i I i Oregon City hntcrprisc. j KK1DAY, MAUCI1 Bl, lBIHI. : WKKKI.V ('AMCNI)All. fur.iuU for IlaUnf Cuiulng Kuuita-Kur l'r. j tlrnlart No Iocal Culuiiiiii. HATl'ltIA V, I "l...irni Mlimlrnln, Hhlvo- ly I opera lumne, H :,m i, in. fU'NI'AY, a-Knulnr orvl.. it cliurvliea. MONDAY, 3 I'rnUt ciiurt i u-"ttile- , i.i moii i nae Hi miivniv a wira iiiium, i. III, Tt'BHDAY, 4-"Tli Itinieyiiiooii," Hhlve- i ly't ciK'r hiiliM, H :,'() p. III, :WKI'NKHI)AY, A-('irniiilaiiiipr' roiirt t rnnv4'iic 10 a, in,-('liy council niivta 7:li. in. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. .April llrnt on Satunluy . Mt I for h tlt of lilro f W 1'. Lurk wan In tlm city on Weil- i Vim cn cidcli trout after today that t if tlm trout urn willing. i - - i : Joint l.ealliwullo Iihm movail InU) tliu Conti'KlloMiil ittrB,jino hKIi hi family. A lixlk'" of KiiIkIiU of I'ylliiiM wan or K4ni"'l In Aurora on WeliuHUy even Ing, Next Siimlity In Ktr mul inunt of ttieliuirlie ro preparing decoration d4 hmcIuI nervlciw. I N'W outiiiKN, tcphyrs. K'nul"'" vat'iiN, I'liiliruiiliTirn ami apring novel tie itt tit Turk I'Uco Store. ; Wauled, A few more choice lottna on ' g'Kjtl C'lnt kaiiiuM fount y fiirnm. Apply to V'l M. Hpi'iiriT, Ort'Uoii City, Or. Dr. J. NY. NumIn whh ritllml to Aurora lant Monday to commit with lr. (ileay rulilivo to a ilillii'iilt Htirii ul onralloii. At tlm im'IkmiI t'liTtiun on Monduy, J . Vi, (irmit, Win. lUiirli iuhI Win. Mynm wnrv cliown jntl- ninl Win. HatiMon ltr. A. J. ApM-rnuii til .Mc.Miimville wih '4 over the lut of tlm week viiiltiiig liU ; brotiu'r ('apt. J. T. Apernon for a 'lny ! or lo. Cull ami ' tlie loiiiiKi-a at lloluian A AVatl litiM mul you will ace aomti uood one wliii li tlicy nie ii'lling ulinoHt at maiitilai'turcr'a price X Wanted, Kirl I0' general lioiiHiwork. Good wagea puiil to a aultalilu xra'.n. I'tl Apply at mire y li'ttir or In ieroii to Mrt. J. W. Moldrtim, Oregon City, Oro. 11. C. Steven, alio wont to tinar Nye, ' say Unit tin enjoyed liia evening with r ' tliO liuiiinrittl very iihu:Ii. Ho think Burl'Hiik morn entertaining on the Ntuge than Nye. t Large Mock of tarpetH, limiting and ; ruija I'rii'ca rut twenty Mr cent for t the next thirty day. II you want a , carMit now ia tlm timn to hu'y and aavo money. Sue llidloiny A HumcIi. x ! BiK'lllllO A IIl-HMI, TOul CHtlltU huimiIh, " Oregon City, want to have nmro unculti !, vatvd Imid in lurifo tmctit, 8 to 1H niiloa from town, on hand, in order to place i' jmniiKCHiitM. l'riifH in unt he iiicxlor ' t. 4t On Kuturditv IiihI the frinndn of Mini Myrtie Wutmm vu hr a mu priHO purty. f The yoiiim folk enjoyed theinmdvea ' ' with intcreatltiK kuuich until 10 ;I10 when ' ainty rc(rcnhnmntB wore nerved. They ' then continued their kiiiik'n and ilea- ' urea until 11 :40 when they diapemed. If you don't tlmtlt In the Tribune Al I inaniio don't wuhIo your time In Hcndinx for und wurching oilier imi'ntora of thia I ' grtut BliiliHticiil reKihter. The Tribune Altnunai! in everywhere acknowlcdKcd to " be the hi'Ht, mid It Iihm the merit of bcing I abmiluicly iiuthentic an Item of the I greuteiit importance when you want to j refer to ntntiHticH. It ia the handieat j and coinpletent volunio of reference pub l lialiedand ia brought dow n to date, and i all for 25 centB, AddreHsTho Tribune, New York. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Clothing, Furnishing DRESS GOODS. t All Wool Suiting, plaids and stripes, 65c; fancy plaid serge, 40-inch wido, 5flc; an imported all wool Henrietta, all colors, 85c, former price 1.25; a domestic fine twilled Henrietta at 50c former price G5c. WORSTEDS Dress goods in all colors, brocaded, plain, checks and stripes, 19c, former prico 25c and 35c; brocaded Chevronnes, something new, black and other colors, 15c. Zephyr ginghams, 15c; fine dress ginghams 8fc yd. (1ACKAMAN ( Ol'NTY TKACimt. IntereMliir Meetlnir With Jood At trndauce mid limlructlr KxitcIhcii, The Meeting of the aaaoclatlon held at Harmony on the 5tli Innt wa en peulally InteruatlnK mid aiiccenKliil, a large number of the patron of Harmony achool were prcaont and maiiifeated con aldiirablo Intnreat In the proceeding. We are pleamid to have all who are In ternNted In achool work meet with u feeling Miiro that aucli mooting can not fail to be prolltablu to both parent and teacher. Meaara. (1. hiwoe and W . (i. Ileal lie, Mix Kowen, and Mr. Wine were elected to meinlHTMlilp. I'rof. ThouiNon with the ld of aeveral obliging puplla of the dmtrlrt, gave a pecluieii of hi innlhod of touching pen iiiunnlilp. lie tixjk the vlaa to the blackboard and gave them a dilll in the formation of aeveral letter. Thi practical way of llhiNlratlng metliodii fa to 1m COIIIIIII'lllllll. Mi Kdna Koh in her talk on "Method of Teaching Hintury," laid atrea Ukiii the noreaaity of the instruc tor thoroughly knowing the aubjnet under coimiilcratlon, and to thi end adviM'd a large amount of aupplluientury leading. Thi may heipphed to nearly every aubject with which teacher have to deal. In method of teaching geography 0. K. l'eae ailvix'atml a I ho Ixwt way of teaching location, aurface, loe drainuge etc. augguHting that a far an practicable map aerie lie drawn on the aamo acule, ill order to ahow comparative ai.e. J. It. Nelaon then oH'iird the aubject of grading country ichoola and ioke brlell) of the advantage to be derived and the diilicultiea to be met, remarking that although a linMt denirabln condition he feared there were too many obMucle to be encountered, and could not ace how it could be brought about. Ho waa followed by Mia Kowt-n, Mix Hokh, Mr. (iarry and Mr. 1'eaae who thought that it waa Niaaible to Krade country achool and tlnit the diilicultiea wero not ho great a they apH-ared. I'rof. TIioiiikoii hod It could be done and would do all in hla Miwer to forward the movement, but had little faith in ita uccchk. Mr. (iurry then otrcreil the following icaolu lion which waa unanimuuNlv adopU'd: Heaolved, That wo lice our effort individually and collet-lively to iwcure grading of the country arhool in Cluck amaa county. Meaara. Starkweather, Kuk I'hilipa and other made a few pleanant remaika very encouraging to the aaaocialion. The following reaolution waa adojited : Heaolved, Thut the thank of the anaociution be extended to the good (itniple of Harmony for the excellent entertainment provided for u and for their encouraging word and preaenco. It wa decided to hold the next meet ing alOreifon City and the following program wa arranged. MoKNINO HKH1ION. Mimic I-ociil Talent. Hccitutioii Mi Jch Waldron. Teaching Advanced Heading J. W. Hwope. DiacuaKiun AaMotdalion. Methotl of teaching orthography I'rof . Hammond. Diacuaaion liy Mia William ami aHHocialion. AITKRNOON HKKHION. Hull call withquotiona from IxHigfolluw. Taper by I'rof. I'ringlo How can we better our prollenNlon? Teaching common fraction II. O. Ktark- weather Recitation Mi InaTliomaa. Muaic. For Sale or Trade. A good three-inch wagon to trade for hack, or gull. Inquire of IIahhv Acnk. (inon Point, Or. Shiloh'a Vitulir.er ib what you need for DyBpepaia, Torpid Liver, Yellow 8kin or Kiilney Trouble. It 1b guaranteed to give you Biitinfaction. Price 75c. Sold by C. U. Huntley. TIBCE IJoLllj Jar Lint April Term. On Wedneaday, the 2Mh day of March Oeo. F. HortonandC. W. Ganongdrew from the Jury lit the following named Juror to nerve for the April term of the dlNlrlct court which convene on the 17th day of Aprils JIIHOH I'HIKJIMCT OIX'IXMTIOK N. II. Darnell, Milk Creek Farmer Henry (lun. ()wego, Merchant David Caiifleld, O C. No. 1, " J, W. (irout, Kly, It'l Kt, A't Alex Tlioinpaon.Clackama, Teacher. Hugh Ilor, I'lVntHill, Farmer. J. I. Dojiier, Harlow, " J. H. Yodur. MHrquam '' J. P. Oleaon, Highland, " Oen. Dunlavy, Marijnaoi, Itrkamltli (;bhb U. Harlow, Harlow, Capll'l'! K. Monk, Owego, Farmer Henry Hmiih, L'w'r Mol'a " H. It, Taylor, Mrquam " M. II. Hubhoal, Harding, " Henry IIa?aley, Milwaukle, " H.H.C. Pbelp, Canby, FredOadke, 0, C. No. 1, Laborer W. II. Mattoon, Viola, Fanner J C dimming, Heaver Creek, " Frank Cilovcr, Milwaukle " K. I) Price, O. C. No. 1, Tailor John Fry, Harlow, Farmer Fred Hluhm, Heaver Creek, " Tho Anderion, CaKcadea " (1. J.Trullingor, Milk Creek " (i. A. (iurley, Cnby, " P Jarrlncb, Oawego, " L. K. Aruiatroiig, L'w'r Mol'a ' (ieo. Hchiewte, Tualatin " D. F. May, Or. C. No. 1, Teacher. Death or II F. Ilurch, Henjaiiiin Franklin Hurclt formerly of thi city breathed hi hint on Friduy morning at Imlenpendcnce Oregon of heart failure. He wa (iH year of age, having Ix'on born in Mixtion, May 2, H'.'5. He hud been aick for nearly a year, but on Thumday he waa feeling bo much bettor that atroug Iiok-b were entertaintl of hi recovery Friday evening a relapne came and he Buffered puroxyHtii one after another until morn ing, when ho panned peacefully away, apparently wi''ioiit pain. II F. Hurcli figured prominently in the early liiatory of Oregon. He wa one of the leading democrat of the state for many year. He camo to Oregon in lHI'i, cruHNing the I'luina. Arriving here n young man of yearn, be took up a claim on the Yamhill river, in Polk county, but later abandoned it and took one two mile Routb of Indcendcnce, which be and hi wife, who survive him, partly owned at the time of hi death. It wa in lKIHthathe married Mr. F.liza A. Davidaon. and seven children went horn to them, only one ia now living, U. F. Ilurch, jr. who it in lndeH'iidence now. In 1S.')7 be aeived a a member of the constitutional convention in the terri tory of Oregon, which met at Salem. Hi service were recognized in forming our government by being elected a repre acntative in the Oregon legislature of lKTiH. Afterward he wa elected to the aenato, and wa president of that body during hia term of office- He wa ap tainted receiver of the land office at Oregon City, in 1807, by Preitidont Cleveland, and served almost through Harrison's term of office. Although occupying many positions of trust and receiving salaries in proportion, Mr. II ii reh leaves only a moderate estate, which bin only Bon and bis widow in herit. Pronounced Uouelesa, Yet Nitred. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E, Ilurd, of Groton, S. D., we quote: " Was taken with a bad cold, which set tled on my LungHf cough Bet in and linully terminated in Consumption. Four doctors gnve me up, saying I could live but a short time. I guve myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above My hus band was advised to get Dr. King b New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. 1 guvo it a trial, took in all. eight bottles; it has cured me and thank Uod I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at U. A. Harding's drugstore, regular aizo 50c. and $1.00. BOSTON MEN'S 0VERSHIRTS. Dark and light colors, stripes and chocks, regular 50c shirt, at 85c. this is a big bargain; a fine black satteen shirt, 65c; J. W. Girvin & Co. goBsimere in stripes and plaids, regular price anywhere $1,25, at 45c. BOSTON STOISE. The Women'. Exhibit. The energy manifested in many parts of the state In preparing exhibit for the World's Fair ha not communicated itaelf to any appreciable extent to Clack mas county, which could if ahe wished to, make a most creditable exhibit with in herself The women of the state are making a ociul effort to make a cred itable exhibit of women's work and have issued the following call : "The 'V-jmcn' Department of the Oregon World's Fair Commission i now advancing the work a r;idly as possi ble, and as the time for collecting the exhibit to be made at the Wo'ld's Columbian exposition is limited, all person Interested in securing a credita ble display in the liny of the work of Oregon women are earnestly urged to lend their assistance and cn-oeratlon in accomplishing this result. To this end, those who possess articles coming within this department are requested to place themselves at once in commun ication with the superintendent. The women's exhibit it Chicago is intended to be an Inspiration of woman's genius, showing the evolution and pro gress of women's industries from the earliest times to the present. It I de sired that Oregon shall l.ave a repre sentative exhibit In this department, comprising the work of women in the fine arts, household economy, and the products thereof, charitable, and philan thropic work inaugurated and carried on by women, books written by women, fine needle and fancy work, curios and rare apecimens collected by women, and their work in all the varied occupations in which they are engaged ; also as far a possible, statistics as to the amount of women's work, whether wholly or in part, that enters into .. very exhibit, and Interesting data concerning the same. Persons wishing to make ex hibits in this department should com municate immediately with the aur intendent, Mrs. Mary J. Train, Albany, Oregon. My wife was confined to her bed for over two months with a very sever at tack of rheumatism. We could get nothing that would afford her any ie lief, and aa a lust resort gave Chamber lains Pain Bui in a trial. To our great surpirae she began to improve after the first'application, and by usi ng it regular ly she was soon alilo to get up and at tend to her house work. K. II. Johnson, of C. J. Knutson A Co., Kensington, Minn. 50 cent bottles for sale by Geo. A. Harding. Straw for sale by the bale or ton, at my place near Ml. Pleasant or delivered in town, L. II. Andrews. Send to the Fstkhpmbe office for your legal blanks. A single one or a hundred furnished at Portland prices. Reduction sale at Hellomy A Rnsch's. Red lounges 17.25; spring edge bed lounges, $ 8.75; upholstered mattresses, 3.40. C. O. T. Williams is now doing busi ness for himself at the old stand next door to Cautield & Huntley's drug store. . Karl's Clover Root, the new Blood Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the Complexion and cures Constipation, raj., 60c. and U-00. Sold by C.G. Huntley. PORTLAND, Pacific Coast Agents for D, H. Special prices to "first buyers" in OR. SOME FIGURES. 5 coiitu a pound Extra C. Sugar, Rico, Ann and Hammer oda. M0KASKA Roast cofToo in delicious prico 25c. a pound. To introduce it we will give a fine sjKxin free with each two pounds. Try our spict-B in bulk, strictly pure, if you want to economize NOTIONS Rent ink fa.; pens 5c per doz.; noapHtono slate pencils 5c. doz.; 5 lb. first class note paper 25c. quarter ream; 5c. pins 2 pkgn. 5c.; 10c. piiiB for 7c; 7 rixxjIb thread 2.5c.; liarpB 5c., 10c. and up; boy's knives 10c, 2 blades 15c; fine knives 35c. to 75c; envelopes 5c pkg.; combs 5c. up; boy's windnor ties 5c, 10c. up; men's elegant ties 25c; lead penciln 5c 10c. and upwards. DpiJ Ijoodg in VawetiJ at cloge ca?h R)teg. SHOES Infants fhoes 25c. up; school shoes 75c up; ladies grain button 11.25; Fine JJongola $2.., equal to the $3.50 hoe; men's fine shoe $1.75 up; boys $1.50. Trade for Produce, Terms Cash. II Red Front, Oregon City, Ore. t .V- , Is of and PORTLAND 171 SECOND ST., mm POPE& CO. This old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line of toi, ftlf uml Maittm Bairn, Tim, etc. Plumbing, Gas Fitting & Jobbing Attended to Promptly. Es timates Furnished. OREGON CITY Our d irrow. We war raut them pur and troth. W ai Cot irenta for A. I. Root In thit line and can (urn lull hl tooi chcaiwr than you could lay them dowu for direct from th factory. Wemakaallltlnda. Yonean't afford to do without them. To prove It wa will aend a trial parkan If TOU will Kind ua your uama. Ferry & Co; new localities. Eend STORE Goods, Boots and Shoes. SHOES. SHOES. SHOES WE HAVE A BIG BARGAIN TO Ladies' fine (French kid, guaranteed) Oxfords $25, worth $3.50; another quality $1.45; ladies' fine (French kid guaranteed) opera toe and heel, shoe at $2.75, worth $4.50; ladies' pin toe, common sense heel at $1.95, worth $3.00; and another quality at $1.25, worth $2.00; men's good solid working shoe $1.85; boy?' and men's 95c. LTON k Ml MJ YOUR m -AND- SAVE THE CROP. THE CLIMAX Convenient size, is Durable, sells at reasonable Figures SEED COMFY, PORTLAND ORECQN. OREGON SEEDS' BEE SUPPLIES FERTILIZERS for Catalogue (English or German.) OFFER THIS TIME IN SHOES.