r Mark on Hull Hum. I Iimvi Immhi sovenly-llva . .l now I byu Tin K-111 I lilt VO lllMlll HI'VCMly llVII OII (iyrj lii IhiIIiIIiik Hi" Hull Hun road if Handy Iml work In ho fur ad- llixt lliliiy Imvo Ihmiii iIIh- hi rmiil 1 1 oiii 1 1 hi nrnl rruHK- ti Bull Hun tip l) tint lii'iKlwnrkH n placed In order Inr trains In , slid u very snlmlaiitiiil t Ink culislriirlod ii sliurt iIIhIuih'u lie- Im llii' wiiuoii roml rt'iiiirtii inr 11 ii'iiii'iit mill oilier liiutmlnl, mill ii ijluw llie euiilructors, wlio have lul fix k to remove near this plant, in llieir sii'illt'. IUpll pniitri'NN n H miido In I'leiirliiK the rli(lit of 1 ' hit llmthers, wlin liiivu tlin run i fnli fiirnlHlilinj tint lutnhor for the jy bii'li m riwn tlin Sitiuly, Jwtt he Gjiit titti of Ihe Mtunl lirliluu fur the ajinl, have out up their ortaMi sat .ftii lm iiHrrow Iml loin liy tlin river 1111 J1 haul Ht Vio'k MMwinti Ininher. 1 1 it lot of II mi llinlier on tlin side liluir, which Im IioIhk rut and i 'to tho mill an I'ltxy joh, as It In fculrd down hill. Tliu roml graded j the Handy liluir hint wiiuoii h In Older, and tlin littln hottmn river. which liu nil to llil of till) primeval foirnt, pj i scene of hwty liftt mill activity. JHpi)H' line roml Into stood tint win- fell and lit In excellent rnmlitlon, a jl tl'0 IW lirlilu'M Tim roml In yet j In )Ui'iin mnl should not Im lined 2 Jittrn hits hern a week or so of Dim Slier Tim Iron cylinder for tlin y tiriil'K, wcinhintf ton" each, j hiulcd out over this roml on lnnvy 11 Villi l'litlt-loriM tfSIIIS, wlilcli pi) up considerably, Imt thu mini) isj.itett It down UKiu. til Jinn, although piit hiith, In run Q t rlcsr a crystal, sIiowIiik tlmt It thiiiiiK'li no alluvial noil mul car jutlcdiineiit. A carpenter working (her hridxe over Hull Itun dropcd U 'into tlin stream. Hit roiild see ii( on tlio hottoin no pUinly Unit Im llil tlin witter wiih only s foot or no h'4li, nl started tn wade out alt-r lill il nut of his ili'ptli mid n lin ii Mint swim, runm near heing" n I. llnqt ( Zi h n a llt Tim I'lillminitlii'iin Mi'i'llnif. On IiihI I'lldiiy nviuiliitf tlin I'lilloini,- llii'itn literary Rocliily hold iinollicr of tlmlr open liinnliimit which wmn hni'ly nltninli'd y Dm filiniiU nnd piilroim of thn Ni'liool, Tim (xnrclHi'M with Inter hIii mid liiHlrui livn ulid refleeteil orenl rreillt upon 1 1 m iiiciiiIhth of (hit xiK'ii'ly. Thu followiii proniui Wiim prenenlnl : Souk riillnuiutlii'HU (jiliirlettu. Itei'iliilion Piiiilel Touipklim. Ilillljil mid llliilldolln duet Fred IIimIk'M mid Hurley HleveliN. Ilelmtnijiiehtion "lledolved that the Culiiinliiiiii KicpoHition Should Im Open on Huiidny." Alllriiuitivc I'lnmiicti I'll rlom , I'otu Unit Ciimpliell, Vnrik Cuufleld. Nenatlvn I.ha renni lirltfK, Adu llntiliex, Mvu Meldrtiin. I''ri' "('ourtnhlp Tinier dilliciiltieH," it(hloli Kelly, I.Hwrencu IriKi mid Sudn CliKMe. Vix ul duet- S C'liunn, Minnie A keriimn. Society pnper (tdilnd hy Tred HedeH. Thu delmto i(B decided In fuvur of alllruutlivo. WoiiIm of I'licourrueineiit wnrn I lion henrd from llev. (i. Win (iilioney, Mr. II. I, Kelly, l'i(. II. K. KtruiiKH, JiuIko Meldruiu mid Mm. W. C. JoIiiihoii. 1'rnper Iti'MilUlleim. Thn follow Iiik reHolutloim mld'ew-ed to thn Hon. County Court of CluckmnitN county Oregon wuru unuiiimoimly puniH'd hy Wiiruer urmiK) on Unt Sittuiduy, March '-'.', IWi.t: WhernitM, J. (). Wllherell, comity tteuniirer if Clin kttniitu county hun Ix-en re moved from otllcn hv denlh, Imivinie hi family in Hlrainhtened limniciiil circuiimtnticen mid WlmreHU, lli duuk'liter Minn Witlierell Iihm rouducled thn liuin mt of thn otllcn in milixfitclory Mild elllrieiit iiiitnuer while iclinu NH linputv, I In red ire, he it IteMilved, Hy Wuriier Krmiit No. 117, I', of II. that you appoint noinii piopcr jtrritoii to act mt Ircimnrer for thn riv nmlnder of thn term who will appoint .Mikh W'ellietrll uh ilcpilly K'iili her llie cntirn mtlury of thn otllcn. Ki'Holvnd, Kurlher tlutt copy of Mliei I tit. Ijidiler. ,VhtlllT, )t:.lMrof 1 llXI of HI D clmii(n contain thn following: K'ru I" talk tthoiit erecliiiK a IIhIi ladder thn Willa Me KalU mid kn thn JilHliirn hun made nn itppropriation my h n Hlniclure thu money will uiilitl"i) he Njient, mid, luippelied t beforn, nomclhiiiif culled ft flah (ler limy Im colintructeil. VliDthcr, wild thn amount nvuilahle, f thu kind tftii Im huilt that ny prni'ticul IH-Iieiu, in very thtful. A the ohjnot to I ulluined 1 to pan nuluinn ovur thn (alia, itlenien who U-lnii(N to thn clui) autlnie Hlyled "d d guniiiNtH" JKuhtM tlutt ft llah whetd hu Hand in 'ld of a ladder. A laro wheel could mooied jiiat Ixdow the (alia, and mnaoiiNtructed to thn top of thu full" wheel would calch nil thu flah which Dt) ftlmiK, iliimp Ihem into thu Hume. I they would K" ov,'r 11,11 'l'(e not from ft nhovel. Thin wlinmn thu 'I teauM KcniiiH declnn-N In pructicul nnd Jrh theaper thun n imprnctical ,a,Klr. Mil' tlieNo reiudulioiia Im Hpiead on the mliiiltea of thn Kiuugn Hlid ft coiy he ! iMhuhiliiy of itn hoing repentml aent to the coiinly pa pent for puhlicu lion. C. C Wii.ua MM, Makv A. Waiiimon, Muxier. Secretary. An Hcctrlcul Kitu'luu. j Thu SpriiiK'leld Hepuhliciiu nyn thu I eliM trit locomotive Iiiih hren huilt nt j I.ynn mid now in piactical oH ra oii in thn yard of the p-ueral electric compnoy. While all the railroada have ieco(ixetl thut It wiin hut a ipieatioii of lime when diuhiii an motive xiwt-r would (fivn wy to electricity it Iiiin remuiiied for thn Itoaton and Maine railroad lo lake thn Tlif iJilo L H. Cftlkliio. Sitlunhiy uveiiiiiK thnru died lit hit liollll), oiiu iniln noulh of ()HW'K'onuof thu liioal CMh-enied ellizeiiH ol lliin county In thn peraon of I,. If. CnlkiiiH, who piiNNcd pencefully uwuy itt thn hkuo'77 yeurN mid 'I inoiitliN. Mr. Cftlklnn bud heen doliiil point) chore itliout tho lionae ml tut down In uchulr Willi hlNfeetto thu Ntovu UN If to rent and no fuilher no tlcn wiih taken of him till ft nhort tlmu ufieiwiirdN whro-p""" he did not mow w hen npoki li lo, hu wiin approached Wid foimd lo he dead In hm elixir. Deuth hail conic xilcnlty, painlenxly mid nwiflly, yet it hud not found It victim unprn pmed to croHH thn vwnl river, for be wun ft Kd man. Trior to IiIn deuth he had not necmed ill poorer health limn initial. Mr. CitlklnN wim Iwirn In New York tutu, and firnt t amo toOn-non In 1W hut Hiilmeipieiitly returned to tho uaNt. When the rtdndllon hrokn out be re xpoiided lo call of hi country for men and went to thu front and nerved till the huttlu of Vlckahiira when be wan nevrrely wounded und ftflurwardit ill charged In lHti7 hu camn to Oregon viiin mid made liin home in thn vlcinily of Otwi-go till thu time of 1 1 in death, lie leaven one daughter lo mourn hi departure Tlinfuner.il ncriimil from thn bouan on Monday. He bad la-en for rim ny year a inemher of Multnomah I-odc, No. 1, A. V. A A. M. and a kooiI-nIwmI deleua lion went fnm hern and laid bin re iiiuIiih to rent with Maaoiiic honor. He had ftlwi Wn it memlar of it 1'ortlund poatof the (i. A. H., and ft delegation from thn M wa prenenl to join in the priM'eaaion und ceremoiiie. Mr. Calkin wa a gmA rltuen, m HiMM t-l anil UHleumed hy all w ho knew him and liin death. Ihouih occurring in !dvBiiuJ lift) i ret!nttel hy a lurtf circle of ai ipiainliinceB. Another Kiilerliiliiinc nt. Kwry cinculhn Y. 1'. S. C. K. of the rrenliylerian church uitvulheir lant nocial mid nuiioer there hit heen nuim-roun imjuiry hy tlnw who eie i-o pleiiniintly enlertiillied on thut Xchhioii a to tlin In de ference to llie geneiuliy evincMl dehirc lor hiinihir entertainment, tho yoiitt people hnvu decided lo prenent oil the evei ini; of April 1 HI li . u program an ralied on the fume plan ant lie lat-t lie, no llioroinjhly enjoyed hy nil. The (.ociely will Im) UHaiati'd hy u nuinlT of frieii I w ho huvo kindly coiiMuulml to uid them in line both literary nnd mimical. I'clliittn miiioiincement will ap-r in thia paHT next week. NO IKK OV IALK. Niillcii U hrr)tr irlvita llint uti'tn Biilurtlwy lit tU day i.r April. iuVA, al VI n Vex inxm. i,f I Imt ility, nt tlin neurt Ihmim tUmt in Orwn Cny, Clie'kNrftM roiltily, Otetfori, 0t untUrw, miHrli in f Mix jH.nwirm nrifl . Ntiiiea of f nlm W. Nnnrittl r.iniiiK K mm Nfti'ilitl, Uiurum It. Nitr'flM ml I tiiro II Ni-iiI . minor, will l l imliln' mil lion tin. fo li. whim hutiIxkI rwl mtiilo lw Imitfinir t" mm! rriinerx, te.wit; I'Hfcnl iiiih. A tract ir land nimih'm. lyiritf and Iwum in Oi" fli'imiy i f Claclouiuiii. Hinia nf (rr. true, tuifl IxmiiiiIixI xtMl jxo-tiriilnrly diwriliMl i.ll.fWN, le.wil: I hHt erlHM. H'CI i.r Nnd Im- in tmrt i ( lxtiiinn l.xnil Cliuni ,,f Will nun lliiiN and woo. jti mud Doutity, arwl Mni"dMl nn fnllowx: lli'i(liilii" l l llil fiiiirlmn (II) lililia xnxt from IIin northwxNl f(irer nt Unit convtyu! Oi JhcoIi haitiiti, mid rixwireil on iHium 21 tit flfxik or renniy ree.'tdi ,,r uimii, nnd rtiniiin tinmen '"Hi li 'lt clmitu to nick Hixil2 nmrkixi X, lliniKi wmlnrly lo ton XixiU inirkul , I thn nonnty r'aul, llinnnn nortl.nrly kl.na M'ii a I ui wim' m Kniiwn m Hi north I in or Wviralit iHtxl ri'l Ui tlx. ' ortliAfixt eorrir ttixraof. iiMirllxl in IImhioI Inxik "'I'," M: llianm until lo tlin north linn i f Jtvub t Hinin' Umli th"cn wmt 14 lliika Ut Hi plum or IxKinnmt, nofitninin Iwn nr of luiiil. nioro or Im, all id J lion wt 1 , 1 1., II -i v.. or Dm W H. I'nre two. A traet of land Ixwinnin at a IKiint at tlianiillinorTiirlwtwynM'tioiiall and . 'I' 2 I.. II 2 K. of W. M. ninnniK Uienr north IDI-A nxla to a point, mnninc thonc wmi V 'J-X;i rxli to a txnn'. runnlini thxnna aimlh ID t-6 rod Ut iMiitit. a (I ninnniK lliw nwt lon ina tlm aouth Ixiundary Iiiih of Mud anrtion XI, V riit-OH roilN ui blaca of liMritininir. MmtMinuitf ona aera of Und, in Clai kin county, Orel.'"!!. I'arnl tlitMi. Alrmitof land iM.ioiinnia' at a pun I V M 01 rixla wmt of thn ar.iiih (x.rnxr Ix twwm aix'liona II and tl, T. 2 H., It. 2 V of tha W M .. rtitmit'a ilimira nortn In X-& nxla ut a ixnnt. riiniiltia Ihxnon wMt IU 2XMI5 nxla in a point, mnnina thenm aniith VU 'i. wf, 1H KO-I'll nxla to a ixntit, mnntna th'-nrf Mtat trnnna tha annfh Ixnindnrir enaur Midanctioii II, 10 o HI nxl to lhn placa of IxMiinnitia. cntainiria 1.&&iafl'iwof Imnl, mora or laan, ailuala I" Carkamaa county, Otaaon I.17.IK NKM)KL. tiuardian of tjia iwraona and aata'aa of John W. hfttiH , r.mriia r.lma mlllll, Uuoran 11. Nxndxl Sunday Services. KllthT (;(NIKKiA'IIONALt;III K(;ll.-hr.. M. Aiwi.ko liiiiioimaTy, I'a-lor. Hiirvlrna l II A. M. and 1 Mir n. Mini'hijf Hclnxil altxr mornliiK avrvira. Flayer moellnx Wixlne'layvi'iiui at 7 Wlo.clix k. I'rayer in'i iliik ol Yoimik i'noplr.a M.x'li-ly ol Chrlxtlaii r.iidi-avnr vry Hiinday vriiiiiX atri.,. prmpl. Yl It T I1APTIHT CHI'KCIf.-Kav. Oii.m I'ankkr H:or Mornlnx Herle t II Hunday Hetux.lat 11 l'i; Kmilni( Nervlc ); lteulr Prayer ninntliiR Wedn''lay nnliiK. Xonthly (.'ovnnalil M'-ell'iX fvi-ry W'eiltienUy rveiilna preei-dlnx thn f1rt Hnnday In lh inotith. A Corn In) InyltaUoii to ail. HT. IOIIN H ;IIIKCII.CATIIOMO.-Kr. A. HiM.aaaANp, HaaVor. (m Niiielay tna at and HI M a. a. Rvnry awond and fourth Nnnday (.ermaii aerinoti aft':r the K o cliM:k tna At all fithur inaaan KiiMh ai-rmona. Hutiday Hclwxil at l i r. a. Vn.ri, apolojetlcal ulijecta. and Hnricdlrtloii at IMr.u. MKTHOUIHT KFIHWPAI. CHIIKCH.-Kav (i. Nvaxx, I'aator. Mornlns aervlea at II: a.imlav Hrhonl at 12 I.V Kveii Ilia rvln al 7 :'M). i Keworth Iku meetuix Hutiday cyenliic at . I ;i0; Prayer Meetltia Ihurmlax vulu FOR- toLDTELY JURB DRUGS nrt To A. HARDING. NfiNK HPT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOVtO trati(n cwJtally lullJ. riUHT PHRHbVTEHIAK CHfRf:H.-Rv. 0. W. (iiaonav, Haator. Hxruni-i at 11 A. a. and 7:l) a. a. Kalihnlb Helwxil at 1" A. n. inuni pixipla'a NixilKtjr ol uiruiiaii r-nuraTin- aima avnry Hiinday enlm at iW. Wrdneaday vciilnx prayer meet I nit at 7:1)0. HeH free. KVANO'iUUALCHL'ltCH-fiKKMA.S - Alio. KkKt, Faalor. l-n-arhitiu ervliet 'very M.mday at Jl A. M an-1 7JW V. M. Hahlmtn afhwil every Hmelay at 10 A. M. (John Harrlnlx-wr. Htipl.) Weekly Prayer Meeting every Weduetxiay eveniiia UNITKII IIKKTHKK.N CIH'KCII Rev P. B. WlLUiax. paauir. Heryicea flrat and third Hun flay nioniliika and the preceding Haliirdajr ..iul.i l tnr.tith at tlreron Cltv. At II a. Dt. and 7 p m.. aad the find Buuday allernooo ol eacn rn'iuin at raua view. ai d Nora il. Nornlol. minor S-2:t -2 NOlltK OK FINAL IhTTLEJIENT. Notice ia herehy riven, that Time. F. Itian, aa- iai.ee of the eatatw i f J, P. Logan, inaolvant di.lilor, haa li'fvt with Ihe clerk of then mint court f'f tha etaia uf fr'K'n f"f CltM-kataaa roui'ty, liia aoooui U with vixjehwre. lo Dual aet ilefnenl of tl.e atxive entitln.1 matter; and all persona are hen-iiy notilieil Ui tile olijectiona to aurli aettleinent if atiy they liavw, on or before the lirat day of the Airil terra of id circuit court of the aue of Oreunn for Chrkamaa ci.utity. aa kt aaid term the mud aeetatiee will imk for a tinier of Ihe Hooorehlaf Unirt for ;he dia- t iliutionof theaaaela, and for hi diwliatae aa aea anee of aaid ealale. IIIDH. r. KVA.N. Aaaianenuf the eaatenf J, 1. Liaaa, insolvent ilfhtur. 1X.I.-I Ihia 24th dry of March, 1M4. I 24:1-21 TUAIJT1N ORAN0B, NO. Ill, V. of H. Meet! Iat Haturday of each month at their ball In Wilaonvllie. . o. in.'", Mim Bua HMAar. Bec'y. Matr. NKW KKA W.C T. V. Meet flrat Batnrday In each month at their hall In New Kra. Frlenda of thecauie are In vited pi te preaent. Ma. t'Aaav Joiiaaoa, Maa. KurrMAM. Freildeut. rise PciTcxerles vA Tallet Artlclfi Alao a full Mock of OILS, etc. TREES I TREES II Twenty thouHand ITALIAN AND PET1TTE FRUNHS For sale cheep at the PRAIRIE PURSER Y FinttclafB Prunes, Cc. each in 100 lots. Second clans, 3c. each in 10 lots. For further information, call on or addreHH, DAVID J. COX, Clackamas Co. Canby, Or. CANDY LOlMiK, NO IM, I O. O. T. Mcen flrrt and third Haturday evenlnr at Kiilltht'ahall Cauby. made welcome. Miu.ib Laa. Beo Vlaltlng nitinhera alwaya 11. C. Uiiaoac, W.C. T. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATF.U I1F.TWF.KN THE BRIDGE AND DF.I'OT Double and Single Ris, and sad dle liorncB always on liand at the lowest jirices. A corrall connected with the barn for looms stock. Information reiiunlinif any kind of HtiM'k proin)itly attended to hy pt;rHon or Iftti-r. horses nought and Sold. HONH OF VKTKRANH. E. D. Raker Camp, No. Id, meet! every flrat and tnlrd Thuraday evening of each mobth :.A . HKKMAN.N.Jr.t'Apt. WHD B La ton. lt l.ieuU C. Bt:tKLa 2l Lieut I.HtalIUIarI I.6J. .Not Ire of Annual M ret In ic. Tin itnnii.il iiittiii n( the Nti)t'klrililt'rH of. tht- (ihidxtiiiir! Iti'itt Kxlult) Aaxoi'ia- tmll will ht- hfl.l ill thtMillire til II h Ural att'P" toward haviiiif a part hi thoir j (.n)())( j,, (). ej,Vl Onmi, on Mon- i (lie qni'xtion i w oiicii Inr uf win-el va. luddiT ia liiwiiNHion, Tho wlii'til '"lid t iiioiiiitfd on a Bfow, m ninny at Hit) Caat adfH, ami In tho winter iioiild ho hoiixeil. htii h an arrunire I" ilit would put nioro llah over the full" ' bue ihty than (Jin leap or HtriijrlM ir In tint) Nt'itNon, iiml il In hardly pott le that any ladder could ho coiiHlrtic- 0 (Into whii h tlm fih would (to. Tho liiinook Hiilintm of till Hcction ih too fut 1 i cliiliiNy to imitate tho ahad of tho fst, When they climb an aptilo tree ir ) flrw. with a Frttntdi roll under carli i i, and the only way to not thoin over ) full In to nive them a htxmt. Amillier i:ieclrliul Strike. ,ilA teat ol I'rofeHNiir Kliaha Itniy'N lut w4 toltKrapli eleetrieal Invenlion, tho ntogrnph, HeeiiiB to confirm all the i-ventor claim", for it. The yHtem cou rts of two iiiHtriiinentH. a traiiNinitter IFd a receiver, eminecled hy a telentaph ro, no mutter how loiiK- To thn re viver Ih attuched hy two ailk ctinla an rlinury lead pencil. With thia pencil '"''jB operator wrilea, iiiakei) fintirteH or lws picture, every line lieiiiK repro iced at the other end hy a fountain pen, pved hy the electrical impulHHH conWnit SJI er the wire. The tracintr, by the re ving pen Ih a fuc-mmile of the letters, rjbrdd, llniiroN or Bketch niacin by the ninder. The iniKirtaiice of this inven tion, aaMiining thut in practical otairalion sfte work of tho experimental instrument (ill lie duplicated, ia very evident. It lould ; reduce the time necenHary for "ranHiiiiltiiiif ineaNitKeH, wouM Mind them 'o autOKrapbit! form and would permit ketcliSHto be traiiHiuittod hy tnleKiaph. 'liin latter feature would he Ncl.d upon 'yith avidity hy newHpapont, an 1 ho UHed bat any occurrence, no matter whuro, it within reach of an art int and one of ,'jieHe liiHtruinonta, could be fully illuH luted in the iiiorninic paper of every city n the country hy a genuine aketeli, In tcad, as now, by one evolved from the Uiner ? consdoumieHS of tho artint and lome aecient photograph. Oregonian. . Complying With the Law. , Kas Fbancibco, March 28. There fa Come increane in the ntnnher of Chineae receiving registration certificates, twen ty certiflcatea being furnished yesterday. line electrically eipiiped The CrcNcent liraneh of this road lias hetn selected for the trill of the Ilea electric locomotive, and work will smut In hexun looking towurd equipping the road for electric locoinotiveH, which w ill haul the freight and pnnxengcr trititia over that hraiichof the llonton und Muitte syNleui. The overhead Irollev coiiHtruc tionwill heuetHl. It is expected that tho electrical equipment of the mad will he fliiitihcd hy May Int. The power w ill prolmhly he ftiiniHhed from the I.ynn river work ol llie general electric company. An Kpet'li In Journalism. On Sunday, March VI, the Sunday Press (New York) Marled a feature that will niiuk an epoch in American journal ism. It coiiHihts of an Art lover, in which the paper when folded to the quarter size, is eiicaKed, anil it hits creat ed an unprecedented demand for the Sunday l'ress among all clauses of people. Tho front page of tlie Art Cover, next Sunday, will bIiow a beautiful reproduc tion of Ihe German masterpiece, "St. Cecilia," and for the four Sundays in April it will present an original water color design with an art calendar, an ori ginal painting in tho original colors by an eminent American artist, and two re productions of famous paintinus, admit ted inuHlerpieccs. The iiiHide pages of tho Art Cover w ill always contain exqui site half-tone portraits ami illustrationa of H'ople ami topics of the then current week. Kvery copy of the Art Cover of any issue of the Sunday Press would com mand in any art store at leaat $1.00. One of the brighteat and heat maga zines that comes to our tahlo Is the new Worthington's Illustrated, which has at the outBotestal dished inself upon a high plane both as regards lilerury merit and character of illustrations. It is good be cause it supples such matter as its read ers will nertiHe and enjoy. The April number of this vigorous youmt magazine is f.he best that has yet been published, its table of contents showing great divers ity of material and a most excellent list of contributors. The Interest ami value of its leading articles, the exceptional literary quality of its stories, poems, and Department matter, are admirably sup plemented by the fine press work and ar tistic illustrations which make this num ber as attractive as it is readable. day, Apiil :ird, lv.tf, at the hour of one oYliK-k p. in., fur Ihe purpose uf elect ing a hoard of directors for thn ensuing year, and for the tram-action of such other business as may come iM-fntethe meeting. 11 . r.-1 ao.s, It President. Si limit of lV.I.'l. Kii hard (ilasHpisil will, as usual sup ply all dcacriptlons of vegetables, plants, at tl.e garden, (ireen Point, or 11. Straight's grts-ety store. Anew tomato fully three weeks earlier than anything yet grown here. March 30th, 1K!W. 4t IHsNoltiiiini of Psrtnendiip. The partnership existing between W. K. Johnson and J. M. Warnock is dis solved. J. M. Warnock collects all hills duo tho firm of Johnson tt War nock. March 1, ami pav all accounts owed by the firm at that date W. h. JOHNSON, J. M. Wahnock. i:. i. mini, FALU CITY LODGE OF A. O V. W. Met every ewond and fourth Friday even ant each month In Odd Fellowa' building. All aolouruiug brethren midlally Invited to at tend. l- CAIHKLD, M. W. oao CAurr. Kecorder. CI.ACKAMA8 LOlitTK, No. il, A O. U W. Meeta firm and third Monday In earn month, at StralKht'a Hall Vlnitlug brethcrn weh ome. C. K.i'aait. Ht'Lt oaa. Kec. M, "Tr'ALW KNCA.VI-MKNT. No. 4. 1.0 O. F. Meeu flrat and third Tueailayaof each month, at Odd K.:low hall. Member" and vlaiUng Jiatrlan hi, rurdially invited to attend. J. A. blEWAKT, W. H HOWF.I.U hrrioe. Chlrl Patriarch. Do Not Climb the Hill ! STOP AT George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, Elyville, - Oregon, Where you can get the highest cash price for Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. " w A Its Kit l.kAM.K. No. 117. P. of 11. Mei-t fourth Saturday of enrh month, al their hall iu New Era. f. William.. Maater Mix Viun'e Itnwu. Sec') PIONEER Trangfep and Freijrht and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. "jTrtTK CllKF.K (iKANiiK, No. si, V. ol h. Meeu at their hall lu Mnroiura. aecnnd Sat- oMkv In each month it 10 A m. Viaitlua m.-mWr.al way welcome. J. E JACK. J. R. WHITE. Secretary Mauler, GAVEL LOUGE. NO. 55, A 0. U. W Meetaaeonad and third Saturdav evenlnea at Kntaht'rt hail. Canby. Vlaitlug brother! made weli-ome. W S Gniiu.1, O L.BAaiw Rerordeor. Maa'.erworkman COLUMBIA HOOK AND LADDER CO. Meeu firm Friday of each month at Fountain engine hnuee. CllA. Athey, Frea. C B. Piixow. See'y. Cma HiTHR,r rm Biimarok Blok. Nkw York, March 28. A morning paper says Dr. Emil Dorn, the American correspondent of one ol the leading Ger man journals, received a cablegram stat Ing that Prince Bismarck la in a critical condition. Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious colic can almost invaribly tell, hy their feelinifa, when to expect an at tack. If Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Hiarihiea Krmedv is taken as soon as theae synipt'ims appear, they can ward off the disease. Such persons should aways keep the Remedy at hand, reatly for immediate UfO when needed. Two or Ihtee dimes of it at ihe riht time will save them much snU'ciinK. For sale by li. A. Harding. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San lityo, Cal says : "Shiloh's ( alarrh Homed)' is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any Rood." Price 50 els. Sold by tj. U. Huntley. 40 teams wanted to haul wood hy day or cord. Apply to l araer, ureuon City. 4t You Ought to Read a Daily Paper From the World 's Fair City. THE CHICAGO NEWS RECORD is as good as the best and cheaper than the cheapest It prints all the news without fear or favor. It is an independent newspaper it wears no party collar and prints the news free from the taint of partisan bias. It gives all the news and tells the truth nbout it. You Ought to Read the Chicago News Record, M Everyone should plant more largely TV yf "f "I 4. O.-.J of Millet, as we know of nothing that 1V1111GL CjCCQ will yield as much and so rich food per r lii. Japanese the tiest e have a iJllCKWilGclt 1,ire" BtHk lld cn Bel1 11 yerJ ivIUOO. ttt 1 p i r Our new field corn t WeblOOt LOrn wmrii-nheritli Our new field corn that ac climated. Enormous vielders Swiss Field Peas l$tl them. t-v r 1 A. I. Root's latest ImproT- Bee ouppnes Hnf Oof o1rfY11Ca Tells all the rest. Send UUl V-clLcllUl' Ut fort. (English orGerman) Portland, Oregon. Special prices on "first orders" from new localities. Full line of new gootla at prices lower than Oregon City. DR. L. WHITE, DENTIST. Over t'aufleld'a Drug Store. Office day from the 1st to 15th of each mouth. Artificial ttftb on rubber, flrn-clnn. Hi. tiuld filling" 'mm : np. work (tuarameco. All JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON.. IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him 1 NEW YORK GALLERY.. Fhotogntphs Delivered Promptly in th Finest Style of Art.. Fine Crayon Work a Specialty; Old Pictures Copied to Any Size. Satis--faction Guaranteed. Gallery Hear Poit Office. 0KEG0H CUT, OS. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- Southern Pacific Koute SHASTA LINE, Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Sou.h i I North. 7:00 p. M. 7:15 r. U. 8:lfA.H . Lv Lv Ar Purl land Ar OrKonClty Lv 8. Francisco Lv :A.a1. :t 4.M. 9:W r.M. Above trains stop only at the following sta tion" north of Koseburir: hs( Portland, lire iron City. Vt'ooilbiirn. Snlem. Alhary, Tansi-nt Shedds, IlHlaey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Ir viugand Eugene Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. For accommodation of Second-t'Uss Passenger attached to Express Trains. ROSEBURG MAIL (Daily). 8:0 a. x. I 9:06a.m. I :40r.M.l Lv Lv Ar Portland Ar OregonClty Lv Koseburg Lv 4:00 r.u !:S9 P. at l:l. M ALBANY LOCAL (Dally, except Sundby.) 5:00 p. M. I 6:0 P. M. I 9:00 p. M. I Lv Lv Ar Portlaml Oregon City Albany Ar Lv Lv S:.S i. M. ) 7:M A.M 5:00 A M West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALUS. Mall Train, Daily (Except Sunday.) THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH, For tickets a.nd full Information regaratng ratss. mapa, etc., call ou Company's agent at Oregon City. K.KOEHLER, Mnnairer. E. P. ROGERS, Ass't O. F. and Pass. Agent. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Oregon City, Oregon. Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repair on all kinds of small machine promptly made. Duplicate keys to any lock manufactured. Shop on Main Stroet. next to Koblitt's Stables, 1