ..Ani, 11
ner parents, .Mr. and Mrs. A. Mauti.
IK J. ruin called on old fri..i,.l. i.,t u..
. ' !-T UH-
unlay. He intends buildin? e,,ii.,...,
1.. i....i 0 "'v
in uriiunu.
hiss AnHa Anderson hns h..n .i.i....
1 ....... .. . . '
nn .uier. .11 rs. rraiiR Taylor.
John Darling is grubbim un hi. ni.i .i.
u a ' v,.t villi
"U W JD E fl & O L D
Call and examine ther goods and prices and
be convinced that
mm hats 41 mm
Orville Notes.
Orvillb, April 2I. Wo 1.. ...
sunshine once more.
A church ineetimr ...
chun-h Tuesday, the object of which was to
see how the church
society expects to dedicate the building the
I oiinnay in .May, and the debts have to
all be paid first, (uite an extensive pro-
hrani nas oeen prepareil and a good time is
Mrs. V, J. Herstine. of Winllimn U'.ul.
ington, is here, visiting her daughter, Mrs.
L. J. Perdue.
Messrs. Cochran and Kllinii ufi...;.. .
lively chace of about twn hour.
" J 1 I.UJ,-
tured a silver gray fox.
Uur road supervisor was looking n.
roads one day last week preparatory to
. ..'HniK-L ma iiiuiiii iv niiiri. Ha K..iw....
Mr. Carter is doing all that is in his power
fuvu ui me roans.
The new road running between R. C.
Grimm and F. M. Samson is now open
for travel, the new bridge across Rock creek
uu.nig ueen completed.
Mrs. J. E. Sneiderhas returned from Ne
braska where ,he has been making quite an
t.-ihicu nan wuii mends and relatives.
Dry Goods, Groceries Boots and Shoes,
Caps and Hardware,
Are the best to be had for the monoy in the stat
Highest price paid for produce.
l.M Front Street. HARDWARE
and, I rgoii,
Niirtturtiivru Acini fur
Dexter DlnmoUil, Lane Oreldont TiiIIIHihiIIi Urilfi Uur Milt ot klc.l a...
, V,,vl I v
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) tfe S Protif Chains. Areade Filf. Hk. Crt-Hfent ,v
Loggers and Wood CIiopiH-rs SiK-cialtiex.
Oregon City Agent, WILSON A CO
Cherryvllle Chins.
Chekryvii.le, April 20. Uetwecn showem
the ranchers of the foot hills are getting
thetr crops planted.
The snow is receding tnuurd 11..
I tains; soon the white topped wagons will lie
seen crossing the mountains, and the voice
of the cowboy will be heard in the land.
L. K. Parker of Oregon City was visiting
his brother I). W. Tarker last week,
J. W. Ileatty has been chosen superintend
ent of the Mount Hood and Harlow road
company. D. W. Parker sneeeed. (. ..
- ...- ua
gaie Keeper.
Salmon river is to have a new bridge of
about ninety-six feet span. It is needed
The Duke hrnlher. or. ..:.... . ,,
- . ...uruig uie 01a
Cherryville stand.
Charley Shank has gone to Gresham to
O. T. Beebe is happy. It's a girl; born
April Kith. All doing well.
Miss Minnie Flinn ha roi,,..,,i 1
""""iw iiome
after a stay of six weeks in Pleasant Valley.
Mountain View Items. ,
.-ioi:tain iiw, .May 2.-Indications are
that there will be an abundance of fruit thin
year. Strawberry plants that were set out
in March and April are loaded with bios-
Our meat market hn
again, Nichols and May having wild out.
The last purchasers keep up the good rep
utation of the conrcrn.
Horn, April , to the wife of C. Schuhel, I
a daughter. Chris, is the happiest man on j
the hill now.
Mrs. Harris has moved In Cnnl.v . j... !
one 11 ni n-iiieu a Hotel.
Dudley Worshaui, who bus been in Cnli
fomia sinre Octoln-r 'Id, wa visiting at Kd.
May's Sundny.
Mrs. Mendall and herdamrhler Kllni.,
calling on some of their friends on the hill
nun weeK.
Mr. Frederic!,' 1..
" i Hearing i
completion and A. F. II
..no ins. ne intends to have it painted as
un us me weatuer will iermit.
Hark! Can't we hear wedding bel?
Two weddings are rumored fr ,B near
future. (Jet the cage ready lirsl, boys; that
is the way.
IMs llil Green M
House Moving.
Hotisea moved on the shortest notice.
FHfteen yearn exiinniiu K, i.,,:i.i:....
- 1 llillllllll
too large or diflicult to handle.
! " Kknnkr, Oiegon Citv.
J. ('olIinH tho florist of Clackatna, HiKl,t- (jr,,.l,UH.., has f 1
o t o (,,, Htron hctltliy :i-y.,,r-o, r. pUnl fr at iit
,.,,-- . ' "'"wi-ii anu UhKs nr Kill.-nl '.' t
or tM'r doen 1... .. 1 1 . ......
nrii.i.M u.t .11 . ' " "m "l,"","l tlillorftit varietiM.
.n..8 tl.Htfv.ll t.H. cut ,ow,.r, Illail. llH1(V),llt, m,HMm oft
imi 1111111 rcii !. ( tx.r 11 i-1-,. .. 1 t
1, ,,)j ,.. l, 1 ; ' - t.i. a omihkn-h i ho nevr alone-
All Orders Promptly Executed
r- c-. a. McMillan, Main nn.l Ktmrtwn::
Hir'rlH-,,',"t,"M. City AncntM.
nC 01 ui- nAYcR 5 HCKERMHN